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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 22:26:59 初中作文

篇一:小学英语作文-I Want to Fly 我想飞

小学英语作文:I Want to Fly 我想飞

When I was a little child, I didn't have to worry about my homework. I didn't need to think about my future. Now, the homework and tests of each subject are numerous that I can't have sports and do my favourite things. I don't want to grow up. I want to fly freely.



篇二:小学英语作文-I Want to Fly 我想飞

小学英语作文:I Want to Fly 我想飞

When I was a little child, I didn't have to worry about my homework. I didn't need to think about my future. Now, the homework and tests of each subject are numerous that I can't have sports and do my favourite things. I don't want to grow up. I want to fly freely.



篇三:If I want to fly, I could find my way to fly.阳光小美女人物分析

If I want to fly, I could find my way to fly.







这样一个7,8岁的小女孩明白很多成年人都无法明白的道理:If I want to fly, I could find my way to fly.想要什么喜欢什么,就努力去做,永远信任自己,不要管别人怎么看。



但是那些苦涩、那些痛苦的过程已经不再重要,梦想可能不切实际,失败有时来的太突然,但都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人。就像olive说的:“If I want to fly, I could find my way to fly.”只要我想飞,我就会有办法飞。这个过程没有时间的期限,只要你想,随时都可以开始。我希望我们都能坚定自己的理想,不因一时的苦难而动摇,即使生活与想象的不一样,也能有勇气,继续启程,有一个值得自豪的一生,

篇四:I Am Eager to Fly on My Own

I Am Eager to Fly on My Own

As long as dandelion leaves its mother to fly on its own, it can grow strongly and grow into a beautiful inflorescence; as long as an eyas leave its warm nest to fly on its own, it can fight against gustiness and storm . I sometimes think: how much i want to become a dandelion seed and can grow on my own; how much i want to fly on my on like a eagle and creative a world which belongs to me.

I have a happy family .My father goes to work,while My mother does housework at home.My father and mother always think too much of me.They care so much about me that they don't let us do anything by myself.I know that what they do is to hope i can become a useful man who can serve our society and our country.But if you want me to become a real man,you must allow me to exercise myself under a hard condition.Dear father and mother,what i want to say is that you should not only give us too much care and love, but also give us proper freedom ,let us try and make us exercise ourselves under hard conditions. Only in this way can we open up a sky which belongs to ourselves.


Parents: On the bus,take good care of yourself and don't sleep alone.Don't believe strangers.

Boy: OK.

Parents: Do as your teachers say and study hard.Don't fight with others.Remember to call up when you get into trouble.......


(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:i,want,to,fly,下载)

目 录

第一章 第一单元测试题

第二章 第二单元测试题

第三章 第三单元测试题

第四章 第四单元测试题

第五章 第五单元测试题

第六章 第六单元测试题

第七章 期中考试卷

第八章 期末考试卷

第九章 参考答案


1.银行_______________________ 6.shop_________________________

2.电影院_________________ 7.police station___________________

3.面包房__________________ 8. library________________________

4.社区______________________ 9.city____________________________

5.动物园___________________ 10.street__________________________


map (复数)_____buy(单三形式)____do (单三形式)____window(复数)____teeth(复数)____

can?t(完全形式)_____you?re(完全形式)____ I?m(完全形式)_____sheep(复数)____good(反义词)____ 三. 选出下列每组单词划线部分发音不同的一项.(5)

( ) 1.A. peach B. eat C. bread

( ) 2.A.yellow B. window C. cow

( ) 3.A wind B. pink C. quite

( ) 4.A. bad B. mad C. bed

( ) 5.A.blouse B. now C. boat


( )1.How can I _______home?

A. get B. get to C. go to

( ) 2.I am _____the cinema.

A. front B. front of C. in front of

( ) 3.The supermarket is _____your left

A. in B. on C. at

( ) 4.The cat is _______the desks

A. on B. under C. between

( ) 5._______is the park? It?s over there.

A. what B. where C. why

( )6.I want ______a book

A. buy . B. buys C. to buy

( ) 7 Bob gives ______more directions.

A .my B. him C. he

( )8.______can I get there?

A .How B. what . C. Who

( )9.David ______know the way to the museum.

A. don?t . B. doesn?t C. didn?t

A. one . B. two C third

五.连词成句 (20)

1.at first Turn right the crossing. (.)


2. zoo in the I?m front of (.)


3.can get bank to I the How (?)


4.wants go to the Bob to museum (.)


5. is in Where your the restaurant city (?)



John has a parrot. It is a nice bird .Every day John says to it.“Hello! I can see you !”Soon the bird can say “Hello! I can see you!”

One day, John is at school. A thief comes into John?s room. He wants to steal (偷) something. A voice comes , “Hello ! I can see you! ” The thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.


( )1. John?s bird is very____________.

A. ugly B. big C. nice

( ) 2.The bird can say “_____________”

A. Look! A thief! B. Bye bye. C. Hello! I can see you!

( ) 3. One day, a _______comes into John?s room.

A. policeman B. thief C. farmer

( ) 4._________drives off the thief at last.

A. The bird B. The police man C. John

( )5.At last ,the thief steals ________from John?s room.

A. something B. nothing C.everything

One day , Mr Li and Mr King go to London to see a friend. They don?t know much English about London. They can?t find their friend?s home .They walk in the street for a long time .then they see a man near a bus stop. They go up to him and ask the way. The man smiles but says nothing. Then he puts his hand into his pocket and take out a book. He opens the book and reads, “I?m sorry, I can?t speak English.” In the evening they find their friend?s home with the help of a policeman.


( )1.Mr LI and Mr King know much about London.

( )2. They can?t speak much English.

( ) 3. The man near the stop helps them find their friend?s home.

( )4.They don?t see any policeman in London.

( )5.The man near the bus stop can?t speak much English like Mr LI and Mr King..





1.百货商场___________________ 6.fly a kite__________________________

2.参观艺术展_________________7.watch a soccer match_________________

3.参观图书馆_________________8. museum___________________________


5.我想去看恐龙________________10.art show__________________________


city (复数)___ go(单三形式)____want (单三形式)____bus(复数)____watch(复数)____

mouse(复数)_____fly(单三形式)____ sheep(复数)_____man(复数)____tall(反意词)____ 三. 选出下列每组单词中与众不同的一项.(5)

( ) 1.A. mouse B. monkey C. mouth

( ) 2.A.city B. zoo C. library

( ) 3.A car B. moon C .bus

( ) 4.A.cousin B. uncle C. people

( ) 5.A.China B. Friday C. Sunday


( )1._________ is the capital of China

A. Beijing B. Hangzhou C. Kunming

( ) 2.There are _________big buses or trains.

A. don?t B. isn?t C. no

( ) 3. Is there _________university in the city?

A. a B. an C. some

( ) 4.Li Ming is _________ Tian?anmen Square

A. going B. going to C. going to the

( ) 5.The square is _________ APPle Street.

A. in B. of C. on

( )6..Is there a zoo in the city?

A. Yes , there is . B. Yes, there are .

( ) 7 What do you want to see first?

A .Let?s go to bed . B. Let?s go to the square.

( )8.Where is Haikou?

A .It?s in Henan province. B. It?s in Hainan province.

( )9.What do you want to do?

A .I Want to fly a kite . B. I?m going to the zoo.
