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篇一:世界十大品牌巧克力 英文版


发布时间: 2013-01-18 09:54 来源:中奢网


排名第一的是瑞士已有70年历史的顶级巧克力特舒亚(Teuscher),旗下产品有100多个品种,在北美、欧洲、中东、加勒比海地区都开有专卖店。 特舒亚对品质的管控极为严苛,只选用上佳的天然原料,成本再高也在所不惜,像化学合成物、添加剂、防腐剂这类的东西更是绝对没有。香槟松露巧克力是特舒亚的特色产品。

剩下的9个品牌中,有5个是美国制造。而一些久负盛名的品牌,如成立于1857年的比利时纽豪斯(Neuhaus)和法国的米歇尔·柯兹(Michel Cluizel),以及意大利的巧克力界新贵Amedei,这次却榜上无名。

The 10 Best Chocolatiers in the World

Posted by Intelligent Travel

on December 28, 2012

An array of chocolates at the Godiva Factory. (Photograph by Everjean, Flickr)


Teuscher (Zurich, Switzerland)

Teuscher’s version of a box of chocolate. (Photograph by MaakoTazawa, Flickr)

The Teuscher chocolate tradition began more than 70 years ago in a small town in the Swiss Alps. DolfTeuscher scoured the world to find the finest cocoa, marzipan, fruits, nuts, and other ingredients with which to make his confectionery. After years of experimenting, he skillfully blended these ingredients into his now famous recipes.

Today the Teuscher kitchens in Zurich make more than 100 varieties of chocolates using these original recipes, which have been handed down from father to son. Only the finest

and most expensive natural ingredients are used, and absolutely no chemicals, additives, or preservatives are added.The house specialty is a champagne truffle, a blend of fresh cream, butter, and chocolate with a champagne cream center, dusted with confectioner’s sugar. Chocolates are flown to Teuscher stores worldwide weekly.

2. Vosges Haut-Chocolat (Chicago, Illinois, USA)

Owner and chocolatier Katrina Markoffchooses every spice, flower, and chocolate that is flown into the Vosges kitchen to be transformed into fine chocolates. She learned the art of French confectionery at Le Cordon Bleu (转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:关于巧克力的英语作文)in Paris. Further inspired by her global apprenticeships, infusions of rare spices and flowers are combined with premium chocolate in truffles such as Mexican vanilla bean and Argentinean dulce de leche. 3.

Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker, Inc. (Berkeley, California, USA)

Scharffen Berger chocolate bars wrapped in a bow. (Photograph by John Loo, Flickr)

Specializing in dark chocolate, Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker is a premier chocolate manufacturer. It executes each step of the manufacturing process itself, all the way from bean to bar, to ensure that its finished chocolate delivers a flavor like no other. The

chocolate-makers first find the finest cacao available, then carefully taste and blend beans of different origins to create a unique flavor profile. All the chocolate is made in small batches using artisanal manufacturing methods. In addition to its ready-to-eat bars, Scharffen Berger makes a variety of baking chocolates.

4. Jacques Torres Chocolate (New York, New York, USA)

When you step into Jacques Torres Chocolate, you feel as though you’ve stepped into a small European specialty store. Many customers compare the experience to the

movie Chocolat. Jacques specializes in fresh, handcrafted chocolates. Eat them there, where cafe tables encourage you to sit, sip hot chocolate, and enjoy a freshly baked pain au chocolat — or take a selection home. Visitors often can see the chocolate goodies being prepared behind large glass windows. There are five Jacques Torres Chocolate shops in the city, plus one in Harrah’s in Atlantic City.

5. Norman Love Confections (Ft. Myers, Florida, USA)

Unwrapping Valrhona’sAmpamakia bar. (Photograph by Everjean, Flickr)

“Chocolate is my passion,” says Norman Love, who dreamed of making chocolate that was visually stunning as well as delicious. Love and a partner perfected a technique in which the colored designs for each candy are hand-painted or airbrushed into chocolate molds, which are then filled with the finest chocolate imported from Belgium, France, and Switzerland. The pumpkin white chocolate bonbon is almost too gorgeous to eat. Using only the freshest ingredients, his recipes call for pureed raspberries, bananas, ginger, caramel, passionfruit, and hazelnuts, to name a few.

6. Valrhona (France)

Valrhona has been creating exceptional gourmet chocolate since 1922, with cocoa beans purchased directly from premier plantations in South America, the Caribbean, and Pacific regions. The chocolate, made in the French style, comes in a variety of bars. Valrhona was one of the first chocolatiers to describe its chocolate like wine, labeling creations

as grand cru, single origins, single estate, and vintage chocolate from bean to bar. In 2008, it introduced spicy, salty Xocopili.

7. Godiva Chocolatier (Brussels, Belgium and worldwide)

It’s all about finishing touches at Godiva. (Photograph by Everjean, Flickr)

The beginning of Godiva chocolates traces back to a 1920s chocolate- and sweet-making workshop owned and operated by the Draps family in Brussels, Belgium. Their “pralines,” typical Belgian filled chocolates, were sold in the large, highly fashionable shops. At the age of 14, Joseph Draps went into the family business. Over the years, he developed both


Book report

Title:Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Author:Roald Dahl


Publish place and time:England 1964

There was a boy named Charlie who lives with his parents and elderly grandparents in a small wooden house on the edge of a great town. Though he lives in this poor family, Charlie really had a happy time with his family.

