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1. It is some times beset with? 有时候会有?的境遇/会有?相伴

2. Nothing short of a?can help? 唯有?才能/全靠?才能够

3. Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. 一泻千里

4. Fare likewise. 正如这样

5. Now?,now? 有时?,有时?

6. Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of? 更能让人产生一种?之感

7. ?is now confronted with a?section of its course. ?现在正遭遇进程上的


8. ?,however,can only be shared by? 而?,只有?样的人才可体会到

9. The present?crisis can never obstacle the advance of? 目前的?危机绝不


10. Let us brace up our spirits and march through? 让我们鼓起雄健的精神?

11. The greatest joy of?,is to?during its most difficult days. 在最艰难的日子


12. Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见

13. Dash here and there in search of? 跑来跑去的寻找

14. He is going to?so that he could? 他决定?以便?

15. ?is not groundless because? ?并非空害怕/没依据,因为?

16. Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑

17. What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?

18. Behind?lay half a dozen of?near? 注意学习地理方位和位置的表述

19. Look like rain,yet,to our great joy?像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是?

20. Which of you could? 你们谁能???

21. They are most beloved in one aspect. 有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵

22. Unlike?,which?,?it just?to? 不像?的?一样,它只是?,来?

23. You can never immediately tell whether or not it?until? 你不能立刻判断


24. One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking. 应该成为有用的人,


25. Engraved in my mind. 深深地刻在脑海

26. ?is a household name all over the country. ??是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。

27. ?is always on the lips because? 把?天天挂在嘴上,因为?

28. What’s the use of being???又有什么用/有什么必要呢?

29. Uttered intermittently. 断断续续地说


30. Never calculating or particular about personal gains and losses. 不计较个人

得失 31. Honor?with a posthumous reverent? 追授?一个?的谥号/称号

32. Become more and more?with the passing of time. 随着时间的流逝变得越


33. Never give up the pursuit of? 不要放弃?/ 不要放弃对?的追求

34. Out of sheer necessity. 仅仅为了需要 / 纯粹因为需要

35. Be free to follow your own bent. 可以依自己的喜好去?/ 自由自在地去追


36. Be in the prime of life. 正当盛年 / 年富力强

37. ?will soon be gone never to return. 一去不复返。

38. Be in one’s declining years. 风烛残年 / 精力衰微之时

39. As a means of subsistence. 作为生计 / 为了吃饭 / 作为谋生的手段

40. Remedy the situation by? 用??来补救

41. Come up against the urgent problem of? ??问题急需解决

42. How can one manage to?while? 人怎么能在?的同时还?呢?

43. Cut down on food and clothing and do everything possible to? 节衣缩食想


44. Time is no object. 时间不是问题。

45. ?will be quite enough to make?a? ?足够让一个?成为?了

46. The choice lies with you. 选择权在你们手里。

47. Henrik Ibsen says,“it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into a useful


48. Forsake?,and you will ruin yourself. 抛弃?, 你便毁了你自己。

49. To go into scholarship,to engage in learning. 做学问

50. The only things of some value under my roof,if any,are?在我屋子里唯一贵


51. Entertain ambition of making a profound study of? 怀有对??做一番高


52. It seemed that?can better satisfy?than? ?比?更能满足?的需要

53. At one sitting. 一口气地?

54. It is completely subjected to the whims of the moment. 全凭当时的兴趣和

念头。 55. Liken myself respectively to? 把我自己比作??

