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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 11:32:36 写作技巧



1. I assume you always get up at the same time. A

A.suppose B.assure C.propose D.pose

2. The disabled aircraft descended steeply to the ground and burst into flames. B

A.triggered B.plunged C.plagued D.inclined

3. We anticipate great pleasure from out visit to London. A

A.look forward to B.assure C.adhere D.abuse

4. The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to ascertain. C

A.invest B.assert C.identify D.prescribe

5. Nothing can compensate the young mother for the loss of her favorite daughter. B

A.anticipate B.compensate C.plunge D.estimate

6. Sophisticated laser experiments are performed regularly in the laboratory C

A.triggered B.estimated C.performed D.assumed

7. I’d just as sooner you didn’t tell her about it C

A.that you won’t tell B.you not tell C.you didn’t tell D.your not telling

8. I would gladly have attended your wedding if you had invited me. D

A.would have invited me B.invited me C.could have invited me D.had invited me

1. Eventually, the case proved to have nothing to do with him. D

A. Remarkably B. Naturally C. Noticeably D. Ultimately

2. All living things have certain attributes that are passed on from one generation to the next C

A.cells B.viruses C.traits D.flaws

3. His wife left him when the children were small , so he effectively brought up the family himself B

A.participatory B.effectively C.offensively D.sensitively

4. The plan for a new office tower went ahead regardless of local opposition. C

A.in behalf of B.on behalf of C.regardless of D.in the name of

5. He is trying all kinds of materials to learn which of them can be used . C

A.what of them can be B.that they can be C.which of them can be D.which of them be

6. His family had almost forgotten what his face was like. C

A.how his face was B.which was his face C.what his face was D.That his face was

1. We can knowledge by reading books,newspapers, and by watching TV. Acquire

2. Loyal

3. Noted

4. Startled

5. Responsibility

6. Rewarding

7. Gennine

8. Bumped into

9. Purchased

10. Eventually

1.To meet the needs of the war a general call for troops was given. A

A.issued B.tissued C.carried D.renewed

2.Next day was to be the great mass-meeting to show the importance of the Russian revolution. B

A.sympathize B.celebrate C.suffer D.investigate

3.John was saying sorry to susan for having kept her waiting A.

A.was apologizing B.was applying C.was affiliating D.was awarding

4.Plain,simple clothes are suitable for school wear. A.

A.appropriate B.appreciative C.academic D.approachable

5.His failure resulted from not working hard enough . B

A.resulted in B.resulted from C.aside from D.apart from

6.All the building had been turned into hospitals. D

A.turned out B.turned off C.turned in D.turned into

7.Do you know the exact time when the meeting will begin? B

A.which B.when C.why D.as

8.She wanted to join the group of men whose work was to explore the mysteries of the mountains. D

A.their work B.who work C.who D.whose work

1. I can’t work this complex new equipment B

A.cunning B.sophisticated C.cute D.supplicant

2. She refused to talk about her family’s pains and sorrows during the war. D

A.conscience B.sympathy C.apology D.suffering

3. The freedom of speech under a dictatorship in not very practical A

A.academic B.historic C.conscious D.proper

4. Jean ‘s got no moral sense. She ‘d steal anything from anybody. D

A.academy B.apply C.suffer D.conscience.

