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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 17:18:26 小学作文

篇一:a thirsty crow

M1U3 A thirsty crow

一、 Listen and number:





二、Fill in the blanks:

A thirsty crow

It is a _____ day today. There is a ________ in the forest. The crow flies and flies. He is _________ and ________.

Then he sees a _________. There is some __________ in it. The crow wants to _______ the water, but the bottle is too _______ and ________. The crow cannot drink the water. He can _______ some ____________. He puts the pebbles into the bottle. One, two, three…There are many pebbles in the bottle now, and the crow _____ drink the water. The crow is ________ now.




Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. And I learned it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here’s what happened.

I got in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane (车道) when all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver used his brakes (车闸), the tires made a loud noise, and at the very last moment our car stopped just one inch (英寸) from the back of the other car.

I couldn’t believe it. But then I couldn’t believe what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, turned his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. I couldn’t believe it!

And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call: “The Law of the Garbage Truck (垃圾车).” He said:But then here’s what really blew me away. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. So, I said: “Why did you just do that? This guy could have killed us!

“Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they look for a place to dump (倾倒) it. And if you let them, they’ll dump it on you.“So one day when someone wants to dump on you, don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Believe me. You’ll be happier.” So I started thinking, how often do I let Garbage Trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street? It was then that I said: “I don’t want their garbage and I’m not going to spread it anymore.”

I began to see Garbage Trucks. I see the load people are carrying. I see them coming to dump it. And like my taxi driver, I don’t take it personally. I just smile, wave, wish them well, and I move on.

25.What happened to the author on his way to Grand Central Station?

A. He was caught in a traffic jam. B. He had a fight with his taxi driver. C. His taxi almost ran into another car. D. His taxi suddenly got a flat tire (爆胎). 26.When the author saw his taxi driver smile and wave at the driver of the black car, he _____. A. was deeply impressed C. felt quite disappointed

B. got very angry

D. complimented him on his good manners


命题人:彭珂 王将广


第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





One day a few years ago, a very funny thing happened to a neighbor of mine. He is a teacher at one of London’s medical schools. He had finished his teaching for the summer term and was at the airport on his way to Russia to give a lecture. He had put a few clothes and his lecture notes in his shoulder bag, but he had put Rupert, the skeleton(人体骨骼) to be used in his lecture, in a large brown suitcase(箱子). At the airport desk, he suddenly thought that he had forgotten to buy a newspaper. He left his suitcase near the desk and went over to the shop.

When he got back he discovered that someone had taken his suitcase by mistake. He often wonders what they said when they got home and found Rupert. 21. Who wrote the story? A. The teacher’s neighbor C. A medical school teacher

B. The neighbor’s teacher D. Rupert’s teacher

22. Why did the teacher put a skeleton in his suitcase? A. he needed it for the summer term in London

B. he wanted to take it home as he had finished his teaching C. he wanted to take it to Russia for medical research D. he needed it for the lecture he was going to give 23. What happened at the airport? A . the teacher forgot his suitcase C. the skeleton went missing

B. The skeleton was stolen

D. the teacher took the wrong suitcase

27.What can we infer from Paragraph 6?

A.The author used to have a lot of garbage trucks. B.The author used to be a good manager. C.The author used to have a lot of money. D. The author used to complain a lot.

28.How did the author learn to deal with Garbage Trucks?

A. Fight back immediately. B. Smile and move on. C. Call the police for help. D. Dump it on someone else

24. Which of the following might have happened afterwards? A. the teacher got back Rupert but not the suitcase B. the teacher got back neither the suitcase nor Rupert C. the teacher got back the suitcase but not Rupert D. the teacher got back both the suitcase and Rupert


When it comes to problem solving, many of us have heard of the skills of the crow (乌鸦) in Aesop’s Fables (《伊索寓言》).

In the story, a thirsty crow comes across a bottle of water, but the water level (水平面) is out of its reach. The bird then drops small stones into it until the water level rises enough for the bird to drink.

“Oh, it’s just a fable,” you may think. After all, it’s hard to imagine birds knowing about “problem solving”.

But new research has found that crows’ brains may sometimes be better than those of 6-year-old children.

In a recent experiment, US scientist Corina Logan and her team caught six crows to test them. There were two tubes (试管) of water, one wide and the other narrow (窄的). Each crow was given four stones, enough to help them get the water in the narrow tube, but not the wide one.

Surprisingly, the crows dropped all or most of the stones into the narrower tube and got the food reward! They had found out the cause-and-effect relationship.Using such brains, crows are making their lives easier. For example, some crows in cities have learned to use road traffic for breaking nuts, National Geographic News reported.

But how are their wits (智力) compared to humans’? Logan’s team did another experiment, this time on both crows and children.

Here, the crows and children had to choose between two sets of tubes.

With the red set, when they dropped a stone into a wide tube, the water level raised in a connected narrow tube that contained food.

The blue set of tubes, however, had no connection between them. So dropping a stone in the wide tube did not cause the water level to rise in the narrow tube.

Children aged 7 to 10 were able to learn the rule. Children aged 4 to 6, however, failed. Five of the six crows failed the test. But Kitty, a 6-month-old crow, passed it. She put all or most of the stones into the red tube.

