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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 14:31:23 字数作文



(论文类别编号:21 )

学 段:□普高 □职高 □初中 √□小学 □幼



学 科: 小学英语 学 校: 上望一小 姓 名: 叶苗苗 联系电话: 13566299129




【关键词】小学英语 思维 自主学习



一. 学生认知发展规律的背景




二. 形象思维与英语学习

1. 引导归纳类比


2. 运用联想法


这些脑区似乎有各自独立的通路到达更高级的脑区来理解词的意义和表达。”① 可见,词汇的学习不能孤立地进行,必须用联想的方法把音,形,义结合起来。联想有接近联想,类似联想,对比联想,自由联想或发散联想,英语教学可以灵活地运用这些联想。在平常教学中,笔者喜欢用Brainstorm的形式来复习旧知或导入新知。如在教水果单词时,教师运用思维导图围绕着水果这一主题启发学生说出更多有关水果的单词,学生就会争先恐后地说出:apple,orange,pear,watermelon?等他们已学过的单词,这时全班每位学生的思维基本处于非常活跃的状态,生怕别人抢走自己的“发言权”,当学生把他们已知的所有水果单词列举完,大家的思维突然又回到了平静的状态。这时教师必须要设法破静为动,为了激起学生的求知欲,我们可以用手势,简笔画或多媒体启发学生联系日常生活,学生可能会想表达他们喜欢的水果,但却不会用英语说,如果教师在这种情况满足了学生的求知欲,我想这种效果是事半功倍的,并且又掀起了课堂上一个小高潮。

3. 创设模拟的真实情景

大脑左右脑功能的研究,使我们认识到进行思维活动要以一定的知识,经验为基础,没有已有知识,经验的参与,就不可能进行思维的加工。而形象思维是先于语言的,表象作为思维的材料,在形象思维的过程中起到了至关重要的作用。② 英语新课标明确指出:基础教育阶段英语的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。然而人际间的交流必定是在某一种情景下进行的,无论是语言的学习,训练还是真正的交际,如果是在一种无情景的状态下面,语言的表达就是去了其本质作用---交流。因此,在进行英语教学的过程中,教师必须根据所教授的内容为学生创设生动有趣、真是的场景,使学生深处在情景中,学习真是地运用语言进行交流。笔者曾经在网上看到一节六年级有关friendship的一堂课。这堂课中,授课教师基于学生的情感,成功地创设了一个真实自然流露情感的情景。因为授课对象是六年级的学生,他们已有几年的同窗情谊,而在毕业来临之际,又更能体会到友谊的可贵,此时谈论该话题很能引发

学生的共鸣,学生能“心有所感”继而“有感而发”。在感情的铺垫上,通过谈论朋友,友情测试等活动让学生能渐入情景,对友谊的感受逐步加深。其中一个环节是问:What is friendship like?教师让学生展开想象并提供一些图片提示。学生可是言由心生,使互相之间产生共鸣。如S1:I think friendship is the scarf.It can make me warm in the winter.S2:I think friendship is the rainbow.It can make me happy.S3:I think friendship is the mirror.It can make me know myself.S4:?通过前面语言和情感的铺垫,最后诗歌的输出可谓是“水到渠成”。可见,情景的创设应基于学生的生活和情感,才能生生之间,师生的思维达到教学上,情感上的共鸣。

4. 发散性思维

美国心理学家吉尔福认为,发散性思维(也称求异思维)是指“从给定的信息中产生信息,其着重点是从同一来源中产生各种各样尽可能多的输出。”发散思维强调通过联想和迁移同一个问题形成尽可能多的答案,并设法寻找各种解决途径或最佳途径。笔者曾经听过一节有关weather的公开课,这位授课老师根据不同的天气和自己的感受很巧妙地将weather和自己的feeling结合起来,根据图片和语言提示,发散学生的思维。每位学生兴致勃勃地制作着“My weather report”,并且“淋漓尽致”地表达。S1:When I can eat ice-cream.It’s a sunny day for me .When I can’t eat dinner.It’s a rainy day for me.When I can’t get A.It’s a snowy day for me.S2:When I eat noodles.It’s a sunny day for me.When I can’t paly football.It’s a rainy day for me?学生对于这种画画加汇报的形式又言又语,每位都迫切地想表达自己的“weather report”,将课堂推向了最后一个高潮。

