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初一 Unit17 Can you help me, please?

一. 教学目的:语音, 词汇及提供帮助的日常交际用语和形容词的基本用法.

can you help me

二. 教学重点:提供帮助的日常用语和形容词的基本用法.

三. 重点难点讲解:

1. Could you help me, please? 你能帮助我吗?

这句实际上相当于Can you help me, please?. 两者在意思上没有什么区别, 只是could 要比can 在语气上更显得委婉, 客气, 在句尾加上please更显得有礼貌. Could you / I… 句型常被用来提出一个请求. 例如:

Could you take the new books to the classroom, please?


对Could you/ I …问句作肯定回答常用Certainly, 如作否定回答可说Sorry或Oh, please don’t. 例如:

“Could I sit here?” “Sorry, you can’t.”

“我能坐在这儿吗?” “对不起, 你不能坐这儿.

2. Today is Monday. 今天是星期一.

这句话也可以说成It’s Monday today. 这里的代词it指日期或时间.

一星期中七天的名称都是专有名词, 单词的第一个字母必须大写.

如要询问星期几, 一般用what day来提问. 如:

“What day is it today?” “It’s Sunday today.”

“今天是星期几?” “今天星期天.”

3. 形容词在句中的基本功能.

类似big, heavy, full, empty, light, new, old这样的形容词在句中主要用来作表语和定语, 作表语时往往和be动词或者其他连系动词连用, 作定语是, 一般位于被修饰名词的前面. 例如:

This classroom is new.这个教室是新的. (new作表语)

This is a new classroom.这是个新的教室. (new作定语)

有许多形容词都具有其意思上互为相反的词, 即反义词, 到目前我们已学过下列词, 综合起来记忆效果显著.

small---big; light---heavy; empty---full; old---young; old---new; white---black; same---different.

4. Could I have a full one, please? 请给我一瓶满的, 好吗?

“Could I have…?” 可以理解为 “请给我…好吗?” 其中动词have在这里是”得到”, “拥有”的意思.

One可以用来代替前面出现过的单数名词, 以避免重复, 这里one代替上文中出现的bottle. 如要代替复数名词, 则用ones, 例如:

The boy doesn’t want the small apples. He wants the big ones.

那男孩不要这些小的苹果, 他想要那些大苹果.

5. Please let me help you. (请让)我来帮助你吧.

以let开头的祈使句常用来表示说话人的建议, 请求, 命令等. 句中me是宾语, 由于help you 是宾语me的动作, 所以在语法上称为宾语补足语.

以let引起的祈使句的否定形式要视在意思上否定的是什么来决定. 如否定let, 则在let前用don’t, 如否定let 后面的不定式, 则在不定式前用not, 如:

Don’t let the boy carry the heavy box. Let him carry the light one.

不要让那孩子提那只重箱子, 让他提那只轻的.

Let’s not do it. It’s his work.

这件事我们还是不要做, 这是他的事.

6. Want to do…想要做…

Want是 “想要”的意思, 表示想要做某事时, 应说want to do…, 这里的to do…是不定式短语, 作want的宾语, to 是不定式的符号, 不能省略. 如:

They want to have a look at your new car.


He wants to come and see you.


这里的want 加s是因为主语he是第三人称单数, 这一点以后在详细讨论.

Want也可以带名词或代词作宾语. 例如:

I want a cup of tea.


Do you want this one or that one?


7. take…to…把(某物或某人)带到(某处)去

take…to…这一短语中的动词take是 “带”或 “拿” 的意思, to 是介词, 表示方向. 这一短语所表示的方向性很强, 我们使用take一般表示把某物或某人带到另一个地方或某人那儿去, 而不是带来. 例如:

Take this coat to him, please.


如果所去的地方用副词来表示, 如home, there等则省去介词to. 如:

Let her take the boy home.


*Take 和here不能搭配.

8. carry 和take

carry 和take尽管意思接近, 但用法很不相同. Take 是表示把某物或某人带到某处去, 具有很强的方向性. 但carry主要表示用力地 “提”, “搬”较重的物体等意思, 不强调方向. 试比较:

The bag is too heavy, I can’t carry it.

这只口袋太沉, 我搬不动.(不用take)

We often help the old woman carry water.


Carry也可以与表示方向的介词to 短语连用, 这时用carry主要是为了强调 “提” “抬”等意思. Take则不强调用多大力气, 而是有目的地或随意性的 “拿” “带”. 如:

Please carry (take) the books to the classroom.


Carry指书很多, 每一包有一定的重量, 可能来回搬几次. Take指书的数量不多, 可能一次就不费力地拿走.

9. 副词too的基本用法.

表示 “过分”, “太” , 有不恰当, 不适合的含意. 在句中修饰形容词或另一副词.

He is too young. He can’t go to school.

他太小了, 不能上学.

*very表示 “非常”, “很”, 但没有过分而不恰当的含意, 因此当我们说The bottle is too small时, 则意味着这只瓶子太小而不能用; 当我们说The bottle is very small时, 则只表示瓶很小, 没有其他含意.

