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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 09:22:34 体裁作文

篇一:The horse sleeps in the stable

The horse sleeps in the stable.

The pig sleeps in the pen.

The squirrel sleeps in the tree hole.

The parrot sleeps in the cage.

The cat sleeps in the basket.

The goldfish sleeps in the fish bowl.

The moon sleeps in the sky.

Where do you sleep?

I sleep in my bed.











The crow, rabbit and fox

The crow was sitting on the tree doing nothing all a day.A small rabbit saw the crow,and asked him:"Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?" the crow answered:"sure ,why not?" So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow,and rested.All of a sudden. A fox appeared,jumped on the rabbit and ate it .moral of the story is :To be sitting and doing nothing ,you must be sitting very very high up!




A Wolf in sheep's clothing

A wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant shepherd and his dogs. One day the wolf found the skin of a sheep. He put it on and walked among the sheep. A lamb thought that the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers. So it followed the wolf. Soon after they had left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up. For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.



狼想吃羊,但是他害怕警惕的牧羊人和牧羊犬。 有一天狼发现了一块羊皮,便披着它混入羊群。 一只小羊羔把这只披着羊皮的狼误认为自己的妈妈,被领出了羊群。 狼成功地欺骗了羊群,吃掉了小羊羔。


Look at the Sky from the Bottom of a Well


There is a frog. He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well. He thinks the sky is as big as the mouth of the well.

有一只青蛙住在井底,他从来没有去过井外面。他以为天空就和井口一样大。 One day a crow comes to the well. He sees the frog and says, “Frog, let’s have a talk.”

一天, 一只乌鸦飞到井边,看见青蛙,就对它说:“青蛙,咱们聊聊吧。” Then the frog asks, “Where are you from?”


“I fly from the sky,” the crow says.


The frog feels surprised and says, “The sky is only as big as the mouth of the well. How do you fly from the sky?”

青蛙惊讶地说:“天空就只有这井口这么大,你怎么会从天上来? ”

The crow says, “The sky is very big. You always stay in the well, so you don’t know the world is big.”

乌鸦说:“天空很大。只不过你一直呆在井里,所有不知道世界很大。” The frog says, “I don’t believe.”


But the crow says, “You can come out and have a look by yourself.” 乌鸦说:“你可以出来,自己看看嘛。”

So the frog comes out from the well. He is very surprised. How big the world is!

A Clever Farmer

Uncle Sam doesn?t like farmer. He thinks they are very foolish and only know work on the farm.

One winter morning, the sun is shining. Uncle Sam sits on the step of his house. At that moment, a farmer with a map in his hand comes to him. Farmer:Excuse me, Uncle. Can you tell me know to get to the hospital, please? Uncle Sam: Lie down in the middle of the street and you?ll soon be at a hospital. Farmer Please set an example to me.

Uncle Sam: I think you come to our city at the first time. It?s much more beautiful than the field. Is that right? Farmer: Yes, uncle. But it is built on the field.

Uncle Sam?s face turns red.


山姆大叔不喜欢农民。他认为他们很愚蠢只会在农场干活。一个冬天的早晨,阳光明媚,山姆大叔坐在门前的石阶上。这时,一个农民手拿地图向他走来。 农民:请问,大叔,去医院的路怎么走? 山姆大叔:你躺在街当中,很快就会在医院的。 农民:请你做一个示范。






Law Enforcement across National Boundaries

Traditionally, the jurisdiction of courts was local. That is, courts could only prosecute offences committed against local laws. There is, however, always the possibility that national governments will allow some crimes to be considered under extraterritorial jurisdiction. Some common examples include offences committed on the high seas and crimes committed by members of the defence forces.

In rare circumstances, a nation?s laws may apply to acts committed overseas by foreign nationals. Recent war crimes prosecutions in Australia involved defendants who were residing elsewhere at the time the alleged offences were committed. These circumstances are, to say the least, most unusual. But in a shrinking world where the financial burdens of extradition are growing, such situations may become more common. International telecommunications-related crime is one area of international law enforcement that will require concerted international cooperation. Past performance suggests that this cooperation is only likely to be forthcoming where there is widespread international consensus about the negative impacts of the activity in question such as child pornography. And the greater the cultural and ideological differences between the two nations involved, the more difficult extradition or any other form of cooperation is likely to be.