So, could a bird be more clever than a kindergartner? Don’t be too quick to say no. 29.Why is Aesop’s Fables mentioned in the beginning of the article? A. To introduce the idea that crows are smart. B. To show that fables about crows are wrong. C. To explain why crows can solve problems.

D. To prove that crows can be better than babies at problem solving. 30. What have Logan’s team found out from their recent experiments? A. Crows prefer to get their food reward from wider tubes.

B. Crows are able to understand or learn cause and effect relationships. C. Crows can easily recognize the tubes with a food reward inside.

D. Some crows even make use of road traffic to help them break nuts. 31. What can we learn from the experiment on crows and children? A. Five of the six crows threw stones into the red tube. B. Children aged 6 did better than children aged 4.

C. One crow passed the test while the younger children didn’t. D. Some crows proved to be more clever than children aged 10.


More and more people are taking their iPads to bed with them to surf the web, check facebook or send e-mails before switching off the light. But researchers are warning that the blue light their screens give off can stop users getting a good night’s sleep. That is because this type of light is similar to daylight, convincing the brain that it is still daytime. Blue light prevents the production of a brain chemical called melatonin, which helps us fall asleep. By contrast, light which is more orange or red does not prevent melatonin production, perhaps because our brains recognize it as a cue that the day ends.

Scientists have known for years that staring at screens late in the evening can affect sleep ---- they are television screens, computer screens or mobile phone screens. However, because mobiles and iPads are by nature portable ---- not to say addictive ---- more people are taking them into the bedroom. Users also tend to hold them much closer to their eyes than a computer or television screen.

Researchers are warning that looking at iPad displays for more than two hours leads to lower natural melatonin levels as the devices give off blue light. They say, “Turning off the devices at night is the final solution. But if you have to use these devices at night, dim the display to cut down irritation of the eyes and limit the time you spend on them before bed.”

They wrote in the journal Applied Ergonomics(应用人类工程学) that iPad makers should adjust the spectral power distribution(光谱功率分布) of the devices so that they affect the sleep patterns of users less.

It is not just a good night’s sleep that could be harmed by too much late night screen time. Researchers know that long-term harm to sleep patterns can lead to an increased risk of obesity and even cancers.

32. Blue light prevents iPad users from sleeping well because ____.

A. it is the same as daylight which keeps people awake B. it makes the brain more active

C. it is brighter than light that is more orange or red D. it can help decrease the production of melatonin A. keep away from the display C. clean the display carefully

B. make the display less bright D. turn off the display

33. The underlined phrase “dim the display” means ____.

34. In the last paragraph, the author intends to ____.

A. warn of the seriousness of long-term poor sleep B. call on researchers to study sleep patterns C. show the danger of obesity and cancers

D. show how sleep is harmed by using iPads too much A. Scientists are warning that blue light is bad for our health. B. People should limit the use of electronic devices C. Using iPads before bed can cause a poor night’s sleep. D. Looking at screens of iPads increase chances of sleeplessness.

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live

___41___ for an important oral exam in the local library, but people kept ___42__ me. I was getting annoyed and of course, I wasn’t able to ___43___. Suddenly I heard someone singing behind me. I ___44__ and glared at the person who was singing. It was a tall girl about the same age as me.

The fact that she looked like a sensitive, friendly girl didn’t matter. If anything, it made me even angrier.” How could she be so selfish?” I thought ___45__.

I picked up my books, glared at her and whispered coldly, “Thanks to your ___46___, I’ve been unable to study. You’re so ___47___!”

I left the library in such a hurry, I left the most important textbook ___48__. when I got home two hours later, I found that textbook gone. I was so ___49__ that I almost cried. Just then, the phone rang. a gentle voice ___50__ the speaker as Jenny and asked if I was Jane. After ___51___ that I was, she said that she had noticed I’d left my book in the library and as my ___52___ was in it, she’d asked a librarian to get my phone number f. She said that she didn’t live far away and could bring it around for me if I needed it.

I sighed with ___53___and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. Of course you’ve ___54__ who Jenny was. She was the girl I had shouted at for singing in the library. When I recognized her in the convenience store, I was filled with ___55___ and apologized for my ruled behavior I felt so ___56___, but Jenny just laughed, saying she was glad to see that I’d also left my ___57___ in the library! I couldn’t help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a quick cup of tea.

Ever since then we’ve been best friends and we got along really well. To be honest, I trust her more than any one else. I often think how __58____ I am. If Jenny hadn’t been a kind person who was willing to ___59___ my shortcomings, I would ___60___ have experienced such true friendship.

41. A. revision 42. A. watching 43. A. follow 44. A. turned down 45. A. sadly 46. A. practice 47. A. active 48. A. behind 49. A. upset 50. A. considered 51. A. deciding 52. A. address 53. A. comfort 54. A. guessed

B. research B. asking B. improve B. turned around B. hopelessly B. attitude B. selfish B. around B. careless B. introduced B. realizing B. class B. relief B. found

C. work C. warning C. concentrate C. turned off C. crazily C. noise C. sensitive C. aside C. nervous C. took C. conforming C. writing C. confidence C. recognized

D. experiment D. disturbing D. speak D. turned over D. angrily D. existence D. stupid D. out D. forgetful D. remembered D. thinking D. name D. satisfaction D. heard

35. What’s the main idea of the passage?



when their player or team wins.

countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.