作为副词, too还可以作 “也”解, 这时too一般单独位于句尾, 前面有逗号. 如:

His brother is in Class Two. My sister is in Class Two, too.

他的弟弟在二班, 我的妹妹也在二班.

10. a bottle of orange 一瓶桔汁

orange 作 “桔子”解时, 是可数名词, 作 “桔汁”解时, 是不可数名词, 不能加s. Bottle是可数名词, 所以要表示几个瓶, 则用复数bottles. 如:

There are twelve bottles of orange in the box.


11. have a look, look 和see

have a look和look都表示 “看”, have a look中的look是名词, 这个短语在功能上差不多相当于动词look, 都强调 “看” 这一动作, 但在具体用法上还是有所不同. Have a look 一般用来表示短时间较满意地看一看, 瞧一瞧, 特别向对方提出要求看一看某物时常用. 动词look一般用来表示一段时间内倾心专注地 “看”. 试比较:

Let me have a look at your watch.


Please look at the blackboard.


从上面我们知道have a look 和动词look都强调 “看”这一动作, 但是动词see则强调看的结果, 意思是 “看见”. 例如:

Can you see the bird in the tree?



12. What about…?怎么样/好不好?

What about引起的问句常用来征求对方意见, 或询问一个前面已谈到过的相同情况或观点, 在不同的上下文中有不同的理解. 例如:

What about this white shirt?


What about引起的问句还可以表示说话人的建议, 后面同样可接名词, 由于about是介词, 所以接动词时, 须用动词的---ing形式, 表示建议做某事.如:

What about a glass of water?


What about watching TV?


*How about 可用来代替What about, 而不改变其意思.

四. 练习

1. 翻译

(1) 一只空瓶

篇二:Can you help me

Can you help me?

Man: Excuse me. Can you help me?

Woman: No, I’m sorry, I can’t.

Man: Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, please.

Francis: Hello. Ah, excuse me. Can you help me?

Man: Yes, yes, of course.

Francis: Thank you.

Man: Can I help you?

Jane: Oh, yes. Open the door, please. Thank you.

Diana: Can I help you?

Jane: Oh, yes, please.

Diana: Can you take this?

Jane: Yes, of course.

Diana: Thank you.

Jane:4 3 2 1.

Raymond: Just a moment, please.

Jane: After you.

Diana: No, after you.

Diana: Can I help you? Can I help you?

Jane: Yes, please. Yes, please. Can you help me? Can you help me?

Diana: Yes, I can. Yes I can. Yes of course. Yes, of course. Can you take this? Can you take this? Jane: No, I’m sorry. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. I can take it now.

Diana: Thank you.

Boy: Dad, can you help me?

Dad: Yes, I can.

Francis: Just a moment. Please, come in. come in. Er, yes? Can I help you?

Jane: Please take it. It’s for you. Look!

Francis: Oh, thank you, Jane, thank you.

Jane: Can I sit here?

Francis: Yes, of course, please do. Look! Shall I put it here?

Jane: Mm. No, not there.

Francis: Here? Shall I put it here? No, no please, don’t get up.

Jane: Yes, there.

Francis: Can I sit here? Can I sit here?

Jane: Of course, please do. Please do.

Francis: Please don’t get up. Please don’t get up. Shall we go to the cinema? Shall we go to the cinema?

Jane: No

Francis: Shall we stay here:? Shall we stay here?

Jane: Mmm, yes, and can I sit here?

Francis: Mmm, yes.

Man: Here, here, there, there.

Woman: Here?

Man: there

Arthur: Can I come in?

Man: Arthur. Yes, of course.

Arthur: Can I sit here?

Man: Yes.

Man: Can I park here:

Police: No, you can’t. please don’t park hrer.

Raymond: Entrance.

Voiceover: You can park here. You can’t park here. Parking. NO PARKING. NO ENTRY. ENTRNCE. EXIT. LADIES. GENTLEMEN.

Waiter: Can I help you sir, madam?

Mr. Williams: Yes, Mr. Williams.

Mrs. Williams: And Mrs. Williams.

Waiter: Just a moment, please. Mr. and Mrs.

Williams: Yes, yes, of course, room 8. Can I take your luggage?

Mr. Williams: Yes, please. Will you take that? No don’t take that, will you take this. please? Will you take this, please? Would you take this, please? Would you take this, please?

Waiter: Would you follow me, please? Would you follow me, please?

Guide: Would you wait here, please? Would you come this way, please? This way, please. Mr. Bradley. Would you follow me, please?

Man : Would you take this, please?

Clerk: Certainly, sir.

Man: Is that all right?

Clerk: Thank you.

Man: Thank you.

Voiceover: Can I help you?

Can you help me?

Yes, I can.

Yes, of course.

Can I sit here?

Please do.

Please don’t get up.

Shall we go to the cinema? Will you take this, please? Would you follow me, please?

Francis: Come in.

Waiter: Can I help you, sir?

Francis: No, you can’t. goodbye.