Even so, such a process assumes a seamless world system of stable sovereign states; such a system does not exist today, nor is it likely to exist in our lifetime. Law enforcement vacuums exist in some parts of the world, and in some countries the rule of law has effectively collapsed. And where there are strong national governments, the corruption of individual regimes can impede international cooperation.







? 英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,翻译时有可能要在词量上加以增减。增词法就是在翻译时按照意义上(或修辞上)和句法上的需要增加一些词来更忠实通顺的表达原文的思想内容。

? 不是无中生有的随意增词,而是增加原文中虽无其词但有其意的词。



1. Is this your book? Yes, it is.


(Yes, it is. = Yes, it is mine.)


1. He remembered the incident, as had his wife.


2. An eagle and a fox had long lived together as good neighbors; the eagle at the summit of a high

tree, the fox in a hole at the foot of it.



1. The footmen were as ready to serve her as they were their own mistress.



1. We didn’t admit it (escape) was impossible. To do so would have been to surrender one of our few hopes.




1. In spite of yesterday’s rainstorm the crops lay lush and green in the early light.



1. With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism!



1. Poor people, when they are suffering from acute hunger and severe cold, are not unhappy than rich people: they are often much happier.



I. 在不及物动词后面增加名词

1. To wash before meal / to wash after getting up / to wash before going to bed

饭前洗手 / 起床后洗脸 / 睡前洗脚

II. 在形容词前增加名词

1. This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.


2. A new kind of aircraft---small, cheap, pilotless---is attracting increasing attention.

一种新型飞机正越来越引起人们的注意—这种飞机体积小,价格便宜,无人驾驶。 III. 在抽象名词后增加名词

1. The government was taking measures to improve the backwardness in that area.


2. The teacher was trying hard to ease the students’ dissatisfaction.


IV. 在具体名词后增加名词

1. He felt the patriot rise within his breast.


(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:a,fox,in,the,stable)


1. Flowers bloom all over the yard.



1. The heads of the Soviet Union, the United States, England and France had a secret meeting last month.



1. Condit came out with his political smile.



1. He won the men’s singles at Wimbledon.




一、 从语法角度进行减省


(1) I know my friends from the feel of their faces.


(2) Ice is a solid. If we heat it, it melts and becomes water.


(3) John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework.


(4) But at the present moment the whole road looked rather pretty, for the sun had just set in splendor, and the equalities of rent were drowned in a saffron afterglow.


(5) He had a shelf there, where he kept his Bohemian papers and his pipes and tobacco, and his shears and needles and thread and tailor?s thimble.




(1) I felt a trifle shy at the thought of presenting myself to a total stranger with the announcement that I was going to sleep under his roof, eat his food and drink his whisky, till another boat came in to take me to the port for which I was bound.

我要去见一个素不相识的陌生人,向他宣布我得住在他家、吃他的、喝他的,一直等到下一班船到来,把我带到我要去的港口为止──想到这儿,我真有点不好意思了。(这里,如把 "sleep under his roof, eat his food and drink his whisky"直译为"睡在他的屋顶下、吃他的食物、喝他的威士忌",会使语言极为繁冗,不够精练。译文采用减省译法处理原文,既准确地传达了原意,又使行文简洁,气韵十足,一气呵成。)

(2) Her dark eyes made little reflected stars. She was looking at him as she was always looking at him when he awakened.

她那双乌黑的眼睛就像亮晶晶的星星在闪烁,他平素醒来的时候,她也是这样望着他。(此句中有两个 "she was looking at him",如不作省略而译为"她像平常那样望着她一样望着他",汉语就显得噜嗦繁复,诘屈聱牙。)

(3) University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.


(4)There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.