56. Thread-bound Chinese book. 线装书

57. My obsession of?have been very much on a decline. 我对??的狂热/着迷


58. To eat into one’s whole pocket. 花掉某人所有的钱。


59. But not all acquaintances are friends. 不是所有认识的都是朋友。

60. Have more scruples about this and that. 对身边的一切都有更多的顾虑。

61. We each followed a different course of life. 我们各自过着不同的生活。

62. Be bound to. 必然,一定会。 Somehow or other. 设法,莫名其妙地

63. ?of bygone days will unfold again before one’s eyes. 过去的?又重新浮


64. In bloom of one’s youth. 在某人盛年的时候 / 在生命中最华美的时刻

65. Unwittingly 不知不觉地,无意识地

66. Fritter away. 渐渐地消失 / 慢慢地消耗 / 一点点地浪费

67. In twos and threes. 三三两两,零零星星

68. Negotiate shoals and reefs/deserts and gorges 跋涉(越过)礁石浅滩 / 荒


69. Be reduced to?as the last resort. 被逼到做??的地步,被迫干??为生

70. Foot passenger. 步行的人,行人

71. It stands to reason that? ?也是合情合理的/显而易见的

72. Can ill afford to do something. 无法承受??

73. If it is beyond one’s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing of social

evils, one should at least beself-disciplined so as not to make matters worse.

74. Pedantic view of bookish person. 酸腐的书生之见

75. Cool your heels。 坐冷板凳,空等

76. All that kills my idea of? 那足以让我打消??的念头

77. A good man always enjoys Heaven’s protection. 吉人天相

78. Misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行

79. Heaven always leaves one away out. 天无绝人之路

80. Be in reduced circumstance. 每况愈下 / 光景惨淡

81. After some wavering, 犹豫一阵之后 / 犹豫不决了一阵

82. Talk somebody out of it(something), 劝说某人不做某事

83. Smart aleck 自作聪明的人/ 自作聪明的

84. Chip in 插嘴,打断,捐助,出钱 stroll about 游逛,游荡,闲游

85. Be watchful on the way, 路上警惕些,旅途当心

86. It is certainly no problem for a person of my age to? 对于我这样年纪 / 我



87. As trenuous job: 紧张的/费力的/艰苦的差使

88. Skull cap 无沿小帽,圆帽 Mandarin jacket 马褂 cotton-padded 填充棉絮

的 89. Huddle up 蜷缩,挤成一团 Corpulent 肥胖的

90. Gush from 涌出,不断流出 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ooze 渗出,淌出

91. Make an enormous exertion to? 尽全力做??

92. Pat the dirt off one’s clothes 拍去/掸去身上的尘土

93. Until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no

longer visible. 直到他的身影消失在来往的人群中,再也遍寻不见了。

94. Live an unsettled life. 过着颠簸不定的日子 / 东奔西走

95. ?with circumstances going from bad to worse. 一日不如一日 / 每况愈下

96. His pent-up emotion has to find avent. 情郁于中,自然要发之于外。

97. The state of?filled somebody with a feeling of? ??的境况让人??

98. Down cast 沮丧,颓废,颓唐

99. Domestic triviality=household chores 家庭琐事 long gown 长袍,长衫

100. Frown upon the way? 不赞同??的方式 / 对?的方式颇有微词

101. Like a drop of water falling off a needle point into the ocean. 如针尖上的


102. Quietly drip into the haste stream of time without leaving a trace. 汇入时间


103. What is gone is gone.What is to come keeps coming. 去的已然去了,来的


104. Edge away softly and stealthily 悄悄溜走,偷偷开溜

105. The fixed gaze of the eyes when lost inreverie 沉思时的凝望

106. Withstand the wear and tear of time. 经得住时间的磨洗 / 难以磨灭

107. Still remain engraved on one’s mind. 依然深刻地印在脑里

Either as a hired hand on contract or as a odd jobber. 或者做包工,或者打零工

109. With toothed blade 带锯齿口的(hatchet,chisel,saw,drill and plane, 斧,凿,锯,钻和刨子)

?is areal eye-opener tome.??让我大开眼界

. Bolt upright 笔直地, 端端正正地

Heisarealagreeableperson. 他非常平易近人

thewell-meaningremarksofanaffectionatefather. (那只是)一个疼爱子女的父亲的好意

Shrugoffone’swordsaschildishnonsense. 不屑于某人的话,当成小孩子的胡说 115. Riskone’sownlifeindoing? 冒着生命危险做?? / 拿命换?? -5

