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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 01:23:54 体裁作文



Different countries have different teaching aims and teaching ways. It's well-known that Chinese education is exam-oriented education in the past. Obviously, exam-oriented education has some disadvantages, like the disconnection between theory and practice that renders students with high scores have low abilities. So, our country decide to change exam-oriented education to quality education. Quality education is focus on the development in an all-around way. Under this kind of education system, students will study easier and get improvement for all sides.

原文来自 必克英语/writing-detail/writing/48095131.html

篇二:应试教育的优点 英文版

1. 应试教育最大的优点是学习效率高 大家常说,人都是要靠逼出来就是这个意思。The biggest advantages of Chinese education is the high efficiency. It is stated generally that people are forced out. 2.应试教育公平 。高考是目前中国最公平的选拔方式。 如果没有这样的考试,在中国这个人情社会,后果难以想象。The education is fairer. Currently College entrance examination is the most fair selection style. If there is not the kind of examination, in China, the human society, it is hard to imagine the consequences.

The education wins more supporters in the China. The Ministry of education put forward the slogan of "education reform" but never started to carry out any specific measures.


In China , through examination and selection of students conditions did not change obviously, and have a more serious trend. For example: after management education institutions expressly requested not togive students ranked after the exam, the school began to each subject teacherrank, and to be published in the weekly meetings of the teacher, today the exam oriented education in mainland China have already exceeded the scope of students, become the common behavior of parents and teachers, the school and the student therefore, the primary and middle school students, especially high school students to become China's most hard "career"


What’s Wrong With the CEOES

China has carried out the exam-orientated education system for many years which is a

result of the ancient education system .There are some advantages of this system, but as far as I’m concerned, there are more disadvantages which include: giving students too much pressure, letting students have no spare time and killing students’ imagination.

Firstly, exam-orientated education is giving students too much pressure to even take a breath. Higher marks mean better schools. So what they do to get a better school is to study harder. A survey result shoes that middle school’s textbooks in China are more difficult than those in some developed countries. It’s not beneficial to students at all.

Secondly, the exam-orientated education system gives students too little time to join in some extracurricular activities, which results in a narrow outlook of students.

Thirdly, the exam-orientated education pays more attention to textbooks and exams than students’ creativity. This kills a students’ imagination. What a disaster it is! Besides, the exam-orientated education system has created thousands of similar students who only know how to get high marks in exams. That is to say, students’ personalities are restricted by the education system.

In a word, the exam-orientated education system is not beneficial to students enough space to develop themselves in every aspects.


Exam orient education system in china

China has carried out the exam-orientated education system for many years which is a result of the ancient education system .There are some advantages of this system, but as far as I’m concerned, there are more disadvantages,as a graduated student in china,when they go looking for a job,they get into trouble,they lack of experience result in don’t hired by lots of company,it pointed to important differences examination orient education and quality orient education.

Firstly, exam-orientated education is giving students too much pressure to even take a breath. Higher marks mean better schools. So what they do to get a better school is to study harder. A survey result shoes that middle school’s textbooks in China are


more difficult than those in some developed countries. It’s not beneficial to students at all. Secondly, the exam-orientated education system gives students too little time to join in some extracurricular activities, which results in a narrow outlook of students.

Thirdly, the exam-orientated education pays more attention to textbooks and exams than students’ creativity. This kills a students’ imagination. What a disaster it is! Besides, the exam-orientated

education system has created thousands of similar students who only know how to get high marks in exams. That is to say, students’ personalities are restricted by the education system.

In a word, the exam-orientated education system is not beneficial to students enough space to develop themselves in every aspects.

However to maintain a better position in the approaching information age, we must realize that developing quality-oriented education is an urgent task. First of all,The new age calls for open-minded, creative and enthusiastic student,Their humanity qualities and practical skill ought to be in parallel with knowledge. Otherwise China will lag behind.what’s more,Schools should change teaching concepts and improve teaching methods. Teaching methods should facilitate (有助于)the development of the interest of students and help them to form the good habit of learning by themselves. After class, students should update their proficiency through self teaching and practical use.