(5) There was not a sound in her---and around us nothing moved, nothing lived, not a canoe on the water, not a bird in the air, not a cloud in the sky.





1. Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.


2. The sight of such a big plane filled the little boy with great curiosity.


3. A glance through his office window offers a panorama of the Washington Monument. 从他的办公室窗口一眼可以看到华盛顿纪念碑的全景。

4. The international food shortage had a direct impact on Kuwait and other barren desert countries. (国际粮食短缺直接影响了科威特等贫瘠的沙漠国家。)

5.There has been a tremendous expansion of nurseries and kindergartens in both cities and villages. (城市和乡村都增加了大量的托儿所和幼儿园。)


1. He worked long hours on meagre food, in cold cottage, by dim lamps.


2. “Coming!” Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch.

“来啦!” 她转身蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。

篇三:Module 1-3检测答案



( ) 1、This shirts look ____ and sells _____.

A. nice ,well B. nice, good C. well,well D.good, nice

( )2、There is little sugar in the bottle, _________?

A. isn't there B. is there C. isn't it D. is it

( )3、How long _____you ____ your computer? For 3 years.

A. did ,had B. have,bought C.did, buy D.have, had

( )4、I have never read _____ interesting book before.

A. such a B. such an C. so an D. so

( )5、There are ____ sheep on the hills.

A. 5 thousand of B. 10 thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of

( )6、I ____ think he ____ speak English.

A.not, can B. don't, can C. /, can't D. do, can't

( )7、He has been in Guilin _____ last Friday .

A. on B. since C. for D. in

( )8、A:---Sorry ,Mr Li, I ____ my book at home.

B: ---That's OK, but don't _____ to bring it to the school tomorrow.

A. forgot , leave B. left, forget C. forget , left D. kept, forget

( )9、A:---Where is Miss Wang ? B: ----She____ to the library.

A.went B.goes C.has been D.has gone

( )10、It took me two hours _____ this letter.

A.write B.to write C. writing D.wrote

( ) 11、I like the story. I think it's _________ .

A.enough interesting B. interesting enough C. enough interested D. interested enough

( ) 12、-----How clean the bedroom is ! ------Yes, I'm sure someone ______ it .

A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. had cleaned

( ) 13、These are my pencils. Please ______ to me .

A. give back them B. gave back them C. gave them back D.give them back

( ) 14、The young woman told us ______ so loudly in the library.

A. not talk B. don't talk C. not to talk D. talking

( ) 15、Please give me a ticket _____ the bus trip.

A. of B.for C.at D. in


small. He spent fresh water and at night there was always danger from wolves. The tame donkey was corn and hay to fresh water for him to drink and at night he was shut safely in a stable. The he could live like the tame donkey.

One day, the wild donkey was looking for grass on the hill. Looking down, he saw the tame he watched, the tame donkey stopped to eat some grass by the roadside. Suddenly, his owner began to beat him with a stick.

"I’ve changed my mind about your way of life, "thought the wild donkey" .I see that you have to for the food they give you."

33. A. so B. but C. and D. yet

34. A. day B. month C. time D. year

35. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found

36. A. on B. by C. with D. to

37. A. gave B. is given C. had given D. was given

38. A. never B. hardly C. always D. many

39. A. wished B. asked C. wanted D. thought

40. A. walking B. is walking C. to walk D. walked

41. A. If B. As C. Because D. Where

42. A. heave B. hardly C. heavily D. nothing

三、阅读理解。 (10分)


On a cold winter day, a fox told Mother Bear that he would teach her how to fish. For she wanted to learn, he took her to a hole in the ice, and told her to put her tail(尾巴) down into the water.

He told her to keep the tail there for a long time. Then when she pulled the tail out of the water, she would find fish around the tail.

The bear was foolish enough to believe what the fox said. She sat for a long time with her tail in the water. She was waiting for the fish. But when she tried to pull her tail out of the water she found that it was frozen(冻结的) in the ice.

She asked the fox to pull her out, but the fox laughed to itself and ran away. So she called Father Bear to help her.

