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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:25:03 小学作文

篇一:宁夏灵武市回民中学语文下册 哪里去找一次性筷子作文素材 新人教版


那是九月十八日, 我校举行“保护环境,从我做起”的活动。当天下午,老师把《保护环境随手可做的100件小事》这本书发到我班,要求同学们三天之内对照这本书,做一件小事。 书上讲的小事很多,我和几个同学约定用拈阄的办法,照着书上讲的,每人去做一件不同的环保小事。我拈到的是19条“拒绝使用一次性筷子”。一次性筷子?我想起来中午吃饭的时候,我还用了呢。一次性筷子到底危害有多大呢,为什么要禁止使用呢?我决定先去查一查。

下午放学回到家,我把这件事情告诉了妈妈,妈妈笑着说:“不使用一次性筷子,是为节省木材,杜绝乱砍森林,每年全国为生产一次性筷子就要减少森林蓄积200万立方米。” 小小的一双筷子会消耗这么多木材!为了了解的更清楚,我到网上去查找一次性筷子的危害。不查不要紧,一查简直吃了一惊,网上说:“根据我国政府的统计数字,中国目前每年生产和丢弃的一次性筷子达四百五十多亿双,在这个过程中需要砍伐多达二千五百万棵树。按照目前的木材使用速度,我国将在大约十年内消耗掉它剩下的森林。” 看来拒绝使用一次性筷子,增强大家的环保意识真的是非常必要的。







近年来,人们的生活节奏大大加快了,忙着上班,忙着上学,忙着赚钱,忙着休闲……在忙碌中,我和我的众多 “一次性用品”朋友越来越受到青睐,甚至在机关食堂,也有我和同伴们的身影。人们用完就把我们扔掉,他们连洗碗的时间都省下了。














1. Changes

How time flies!

Now, I’m a student in Grade Nine. My life has changed a lot.

First of all, I want to talk about my appearance. I used to be short but now I’m taller than before. And I’m stronger because I keep playing sports every day.

Secondly, my personality has changed, too. Before I started this term, I used to be a little shy when I talked in class. But now, I’m not only outgoing but also friendly. I really enjoy talking with others.

Thirdly, I used to be interested in jumping ropes but now I like playing badminton best. I think it can make me feel relaxed and I spend much time doing this.

The last but not least, I have more specific ways to study more. On the one hand, it’s important for me to read aloud to practice pronunciation. It can help me learn new words. On the other hand, it’s a great idea to get more practice. It’s really helpful. Besides, I study by listening to tapes. In a word, I’ve changed a lot, and I have learned a lot!


With some housework to do , every family member is assigned some task to finish every day .For me instead of a bothersome matter , doing housework for my family is actually what adds some spice to my life .

After getting up every morning , I constantly help my mum prepare for breakfast , from which I obtain some valuable skills in cooking . Also, thanks to the housework , I have some good opportunities to spend time talking and laughing with my mum , so that I can refresh my mind in fast-paced life and get ready to face whatever comes in the day with enthusiasm . It’s truly meaningful and important for me

In a word , even if doing housework is just a little deed , it contributes to making me become an all-round student by helping me know more about life .

As my summer vacation is coming , I can’t wait to do everything within my capability for my family 。

相关话题(家务活的英文表达):do/wash the dishes 洗碗 do the laundry 洗衣服 Sweep the floor mop the floor make the bed

Feed the dog walk he dog fold the clothes

Water the flowers take out the trash clean the living room

3.An Unforgettable Experience

I’ve never had such an unusual experience that made me quite impressed .

One day I had a quarrel with one of my classmates. I was really driven mad and I yelled back to each word of hers .Heading to my head teacher , Ms Zhang’s office , I still felt misunderstood and annoyed . To my surprise , Ms Zhang didn’t blame me . Instead , she gave me a lesson with reasonable words. She also shared some lively examples of hers . She kept talking patiently until it was late . It was then that I realized we were supposed to respect others and we’d better keep calm to listen to others’ comments. At the end of the talk ,I appreciated Ms Zhang for her help and promised to be a more open-minded person in future.

I was quite moved by the impressive talk , which taught me that forgiving was a necessary virtue and we should learn to “look before you leap”

相关话题:1.开头句:(1)I am gong to tell you a story about ……….

(2) One day , I ………..

(3) I have an unforgettable experience . I’d like to share with you .

(4) There is always something unforgettable that happens to us in our life . One day………….

2. 结尾句 :(1)I can’t forget that day . I know that my parents really love me .

(2) From then on , I didn’t ……any more . I started to ……

(3) It’s one of the most interesting things that I have ever had. I’ll never forget it .