三. 结束语



















4、 学生的学习方法有了较大改变。


1、理论知识的匮乏。在磨课评?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我榭蔚墓讨校嬲惺艿搅舜蠹叶钥纬瘫曜迹碌慕萄Ю砟钪兜娜狈Γ枚辔侍饪伤等次薹ㄉ仙嚼砺鄹叨取?/p>










小桑学校 教研处








但是“蛮拼的”“点赞”这些词用英文该怎么说啊,怎么向外国朋友转述呢? 晨报记者注意到,在习大大发表贺词的第二天,国内一些英文媒体在转载时用了不同的翻译,相比之下,中央电视台英语频道的官方微信采用的版面简单明快更贴切。 比如“我要为我们伟大的人民点赞”,翻译成“I would like to give a thumbs up to all our great people.” thumb 是大拇指的意思,thumbs up就是竖起大拇指,give a thumbs up 恰恰是英语中的习惯用语,意为称赞某些人或某些事。 中文的“点赞”和这句英文同样有竖起拇指夸奖称赞的“动感”,如此翻译恰到好处。


在贺词中,习大大是在肯定和赞扬各级干部的认真工作,用简单的英文词汇表达出“工作很努力”的意思即可。像中央电视台英语频道的官方微信翻译的就是“work extremely(非常) hard”。



在去年,同样是全国两会前的新闻发布会,新闻发言人吕新华最后一刻针对有关“大老虎”问题的提问,引发全场笑声。不到5秒钟,他的那句“你懂的” 瞬间被在场记者通过微信发送到朋友圈,成为发布会的热点词汇,迅速成为网络热词引发网友讨论。 “你懂的”,用英语怎么说?根据现场视频,发布会现场译员将这个网络词汇翻译为“You know what I mean”。晨报记者在一些翻译论坛上看到,很多专业翻译和英文专业学生还为此有过热烈讨论。有人认为越简单越好,“You know it”即可,还有人觉得,“你懂的”若是指某些大家约定俗成的“潜规则”,不妨说“You know the drill”(你知道这规矩的)。


“给力”,这两个字表达的意思其实就是“很好很棒很靠得住”,英文可用口语中最常用的“Awesome ”。

“也是醉了”:这句话在不同的情况下表达不同的意思。表示很震惊很无语的时候:“My god!” 表示让人发狂:“Drive me crazy.” 表示“开什么玩笑啊”:“Are you kidding me?”

“问题来了”:Here comes the question.

“萌萌哒”: adorable 或者 cute。 猜猜“卖萌”该怎么说?“play cute.”(扮可爱)

“约不约”:Wanna date? (Wanna 是美国口语中want to 的简略表达,放这很合适)

“画面太美不敢看”:其实夸张地表达自己都承受不了啦 “I can't afford it!”

“给跪了”:不同的语境下表达的是“我服了”You've got me.“我输了” I surrender.“我佩服你”I salute you. “我不敢了”I give up. 土豪怎么说? “Tu hao”?

去年很火的土豪该怎么用英语表达呢? 晨报记者在网上看到了很多种说法,“newly rich”,“wealthy men”,“rich-bitch” ,哪个才是最准确的?诺曼老师淡淡一笑,连中国“Da Ma"这个词都直接被引入英文了,也许“Tu Hao”就是下一个哦。诺曼聊起一些外籍英文老师在中国生活一段时间以后,已经直接用“Bao zi”(包子)、“Dou jiang”(豆浆)这样的汉语发音替代原本所谓的“dumpling”“soy milk”。他

认为随着中国国力的崛起和文化影响力的逐步扩大,也许以后像这些网络用语用不着翻译,而是西方人会主动了解学习逐步接受啦。记者 王晟


The roar developments of the modern industry not only give people many material benefits but also bring a series of social difficulties, such as environmental pollution and energy crisis that are taken into great consideration by all over the world people. Automobiles consume about half of the petrol of the world and at the same time they have been polluting our atmosphere seriously. At present, for auto engineers, the most important job is to design and develop more clean substitute fuel engines. We will solve the problems of environmental pollution and energy crisis strategically by using these engines.

The computer Simulation has developed gradually along with the development of the computer .The rapid progress of the computer software and hardware not only provide the computer simulation research powerful technological support ,but also accelerated the development of the computer simulation further . As a result, a good many models come into being .Among them, the Quasi-dimensional model becomes popular because its practicability and low cost.

