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篇一:双语小故事:The fox and the goat

The fox and the goat


By an unlucky chance a Fox fell into a deep well from which he could not get out.


A Goat passed by shortly afterwards, and asked the Fox what he was doing down there。


"Oh, have you not heard?"said the Fox, "there is going to be a great drought, so I jumped down here in order to be sure to have water by me. Why don't you come down too?"


The Goat thought well of this advice, and jumped down into the well。 山羊相信了狐狸的话,就真的跳进井里。

But the Fox immediately jumped on her back, and by putting his foot on her long horns managed to jump up to the edge of the well.


"Good-bye, friend," said the Fox, "remember next time, never trust the advice of a man in difficulties."


寓意: 处于困境之中的人为了摆脱困境,往往不惜牺牲别人的利益,所以他们的建议常常是不可信的。

篇二:The Fox and the Goat

The Fox and the Goat

狐 狸 和 山 羊

An unlucky fox fell into a well, It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself.

一 只 不 走 运的 狐狸,失足 掉到了 井里。井很深,他 自己 无法跳出来。

A goat passed by. He asked the fox what he was doing in the well.

一只 山羊 经过 这里,便问 狐狸 在井 下 做什 么。

“Oh, have you not heard?” said the fox,” There is going to be a great drought, so I jumped sown to

狐 狸 说“哦,你 没 有 听 说 嘛?这 里 将 (来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:the,goat)要 大 旱,因 此 我 就 进 来 取

get some water. Why don’t you come down here too?”

水,为 什 么 你 不 下 来 一 起 喝 呢?”

The goat believed his words, and jumped down into the well.

山 羊 相 信 了 狐 狸 的 话,就 真 的 跳进 井里。

But the fox immediately jumped on the goat’s back and up to the edge of the well .

狐 狸 立 即 跳 上 山 羊 的 背,又 一 跳,跳 上 了 井 沿。

Good---bye, friend, ”said the fox. “Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in

“再 见,朋 友,”狐 狸 说,“记 住,不 要 相 信 一 个 身 陷 麻 烦 的 人 的


建 议

A Fox, a Wolf and a Lion


Long, long ago, a fox and a wolf became good friends. 很久,很久以前,狐狸和狼成了好朋友,

They always played together just like two brothers, 它们总是像兄弟般在一起玩耍。

One day they caught a chick.


The fox wad so polite that he gave it all to the wolf for dinner. 狐狸很有礼貌,就把整只鸡给儿狼当作晚餐。

“NO, no, no,” said the wolf , “you are my younger brother. “不,不,不,”狼说,“你是我弟弟,

You can have it first.”


Just then a lion came before them suddenly.


The wolf said quickly, “King Lion, I know you will come here, 狼赶忙说:“狮子大王,我知道您要经过这里, so I get a chick for your supper.”


The fox said politely:


“I know only a little chick is to a little for King’s evening meal, “我知道一只小鸡给您当晚餐太少了,

so l bring a wolf to you besides the chick.”


篇三:The fox and the goat完整教案

The fox and the goat


本课是是根据新课标双语助学读物《伊索寓言2》其中的一则寓言故事《the fox and the goat》一课而设计的一堂英语阅读课,通过这堂课让学生通过对一则寓言故事的解读,从而明白这则寓言故事告诉人们的寓意,通过故事情景的运用,进一步提高六年级学生学习和使用英语的兴趣。






(一) 知识目标

1.掌握下列单词和短语:fox、goat、well,can’t wait to??、get out of??

2. 综合本课所学知识与好友讨论寓言背后的深刻含义。



1. 能初步理解故事的含义。

2. 能利用表演的方式让学生会说,会演。



四、 教学重点和难点






Stage I:

1. Greetings

T:Class begins! Free talk----Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to meet you here?at first I’ll introduce myself. My first name is Lu, so you can call me Miss ??. now show me your hand and say hello to Miss Lu. Ok? Hello boys and girls.

S: Hello, Miss Lu.