In this family, there wasn't enough money to buy proper food for them all and Charlie felt it worst of all. The one thing he longed for more than anything else was chocolate. The truth was that only once a year on his birthday did Charlie ever get to taste a bit of chocolate. The whole family save up their money for the special occasion.

However, in the town itself, there was an enormous chocolate factory and it wasn't simply an ordinary enormous chocolate factory either. It was the largest and most famous in the whole world. It was Wonka's factory owned by a mam called Mr Willy Wonka, the greatest inventor and maker of chocolates that had ever been. But it was really a mysterious factory for the great iron

gates were locked and chained. Likewise,Mr Wonka was nowhere to be seen. Nobody's gone in and nobody ever came out either.

One day, Mr Wonka announced a notice. He would invite five lucky children to get around his factory and they would have enough chocolate to eat. Five golden tickets had been printed on golden paper and these five golden tickets had been hidden under neath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary bars of chocolate. The five lucky finders of these five golden tickets were the only ones who would be allowed to visit his factory and see what it was like noe inside. The world suddenly set off the purchase of Wonka chocolate. The lucky one after another appeared. The first golden ticket was found by Augustus Gloop who was a greedy boy and he ate so many bars of chocolate a day. The second golden ticket was found by a little girl called Veruca Salt who was spoiled by her parents. The third golden ticket was found by Violet Beauregarde who chew gum all day long. And the next golden ticket was found by Mike Teavee who did nothing but watched TV. Luckily, the last ticket was found by Charlie who was the hero. Visiting the chocolate factory was an unusual experience. There were green meadows on either side of the valley and along the bottom of it there flowed a great brown river. What's more, there was a waterfall halfway along the river. The secret of workers turned out to be Oompa-Loompa. They were wonderful

workers. As they got around the factory, the other four child lost control. For all this, Charlie didn't loose of sense of excitement because of momentary. At last the most unbelievable thing happened. Charlie had become the final winner. Mr Wonka decided to give his factory to little Charlie. After reading this novel, I have a very deep impression on Charlie and the chocolate factory. First of all, i am really satisfied with the end of the story. To be honest ,it's absolutely a perfect ending with the outcome of the family. On one hand, Charlie was actually a very kind boy. Though he had a poor family which might not offer him enough food and delicious chocolate, he never showed any compliment about these, on the contrary, he loved his family deeply. On his birthday, he was willing to share his unique present-chocolate with his whole family. I am really moved by all of this he did. Meanwhile, now many children are quiet selfless and they will never be willing to share what they have owned with the other people including their family. They just cann't compare with the little hero Charlie. In the novel,the other four children are just not wonderful at all. They always carried with bad habits. What they could do were just eating all the time or attempted to get everything that they wanted from their parents. In my opinion , they were just too awful to live their precious childhood. On the other hand, I really have a

beautiful fantasy about the mysterious chocolate factory. When I read this novel it really makes my mouth water. I think every reader will have the same idea with me if they loose themselves in reading this novel. At last, I just want to say it's definitely a wonderful story to express my love to this novel.


篇四:查理和巧克力工厂 英文介绍

Hello everybody, today I will introduce a movie to you. it’s name is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .

There is a boy named Charlie, who lives in a small wooden house with his family, they are poor but happy. From the window of Charlie`s room, you can see the world's largest chocolate factory - Wonka chocolate factory. The owner of the factory is a genius chocolate wiz Willy Wonka. Every night in Charlie`s

dreamland, he fancies himself to enter the factory. One day, Mr. Wonka announces a notice, he will invite five lucky children to his chocolate factory. The world suddenly set off the purchase of Wonka chocolate craze, the lucky one after another appeared, Charlie is one of them.

Among the other four winners are Veruca, a spoiled rich girl; Augustus, a

gluttonous kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet, a champion trophy gum chewer; and Mike, a kid who spends more time watching TV and playing video games than anything else. Once inside, Charlie is dazzled by one amazing sight after another. other four children have lost control in this fantastic word . Augustus is so greedy that he fell into the chocolate river. The worker in the factory sing a song ridicule the boy, let us enjoy it together

Violet didn’t listen to Mr Wonka, she eat the gum in research, then she turn to a blue berry.

When they get into the nut sorting room, veruka want a trained squirrel, and she catch it by herself.

Finally. Charlie has become the winner. Wiley Wonka give Charlie the chocolate factory. The whole family move into the factory. For nearly fifteen years, no one has seen a single worker going in or coming out of the factory, or caught a glimpse of Wonka himself, yet, great quantities of chocolate are still being made and shipped all over the world.




