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篇一:League of Legends【英雄联盟】看懂后,美服横着走



一血:first blood

连杀中断杀了个人:shut down

2杀:double kill

3杀:triple kill

4杀:quadra kill

5杀:penta kill




大杀特杀:killing spree



近神:god like


你杀人:you have slain an enemy

你被杀:you have been slain

队员杀人:an enemy has been slain

队友被杀:an ally has been slain

我方推塔:your team has destroyed a tower

敌方推塔:your tower has been destroyed

我方推水晶(我方出超级兵):your team has destroyed an inhibitor

敌方推水晶(敌方出超级兵):your inhibitor has been destroyed

敌方水晶将重生:the enemy's inhibitor is responing soon

我方水晶将重生:your inhibitor is responing soon


欢迎来到水晶之痕:welcome to the crystle scar

还有30秒开展:the warhas begun in thirty seconds


ad:Attack Damage,物理攻击、物理伤害 afk:Away From Keyboard,人不在电脑前、暂时离开,挂网 aoe:Area of Effect,範围伤害、範围攻击的意思 ap:Ability Power,魔法攻击、法术伤害 ARM/Armor:物理防御、护甲,减轻所受到的物理伤害 as:Attack Speed,攻速、攻击速度 b:Back,闪人,撤煺 ban:特定模式中 (天梯赛) 禁用特定英雄,被 ban 的英雄双方皆无法使用出场 Baron:巴龙,强大的中立怪物,杀死牠将获得各种优秀的奖励与Buff base:基地、老家

bd:BackDoor,不跟着友方部队前进,单独破坏敌方后方建筑 bot:bottom,下路 brb:Be Right Back,马上回来的意思 buff:增益效果,对单位 (通常是英雄) 有利的状态,或指英雄能力被改强了 care:小心! carry:专门製造大量伤害的英雄,队伍的打手、攻击手、主力输出 CC:控场技能 CD:CoolDown,冷却时间 cp:杀死地图上的中立怪物 debuff:负面性的状态效果,削弱单位 (通常是英雄) 的状态 def:defense,防守 dive:越塔杀,在承受塔的伤害下试图击杀敌方英雄


fb:First Blood,第一滴血,也是 DotA 游戏的魅力之一,指一场游戏中首次发生英雄杀死英雄的行为,除了塬本击杀英雄的奖励之外,还有额外的报酬



gank:偷袭杀人,压制敌方英雄的发展 (一般简称抓人、帮杀)

gg:Good Game,大部分时候是在游戏结束的时候。建议由输的一方先打出来,因为一般这是称讚对方打得好,自己认输的一种表现。也有人赢了就说,见仁见智

gl hf:Good Luck Have Fun,祝好运,玩的开心。通常会在游戏开始打这句话来友善的打招唿





ks:Kill Steal,抢人头、抢尾刀。当队友消耗敌方大量血量后,进行最后一击的行为。多数是指队友只打最后一下来赚击杀数


last hit:尾刀,敌兵濒死的时候,攻击他并成功杀死来获取金钱

mia:Missing in Action,战斗中失踪,通常指敌人在地图上消失,无法掌握动向,随时提醒队友提高警觉,防範敌方偷袭



mix:混合 ad 与 ap 的出装法,例如提摩、阿卡莉就相当适合

MR/Magic Resistance:魔法防御、法术抗性,减轻所受到的魔法伤害

ms:Movement Speed,跑速、移动速度


noob:菜鸟 (贬意较重)

oom:Out of Mana,没魔力了




solo:单独走一路,Solo mid 就是要自己走中路、Solo top 就是要自己走上路 stun:带有晕眩效果的技能




ult:Ultimate,大绝招、大招。在《英雄联盟》中为热键 R 的技能

Channeled spells:静止不动保持吟唱,直到法术释放完毕

first skills:在会战中,先放出就有利于队友进攻的技能



hold line:控兵线,维持我方小兵在自己的塔附近,增加敌方英雄偷袭的困难度,相对也让敌方容易过于深入

fire to:集中火力攻击一个目标

篇二:2015高考(江苏用)一轮通关检测:必修4 unit3 tomorrow's world

Tomorrow's world 单元检测(A卷——全员必做)


1.(2014·安徽怀远一中月考)The government has ________ a series of policies and measures to ensure the improvement in living standards.

A.put out

C.put forward B.put off D.put down

2.(2014·盐城模拟)—What on earth made Susan weep?

—________ of cheating in the exam.

A.Be accused B.She was accused

C.Because she was accused D.Being accused

3.(2014·永州高三检测)—Put these glasses away before they ________.

—OK. I'll put them in the cupboard.

A.have broken

C.get broken B.will be broken D.got broken

4.(2014·安徽重点中学3月联考)Not only ________ to turn off the lights in the kitchen, but we also failed to lock the front door.

A.we forgot

C.did we forget B.forgot we D.we did forget

5.(2014·南京四校高三联考)Mr. Smith found that gas ________ from the pipe when he came back because we forgot to switch off. But at last we were lucky to escape ________.

A.escaped; being punished

B.was escaping; being punished

C.escaped; punishment

D.was escaping; punishing

6.(2014·江苏两所名校联考)—What happened to that woman selling newspapers?

—I don't know. She ________ around here for a long time.

A.hasn't seen

C.hadn't been seen B.didn't see D.hasn't been seen

7.(2014·宁波四中高三一模)This kind of cloth ________ well. I think it is worthy ________.