In this paper, the emphasis is laid on the spark-ignited engine. A computer model for in-cylinder working process of spark-ignited engine is developed via using quasi-dimensional model. The model consists of a thermodynamic model, a heat transfer sub model ,a chemical equilibrium model and a two-zone combustion model. The model is anticipated to accurately predict performance of a LPG engine. Based on the model ,a relevant program is written by VB. In order to test the program, we did some experiments on a 4105LPG engine of Chaoyang Diesel Factory. The calculated results is relatively consistent with the experimental results. In the paper ,the changing pressure of 4105LPG engine during the cylinder-closed phase(with the exception of exchanging gas phase) under different rotate speed and different spark-ignited advanced angle conditions is calculated. The total produce of NO emission is also did. In addition, influence of different parameters to the performance of the engine analyzed, and the reason is pointed .In final, the characteristic of 4105LPG engine and that of original engine is compared. Based on the comparison, the feasibility of a diesel engine retrofitted to LPG engine is studied. The study results show that it is feasible to retrofit a diesel engine retrofitted to LPG engine. In the design of a car the comfort of occupants is clearly of prime importance, and the basic functional of its suspension system is therefore to provide a flexible support for the vehicle which allows the occupants to ride conformability, isolated from road surface imperfections An additional and no less important requirement of the suspension system is that it should stabilize the vehicle under all conditions of driver handling, namely cornering, braking and accelerating. These two basic requirements in respect of vehicle ride and

handling generally tend to conflict in practice, since very flexible or soft springing is indicated on the one hand and relatively hard springing on the other.

A significant step toward reducing this conflict was the proper application of independent front wheel suspension which followed chiefly from the research work done in the early 1930s by NMaurice Olley, an ex-Roils-Royce engineer then working for the Cadillac Motor Car Company in America. With an independent front wheel suspension system the steered wheels are located by entirely separate linkages rather than being of independent front suspension (IFS) has long been established practice for all conventional motor cars for the following reasons.

The more precisely controlled location of the front wheels afforded by using an independent linkage system in conjunction with a rigid vehicle structure permits them to have a greater range of Suspension movement. This in turn allows the use of much softer springs, which reduce the magnitude of impact loads transmitted by the front suspension to the car structure. Further-more, the springs themselves are generally no longer required to play any part in locating the wheels, so that leaf springs can be discarded in favor of other types of springs possessing very little internal friction and thereby prevent harshness of ride.

Better road holding

To some extent the springs can be made softer with an IFS system without reducing the roll resistance at the front end of the car, which otherwise could lead to over steer on corners as a result of the rear suspension then offering too much resistance to roll. With beam axle suspension the lateral Separation of its pair of semi-elliptic leaf springs is restricted to about one-half the wheel track dimension so as to leave sufficient clearance for the wheels to be steered. This narrow spring base compares unfavorably with that of an independent system where it is always equal to the wheel track irrespective of the lateral separation of the springs.

More accurate steering

An independent linkage is better able to ensure that each front wheel follows its prescribed geometrical path relative to the car structure and hence those parts of the steering linkage carried thereon. This can be difficult to achieve with a beam axle which is located solely by semi-elliptic leaf springs. For example, early attempts to increase their flexibility usually required the addition of an axle control linkage to prevent the axle from winding up on its springs and causing instability during braking.

Reducing steering joggles I

As compared with a beam axle system, an independent linkage can be arranged to reduce by about one-half the amount either front wheel tilts inwards when passing over an obstacle. This serves to lessen the gyroscopic forces acting on the road wheels, because in tilting inwards they also attempt to steer themselves inwards and this produces an unwanted reaction or joggle at the steering wheel. Furthermore, both wheels of a beam axle system are tilted in unison when either of them passes over an obstacle, a state of affairs that at worst can lead to a wobble or shimmy of the steered wheels.

Increased passenger space.

Last, but by no means least, the introduction of IFS made a direct contribution to improved passenger accommodation by having the power unit mounted further forward in the tar, an arrangement which removed the need to provide front end clearance for the moving center portion of the axle beam. It thus became practicable to reposition the rear seats from above the rear axle to a lower level within the wheelbase. Similarly, the rear-mounted fuel tank could then be moved forward, thereby increasing the capacity of the luggage boot. The linkages used in modern IFS systems generally fall into two basic categories: the unequal transverse links, or wishbone system; and the transverse link and strut, or MacPherson system.