Emptyof 缺乏 / 把?洗劫一空,把?拿空

117. Hiseyesclosedforgood. 他永远地闭上了眼睛

118. Oneshouldbecontent withone’slot. 一个人就要安分守己 / 认命

119. Allthatseemsaccidental,andalsoseemspredestined. 一切都似偶然,一切又都似注定的

120. Cometorealizestillmorefullythesignificanceof? 更深切地感受到??的重要

121. Repayone’skindness. 报答某人

122. Drawalineofdemarcationbetween?and? 在?与?间划清界限 123. Pitchdarkness. 沥青黑,漆黑一片

124. Theraincontinuetofall ,thelongnight wearsonamidst itsdrippingsound. 雨声继续着,长夜在


Nothingwhatevercanholditup. 没有什么可以阻止它

126. Throw clouds of spray embodying love and hate, and happiness and sorrow. 投下喜怒哀乐的云 翳

Likeeverybodyelse, 和其他人一样

128. Iliveinthisworldforthepurposeof? 我来到这个世界的目的是??

129. Idon’tknowwhatthefuturehasinstoreforme. 我不知道未来还有什么东西在等待着我

130. Twentyodd 二十多, tenoddyears 十多年 (odd 的用法!)

131. Thereisatfirstnoroadsat



132. Thisquotationreflectsaptlythetruemeaningof? 这段引用恰当地表达了??的真意

133. Bringtheenemysuredeathwithoutdrawingtheirblood. 不一定要流仇敌的血,但却置之于死 地

134. Baskinthesunshineunderacleansky 在晴空下晒太阳

135. ?justservestoincreasehisstaminaandstrengthenhismind. ?只会增强他的力量和意志

136. Astherainceasedtopatter. 雨渐渐止了。

Thecrescent newmoon. 新月 Grape trellis 葡萄架

138. At(long)last. 最后,最终

139. Interwoven /intermingle 相互交织/相互交融

140. Tothinkthat?! 真没想到??!

141. Tothinktooneself? 一个人暗自在想??


Topointone’sfingerat ? 有指责某人之意

143. Goroundthebend 发疯,发狂,变得歇斯底里

144. Astar-studdedsky. 繁星点点的夜空

145. Make-believe 虚幻的,伪装的 amake-believeworld 虚幻的世界

146. The splendor and magnificence of the scene is beyond all description. 那壮丽与新奇简直说不


domybittomakeastillbetterplaceofmycountry. 尽自己一份力,把祖国建设得更美好

148. Attheheelsof? 紧跟在??的后面

149. KeepEarlyhours. 早睡早起 Kerosenelamp 煤油灯

150. Withanirresistibleinnerurgetounbosomoneself. 不吐不快的倾诉 151. Wishy-washy 空泛的,淡而无味的,水分多的

152. Ramblingthrough? 在?漫步 specksofmud 泥点,斑点

153. Comeacross? 无意中发现,偶遇

154. castaway. 被丢掉,遗弃,失事 Letout+sound, 发出??声音

155. Fickleman 薄幸的男人,浪子 frivolouswoman 水性杨花的女人,轻佻女子

156. Betroddendownuponbythewayside? 在路旁任人践踏

157. Sprinkle 撒,播撒,少量 Strew 散播,洒满,零星散布

158. Pluckoutawhitehairfrom mother’shead. 从母亲头上拔下一根白发

159. Butitis?thathasbeenthecauseof? 但?才一直是?的原因

160. (Chinese)InkwashPainting 水墨画 SealCarving 篆刻 TCM 中草药/中医 161. The gentle waves licking at the shores give forth a humming sound like that of fish in shoals.


Allthatforebodea? 所有的都预示着一场??

