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篇一:I'M HERE 伊藤由奈汉语音译

I’m Here

Lyrics: Kei Noguchi Music: Kazuhiro Hara

口都苦 呐都ano 目头 so long Hi 头里 ki里副米 大西他 啊撒 粗有咖喱呐 吗那 咋西哇 to high 不热哇 西呐以

你个奶yi口头噶 以粗某 no more 级与有里 大哎级大头 i konw

哇卡 他以他卡拉以吗 fou you 他大卡 wu有

Ki米噶 以no撸 头Ki哇

搜no忒 粗粗米 口目有

哦那集 奶粗你 怒那撒 累

Shake down 西因家他 米吃 我 哈市如 Im here 某 吗有哇nayi

Ki组 苏哭 呐啦 哦哭吗得

Ra是哭 移库ru sono哈忒那ra 啊卡酷 某诶忒 一

Find out kibou哇 以粗no 头ki某 Still shine 口no 木neno 那卡 Saga 西大西忒 can you feel it? 那诉苦 口头wo 哦搜来路 友谊 阿姨喔 hi头cu 大诶忒

哑miNo 穆口哦 so i wanna go

移库苏卡no 带哎撒诶 so far

头以 ki哦哭 与re如 大kei 艾玛诶 呐 哇卡lai友里 to heart Ki 组喔 cu开忒

撒比西 萨尼 西祖玛 那一 no cry 苏忒rare 那易 chi 开噶 啊如 某te啊搜不un没 你哇 for you 撒卡啦如有

Ki米 no 某头诶 一粗卡 卡诶如 头ki 噶 库鲁有

辛集忒 一如 啊西他 喔

Break down 粗那怒ki 头苏 内噶以 I m here 某与组re 奶

新嗯 吉粗 那啦 苏哈达 de Ki米喔 后口如 级斌大ke 哇 以苏某 扣扣你 一如

You konw 口他诶 哎粗 no 头ki某 Turn out 扣扣肉 噶撒开不 忒喔 no巴赛吧以

Can you touch it?

犹如你 目来路 哈萨卡 有力 爱我 hi头苏 大诶忒

头o一 hi卡里 So I wanna go

篇二:Lesson 1 I'm new here

Lesson 1 I’m New Here


本课是本单元的第一课,其中涉及的现在进行时是小学英语考核的重点,它包含三个课时的教学内容,各个课时的教学内容既有联系又有不同侧重点。 第一课时:复习巩固句型 what are you doing?I am/ we are。。。的基础上以旧知引出新知识 what is he/she doing? He is /She is 。。。掌握短语clean the blackboard,clean the classroom,draw a picture,read a book,play the piano,wait for a classmate。

第二课时:在复习第一课时的基础上,完成Play a game,进行知识的拓展与巩固,掌握短语:taking a picture,reading a book,playing table tennis,riding a bike,counting,brushing,eating ice cream,swimming,listening to music ,playing the piano,washing my face/学习Let us talk。掌握日常用语 can I help you?what class are you in ?I am in Class 3,Grade 6。What about you ?May I know your name?并完成Listen and Number部分的练习。

第三课时:复习第一,二课时的教学内容,能熟练运用what are you doing?what is he/she doing?理解first name,family name,full name 的区别,能阅读对话完成课后作业,能运用what is your first/family/full name?与同学交流。


掌握本课核心短语和单词,能运用what are you doing?what is he/she doing?进行交流,能正确询问了解某人就读班级,年级信息。能正确书写核心短语与核心句型与个人姓名的英语写法,通过字母y及字母组合igh,ie的学习,掌握/ai/的发音规律,并能初步运用发音规律拼读单词



2、What are you doing?What is he /she doing ?的复习,学习与交流。




重点 :掌握核心短语 clean the blackboard, clean the classroom等 难点 :What are you doing ? I am /We are…….

What is he/she doing? He/She is …….

Step 1: Greeting

Talking with teacher like this

通过师生间的问候,能增进学生和老师的感情,也能创造良好的英语学习氛围。 Step 2: Sing an English song(边唱边学动作)

将Washing my face ,riding a bike,doing housework,reading a book,drawing a picture 等学过的短语展示出来

Step3: Listening and talking what can you hear ?

