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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 04:20:43 体裁作文

篇一:江苏省扬中市同德中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 5 Films导学案9

9A Unit 5 Films









1.同意与不同意 _________________________________________

2.主角演得非常好 _________________________________________

3.故事本身很有趣 __________________________________________

4.票价确实昂贵 __________________________________________

5.为我买一个汉堡包和一些饮料 ___________________________________

6.观看一个半小时的电影 _________________________________________

7.对做某事感到非常激动 _________________________________________

二、课堂学习研讨 (约25分钟)

三、反思心得 (约5分钟)



You may know Edison Chen , whose Chinese name is Chen Guanxi. Now he has become a shining star. Many people like Edison Chen because he is young, good—looking and talented. But some people don’t a___1_____ because he likes to make faces and walks in a strange way. No matter w__2____ people may think of him, Edison doesn’t care. He likes his own style and his own music. He shows he has more t____3_____ than luck. Edison doesn’t like to copy others. He tries to create his own music. On November 26, Edison w ____4____one of the Lycra in Style Awards(莱卡风尚大奖) in Shanghai because he has been trying to make a d__5____ in music. Edison first listened to hip---hop music when he was nine. He fell in love with it instantly. Now he’s working hard on making music with some Japanese friends. He wants to b___6____ real hip-hop music to China. His music tells young people that there’s n _____7____they can’t do. He also has the courage to be himself, from his clothes to his hair. Some people don’t like his way of dressing. Some even say he walks like a gorilla. But he doesn’t c____8____ at all. He thinks it is OK! “My clothes show my style, and my songs tell my f__9____” he said ” if I only listened to others, I might l ____10____ myself. Now I do want to be myself.”





Though there have been fewer World Expos than FIFA World Cups or modern Olympic Games,

the World Expo has a longer history than either of them.

The first Expo, also called “The Great Exhibition”, was held in Hyde Park, London in 1851. Prince Albert, husband of Britain’s Queen Victoria, came up with the idea. The key exhibits(展品) of the first Expo included the early fax machine, the first ballot-counting(投票统计) machine and some of the world’s biggest diamonds. The first Expo had a great influence on many fields of society, including art, education and international trade.

We all know that the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) is a gift that French people sent to the US. Part of the statue was on show at the Expo in Philadelphia, US in 1876, but the

head was shown at the Paris Expo in 1878.

In order to celebrate the 400 anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, the World Expo was held in Chicago, US in 1893. For the fi

edison chen

rst time, electricity(电) was used during the Expo. It meant the beginning of a modern revolution. The first ferris wheel(摩天轮) was on show.






The computer technician convicted of stealing sexually explicit photos of Canto pop star Edison Chen Koon-hei was sentenced to eight and a half months in jail yesterday. His defence counsel declared he would file an appeal.

The Kowloon City Magistrate Court found Dicky Sze Ho-chun, 24, guilty of dishonestly obtaining access to the intimate photos of Chen engaged in sex acts with female celebrities, including Gillian Chung, Cecilia Cheung and Bobo Chan.

He was accused of stealing the pictures while Chen's computer was being repaired at Elite Multimedia Limited, where Sze was an employee.

Sze showed the photos to two female staff at a household store and burnt a compact disc containing 1,300 sex images for one of them. Sze was found guilty on all three counts.

Pleading for leniency before Chief Magistrate Tong Man, defence counsel Kevin Tang said Sze was only 21 when he committed the crime and was ignorant of the law.

"The defendant had no malicious intention in showing the nude images to others. He was an innocent boy willing to share his experience with people who asked him to do so. He regrets what he did," Tang said, adding Sze accepts responsibility for the incident.

Sze and his family came under tremendous pressure after he was arrested in early 2008, Tang continued.

To avoid public disdain and being hounded by media, Sze hid himself at home for a year. Sze's parents and sister described the ordeal as "life in jail".

Sze also worried about the safety of his family. Tang said Sze felt remorse and guilt over bringing difficulties to his family.