Some sports or game go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports. People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. without pride and to lose with grace. A. Sports help to train a person’s character.

B. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. C. And think of people in cold countries. D. People aren’t inventing new sports or games. E. Many people like to watch others play games.

F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them. G. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分55分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题的四个选项(A、 B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

The day that I met my best friend for the first time, I was full of anxiety. I was trying to do some

55. A. courage 56. A. worried 57. A. glare 58. A. considerate 59. A. overcome 60. A. ever

B. energy B. excited B. expression B. lucky B. share B. still

C. shame C. terrible C. virtue C. pleased C. forgive C. seldom

D. doubt D. guilty D. friendship D. grateful D. hide D. never

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线(___),并在该词下面写出修改的词。 注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;


I’m an senior high school student. I’m upset these days because my parents. They pay too much attention on my study. I have to report my test results to them every time. If I get good grades, they will be happy and satisfied. But if not, they will be worrying about me, especially my mom. I never want to let them down, but she has made a plan for my future. I was very bored with it and don’t know how to do. I know they really love me. I also know knowledges is important for everybody. Therefore, I can’t stand they are always making me to study. I really expect they can understand me. 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



2.说明优势:知识面、英语水平、合作精神、相关经历; 3.希望得到回复; 注意:


2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数;

Dear Sir or Madam,

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Yours truly,

Li Hua


第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于三个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 There was a boy who was sent to a boarding school(寄宿学校student in his class. He was at the top in every (compete). But things (change) when he came to the new school. His grades started dropping and he was lonely all the time. He felt he was worthless and no one loved him. His parents began to worry, but they did not They his classes, teachers and sports. The he asked, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?” They boy said, “______ (check) my grades?” “No, no,” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are You are my life” The boy felt confident ___

第三节 单词拼写(根据提示用所给词的正确形式填空,每小题1分,满分10分) 71.I give them a detailed_______(描述)of my car.

72.Experts______(预测)that housing prices will keep rising in the following years. 73.It’s_____(不合法的)to park your car here. You will be fined. 74._______(指控)of stealing money, the man was brought to court.

75.Sara had _______(克服)the disadvantages of her poor family background to become a successful lawyer.

76.They had little d_____ for wealth, for they just wanted to live a simple life. 77.You’d better c_____ a doctor about your illness.

78.His spoken English is poor. He may fail the o_____ examination. 79.Most people tend to have a mixture of strengths and w_______. 80.Their plan to a science park ended in f______. It came to nothing.


阅读理解(共两节,共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 21—25ADCBC 26—30ADBAB 31—35CDBAC 36—40EFCBA 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

41—45ADCBD 46—50CBAAB 51—55CDBAC 56—60DABCD 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

61. the 62. competition 63. changed 64. that 65. with 66. him 67. To check 68. more valuable 69. about/of 70. who 单词拼写(根据提示用所给词的正确形式填空,10分)

71.description 72.predict 73.illegal 74.Accused 75. overcome 76.desire 77.consult 78.oral 79.weaknesses 80.failure


1.an--a 2.because后加 of 3.on--to 4.worrying--worried 5.them--her 6.was--am 7.how--what 8.knowledges--knowledge 9.T(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:a,thirsty,crow)herefore --However 10.to study去掉 to 书面表达(满分25分) Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m a student from Xinhua Middle School. I’m glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters. I’m quite interested in it.

I think I’m fit for the job. As a student, I’ve read a lot and much knowledge in many fields. I’m fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and enjoy working with others. Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I’m sure I can do the job well if I get the position.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua




A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says: “I want one ticket(票)to the zoo ” and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, “How old are you ,young man?” The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her, The boy says: “I’m four at home, and two in the buses.” At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.

1.Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds?

A.She likes him

B.She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticket

C.She knows the small boy.

D.She saw the boy somewhere

2.Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say?

A.The boy’s words are interesting

B.The mother is a bad mother

C.The small boy can tell the truth

D.She loves the small boy

3.At last the mother

A.buys another ticket

B.buys a half-price ticket for the boy

C.says sorry to the conductor

D.gives one yuan to the conductor

4.What does the word “conductor”mean?


5.From the story we can see

A.every boy must buy a ticket in the bus

B.when a child is four, he must buy a ticket

C.sometimes a child is more honest(诚实)than his parents

D.woman are not good mothers


Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from Amercia. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw

(扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets Open time

Grown-up:(成人)$2.00 9:00a.m—4:00p.m

Children :over 12 $1.00 Except(除)Friday

Under12 Free(免票) 10:00a.m—3:00p.m

Keep the zoo clean!

Don’t touch , give good food or go near the animals!

1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

2.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)?

