作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:24:01 体裁作文



Hello! Come in (或Have a look). (进来看看)

We have famous brands. (我们有些知名品牌)

Good quality. (质量好) Good price. (价格低)

What size you need? (你要什么尺寸?)

What color you prefer? (你喜欢什么颜色呢?)

Dialogue A

A:What size do you want?


A:Here"s yellow one and it"s large.

B: Good. Can I try it on?

A:Yes, the fitting room is right over there.

B:(Ten minutes later) Excuse me. This is too large. Have you got any medium size?

A:Let me check for you. Yes,we do,but only in scarlet. Would you like to try it on anyway?

B:No,it"s a little too loud, but thank you just the same.

A:You"re welcome.


Dialogue B

A:Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

B:Yes. I"d like to buy a white shirt.

A:Yes,sir. I"d be glad to show you some. What size,please?


A:Here"s one in your size. This is a very fine shirt.

B:How much is it?

A:These are fifty-nine each.

B:That"s a little more than I want to pay. Don"t you have any less expensive shirts?

A:Yes,I think I can find some for you. Here are some forforty yuan,and then we have some here for thirty-five.

B:Thirty-five will be all right. I"ll take this one.

A:Are you sure one will be enough?

B:Yes, that"s all I need just now.

A:Do you need anything else?

B:I"d also like to see the tie in the showcase.

A:Which one, sir?

B:The green one.

A:This one?


B:Yes, that one. Is it pure silk?

A:Yes,sir,pure silk and hand-made.

B:How much it is?

A:Twenty yuan,sir.

B:I"m afraid it doesn"t fit me very well. Have you got any other ones?

A:How about this one? It"s ten yuan.

B:The price is all right, but it"s a bit showy, isn"t it?

A:Oh,I don"t think so,sir. I think it becomes you.

B:Then I"ll take it.

A:Thank you, sir. Will you wait a moment please? I"ll have it wrapped.

scarlet n. 猩红色 loud a. 过分花哨的,俗艳的

showcase n. 陈列柜,橱窗 showy a. (过分)装饰的,(太)华丽的

Not too heavy and not too light. 既不要太厚也不要太薄。

How do you like this,ma"am? 夫人,这件您喜欢吗?

It"s much too light in color for the autumn. 这件衣服秋天穿颜色太浅。

It"s made of exceptionally good quality,pure wool,very soft. 这件衣服质量特别好,全毛的,非常柔软。

Please come with me to the fitting room. 请随我到试衣间。

I like this style, but I don"t care for the color. 我喜欢这个式样,但是不喜欢 3


Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please. 请拿件深红色的给我看看,要合我的尺寸。

This is your size, it"s a lovely dress and very smart. 这是您要的尺寸,这件衣服很漂亮,非常时髦。

It"s in fashion now. 现在正流行。

Would you like to try it? 您要不要试试?

It just suits me,I"ll take it. 这件衣服正合我身,我买了。

How much do I have to pay? 我该付多少钱?

That"s rather more than I thought of paying. 这价钱比我想的要贵些。

I should have like something cheaper. 我想买较为便宜的。

Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good. 价格可能稍贵些,不过,质量非常好。

It"s exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. 这件衣服的料子质地特别好,做工精细。

Here"s a gorgeous outfit. 这儿有套华丽的服装。

It looks just great on you. 您穿这衣服真是棒极了。

Dialogue C

A:Do you want some assistance,ma"am?

B:I"d like to see an overcoat for the autumn. Not too heavy and not too light. A:How do you like this, ma"am?

B:It"s much too light in color for the autumn. I"d rather havesomething darker, and a bit heavier.


A:What about this then? It"s made of exceptionally good quality, pure wool, very soft.

B:Very good. May I try this on?

A:Please come with me to the fitting room.

B:I like this style, but I don"t care for the color. It"s loose at the waist, and it"s a bit too large.

A:What about this one?We have this model in several sizes and colors,dark brown,light green,light yellow, crimson.

B:Let me see the crimson one, in my size, please.

A:Yes, ma"am. This is your size, it"s a lovely dress and very smart. It"s in fashion now. Would you like to try it?

B:All right, it just suits me, I"ll take it. How much do I have to pay? A:Three hundred yuan.

B:That"s rather more than I thought of paying. I should have something cheaper. A:Maybe a little dearer, but the quality is very good. ma"am. It"s exceptionally good in material and the handicraft is more exquisite. It wears very well and keeps its shape.

B:All right, I"ll take it. I expect it"s worth it. Can I pay by Visa Card?

A:We don"t accept Visa Card,you have to pay cash.