(4) I realized that we have rarely expressed our gratitude to those around us in our daily life. However , in fact , they are the ones who care about us most . I hope more people can make full use of every chance to say “Thank you” to them


I’m glad to hear that you’ll come to Beijing soon . Knowing you have never been to Beijing , I’ like to tell you a bit about what you can expect to find .

There is no doubt that the historical sites in Beijing will certainly leave you a deep impression . You can appreciate the delicate architectures in the Summer Palace , which are characteristic of the Chinese culture , and enjoy yourself in the National Stadium , which I believe will strike you with awe when you see it at first sight .

In terms of the environment and transportation , there is no need to worry about them . Since the 2008 Olympic Games , the government has taken a series of effective measures to improve them . For instance , a new subway line is put into use . Besides , the friendly people in Beijing will make you feel at home .

In a word , combining modern and traditional factors , Beijing has something for everyone . I am looking forward to your visit .

1. In terms of : 就。。。 而言

2. take measures to do sth :采取措施做某事

3. put into use :投入使用

4. delicate architectures :精巧的建筑

5. strike you with awe when you see it at first sight :使你看到第一眼看见就肃然起敬

6. There is no doubt that …… 豪无疑问

7. leave sb a deep impression :给某人留下深刻印象

8. Beijing will make you feel at home . 北京会让你觉得宾至如归

9. Combining modern and traditional factors, Beijing has something for everyone .


10. places of interest 名胜古迹

11. the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube 鸟巢和水立方

12. as for the transportation in Beijing 至于北京的交通

13. the Great Wall , Beihai Park ,Tian’anmen Square

14. traffic jams

有关地点的说明文的面积,人口 , 位置,环境等

15. Our city is located in ….. 我们的城市坐落于

16. The size of our city is …. Square kilometers .

17. Our city covers / has an area of … square kilometers .

18. The population of our city is …..

19. The city is well-known / famous for its …

20. The city , known as …., attracts millions of visitors from all over the world .

21. It’s very convenient for you to come to our city . 你来我们城市很方便 。

22. Whatever you go , there are plenty of activities to choose from . 无论你去哪儿,都有许


23. You are sure to have a wonderful time in …. 在….你必定能玩的愉快

5. 有关志愿者的作文

Recently , more and more people are taking part in volunteer work . For example , Lily spent the whole day volunteering with her group in the neighborhood last Sunday . First , they helped to do the clean-up. Then , they visited the sick kids and sang for lonely seniors to cheer them up . What’s more, they gave a talk to call up everyone to put their love to good use by volunteering . In my opinion , being a volunteer is great ! Not only can we take the chance to do something enjoyable and meaningful , but also we should take the responsibility to fill the world with more love . Only in this way can we make it a better one for us to live in .



⑴.I took part in the “Environment Protector” activity with my classmates today . In the morning , we left for the People’s Park at 8:00 am .On the bus , seeing all the cars lining up and releasing poisonous gas , I thought it was really necessary to live a low-carbon life .

In the park , some kids were climbing the trees or drawing on the walls , and garbage was left everywhere, which was quite horrible to see . Something must be done to stop it ! So we walked around the park , picking up the trash on the ground and wiping the drawings on the wall . Later , we planted some trees with a great number of visitors . After all the work , we went back home exhaustedly but delightedly .

I benefited a lot today ! It’s crucial to make people aware of the importance of protecting our environment . We should do whatever we can for the citizens and the future generations , for the ecosystem and for the earth .

How to protect / save our environment / world

Environment pollution is more and more serious today . We have no clean water to drink because of water pollution . And when trees are cut down . Some animals disappear . There is more and more dirty smoke and white trash . People health has been greatly affected by air , noise and water pollution . Many people have died of disease . In order to live a better life , it’s time for us to protect our world .

Firstly , we shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere . And we should recycle , reduce and reuse things , for this saves money and reduces pollution . Use things for as long as possible . Don’t use plastic bags . Aslo, we must plant more trees and stop people cutting them down . We hope our world is more and more beautiful .


1. It’s really necessary to live a low carbon-life .

2. release poisonous gas . 排放有毒气体





7. be aware of : 意识到 , 知道 save water : 节约用水 recycle paper : 回收用纸 refuse throwaway chopsticks : 不用一次性筷子 No littering : 禁止乱扔废弃物 。 Don’t throw away rubbish everywhere . The situation is getting worse and worse . So it’s time for the government and ordinary people

to take action .

8. There is no doubt that everyone should do what he could to make a contribution to the

protection of the environment .