5 though it looked like rain this morning ,it has turned out to be a fine day. A

A.turned out to be B.turned up to be C.turned in to be D.turned to be

6. Sandy and Mary began to discuss old times. D

A.in practice B.in total C.in summary D.in earnest

7. Many things considered impossible in the past are common today. A

A.considered B.to consider C.considering D.being considered

8. The machine being produced in our factory these days is a new type of electronic

computer. B

A.to produce B.being produced C.produce D.to be producing

1. It is possible that she will call me tonight A

A.likely B.probably C.efficient D.affluent

2. I’m so thankful to you for all that you’ve done. B

A.basic B.grateful C.gratitude D.granted

3. He will do anything to achieve his aim B

A>reflect B.achieve C.realize D.pursuit

4. The union is on strike in pursuit of a 10% pay increase . A

A.pursuit B.significant C.bare D.torture

5. The house strikes you as welcoming when you go in . C

A.owes B.struck C.strikes D.beats

6. He tried hard to live up to his parents’ expectations. A

A.live up to B.live up in C.live up D.live up with

7. I’d rather he visited me tomorrow . A

A.visited B.visit C.visiting D.will visit

8. But that he had seen it, he could not have believed it. A

A. Had seen B.had not seen C.didn’t see D.has seen

1. She had supposed human ingenuity would find ways to overcome food shortages and overpopulation B. Cleverness

2. Delicate Japanese trees were replaced by sturdier North American trees.


3. The powers of the atom are bout to be harnessed for ever-greater production. D.utilized

4. Her poverty was a handicap in her career. A. Disadvantage

5. He had a distinct feeling that something was wrong. B. Clear

6. Those physicians and specialists’ finding was a great breakthrough in their fight against heart disease. A.achievement.

同义词 Suitable difficulty dismiss economical sufficient Ultimately

the next traits at a slow pace sounds little progress


The Teaching plan for Synonym

Appendix: 小学英语同义词

away 离开—off 离开/走开(通常与不同的动词搭配)

because 因为(因果语气较强,常搭配句子)—for 因为(因果语气较弱,可搭配短语和句子)

break 休息/中断(常指短时休息)—rest 休息(相对时间较长) cup 小茶杯—glass 玻璃杯 clothes 衣服(总称)—dress 衣服(长裙、某类衣服的总称,如:evening dress, modern dress) dinner 正餐/晚餐—supper 晚餐

daddy(儿语)爸爸—dad(口语)爸爸—father(书面语)爸爸 evening 傍晚—night 晚上

talk about的同义词

fast 快的—quick 快的

great 伟大的/大的—big 大的(常指形状的大小)

hello 喂/hi 嗨(相对较为正式)—hey 喂/嘿(相对较为随便)

high 高的(通常搭配高山、高楼等)—tall 高的(通常搭配人物、树木等) job 职业/工作(可数名词使用)—work 工作(不可数名词) Mr.先生(搭配姓氏使用)—sir 先生(通常单独使用表称呼) like 喜欢—love 喜爱(喜欢的程度相对较深) little 小—small 小

meeting 会议—party 聚会

mummy(儿语)妈妈—mum(口语)妈妈—mother(书面语)妈妈 ride 骑(马、自行车)—drive 驾驶(车辆) often 经常/常常—usually 通常(频度更高) picture 照片/图片—photo 照片 problem 问题/难题—question 问题 ship 船/轮船—boat 船/小船

too 也(置于句尾)—also 也(置于句中)

wear 穿着(较为强调状态)—put on 穿上(强调动作)





这是最常见的一种替换形式,通常就是换同义词或近义词,但并不见得简单。笔者在上课时一定会给学生先做一个单词的matching,把“protection, wet, smell, tooth”分别和“soaking, conservation, dental, odour”进行配对,能真正完全做对的其实不多,而这些词都是在考试中会出到的同义替换。以往的阅读题特别是填空一般总有些词不太会换,以确保考生能在文中能找到该题。但现在的出题方向基本是能换就换,比如剑7Test1Q6中有组词’arm or leg’,学生以为如此具体明确的词应该不会换,平时也没怎么见过这俩词的同义词,殊不知文章还是丧心病狂的把它们换成了limb这个单词,而这个词对于相当一部分学生来说是陌生的。积累这类同近义词对很多烤鸭来说非常痛苦,阅读词汇本来就数量庞大,而同近义词更是不胜枚举,对于此种同义替换的形式,同学们主动去找去背工作量太大,建议最好的解决方法就是边做题边积累。在做真题的过程中,一定要把题目中出现到的同义替换随时记录积累,并且还可以适当应用于写作当中。