However, Magistrate Tong ruled out suspending the sentence owing to the seriousness of the crime.

"Though the defendant realized no monetary gain, he gravely invaded the privacy of others and breached the trust of his employer," he said. Although there was no evidence to prove Sze was responsible for touching off the high-profile scandal by distributing the photos on the Internet, he did expose private information of others in an extremely dangerous situation, he added. The magistrate refused to grant bail pending appeal and ordered that Sze be jailed immediately.

Chief Inspector of Police Kenny Wong Tak-cheung said the judgment served as a warning to the public that it is a serious offense to use a computer dishonestly.

"Hong Kong Police is determined and capable of combating technological crimes," he added, reminding Internet users to be cautious about their behavior.


sexually explicit photos: 艳照

bail pending appeal: 保释等候上诉




The computer technician convicted of stealing sexually explicit photos of Canto pop star Edison Chen Koon-hei was sentenced to eight and a half months in jail yesterday. His defence counsel declared he would file an appeal.

The Kowloon City Magistrate Court found Dicky Sze Ho-chun, 24, guilty of dishonestly obtaining access to the intimate photos of Chen engaged in sex acts with female celebrities, including Gillian Chung, Cecilia Cheung and Bobo Chan.

He was accused of stealing the pictures while Chen's computer was being repaired at Elite Multimedia Limited, where Sze was an employee.

Sze showed the photos to two female staff at a household store and burnt a compact disc containing 1,300 sex images for one of them. Sze was found guilty on all three counts.

Pleading for leniency before Chief Magistrate Tong Man, defence counsel Kevin Tang said Sze was only 21 when he committed the crime and was ignorant of the law.

"The defendant had no malicious intention in showing the nude images to others. He was an innocent boy willing to share his experience with people who asked him to do so. He regrets what he did," Tang said, adding Sze accepts responsibility for the incident.

Sze and his family came under tremendous pressure after he was arrested in early 2008, Tang continued.

To avoid public disdain and being hounded by media, Sze hid himself at home for a year. Sze's parents and sister described the ordeal as "life in jail".

Sze also worried about the safety of his family. Tang said Sze felt remorse and guilt over bringing difficulties to his family.

However, Magistrate Tong ruled out suspending the sentence owing to the seriousness of the crime.

"Though the defendant realized no monetary gain, he gravely invaded the privacy of others and breached the trust of his employer," he said. Although there was no evidence to prove Sze was responsible for touching off the high-profile scandal by distributing the photos on the Internet, he did expose private information of others in an extremely dangerous situation, he added. The magistrate refused to grant bail pending appeal and ordered that Sze be jailed immediately.

Chief Inspector of Police Kenny Wong Tak-cheung said the judgment served as a warning to the public that it is a serious offense to use a computer dishonestly.

"Hong Kong Police is determined and capable of combating technological crimes," he added, reminding Internet users to be cautious about their behavior.


sexually explicit photos: 艳照

bail pending appeal: 保释等候上诉



文/彭 麒


















( 2008年3月 于 北京 水晶城)

Dancing With Fantasy: authorial account of the Flashing Bodies

by/Peng Qi

With the development of technology and ramification of the internet affecting our life and thought, spatial temporal relationship has been changed thoroughly. In front of the dazzling information overload, every individual becomes excited, overjoyed, astonished or lured in unprecedented ways. Because of this digital network, the existing framework of politics, economy and culture are not spared either. The notorious ?Edison Chen photo scandal? helps bring down the idols with respect to their corporality. People no longer easily believe in permanent values and rules. They are increasingly elaborating the future and truth, relying on their own imagination and easing the tension of life. The digital,

interneted, virtual and adulterated events have become a reflection of way of existence. In a sense, virtual life is real life. This admitted, the contemporary art which is filled up with imagination and virtuality is the realistic art of this age.