A.washes; buying

C.washes; to be bought B.is washed; buying D.is washed; to be bought

8.(2014·淮北模拟)The cinema looks very old because of its traditional design. ________, it was finished only two months ago.

A.In reality

B.In turn

C.In return D.In need

9.(2014·黄冈模拟)In a sense, no country, big or small, should object to the trend of peace and development, ________ creating trouble to others.


C.finally B.eventually D.immediately

10.(2014·泰州模拟)—How did you find the London Eye during your visit to London as an exchange student?

— ________! It impressed me very much.


C.Frustrating B.Amazing D.Amusing

11.(2014·长沙一中模拟)________ at his failure in the test, John wouldn't like to pick up the topic for the moment.

A.To be disappointed

C.Disappointed B.Disappointing D.Having disappointed

12.(2014·徐州模拟)The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ________ the helplessness of the crew.

A.added to

C.turned out B.resulted from D.made up

13.(2014·湖南名校联考)It is the first time he ________here and now it is high time that he ________ around.

A.come; should be showed B.has come; was showed

C.has come; be showed D.came; was showed

14.(2014·宿迁高三检测)China is the third country that has ________ the technique of space docking.


C.mastered B.invented D.employed

15.—Sorry, I haven't got any grape juice, but I've got you some orange juice. —________. Thanks a lot anyway.

A.Don't mention it B.That'll do me

C.It's up to you D.That's right



(2014·皖南八校高三联合考试)Humans: it's time to abandon Earth or race extinction.

It could be the plot of a summer blockbuster (大片), but this prediction isn't science fiction.

It's a glimpse of the future, according to famous British scientist Stephen Hawking.

“I see great dangers for the human race,” he said in an interview with global forum Big Think. “There have been a number of times in the past when its survival has been a question of touch and go.”

“I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space,” he said.“ It will be difficult enough to avoid disasters on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million.”

Hawking, who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom last year, has recently voiced many concerns about the future of life on Earth.

“If aliens visited us, the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said. “Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads (游牧民), looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.”

But Hawking says he's still hopeful for the future of humanity. He told Big Think, “We've made remarkable progress in the last hundred years. But if we want to continue beyond the next hundred years, our future is in space.”

Getting to another planet will prove a challenge, not to mention colonizing it for humanity. Katherine Freese from University of Michigan told Big Think, “ the nearest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years away. That means, if you were traveling at the speed of light the whole time, it would take 4.2 years to get there — or about 50,000 years using current rocket science.”

1.Humans are advised to abandon Earth mainly because ________.

A.aliens will take up our home planet soon

B.it was discussed in the forum Big Think

C.many scientists like Hawking are concerned about it

D.many disasters will happen on Earth

2.Thinking about the future of humans, Hawking feels that ________.

A.humans can't live on Earth any longer

B.Earth will not be habitable for humans

C.other planets are ready for humans to reach

D.aliens are the biggest future threat to humans

3.What is the writer's key point in the last paragraph?

A.It is impossible to get to another planet in space.

B.It is urgent for Hawking to develop the space science.

C.The near future can't see human's move to another planet.

legends of tomorrow

D.The planet Proxima Centauri is far away from Earth.

4.This passage is most probably taken from ________.

A.a conference interview

B.a science fiction

C.a history book

D.a forum report


(2014·江苏常州市水平检测)Beautiful people are indeed happier, a new study says, but not always for the same reasons. For handsome men, the extra kicks are more likely to come from economic benefits, like increased wages, while women are more likely to find joy just looking in the mirror. “Women feel that beauty is naturally important,” says Daniel Hamermesh, a University of Texas at Austin labor economist and the study's lead author. “They just feel bad if they're ugly.”

Hamermesh is the acknowledged father of pulchronomics, or

economic study of beauty. It can be a dangerous job. He once

an audience of young Mormon (魔门教) women, many of whom wished

with future children, by explaining that homemakers tend to the made angry to stay home be less attractive than their working-girl peers (同伴). “Since beautiful women tend to be paid more, they have more motivation to stay in the work-force,” he says.

The pursuit of good looks drives several huge industries — in 2010, Americans spent $845 million on face-lifts alone — but few economists focused on beauty's finan-

cial power until the mid-1990s, when Hamermesh and his colleague, Jeff Biddle of Michigan State University, became the first scholars to track the effect of appearance on earnings potential for a large sample (样本) of adults. Like many other desirable commodities (商品), “beauty is rare,” Hamermesh says, “and that rareness commands a price.”

A handsome man is estimated to make 13 percent more during his career than a “looks-challenged” peer, according to calculations in Hamermesh's recent book, Beauty Pays. Interestingly, the net benefit is slightly less for pretty women, who may make up the difference by trading on their looks to marry men with higher earning potential. And some studies have shown that attractive people are more likely to be hired in a recession (经济衰退).

Hamermesh argues that “there's not much we can do to improve our pulchritude (美丽)”. There are even studies suggesting that for every dollar spent on cosmetic products (化妆品), only 4 cents returns as salary — making lipstick a truly awful investment.

________.One 2006 study showed that the less beautiful may actually profit from their lack of looks. People tend to expect less from the unattractive, so when they go beyond those low

expectations they are rewarded. And the beautiful ones are often primarily held to a higher standard — “then hit with a ‘beauty penalty’ if they fail to deliver.” Hamermesh says.

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A.How Much does Being Attractive Cost?

B.How Much is Being Attractive Worth?

C.How can We Make Use of Our Beauty?

D.How Happy do Attractive People Feel?

6.Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.Handsome men are happier because they can make profits from their pulchritude.