163. Crematory=crematorium 火葬场 Scribble 乱画,潦草地书写

164. Everynookandcornerof? 每一个角落,到处

165. Shyawayfrom ? 回避,躲避,退缩

166. Complicatedandmultifaceted. 复杂而多层次的,难以解析的

167. Justfancythat? 只要想想?? / 真想不到??

168. Incontrast with?initsentirety,?isameredropintheocean.跟?整体相比,?不过是沧海一 粟


169. Words fail me where silent smiles and tears well express my innermost feelings. 言语是不够


170. I shall fail to do justice to ? if I should do no more than ? 倘若只让


张培基散文翻译语言点精要 1. It is sometimes beset with ? 有时候会有?的境遇/会有?相伴

2. Nothing short of a ? can help ? 唯有?才能/全靠?才能够

3. Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. 一泻千里

4. Fare likewise. 正如这样

5. Now ? , now ? 有时?,有时?

6. Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of ? 更能让人产生一


7. ? is now confronted with a ? section of its course. ?现在正遭遇


8. ? , however, can only be shared by ? 而?,只有?样的人才可体会到

9. The present ? crisis can never obstacle the advance of ? 目前的?


10. Let us brace up our spirits and march through ? 让我们鼓起雄健的


11. The greatest joy of ?, is to ? during its most difficult days. 在


12. Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见

13. Dash here and there in search of ? 跑来跑去的寻找

14. He is going to ? so that he could ? 他决定?以便?

15. ? is not groundless because ? ?并非空害怕/没依据,因为?

16. Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑 17. What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?

18. Behind ? lay half a dozen of ? near ? 注意学习地理方位和位置的


19. look like rain, yet, to our great joy ? [口语]像是要下雨,然而让


20. which of you could ? 你们谁能???(别用who了,太土了!!)

21. they are most beloved in one aspect. 有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵

22. Unlike ? , which ? , ? it just ? to ? 不像?的?一样,它只


23. You can never immediately tell whether or not it ? until ? 你不


24. One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking. 应该成为有


25. Engraved in my mind. 深深地刻在脑海

26. ? is a household name all over the country. ??是家喻户晓/名遍全


27. ? is always on the lips because ? 把?天天挂在嘴上,因为?

28. What’s the use of being ? ??又有什么用/有什么必要呢?

29. Uttered intermittently. 断断续续地说

30. Never calculating or particular about personal gains and losses. 不


31. Honor ? with a posthumous reverent ? 追授?一个?的谥号/称号

32. Become more and more ? with the passing of time. 随着时间的流逝变得越来越??/越久越??

33. Never give up the pursuit of ? 不要放弃? / 不要放弃对?的追求

34. Out of sheer necessity. 仅仅为了需要 / 纯粹因为需要

35. Be free to follow your own bent. 可以依自己的喜好去? / 自由自在地


36. Be in the prime of life. 正当盛年 / 年富力强

37. ? will soon be gone never to return. 一去不复返。

38. Be in one’s declining years. 风烛残年 / 精力衰微之时

39. As a means of subsistence. 作为生计 / 为了吃饭 / 作为谋生的手段

40. Remedy the situation by ? 用??来补救

41. Come up against the urgent problem of ? ??问题急需解决

42. How can one manage to ? while ? 人怎么能在?的同时还?呢?

43. Cut down on food and clothing and do everything possible to ? 节


44. Time is no object. 时间不是问题。

45. ? will be quite enough to make ? a ? ?足够让一个?成为?了

46. The choice lies with you. 选择权在你们手里。

47. Henrik Ibsen says, “it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into

a useful implement.”