Talking with your partners。What are you doing?

Step4 : T:Look!What am I doing ?(边说边擦黑板)

S:I don’t know.

T: I am cleaning the blackboard(边说边将单词卡贴在黑板上) 用同样的方法教学 cleaning the classroom


T: Guess .What is he doing?

S: 他在等人

T: Yes. He is waiting for a classmate.

用同样的方法教学Playing the piano

Step5: Homework

Phrases: 一个两遍

句子抄写:What are you doing?

I am planting trees.

We are playing badminton.

What is he doing?

He is cleaning the classroom.

What is she doing?

She is cleaning the blackboard.

Step6: 板书设计

Draw a picture drawing a picture

Clean the blackboard, cleaning the blackboard

Read a book reading a book

Play the piano playing the piano

What are you doing?

I am planting trees

What is he doing?

He is cleaning the blackboard.

What is she doing?

She is cleaning the classroom/


【重点】What class are you in?I’m in Class Three, Grade Six.

【难点】Class Three, Grade Six的用法

May I know your name? My name is…….

Step 1:

1、Review what we have learnt last time by playing a game

2、Find out what Betty and Simon are doing.

1) 教师引导

T: what is Simon doing?

He is flying a kite.


T what is Betty doing?

S She is eating ice cream.

T what is Simon doing?

S He is riding a bike.

3 )学生互相练习

Work in pairs, and then ask some students to come to the front to play the game

Step 2

老师用手势表示数字,并鼓励学生做同样的动作。为运用数字1—10做好准备。 口语练习:Hello! / Hi!

Good morning.

Glad to meet you. / Nice to meet you


Step 3

1:Learn new sentences

1) 介绍新生 (出示新生照片):给学生出示一位新生的照片,让学生提出一些关于新生的问题,学生可能会想到询问这位新生是哪个班的,从而引入新句型的学习。

T:This is … He’s a new student in our school. He’s new. Let’s say hello to him.

Ss: Hello

T: What do you want to know about him?

Ss ask:学生提出各种问题,教师给与回答。如果没有涉及到与本课有关的主句型,教师可提示What class is he in?学生猜过后,再公布答案。 T introduce: He’s in Class …, Grade …

2) 句型What class are you in? I am in Class one


T:He’s in Class…Grade … What class are you in?

[板书:in Class…Grade…]


S:In Class…Grade…

T示范:I’m in Class…Grade…




教师带读 What class are you in?


4)游戏:两个学生一组进行问答。先让提问的学生在问之前在纸上写出一个班级和年级的数字,注意不要让对方看到,然后问:What class are you in? 对方回答后,如果内容与自己一致则说:I’m in Class…Grade…. 如不一致则告诉对方。做完后两人交换。找几组学生到前面去做

Step 4

1、 Learn the dialog

篇三:I'm here


We haven’t contact, but I fell like we don’t leave me. How long we have not seen, for almost Two years. We have grown up, but we still remember the beautiful memories of the past.

We will bagin the sturgglefor the future,but the sociology tells us a truth is no matter what do not give up easily.persist in our heart and hard work.when you try to do something absolutely not shilly-shally,otherwise you will lose something more. More exchanges with others, you future is not person you and lonely. I believe we can do others can not effort. Come on!

I’m here, looking forward to yours reply.

Have a good mood everyday!

篇四:Hi, I'm New Here!

Hi, I'm New Here!

Meaning: Hello, I am a new student!


College is a new and different experience for me. I'm away from home, so I have many things to adjust to, e.g. being on my own, talking with friendly people. These are some of the things I like about college.

1. Experience

经历 C It was the most educational experience I had ever had.


经验 U I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be.


V. We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future. 我们从过去中学习, 体验现在, 展望未来的成功。

2. adjust 调整

I must ~ my watch because it is a little slow.

Adjust to

Jim found it hard to adjust to his stepmother.