Unequal transverse links IFS

This system, pioneered by General Motors of American the mid 1930s, is sometimes referred to as a wishbone system, because in plan view the front suspension links of their Buick models were originally of this form. With this type of IFS, each wheel: is guided over obstacles by a short upper and a long l!0wer link, the inner ends of these links being pivoted from the car structure and their outer ends now ball jointed to a stub axle carrier or yoke.

As viewed from the front, the relative lengths and angles of these links are chosen so as to offer the following basic compromise:

Independent rear suspension (IRS)

Whereas a few car manufacturers continue to mount the rear wheals on a sprung live axle, many others have long since adopted various forms of independent rear suspension (usually abbreviated to IRS). It first became widely used by German and Middle European manufacturers during the 1930s, notably in the designs of Drs Ferdinand Porsche and Hans Ledwinka, but this development did not really gain popularity elsewhere until some thirty years later.

The chief benefits to be expected from using a modern IRS system are generally

concerned with the inter-related qualities, of ride, handling and, in the case of rear-wheel-drive cars reaction. Ride comfort in particular should benefit from the reduction by about one-half in the unsprung mass of the suspension mechanism, resulting from the final drive assembly being mounted on the vehicle structure. Also an increase in useful space within the body rear portion is implicit with IRS, since the propeller shaft and final drive assembly do not rise and fall in sympathy with the suspension movements of the rear, wheels.

The improvement in traction to be expected with independently sprung and driven rear wheels deserves a few words of explanation. Mention was made in Section 19.4 of the antics performed by the live axle of a Hotchkiss drive system during acceleration and braking. Taking matters a little further, we find that during acceleration the axle casing rocks on its springs not only in opposition to crown wheel torque, but also to a lesser extent (as related to the final drive gear ratio) in sympathy with pinion torque. In other words, the tendency during acceleration is to press one rear wheel harder against the ground and to lift the other one off it. This effect, combined with the one mentioned previously, can cause the axle and wheels to writhe about a conical path and generate an unstable handling condition known as axle tramp. Although this state of affairs may to some extent be alleviated by additional means of axle control, as earlier described, such misbehavior is absent from IRS systems. The reason for this is, of course, that the final drive is divorced from the road wheel mountings and is attached to the vehicle structure; the drive to the wheels being transmitted through universally jointed drive shafts.

Comparing different types of IRS

Although we are required only to identify the various systems by their basic geometric layout, a few brief notes on their general characteristics may prove useful to explain their current popularity or otherwise. The systems may conveniently be classified into four types as in the following sections.

Swing axle: pure and diagonal

A pure swing axle system was once widely favored by Continental manufacturers, especially for rear-engined cars where its use proved mechanically expedient. Although body roll tends to be less with this type of IRS, hard cornering can produce outward lean of the outer wheel and a smaller inward lean of the inner wheel, the result being that the rear end of the car is lifted. The sudden onset of this jacking effect can lead to an unstable over steering condition. For normal ride motions of the car there is pronounced tilting of the wheels, with accompanying changes in wheel track as they rise and fall. These undesirable

effects can, to some extent, be reduced by using a diagonal swing axle. This system involves less tilting of the wheels and also causes them to steer inwards or toe-in slightly as they rise and fall, which counteracts the over steering tendency.

Trailing arm: pure and semi

The trailing arm system has long been favored for the relatively lightly laden rear wheels of front-wheel-drive cars. In its pure form the arms pivot about an axis that lies parallel with the ground and normal to the centerline of the car. Although the wheels can rise and fall vertically during normal rifle motions of the car, they are necessarily tilted to the same angle as the body with cornering roll, which tends to be greater with this type of IRS. This leaning away from the curve the wheels has the disadvantage of reducing their cornering power. In the case of rear-wheel-driven cars, a departure is usually made from the pure system to one where the pivot axis of each arm is moderately angled in plan view and known as the semi-trailing arm.The purpose of this modified geometry is to maintain more nearly upright during cornering and also to cause them to steer inwards or toe-in slightly as they rise and fall, thereby contributing to a stable under steering condition. Unequal transverse links

This system of IRS is comparatively little used, because of its potentially greater intrusion into valuable rear body space. On the credit side, a better compromise with respect to suspension geometry can fairly readily be obtained, a particular advantage being that the heavily loaded outer wheel can be maintained more nearly upright in the presence of body roll during cornering. By allowing each drive shaft to perform a dual role and serve also as the upper link, as so ably demonstrated by the Jaguar Company, the unequal transverse links system of IRS may be simplified, its unsprung mass lessened and its vertical space requirements reduced.