B:OK. Will you accept Master Card?

A:Yes, we do. Please go to the cash counter and pay for it. I"ll wrap it up for you.

B:All right, thank you.




XXXV 公司是专业的纺织服装生产、出口企业,公司创立于1998年,目前拥有快捷的服装打样中心,服装生产工厂;拥有各类进口先进服装生产设备及前、后道配套设备100多台(套),年生产能力100万件(条)。 目前合作工厂的管理(生产管理、质量管理、安全卫生管理、雇佣条件)已全面通过了JCP ENNEY、TARGET等公司的评估。


目前公司是日本优品株式会社、日本MUJI、日本DIL DILASH、美国KAVU、欧洲CUBUS、韩国百家好等公司的常年服装、面料供应商。






Company Profile

XxxxX Garments Co., Ltd. is a professional textile and garment production and export enterprises, the company was founded in 1998 , currently has a quick costume proofing centers, stock garment

manufacturing plant ; former has all kinds of imported advanced production equipment and clothing , after supporting equipment more than 100 pieces (sets ) , the annual production capacity of one million(bar) .

Currently co- management of the factory ( production management , quality management, safety and health management , employment conditions ) has passed the JCP ENNEY, TARGET companies such assessments.

Our main products : all kinds of knit tops , jackets, woolen , fashion and more. The products are sold to Japan, America, Europe, Korea, Hong Kong and other places.

Our company is Japan AS KNOW AS , Japan MUJI, Japan DIL

DILASH, USA KAVU, Europe CUBUS, South Korean BASIC HOUSE good clothing , fabric suppliers.

Our Company with high-quality products , good service and

competitive prices , customers establish a good reputation , sincerely welcome home and abroad to discuss cooperation.

Our general manager with the staff sincerely hope that the good reputation at home and abroad to establish long-term customer relations and mutually beneficial cooperation and common development .

Company address: Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province China





My name is Jim Green. I’m 13 (years old) .Jim is my first name , and Green is my last name. I am a happy boy, I am a middle school student I am in class 4 , grade 7. My phone number is 651-9628.



参考词汇:a red pencil box, big, pencil, ruler, in the reading room, 8432-5899 Found

Is this red pencil box yours? I found it in the reading room. It is big . A pencil and a ruler are in it. Please call me at 84325899.

Jack (2)根据所提供的信息写一则寻物启示:

Name:Alex Lost:computer game E-mail:Alex@163.com Lost

I lost my computer game this morning. I must find it. Please E-mail me at . Thanks. Alex


Look! This is my room,it is small but nice.My jacket is on the bed. And my shoes are under the bed. My clock is on the wall. Where are my books? Look!They are in my bookcase. And my computer and some CDs are on my desk.



Mike ,Dave and Tom are classmates. They like sports. Mike likes baseball, but he doesn’t like

ping-pong. He thinks it’s boring. Dave likes soccer. He plays soccer with his friends after class. He doesn’t like baseball. It is difficult for him. Tom likes tennis. It’s fun. He doesn’t like volleyball, because he thinks it is not interesting. 作文:

Helen和Tony 是你的朋友,他们有着不同的饮食习惯。请根据表格提示,写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍他们的饮食情况。开始以给出。

bread and milk.Tony usually eats eggs and two bananas. For lunch, Helen has vegetables and rice.Tony eats hamburgers and chicken. Helen doesn’t want to be fat, so for dinner, she only eats fruit. She eats an apple and two oranges. Tonny eats bread and chicken. After dinner, he eats ice-cream. 作文:

王丽的妈妈在民生街(Mingsheng Street)的“贝贝服装店”今天开业了。里面的T恤、男款毛衣、女士裙子都在特价销售。假如你是王丽,请你替妈妈写一则广告。(50词)

Hi, friends!Come and buy your clothes at Beibei Clothes Store. We sell all clothes at very good prices. We have blue,white and red T-shirts for 25 yuan. For boys, we have sweaters in black,white,yellow and green for 30 yuan. For girls, we have red,orange ,white and purple skirts for 45 yuan. Please come to our store now. Our store is on Minsheng Street. 作文:


My name is Tina. I’m thirteen years old. My birthday is on October 25th. There are four people in my family. They are my father,my mother, my sister and I. My parents are teachers. My father’s birthday is on April 13th and my mother’s birthday is on July 10th.. . My sister is ten years old , and her birthday is on August 14th.

When is your birthday? Please let me know.


My favorite subjects We have six subjects at school. My favorite subjects are P.E. and English. I like P.E.,because I can play football .I think it is fun. I like English, too, because I think it is interesting. But I don’t like math, because I think it is boring.


