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AnnaAnna (voice of Kristen Bell) is more daring than graceful and, at times, can act before she thinks. But she's also the most optimistic and caring person you'll ever meet. She longs to reconnect with her sister, Elsa, as they were close during their childhood. When Elsa accidentally unleashes a magical secret that locks the kingdom of Arendelle in an eternal winter, Anna embarks on a dangerous adventure to make things right. Armed with only her fearlessness, a never-give-up attitude and her faith in others, Anna is determined to save both her kingdom and her family.

ElsaFrom the outside, Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel) looks poised, regal and reserved, but in reality, she lives in fear as she wrestles with a mighty secret—she was born with the power to create ice and snow. It's a beautiful ability, but also extremely dangerous. Haunted by the moment her magic nearly killed her younger sister Anna, Elsa has isolated herself, spending every waking minute trying to suppress her growing powers. Her mounting emotions trigger the magic, accidentally setting off an eternal winter that she can't stop. She fears she's becoming a monster and that no one, not even her sister, can help her.WALLPAPERSICONSFACEBOOK

KristoffKristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) is a true outdoorsman. He lives high up in the mountains where he harvests ice and sells it to the kingdom of Arendelle. Rough around the edges, Kristoff's the strong, no-nonsense type, who follows his own set of rules. He may seem like a loner, but he always has his best friend by his side—a loyal and extremely mangy reindeer named Sven.WALLPAPERSICONSFACEBOOK

SvenA reindeer with the heart of a Labrador, Sven is Kristoff's loyal friend, sleigh-puller and conscience. He makes sure his mountain-man companion is the stand-up guy Sven knows and loves, and does so without saying a word. A few emphatic snorts usually get his point across. Life would be perfect if only Kristoff would lose that ridiculous reindeer voice he likes to use when speaking for Sven (as if reindeers really talk that way).WALLPAPERSICONSFACEBOOK

OlafHe's Olaf (voice of Josh Gad) and he likes warm hugs. Sprung from Elsa's magical powers, Olaf is by far the friendliest snowman to walk the mountains above Arendelle. His innocence, outgoing personality and uncanny ability to disassemble himself at good and not-so-good times lead to some awkward, albeit laughable moments. He may also have the world's most impossible dream, but what he doesn't know won't melt him—or will it?WALLPAPERSICONSFACEBOOK

HansHans (voice of Santino Fontana) is a handsome royal from a neighboring kingdom who comes to Arendelle for Elsa's coronation. With 12 older brothers, Hans grew up feeling practically invisible—and Anna can relate. Hans is smart, observant and chivalrous. Unlike Elsa, Hans promises he'll never shut Anna out; he just might be the connection she's been waiting for all the



TrollsThese ancient creatures might be found in the Valley of the Living Rock,

but only if they want to be found. Trolls are masters of minerals and

yielders of the night sky. They are also overbearing, loud, meddlesome,

innappropriate and heavy—really heavy. But they mean well and love well.WALLPAPERSICONSFACEBOOK

The Duke of WeseltonWhat the Duke of Weselton (voice of Alan Tudyk) lacks in stature, he makes up for in arrogance and showboating. He's determined to get close to the new queen—that is, until Elsa's magical secret is revealed. Then he's the first to call her a monster and try to turn her own kingdom against her—anything that might help him exploit Arendelle's tradable goods.WALLPAPERSICONSFACEBOOK

The story between sisters is extremely common in the fairy tales, but the ending in FROZEN is unexcepted.

To be honest,we can't say which one does us prefer to, Elsa,a queen in white robe, or Anna, a lovely and unrelenting girl. When the affection between the sisters defeated magic, we may think that we considered too much. Whoever says from the behavior of true love must be the love between men and women? We are often moved by a favour given by strangers, but ignore the love among our family.

As to the plot, when people have seen the witch and the princess,the step-mother and the handsome price.Everyone was expecting something fresh.

"FROZEN" did do something remarkable.When the queen Elsa is singing "Let it go" on the mountain top and building a colorful iced-castle, her temperament of goddess conqueres the audience.


在阿伦黛尔王国,生活着艾莎和安娜。艾莎天生具有制造冰雪的能力,随着年龄的增长,她的能力越来越强,甚至险些夺走妹妹的生命。为此国王紧闭宫门,也中断了两姐妹的联系。艾莎到了加冕的年龄,各国王公齐来祝贺。艾莎唯恐被人识破隐藏了多年的秘密。然而当听说安娜将要和初次见面的南埃尔斯王子汉斯结婚时,依然情绪失控露出了马脚。在此之后她逃到山中,构建了属于自己的冰雪王国,而阿伦黛尔也陷入可怕的寒冷之中。 安娜独自来到山中,在山民克斯托夫的帮助下总算来到姐姐的宫殿,经过她的努力,国家重新找回了失落的绿意。


Today ,I will talk about a film I love. I love the film very much ,and I am deeply touching by the story . It is a Disney’s musical film, Frozen.

There has two princess ------Elsa and Anna, Elsa has the ability to control ice and snow, she hit her sister Anna accidentally, and after it has been afraid to close to Anna, afraid to hurt again dear sister. To Elsa adult must take over the task of commanding the Kingdom.