Father Bear came. He pulled her hard and at last got her out. But a part of her tail was in the ice. That is why people find the bear's tail so short.

36. What did a fox tell Mother Bear to do on a cold winter day?

A. It told her to swim in the lake. B. It told her to play by the lake.

C. It told her to catch fish for him. D. It taught her how to fish.

37. The fox asked Mother Bear_______.

A. to jump into the water B. to sit by the lake for a long time

C. to put her tail down into the water and never pull out of the water

D. if she pulled the tail out of the water, she would find fish around the tail

38. What happened next?

A. Mother Bear caught a big ship. B. Mother Bear fell into the water.

C. Mother Bear died of coldness. D. Mother Bear's tail was frozen in the ice.

39. In the end,__________.

A. Father Bear came, but he couldn't help her

B. the fox helped to pull her out, but a part of her tail was in the ice

C. the fox laughed to itself and ran away

D. the fox called Father Bear to help her

40. Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. The fox is foolish enough. B. Mother Bear is clever enough.

C. Father Bear is not helpful. D. The tail of Mother Bear is shorter than ever,


Once upon a time there was a monster(魔鬼). He was very ugly, and had no friends. No one wanted to talk to him. Even other monsters thought he was ugly.

He lived alone and was very unhappy because he was so lonely.

“I wish I had a friend.” he said to himself every day. “One friend would be enough. Someone to talk to.”

“Dear Editor.” he wrote. “ I am an ugly monster. How can I find a friend?”

“Dear Monster.” the Editor replied. “ Advertise(做广告) for a friend in this magazine.” The monster wrote an advertisement.

“Monster wants a friend, male or female. I have two heads, four arms, six legs and there tails. I have one blue eye, one green eye and one brown eye. Smoke comes out of my noses. But I am really a kind monster and will be a good friend to someone. If you would like to meet me, please stand outside Blake’s Store at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 22nd. Write to me at Box 45. Everybody’s Magazine.”

A few days later he went to the magazine.

“Do you have any letters for Box 45?” he asked.

The Editor looked in Box45.

“Yes, there is one.” she said, and gave it to him.

The monster opened the letter, and read, “Dear Monster, I think a person’s character is more important than his appearance. I will wait outside Blake’s Store on Friday. Please carry a flower so that I will recognize you. Yours sincerely, Miss Alice Thwaite.”

1. Why was the monster unhappy?

A. He had no friends. B. He was ugly.

C. He had two heads. D. He had three tails.

2. What did the monster advertise for?

A. A magazine B. A friend C. An editor D. A male monster

3. How did the monster describe himself in the advertisement?

A. Bad B. Lonely C. Kind D. Different

4. How did the monster look for a friend?

A. On the TV B. On the radio C. In the magazine D. In the newspaper

5. What was strange about Miss Thwaite’s letter?

A. She was not interested in people’s appearances.

B. She wanted to meet the monster.

C. She needed a flower to recognize him by

D. It was the only reply


There are millions of stars and planets in space. What’s the difference between stars and planets? Stars can give out heat and light, but planets cannot.

The Sun is one of the stars. Some planets are balls of rock and some are balls of gas. We live on the planet Earth. The Earth spins around once every day to give us day and night. The Earth goes

around the Sun once every year to give us different seasons.

There are eight planets moving around the Sun. We call the family of the Sun and its planets the solar system. Mercury(水星) is the nearest to the Sun, so it is very hot. It is the smallest planet. Venus(金星) is very bright and hot. It is the nearest to the Earth. Mars is covered with orange-red dust and rocks, so it looks like a red star in the sky. It has seasons like the Earth. Jupiter(木星) has more than 16 moons(卫星)and it is the biggest and heaviest planet. Saturn (土星)has more than 22 moons. The other planets such as Uranus(天王星) and Neptune(海王星), are all very far from the Sun and very cold. We need a telescope(望远镜)to see them.