48. Forsake ? , and you will ruin yourself. 抛弃?,你便毁了你自己。

49. To go into scholarship, to engage in learning. 做学问

50. the only things of some value under my roof, if any, are ?在我屋


51. Entertain ambition of making a profound study of ? 怀有对??做一


52. It seemed that ? can better satisfy ? than ? ?比?更能满足?的


53. At one sitting. 一口气地?

54. It is completely subjected to the whims of the moment. 全凭当时的


55. Liken myself respectively to ? 把我自己比作??

56. Thread-bound Chinese book. 线装书

57. My obsession of ? have been very much on a decline. 我对??的狂


58. To eat into one’s whole pocket. 花掉某人所有的钱。

59. But not all acquaintances are friends. 不是所有认识的都是朋友。

60. Have more scruples about this and that. 对身边的一切都有更多的顾虑。

61. We each followed a different course of life. 我们各自过着不同的生


62. Be bound to. 必然,一定会。 Somehow or other. 设法,莫名其妙地

63. ? of bygone days will unfold again before one’s eyes. 过去的?又


64. In bloom of one’s youth. 在某人盛年的时候 / 在生命中最华美的时刻

65. Unwittingly 不知不觉地,无意识地

66. Fritter away. 渐渐地消失 / 慢慢地消耗 / 一点点地浪费

67. In twos and threes. 三三两两,零零星星

68. Negotiate shoals and reefs / deserts and gorges 跋涉(越过)礁石浅

滩 / 荒漠峡谷

69. Be reduced to ? as the last resort. 被逼到做??的地步,被迫干??


70. Foot passenger. 步行的人,行人

71. It stands to reason that ? ?也是合情合理的/显而易见的

72. Can ill afford to do something. 无法承受??

73. If it is beyond one’s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing

of social evils, one should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse.

74. Pedantic view of bookish person. 酸腐的书生之见

75. Cool your heels。 坐冷板凳,空等

76. All that kills my idea of ? 那足以让我打消??的念头

77. A good man always enjoys Heaven’s protection. 吉人天相

78. Misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行 79. Heaven always leaves one a way out. 天无绝人之路

inner urge

80. Be in reduced circumstance. 每况愈下 / 光景惨淡

81. After some wavering, 犹豫一阵之后 / 犹豫不决了一阵

82. Talk somebody out of it(something), 劝说某人不做某事

83. Smart aleck 自作聪明的人/ 自作聪明的

84. Chip in 插嘴,打断,捐助,出钱 stroll about 游逛,游荡,闲游

85. Be watchful on the way, 路上警惕些,旅途当心

86. It is certainly no problem for a person of my age to ?

对于我这样年纪 / 我这么大的人来说,??是没问题的

87. A strenuous job: 紧张的/费力的/艰苦的差使

88. Skullcap 无沿小帽,圆帽 Mandarin jacket 马褂 cotton-padded 填充棉


89. Huddle up 蜷缩,挤成一团 Corpulent 肥胖的

90. Gush from涌出,不断流出 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ooze 渗出,淌出

91. Make an enormous exertion to ? 尽全力做??

92. Pat the dirt off one’s clothes 拍去/掸去身上的尘土

93. until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro

and no longer visible. 直到他的身影消失在来往的人群中,再也遍寻不见了。

94. live an unsettled life. 过着颠簸不定的日子 / 东奔西走

95. ? with circumstances going from bad to worse. 一日不如一日 / 每况


96. His pent-up emotion has to find a vent. 情郁于中,自然要发之于外。

97. the state of ? filled somebody with a feeling of ? ??的境况让


98. downcast 沮丧,颓废,颓唐

99. domestic triviality = household chores 家庭琐事 long gown 长袍,长

100. Frown upon the way ? 不赞同??的方式 / 对?的方式颇有微词

101. Like a drop of water falling off a needle point into the ocean. 如


102. Quietly drip into the haste stream of time without leaving a trace.


103. What is gone is gone. What is to come keeps coming. 去的已然去了,


104. Edge away softly and stealthily 悄悄溜走,偷偷开溜 105. The fixed gaze of the eyes when lost in reverie 沉思时的凝望

106. Withstand the wear and tear of time. 经得住时间的磨洗 / 难以磨灭 107. Still remain engraved on one’s mind. 依然深刻地印在脑里

108. Either as a hired hand on contract or as a odd jobber. 或者做包工,


109. with toothed blade 带锯齿口的(hatchet, chisel, saw, drill and plane,


110. ? is a real eye-opener to me. ??让我大开眼界

111. Bolt upright 笔直地, 端端正正地

112. He is a real agreeable person. 他非常平易近人

113. the well-meaning remarks of an affectionate father. (那只是)一个


114. Shrug off one’s words as childish nonsense. 不屑于某人的话,当成


115. Risk one’s own life in doing ? 冒着生命危险做?? / 拿命换?? 116. Empty of 缺乏 / 把?洗劫一空,把?拿空

117. His eyes closed for good. 他永远地闭上了眼睛

118. One should be content with one’s lot. 一个人就要安分守己 / 认命 119. All that seems accidental, and also seems predestined. 一切都似偶