B.Housewives are usually less beautiful and thus less motivated than their working peers.

C.Beauty's financial power has long been noticed historically as a most desirable commodity.

D.Beautiful women usually make more as they can trade their looks to wealthy and handsome men.

7.What is the topic sentence of the last paragraph?

A.But inborn beauty isn't always profitable.

B.But people always desire to be more beautiful.

C.But inborn beauties don't need to improve themselves.

D.But being more attractive deserves great efforts.

8.Which one of the following words of Hamermesh's can best explain the fact that attractive people are more likely to be hired in a recession?

A.“Women feel that beauty is naturally important.”

B.“Beauty is rare, and that rareness commands a price.”

C.“There's not much we can do to improve our pulchritude.”

D.“... then hit with a ‘beauty penalty’ if they fail to deliver.”

Tomorrow's world 单元检测(B卷——自主选做)


(2014·苏州高三检测)One day I was doing a big clean-up when I __1__ a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown coin inside. I took one look and immediately __2__ an unforgettable time. In 1991, I had spent five months in Niger, with sandstorms and great heat. Its __3__ and beggars were my biggest and most constant complaint. Street beggars would continually reached out their hands, shouting “Gift! Gift!” One day, I __4__ for neighboring Burkina to work in a health clinic. Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkina, we began to __5__. Out of the darkness, a



1月3日 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones 鬼影实录(拉丁版) 恐怖片 R 派拉蒙公司

1月10日 The Legend of Hercules 海格力斯传奇 凯兰·鲁兹、斯考特·阿德金斯 兰尼·哈灵 奇幻动作片 PG-13 顶峰娱乐

1月17日 Devil’s Due 魔鬼的约定 扎克·吉尔福德 恐怖片 R 二十世纪福克斯公司

1月17日 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 杰克·莱恩 克里斯·潘、凯拉·奈特莉、凯文·科斯特纳、肯尼思·布拉纳 肯尼思·布拉纳 动作片 派拉蒙公司 1月17日 Ride Along 一路前行 艾斯·古巴、凯文·哈特、约翰·莱奎扎诺 蒂姆·斯道瑞 动作喜剧片 PG-13 新线公司

1月17日 The Nut Job 3D 坚果任务 利亚姆·尼森、凯瑟琳·海格尔、威尔·阿奈特、布兰登·弗雷泽 CG动画片 PG Open Road Films

1月24日 Enemies Closer 亲近敌人 尚格·云顿 动作片 R 狮门公司

1月24日 I, Frankenstein 我,弗兰肯斯坦 艾伦·埃克哈特、比尔·奈伊、米兰达·奥图、宰·康特尼 斯图尔特·比蒂 动作片 PG-13 狮门公司 3D立体电影

1月31日 Labor Day 劳动节 凯特·温斯莱特、乔什·布洛林、詹姆斯·范·德·比克 杰森·利特曼 社会生活片 PG-13 派拉蒙公司

1月31日 That Awkward Moment 尴尬时刻 扎克·艾弗隆、迈克尔·B·乔丹、迈尔斯·泰勒、杰西卡·卢卡斯 浪漫喜剧片 R FilmDistrict


2月7日 LEGO 乐高大电影 克里斯·普拉特、伊丽莎白·班克斯、摩根·弗里曼、威尔·阿奈特、查理·戴 菲尔·劳德、克里斯·米勒、克里斯·迈凯伊 CG动画片 PG 华纳兄弟公司 3D立体电影

2月7日 Monuments Men 古迹卫士 乔治·克鲁尼、马特·达蒙、凯特·布兰切特、让·迪雅尔丹、比尔·莫瑞、约翰·古德曼 乔治·克鲁尼 历史片 索尼公司

2月7日 Nurse 3D 护士3D 恐怖片 狮门公司 3D立体电影

2月7日 One Chance 机遇 詹姆斯·寇登、朱莉·沃特斯 大卫·弗兰克 传记片 PG-13 温斯坦公司

2月12日 RoboCop 机械战警 乔尔·吉纳曼、加里·奥德曼、塞缪尔·杰克逊、迈克尔·基顿、杰基·厄尔·哈利、阿比·考尼什 荷西·柏迪夏 科幻动作片 PG-13 米高梅公司

2月14日 About Last Night 关于昨夜 凯文·哈特、迈克尔·厄利 史蒂夫·平克 浪漫喜剧片 索尼公司

2月14日 Adult World 成人世界 艾玛·罗伯茨、约翰·库萨克、伊万·彼得斯、克劳丽斯·里奇曼 喜剧片 IFC Films

2月14日 Endless Love 无尽的爱 阿历克斯·派迪弗、加布里娅·王尔德 莎娜·费斯特 浪漫爱情片 环球公司

2月14日 Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters 吸血鬼学院 佐伊·道彻、奥尔加·柯瑞兰寇 浪漫惊悚片 温斯坦公司

2月14日 Winter’s Tale 冬日传说 科林·法瑞尔、拉塞尔·克劳、詹妮弗·康纳莉、威廉·赫特 阿齐瓦· 高斯曼 文艺片 华纳兄弟公司

2月21日 In Secret 红杏出墙 伊丽莎白·奥尔森、汤姆·费尔顿、杰西卡·兰格、奥斯卡·伊萨克、马特·卢卡斯 查理·斯特拉顿 文艺片 R Roadside Attractions

2月21日 Pompeii 庞贝 基特·哈灵顿、艾米莉·布朗宁、基夫·萨瑟兰、杰拉德·哈里斯、杰西卡·卢卡斯、凯莉·安娜·摩斯 保罗·W·S·安德森 灾难片 FilmDistrict

