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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 22:26:05 体裁作文

篇一:Go to the doctor

Go To The Doctor

Take a deep breath. Stick out your tongue.

Come see Doctor Grizzly while you are young.

“Tomorrow,” said Mama Bear as she help the cubs get ready for bed, “you’ll be going to the doctor for a checkup.”

“Doctor?” said Brother Bear. “We’re not sick!”

“And what’s a checkup?” asked Sister Bear, a little worried.

“It’s just what it sounds like,” said Mama. “Dr. Grizzly will check to see if you are growing the way healthy cubs should.”

“Will it hurt?” asked Sister, pulling the covers up close.

“Now, now,” said Papa Bear as he kissed her good night. “You just settle down. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about.”

But Sister wasn’t so sure.

The next morning, after a good breakfast, the family got into their red roadster and were on their way.

“Do you ever get checkups, Mama?” Sister asked as they drove along the dusty dirt road.

“Yes, I do,” answered Mama.

“I don’t need checkups anymore,” bragged Papa. “Because I…I… never get sick.”

“That was quite a sneeze,” said Mama.

“It’s this dusty road,” said Papa, turning onto the main highway into Beartown.

They pulled to a stop in front of the doctor’s office.

“Come, cubs!” said Mama. “We don’t want to be late for our appointment.”

But Brother held back. He remembered something.

“Are we going to get shots?” he asked.

“That’s up to…to…to… the doctor,” said Papa, sneezing an even bigger sneeze than before.

“Bless you!” said Mama.

“It’s just this bright sunlight,” said Papa. “I never get sick.”

The doctor’s waiting room was a busy, cheerful place with pictures on the walls, books to look at, and puzzles to do. Brother started a puzzle. Sister took a book, but didn’t really look at it. Other bears were coming in –and she looked around the room at them. There were cubs of all ages with their parents.

Some of the smallest cubs looked a little worried. Sister smiled at them so they wouldn’t be afraid.

There was a big cub with a cast on his leg. It had names and funny drawings all over it.

He let Brother write his name on it for luck, and Sister drew a picture. There was even a little baby cub only a few weeks old.

“Next!” called Dr. Grizzly. It was Brother’s and Sister’s turn.

Dr. Grizzly was friendly, but she got right down to work. She had a lot of bears to take care of and not much time to waste.

First, she weighed and measured the cubs.

“Fine!” she said. “You’ve both gained weight nicely, and grown taller.” She listened to their chest with a stethoscope.

And poked them all over to check on everything inside.

Then, Dr. Grizzly took each cub’s temperature to see if it was normal…

-ninety –eight point six.

She checked their throats.

Then, she looked at their eyes,


And noses with a special little light.

Next, she tested their hearing by whispering very softly.

Then came the eye test. Brother read every letter except the very smallest. Sister didn’t know all the letters yet, so she read a special chart that looked like this:

“Very good!” said the doctor, as she studied some paper in a folder. Sister whispered to Brother,” so far, it hasn’t hurt at all!”

“Well, that pretty much takes care of it,” said Dr. Grizzly, looking through her eyeglasses at the papers, “except for one thing. I see it’s time for your booster shots.”

“I knew it!” said Brother.

“Why do we have to have shots when we’re not even sick?” asked Sister.

“Now, Sister,” said Papa, “the doc…doc…doc..AH-CHOO!...doctor knows best!”

“Bless you,” said Dr. Grizzly. “And that’s a very good question, Sister…”

As she got the shots ready, she called out into the waiting room, “I’ve got a brave little cub in here who’s going to show you all how to take a shot!”

“Getting back to your question, Sister,” said Dr. Grizzly. “You see, there are some kinds of medicine that you take after you get sick, and those are very useful. But this kind of shot is a special medicine that keeps you from getting sick.”

“Will it hurt?” asked Sister.

“Not nearly as much as biting your tongue or bumping your skin,” the doctor explained. “There! All done!”

Dr. Grizzly was right! And it happened so fast that Sister didn’t even have time to say ouch!

The little cubs who were watching were very impressed.

So was Brother.

After Brother’s shot, Papa said, “Well, Doctor, we’ll be go…go…go… -going now.”

“Just a minute, Papa Bear,” said Dr. Grizzly. “Let me have a look at you.”

“But, I never get sick…” Papa started to say.

“Hmmm…temperature above normal.

“Hmmm…throat red.

“Hmmm…nose all stuffed.”

篇二:英语:Unit 2 Topic 1 You'd better go to see a doctor同步试题(无答案)(仁爱英语八年级上)


班级 姓名 成绩

Unit 2 Keeping Healthy

Topic 1 You'd better go to see a doctor.

一、听力部分 (20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择最佳答语。

( ) 1. A. I have a bad cold . B. I’ll be a dentist .