1. The Sun can give us ______.

A. heat and water B. heat and light

C. light and air D. rock and water

2. The Chinese meaning of “spin around” is ______.

A. 飞行 B. 行驶

C. 旋转 D. 公转

3. The Earth goes around ______ once every year to give us different seasons.

A. the moon B. Mars

C. Jupiter D. the Sun

4. Mars looks red in the sky because ______.

A. it is covered with orange-red dust and rocks

B. it has seasons like the Earth

C. it is the nearest to the Earth

D. it is covered with red water and dust

5. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Jupiter is the biggest and heaviest planet.

B. Uranus is very far from the Sun and very cold.

C. The rotation(自转)of the Earth gives us day and night.

D. We call the family of the Sun and its planets the Milky Way.

四 单词拼写。(15分)

1. Lingling has won the second prize in this writing ______(比赛).

2. I have two ______ (日记). One is for Chinese, the other is for English.

3. I think ______ (甚至)a child can answer this question.

4. They call him Tony, but his ______ (真实的)name is Toby.

5. Don’t tell it to others. It’s a ______ (秘密).

6. The astronauts are planning to ______ (探索)other planets.

7、It's very __________ (重要) to learn English well .

8、I eat some bread and s________ for my breakfast.

9、I took some beautiful photos with my ________(照相机).

10、He with me lives in the same ________(街区) .

11、My grandma is ill in h_______.

12、His father has gone to America on b________.

13、My mother told me to p_______ the piano every day.

14、Do you have any h_______in your spare time?

15、They are building a new ______(机场) near a hill.

16、Have you e______ your lunch?

17、I have already _____ (做) my homework.

18、There are many a_______ in the zoo.



How ______ ______ have you seen the film?


______ _____ has he learned English ?

3、I have already taken some photos. (改为一般疑问句)

_____ you taken any photos______ ?

4、I am a farmer. He is a farmer ,too. (用both....and连接成一句)

____ I and he _____ farmers.

5、I have been a teacher for 20 years. (用since改写为同义句)

I have been a teacher _______ 20 years _______.

6. Mr. Lin has already bought another house in town. (改为否定句)

Mr. Lin ______ ______ another house in town ______ .

7. Tom went to the museum. He’s still there now. (合并为一句)

Tom ______ ______ ______ the museum.

8. Betty is very shy. She can’t speak to others. (合并为一句)

Betty is ______ shy ______ she can’t speak to others.

9. The boy is so short that he can’t reach the top of the desk. (改为同义句)

①The boy is ______ ______ ______ reach the top of the desk.

②The boy isn’t ______ ______ ______ reach the top of the desk.

六 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分) ___(love) seeing the world. Mike Robinson’s father, Peter works for a very big company. It Egypt, one of (big and busy) cities in Africa. They (be) to many interesting So far they (learn) to speak four languages. The company has asked Peter (work) back in the US. They are all very happy.

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________

6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________

七 阅读表达

(1)Da Shan, a Canadian, is perhaps China’s most famous foreigner. He speaks Chinese well. He was born in 1965. He(2) But he would only memorize words he met with while reading, listening or talking in the following two weeks. “There’s no use learning words that don’t appear often,”he said. “And the best way to learn a foreign language is to keep using it and understand the culture behind it, Or you’ll forget everything quickly.”

Da Shan says it is important to get into the language environment. (4has helped him learn not only the words, but also the country and its people.


The horse and the ass

A horse and an ass were traveling together. The horse was prancing along in its beautiful trappings, but the ass was carrying the heavy weight in its saddlebags.

"I wish I were you," sighed the ass. "You have nothing to do, and wear such a beautiful harness."

The next day there was a great battle. The horse was badly wounded in the final charge.

The ass passed and saw the dying horse. "I was wrong," said the ass."Safety is much more important than beautiful clothes." 马和驴

●马和驴一起旅行,马拉着轻便的车轻松地前行,而驴驮着很重的鞍囊走路。 ●“我多希望我是你,”驴感叹道,“你什么也不用做,却佩带这么漂亮的马具。”



寓意: 不要随便羡慕别人,各人都有自己的生活,都有自己的幸福与不幸。

The fox without a tail

A fox's tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.