2月21日 The Wind Rises 起风了 宫崎骏 动画片 PG-13 迪士尼公司

2月21日 Three Days to Kill 三日刺杀 凯文·科斯特纳、海莉·斯坦菲尔德、安柏·赫德、康妮·尼尔森 McG 动作片 Relativity Media

2月28日 Non-Stop 高空惊魂 利亚姆·尼森、朱丽安·摩尔 惊悚片 PG-13 环球公司

2月28日 Son of God 上帝之子 古装片 二十世纪福克斯公司

2月28日 Welcome to Yesterday 欢迎来到昨天 惊悚片 派拉蒙公司


3月7日 300: Rise of an Empire 300:一个帝国的崛起 沙利文·斯特普尔顿、杰米·布莱克利、伊娃·格林、琳娜·海蒂、罗德里格·桑托罗、杰克·奥康纳 诺亚姆·穆罗 古装动作片 R 华纳兄弟公司

3月7日 Mr. Peabody & Sherman 眼镜狗和眼镜男孩 泰·布利尔、麦克斯·查尔斯、斯蒂芬·科尔伯特、艾利森·詹妮、莱斯利·曼、斯坦利·图奇、梅尔·布鲁克斯 罗伯·明考夫 CG动画片 梦工厂公司 3D立体电影

3月7日 The Grand Budapest Hotel 布达佩斯大饭店 拉尔夫·费因斯、裘德·洛、爱德华·诺顿、比尔·莫瑞、蒂尔达·斯温顿、西尔莎·罗南、杰森·施沃兹曼、欧文·威尔森、阿德里安·布劳迪、威廉·达福、F·莫瑞·亚伯拉罕、汤姆·威尔金森、哈维·凯特尔、蕾雅·瑟杜 韦斯·安德森 喜剧片 R 福克斯探照灯 3月14日 Bad Words 劫持拼写大会 杰森·贝特曼 杰森·贝特曼 喜剧片 R 焦点公司

3月14日 Grace of Monaco 摩纳哥的格蕾丝 妮可·基德曼、帕兹·维加、蒂姆·罗斯、弗兰克·兰格拉、米洛·文堤米利亚 奥利维埃·达昂 传记片 温斯坦公司

3月14日 Need for Speed 极品飞车 亚伦·保罗、伊莫珍·波茨、多米尼克·库柏、迈克尔·基顿 斯考特·沃 动作片 梦工厂公司

3月14日 Tyler Perry’s Single Mom’s Club 单身妈妈俱乐部 泰勒·佩瑞、尼娜·朗、艾米·斯马特、威廉·莱维、艾迪·西伯兰 泰勒·佩瑞 喜剧片 狮门公司

3月14日 Veronica Mars 美眉校探 克里斯汀·贝尔 罗伯·托马斯 侦探片 华纳兄弟公司

3月21日 Blood Ties 血缘关系 克莱夫·欧文、比利·克里杜普、米拉·库尼丝、玛丽昂·歌蒂娅、詹姆斯·凯恩、佐伊·萨尔达娜 吉约姆·卡内 社会生活片 Roadside Attractions

3月21日 Divergent 分歧者 谢琳·伍德蕾、西奥·詹姆斯、凯特·温斯莱特、

Maggie Q、宰·康特尼、佐伊·克拉维、安塞尔·埃尔高特、艾什丽·贾德、雷·史蒂文森、迈尔斯·泰勒 尼尔·博格 动作片 顶峰娱乐

3月21日 Muppets Most Wanted 布偶电影2 瑞奇·热维斯、泰·布瑞尔、蒂娜·菲 詹姆斯·鲍彬 歌舞片 PG 迪士尼公司

3月21日 Nymphomaniac: Part One 慕男狂上 夏洛特·甘斯布、斯特兰·斯卡斯加德、萨·拉伯夫、乌玛·瑟曼、威廉·达福、克里斯蒂安·斯拉特、杰米·贝尔、康妮·尼尔森 拉斯·冯·特里尔 文艺片 木兰花公司

3月21日 Stretch 加长车司机 帕特里克·威尔森、克里斯·潘、埃德·海尔姆斯、大卫·哈塞尔霍夫、杰西卡·阿尔巴 乔·卡纳翰 动作喜剧片 R 环球公司

3月28日 A Haunted House 2 鬼屋2 马龙·韦恩斯 恐怖喜剧片 Open Road Entertainment

3月28日 Cesar Chavez 凯撒·查维兹 迈克尔·皮纳、亚美利加·费雷拉、罗萨里奥·道森、威斯·本特利、盖尔·加西亚·伯纳、约翰·马尔科维奇 迪亚哥·卢纳 传记片 PG-13 狮门公司

3月28日 Noah 诺亚方舟 拉塞尔·克劳、洛根·勒曼、道格拉斯·布斯、艾玛·沃特森、詹妮佛·康纳利、雷·温斯顿 达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基 史诗片 派拉蒙公司


4月4日 Captain America: The Winter Soldier 美国队长2:寒冬战士 克里斯·埃文斯、塞巴斯汀·斯坦、海莉·阿特维尔、托比·琼斯、艾米莉·范坎普、安东尼·麦基、弗兰克·格里罗、塞缪尔·L·杰克逊、斯佳丽·约翰森、罗伯特·雷德福 安东尼·鲁索、乔·鲁索 科幻动作片 迪士尼公司 3D立体电影 4月4日 Dom Hemingway 唐·海明威 裘德·洛 喜剧片 R 福克斯探照灯