Come to Guangming Clothes Store! 快来光明服装店! Our clothes are on sale . 我们的衣服正在大减价。

We sell pants for only 30 yuan. 我们卖的裤子只要30元。 Do you like white bag? 你喜欢白色的包吗?

It's only 15 yuan. 只要15元。

We have beautiful black hats for only 12 yuan each. 我们有漂亮的黑色帽子只要12元一顶。

Do you like sweaters in red, green, blue and orange ? 你喜欢红色、绿色、蓝色和橙色的毛衣吗?

You can buy it for only 20 yuan. 你能以20元的价格买到它。

Come and see for yourself at Guangming Clothes Store. 亲自来光明服装




一. 服装粤语 国语 english 二. 服装专业英语(辅料) 三. 服装专业英语(缩写) 四. 服装专业英语(车缝) 五. 服装专业英语(裁床)

六. 服装专业英语(度尺/衫裤部件)-6 七. 服装专业英语(qc)-------7 八. 布料成分名称 ----------8 九. 常用服装英语词汇[资料]—-9 十. 服装工业名称术语-------—16 十一. 各种水洗英语说法—-------17 十二. 服装专业英语(布料颜色)-17 十三. 面辅料英语---------------18 十四. 服装专业英语(部件-图文)--19


1.准确保证:本服装小词典2000常用词,英语词汇选自服装教材、跟单文件、专业服装网站,不正之处请指出。感谢中华服装网版主jandy的大力支持。 2、使用方法:

第一步.用word等文文件处理软件打开,单击“编辑” 菜单栏,选择“查找”; 第二步.输入想查的服装中英文,即可查到。 3、备注: 因词汇量有限,查询不到的服装

英语可调用《中华服装网》在线服装词典: www.51fashion.com.cn/51dictionary/ 金山词霸在线/ (英文版)

急救: 发短信到9500861 金山词霸

粤语 国语 english

办 样板 sample 布封 幅宽 fabric width 侧骨 侧缝,摆缝 side seam 插竹 领插角片 collar stay 车花 绣花 embroidery 打枣 打结 bartack 担干 过肩 yoke 耳仔 裤带袢 beltloop 返针 回针 back stitch 狗牙 车牙 feed dog 挂卡 吊牌 hangtag 后浪 后档 back rise

蝴蝶 车缝附件 sewing machine attachments 及骨 锁边 overlock

及骨车 包缝机,锁边机 overlock machine 急钮 四合扣 snap fastener 夹圈 袖窿 armhole 间棉 绗缝 quilt

肩棉 肩垫,垫肩 膊头棉shoulder pad 介英,鸡英 袖口,袖级 cuff

拉冚车 绷缝机 covering stitch machine 拉裤头 上裤头 waistbanding 拉筒车 门襟机 placket machine

辘脚车 脚口卷边机 bottom hemming machine

唛架 排料图 maker 唛头 商标 label 埋夹 缝合袖底骨和侧缝 join the under arm seam and side seam

魔术贴 尼龙搭扣 velcro

纳膊 缝合小肩 join the small shoulder 纳膊位 肩缝 shoulder seam 钮门 扣眼 button hole

钮牌 门袢 fly

钮子 钮门搭位 button stand

排唛 排料 layout 啤机 冲压裁剪机 die cutting machine 脾围 横档 thigh

平车 平缝机 normal sewing machine 朴 衬布 interlining 前浪 前檔 front rise 生褶 省 pleat 死褶 褶 dart 梭仔 梭芯 bobbin 烫斗 熨斗 iron

挑脚车 暗缝机 blind stitching machine 乌蝇扣 钩棒扣 eyes & hooks 靴 压脚 presser foot 针步 线步 stitches

止口,子口 缝头 seam allowance 纵纹 斜纹 bios cut

坐围 臀围 hip (jandy整理)


accessory 辅料

belt 腰带

binding tape 捆条(包边) bow 蝴蝶

bow-tie 蝴蝶结 buckle loop 钮圈 button 钮扣

care label 洗水唛 collar rab 领袢 collar stay 领插竹

conceal zipper 隐形拉链 content label 成分唛

contrast color stitches 撞色线 cotton string 棉绳 elastic 橡筋 epaulet 肩章

eyelet 鸡眼

eyes & hooks 乌蝇扣, 钩棒扣 frills 荷叶边

fusible-interlining 粘朴 godet 三角形布

gusset 三角形插布

half moon patch 半月形龟背 handing loop 吊袢 interlining 衬, 朴

lace 花边 lining 里布

main label/brand label 主唛 non-fusible-interlining 非粘朴, 生朴 plastic string 胶针 ribbing 罗纹