阅读有一类词一旦在题目中出现了,那么在文章中基本不会再出现原词。比如“the location of the first cinema”当中的“location”,在文章里十有八九会换成国家城市街道门牌号之类的具体地点信息。这种词叫概括词,特点是泛指某类信息,常见的还有effect, reason, when, how, problem?,这类词如果在题目中出现,文章中一般会将其具体化。比如effect会给具体的影响,reason会给具体的原因等。这类词不多,常出现在heading、段落信息配对这类题型中,我们比较容易辨认。烤鸭们平时做题碰上了,一定要先考虑一下文中可



这类替换比较隐蔽和难以捉摸。比如剑5Test3Q27中有个表达“military impact”(军事影响),文中换成了battlefield(战场)。严格意义来说,战场并不等同于军事,但属于军事这一范畴,是同类概念。因此,这类替换的特点是会用同范畴的词来进行指代,这种替换在真题中并不少见。比如题目中出现food,文中换成了agriculture,farming,fishing等;题目出现了speed,文中换成了quickly。针对这种替换形式,烤鸭们一定要多留心眼,注意目标词同类范畴的词汇。比如以后见到military,那文中可能找到的是gun之类的,见到speed,可能会出现slow,一定要学会自己总结,举一反三。


这类替换一般针对词组或是句子,难度更高,有时还需要联系上下文才能理解。比如剑5Test1Q9中有个词组“since his death”,很多同学用death去定位,却无法找到相关信息,无论是death还是其同义词都没有出现。其实文章中坑爹的换成“in ours”这个表达,这个需要联系上文中提到的he是个十八世纪的人,那么他“in ours”在我们这个时候显然是不可能还活着,自然就对应了“since his death”。这种替换还常出现在判断题中,比如剑6Test2Q7“Efficient cities can improve the quality for their inhabitants.”文中对应的句子是“?these more efficient cities were able to put the difference into attracting industry and jobs or creating a better place to live.”该题答案为TRUE,但很多同学都不太明白为什么,这个地方主要是文章中的“creating a better place to live”就算是“improve the quality for their inhabitants”的一个方面,这需要一定的逻辑推理才能得出,也算是替换的一种形式,而且这种替换形式或多或少会带上西方人的思考方式,和我们的思维方式有一定的差异。解决这类替换的方法主要靠通过练题和精读文章来理解出题人的意图,这对我们出国以后尽快适应国外的生活学习模式也很有帮助。


Cambridge 8 TEST 1

1. agree=concur=go along with=fall in with=go with v.同意

2. sceptic and advocate=different attitude 不同的看法

3. significance=impressive=meaning=sense n.重要性

4. meditation: the practice of emptying your mind of thoughts and feelings, in order to relax completely or for religious reasons n.冥想,沉思

5. parapsychology: the scientific study of mysterious abilities that some people claim to have, such as knowing what will happen in the future n.通灵学

6. environment=condition=light, sound, warmth=situation=circumstance n.环境

7. alter=change=revise=make changes v. 改变

8. trial=experiment=test n.实验

9. success rate=positive result=achievement=progress=breakthrough=accomplishment n.成就

10. pick out=identify=recognize=know=tell v.认出,识别

11. limit=minimize=maximum=the most=ceiling=cut-off point v.限制

12. different=individual=not like=vary=not the same=contrast with=diverse adj.独特的

13. invention=device=creation=innovation n.发明,装置

14. cold temperature=freezing weather=chilly=frosty=wintry=cold snap adj.寒冷的

15. farming=agriculture n.农业

16. simultaneous=at the same time=together=at once=at one time adj.同时的

17. uniform=equal=homogeneous adj.均衡的

18. devise=formulate=invent=create=come up with=make up=conceive=coin=dream up v.创造

19. civil=municipal=metropolitan adj.城市的

20. divide=split=separate=break up=break down=take apart=take something to piece v. 分开

21. new=revolutionary=original=innovation=fresh=novel=be in its infancy adj.新的,革命的

