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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 12:26:17 作文素材


Too loud! Too loud for me!


Twinkle, twinkle, little star


Find a happy place! Find a happy place!

装作没看见 没看见

Darla, your uncle will see you now.

妲拉 你叔叔可以见你了

All right, let's see those pearly whites.

来 给我看看你的牙齿

I'm a piranha. They're in the Amazon.

我是食人鱼 我住在亚马逊河

And a piranha's a fish, just like your present. 食人鱼是鱼 你的礼物也是鱼

I get fishy, fishy


Oh, no. Poor little guy.

糟了 可怜的小家伙

- He's dead. - Sharkbait!

- 他死了 - 鲨鱼饵!

Fishy, fishy, fishy!


Must've left your present in the car, sweetie. 你的礼物在我的车上

L'll go and get it.


- He's still alive! - He's not dead!

- 他还活着 - 他没死

What's happening? Why is he playing dead? 他怎么了 他干嘛装死呢?

He's gonna get flushed down the toilet.


- He's gonna get out of here! - He's gonna get flushed! - 他有救了 - 他要被冲走

What a smart little guy!


Oh, no! Not the trash can!


Nemo! No!

尼莫 不!

- Hey! I found his dad! - Where's Nemo?

- 我找到他爸爸了 - 尼莫呢?

- Dentist! - He's over there!

- 牙医 - 在那里

What's a dentist? Nigel, get in there!

牙医是什么东东?祖哥 快进去

- I can't go in there! - Yes, you can! Charge!

- 不行啦 - 你行的

- Red! Red! Red! - What the...?

- 冲!冲!冲! - 那是什么

Darla, sweetie, look out!

妲拉 小心

Engage in what?


Easy! Easy!

别乱动 别乱动 乖乖的

Hold still!


Nobody's going to hurt you!




Oh, my goodness.


Gotcha! Keep down!






Out with you! And stay out!

给我滚出去 别进来





Fishy! Wake up!

小鱼儿 快醒醒

Oh, no!

噢 不

To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie! 快游到哇哈哈娜鲁湾山

Why are you sleeping?


- Hurry! - Bloat!

- 快点 - 豚豚

Ring of Fire!




Crikey! All the animals have gone mad! 哇塞 动物都发疯了

Get it out!


- Smack her in the head! - Go, Gill, go! - 用力K她的头 - 快 吉哥

Fish in my hair!




Sharkbait... tell your dad I said hi. 鲨鱼饵 替我跟你爸问好

Go get 'em!


He did it!


- I'm so happy! - Is he gonna be OK, Gill? - 我太高兴了 - 他不会有事吧 吉哥? Don't worry. All drains lead to the ocean. 放心 条条水管通大海












CORAL:Yes, MARLIN:. No, I see it. It's beautiful.

MARLIN:So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think that we we're gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Huh? [sighs] Oh yeah. A fish can breath out here. Did your man deliver or did he deliver?


CORAL:My man delivered.

MARLIN:And it wasn't so easy.

CORAL:Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.

MARLIN:You better believe they did--every single one of them.

CORAL:Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome.

MARLIN:So, you do like it, don't you?

CORAL:No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. But MARLIN:, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all, but do we really need so much space?

MARLIN:Coral, honey, these are our kids we're talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They'll wake up, poke their little heads out and they'll see a whale! See, right by

their bedroom window.

CORAL:Shhh, you're gonna wake the kids.

MARLIN:Oh, right. Right.

CORAL:Aww, look. They're dreaming. We still have to name them.

MARLIN::You wanna name all of 'em, right now? All right, we'll name this half MARLIN: Jr. and then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we're done.

CORAL:I like Nemo.

MARLIN:Nemo? Well, we'll name one Nemo but I'd like most of them to be MARLIN: Jr. CORAL:Just think that in a couple of days, we're gonna be parents!

MARLIN:Yeah. What if they don't like me?


MARLIN:No, really.

CORAL:There's over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you.


MARLIN:You remember how we met?

CORAL:Well, I try not to.

MARLIN:Well, I remember. 'Excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there's a hook in my lip?' CORAL:MARLIN 2

'Well, you gotta look a little closer because it's wiggling'.

CORAL:Get away!

MARLIN:Here he is. Cutie's here! Where did everybody go?