T: now , you know sth. about me and I want to know sth. about you. What’s your name ? How are you today? What day is it today? I like animals. what about you?which animal do you like?Do you have any hobbies? What’s your hobby? Do you like reading stories? OK, me too, and I like reading English stories. Today we’ll enjoy en English story about animals, OK? Let’s go. The story is about the fox and the goat.教授单词 fox和goat.



The story is the fox and the goat. (揭题,贴板书)

故事开始,有教师讲述前言部分:It’s a hot day. A thirsty fox looks for water. There’s a well nearby.(教授新单词well 水井) when he comes to the well,he sees a lot of water in it. He can’t wait to jump into the well. (教授词组can’t wait to?? 迫不及待的??) 读一读he can’t wait to jump into the well.(可以让学生演一演can’t wait to)

Now the fox is in the well, what does he say? Let’s watch the cartoon. (播放视频)

观看完视频出示独白:let’s read it together, first read after me(边读边教生词)the water is fresh.(注意音调) I can drink it all day. But wait a minute. (焦急) the well is very deep. I can’t reach the top. I can’t get out. (焦急万分的语调) oh, my god!(绝望的) how can I get out? 带领读完之后,read by yourselves, pay attention (出示中文:带感情的自由朗读,读出狐狸喝到水后的满足与发现自己出不去之后的紧张). OK, let’s read together.(一起有感情的朗读一遍)

Look, here’re some questions, try to answer:1、does the fox drink the water?2、how is the water?3、what is the fox worried about? 学生回答完之后边引出:the fox can’t get out,so he is very sad, he cries:listen(第一遍听),can you sing? Let’s sing together. (学生拍手唱歌)

The fox cries all the time,at that moment, a goat is coming. (出示图片陈述). He walks to the well. He sees a fox in it. what happens? Can you guess? Discuss in groups and guess: what happens next? ( 让学生自由说给出答案)maybe?? perhaps?? read and find the answer:read the last passage and find the answer. (找出答案,出示答案,教授词组get out of和单词alone) 提出问题:why does the goat jump into the well?Let’s cartoon. (播放视频)

Take out your paper,and read the second dialogue then find the answer. (让学生在对对话中找答案) 交流引导学生说狐狸的几句话:because the fox says:(提示一下)学生会说:It’s so fresh and cool.

e best water in the world. I’m so cool and full(饱的). I’m enjoyin It’s thg it. Come on!(边教边读,读出狐狸的狡猾,带领学生读读看)

From the dialogue we know the fox is very sly.(狡猾的)引出sly 板书 he cheated the goat because he wants to get out. Do you want to

be a sly fox. Who want to act? (采用不同的方式来表演,师生,生生,小组,集体,单独等)

The fox tempts the goat,so at last (出示最后一段)the goat also jumps into the well. Then the fox stands on the goat’s back and get out of the well. Look, the fox is out, but the goat is in the well, he can’t get out, he is alone. Now the goat is very worried, because he can’t get out, and no one can help him, so he cries: (播放视频,先听在唱),let’s sing together.

Do you think the fox is a good friend? What do you learn from the story? 揭示寓意:think carefully before you act(三思而后行)

now we know the story. Can you retell the story (复述这个故事),take out your pictures,let’s make a storybook.(排序制作故事书) 让学生起来复述。

Ok, let’s think a new story:one day the fox fall into the 陷阱,a goat comes, what happens?so today’s homework:Write a new story and share it to your friends.

篇四:the fox and the goat(狐狸和羊)

The fox and the goat

A thirsty Fox looks for water.

Fox: It’s so hot today. And I’m so thirsty.

There’s no water anywhere.

The Fox keeps looking. Far away, he sees


Fox: Wait! What’s that? I think it’s a well!

I’m saved! There must be water there.

The Fox runs towards the well. He is very


Fox: I was right. There’s lots of water here.

It looks so cold and delicious.

But how can I get the water?

The well looks very deep.

Oh, what shall I do?

The Fox thinks and thinks.

Fox: I can’t stand it anymore. I’m too thirsty.

I’ll just jump in. Here I go! (splash)

The Fox jumps into the well.

Fox: It’s so cool in here.

The water tastes so fresh and cold.

I can drink it all day.

But wait a minute.

This well is deeper than I thought.

My paws can’t reach the top. The Fox and the Goat The Fox and the Goat

Oh my! Now I’m in big trouble.

How can I get out?

There’s no one nearby.

There’s no one to help me.

What have I done? Boo-hoo.

The Fox is very scared. He can’t think of a

way to get out of the well. He cries all morning.

Then he hears a familiar voice from far away.

Suddenly, he has a good idea.

Goat: I’m thirsty in hot.

Where is the water?

I need a drink right now.

The goat sees the same well. He walks

towards the well.

Goat: Ah ha! There’s a well!

I found some water!

I can have a drink there.

Thank goodness!

The goat gets closer to the well. He hears a

familiar voice.

Fox: How are you today, Goat?

Goat: What was that? Who said that?

I don’t see anyone around.

Where did the voice come from?

The Goat keeps looking around, but can’t find

anyone. The Fox and the Goat The Fox and the Goat

Goat: This is strange.

I heard a voice, but there’s no one around.

Fox: I’m here, Goat. I’m inside the well.

Goat: Inside the well? Whose voice was that?

The Goat looks into the well.

Goat: Oh my goodness, Fox!

What are you doing down there?

Fox: I was thirsty. So I came down here for a drink.

Goat: How is the water? Is it fresh and cold?

Fox: Of course. The water down here is fantastic.

It’s the best water I’ve ever tasted.

And I’m enjoying it all by myself.

Goat: Well, um, I’m thirsty, too.

Can I come down and join you?

I just need one drink.

Fox: Well, let me think about it.

The Fox pretends to be thinking about


Goat: Come on, Fox. I’m your friend.

Let me come down.

Fox: Well, all right. Just this once.

I didn’t want to share the water with anyone.

But since you are my friend,

I’ll let you come down.

Goat: Thanks a lot, Fox.

You are too generous.

I’m coming down now. The Fox and the Goat The Fox and the Goat

The Goat also jumps into the well and makes

a big splash.

Fox: Welcome, Goat.

Try the water. How is it?

Goat: Mmmm… It is delicious.

This is the best water in the world.

Thank you for sharing it with me.

Fox: It’s nothing. I’m just glad you like it.

But don’t you think it’s too crowded in here?

It was fine when I was alone.

Now it’s too small.

Goat: I’m sorry. Should I get out now?

Fox: No, it’s okay.

I’ve had enough water for today.

I’ll be leaving now.

You can drink some more.

Goat: Thank you, Fox. You are too kind.

Fox: Keep drinking.

I’ll just jump on your back and climb out now.

The Fox steps on the Goat’s back and swiftly

get out of the well.

Fox: Thank goodness. I’m out.

Goat: (echoing voice from the well )

Are you there, Fox?

I am finished drinking.

I want to get out now.

Help me up, please.

Fox: I’m sorry, Goat. I can’t help you.

If I do, I might fall in again. The Fox and the Goat The Fox and the Goat

Goat: Please help me out.

I’m not thirsty anymore.

And it’s getting dark in here.

Fox: That’s too bad, Goat.

You should have thought of way out before.

Next time, think before you act, okay?

I’m busy. I must be going.

Goat: Don’t leave me here alone, Fox!

I’m afraid. How can I get out by myself?

Fox: Trick another foolish animal like yourself. Good luck. Good-bye.


Think carefully before you act.

篇五:The fox and the goat

The fox and the goat

An unlucky fox fell into a well. It was quite deep, so he could not get out by himself..

A goat passed by. He asked the fox what he was doing in the well. "Oh, have you not heard?" said the fox. "There is going to be a great drought, so I jumped down to get some water. Why don’t you come down here too?" The goat believed his words, and jumped down into the well.

But the fox immediately jumped on the goat’s back and up to the edge of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the fox. "Remember next time don’t trust the advice of a man in difficulties."

He's just Been to the Zoo

When I was waitting in line at the bank , I noticed a woman holding a small child at one of the windows. The boy was eating a roll ,which he thrust at the teller. The teller smiled and shook his head。

'No, no, dear,' said the boy's mom. and then , turnning to the teller , 'I beg your pardon , young man. Please forgive my son . He's just been to the zoo.'