Also sometimes referred to as a Chapman strut, so named after the, Lotus car designer who first applied the MacPherson transverse link and strut principle to rear wheel suspension (, this type of IRS hassince become widely used for the non-driven rear wheels of front-wheel-drive cars. For the lateral and longitudinal location of the non-steered rear wheels, the transverse link may pivot about an axis parallel to the centerline of the car. The link may comprise either a substantial wishbone arm, a track control arm that is located fore-and-aft by a trailing link, or a similarly located parallelogram linkage that better maintains wheel alignment with optimum compliance as developed by Mazda. Alternatively, the transverse link may be skewed in the manner of a diagonal swing axle, again with the purpose of correcting for any over steering tendency that may be present,


附 录A


Body collision correction

In modern automobile body for main body structure of space vehicle ,integral of the body in order to absorb energy collision, automotive usually designed as in collision, by making by pieces of broken folded and body to absorb the impact energy; The relay route crash force ,can such image depicted as will the culmination of collision point as the collision, cone-shaped centerline can harness karabiners direction for collision, The depth and scope of conical expansion, said the crash force function direction and the transmission range. through body.

Integral by stamping thin body structure formation, metal material plate connected to the welding, most of the collision impact energy was bought component metal materials plate pieces, collision and shock absorption, the influence of the component is through the body passed,therefore, the member body repair people based on this idea of analysis, design of the collision of the repair process program body.

Auto body injury can through comparing the gap between body structure, also can judge by comparing the front wing son plate and the clearance before judge wheels; Also can measure the installing hole behind the front bumper frame beams parts prior to the left and right sides of the size of the comparison of the car body, many cars have high installation clearance requirements.

Body damage when the examination, should check component of the gap between and cooperate, because each body structure smell with hinge is installed in the car door pillar, publication in order to determine whether the damage, such as door pillar by closing and opening the doors can be simple method, to observe the position is correct. In a front-end collision accident, important is to inspect the back door and wing of the differences between son board, another option is more car controls two side clearance. In order to hold the space body possible examine all damage, can be divided into five ministries and space body inspect.

First part: direct collision point directly damage caused, carefully examined the bodywork pieces of metal coating, plastic, glass of body accessories, decoration and body components such as outer panel damage; For example in the front of the collision of the case,

the site should check at least include: front bumper system, grille, engine cover, the former guard board, halogen halogen lamps, glass, the doors and the wheels;If the collision point in a car's rear, should check at least include: the parts HouYi son after bumper system, after the board, luggage, lights, glass, wheels, etc.; If the collision point in a car's profile, should check parts include at least the original: the door, roof, glass, pillar, floor plate part and suspension, etc.

The second part: refers to the outside except the collision point occurred in other parts of the damage; Therefore, it may involve large scope.Check indirect damage, should check clear collision force size, direction, absorb impact strength, etc; component.Observe component surface trace, any body thin metal materials purchase components can be generated by the collision extrusion, tiny flaw .For example body roof damage, should present the convex shape body component individual Angle inspect component of metal material yield conditions

The third part: mainly is the inspection car parts, check the damage engine and sports system undamage each assembly.

The fourth part fourth place: basically check passenger cabin, uncover the damage part accessories carpet and insulation materials, observe around the surface of the metal material components, check seats installation, seat belt anchor, instrument panel, etc. The damage marks,can also rotating direction in run straight disc wheel steering dish, saw his position in the middle, and whether without free trav.

The fifth part: check whether the bodywork component, decorative thread matching aligned and coating whether state, etc.

Do not think that the work is not important, is a waste of time, the body of the collision of the correction, collision damage examination is the key body calibration process.

Auto repair correction body, there is one basic principle, namely in accordance with collision force opposite directions in collision regional correction and exert tension corrected. Automobile body damage when collision damage is small, according to the injury, this method is simple to have the effect very much, now all vehicle body repair workshop are already equipped with body panels.it repair machine, so simple and easy to repair operations.

The causes of automobile body damage is very complicated, because body structure and component forming reasons, especially by body structure of thin-walled box component, the analysis of the impact and repair, such enormous difficulties with simply can't tensile operating mode is body returning to its original shape. For example, under the car after collision physique pieces, into a complex shape; Meanwhile, its strength also changed, if it is

only exert tension in the opposite direction, it is to cannot make its restore its original shape. Because every body component intensity and correction recovery were different. For example, body wing son board in bending radius of smaller parts intensity big, the deformation smaller by collision damage in wing a relatively flat parts son board will look great, actually deformation by collision impact is small, annex damage, as long as wing results when bending radius son smaller parts plastic correction, compare flat parts will also return to the depression component original shape.