Elsa has been the secret collection of magic. A quarrel broke out let Elsa repressed emotions, but magic allows the kingdom to become frozen snow country. Anna came to came to her sister's palace, with her efforts, the country to rediscover the lost green.





In Disney's animated musical film, Frozen, the Snow Queen holds a kingdom under a spell that traps them in a harsh and grueling eternal winter. Anna, the Snow Queen's sister and Anna's friend Kristoff

undertake an adventure of Everest proportions, facing magic and mystical creatures, to capture the Snow Queen and save the kingdom from destruction.


《冰雪奇缘》人物角色分析 现任20世纪福克斯电影发展主管的克里斯多夫?沃格勒研究了约瑟夫?坎贝尔关于以神话为基础的叙事故事的理论,把坎贝尔的思想应用在角色塑造里面。沃格勒指出一共有七种角色原型: 英雄、 导师、 关卡守门人、 信使、 变化者、 影子和小丑,而且一个角色在剧本故事中不同阶段可以扮演不同的原型。 在这个理论中, “ 英雄” 指故事的主人公, 是整个故事的核心人物。重要的决定和行为都是由他来完成。他是获得观众认同或者倾慕的对象, 在整个叙事中, “ 英雄” 要经历重大的磨难来让自己成长。“ 导师” 是睿智, 经验丰富的角色, 他通过提供教诲或者训练帮助“ 英雄” 。导师还会激励“ 英雄” , 帮助他克服恐惧和绝望。“ 导师” 代表了高尚的形象。“ 使者” 是宣布重要变化或挑战, 召唤“ 英雄” 踏上旅程的角色。“ 影子” 代表英雄内心的黑暗面, 被压抑的恐惧和痛苦的回忆。“ 变化者” 是通过伪装或者谎言迷惑误导“ 英雄” 。“ 关卡守门人” 是在叙事中常常阻碍“ 英雄” 前进的角色, “ 关卡守门人” 的出现是为了考验“ 英雄” 是否能真的做好准备迎接挑战。“ 小丑” 是通过玩笑和恶作剧让故事增添一些轻松感。



整个故事的转折点是艾莎加冕日,单纯的安娜决定与初次见面的汉斯结婚遭到艾莎的极力反对。由于情绪失控艾莎释放出了一些寒冰。汉斯在这里扮演着的是“关卡守门人” 的角色,阻碍事情的发展。汉斯是邻国小岛上的一个王子,由于辈分比较低,无望于继承本国的王位。所以汉斯决定到阿伦戴尔王国,私心想着和艾莎结缘。谁知提前邂逅了安娜,并与她产生情愫。汉斯决定和安娜结婚来获得一些权力。汉斯同时又扮演“变化者”的角色。汉斯用谎言欺骗安娜,安娜被艾莎打伤后,地精告诉她只有真爱之吻才能拯救她,安娜还以为自己的真爱是汉斯。然而汉斯根本不爱安娜,当初与安娜交往只不过是为了当上阿伦黛尔的国王,实为政治阴谋。此时汉斯不顾安娜的哀求,决定放任她在房里死去,然后以叛国罪罪名处死艾莎,进而达成夺权野心,但在汉斯来杀艾莎时,她却释出冰雪冻裂了手镣,并得以破墙而出,而因为艾莎心绪不定,城堡陷入了暴风雪中。 艾莎极力隐藏的秘密被发现后,就独自跑到北山给自己建了个冰宫,想要永久远离伤心之地。长久以来的恐惧和压抑,在这里完全的释放出来。艾莎造出来的雪怪,就是她心里“阴影”的化身,雪怪沉默寡言,然而却能给入侵者沉重一击。






[1] AndrewLynn( 英) , 霍斯亮译.英语电影赏析.北京: 外语教学与研究

出版社, 2005.8.

[2] 侯维瑞主编.英国文学通史.上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.

篇四:Frozen 冰雪奇缘人物



新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cn《冰雪奇缘》16句中英文经典台词

《冰雪奇缘》英文名《Frozen》,这一部影片凭借着优美的歌曲和个性的电影人物迅速红遍世界,其歌曲《Let It Go》更是一片红,连爸爸去哪儿2中的姐姐grace也拿它当起床铃声。今天新通外语小编就为大家梳理下影片中的一些经典台词。让大家边看边积累词汇,助雅思一臂之力。



1 in the charming Allen Dale, the birth of a mysterious queen, she was born with a suction call snow magic, but fear loneliness surround. Magic is always hidden, but eventually the release day.


2 I will take her home, I will fix it


3 you are not afraid of her?



新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cnShe is my sister, she would never hurt me


4 yes, I think she is the most kind-hearted people, isn't it?


You can be really terror


5 Hello, my name is located.


You are Essar out of the heap?


6 we need Essar to take over the summer


7 lovely! Like a baby Unicorn


8 litter Snowman not polite


9 we'll get through this storm


10 that is not a snow storm, it is my sister!



新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cnThe first 11 in all one's born days, my dream into reality


12 if we do not act, we will be killed


13 let us bring summer back


14 you are melting, Bao Xue


Some people worthy of me melt, but it seems that now is not the time


15 to unlock frozen it, please!


Don't you understand? I can't make it


16 I will not leave you, Essar



新通外语广州学校网址: Gz.igo99.cn更多机经下载,点击↓↓进入免费下载