MARLIN:[gasps] Coral, get inside the house, Coral. No, Coral, don't. They'll be fine. Just get inside, you, right now.


MARLIN:Coral! Coral?

MARLIN:Coral? Oh!

MARLIN:Ohh. There, there, there. It's okay, daddy's here. Daddy's got you. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you...Nemo.




NEMO:First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! C'mon, first day of school! MARLIN:I don't wanna go to school. Five more minutes.

NEMO:Not you, dad. Me!


NEMO:Get up, get up! It's time for school! It's time for school! It's time for school!

It's time for school! Oh boy! Oh boy!

MARLIN:All right, I'm up.

NEMO:Oh boy--whoa!


NEMO:First day of school!

MARLIN:[gasps] Nemo, don't move! Don't move! You'll never get out of there yourself. I'll do it. All right, where's the break? You feel a break?


MARLIN:Sometimes you can't tell 'cause fluid is rushing to the area. Now, any rushing fluids? NEMO:No.

MARLIN:Are you woozy?


MARLIN:How many stripes do I have?


NEMO:I'm fine.

MARLIN:Answer the stripe question!


MARLIN::No! See, something's wrong with you. I have one, two, three--that's all I have? Oh, you're okay. How's the lucky fin?


MARLIN:Let's see.

MARLIN:Are you sure you wanna go to school this year? 'Cause there's no problem if you don't. You can wait 5 or 6 years.

NEMO:Come on, dad. It's time for school.

MARLIN:Ah-ah-ah! Forgot to brush.


MARLIN:Do you want this anemone to sting you?



NEMO:Okay, I'm done.

MARLIN:You missed a spot.


MARLIN:There. Ha ha! Right there. And here and here and here!


MARLIN:All right, we're excited. First day of school, here we go. We're ready to learn to get some knowledge. Now, what's the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?

NEMO:It's not safe.

MARLIN:That's my boy. So, first we check to see that the coast is clear. We go out and back in. And then we go out, and back in. And then one more time--out and back in. And sometimes, if you wanna do it four times--


MARLIN:All right. Come on, boy.

NEMO:Dad, maybe while I'm at school, I'll see a shark!


I highly doubt that.

NEMO:Have you ever met a shark?

MARLIN:No, and I don't plan to.

NEMO:How old are sea turtles?

MARLIN:Sea turtles? I don't know.

NEMO:Sandy Plankton from next door, he said that sea turtles, said that they live to be about a hundred years old!

MARLIN:Well, you know what, if I ever meet a sea turtle, I'll ask him. After I'm done talking to the shark, okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, hold on, wait to cross. Hold my fin,

hold my fin.

NEMO:Dad, you're not gonna freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you?

MARLIN:Hey, that snail was about to charge. Hmm, I wonder where we're supposed to go. FISH KIDS

Bye, mom!


I'll pick you up after school.


Come on, you guys. Stop it! Give it back!

MARLIN:Come on, we'll try over there.

MARLIN:Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher?


Well, look who's out of the anemone.

MARLIN:Yes. Shocking, I know.


Marty, right?







Bill. Hey, you're a clownfish. You're funny, right? Hey, tell us a joke.


Yeah, yeah. Come on, give us a funny one.

MARLIN:Well, actually, that's a common misconception. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish.


Aw, come on, clownie.


Yeah, do something funny.




MARLIN:All right, I know one joke. Um, there's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea, well he doesn't walk up, he swims up. Well, actually the mollusk isn't moving. He's in one place and then the sea cucumber, well they--I mixed up. There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that I—


Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johansenn's yard, now!




All right, you kids! Ooh! Uuh, where'd you go? Where'd you go? Where, where'd you go? NEMO:Dad, dad...can I go play too? Can I?

MARLIN:I would feel better if you go play over on the sponge beds.

MARLIN:That's where I would play


What's wrong with his fin?


He looks funny!


Ow! Hey, what'd I do? What'd I do?


Be nice. It's his first time at school.

MARLIN:He was born with it, kids. We call it his lucky fin.



See this tentacle? It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles but you can't really tell.Especially when I twirl them like this.


I'm H2O-intolerant. [sneezes]


I'm obnoxious.


[singing] Oooh, let's name the zones, the zones, the zones. Let's name the zones of the

open sea.


Mr. Ray!