rivet 撞钉, 包头钉 rubber string 橡筋 shank (钮扣)绕脚线 shoulder pad 肩棉, 肩垫 size label 尺码唛 smocking (装饰用的)缩褶

snap 急钮, 按钮, 揿钮 sticker 贴纸 stripe 带条, 绳子 thread 线

triangle gusset 三角脚贴 velcro 魔术贴 zipper 拉链 zipper puller 拉链头 zipper stopper(typed by jandy)


a.h. armhole 夹圈

abs area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布

adl acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准

aql acceptable quality level 验收合格标准 attn. attention 注意 aud. audit 稽查 b. back 后

b.h. button hole 钮门/扣眼 b.l. back length 后长 b.p. bust point 胸点 bk. black 黑色

bl bust line 胸围线

bmt basic motion time 基本动作时间 bnl back neckline 后领圈线 bnp/bnpt back neck point 后领点 br back rise 后浪

bsp back shoulder point 后肩颈点 btm. bottom 衫脚

btn. button 钮扣

c.v.c. chief value of cotton 棉为主的混纺物 c/b (c.b.) center back 后中 c/f (c.f.) center front 前中 cad computer aided design 计算机辅助设计

cae computer aided engineering 计算机辅助工程 cal computer aided layout 计算机辅助排料

cam computer aided manufacture 计算机辅助制造

cap computer aided pattern 计算机辅助画样

cbf center back fold 后中对折 cbl center back line 后中线

cbn-w center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰 cfl center front fold 前中对折 ci corporate identify 企业标识 cif cost, insurance & freight 到岸价 clr. color 颜色

cmt cutting, making, trimming 来料加工

col. color 颜色

cord. corduroy 灯心绒

cs commercial standards 商业标准 ctn. cotton 棉

ctn. no. carton no. 纸箱编号 d. denier 旦

d. & k. damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔 d.b. double-breasted 双襟 d/y delivery 出货, 交付 dbl double 双

dbl ndl double needle 双针 dept. department 部门 dip 深石洗 dk. dark 深色

doz. dozen 打

e.g. exampli gratia / for example 例如 el elbow line 手肘线

emb. embroidery 绣花, 车花 etc. et cetera=and so forth 等等 exp. export 出口 f. front 前

fab. fabric 布料

faq fair average quality 中等品 fb freight bill 装货清单 fnp front neck point 前颈点

fob free on board 离岸价

fqc field quality control 现场质量控制 fty. factory 工厂 g. green 绿色 g.w. gross weight 毛重 gl grain line 布纹 h. hips 坐围

hl hips line 坐围线 in. inch 英寸 jkt. jacket 夹克 k knit 针织

l. large 大号

l. line 莱尼/号(纽扣大小单位) l. length 长度

l. left 左

l.g. length grain 经向, 直纹

lb. pound 磅 lbl label 唛头, 商标 lhd left hand side 左手边 loa length over all 全长 m medium 中码 m/b must be 必须 m/c machine 机械

mat. material 物料

meas. measurement 尺寸

mhl middle hips line 中臀围线 mkt. market 市场

mmts. measurements 尺寸 n. to w.(n.-w.) nape to waist 腰直 n.p. neck point 肩颈点 ndl. needle 针 nil nothing 无 nk. neck 颈圈

o/n order no. 定单号

ojt on-the-job training 在职培训 os over size 超大号

ovrlk. overlock 及骨, 包缝 p. purple 紫色

p.o. no. production order no. 生产制造单编号

p.o.b. post office box 邮箱 p.p. paper pattern 纸样

p.s.i. per square inch 每平方英寸 p/c polyester/cotton 涤棉混纺织物 pa polyamide 聚酰胺

pap posterior armpit point 腋窝后点 pb private brand 个人商标 pc. price 价格 pcs. pieces 件, 个 pkg. package 包装 pkt. pocket 口袋 pls. please 请 pnt point 点

p-o-r product-o-rial system 吊挂系统 pos. position 位置

pp poly propylene 聚丙烯 pv polyvinyl fibre 聚乙烯纤维 pvc polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯 qc quality control 质量控制 qly. quality 质量

qpl qualified products list 合格产品目录 qty. quantity 数量 r. right 右

r.s. right side 正面 r.t.w. ready to wear 成衣 ref. reference 参考, 参照 rej. reject 拒绝 rm. room 场所 rn. rayon 人造丝 s small 小码