As a country,should have a superior way to approach education,perhaps striking a better balance between examination orient education and quality orient education





Sherwin/European Pressphoto Agency 中国投入大量人力财力于全民英文教育,可收效甚微,而近来各地纷纷降低高考英文分值,除了以提高母语水平为名之外,更主要的一种论调是减低应试英文之害,学生不必苦心钻研答题技巧,自然更有机会去提升实际语言能力。我倒以为,英文考试之压力一去,学生只会将多余精力投入其他科目中,以应付高考之激烈竞争,更何况,中国学生英文水平普遍不如人意,分明是学习内容有问题。其实,考试本无罪,学习内容若得当,有一点应试压力,英文水平只会提升得更快。这一点,在我先后在国内和新加坡的英文学习中,就得到了实证。

新加坡与中国同为华人社会,同以选拔考试之严苛闻名,而两地学生之英文水平,却有天壤之别。私人教育集团EF英孚教育于2013年发布的 《英孚英语熟练度指标报告》(简称EF EPI),对全球60个国家和地区成人的英语熟练度进行排名,新加坡排名第12位,为“高熟练度”国家,而中国大陆列第34位,属于“低熟练度”国家。不少中国人总爱嘲笑新加坡人英语口音怪异,殊不知人家的英文读写能力,并不亚于英美,中国人瞠乎其后而已。这与新加坡以英文为官方语言,当然有莫大关系。但若以一句“别人天天说英语用英语,水平自然比我们高”来解释两地差异,未免过于简单化。


多年来新加坡教育部通过中新奖学金计划,从中国招收了不少优秀学生,到当地的初中、高中和大学读书。年龄段最低的一批学生,刚刚初中毕业,称之为JM3 (Junior Middle School 3的缩写),2002年我得以入选。我们这批学生在10月初抵达新加坡,会先接受近两个月的英文强化课程,来年1月份当地中学一开学,就插班到新加坡学生中,开始中三课程的学习。为何要复读初中三年级?这正是新加坡教育部考虑到中国学生的实际英文水平而作出的安排。新加坡学制与中国不同,初中四年、高中(或称初级学院)两年,初中升入高中要参加中四会考。中四会考名为普通水平会考(GCE 'O' Level),即英国的旧式中考,大多术科皆由剑桥大学地方考试委员会出卷与批改,英文考卷的出题者和批改人都是英国人,也就意味着英文读写能力,必须赶上英国学生的一般水平,才可过关。中国学生若直接进入中四学习,一年时间内英文水平很可能达不到这个要求,而中四会考中,英文不及格的后果是灾难性的,因为依教育部的规定,这相当于整体考试不及格,有不能入读高中的危险。就算多了中三一年,这些中国学生要在两年内把英文拉到及格水平,同时还要应付其他七八门并不太轻松的学科,实非易事。

英文考试到底怎么个难法?英文月考模拟会考形式,分两张卷子,一张作文卷,一张阅读卷。作文卷须完成一篇应用文和一篇记叙文,阅读卷须完成两篇长文的阅读理解和文章缩略,两张卷子都只给105分钟。基本上没多少拟作文大纲和细读文章之暇,逼得你思路敏捷,一拿到作文卷,稍一沉吟就得奋笔行文,一拿到阅读卷,扫一遍文章,恨不得一目十行,就直接答题,否则绝对完成不了这两张卷子。有些名校为了提高学生成绩,还刻意加大英文考试难度,评卷奇严,我当年所在的公教中学(Catholic High School),就开启了这样的地狱模式。如此一来,结果就是大批的新加坡学生也止步及格线,成了JM3中国学生们的难兄难弟。直到第一个学年末,英文考试能及格的中国学生仍然寥若晨星。



就算努力到了这样可能还是及格不了,于是就得再下猛药,琢磨出一套应试技巧,哪里有缺陷就补。以作文为例,若觉得词汇量不足,就每日多背些新词,翻一翻同义词典(Thesaurus),形容“高兴”就不会只懂得用happy;若发现文采不够,就找到一些美文段落来背诵,久而久之,下笔也渐能卖弄风骚;若不会布局,就花心思训练自己,看到一个题目,也能在短短四百言内,设计出跌宕起伏的情节——我记得当时班上最流行的作家,是英国的杰弗里·阿彻(Jeffrey Archer),因为他的短篇故事总在最后一刻,陡然一个销魂转折,而有这样的转折在评卷老师处往往很吃香,于是新加坡学生拼命效仿,JM3中国学生也忙着学。这样演变到后来,会发现班上好多高分作文的创作规律就是腹黑,读来也不必疑神疑鬼,反正慈祥大妈轮椅老伯女童军萝莉这样的无害生物一般就是连环杀手。你可以说这样是功利,但在这种应试的功利下,写作技巧反正是折腾出来了。