4月11日 Draft Day 选秀日 凯文·科斯特纳、詹妮弗·加纳、艾伦·伯斯汀、弗兰克·兰格拉、查德威克·鲍斯曼、吹牛老爹 体育片 R 顶峰娱乐

4月11日 Only Lovers Left Alive 唯爱永生 蒂尔达·斯温顿、汤姆·希德尔斯顿、米娅·华希科沃斯卡、约翰·赫特、安顿·叶金、杰弗瑞·怀特 吉姆·贾木许 浪漫恐怖片 索尼古典公司

4月11日 Rio 2 里约大冒险2 杰斯·艾森伯格、安妮·海瑟薇、罗德里格·桑托罗、乔治·洛佩兹、特雷西·摩根、杰米·福克斯、安迪·加西亚、布鲁诺·马斯、克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯 卡洛斯·萨达纳 CG动画片 G 二十世纪福克斯公司 3D立体电影

4月11日 Sabotage 破坏 阿诺德·施瓦辛格、萨姆·沃辛顿、泰伦斯·霍华德、乔什·哈洛威、奥利维亚·威廉姆斯 动作片 Open Road Films

4月11日 St. Vincent 圣文森特 比尔·莫瑞、梅丽莎·麦卡锡、娜奥米·沃茨 喜剧片 温斯坦公司

4月16日 Heaven is for Real 真的有天堂 格里格·金尼尔、凯丽·莱利 兰道尔·华莱士 社会生活片 索尼公司

4月18日 Bears 熊 纪录片 迪士尼自然

4月18日 Nymphomaniac: Part Two 慕男狂下 夏洛特·甘斯布、斯特兰·斯卡斯加德、萨·拉伯夫、乌玛·瑟曼、威廉·达福、克里斯蒂安·斯拉特、杰米·贝尔、康妮·尼尔森 拉斯·冯·特里尔 文艺片 木兰花公司

4月18日 Oculus 千眼魔 恐怖片 Relativity Media

4月18日 Transcendence 超验骇客 约翰尼·德普、保罗·贝特尼、丽贝卡·豪尔、凯特·玛拉、摩根·弗里曼 瓦雷·菲斯特 科幻片 华纳兄弟公司 4月25日 Earth to Echo 地球回音 科幻片 PG Relativity Media

4月25日 Locke 洛克 汤姆·哈迪、鲁思·威尔森 动作片 A24

4月25日 The Other Woman 另一个女人 卡梅伦·迪亚兹、莱斯莉·曼、凯特·阿普顿、尼可拉·科斯特·瓦尔道、妮琪·米娜 尼克·卡萨维蒂 喜剧片 二十世纪福克斯公司

4月25日 The Quiet Ones 沉默者 杰拉德·哈里斯、萨姆·克拉弗林 恐怖片 狮门公司

4月25日 Walk of Shame 耻辱大道 詹姆斯·马斯登、伊丽莎白·班克斯 浪漫喜剧片 R Focus World


5月2日 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 超凡蜘蛛侠2 安德鲁·加菲德、艾玛·斯通、丹·德翰、杰米·福克斯、保罗·吉亚马提、克里斯·库柏、萨莉·菲尔德 科幻动作片 索尼公司 3D立体电影

5月9日 Chef 大厨 乔·法弗洛、小罗伯特·唐尼、斯佳丽·约翰森、索菲娅·维加拉、约翰·莱奎扎莫、达斯汀·霍夫曼 乔·法弗洛 喜剧片 Open Road Films

5月9日 Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return 奥兹国传奇:多萝西归来 丽亚·米雪儿、马丁·绍特、丹·埃克罗伊德、休·丹西、奥利佛·普拉特、帕特里克·斯图尔特 CG动画片 PG Summertime Entertainment 3D立体电影

5月9日 Neighbors 邻居 扎克·埃弗隆、罗斯·拜娜、塞斯·洛根、戴夫·弗兰科、莉莎·库卓 喜剧片 环球公司

5月16日 Godzilla 哥斯拉 阿伦·约翰逊、渡边谦、布莱恩·克莱斯顿、伊丽莎白·奥尔森、朱丽叶·比诺什、大卫·斯特雷泽恩、萨莉·霍金斯 加雷斯·爱德华兹 科幻片 PG-13 华纳兄弟公司 3D立体电影

5月16日 Million Dollar Arm 百万金臂 乔·海姆、苏拉吉·夏尔马、比尔·帕克斯顿、阿兰·阿金 克雷格·格莱斯皮 体育片 PG 迪士尼公司

5月23日 Blended 家庭蜜月 亚当·桑德勒、德鲁·巴里摩尔 浪漫喜剧片 华纳兄弟公司

5月23日 X-Men: Days of Future Past X战警:未来昔日 詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊、迈克尔·法斯宾德、尼古拉斯·霍尔特、詹妮弗·劳伦斯、卢卡斯·提尔、伊恩·麦克莱恩、帕特里克·斯图尔特、休·杰克曼、哈里·贝瑞、安娜·帕奎因、艾伦·佩吉、肖恩·阿什摩尔、丹尼尔·库摩尔、范冰冰、布布·斯图尔特、彼得·丁克拉奇 布莱恩·辛格 科幻片 PG-13 二十世纪福克斯公司 3D立体电影

5月30日 A Million Ways to Die in the West 在西部死去的一千种方法 塞斯·麦克法兰、莎丽兹·塞隆、阿曼达·塞弗里德、乔瓦尼·瑞比西、利亚姆·尼森 塞斯·麦克法兰 喜剧片 环球公司