120. Come to realize still more fully the significance of ? 更深切地


121. Repay one’s kindness. 报答某人

122. Draw a line of demarcation between ? and ? 在?与?间划清界限 123. Pitch darkness. 沥青黑,漆黑一片

124. The rain continue to fall ,the long night wears on amidst its dripping

sound. 雨声继续着,长夜在雨滴声中缓缓前行。

125. Nothing whatever can hold it up. 没有什么可以阻止它

126. Throw clouds of spray embodying love and hate, and happiness and

sorrow. 投下喜怒哀乐的云翳

127. Like everybody else, 和其他人一样

128. I live in this world for the purpose of ? 我来到这个世界的目的


129. I don’t know what the future has in store for me. 我不知道未来还

有什么东西在等待着我 130. Twenty odd 二十多, ten odd years 十多年 (odd的用法!)

131. There is at first no roads at all and that a road is created simply

by the treading of passers-by.


132. This quotation reflects aptly the true meaning of ? 这段引用恰当


133. Bring the enemy sure death without drawing their blood. 不一定要


134. Bask in the sunshine under a clean sky 在晴空下晒太阳

135. ? just serves to increase his stamina and strengthen his mind. ?


136. As the rain ceased to patter. 雨渐渐止了。

137. The crescent new moon. 新月 Grape trellis 葡萄架

138. At (long) last. 最后,最终

139. Interwoven / intermingle 相互交织/相互交融

140. To think that? ! 真没想到??! 141. To think to oneself? 一个人暗自在想??

142. To point one’s finger at ? 有指责某人之意

143. Go round the bend 发疯,发狂,变得歇斯底里

144. A star-studded sky. 繁星点点的夜空

145. Make-believe 虚幻的,伪装的 a make-believe world 虚幻的世界

146. The splendor and magnificence of the scene is beyond all description.


147. do my bit to make a still better place of my country. 尽自己一份


148. At the heels of ? 紧跟在??的后面

149. Keep Early hours. 早睡早起 Kerosene lamp 煤油灯

150. With an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself. 不吐不快的倾

151. Wishy-washy 空泛的,淡而无味的,水分多的

152. Rambling through ? 在?漫步 specks of mud 泥点,斑点

153. Come across ? 无意中发现,偶遇

154. cast away. 被丢掉,遗弃,失事 Let out + sound, 发出??声音 155. Fickle man 薄幸的男人,浪子 frivolous woman 水性杨花的女人,轻佻


156. Be trodden down upon by the wayside ? 在路旁任人践踏

157. Sprinkle 撒,播撒,少量 Strew 散播,洒满,零星散布

158. Pluck out a white hair from mother’s head. 从母亲头上拔下一根白

159. But it is ? that has been the cause of ? 但?才一直是?的原因


] 张培基散文翻译语言点精要

1.It is sometimes beset with ? 有时候会有?的境遇/会有?相伴

2..Nothing short of a ? can help ? 唯有?才能/全靠?才能够

3. Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. 一泻千里

4. Fare likewise. 正如这样

5. Now ? , now ? 有时?,有时?

6. Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of ? 更能让人产生一种?之感

7. ? is now confronted with a ? section of its course. ?现在正遭遇进程上的一段?

8. ? , however, can only be shared by ? 而?,只有?样的人才可体会到

9. The present ? crisis can never obstacle the advance of ? 目前的?危机绝不会阻碍?


10. Let us brace up our spirits and march through ? 让我们鼓起雄健的精神?

11. The greatest joy of ?, is to ? during its most difficult days. 在最艰难的日子里?,亦是最


12. Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见

13. Dash here and there in search of ? 跑来跑去的寻找

14. He is going to ? so that he could ? 他决定?以便?

15. ? is not groundless because ? ?并非空害怕/没依据,因为?

16. Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑

17. What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?

18. Behind ? lay half a dozen of ? near ? 注意学习地理方位和位置的表述

19. look like rain, yet, to our great joy ? [口语]像是要下雨,然而让我们高兴的是?