C. I took the train to school .

( ) 2. A. Three years ago . B. For two years

. C. In three years .

( ) 3. A. They shouldn’t argue .

B. You should say you’re sorry .

C. It’s not easy .

( ) 4. A. Yes , there is . B. No ,there won’t .

C. No , there aren’t .

( ) 5. A. I think she’ll be a teacher .

B. I think she’ll live in an apartment .

C. I think there will be more buses .

Ⅱ. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)

( ) 6. The mother took her son to see a doctor ,

because he had a bad cold .

( ) 7. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with the boy .

( ) 8. The good eggs made the boy speak .

( ) 9. His mother was glad to hear her son speak .

( ) 10. The boy didn’t speak before ,

because his mother wouldn’t let him speak .



( ) 1. What’s the matter ____________ Sally ?

A. with B. to C. for D. in

( ) 2. Hot tea __________ honey is good for that .

A. have B. has C. had D. with

A. shouldn’t ; should B. should ; should

C. should ; shouldn’t D. shouldn’t ; shouldn’t

( ) 4. I hope you feel ____________ soon .

( ) 5. —I have a fever .

—You should __________ .

A. see a dentist B. lie down and rest

( ) 3. You are too tired . You _________ rest and you __________ go to the movies . A. bad B. sick C. well D. good

C. drink lots of water D. both B and C

( ) 6. He should ___________ a doctor .

A. sees B. saw C. seeing D. see

( ) 7. —When did you finish it ?

—About ten minutes ____________ .

A. before B. ago C. later D. late

( ) 8. Are you ___________ well ?

A. feel B. feels C. feeling D. felt

( ) 9. It’s important __________ the teacher carefully in class .

A. to listen B.listen to C. to listen to D. listen

( ) 10. You ___________ talk in class .

A. aren’t B. isn’t

C. had not better D. had better not

( ) 11. Are you feeling ___________ today ?

A. good B. better C. well D. best

( ) 12. Did you ___________ some medicine ?

A. eat B. have C. take D. drink

( ) 13. He ___________ .

A. has a backache B. has the backache

C. have backache D have a backache

( ) 14. I have a toothache . I have to go ___________ .

A. the dentist B. to the dentist’s

C. to see the dentist’s D. to the dentist

( ) 15. You should drink ___________ hot ___________ .

A. some ; tea B. some ; teas

C. / ; teas D. a; tea 三、选词填空:从方框中所给的10个词中选词填空,使所给的句子通顺有意义,每词只用


1. What’s with him?He has a bad cold .

2.What’s the with her ? She has a cough.

3. .

4. I can’t sleep at night .

5. I have a terrible cold. I cough day and .

6. I’m sorry to7. You pale .What’s wrong with you ?

8.You’d not move your leg too much .

9. I couldn’t read your books today .

better , thanks .


A young American doctor was asleep when his door bell (门铃) began to ring. It was late at night . But what could the doctor do ? He had to put on his coat . It was a man ! He was standing outside with a hat in his hand .“How do you do?”said the man ,“Can you come at once(立刻)to a place out of town? It’s quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”“Certainly .?”said the doctor , “I can come at once.”

Soon the car was at the front door .The man got on the doctor’s car and they drove off. They drive for a long time , and then the man said ,“Here we are . This my home. Now I can give you money , and you can go back to the town.?”

“But I must see the patient(病人).”the doctor said ,“How can I go back without seeing the patient?”“There’s no patient,”said the man ,“No one is ill. I live here. There are no taxis at this time of night ,but a doctor often goes out for night calls(夜诊). So ,excuse me, here’s your money . Thank you ,doctor. Good night!”

( )1. When the doctor bell began to ring, the doctor________.

A. was sleeping B. was watching TV

C. was working D. was not at home

( )2. The man asked the doctor________?

A. to travel B. to give him a present

C. to give him a car D. to go to a place out of town

( )3. The man wanted________.

A. to go boating B. the doctor to take him out of town by car C. a bed D. to stay with the doctor

A. Because he was rich.

B. Because they were friends.

C. Because the doctor took him late night

D. Because the doctor couldn’t go to bed early.

( )5. The doctor knew ________ at last.

A. there were many patients B. there was no patient

C. the man was doctor D. the man had a headache

1.have a cold 2.take a rest 3. at night

.4. lots of

5.take some medicine ( )4. Why did the man give the doctor money? 五、英译汉:把下列词组或短语译成中文(10分,每小题1分)

6. lie down

7. too many candies 8. look after 9. worry about

10.plenty of boiled water 六、完成句子:根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(共10分,每空1分)

1. 你最好不要在这里吸烟 。

You’d smoke here .


day .

3. 昨天这些孩子直到做完作业才回家 。

The children didn’t they finished their home work yesterday ..

4. 保持健康是很重要的 。


you get a fever , you eat hot food .