Sure calibration process method is a complex problem, often need to repair personnel master various knowledge, such as body structure of the mechanical properties of materials, metal, equipment reasonable apply, etc. Here the decomposition of the first stretching force analysis and process method is introduced.

Body collision correction should try to adopt body calibration equipment, the calibration equipment safety in need of place; the tensile At this moment, repair personnel needs will stretching force direction and the component in vertical position injured area; At this moment, repair personnel needs will stretching force direction and ending two or more direction pulling force.This method is the force have a point, if parts bending degree, the stiffness of excessive constitutive component is stronger, the calibration result is bad, can't even will component correction back to its original shape. In different point can be applied(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:碰撞出火花英文翻译) on exert tension strength, pulling the deformation set according to the component of component multiple directions corrected.For example from the above stretching force analysis can know, but will this one direction of force is decomposed into two direction in the reality, which can also process of correcting according to deformation degree, at any time to recover, if adjustment of tensile component in calibration process coupled with other calibration methods can be better effect.

If tensile systemconstitute triangle is not normal state, it must immediately stop tensile, otherwise, zipper ends of the clamp may appear overload, cause equipment, zippers or other damage.

In operation, and the position of the junction of bodywork height also is a key operation, should try to make dynamic plunger and zipper time Angle and plunger and protection, when the Angle between the equal to a higher tensile point position, power pole strength elongation, chain will also elongation.

In implementing the tensile operation precautions:

(1) integral body metal materials some for high strength materials, had better not tried to

step will finish, but plastic correction through a series of tensile operations, including tensile - balance -- again -- balancing tensile self-repeating again, so can make metal materials, the operation flabbily slowly can check calibration schedule, especially in the body component damage stress, prevent type produces excessive stretch。That is to say, slowly, carefully to enrage starting hydraulic system, observe carefully body damage mobile, look to whether correction to the appropriate position and shape, if not, should check the specific reason, adjust the Angle and direction to start, reoccupy after eliminating stress, hammer with hammer striking the, the stress release in tensile, again, that is flabby, if not sure stress has been released in full, will again tapping with hammer.

(2)stretching equipment and body component fixed position, and in the process of drawing, particularly easy because the parts connected by overloading damage, can add some fixed clamp method, will load the multiple parts scattered in body.

(3)use fixed device to fixed body part from the center outwards stretch and straightening, but every fixtures, tightened after check appropriate fixed device, according to its location bolt tensile Angle and need change in position, to complete the damage of deformation correction. While intermittently beginning applied tensile, part inspection determine tensile force in the damage which is effective, if see no effect, be about to consider to change the direction of tensile force of fixed position and body stretching.

(4)Body parts, such as by lateral bending beam position of curved areas, can be clamped body component bends surface stretch: constructing the wound on the surface of the pin can weld depression by sliding hammer or other tensile device pull out.

(5)If some sag serious parts. Members of a torn metal materials for its danger need when heated, heating the edges in the component in only two layer board or component connected place heating. For example, in frame rail beam position, or in the medial low box section heating, heating only as the internal stress of metal materials to repair a auxiliary means, not as a part of the metal material that component the softening of method.Although do not recommend commonly in the component high strength metal materials plate heat with welding torch, but sometimes it can be careful to use welding torch heating reached auxiliary correction method.

(6)In the predetermined position and direction on components exert tension, the damaged component restored to its original size and shape, and to complete the restoration components metal materials plate internal stress, can better correction effect.

The whole process of the body correction, to prevent tensile excessive.The reason

general tensile unduly have two: One is not follow "for repair within the first after the tensile principle, cause," the quality repair program confusion, repair good board piece incident now in other board when the original deformation repair affect the size and shape of the components, previously has correction good parts be spun; Second, in the calibration process cannot precisely, to measure the size of the control points often can cause pull litre excessive.

In order to prevent excessive, tensile in tensile device stretch correction in the process, to the site of injury calibration process measurements;Because the metal material plate will component is relatively easy, stretched through process method but will, in turn, makes it is difficult to shorten. Any damage in the automotive components, after the body, more than the original body component size and shape, it is hard to shrink plastic, many body parts repair process, the only repair methods tensile transition is replaced.

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