The unbearable tedium and tolerance in the traditional culture is increasingly facing shock and rebellion from the popular culture. Having freed their mind and body, people cannot help recollecting abnegation and tranquility after reflecting over the impatience caused by the surge of desire. It is comparable to the preference of simple home cooking after feasting too much rich food. The composition of the series of “The Flashing Body” is

based upon this point, that is in the face of desire, utilizing techniques of traditional oil painting in order to capture various flashing illusions. It is also out of imagination of certain desire and depiction of integration of humanity.

In the end, we are about to free ourselves and embrace the bazaar and fantastic world. Everyone, on the poetic level, has both a classic and romantic inner world. From time immemorial, having experienced all the trials and hardship, mankind has never ceased to envisage the future with good faith. What is seen as beauty may be a false impression, a mirage. We prefer to believe it is true, because we like the cute spirits that come from nowhere, or because we are addicted to the pleasurable sensation caused by the releasing of endorphin in our brain, seeing a pretty one of the opposite sex. It is the same mechanism when scientists show pictures of beautiful women to babies, they stop crying.

The definition of beauty and ugliness evolves and gets enriched in time.

Unprecedented imagination has been the prime mover of human progress. This batch of paintings tries to find some room for imagination: the healthy, sexy and robust female bodies commonly seen in 3D games may be a display of the psychological prototype

buried deep in the human fourth sex characteristic, or a projection of the heroine complex in the unconscious of the mass. The special digital effect strewn with popular design elements and the decoration of oriental flavour creates a déjà vu. The lines and streaks come from an overall feeling about the oriental culture, not only from the Chinese culture, but from the Persian, Indian and Japanese. These works seem to be narrating group of binary oppositions:

Feminine VS Masculine

Abstract VS Substantial

Unreality VS Reality

Spirituality VS Corporeity

Existence VS the Unknown

Exposure VS Cover

Ambiguity VS Straightforwardness

Modernity VS Tradition

Digital VS Manual

Minority VS Majority

These oppositions may be found in the natural expression of traditional Chinese culture of yin and yang, a representation of the mentality of the chop-stick using Chinese. All the refutations are enshrouded by the cloudy phenomenon. We are all endowed with multiplicity, material aspects as well as metaphysical. Every artist delineates as ?a

conceptual artist? consciously or unconsciously when he or she takes up the brush. Such

?conceptuality? sometimes tends to lend itself to ?logic?, sometimes to ?taichi?, to untenable ?boundlessness?, or simply to the outlet of basic instinct.

Flashing light encircling the human body may be deemed a symbol of infinite

probability of our time. It is ever changing, mobile, mutable, mysterious and full of

temptation. The substance, formed by bits and pieces of line and flake, inflated with gas or liquid, and done with a natural hand and free spirit, are pretty much the product of the time of digitalization. It forcibly elevates the 3D bodies of desire up onto another continuum of interesting and illusory time and space. In there, except the vast imagination, there may be the youthful awe and curiosity toward the mysterious existence. It is hoped that the substance might forge amusing creatures capable of talking, which may connect up our isolated nerves and awake the prototype and soul deeply asleep, and may walk into our heart, tyrannically dominated by reason, and our body, abducted by desire and greed. It is for nothing but the bizarre and fictional self-awaking and self-intoxication, or momentary unfettered freedom and pure roaming of soul. Perhaps these are only a bright-coloured day dream or fantasy dancing swiftly. It does not matter, for we only have need of it.

The virtual and imaginative world has become part of our life. It has become the air we breathe. We will not discard it no matter intentionally or unintentionally. We will listen to its summoning, which travels in time, drifts with our soul and seeks to cherish every lively hope.






中文名: 陈冠希

外文名: Edison Chen

别名: Eddie, Illkid

国籍: 加拿大

出生地: 加拿大温哥华 1980年10月7出生日期: 日

职业: 演员,歌手


《无间道II》,《千机变》,《头文字代表作品: D》 经纪公司 香港暴风雨传媒集团 唱片公司 星浪潮娱乐 出场费 60W 代言费 600W 经纪人 阿峰136 6030 6555

陈冠希经纪人阿峰工作事务联系方式:136 6030 6555