22. create=introduce=invent=make sth. do sth.=be the cause=lead to sth. v..发明

23. organize=co-ordinate=arrange=set out=put something in order=line up v.组织,使协调

24. public event=communal activity 公众、社交活动

25. aviation disaster=sky accident=air crash 空难

26. prompt=result in=lead to=make somebody do something=cause somebody to do something=lead somebody to do something=motivate=induce somebody to do something v. 导致

27. resemble=like=similar=alike=much the same=comparable v.类似

28. oversimplify=incomplete=simplistic=generalize=see things in black and white adj. 过于简化的,不完整的

29. altitude=from?meters above the ground=height=how high=level n.高度

30. zone=airspace=region=area=district=quarter=block=suburb n.区域

31. weather=meteorological=climate=condition n.气候

32. categorize=class / type=sort=classify=be grouped=grade v.分类

33. create=establish=invent=start up=open=set up=found=inception v.创建

34. beacon and flashing=light=beam n.灯光

35. improve=develop=evolve=get better=catch up=pick up=things are looking up v.发展,进化

36. aircraft=plane=by air n.飞机

37. average-sized=medium-sized adj. 中等的

38. city=metropolitan=urban=town=village=civic=municipal=downtown n.城市

39. pendulum : a long metal stick with a weight at the bottom that swings regularly from side to side to control the working of a clock n.钟摆

40. coincidental : happening completely by chance without being planned adj.巧合的

Cambridge 8 TEST 2

drastically : extreme and sudden adv.彻底地

carry out : subject to : 使服从

remain=stay=keep=continue to be=still v.保持

detect=inspect=examine=notice=spot=become aware /

conscious=note=conserve=perceive v.检查

fault=flaw=defect=trouble=bug=virus=be something wrong with=be something matter with n.缺陷,缺点

enough=sufficient=adequate=cover=meet somebody's need adj.足够的

main=largely=principal=chief=major=key=primary=prime=predominant=core adj.主要的:

documentation=written account=evidence=proof n.证明


Causes of Synonyms

Synonyms are words with the same or similar meaning. Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy. An example of synonyms is the words begin and commence. Likewise, if we talk about a long time or an extended time, long and extended become synonyms.

Universally, when talking about the synonyms, we should go over the history of English and we can see many synonyms emerged in the Middle Ages after the Norman conquest of England. While England's new ruling class spoke Norman French, the lower classes continued to speak Old English. Thus, today we have synonyms like the Norman-derived "people", "liberty" and "archer" and the Saxon-derived "folk", "freedom" and "bowman". This can be a proper example of the synonyms used in different classes to express one same sense.

In addition to the synonyms originated fromdifferent classes, there are also some from different regions. As the English has already become a universal language, it is more and more available to people of different regions. Hence, more different words expressing the same sense come into being. A typical example is that the wordautumn is used in British English while in American English it is the word fall in use.

In linguistics the above two causes of synonyms are named to be the dialectal causes.

A second reason to explain the synonyms is the emotional coloring. When people convey a certain packet of information with their own feeling, they tend to use more detailed words, such as the commendatory word statesman and the neutral word politician in politics.

Thirdly, it's the formality that can produce synonyms. In daily life people seldom use standard formal written language to communicate with each other. On the contrary, to express the same information in different context of different formality, people would like to use such synonyms as father and dad.

Fourthly, some synonyms come from their different collocation rules. When we describe something not existed or lived very long, we must use synonyms young for a person and new for a material thing. For example, the man is young and the car is new. In syntax, transitive verbs and intransitive verbs of the same sense have their relative collocation rules, which enable them synonyms in actual use. For example, we can see the word wait must be followed by the preposition forwhile it is not the case with the wordawait.

To sum up, causes of synonyms can be classified as sociological ones such as the dialectal differences and emotional coloring differences, and the linguistic ones such as the formality differences and collocation

differences. In other words, all these causes above can help to explain the fact that no total synonyms are existed and the so-called synonyms are all context-dependent or we can say the so-called synonyms have such differences listed above.