A.$4.00 B.$2.00 C.$3.00 D.$10.00

3.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A.8:30am Monday B.9:30am Friday

C.3:00[m Sunday D.5:00pm Tuesday

4.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very

A.fat B.long C.strong D.tall

5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. to give some food to the fish

A.to touch the monkey on the head

B.to throw things everywhere

C.to keep the zoo clean


Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.”

So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”

1.( )eats the fish.

A.Mr Tom B.Mrs Tom C.The cat D.His fiends

2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish?

A.She eats the fish before Tom comes back

B.She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her

C.She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband

D.She cooks the fish for Tom

3.Mr Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife.

A.the fish B.the cat C.his wife D.his friend

4.How much fish does Tom often buy?

A.one kilo B.two kilo C.three kilo D.four kilo

5.Tom likes ( )very much.

A.cat B.his wife C.fish D.his friends


Many Americans like to have their holidays(假期) in 1 countries. One day an American 2 comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she wants to 3 some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk 4 with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “ 5 ” to her, then he begins (开始) his first talk with someone 6 an English-speaking country.

“How old are you?” the Chinese 7 .

“I’m 8 . Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her 9 .” answers the woman.

The Chinese is surprised (感到惊奇). He doesn’t know 10 . Can you help him?

1. A. an other B. the other C. other D. others

2. A. man B. boy C. woman D. child

3. A. make B. making C. do D. having

4. A. with English B. with Chinese C. in English D. in Chinese

5. A. OK B. hello C. sorry D. good-bye

6. A. in B. at C. of D. from

7. A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks

8. A. sure B. worried C .glad D. sorry

9. A. supper B. age C. job (工作) D. family

10. A. how B. why C. what D. which


A crow (乌鸦)wants to drink, but he can’t find water. He looks here and there. At last (最后),he cries (大叫), “I can see a jar (罐子)and there is some water in it.” He tries (试图) to get the water, but he can’t. “How can I get the water?” he cries, “I can put my break (鸟嘴)quite close (靠近)to it.” But still (仍然)he can not

drink. “What can I do? I want to drink.”

He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone (石头) in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar. “Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” says the crow.

So he begins (开始) to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.

1. What is the crow looking for?

A. A jar B. Water C. Food D. Meat

2. Why doesn’t he drink right now(马上)?

A. He isn’t very thirsty. B. No water in the jar.

C. He doesn’t want to drink it. D. The water isn’t high.

3. What’s the English meaning (意思) for “drop”?

A. put? into? B. take?to? C. carry?to? D. put?on?

4. Why does he pick up the stone?

A. He is hungry. B. He wants to put them into the jar.

C. He wants to make his break strong. D. He is playing a game

5. Which title (题目)do you think is the best (最好)?

A. A Clever(聪明的) Crow B. A thirsty Crow

C. A Crow and A Jar of Water D. A Crow and Stones


One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦) came across(碰到) an old friend of his in a street in New York.

“Mr Einstein” said the friend “ It seems that you need to have a new overcoat. Look how worn-out it is ?”

“It does not matter,” answered Albert Einstein, “Nobody knows me here in New York” Several years later, they met in New York again. Einstein had became a world famous physicist(物理学家) then. But he still wore (wear过去式)the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade(劝) him to buy a new one.

“There is no need now” said Einstein. “Everyone here knows me”

1. Where did Einstein meet his friend for the first time?

A.America B.China C. Japan D. New York

2. ---Why did his friend say “you need to have a new overcoat”?

---Because his overcoat was too( )

A.new B.long C.short D.old

3.----Why did Einstein say “ Nobody knows me here in New York”?

----Because at that time he was not ( )

A.happy B.boring C.satisfied D.famous

4.After ( ), Einstein and his friend met again.

A.three days B.some months C.several hours D.several years

5.From this article we can find Einstein is a ( )person.

A.rich B.poor C.famous D.simple


Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.”

So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”

1.( )eats the fish.

A.Mr Tom B.Mrs Tom C.The cat D.His fiends

2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish?

A.She eats the fish before Tom comes back

B.She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her

C.She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband

D.She cooks the fish for Tom

3.Mr Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife.

A.the fish B.the cat C.his wife D.his friend

4.How much fish does Tom often buy?

A.one kilo B.two kilo C.three kilo D.four kilo

5.Tom likes ( )very much.

A.cat B.his wife C.fish D.his friends


Tom is a lovely boy. He likes playing football very much. He often comes back between 4p.m and 5p.m.One day he comes back late. His mother says “ you come back home late today, Tom”. “Yes, we have a new teacher,. He is a math teacher, ” Tom answers.

“How is he?” His mother asks

“I don’t know, I think I can’t believe him”

“How is that ”his mother says.

“One moment he says two and three is five and the next moment he says one and four is five” Tom answers

1.Tom comes home( ) today.

A.at 4p.m B.At 4:30 p.m C.At 5p.m D.after 5p.m

2.Tom comes home late because( )

A. he plays football B.he plays baskedball

C.he studies math D.we don’t know

3.The sentence “How is that ”means( )

A.How can you say that B.Your teacher is right

C.Tell me more about that D.How do you feel

4.Who is right?

A.Tom B.Teacher C.None Dmother

5.Which of the following sentence is right?