5月30日 Maleficent 沉睡魔咒/梅尔菲森特 安吉丽娜·朱莉、艾拉·范宁、沙尔托·科普雷、萨姆·莱利、艾梅达·斯汤顿、朱诺·坦普尔 罗伯特·斯壮伯格 童话片 迪士尼公司 3D立体电影


6月6日 Edge of Tomorrow 明日边缘/杀戮轮回 汤姆·克鲁斯、艾米莉·布朗特、比尔·帕克斯顿 道格·利曼 科幻片 华纳兄弟公司

6月6日 The Fault in Our Stars 命运的错 谢琳·伍德蕾、威廉·达福 社会生活片 二十世纪福克斯公司

6月13日 22 Jump Street 龙虎少年队2 乔纳·希尔、钱宁·塔图姆、艾斯·古巴 喜剧片 R 索尼公司

6月13日 How to Train Your Dragon 2 驯龙高手2 杰伊·巴鲁切尔、杰拉德·巴特勒、亚美莉卡·费雷拉、基特·哈灵顿、乔纳·希尔、克里斯汀·威格、克里斯托弗·明兹·普拉塞、凯特·布兰切特、杰曼·赫苏 CG动画片 梦工厂公司 3D立体电影

6月20日 Jersey Boys 泽西男孩 克里斯托弗·沃尔肯 克林特·伊斯特伍德 歌舞片 华纳兄弟公司

6月20日 The Purge 2 大清洗2 弗兰克·格里洛 惊悚片 R 环球公司

6月20日 Think Like a Man Too 像男人一样思考2 凯文·哈特、迈克尔·厄利、泰拉吉·汉森 蒂姆·斯道瑞 浪漫喜剧片 PG-13 索尼公司

6月27日 Transformers: Age of Extinction 变形金刚4:绝迹重生 马克·沃尔伯格、妮可拉·佩尔茨、杰克·瑞诺、斯坦利·图奇、李冰冰、韩庚 迈克尔·贝 科幻动作片 PG-13 派拉蒙公司


7月2日 Deliver Us From Evil 当心夜晚 艾里克·巴纳、埃德加·拉米雷兹、奥莉维娅·穆恩 斯考特·德里克森 恐怖片 索尼公司

7月2日 Tammy 塔米 梅丽莎·麦卡锡、苏珊·萨兰登、凯西·贝茨 喜剧片 新线公司

7月11日 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 猩球崛起2:猩球黎明 安迪·塞基斯、杰森·克拉克、科迪·斯密特·麦菲、加里·奥德曼、凯莉·拉塞尔、朱迪·格里尔 马特·里弗斯 科幻片 二十世纪福克斯公司

7月18日 Jupiter Ascending 朱庇特升起 米拉·库尼斯、钱宁·塔图姆、埃迪·雷德梅尼、肖恩·宾、道格拉斯·布思 安迪·沃卓斯基、拉娜·沃卓斯基 科幻片 华纳兄弟公司 3D立体电影

7月18日 Planes: Fire and Rescue 飞机总动员2 丹·库克 CG动画片 迪士尼公司 3D立体电影

7月25日 Hercules 海格力斯 巨石强森、伊恩·麦克谢恩、约瑟夫·费恩斯、彼得·穆兰、约翰·赫特、托比亚斯·桑特曼 布莱特·拉特纳 奇幻动作片 米高梅公司

7月25日 Sex Tape 性爱录像带 杰森·西格尔、卡梅伦·迪亚兹、杰克·布莱克、罗伯·劳叶 喜剧片 索尼公司

7月25日 Step Up All In 舞出我人生5 瑞安·古兹曼、布莱恩娜·伊维根 歌舞片 PG-13 顶峰娱乐 3D立体电影


篇四:legends of the fall燃情岁月

To be frank, I have been planning to watch this high-review movie. First, I have to say that it’s absolutely a successfully movie, because it’s able to make me totally absorbed in the story. For several times, my eyes were brimming with tears. And for several times, I couldn’t bear to see the cruel sceneries. Some people hear their own inner voice, with great clearness, and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends. This sentence read at the very beginning echoes in the whole movie. Tristan is that impressive legend. Due to the discontentment[?d?sk?n'tentm?nt] towards the United States government, Colonel [?k?:nl ] William Ludlow retires to a remote region with his family and One Stab, a Cree friend. They hired hand Decker, who's an outlaw. The Colonel hoped to keep away from killing and violence, but some people are destined to be extraordinary. World war I broke out, the Colonel’s beloved youngest son, Samuel determined to serve in the war, regardless of his father and fiancee’s opposition. The other brother came along with him to protect him. However, in one battle, Samuel was killed in the front of Tristan, with nothing could help. Since then, Tristan madly killed the enemies. Maybe it’s Samuel’s death that aroused Tristan’s inner mildness. After coming home, Tristan fell in love with Susannah, but due to his guilt and pain for failing to protect Samuel, he soon left home for traveling. When he was back, he married Isabel Two and then had a son named after Samuel and a daughter. Isabel Two‘s death, he left his children to his brother and went travelling again. Tristan lived long and eventually died in the fight with a bear. as One Stab said, It was a good death.



()1. ---_______does your father cook for you? ---Once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many

()2.We can’t see the road clearly _____ the heavy snow.

A. because B. because of C. so D. though

()3. The weather in Xi’an in summer is ___than that in Shenyang. They are different.

A. cool B. much cooler C. hot D. much hotter

()4. Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon _____sound all around the world.

A. and B. of C. with D. in

()5. ---Do you often play online games like League of Legends

---No,_______. I don’t like them at all. A. always B. often C. usually D. never

()6. I can’t stand _____ the noisy music, let him _____ it.

A. hearing, stop B .to hear .stop C. hearing, to stop D. to hear, to stop

()7. There is only one room to live in, so I have to _____it with my brother.

A. live B. have C. share D. take

()8. Teachers usually ______ a role in _____their students.

A. play, helping B. make, helping C. play, help D. make, help

()9. Of the two coats, she’d like to choose the ____one to save money for a book.

A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. Most expensive

()10.To be a ________ is her dream ,because she wants to experience the feeling like a bird.

A. pilot B. doctor C. pianist D. scientist

()11. If you ____ to the Christmas party, you’ll have a good time, because nearly each of us will be there.

A. go B. went C. will go D. goes.

()12. There_____a football match in Shaanxi Stadium at nine tomorrow evening.

A. will have B. is C. is going to be D. are

()13. Tom, a 14-year-old boy, is taller than _________ in his class.

A. any other student B. any boy C. all his classmates D. all the students

()14. He was ______ of the twins. That is the reason why he got the worse school report card this time.

A. lazier B. the lazier C. lazier one D. the laziest

()15.---Sam, do you know if Jack _________ to the zoo this Sunday if it _____?

---Sorry, I have no idea.

A. goes; will be fine B. will go; is fine C. will go; is going to be fine D. goes; is fine

( )16. ---I’m hungry. Can you give me ______to eat?

--OK, how about some “GuoKui with peppers”

A. delicious something B. nothing delicious C. anything delicious D. something delicious ( )17.My mother always tells me a_____ breakfast is good for my _______.

A. health, healthy B. healthy, health C. healthy, healthy D. health, health

( )18. G-dragon _______ our country at noon yesterday, I was so happy to see him.

A. reached in B. reached C. reached at D. reached to

( )19. Although the food near Bell Tower is ________, I don’t have ________ to try,

A. enough expensive; enough time B. cheap enough; enough time

C. expensive enough; time enough D. enough cheap; time enough

( )20. She is _______ he is, so they both have lots of foreign friends.

A. as very outgoing as B. so outgoing as C. outgoing as D.as outgoing as

( )21. ---Sam, which one is ________ in your school, football or basketball?

--- I think basketball is, Mom. A. more popular B. popular C. popularer D. much popular

( )22. ----Why do you make friends with John ?

----He isn’t good at study, but ________ he is honest.

A.at most B .at least C. less than D. more than

( )23.My geography teacher tells us China is one of _________ in the world.

A. larger country B. larger countries C. the largest countries D. largest country

( )24. ---There _________ a comic show in your school next week, right?

--- Yes, you can cosplay Naruto at that time.

A. is going to be B. is going to have C. was D. is

( )25. ---It’s too cold outside, so we decide ______at home.

---You are right. In Xi’ an, it is always cold outside in winter.

A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying

( )26. It’s important _________ us _________English well

A. of; learning B. of; learning C. of; to learn D. for; to learn

( )27. I predict there will be __________ trees and __________ pollution in the near future if we do our best

to protect the environment.

A. less; more B. more; less C. less; less D. more; more

( )28. ---How will you spend your weekends?

---If I _________ free, I _________ to the cinema with my friends.

A. will be; will go B. am; go C. will; will go D. am; will go

( )34. _________you don’t give up(放弃),your dreams will come true.

A. If B. Unless C. Because D. So

( )35. ---Can you come to my birthday party this Sunday morning?

---__________ , but I have to go to the English club.

A. Sorry, I can't B. I think so. C. I'd love to. D. I hope not

( )36. I usually walk to school, but I ______ come by bus.

A. some times B. often C. sometimes D. maybe

( )37. Look, there is a boy over there _____ the tree. A. on B. in C. at D. of

( )38. ——What does your father do? ——_____________.

A. He is working hard B. He is at work now C. He is a teacher D. He is teaching English

( )39. Can you ____ English? Only ______.

A. speak , a little words B. say, a little words C. speak, a little D. say, a little

( )40. Sleeping too late is ____ your health. A. good for B. bad for C. good to D. bad to

( )41. Some of us watch TV three ____ four _____a week.

A. and, time B. but, time C. or, time D. or, times

( )42. My mother isn’t in, I must ___________ my sister at home.

A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look out

( )43.I often ________ on weekends.

A. go to movie B. go the movies C. going to the movies D. go to the movies

( )44. Eating vegetables maybe help you keep in _______.

A. healthy B. health C. healthily D. unhealthy

( )45. You’d better ______ to send me an e-mail when you get home.

A. not to forget B. don’t forget C. to not forget D. not forget

( )46. My brother doesn’t feel ______ today. A. nice B. good C. well D. badly

( )47. She doesn’t feel like _____ anything today. A. to eat B. eating C. eat D. eats

( )48. I have a toothache, I _____ to see a dentist. A. want B. need C. should D. must

( )49. ----What’s the ______, Judy? -----I have a fever. A. wrong B. matter C. thing D. question

( )50. It is _________ today than yesterday . Shall we go swimming this afternoon ?

A. the hottest B. hot C. hottest D. hotter

( )51.——I have a toothache. ——Maybe you should see a _______.

A. teacher B. nurse C. worker D. dentist

( )52. ——What’s on TV tonight? Is there ______ interesting? ——I’m afraid not.