上大学对我来说是种新的不同的体验。我离开了家,因此有很多东西要去适应,比如说,自己依靠自己,和友好的人交谈,这些是我喜欢大学的一些方面。 Para2

First of all, living at college gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. My parents aren't around to say, "No, you're not going out tonight." or "Did you finish your homework?" Everything I do has to be my decision, and that makes me responsible for my own life. During the second week I was at college, I had to go out and look for a bank where I could open an account. And when I got to the bank, I had to decide whether to have a current or savings account and whether or not to get a credit card. Decisions! Decisions!

1. sense 感觉

C I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of directions, so I easily get lost. 恐怕我的方位感很差, 因此我容易迷路。


The horse sensed danger and stopped. 马感觉到了危险,于是停了下来。

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:i,m,here)

2. responsibility

U 责任

I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.

我错了, 我愿为此承担责任。

C 职责

It's my responsibility to lock the doors. 我负责锁门。

3. decision …make a ~

I have made a decision to travel in the holiday.

4. be responsible for应负……责任的

Who's responsible for this accident? 谁应该对这次事故负责?

5. account for V

How can I account for the loss? 我如何解释这个损失?

6. current account 活期存款账户 e.g. ~affairs 时事

Savings account 储蓄账户

It took all our savings to buy the house. 买这房子花掉了我们所有的积蓄。



Friendly people, that's another thing I like about college. On my first day I came to Marymount University here in Virginia from New York, I was a bit confused about where I was going. My mother and I drove in. We did not know the building we were supposed to go to, but the guard was very nice. With a smile, he told us what building we were looking for and where we could park our car. My room was on the first floor of New Gerard, and I knew I had to go through some glass doors, but my mother and I didn't know which ones. Some students saw me and asked, "Are you a new student?" When they found out I was looking for New Gerard, one said: "Oh, just follow us; that's where we're going." Even now I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are friendly people around to talk with.

1. confused 糊涂的

I am a little confused. Can you explain that to me?

2. be supposed to do sth. 应该。。。

The train was supposed to arrive 10 minutes ago. 火车应该十分钟前就到了。 Suppose

猜想 I suppose so. 我想是的。

假设 Suppose you won a million dollars, what would you do?

3. guard v. The building is guarded by men with dogs. 有人带着狗守卫这房子。

4. go through 穿过

This door is too small; the piano won't go through it. 这门太小,钢琴过不去。

5. find out 发现

We shall find out the truth early or late. 我们迟早会查明事实真相。

6. comfortable 舒服的(人或物)

I won't be comfortable until you tell me the truth. 只有你告诉了我真相后,我才会放下心来。

a comfortable coat 舒适的外套


Para4 I do like a lot of things about college, but that doesn't mean I don't think about things at home. Although I like college, I can still get homesick: New York is a very good place, too!

1. do 强调

Do be careful!

She does have a new car.

Why did not you tell me? I did tell you.

2. homesick 想家的

How can I keep my mind off feeling homesick? 我如何才能不想家?

篇五:I'm here




















1. 祈求神光照我們,以致我們能開始以神的眼光來看自己身邊所有的人、事、物及際遇。

2. 以祈禱的心情,去回顧自己過去一日的思想、感覺和行動,並藉此看看神如何在我們中間運行。經常停頓下來,並以讚美、認罪、求告、代求及感恩去祈禱。

3. 試想自己可如何去回應神的邀約及感動。






4. B-Body L-Labor E-Emotional S-Social :請為親友及弟兄姊妹的肉身需要來祈福。 :請為親友及弟兄姊妹的工作或學業需要來祈福。 :請為親友及弟兄姊妹的情感需要來祈福。 :請為親友及弟兄姊妹的種種人際關係來祈福。



用三個常用的英文字來作為我們祈禱時的指引,即謝謝(thank you)、對不起(sorry)及懇請(please);這三個文的首個字母,可被串連為茶匙的簡稱(tsp),來幫助記憶及便於應用:

1. 謝謝你:即在祈禱中向神讚美與感恩。

2. 對不起:即在祈禱中向神認罪。

3. 懇請你:即在祈禱中為自己祈求及為別人代求。 S-Spiritual :請為親友及弟兄姊妹在屬靈方面的需要來祈福。