Q1. 请问你看到或者听说哪些巧克力的品牌呢?还有吗?还有吗?[将被访者回答的第一个品牌记录在“第一提及”Q1a(单选)下面,“其它提及”记录在Q1b(复选)下面]

Which chocolate brand have you seen or heard of? Probe (write the first brand name under TOM Q1a (SA); write others under Q1b (MA).

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q2. 除了你刚才提到的品牌之外,你还看到或听说过卡片上的哪些巧克力品牌呢?还有吗?还有吗?(复选)

Besides the brand name you have mentioned, have you seen or heard of any chocolate brand names on the card? (MA) Probe

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q3. 请问你过去曾经买过哪些品牌的巧克力呢? (复选)

Which brand of chocolate have you purchased before? (MA)

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q4. 请问您最常买的是哪个品牌的巧克力?(单选)

Which brand of chocolate do you purchase most often? (SA)

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q5 请问您在过去6个月中曾经吃过哪些品牌的巧克力呢?(复选)

Which brands of chocolate have you had in last 6 months? (MA) (Sara – in the Chinese translaton, does “had” relate to “ate.” Yes

Recommend to add some time period, like a year, so to read: Which brands of chocolate have you had I the past year?) I think if “6 months”is better?

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q6 请问您最常吃哪个品牌的巧克力?(单选)

Which brand of chocolate do you have most often? (SA) (Sara – add Mauna Loa, Paton’s [direct competitors to HH] and Guylian [2nd tier competitor to HH])

Q1a Q1b Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6


TOM 其他提及

Others (specify) 提示提及

Aided awareness 买过

Have purchased 最常买

Purchase most often 吃过

Have had 最常吃

Most often have

好邻居 好时 德芙 Dove 吉百利 Cadbury

kat 金帝 施华 费列罗 士力架9

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q7 请问您平均多久购买一次巧克力?(单选)

How often do you purchase chocolate? (SA)

一天一?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我陨?More than once a day 1

一天一次 Once a day 2

一星期4-6次 4-6 times per week 3

一星期2-3次 2-3 times per week 4

一星期一次 Once a week 5

两星期一次 Once every 2 weeks 6

两星期一次以下 Less 7

[出示示卡] Show Card

M&M 奇巧 Kit

Q8 请问您经常在哪购买巧克力呢?(单选)

Where do you often purchase chocolate? (SA)

超市 Supermarket 1

仓储式超市 Warehouse supermarket 2

杂货店 Grocery 3

糖果店 Candy shop 4

便利店 Convenience shop 5

其他(请注明)Other (please specify) 97

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q9 请问您购买巧克力通常作为什么用途?

What is the normal use of chocolate?

自己享用 Self consuming 1

与同事/朋友分享 Share with friends 2

与家人分享 Share with family 3

作为礼物送给恋人(一般场合) 4

Gift to lover (normal occasion)

作为礼物送给恋人(特殊场合) 5

Gift to lover (special occasion)

作为礼物送朋友 Gift to friends 6

其他(请注明)Other (please specify) 97

Q10 请问您通常会购买什么包装的巧克力(包含太妃糖、巧克力棒等巧克力产品)?

In which package do you usually purchase chocolate(include toffee ,bar)? Also candy bar

精美礼盒装 Delicate gift pack 1 Sara- Is this is gift box? Yes

袋装 Bag pack 2

散装 Loose pack 3

其他(请注明)________________ 97

Other, please specify

Q11 请问您在购买巧克力的时候通常会考虑到哪些因素? (多选)

What factors do you usually consider when you are purchasing chocolate? (MA) Q12 在所有考虑的因素中,您认为哪个因素最重要?(单选)

Which is the most important factor? (SA)

Q11 Q12

品牌 Brand name 1 1

价格 Price 2 2

促销 Promotion 3 3

包装精美 Nice packaging 4 4

物有所值 Money for value 5 5

口味 Taste 6 6

产地 Origin 7 7

购买方便 Purchase convenience 8 8

香味(Aroma) 9 9

新鲜程度(Freshness) 10 10

其他(请注明_______) Other 97 97

Sara: Also – freshness.

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q13 以下哪些描述巧克力的语句是符合您对巧克力的看法的?(多选)(没有对错,只需要您的真实看法)

Do the following descriptions reflect your view of chocolate? (MA) (There will be no right or wrong, as we need

your true opinion)

高级的糖果 High class sweets 1

最佳补充能量的食品 Best energy food 2

表达爱意、甜蜜的食品 3

Food repressing affection and sweet

容易长胖的食品 Fattening food 4

不利于健康的食品 Unhealthy food 5

好吃、上瘾的食品 Tasty and addicting food 6

对自己的一种奖赏a deserved indulgence or treat 7

其他(请注明)_______ Other 97

Sara - Also, how about a deserved indulgence or treat

[出示示卡] Show Card

Q14 请问您吃巧克力的频率? The frequency you have chocolate Sara-Have meaning eat?yes

一天一次以上More than once a day 1

一天一次Once a day 2

一星期4-6次4-6 times per week 3

一星期2-3次2-3 times per week 4

一星期一次Once a week 5

两星期一次Once every 2 weeks 6

两星期一次以下 Less 7