1. 如果你生病,你应该去看医生 。



4 请向你父母致以我最好的祝愿。

5. 上星期天Michael’s 的朋友为他买了些巧克力。

篇三:Unit 5Janet Goes to the Doctor’s


二、 掌握本章节单词 一、 复习上次课的内容。

三、 能熟练使用下面的句型:

1、What’s the matter ?

2、You look very pale.

3、Janet dosen’t feel good this morning .

4、Let me give you a checkup first.

5、How much fruit do you eat every day ?

6、Janet eats plenty of fruit.

7、I don’t like it much.

8、I don’t want to go to school./I don’t want to be late for school.

9、We are going to see the doctor.

10、I don’t like them much.


(一)情态动词should 构成的句子的肯定式、否定式和一般疑问句式。

We should get to school on time .

We shouldn’t get to school late.

Should we get to school on time ?---Yes ,you should .

Should we go to school late ?---No ,you shouldn’t.

情态动词should 与can ,must ,may ,have to ,had better ,would rather ,be going to ,will ,need的用法相同,后面必须跟不带to 的不定式,即动词原形,构成谓语动词。

(二)many ,much ,a lot of (lots of) ,plenty of这些词汇表示“大量的,许多多”的意思,但是它们在用法上是不同的。 .


一、 判断下列句子是否符合UNIT5内容,如符合写T,否则写F。

1、 Doctor Li gives Janet some medicine first.

2、 Janet looks very hungry today.

3、 Janet eats plenty of fruit at school.

4、 Janet dosen’t eat lots of vegetables at school.

5、 Janet likes eating fruit and vegetables very much.

6、 Janet walks to school with her father very morning .

7、 Janet usually goes to bed early every night .

8、 Janet reads for half an hour every night .

9、 Janet should take the medicine four times a day .

10、 Janet should have a rest at home.

二、 仿照例子,针对Janet的不良生活习惯,用should或者shouldn’t给她提出五个好的建议,并把它们写下来。

Model: Janet should eat plenty of fruit every day.







( )1、A. right B. fine C .tired

( )2、A.times B.time C. sometimes

( )3、A.never B. fever C. ever

( )4、A.letter B. matter C. better

( )5、A.walks B.works C. walk

( )6、early B.really C. clear

四、 听录音,写出句子所缺的单词:

1、 You look _______ .What’s the ________ ?

2、 He has a________ .He ________ go to see a doctor.

3、 Take the ________ three ________ a day .

4、 You _________ ________ go to the bed early.

5、 The boy doesn’t ________ _______ today.

6、 I________ I’m __________ .

五、 根据中文提示,用英文写出下列词组

1、 看起来苍白 l________ p_______

2、 先检查 c_______ U_____ f_____

3、 大量水果 p_______ o_____ f_______

4、 放学后 a_______ s________

5、 步行上学 w_____ t____ s______

6、 吃药 t_______ m__________

7、 一天两次 t_______ t_______ a d_______

8、 呆在家里 s_______ a____ h________

9、 有什么问题吗? W________ t______ m_________?

六、 根据实际情况回答问题:

1、Do you feel cold?

2、Do you have a bath every day?

3、What should you do if you have a cold ?

4、How much fruit do you eat every day ?

5、Do you eat a lot of vegetables at school and after school ?

七、Read the short passage and choose the right words to fill in the blanks .读短文,根据短文选择正确的答案。

It is Tuesday today .Lucy ___1__ well in the morning. She ___2__ a pain in her head. She __3____ a sore

throat ,___4___ .She _5____ want to have breakfast . Her mother knows that ,and ____6_ her to the doctor .The doctor thinks Lucy has a cold . The doctor asks Lucy ___7_ at home and _8___ much water .Take plenty __9__ rest .She will be all _10____ soon .

1、A.feels B.feel C.is feeling

2、A.has B.have C.is having

3、A.has B.have C.is having

4、A.too B.two C.to

5、A.don’t B.doesn’t C.isn’t

6、A、takes B.take C.is taking

7、A、stay B、stays C、is staying

8、A.drink B.to drink C.drinking

9、A.of B.to C.about

10、A.night B.nine C,right


1、 My head is painful .I have a _______ .

A.toothache B.headache C.stomachache

2、Kate ______ feel good today. She _______ take plenty of rest.

A.doesn’t ,should B.doesn’t ,shouldn’t C.isn’t ,should

3、Feed the dog three ______ a day .

A.time B.times C.time’s

4、The baby should drink ______ milk .

A.much B.many C.a

5、She shouldn’t ______ TV for a long time.

A.watching B.watches C.watch

6、It’s no time ______ school .It’s time _______ go back home .

A.to ,for B.at ,for C.for ,to

7、Does your mother _______ swimming ?

No ,she _______ .