Review of Finding Nemo(海底总动员)

Funny, inventive and impressive, Finding Nemo is a tremendous animation that can reach the deepest part of your heart. Though the plot is somewhat childish and stereotyped, it shows us the real meaning of love.

Marlin, a clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his only son, Nemo. Having lost his wife in a miserable accident, Marlin becomes so cautious that he is worrying about Nemo’s safety all the time. He is reluctant about sending Nemo to school. He forbids Nemo to swim for a long distance. He even prevents Nemo from talking to strangers——all of which reveal his cowardice. However, I know, the source of the so-called cowardice is love indeed.

It is similar to our parents. We teenagers always complain that they are strict, rigid and timid. We are not allowed to hang out at night. We are not allowed to travel with friends. We are not allowed to do a part-time job. They don’t allow us to do all kinds of things——except studying. Parents have prepared everything for us, and the only thing we need to do is to move along the orbit they have designed previously, without any freedom, without other choice. We are bound to be tired, but we ought to understand them. Parents interfere excessively in our life, just because they love us, and want us to be better. They hope us to have a brilliant

future, more eager than anyone else, even ourselves. Though their anticipation may differ from our desire absolutely.

Now back to the film. On Nemo’s first school day, he wanders off with several friends to the edge of the reef, where they spot a dark, mysterious shape in the distance. In order to show his bravery, Nemo swims directly towards the subtile object regardless of Marlin’s hysterical alarm, not realizing a disaster is looming. The mysterious thing turns out to be a fish boat, and Nemo is caught unfortunately.

Poor Marlin chases the fish boat fruitlessly, only to see his son disappearing in the distance. He finds out that Nemo is sent to Sydney, which is thousands of miles away from where he is. Not knowing which direction to go, Marlin dashes aimlessly, accidentally knocking into Dolly, a blue tang fish with short term memory loss. They become friends and decide to find Nemo together.

We know Marlin is kind of timid, he even can’t tell a joke in front of others, let alone risking his life to venture a long distance from Great Barrier Reef to Sydney. But there is something that inspires him to head towards his son without any hesitation, despite all the danger and pain.

That thing is love.

It is love that helps him survive the attack of sharks.

It is love that makes him swim into the sea trench and fight with

a fierce anglerfish.

It is love that inspires him to rush through a cluster of jellyfish though he is nearly unconscious.

It is love that impels him to span 2000 miles, creating innumerable miracles.

Yes, it is love, the unconditional love from a father’s heart, the most powerful thing in the world. It can overcome all the fear, it can defeat all the enemies, it can conquer all the difficulty.

Miracle has another name, which is love.

While Marlin is on the way to Sydney, Nemo is brought to a dentist’s office near the hubour, dropped into a fish tank. There he meets a group of fish, led by an ambitious flatfish named Gill, who longs for the sea desperately and plans to escape from the tank. Driven by the conviction of finding his father, Nemo overcomes lots of difficulty, and finally comes back to the sea with his friends’ associated effort. Happily, Nemo and Marlin reunite. They come back to Great Barrier Reef, and Marlin sends Nemo to school again, but he is no longer worrying about the kid’s security .The whole film then comes to the end.

In my opinion, Finding Nemo is a film about growth. Marlin grows stronger during the whole journey. He is not a coward anymore, his

courage increases, he feels more confident, what’s the most important, he finds the right way to love his kid. Nemo also grows mature. He learns to face challenges, he learns to be brave and persevering, he learns to be independent.

Finding Nemo is also a film about love.

Marlin is marvelous, but also ordinary.

He is marvelous, because he creates a miracle of love.

He is ordinary, because there is a marvelous crowd in the world, and Marlin is just a member of the crowd. That crowd calls parents.

Marlin can do anything for his child. and so can all the parents. Marlin loves his child deeply, and our parents love us, no less than he loves Nemo.

Even if all the ways in the world are blocked, the way to home will still be unobstructed.

Even if all the people in the world turn their back on you, your parents will still open their arm, welcoming you.

Finding Nemo tells us, the most valuable thing we possess, is the love from our parents.

And the true meaning of love, is devoting without demanding.



[24:54.40]Swim away! Swim away!

[24:57.70]DORY: Aw, is the party over?





[25:23.79]Aah! Uhh!


[25:41.87]-Barbara, -Uh-huh?