A.The teacher is wrong B.Tom is right

C.Tom is wrong D.Tom’t mother is wrong


Do you know from what English people get their family names? Finish the sentences after you read the story. 你知道英国人的姓是怎么来的吗?阅读下面的短文,完成句子。 (2 min. 107 words )

Everyone has a family name. But what does it mean? From what do family names come?

First, some family names come from the place of their homes. If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England people’s names may be Wood, Lake, because they live near the wood or lake.

Second, family names come from a person’s job. If a person is a cook, he may be Cook. Third, many people get their family names from their father’s given name. If you hear the name “Jackson”, you know that he is the son of Jack.

1. English people usually have ___________ ways to get their family names.

2. Some people get their family names from _______________________________.

3. Some people get their family names from________________________________.

4. Some people get their family names from__________________________________.

5. A person’s family name is Jackson, because he is_______________________.

Keys: 1.three 2.the place of their homes 3.a person’s job 4.their father’s given name

5.the son of Jack


I am Tony Smith. I am twelve. I am in No.101 Middle School. I’m in Class 2, Grade 7. My good friend is Jim Green. He is an English boy. He is twelve, too. He is in my class. He can speak good Chinese. Jane is in Class 2, too. I think she is a good girl. My Chinese teacher is Mr. Wang. His students like him. He is very cool.


1. Tony ______ twelve. His last name is ______.

2. Tony and Jim are ______ the same ______. Jane is ______ Class 2, too.

3. Tony and Jim ______ good ______.

4. Jim’s ______ is very good.




A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to theman for their money. The mother says: “I want one ticketto the zoo ” and gives him one yuan. The

conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, “How old are you ,young man?” The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her, The boy says: “I’m four at home, and two in the buses.” At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.

1.Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds?

A.She likes him B.She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticket

C.She knows the small boy. D.She saw the boy somewhere

2.Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say?

A.The boy’s words are interesting B.The mother is a bad mother

C.The small boy can tell the truth D.She loves the small boy

3.At last the mother_____________.

A.buys another ticket B.buys a half-price ticket for the boy

C.says sorry to the conductor D.gives one yuan to the conductor

4.What does the word “conductor”mean? A.司机B.售票员C.乘客D.警察

5.From the story we can see

A.every boy must buy a ticket in the bus B.when a child is four, he must buy a ticket

C.sometimes a child is more honest(诚实)than his parents D.woman are not good mothers


Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from Amercia. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw(扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets Open time

Grown-up:(成人)$2.00 9:00a.m—4:00p.m

Children :over 12 $1.00 Except(除)Friday

Under12 Free(免票) 10:00a.m—3:00p.m

Keep the zoo clean!

Don’t touch , give good food or go near the animals!

1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?A.four B.five C.six D.seven

2.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)? A.$4.00 B.$2.00 C.$3.00 D.$10.00

3.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A.8:30am Monday B.9:30am Friday C.3:00[m Sunday D.5:00pm Tuesday

4.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very A.fat B.long C.strong D.tall

5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. to give some food to the fish B.to touch the monkey on the head

C.to throw things everywhere D.to keep the zoo clean


Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.”

So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”

1.( )eats the fish. A.Mr Tom B.Mrs Tom C.The cat D.His fiends

2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish?

A.She eats the fish before Tom comes back B.She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her

C.She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband D.She cooks the fish for Tom

3.Mr Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife. A.the fish B.the cat C.his wife D.his friend

4.How much fish does Tom often buy? A.one kilo B.two kilo C.three kilo D.four kilo

5.Tom likes ( )very much. A.cat B.his wife C.fish D.his friends


Many Americans like to have their holidays(期China. This is her first time (数“” to her, then he begins (开始“How old are you?”“I’mdon’t ask a lady (女士.” answers the woman.

The Chinese is surprised (感到惊奇). He doesn’t1. A. an other B. the other C. other D. others 2. A. man B. boy C. woman D. child

3. A. make B. making C. do D. having 4.A.with English B.with Chinese C.in English D.in Chinese

5. A. OK B. hello C. sorry D. good-bye 6. A. in B. at C. of D. from

7. A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks 8. A. sure B. worried C .glad D. sorry

9. A. supper B. age C. job (工作) D. family 10. A. how B. why C. what D. which


A crow (乌鸦)wants to drink, but he can’t find water. He looks here and there. At last (最后),

he cries (叫), “I can see a jar and there is some water in it.” He tries (图) to get the water, but he can’t. “How can I get the water?” he cries, “I can put my break (鸟嘴)quite close (靠近)to it.” But still (仍然)he can not drink. “What can I do? I want to drink.”

He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone (头)in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar. “Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” says the crow.

So he begins (开始) to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.

1. What is the crow looking for? A. A jar B. Water C. Food D. Meat

2. Why doesn’t he drink right now(马上)?

A. He isn’t very thirsty. B. No water in the jar. C. He doesn’t want to drink it. D. The water isn’t high.

3. What’s the English meaning (意

思) for “drop”?A.put… into…B.take…to… C.carry…to…D.put…on…

4. Why does he pick up the stone?

A. He is hungry. B. He wants to put them into the jar.C. He wants to make his break strong. D. He is playing a game

5. Which title (题目)do you think is the best (最好)?

A. A Clever(聪明的) Crow B. A thirsty Crow C. A Crow and A Jar of Water D. A Crow and Stones (六)

One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦) came across(碰到) an old friend of his in a street in New York.

“Mr Einstein” said the friend “ It seems that you need to have a new overcoat. Look how worn-out it is ?” “It does not matter,” answered Albert Einstein, “Nobody knows me here in New York”

Several years later, they met in New York again. Einstein had became a world famous physicist(物理学家) then. But he still wore (wear过去式)the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade(劝) him to buy a new one.

“There is no need now” said Einstein. “Everyone here knows me”

1. Where did Einstein meet his friend for the first time?A.America B.China C. Japan D. New York

2. ---Why did his friend say “you need to have a new overcoat”?---Because his overcoat was too( )

A.new B.long C.short D.old

3.---Why did Einstein say “ Nobody knows me here in New York”? --Because at that time he was not ( )

A.happy B.boring C.satisfied D.famous

4.After ( ), Einstein and his friend met again.

A.three days B.some months C.several hours D.several years

5.From this article we can find Einstein is a ( )person. A.rich B.poor C.famous D.simple


Tom is a lovely boy. He likes playing football very much. He often comes back between 4p.m and 5p.m. One day he comes back late. His mother says “ you come back home late today, Tom”.

“Yes, we have a new teacher,. He is a math teacher, ” Tom answers.

“How is he?” His mother asks

“I don’t know, I think I can’t believe him”

“How is that ”his mother says. “One moment he says two and three is five and the next moment he says one and four is five” Tom answers

1.Tom comes home( ) today. A.at 4p.m B.At 4:30 p.m C.At 5p.m D.after 5p.m

2.Tom comes home late because( )

A. he plays football B.he plays baskedball C.he studies math D.we don’t know

3.The sentence “How is that ”means( )

A.How can you say that B.Your teacher is right C.Tell me more about that D.How do you feel

4.Who is right? A.Tom B.Teacher C.None Dmother

5.Which of the following sentence is right?

A.The teacher is wrong B.Tom is right C.Tom is wrong D.Tom’t mother is wrong

One day there was an argument (争论) between the wind and the sun. “ I’m much than

you, ”said the wind.“No, I don’t agree with you!”said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let see who can make the man take his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.”

First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, it’s your . ” The sun started to on the man. Soon it got very argument was over. We know the was stronger now.

( )1.A. strong B. strongly C. stronger( )2.A. walking B. walk C. walks

( )3.A. we B. our C. us( )4.A. up B. on C. off

( )5.A. not B. so C. such( )6.A. sad B. happy C. angry

( )7.A. way B. turn C. turns )8.A. shines B. shine C. shining ( )9.A. hot B. hotter C. hottest( )10.A. wind B. sun C. man


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B

Mr Jenkins lives in a town.He works in a museum.There are a lot of old wonderful things in it.He likes his work and often goes to work on time.

.As soon as he went out of the gate,he met an old friend of ,and they went into a restaurant.There they drank a lot.Then his friend said,“Perhaps you’ve drunk now.Let me help you to your.”

“No,no,”said Mr Jenkins.“My office is only

When his friend left,it was for him to stand.He was afraid to be late and stopped a taxi.When he got on,the driver asked,“Where are you going,sir?”

“To the Park Street.”

“Oh!sir,”the driver said in a hurry.“It’s just the Park Street.”

“OK!”Mr Jenkins said and got off.He brought out some money and threw it to the driver.He shouted,“But don’t drive so fast next time!”

1.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything 2.A.he B.him C.his D.himself

3.A.happy B.angry C.sorry D.surprised 4.A.to have B.to drink C.eat D.for lunch

5.A.to B.no C.with D.for 6.A.home B.house C.factory D.office

7.A.two minute B.two minute’s C.two minutes’ D.two minutes’s 8.A.me B.my C.mine D.myself

9.A.difficult B.easy C.happy D.afraid 10.A.Thank you B.Sorry C.CertainlyD.I’d love to 参考答案:1-5 BCABC 6-10 DCDAB

It’sare old. a toy boat. There is a lake in the park. The water is clear. There are house two men are working. A woman is watering the flowers. Look at that big treeThere are some birds two cats. The cats are1. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 2. A. some B. other C. the other D. much

3. A. to B. on C. with D. for 4. A. doing B. making C. flying D. reading

5. A. birds B. ships C. buses D. boats 6. A. a B. an C. the D. /

7. A. in B. on C. under D. at 8. A. in B. looking like C. look at D. looking at

9. A. give B. take C. bring D. catch 10. A. about B. else C. other D. the other

答案:1—5 B A C B D 6—10 C A D D B 为了 some vegetables, fruit, rice, noodles, fish and meat.