新加坡学生提升英文的方法和学习内容与JM3的中国学生并无分别,只不过少了摸索语感的挣扎,也少了背水一战的决绝。身在异国,JM3中国学生别无退路,只能把英文考过,所以学起来尤其狠。 手不释卷只是基本,夜半背诵已是常态,有人对谁都只说英文,有人大篇默写好词佳句,还有人背字典的。如此一来,进入中四之后,新加坡学生和JM3中国学生英文成绩上的差距就急速缩小,到了会考前,大多数JM3中国学生在比会考更难的英文预考中已都能及格,少数人甚至还得到了高分,胜过了众多英文环境中成长起来的新加坡学生。而会考时,为数不少的JM3中国学生在英文考试中斩获A1、A2的优异成绩,也就不足为奇了。

升入高中后,JM3中国学生们面对的英文要求更高了一层。作为大学升学考试的高二会考(即GCE 'A' Level)英文卷称为GP(General Paper),也分阅读理解卷与作文卷。阅读理解卷难度增加却无大变化,可作文卷改成了议论文,就是新加坡学生往往也闻之色变,因为辞藻华丽布局奇巧此时已派不上用场了,指点江山言之有物才是王道。每张卷子有几个题目可以选,都有些政治哲学的意味,比如“战争是否可以是正义的?”,回答这样的问题,都需要结合时事来谈,否则铁定及格不了。《时代》、《新闻周刊》和《经济学人》就成了全部学生的必备读物,不仅学习简洁的新闻文笔,也储备可用于文中的国际时事案例。当然,深刻的思想不可能一蹴而就,并不是谁都能成为一针见血的评论家。思想深刻不了考试没法过怎么办?所以,就得掌握一定的应试技巧。这些技巧中最重要的一点,就是观点不可偏激,像“战争是否可以是正义的?”这种问题,直接回答是或否都完败无疑,绝对要小心翼翼,先得给“正义”下定义,然后说“是”但又并不完全“是”,什么时候算“是”,什么时候就“不是”了,绕个几圈后终于总结:有时候战争可能可以算是正义的。这样纠结的目的,就是为了体现思辨能力,而人人都是观点平衡,就衍生了另一种形式的八股。当时我少年心性,颇恨这种应试的议论文,调子中庸,锋芒皆挫,可后来在大学修的是人文学科,才发现好的学术论文,也需要同样的克制,原来话说一半又吞回去,其实是种不乱下断论的优雅。在应试的压力下,学生为了得高分,被迫进行这种思辨训练,成果就是丰富了英文的表达层次。要游移于“是”和“否”之间的灰色地带,然后标上代表自己观点的精准刻度,已经是很高端的英文能力了。

当JM3中国学生进入高一时,英文水平与新加坡学生相去不远,又经两年的刻苦学习,到上大学时,就已难分伯仲了,不少人在英美和新加坡的大学修读对英文要求极高的人文学科,也能应付裕如。以我自己为例,2012年读剑桥大学历史系时校方给安排了一个测试,得出结果是英语母语使用者(native speaker)。如此突飞猛进,一个至关重要的诱因,就是应试压力。要不是硬着头皮必须把英文考过,JM3中国学生何以有斗志,何以被逼得必须寻觅最有营养的学习内容和最有效的方法?

中新奖学金计划还招了另外两批中国留学生,一批是中国高中的高二生,称之为SM2 (Senior Middle 2),另一批就是各重点大学的大一新生,称之为SM3 (Senior Middle 3)。在新加坡的大学校园里,通常可以用英文水平,直接判定领奖学金的中国留学生来自哪一批:英文精熟,俨然新加坡学生的,就是JM3;英文还算流利,但或许有些词不达意的,就是在新加坡上过一年预科课程的SM2;磕磕绊绊讲着中国式英文的,就是只有高考英文之基础,进入新加坡大学的SM3。这跟在英文环境中的浸濡时间长短有关,虽然高二生和大一生在国内的时间里,同样也在努力学习英文,只可惜学的都是些死的语法、过时的用语、纯粹为教学目的而写就的生硬文字,师法其中得其下,学习内容有问题,自然就有了差距。而且直至大家同样大学毕业,差距也仍然存在。