9. It’s our duty to make the world a better place to live in .

10. make full use of …. : 充分利用

11. We can take many measures to protect our environment in our daily life .


假如你叫王力,是中学生李华的笔友,你收到了他的电子邮件。 请根据他来信的内容写一封回信。针对他的困惑,谈谈你的看法,同时提出一些建议,并表达对他的祝愿。 Dear Wang Li ,

I have a problem now . I play the piano in the school band and I really enjoy it . But I have to practice it every day .Sometimes I have no time to do my homework . A week ago we had the final exam , but I didn’t pass it . So I’m worried . Can you give me some advice ?

Dear Li Hua ,

Nice to hear from you . Frankly speaking , I used to have the same problem . But I’ve already dealt with it . Here’s some effective advice for you .

First , I suggest you should make a timetable . As you know , you cannot have your cake and eat it too . Therefore , if I were you , I would spend less time practicing the piano in order to study more . After all , study is the most important for students . So , why not have your homework done first ? If so , no matter whether you have to practice the piano or not , your schoolwork won’t be lost . Second , in my opinion , playing the piano helps you develop abilities and get relaxed as well . Third , don’t lose heart . “ Failure is the mother of success”

I extremely hope my suggestions will truly help you . I deeply believe that you’ll be able to cope with the troublesome situation as long as you try your best from now on .

假如你叫张蒙,班主任李老师想了解班级同学的状况,以便有针对性地对学生进行 考前心理疏导。请你根据下面的内容要求,给班主任李老师写封e-mail , 说明自己的情况, 并请她给你提出一些建议。

要求:1. 学习任务重,睡眠不足,缺少体育活动;同学间缺乏沟通和交流

2. 在家不允许看电视,上网,听音乐等。

3. 词数80 左右 。 文中不得出现真实的校名,姓名


To :

Subject : problems

Date : June 26

Dear Ms Li :

I’m very glad to write to you . I know you always come up with good solutions for students who are in trouble . I hope to get some advice from you .

First of all , my schoolwork had been becoming harder and making me exhausted since last semester . I usually can’t finish my homework until midnight . As a result , I always lack time for sleep and exercise . Besides , our classmates don’t communicate with each other as often as before , and we are busy preparing for the exams every day . Moreover, I’m not allowed to watch TV , surf the Internet or listen to music even on weekends .

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . I do need a little time for freedom and relaxation. Facing the busy schoolwork and the senior high school entrance examination months later , what should I do ?


1. 以“Festivals” 为题写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,谈谈你最喜爱的节日和对越来越多


My favorite festival is the Spring Festival , which is a Chinese r\traditional day .

The Spring Festival means a new year’s beginning for the Chinese people .It usually falls in February . I like it because the characteristics of Chinese culture are embodied completely in the festival .

On the Spring Festival , all family members , coming back from different places or countries , get together to celebrate it . They make every effort to get ready for it . There is plenty of folklore about the Spring Festival . Every Chinese is looking forward to the day . Now more and more people begin to celebrate some Western festival and become less interested in our own traditional ones . According to the survey , Christmas Day is their favorite . In my opinion , as Chinese , we aren’t supposed to neglect our own festivals but should cherish them .We should be proud of our old civilization .


2008 年政府取消了“五一”黄金周(May Golden Week),但是,最近有些人又提出要恢复7天的长假。同学们也在校园网的“自由论坛”上展开了激烈的讨论。请你选用下面表格所提供的信息,写一篇短文,谈谈恢复长假的利与弊,并简述你的观点,给出一至两条理由。

As we know , every coin has its two sides . Similarly , there are advantages and disadvantages of May Golden Week .

As far as advantages are concerned , it is not only a good time for people to have a good rest , but also a good chance for them to have a wonderful time with their family . Besides , they can have chances to spend more time playing with their friends , which can promote their friendship.

But disadvantages exist : the long holiday also cause a lot of trouble , such as traffic jams and accidents . To make the matter worse , the parks are crowded everywhere , since many people go out for traveling .

Though there are some disadvantages above , in my point of view , it’s necessary to renew


















绿色环保小知识作文 300字

1、 将旧练习本中未用完的纸张装订起来,做草稿本,

2、 收集用过的草稿纸和旧作业本及试卷,找到合适的途径,送到造纸厂重新加工成可以使用的纸张。

3、 节约用纸,把草稿纸写满,不要只写几个数字就扔掉。

4、 尽量节约用纸,无论是手纸还是餐巾纸,能用手帕代替的就用手帕代替。

5、 在废报纸上练习写毛笔字和画国画。

6、 有些包装纸,可以做成手工艺品,美化生活。

7、 尽量不用一次性碗筷。

8、 方便筷或竹签使用后可以回收利用,做成工艺品。

9、 不要用机械的方法破坏、损害树木。

10、 多种植植物。

11、 把装修中剩余的木头、木屑送去造纸厂,减少砍伐树木的数量。

环保小知识作文 2800字



















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