篇三:Module 3 My English book Unit 2 Can you help me实用教案(外研版七年级上)

Unit 2 Can you help me, please?

Ⅰ.Analysis of the text:

In this text students will learn how to spell the words.

Ⅱ.Arrangement of teaching in this module

Three periods for this module, one period for one unit.

Ⅲ.Teaching focus:

1. In this text students will learn how to spell the words.

Key vocabulary and phrases: help, me, classroom, know, say, that, again, welcome, you’re welcome.

2. Be skilled in oral expression of asking and answering the position of things. Ⅳ.Teaching aims:

1. Function: recognition of positions.

2. Listening: Students can understand others’ questions of spelling, and give corresponding answers.

3. Speaking: Students can ask and answer “how to spell”.

4. Reading: Students can understand the similar dialogue of asking and answering spelling.

5. Writing: Students can write spelling of the words.

Ⅴ. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead in:

1. Review the text of Unit 1.

2. Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk something about the pictures.

3. Introduce the new words.

Step 2 Vocabulary study:

1. Show some pictures by PPT.

2. Ask and answer:

What’s this in English?

How can you spell it?

3. Learn the new words.

4. Read the new words.

Step 3 Listen and read.

1. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.

2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.

3. Read the conversation.

Daming : Can you help me, please, Lingling?

Lingling: Yes, of course.

Daming : How do you spell “ classroom ” ?

Lingling: I’m sorry. I don’t know.

Miss Zhou: It’s C-L-A-S-S-R-O-O-M.

Daming: Cab you say that again, please?

Miss Zhou : Yes. It’s C-L-A-S-S-R-O-O-M.

Daming: Thank you.

Miss Zhou : You’re welcome.

4. Act it out.

Step 4 Listen and point.

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 2.

2. Ask and answer like this:

—What’s this in English?

—It’s a monkey. …

3. Work in pairs.

Step 5 Listening practice.

1. Play the recording of Activity 3 and Listen and say.

2. Read and match.

1. Can you help me , please ? a ) You’ re welcome.

2. How do you spell “ desk ”? b) Yes, D-E-S-K.

3. Can you say that again, please? c) It’s D-E-S-K.

4. Thank you. d) Yes. Of course.

3. Listen again and check.

4. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.

Keys: 1.d 2..c 3. b 4.a

5. Listen again and say.

6. Listen and point.

Step 6 Work in pairs.

1. Ask and answer like this.

A: Can you help me, please?

B: Yes, of course.

A: What’s this in English?

B: It’s a…

A: How do you spell it?

B: …

A: Thank you.

B: You’re welcome.

2. Work in pairs.

Step 7 Write.

1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 6.

A: ________ you help me, please?

B: Yes. ____________.

A: How do __________ spell “ __________” ?

B: It’s D-E-S-K.

A: ___________ say that again, please?

B: Yes, _____________.

A: _________ you.

B: You’re __________.

2. Listen and check.


1. Can 2. of course 3. you, desk 5. Can you 6. D-E-S-K

welcome 7. Thank 8.

3. Read together.

小结:In this text students can learn how to spell the words.

反思:Students can understand others’ questions of spelling, and give corresponding answers.Students can ask and answer “how to spell”.Students can understand the similar dialogue of asking and answering spelling.

篇四:Can you help me do sth

Can you help me do sth.?你能帮我做……吗?

在第三个句型中,方向标和大家分享了could you please...?的用法 下面我接着来讲第四个句型:Can you help me do sth.?


Sentence pattern: Can you help me do sth.你能帮我做……吗? Note: A sentence pattern used to ask for some help from someone Example sentence:

1) Can you help me wash the dishes after dinner?


2) Can you help me book a train ticket to Bejing?




Excuse me,can you help me to do sth?


这个句型就是:can i help you? or what can i do for you?


A:Hey,can I help you? 嘿,要我帮忙吗?

B:Yes,please. I think the model plane is broken. 是的,请帮我看看,我想这飞机模型是摔断了吧。

A:Oh,dear,what shall I do? 哎呀! 我该怎么办呀?

B:What‘s the matter,Granny?Can I help you?怎么啦,奶奶? 要我帮忙吗? A:Can I help you?你要买点什么?

B:Thank you. I want some bananas,please. 谢谢,我买点香蕉。

A:What can I do for you,madam?夫人,你要买点什么?

B:I‘m looking for a dress for my daughter. 我想想为女儿买件连衣裙。 A:Can I help yon,sir?先生,要吃点什么吗?

B:Just a cup of tea and two eggs, please. 只要一杯茶和两只鸡蛋。 A:What can I do for you?你要邮寄什么?

B:I‘d like to send this parcel to Beijing. 我要把这个包寄到北京去。 A:Good evening,sir. Welcome to the Friendship Hotel. What can I do for you?晚上好,先生。欢迎到友谊宾馆来,要住宿吗?

B:Thanks. Have you got a single room tonight? 谢谢,今晚有单人房间吗?

篇五:初一外研2 can you help me教案及练习