1.A. Meats B. Meat C. Meet D .meat 2.A. are B. is C. be D. have

3.A. Noodle B. Noodles C. noodles D. noodle 4.A. and B. or C .but D. with

5.A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health D. unhealth 6.A. drinks B. drink C. foot D .food

7.A. \ B. an C. a D. some 8.A. drink B. eat C. drinking D. tea

9.A. Coke B. meat C. juice D. juices 10.A. no B. too C. don’t D. do key: 1-5 CABCB 6-10 ACBCC

后面的)wall. You can also see many , but there are many trees. are singing in them. Near the trees there are some old men. They are sitting at a table. They new blouses. They are talking near there.

( )1.A. map B. children’s clothes C. lake D. picture ( )2.A. of B. on C. in D. under

( )3.A. some flower B. flower C. any flowers D. some flowers

( )4.A. cats B. apples C. dogs D. birds ( )5.A. drink B. eat C. eating D. drinking

( )6.A. put on B. wearing on C. are wearing D. are putting on

( )7.A. full B. empty C. big D. small ( )8.A. the other B. others C. another D. other

( )9.A. river B. basket C. bag D. box

( )10.A. playing football B. playing the football C. play football D. play the football

Will it rain tomorrow.Turn on the TV, let’sthe weather report.Then we will know itthe weather re. .人造卫星.Satellites are spaceships(宇宙飞船).Satellites carry camems. Weather people send them into space.A satellite flies cameras takes pictures of the clouds.The cloud pic—— shine.Weath— us if it will rain or shine.

see tomorrow’s weather.But satellites carl.

1。A.see B.1ook C.watch D.read 2。A.And B.So C.Or D.But

3.A.comes B.came C.come D.coming 4.A.talk to B.talks to C.tell D.tells

5.A.them B.they C.we D.theirs 6.A.1ikes B.1ike C.1ook like D.1iking

7.A.rain B.sun C.clouds D.moon 8.A.It B.Their C.It's D.Its

9.A。take B.show C.give D.make 10.A.are B.have C.is D.has

11.A.It B.Its C.They D.Theirs 12.A.shine B.blow C.shines D.blows

13.A.take B.watch C.read D.look 14.A.ask B.say C.tell D.speak

15.A.can B.can't C.don't D.isn't


It's Friday that day.Mr. his office at six thirty.newspaper.He looks at the wanted ads.m it..And he sees his bus is coming across from the post office.He hurries(匆忙and a car hit(撞)him down. Three weeks later Mr..He finds he's in hospital.His wife and daughter come to see him.him a policeman brings him to the hospital that day.

One aftemoon,Mr.. a newspaper.He asks,”What’s the date today. madam?"I don't know.”the old woman answers.“ I look at your newspaper,please.?” Mr.Yang asks.

“It's useless(无效的,”says the old woman,“It's yesterday’s(昨天的)newspaper.” 1,A.arrives atB.1eaves C.pass D.clean 2.A.finds B.needs C.sells D.buys

3。A.of B.at C.for D.as 4.A.street B.room C.shop D.farm

5.A.gets B.wakes C.stands D.100ks 6.A.teIl B.say C.order D.write to

7.A.ZOO B.station.C.museum D.garden 8.A.hearing B.calling C.reading D.turning

9.A.Do B.Must C.Will D.May 1 0.A.you B.me C.him D.her BDCAB ADCDA

篇五:七年级英语下册 完形填空与阅读理解专练 新目标



A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says: “I want one ticket(票)to the zoo ” and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, “How old are you ,young man?” The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her, The boy says: “I’m four at home, and two in the buses.” At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.

1.Why does the conductor look at the small boy for a few seconds?

A.She likes him

B.She thinks the boy need to buy a half-price ticket

C.She knows the small boy.

D.She saw the boy somewhere

2.Why does the conductor stop the mother and let the boy say?

A.The boy’s words are interesting

B.The mother is a bad mother

C.The small boy can tell the truth

D.She loves the small boy

3.At last the mother

A.buys another ticket

B.buys a half-price ticket for the boy

C.says sorry to the conductor

D.gives one yuan to the conductor

4.What does the word “conductor”mean?


5.From the story we can see

A.every boy must buy a ticket in the bus

B.when a child is four, he must buy a ticket

C.sometimes a child is more honest(诚实)than his parents

D.woman are not good mothers


Come and see the India elephants and the new tigers from Amercia. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw

(扔) things to you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you. The giraffes from Brazil are waiting to look down on you.

Tickets Open time

Grown-up:(成人)$2.00 9:00a.m—4:00p.m

Children :over 12 $1.00 Except(除)Friday

Under12 Free(免票) 10:00a.m—3:00p.m

Keep the zoo clean!

Don’t touch , give good food or go near the animals!

1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

A.four B.five C.six D.seven

2.Now Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one is14 and the other is is 10 .How much are the tickets together(总共)?

A.$4.00 B.$2.00 C.$3.00 D.$10.00

3.Which of the following is the visiting time?

A.8:30am Monday B.9:30am Friday

C.3:00[m Sunday D.5:00pm Tuesday

4.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe ”must be very

A.fat B.long C.strong D.tall

5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

A. to give some food to the fish

A.to touch the monkey on the head

B.to throw things everywhere

C.to keep the zoo clean


Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.”

So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”

1.( )eats the fish.

A.Mr Tom B.Mrs Tom C.The cat D.His fiends

2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish?