A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

( )53. You must look _____ yourself and keep _______.

A. for, health B. after, health C. after, healthy D. for, healthy

( )54. It’s very useful ________ English well.

A. of us to learn B. for us to learn C. of us learning D. for us learning

( )55. Lu Yun is a famous people, _______ here knows him.

A. someone B. everyone C. no one D. anyone

( )56. Eating ______ meat is bad for your health.

A. too many B. much too C. many too D. too much

( ) 57. You shouldn’t eat too much _____ you go to bed.

A. when B. before C. after D. while

( )58. There is ______ snow here in winter.

A. too many B. too much C. lot of D. much too

( )59. I’m ill. Please give me some good _____.

A. advise B. advises C. advice D. advices

( )60. Could you give me a piece of paper ______?

A. to write B. to write down C. to write on D. to write with

( )61. There is ____________ with your computer. A. much something wrong

B. much wrong something C. nothing much wrong D. something wrong much

( )62. You’re very tired. You’d better __________.

A. stop to working B. stop working C. to stop to work D. stop to work

( )63. I don’t know that boy _____ can dance well.

A. this B. who C. what D. where

( )64. My brother _____ with his friends tomorrow if it ________.

A. is going to hike, won’t rain B. is going hiking, doesn’t rain

C. will go hiking , won’t rain D. goes hiking, doesn’t rain

( )65. I’m interested in animals, so I ____ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.

A. pay B. get C. take D. spend

( )66. We went to the country ____ a very cold morning. A. at B. in C. on D. for

( )67. They decided ________ a meeting next Monday. A. have B. on have C. having D. to have

( )68. Jim with his friends ____ going fishing this afternoon. A. am B. are C. is D. were

( )69. There __________ a football game this afternoon.

A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. have

( )70. Yesterday I saw _______ enjoy _______ in the park.

A. her, hers B. they, them C. she, herself D. them, themselves

( )71. Our summer holiday is coming. Two _____ students in our school will go to the beach.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of

( )72. The speaker told such a good joke that he made all of us ______.

A. laughing B. laughed C. laugh D. to laugh

( )73. It will be bad for your health to eat ______ food and take _______ exercise.

A. fewer, more B. much, little C. little, much D. less, more

( )74. I have got a headache. I don’t feel like ____ anything.

A. to eat B. eat C. eating D. have

( )75. _______ me carefully, boys and girls. Can you _____ me?

A. Listen to, hear from B. Hear, listen to C. Hear, hear D. Listen to, hear

( ) 76. ---Excuse me, could you tell me _____ get to the bus station?

----Certainly, go straight along here.

A. how can we B. how we can C. when can we D. when we can

( ) 77. He finds ______ very hard to study English. A. they B. them C. it D. him

( )78. The students often _____ their teachers _______ help.

A. asks, to B. ask, to C. ask, for D. asks, for

( )78. Can you tell me _____ to the hospital? A. how get B. the way C. where is D. which road

( )79. Tom is ___ way to see the famous scientist. A. on his B. on one’s C. in his D. in one’s

( ) 80. Please ________ lights when you leave the office.

A. take off B. turn off C. turn on D. put on

( ) 81. ----How does he usually go to work? -----He usually ______ to work.

A. on foot B. by bus C. on my bike D. takes the bus

( ) 82. _________ is it from your home to school?

A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How often

( ) 83. ____ do you ______ sushi(寿司)?

A. How…do B. What…make C. How…make D. What…do

( ) 84. ___ you agree ____ me? A. Do…to B. Are…to C. Do…with D. Are…with

( ) 85. Please give ____ _____ pen. A. my…me B. his…his C. her…her D. his…his

( ) 86. He was born _______ a cold night. A. in B. at C. on D. of

( ) 87. My birthday is ________November 21st. A. at B. in C. on D. for

( )88. Michael Jordan was born ______ February. A. at B. in C. on D. for

( ) 89. Thanks for ____A. you help B. your helping C. your help me D. your help

( ) 90 ---Can you hear a girl ______ in the room? ---Yes, let’s go to see her.

A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. is singing

( ) 91. This pair of pants ________ than Mary’s.

A. are long B. is much longer C. are much long D. is long

( ) 92. _____ of the two boys are funny. A. All B. Both C. Any D. Either

( ) 93. May I ask you ______ questions? A. some B. any C. a D. a little

( ) 94. The girl ______ blue is his sister. A. wears B. in C. puts on D. with

( ) 95. I’m going to ____hospital to see my friend, he is ill in ______hospital.

A. /…the B. a…the C. the…a D. the…/

( ) 96. He often helps me _____ my homework. A. with B. in C. by D. on

( ) 97. There is a hole ______ the wall. A. on B. in C. of D. at

( ) 98. The Chinese farmers are getting____.

A. richer and richer B. rich and rich C. more and more rich D. rich and richer

( ) 99. ---Don’t forget to post this letter for me, please. ---No, I ____.

A. don’t B. won’t C. mustn’t D. can’t

( ) 100.Linda and I _______ cleaning the room.

A. are both B. both like C. both are like D. are like both

1-5 BBDCD 6-10 ACABA 11-15 ACABB 16-20 DBBBD 21-25ABCAB 26-30 DBDAC 36-40 CBCCB 41-45 DBDBD 46-50 CBBBD 51-55 DCCBB 56-60 DBBCC 61-65 CBBBD 66-70 CDCBD 71-75 ACBCD 76-80 BCCBAB 81-85 DACCC 86-90 CCBDC 91-95 BBABD 96-100 ABABB