At first he was ashamed to see the other foxes because he had no tail, but he was determined to face his misfortune. He called all the foxes to a meeting.

When they had gotten together, the fox said that they should all do away with their tails.

He said that their tails were very inconvenient when they met with their enemies.

He did not talk about any advantages of the tail. "You are right," said one of the older foxes, "but I don’t think you would advise us to do away with our tails if you hadn't lost it yourself first."






The cage bird and the bat

A bird was confined in a cage outside a window. She often sang at night when all other birds were asleep.

One night a bat came. He asked the bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night.

The bird answered, “Last year when I was singing in the daytime, a bird catcher heard my voice and caught me in his net.Since then I have never sung by day.”

The bat replied, "But it is useless to do this now that you have become a prisoner." Then he flew away.



●一天晚上,蝙蝠来了,飞过来问她为什么白天安静无声,夜里却要歌唱。 ●金丝雀回答说:“去年我在白天唱歌时,捕鸟人听到我的歌声抓住了我。从此,我再也不在白天唱歌了。”


寓意: 我们应该在危险发生之前就提高警觉,因为危险一旦发生,我们再怎样小心也没有用了。

The ass and his purchaser

A man wanted to buy an ass. He went to the market, and saw a likely one. But he wanted to test him first.

So he took the ass home, and put him into the stable with the other asses. The new ass looked around, and immediately went to choose a place next to the laziest ass in the stable.

When the man saw this he put a halter on the ass at once, and gave him back to his owner.

The owner felt quite surprised. He asked the man, "Why are you back so soon? Have you tested him already?" "I don't want to test him any more," replied the man, "From the companion he chose for himself, I could see what sort of animal he is." 驴和买驴的人





寓意: 物以类聚,人以群分。人们往往喜欢跟与自己相同的人交往,所以,我们可以根据一个人的朋友来推断他的为人。 The Fox and the Tiger(狐狸和老虎)

An Archer, hunting in the woods, was so successful with his arrows that he killed many of the wild animals. This frightened the rest so much that they ran into the densest part of the bushes to hide. At last the Tiger stood up, and pretending to be very brave, told the other animals not to be afraid anymore, but to rely on his courage, and he would attack the enemy on his own. While he was talking, and lashing his tail and tearing at the ground with his claws to impress the others, an arrow came and pierced his ribs. The Tiger howled with pain.

While he was trying to draw out the arrow with his teeth the Fox went up to him and asked, in surprise, whoever had the strength and courage to wound such a brave and mighty beast as the Tiger?

"Nay," said the Tiger, "I misjudged my enemy. It was that unbeatable man over there!"

MORAL: Knowledge is power.





A smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit,"Hey mom,the dentist says I have no cavities. " His mom stared at him wide-eyed and quite surprised,"It's impossible --you never brush your teeth after cleaning the chocolate box before you go to bed!

Then the boy opened his mouth --he had not a tooth left!

英文笑话:我没有蛀牙/No Cavities

小男孩儿看完牙医,面带微笑地回到家:“嘿,妈妈,牙医说,我一颗蛀牙也没有。” 妈妈惊讶地瞪大眼睛:“不可能——你每回上床睡觉前都把巧克力盒子里的糖一下子吃完,而且从来不刷牙!”


The ass and his purchaser

A man wanted to buy an ass. He went to the market, and saw a likely one. But he wanted to test him first.

So he took the ass home, and put him into the stable with the other asses. The new ass looked around, and immediately went to choose a place next to the laziest ass in the stable.

When the man saw this he put a halter on the ass at once, and gave him back to his owner.

The owner felt quite surprised. He asked the man, "Why are you back so soon? Have you tested him already?" "I don't want to test him any more," replied the man, "From the companion he chose for himself, I could see what sort of animal he is."