s.a. seam allowance 止口 s/b 喷沙 sand blast

s.b. single breasted 单排纽扣, 单襟 s.p. shoulder point 肩端点

s.p.i. stitch per inch 每英寸线迹数 s.p.m. stitch per minutes 每分钟线迹数 s/b should be 应该

sc shopping center 购物中心 sgl ndl single needle 单针 slv. sleeve 袖子 smpl sample 样板 snl single 单线

snp side neck point 颈侧点 spec. specification 细则 sq. ft. square feet 平方英尺 sty. style 款式

sz. size 尺码

t/c terylence/cotton 涤棉织物 t/s top stitches 间面线 tqc total quality control 全面质量控制

tqm total quality managemen t 全面质量管理

t-s t-shirt t恤衫

ubl under bust line 下胸围线 v. violet 紫色 w woven 梭织 w. waist 腰围 w. width 宽度 w.b. waistband 裤头 wip半成品

w.l. waist line 腰线 w.s. wrong side 反面

w/ with

wmsp. workmanship 手工, 车工 wt. weight 重量 x king size 特大号 xl extra large 特大号 xxl extra extra large 超特大号 y. yellow 黄色

yd. yardage 码数(typed by jandy)

服装专业英语(车缝) (车位:machinist)

attach collar 上领 back stitch 回针/返针 bartack 打枣 bartacker 打枣车 basting 挑缝 binder 滚边蝴蝶 binding 包边 blind stitch 暗线

blind stitch machine 盲缝车 blinding 挑脚 break stitch 断线

bundle system 执扎系统 button holing 开钮门

button holing machine 钮门车 buttoning 钉钮

buttoning machine 钉钮车 casing 容位

chain stitch 锁链线步

chain stitch machine 锁链车 clean finish 还口

covering stitch 拉覆线步 crease line 裤中骨 cross crotch 十字骨 crotch 浪顶 cut & sewn 切驳 dart (死)褶

double needle fell seam 双针埋夹

double needle lockstitch machine 双针平车 edge stitching 间边线

elastic waistband 橡筋裤头 embroidery 绣花/车花 final inspection 尾期检查 fitting 试身

five threads overlock machine 5线及骨车 flat seam 平缝 flow chart 流程表 flow control 流程控制 fold back facing 原身出贴 folder 拉筒蝴蝶 fullness 宽松位

fusing interlining 粘朴 handling 执手时间 hanger 衣架 hemmer 卷边靴

hemming 卷边

in-process inspection 中期检查 ironing 熨烫 iron-shine 烫起镜 join crotch 埋小浪 labour cost 劳工成本 looping 起耳仔 material 物料 missed stitch 漏针 notch 扼位

off pressing 终烫

one layer yoke 一片担干 open seam 开骨

operation break down 分科

overhead 厂皮(企业一般管理费) overlap 重迭,搭位

overlocked 锁边,及骨

overlocked with 5 threads 五线及骨 overtime working 加班 piece rate 记件工资 piper 镶边蝴蝶 piping (嵌边)捆条 press open 烫开骨

pressing 熨烫

production schedule 生产排期 puckering 起皱 quilting 间棉 run stitch 运线 seam 缝骨

set in sleeve 上袖

sewing machine attachments 车缝附件

sewing waistband with waistband m/c (用拉裤头车)拉裤头

single needle lockstitch machine 单针平车 stay tape 胸衬条 stitch 针步

three threads overlock machine 3线及骨车 top stitching 间线 trimming 剪线 tucking 打排褶

two layer yoke 双层担干 under pressing 中烫

waistband is extension of body 原身裤头

wrapseam 包骨 wrinkle 不平服,皱褶

zig-zag stitch 人字线步(typed by jandy)


bias cut 斜纹裁/纵纹裁 bundling 执扎 bend knife 万能式电剪 c.m.t. 来料加工 cross cut 横纹裁 cutting room 裁床 cu


tting table 裁床 die 刀模

die cutting machine 冲床 drafting 绘图 drill 锥子 drilling 钻孔位 drinking 缩水 grading 放码 grain 布纹

hand shear 剪刀 handling 执手 layout 排料

marker 唛架

marker copier 唛架复印机 pattern 纸样

plaid matching 对格 planning board 经济排唛 predrinking 预缩

productiong pattern 生产纸样 remnant 布尾, 零码布 rotary knife 圆刀式电剪 shading 色差

size specification 尺码表 splicing 驳布位 spreading 拉布

spreading machine 拉布机 straight cut 直纹裁 straight knife 直刀式电剪 swatch 布办

tolerance 抛位, 宽松量 weights 压铁(typed by jandy)


armhole 夹圈 back 后幅 back rise 后浪