A.like ,doesn’t B.likes ,doesn’t C.like ,does

8、Drink ______ water .

A.plenty of B.many C.a loy

9、I like to ______ a lot of cold water .

You ______ cold water too much.

A.drink ,should drink B.drink ,shouldn’t drink C.drink ,shouldn’t drinking

10、 She ______ always late school .

She should get up early in the morning .

A.isn’t ,for B.is ,for C.is ,to

11、How often does Janet feed the cat .

---_______________ .

A. She sometimes feed the dog. B.She feed it three times a day.

C.She feeds it three times a day.

12、It’s eight o’clock in the evening .I ________ go back home .

A. shouldn’t B. have to C .has to

13、Do you listen to the radio ______ a long time ?

No ,I often listen to it ________ .

A.for ,to B.for ,for C.to ,for

14、---Ben looks _____ than before.

----Yes ,he always ______ football with his classmates after school .

A. strong ,plays B .stronger ,plays C. stronger ,play

篇四:Lesson3 You should go to see a doctor

备课时间:Sep 17 上课时间:Sep25 No: 10 课 题:Lesson3 You should go to see a doctor

课 时:one

课 型:new

教学目标:知识目标:1.ask the doctor for advice

2. offer suggestions

能力目标:to improve oral English ability

思想目标:to know health is important

教学重点和难点:ask the doctor for advice, offer suggestions 教 法:

学 法:listening ,reading &discussing

教 具:radio



(一) 导入新课:

How are you today? ask and answer Learn these words

advice n. 建议、劝告

make sure 确保

serious adj. 严重的、严肃的

light food 清淡的食物

terrible adj. 可怕的

plenty of 大量的

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:go,to,the,doctor)

(二) 讲授新课:

Step1.Read and answer

A: I’m not quite myself today

B: Oh? You should go to see a doctor ,I’m afraid.


What is Bob’s advice?

“I’m not quite myself today.” 和哪一句意思相似 Read through then answer

□ I’m quite angry today.

□ I’m feeling terrible today.

Step II Read and write

放轻松 ______________ 按时 ______________

流鼻涕 ______________ 保暖 ______________ find out the doctor’s advice 我牙疼(toothache)______________

Listen and read the dialogue, practise in pairs, then act out

Step III Read aloud

Read the doctor’s advice read and Have a good rest recite Take the medicine on time Drink plenty of water

Be careful to keep warm

Don’t do much exercise

Read the advice together, recite them, then have a dictation.

(三) 小 结:Most of the students can ask the doctor for advice

(四) 作 业:recite the key sentences of this lesson

(五) 课后小记:

(六) 板书设计:


Have a good rest

Take the medicine on time

Drink plenty of water

Be careful to keep warm

Don’t do much exercise

篇五:You‘d better go to see a doctor教案

You'd better go to see a doctor 的教学设计

一、教学课题:Unit2 Keeping healthy

Topic1 You'd better go to see a doctor.SectionA





1. 学习询问他人的身体状况。

2. 学习病情的表达方式。

3. 初步学习情态动词should 的用法,根据病情用should,shouldn't给出建议。




1. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达。

2. 了解生活,关心他人。






Step 1.Revision

1.Practice some words about sports .(such as

skating,skiing,rowing,cycling,tennis,volleyball,the high jump,the long jump and so on)

2.Doing sports can keep us healthy .or you'll be ill .

step 2. Lead in

1.If you don't feel very well,you'better go to see a doctor.

2.询问健康状况:what's the mater /what's the trouble/what's up/what'wrong(with sb./sth)

3.Learn some phrase about illness:have a cold(感冒) ,have a fever(发烧),have a cough(咳嗽) ,have the flu (流感),have sore eyes(眼睛痛), have a toothache (牙齿痛),have a backache(背痛),have a stomachache (胃痛).

我们以前学过have作“有”讲,而在此句中表身体不适,与后面发生的词一起译作“得了、、、病”。表示身体某处疼痛用have+a +(身体某部位名词)+ache.如:have a stomache/backache/headache 胃/背/头疼


1. Ask the students to read 1c after the recorder and practise them using action.

2. Ask some students to act 1c out in pairs .

Step 4. Pair work

1.Make conversations and ask the students to pratice 1b in pairs.

2.Learn "should""shouldn't" ,complete the sentences with the phrases in 2 and practise .

Step 5.Class activities

1.Write down different kinds of illnesses on cards and mix them up .

2.One students choose one of the cards and acts as the "patient "and the other students guess what't wrong with him or her .

3.The one who gets the correct answer first will be the "doctor",then the

"doctor "gives the "patient "some advice .

Step6. Work alone

1.Listen to the conversation and number the following pictures in 3.

2.Listen again and write down the advice ,using should /shouldn't

Step7 .Homework

1.Read the dialogue in 1a .

2.Do exercise in 2