A.She eats the fish before Tom comes back

B.She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her

C.She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband

D.She cooks the fish for Tom

3.Mr Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife.

A.the fish B.the cat C.his wife D.his friend

4.How much fish does Tom often buy?

A.one kilo B.two kilo C.three kilo D.four kilo

5.Tom likes ( )very much.

A.cat B.his wife C.fish D.his friends

Many Americans like to have their holidays(假期) in 1 countries. One day an American 2 comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she wants to 3 some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk 4 with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “ 5 ” to her, then he begins (开始) his first talk with someone 6 an English-speaking country.

“How old are you?” the Chinese 7 .

“I’m 8 . Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her 9 .” answers the woman. The Chinese is surprised (感到惊奇). He doesn’t know 10 . Can you help him?

1. A. an other B. the other C. other D. others

2. A. man B. boy C. woman D. child

3. A. make B. making C. do D. having

4. A. with English B. with Chinese C. in English D. in Chinese

5. A. OK B. hello C. sorry D. good-bye

6. A. in B. at C. of D. from

7. A. says B. tells C. talks D. speaks

8. A. sure B. worried C .glad D. sorry

9. A. supper B. age C. job (工作) D. family

10. A. how B. why C. what D. which


A crow (乌鸦)wants to drink, but he can’t find water. He looks here and there. At last (最后),he cries (大叫), “I can see a jar (罐子)and there is some water in it.” He tries (试图) to get the water, but he can’t. “How can I get the water?” he cries, “I can put my break (鸟嘴)quite close (靠近)to it.” But still (仍然)he can not

drink. “What can I do? I want to drink.”

He looks here and there, then he picks up a small stone (石头) in his break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the jar. “Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” says the crow.

So he begins (开始) to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.

1. What is the crow looking for?

A. A jar B. Water C. Food D. Meat

2. Why doesn’t he drink right now(马上)?

A. He isn’t very thirsty. B. No water in the jar.

C. He doesn’t want to drink it. D. The water isn’t high.

3. What’s the English meaning (意思) for “drop”?

A. put? into? B. take?to? C. carry?to? D. put?on?

4. Why does he pick up the stone?

A. He is hungry. B. He wants to put them into the jar.

C. He wants to make his break strong. D. He is playing a game

5. Which title (题目)do you think is the best (最好)?

A. A Clever(聪明的) Crow B. A thirsty Crow

C. A Crow and A Jar of Water D. A Crow and Stones

One day the famous American scientist Albert Einstein(著名的美国科学家爱因斯坦) came across(碰到) an old friend of his in a street in New York.

“Mr Einstein” said the friend “ It seems that you need to have a new overcoat. Look how worn-out it is ?”

“It does not matter,” answered Albert Einstein, “Nobody knows me here in New York” Several years later, they met in New York again. Einstein had became a world famous physicist(物理学家) then. But he still wore (wear过去式)the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade(劝) him to buy a new one. “There is no need now” said Einstein. “Everyone here knows me”

1. Where did Einstein meet his friend for the first time?

A.America B.China C. Japan D. New York

2. ---Why did his friend say “you need to have a new overcoat”?

---Because his overcoat was too( )

A.new B.long C.short D.old

3.----Why did Einstein say “ Nobody knows me here in New York”?

----Because at that time he was not ( )

A.happy B.boring C.satisfied D.famous

4.After ( ), Einstein and his friend met again.

A.three days B.some months C.several hours D.several years

5.From this article we can find Einstein is a ( )person.

A.rich B.poor C.famous D.simple


Tom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.”

So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh,your cat eats it ” And she gives Tom some bread for his supper.. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?”

1.( )eats the fish.

A.Mr Tom B.Mrs Tom C.The cat D.His fiends

2,What does Mrs Tom do with the fish?

A.She eats the fish before Tom comes back

B.She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her

C.She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband

D.She cooks the fish for Tom

3.Mr Tom weighs ( ) in the shop with his wife.

A.the fish B.the cat C.his wife D.his friend

4.How much fish does Tom often buy?

A.one kilo B.two kilo C.three kilo D.four kilo

5.Tom likes ( )very much.

A.cat B.his wife C.fish D.his friends

Tom is a lovely boy. He likes playing football very much. He often comes back between 4p.m and 5p.m.One day he comes back late. His mother says “ you come back home late today, Tom”. “Yes, we have a new teacher,. He is a math teacher, ” Tom answers.

“How is he?” His mother asks

“I don’t know, I think I can’t believe him”

“How is that ”his mother says.

“One moment he says two and three is five and the next moment he says one and four is five” Tom answers

1.Tom comes home( ) today.

A.at 4p.m B.At 4:30 p.m C.At 5p.m D.after 5p.m

2.Tom comes home late because( )

A. he plays football B.he plays baskedball

C.he studies math D.we don’t know

3.The sentence “How is that ”means( )

A.How can you say that B.Your teacher is right

C.Tell me more about that D.How do you feel

4.Who is right?

A.Tom B.Teacher C.None Dmother

5.Which of the following sentence is right?

A.The teacher is wrong B.Tom is right

C.Tom is wrong D.Tom’t mother is wrong