他把驴牵回家,放在自己其他的驴之间,这驴四处看看,立即走向一头好吃懒做的驴旁边。 于是,买驴的人立刻给那头驴套上辔头,牵去还给驴的卖主。


寓意: 物以类聚,人以群分。人们往往喜欢跟与自己相同的人交往,所以,我们可以根据一个人的朋友来推断他的为人。

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.

"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"

"She is the one who sells the candy."




“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”



One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, "What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk',

dad?" "Well, my son," his father replied, "look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am

drunk." "But, dad," the boy said, " there's only ONE policeman!"


一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,‘醉’字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”

One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak offThe City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."



从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好朋友。一只老鼠居住在乡村,另一只住在城里。很多年以后,乡下老鼠碰到城里老鼠,它说:“你一定要来我乡下的家看看。 ”于是,城里老鼠就去了。乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里。它把所有最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠。城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为什么住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,还会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家看看。”



Fox and cockOne morning a fox sees a cock. He thinks" This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says, "I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me? '' The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth and carries him away.

The people in the field see the fox. They cry," Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock

away. ''The cock says to the fox, "Mr Fox, do you understand? The people say you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours. Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth and says, "The cock is mine, not yours. ''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.





在田地里的人们看到了狐狸。大喊大叫:“看,看!狐狸抓住公鸡逃走了。”公鸡对狐狸说:“狐狸先生,你能理解么?人们认为你叼走了公鸡。告诉他们这是你的,不是他们的。” 狐狸张开她的嘴说:“公鸡是我的,不是你们的。”就在那时,。公鸡跑到了树底下。 我也说一句

The Monkey Asked for the Moon 猴子捞月

One day,a little monkey is playing by the well.


He looks in the well and shouts :


“Oh!My god!The moon has fallen into the well!”


An older monkeys runs over, takes a look,and says,


“Goodness me!The moon is really in the water!”


And olderly monkey comes over.


He is very surprised as well and cries out:


“The moon is in the well.”


A group of monkeys run over to the well .


They look at the moon in the well and shout:


“The moon did fall into the well!Come on!Let’get it out!”


Then,the oldest monkey hangs on the tree up side down ,with his feet on the branch .


And he pulls the next monkey’s feet with his hands.


All the other monkeys follow his suit,


And they join each other one by one down to the moon in the well.


Just before they reach the moon,the oldest monkey raises his head and happens to see the moon in the sky,


He yells excitedly “Don’t be so foolish!The moon is still in the sky!”


Once upon a time, there was a mouse father


He wanted to marry his daughter to the greatest person in the world.


But, who was the greatest person in the world?


Oh! The sun! He must be the greatest person in the world.


The mouse father went to talk to the sun.


“Hello! Mr. Sun. I know you are the greatest person in the world.


Would you marry my daughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the cloud. 什么?我才不是世界上最伟大的人呢!最伟大的应该是云

If he comes out, I’ll be covered.”


The mouse father went to talk to the cloud.


“Hello! Mr. Cloud. I know you are the greatest person in the world.


Would you marry my daughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wind. 什么?我才不是世界上最伟大的人呢!最伟大的应该是风

If he comes out, I’ll be blown away.”


The mouse father went to talk to the wind.


“Hello! Mr. Wind. I know you are the greatest person in the world.


Would you marry my daughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is the wall. 什么?我才不是世界上最伟大的人呢!最伟大的应该是墙

If he comes out, I’ll be stopped.”


The mouse father went to talk to the wall.


“Hello! Mr. Wall. I know you are the greatest person in the world.


Would you marry my daughter?”


“What? I’m not the greatest person in the world. The greatest person is YOU, the mouse.”


“The greatest person in the world is … mouse?”


“Yes, the greatest person in the world is mouse. See? If mouse comes out, I’ll be bit!” 没错!世界上最伟大的就是老鼠,你看,只要你们一出现,我就被挖洞了! The mouse father was very happy.


He finally knew mouse was the greatest person in the world.


He would marry his daughter to the handsome mouse next door.


more quickly than you can.”

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.

“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his c/yingyong/loak.

(有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.) (“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)


(“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."

The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse
