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篇一:How to make a good impression on college students作文

How to make a good impression on college students

life and relationship coach here in New York city. And the author of It's All About You. In this clip we'll talk about how to make a good first impression in college. And the first thing is really just the basics. Make sure that you dress nice. Just because you can doesn't mean you should wear sweat pants and be really casual when you go to class. I'm not saying you have to dress up all the time but you should look nice. Be on time. Being on time just shows respect and it's a good habit to get into for your whole life. Maybe if you're a little bit early then you can get a good seat. If you can sit near the front where you can participate and ask questions then that's a good way to make a good impression. And really study. I know it's tempting, you're in college, you're away from home, you're having fun but you're there to learn. So if you can really make your studies a priority and do that first. And I'm not saying don't have fun, you should have fun at the same time. But the best way to make a good impression is to make school your top priority, dress nice, ask questions in class, show up on time and really dedicate yourself to learning. I promise you as you get older and you go through life, yes, you'll look back at the great times you had in college but the most important thing is the education that you got at college. So I think that if you can put out the impression that you're there to learn and that you're willing to learn and that you want to learn then that's the best way to make a good first impression. And as far as to the other students, if you want to make a good impression, maybe go join a fraternity or sorority or something. And join a club or something else to get you involved with other people. And if you live in a dorm room then that's actually a good thing for the first year or so because then you can get to meet other people in the dorm and make new friends. So I think as long as you are true to yourself and be confidant in yourself and be proud of yourself you'll always make a good first impression no matter where you go.



1.杨浦:I want to volunteer in/ at …. I want to volunteer in the Olympic Games

I want to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games. I must study English very hard. And to be a volunteer of the Olympic Games is good for me, too. I can make some friends from different countries. I can learn more about sports, the Olympics and so on. But the first thing to prepare (准备) for this is to study hard. I am confident (有信心的) I will be a good volunteer and I will show the world Chinese people so friendly to the foreigners.

I want to volunteer in Protecting the environment

In our daily life there are many kinds of volunteers. As we all know, the problem about

environment is getting more and more important. So I want to be a volunteer so that I can do some thing to protect the world.

First of all, I must do well. Saving water and electricity is not only what I need do, but also the thing I always tell others. Don't waste any resources around us.

Then, I need to go out to call for more attention to the environment on holiday or at weekends. My own effort is not enough, but if every one makes a contribution to protect the environment, our world will become better and better!

To be a volunteer is not only my dream, but also my career in the whole life!

2.静安区:Online shopping is changing the way of our life.


Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing technology ,shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters(年轻人).



First, it is convenient for people to search what they really want, and the mail boy will bring it to us wherever you are.

Second, people could easily find less expensive goods by comparing with the others.

Third, the salers can pay less rent though the virtual stage so that the consumers can pay less than shopping in a real mall.

Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example , shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store,


First, it is not that easy for consumers to distinguish the fake and the real without looking at real things.

Second, sometimes people would be cheated online without wariness(警惕).

Third, the bank account can not be certainly safe when you are not using your own computer. Fourth, it takes a long time to receive your goods when shopping on holidays such as Christmas

Day or on Spring Fesitival you can't shopping online because nobody will work on that break time.

Ending Shopping online will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures (采取措施)to make it perfect.

3.黄浦区:Growing up

Growing up

Growing up is not always easy. I didn’t realize it until I learnt to ride a bike.

On my seventh birthday, my parents gave me a new bike as a present. I was so excited that I couldn’t wait to ride it. But my father told me that I must learn to ride it by myself. At first, I was a little afraid. I fell down from the bike again and again. I almost gave up. Then my father said to me “You will meet many difficulties in your life, you must face them bravely and try to solve them yourself.” After hearing that , I stood up and tried again and again. To my great joy, I could ride it!

From it, I learnt that growing up means courage and a spirit of independence.

4. 奉贤区:A letter to my headmaster/ headmistress

A letter to my headmaster/ headmistress

Dear headmistress,

I’m writing to you about my four years’ school life .Of course, there are both success and failure in my school life. But I enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as happiness, knowledge and other things I need.

I’ll never forget the Charity Sales on March 5 which I think it’s the most unforgettable activity during our school life. Every class made a wonderful post for the sales. There are varieties of second-hand goods on sale. You can buy the things you need in very low price. Everybody felt excited in the activity. It’s not only the way of helping others but also a good way of increasing our real life experiences.

By the way, I expect our school lunch services will be improved.

Best wishes!


5. 浦东:I don’t want to lose…..

I don’t want to lose fresh air

These days, when I walk out of my home, I can only see the terrible grey haze all over the city. The sky is no longer blue and clear so I miss the fresh air badly. Fresh air can be healthy for humans to breathe. In my opinion, fresh air can also change our mood. I am usually in a good mood when the air is fresh. On the other hand, haze and smog not only do harm to our health but also have terrible influence on our mood. If there were no fresh air, we would die. To conclude, I don’t want to lose fresh air

I don’t want to lose health

As we all know, health is the most important thing in our life. However, students are too busy with their studies to pay attention to their health. We should care for our health. On one hand, a

healthy body can keep us from illness. In this way, we can have more time to study and play than people who easily catch a cold. On the other hand, we can live longer if we are healthy. In conclusion, health is so precious that I don’t want to lose it.

I don’t want to lose my parents

My parents are the most important people in the world. They take care of me all the time. They offer me delicious food, they teach me to be a kind people. They comfort me when I’m sad. They cheer me when I lost my hope. They’ve done so much for me. As I have grown up, they become old. I don’t want to lose my parents , so I must do something to repay their love. I should be independent so that they needn’t worry about me any longer. I can help them with the housework and chat with them in our spare time. In a word, our parents are worth loving and caring. (转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:a,good,way,to作文) I don’t want to lose recreation/ spare time

After we entered Grade Nine, we have little time for recreation. But I think some kinds of recreation is essential for us. We can do something helpful in our spare time, such us reading, sports, singing , Especially when we feel upset or irritable, it is a good way to comfort us or make us relax. There is a lot of truth in the old saying, “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.” Proper recreation can also make us keep energetic and active so that we can do well in our study.

6. 普陀区:The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination

The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination

The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination is to join the reading club. Since I was a little girl, reading has been my favourite hobby. But under the pressure of entrance examination, preparing the test takes me so much time that I can’t read freely very often. As we all know, reading is to our brain what exercise is to our body. By reading books, I can not only see a more wonderful world but improve my reading skills which can lay a solid foundation for my further education as well. Reading really makes me feel relaxed and I am looking forward to that exciting moment.

The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination

The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination is traveling . After a long time of hard work, the main reason why I travel is to relax myself. When I return from the travel, I will feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder in the senior high school . Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. We can learn a lot of culture and customs in different cities. I will visit Beijing first because there are many ancient buildings of Qing Dynasty .I am quite interested in the history of this period.

The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination

The thing I’d like to do most after the entrance examination is to watch the matches of the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. Since football is my favorite sport , I won’t miss every World Cup

which takes place every four years. Teams from all over the world compete in the famous World Cup. my favorite team is Brazil, and my favorite football star is Messi。 The competition is so exciting that millions of people are crazy for it .Some people feel that their national football team represents their country's honor. i wish one day china can hold a world cup,then our chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.


At present, only a few students read after class. Here are several reasons: First, some students are so busy that the don’t have time to do reading due to teachers leaving them too much homework. Second, some students are not likely to read at all. Because they spend too much time in watching TV, searching the Internet and playing games.

books are the main resource of knowledge. Books also can take us to where we can’t really go, can help us experience the things we can’t really see. In addition, when you feel upset or irritable, reading is a good way to comfort yourself or make you calm down. I suggest that no matter how busy you are, you should spend some time in reading. Once you stick to it, you’ll get benefits.

篇三:A Good Boy

Business Communication EtiquetteThe idea that people need to have feedbackappreciation and information is a good basis for understanding how and whyexcellent business communication is

important and compelling for success.In your very best relationship - whether your spouse, best friend, sister, co-worker - you can easily communicate with them in a high value way. You telephone, email, write notes, make plans and generally stay in contact with them because you want a connection and a relationship with them.In building very good relationships in business, it is absolutely the same. What is different in a business relationship is that you are communicating with colleagues and you don't always know them as well as a dear friend. However, they need the same attention that a good relationship needs.These needs are:*Returning a phone call*Following up on a requestListening intentlyAppreciative communicatio*Clear communication with details and directions*Doing what you say you will

do*Remembering what is important to them*Valuing what is most important to themOur communication styles and methods are being stretched by email, technology,lack of time and resources that limit our ability to do so much in our day.But there are rules of common courtesy that have NOT changed since the inception of humans dealing with each other in a high value way. If you want to be a remembered, trusted and respected leader, you will practice these courtesies with every business contact.If you take the time to examine what is important to you, I think you will find that they are also the courtesies that you expect in all business communication, actually how you would like to be treated and communicated with.Next I will explain more detail communication which is that we need pay attention in

etiquetteReturning phone callsWhether you think you have time to return the call or not, find out what people need, make sure you are clear on whether you can help them or not and then get back to your own work. People who return phone calls are trusted and respected. You do not need to make the calls long. In fact, returning all calls twice a day instead of doing it piece meal all day long is a good way to

manage your time more appropriately.Here are some additional basics that will help you grow your own identity and brand which will identify you as a trusted and respected up and coming leader:Practice your handshake- Ask a friend to shake hands with you and then give you feedback. Firm is good.Eyecontact - Learn to look at a person when they are speaking.Body language - 55% of our nonverbal communication is our body. Watch what your body is sayinabout youBusiness cards - Get one and have them with you ALL of the time. You should include an address, email, telephone number, full name, what you do and your title. If your company does not provide a business card, get one for you anyway. The fast print companies all have programs you can easily and quickly make one for you.Holding doors - Opening a door for someone is not just a guy thing anymore. Ladies, if you get to the door first, open it.Standing and greeting - If you are being introduced, stand, reach out your hand and shake their hand. This is not a gender issue. Women in the workforce can show respect by standing and shaking hands.Telephone or mobile phone has become an integral part of our lives. Though all of us have adapted to the changing technology, many lack the basic telephone etiquettes. In a business communication that is taking place on phone, the foremost thing is to identify yourself and your business when you call. This would give the other person a basic knowledge of who you are and what is your area of interest. If you are answering the phone, ask the caller as to how you can help him/her. When messages have been interchanged, repeat the information in order to make sure that you have understood it correctly.For example, in case the caller is upset with something, it is your duty to remain calm and reassure him/her that things would straighten out and that you would usher your full support. Many a times, there arises a situation when you have to put your caller on hold. In case you are experiencing such a situation, make sure you ask his/her permission. If you are supposed to call back, ensure that you have noted down the number of the caller and confirmed the time of calling. In occasions of transferring the call, make sure that the caller knows

name and phone number or extension number of the other person, lest the phone gets disconnected.Even thought last graph just give us some example for the communication etiquette, but it can prove communication etiquette is how important in business.I have given following reasons to explain how to communication in Email Etiquette, Meeting Etiquette, Introduction EtiquetteEmail

EtiquetteGone are the days when letters were hand written and posted or couriered. In this new age of technology, email is the one of the widely used communication tools. However, before mailing a business letter, make sure that it satisfies all the basic etiquettes. A rule of thumb - business emails are always short, crisp and to the point, with a professional tone in them. This shows respect for the recipient’s time. The subject line is a very important part of the email. Make sure it is descriptive. This would allow the person to know what the email is all about, even before reading it.In case you are expecting a response within a stipulated time, make sure you mention the same in the email. Business emails are never

complete without mentiothe sender’s mobile number. Also, make sure that you mention your full name, title and the name of your company in the email. In case you need to send an attachment, please get prior permission. Though this might sound strange, people often do not download attachment for the fear that it might infect their system with a harmful virusMeeting EtiquetteIt is very important to start a meeting at the stipulated time, lest people start cribbing for wasting their time. In a meeting, make sure that everyone is given equal opportunity to speak and it is not a one-sided affair. It is a bad habit to interrupt others, while they are speaking. Finish a meeting with a summary of the discussion that took place. In case no judgment could be reached, schedule another meeting, rather than running overtime. This would show respect for attendees, who might have prior commitments. Lastly, please keep your mobile phones switched off or on a silent mode, lest your phone rings loudly in the middle of the meeting.Introduction EtiquetteBusiness involves meeting new people everyday. As such, introductions play an important role.

It is said that ‘first impression is the last impression’. So, you would definitely want to cast a mighty good first impression, as it would not only create a good image for you, but also win you future profits. When you introduce yourself to someone, make sure to pronounce your full name and designation. This would give the other person a brief knowledge about who you are. In case of being introduced to someone, you should always stand up. If you are behind the desk, make sure you step forward. Eye contact and a firm handshake would definitely earn you brownie points. In situations wherein you need to introduce others, make sure you start with people who are highest in the hierarchy

篇四:作文 How to make a good conversation

How to make a good conversation.

There is no doubt that conversation is a sociable activity and basic way to communicate that everyone does every day. People usually begin a conversation in their spare time. A good conversation let people relax from life pressures and get a happier mood in the left daytime. Then, how to make a good conversation? According to Henry Fairlie, to make a good conversation need unspecific topics, aimless participants, and a casual environment.

Firstly, a good conversation always begin at random without a specific topic. Moreover, the topics in conversation always change casually. For instance, in Pub Talk and the King’s English, people’s conversation started with “‘the King’s English’was a term of criticism”, which was obviously not arranged before, but this topic attracted many people’s attention. Some people supported it and others were opposed to. Then a

conversation began naturally. In addition, the topic changed optionally, from the King’s English’s implied meaning of criticism to Roman Conquerors’ influence on English development. People in the conversation needn’t find an exact and immediate answer of the

question that if the King’s English is critical, they just let the topic change and continue the conversation with casual interesting.

Secondly, participants in a good conversation are usually aimless and ready to lose the chance to speech. A good participant always let the

conversation move on even they miss a good opportunity to say a best anecdote which they think is worth talking about. Participants in the conversation needn’t to prepare for “something to say”, and they just need express what occurs in their mind in time and keep the ball rolling. Besides, conversation is usually involved with discussion and argument, and the difference between them is whether it is aimless. In

conversations, no one want to be winner, and people are just enjoy exchanging news, anecdotes and different opinions.

Finally, a casual environment is an essential condition which a good

conversation need, which is the reason why the author said conversation in pubs have a charm of its own. A casual environment, where people are relax and have a break in their busy life. like a bar, restaurant, or a rest room after lunch or dinner, is a convenient place to make a

conversation. With the help of technology, chatting room on the internet become more and more popular place to have a conversation. In a

chatting room, people have a safety distance with each other by the veil of internet. So the content of conversation has less restrictions.

On a sunny afternoon on Saturday, getting together with some friends and acquaintances, having a conversation from somewhere that most are interested in, maybe a little jock or a weird news, and letting it move on, is a very imagination about good conversation. Aimless topics and participants and environment make a good conversation.

篇五:To Becoming a Good Doctor做一个好医生,英语作文

To Becoming a Good Doctor

Are you a good doctor? This question is increasingly being asked by patients, governments, newspaper, radio, and TV investigators. Many medical students have dreams of becoming good doctors and saving lives, but between the ideal and the reality is a large gap, claims and complaints against doctors are growing worldwide. So you should have a clear understanding of how to bridge the gap. Generally speaking, a good doctor must be professionally trained and must strictly follow the occupational rules. When you work, you should as carefully as possible and treat your patient patiently. When you find something abnormal, you should react quickly. If there is something you don't understand, you can ask other experts humbly and improve your knowledge accordingly. Without a doubt, to be a good doctor, you need an unusually strong love for people, and a desire to serve them. You should be a good communicator, and have good listening skills. You should be a thorough person, and someone who likes to find answers to difficult or tricky situations. You should be tenacious, because some of the things you will see and experience as a doctor. A good doctor must also show an absolute respect for human life. To a doctor, a patient s life is sacrosanct and he should do

everything to avert all threat to that life. It is therefore the duty of doctors to do all in their power to keep their patients alive and healthy.

As a medical student, there is still a long way to go .I will try my best to become a good doctor. I will put the oath in my heart.