[25:43.84]Prep for his anterior crown, would you, please?

[25:45.71]And I'm going to need a few more cotton rolls,

[25:48.18]BARBARA: OK,

[25:51.55]Hello, little fella.


[25:54.55]Heh heh heh! Beauty, isn't he?

[25:55.76]I found that guy struggling for life...

[25:57.12]out on the reef, and I saved him.

[25:58.86]So, has that Novocaine kicked in yet?

[26:00.99]PATIENT: I think so, We're ready to roll,


[26:09.94]My bubbles.

[26:11.57]He likes bubbles.

[26:12.97]Aah! Ohh! No! Uhh!

[26:24.45]-Bonjour. -Aah!

[26:25.72]Slow down, little fella. There's nothing to worry about.

[26:29.56]-He's scared to death. -I want to go home.

[26:32.83]Do you know where my dad is?

[26:34.90]Honey, your dad's probably back at the pet store.

[26:37.70]Pet store?

[26:38.90]Yeah, you know, like, I'm from Bob's Fish Mart.

[26:41.64]-Pet Palace. -Fish-O-Rama.

[26:43.24]-Mail order. -Ebay.

[26:44.74]-So, which one is it? -I'm from the ocean.

[26:47.47]Ah, the ocean. The ocean?

[26:49.44]Aah! Aah! Aah!

[26:51.38]He hasn't been decontaminated. Jacques!

[26:54.11]-Oui, -Clean him!


[26:57.05]-Ocean. -Ooh, la mer. Bon.

[27:01.32]Voila. He is clean.

[27:05.93]Wow. The big blue. What's it like?

[27:09.23]-Big and blue? -I knew it.

[27:13.30]If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb.

[27:16.54]Or if I'm not around, you can talk to my sister Flo.

[27:19.67]Hi. How are you?

[27:21.48]Don't listen to anything my sister says.

[27:23.04]She's nuts. Ha ha ha ha!

[27:24.91]We got a live one.

[27:26.05]-Can't hear you, Peach. -I said we got a live one.

[27:29.12]-Boy, oh, boy. -What do we got?

[27:31.12]Root canal--and by the looks of those x-rays...

[27:32.69]it's not going to be pretty.


[27:35.92]-Dam and clamp installed? -Yep.

[27:37.39]-What did he use to open? -Gator-Glidden drill.

[27:39.23]He seems to favor that one lately,

[27:40.93]I can't see, Flo.

[27:43.90]You're getting a little too--Aah!

[27:46.07]PEACH: Now he's doing the Schilder technique.

[27:47.30]BLOAT: He's using a Hedstrom file.

[27:48.74]That's not a Hedstrom file. That's a K-Flex.

[27:50.97]It has a teardrop cross-section. Clearly a


[27:53.64]-No, no, K-Flex. -Hedstrom.

[27:55.18]-K-Flex! -Hedstrom!

[27:56.91]There I go. A little help, over here.

[27:59.08]DEB: I'll go deflate him.

[28:03.32]DENTlST: All right. Go ahead and rinse.

[28:05.52]Oh, the human mouth is a disgusting place.

[28:11.29]-Hey, Nigel. -What did I miss?

[28:13.26]PEACH: Root canal--a doozy.

[28:14.46]Root canal? What did he use to open?

[28:16.13]-Gator-Glidden drill. -He's favoring that one.

[28:18.20]Hope he doesn't get surplus sealer at the portal terminus.

[28:21.24]-Hello. Who's this? -New guy. Ha ha ha!

[28:24.37]The dentist took him off the reef.

[28:25.74]An outie. From my neck of the woods, eh?

[28:28.15]Sorry if I ever took a snap at you.

[28:29.68]Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat.

[28:31.11]Hey! No, no, no, no!

[28:32.85]They're not your fish. They're my fish.

[28:34.48]Come on, go. Go on, shoo!

[28:38.62]Aw, the picture broke.

[28:40.32]This here's Darla. She's my niece.

[28:42.43]She's going to be eight this week.

[28:43.93]Hey, little fella.

[28:45.43]Say hello to your new mummy,

[28:47.23]She'll be here Friday to pick you up.

[28:49.73]You're her present. Shh, shh, shh.

[28:51.60]It's our little secret,

[28:53.70]Well, Mr. Tucker, while that sets up...

[28:55.27]I'm going to see a man about a wallaby.

[28:59.08]Oh, Darla.

[29:01.01]What? What's wrong with her?

[29:02.91]GURGLE: She wouldn't stop shaking the bag,

[29:05.65]-Poor Chuckles. -He was her present last year.

[29:09.45]BLOAT: Hitched a ride on the porcelain express,

[29:13.69]PEACH: She's a fish killer,

[29:15.93]I can't go with that girl.

[29:18.23]I have to get back to my dad.

[29:20.03]Aah! Daddy! Help me!

[29:23.97]Oh, he's stuck.

[29:25.17]GILL: Nobody touch him,

[29:29.64]Nobody touch him.

[29:37.35]Can you help me?

[29:38.82]No. You got yourself in there.


女孩父:Oh, no. Poor little guy.

刺:-He's dead.


女孩:Yay! Fishy, fishy, fishy!

女孩父:Must've left your present in the car, sweetie. 女孩:-Ohh!

女孩父:-I'll go and get it,

黑:-He's still alive!

杂1:-He's not dead!

刺:What's happening? Why is he playing dead? 黑:He's gonna get flushed down the toilet,

杂2:-He's gonna get out of here!

杂3:-He's gonna get flushed!

杂4: What a smart little guy!

黑: Oh, no! Not the trash can!

黄:Nemo! No!

鹈鹕:-Hey! I found his dad!

尼莫父:-Where's Nemo?

刺:-Dentist! -He's over there!

尼莫父:What's a dentist? Nigel, get in there! 鹈鹕:-I can't go in there!

尼莫父:-Yes, you can! Charge!


女孩父:-What the--?

女孩父:Darla, sweetie, look out!


女孩父:-Hold still!


女孩父:-Easy! Easy!


女孩父:-Hold still!

女孩父:Nobody's going to hurt you! Oof!


蓝:Oh, my goodness.

女孩父:Gotcha! Keep down!

尼莫父: Nemo!


女孩父:Out with you! And stay out!



女孩:Fishy! Wake up!

杂5: Oh, no!

黑: To the top of Mount Wannahockaloogie!

女孩:Why are you sleeping?



黑:Ring of Fire!

女孩:Fishy! Aah!

女孩父:Crikey! All the animals have gone mad! 女孩父:Unh!

女孩: Aaah! Get it out!

黄:-Smack her in the head! -Go, Gill, go! 女孩:Fish in my hair!


黑:Sharkbait... tell your dad I said hi. 女孩:-Unh!


黑:Go get 'em!

女孩父: Ohh...

刺:-He did it! -Yay!

紫:-I'm so happy! -ls he gonna be OK, Gill? 黑:Don't worry. All drains lead to the ocean. 女孩:Fishy!


尼莫:Aah! Whoa! Whoa!


鹈鹕:I'm so sorry.

鹈鹕:Truly, I am,



尼莫父:if it wasn't for you...

尼莫父:I never would've even made it here. 尼莫父:So, thank you.

蓝:Hey, wait a minute.

蓝:Wait. Where are you going?

尼莫父:It's over, Dory. We were too late. 尼莫父:Nemo's gone, and I'm going home now. 蓝:No. No, you can't.


蓝:Please don't go away.


蓝:No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. 蓝:And if you leave, I just...

蓝:I remember things better with you.

蓝:I do. Look-- P. Sherman, 42...


蓝:I remember it. I do. It's there.

蓝:I know it is because when I look at you... 蓝:I can feel it.

蓝:I look at you and l...I'm home.


蓝:I don't want that to go away.

蓝:I don't want to forget.

尼莫父:I'm sorry, Dory, but I do.

螃蟹红:-Manna from heaven.

螃蟹黄:-Sweet nectar of life!

BOTH: Hey! Hey! Hey!

螃蟹红:-This is our spot!

螃蟹黄:-Get outta here!

BOTH: Hey! Hey! Hey!

螃蟹C:Yeah, that's it, fella.

螃蟹红:Just keep on swimmin'. You got that. 螃蟹黄:Too right, mate!

螃蟹黄:Oh! I got a live one here!

尼莫:Have you seen my dad?

螃蟹红:Gotcha! Hey! Hey! Come back here! 螃蟹红:You let him go!

BOTH: Hey! Hey!

尼莫:Dad! Dad!