20. which of you could ? 你们谁能???(别用who了,太土了!!)

21. they are most beloved in one aspect. 有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵

22. Unlike ? , which ? , ? it just ? to ? 不像?的?一样,它只是?,来?

23. You can never immediately tell whether or not it ? until ? 你不能立刻判断它是否?,


24. One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking. 应该成为有用的人,而不是伟大或


25. Engraved in my mind. 深深地刻在脑海

26. ? is a household name all over the country. ??是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。

27. ? is always on the lips because ? 把?天天挂在嘴上,因为?

28. What’s the use of being ? ??又有什么用/有什么必要呢?

29. Uttered intermittently. 断断续续地说

30. Never calculating or particular about personal gains and losses. 不计较个人得失

31. Honor ? with a posthumous reverent ? 追授?一个?的谥号/称号

32. Become more and more ? with the passing of time. 随着时间的流逝变得越来越??/


33. Never give up the pursuit of ? 不要放弃? / 不要放弃对?的追求

34. Out of sheer necessity. 仅仅为了需要 / 纯粹因为需要

35. Be free to follow your own bent. 可以依自己的喜好去? / 自由自在地去追求自己的喜

36. Be in the prime of life. 正当盛年 / 年富力强

37. ? will soon be gone never to return. 一去不复返。

38. Be in one’s declining years. 风烛残年 / 精力衰微之时

39. As a means of subsistence. 作为生计 / 为了吃饭 / 作为谋生的手段

40. Remedy the situation by ? 用??来补救

41. Come up against the urgent problem of ? ??问题急需解决

42. How can one manage to ? while ? 人怎么能在?的同时还?呢?

43. Cut down on food and clothing and do everything possible to ? 节衣缩食想尽办法


44. Time is no object. 时间不是问题。

45. ? will be quite enough to make ? a ? ?足够让一个?成为?了

46. The choice lies with you. 选择权在你们手里。

47. Henrik Ibsen says, “it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into a useful implement.” 你最大的责任是把你这块材料铸造成器。

48. Forsake ? , and you will ruin yourself. 抛弃?,你便毁了你自己。

49. To go into scholarship, to engage in learning. 做学问

50. the only things of some value under my roof, if any, are ?在我屋子里唯一贵重的东西就


51. Entertain ambition of making a profound study of ? 怀有对??做一番高深研究的


52. It seemed that ? can better satisfy ? than ? ?比?更能满足?的需要

53. At one sitting. 一口气地?

54. It is completely subjected to the whims of the moment. 全凭当时的兴趣和念头。

55. Liken myself respectively to ? 把我自己比作??

56. Thread-bound Chinese book. 线装书

57. My obsession of ? have been very much on a decline. 我对??的狂热/着迷消除了


58. To eat into one’s whole pocket. 花掉某人所有的钱。

59. But not all acquaintances are friends. 不是所有认识的都是朋友。

60. Have more scruples about this and that. 对身边的一切都有更多的顾虑。

61. We each followed a different course of life. 我们各自过着不同的生活。

62. Be bound to. 必然,一定会。 Somehow or other. 设法,莫名其妙地

63. ? of bygone days will unfold again before one’s eyes. 过去的?又重新浮现在某人眼


64. In bloom of one’s youth. 在某人盛年的时候 / 在生命中最华美的时刻

65. Unwittingly 不知不觉地,无意识地

66. Fritter away. 渐渐地消失 / 慢慢地消耗 / 一点点地浪费

67. In twos and threes. 三三两两,零零星星

68. Negotiate shoals and reefs / deserts and gorges 跋涉(越过)礁石浅滩 / 荒漠峡谷

69. Be reduced to ? as the last resort. 被逼到做??的地步,被迫干??为生

70. Foot passenger. 步行的人,行人

71. It stands to reason that ? ?也是合情合理的/显而易见的

72. Can ill afford to do something. 无法承受??

73. If it is beyond one’s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing of social evils, one

should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse.

74. Pedantic view of bookish person. 酸腐的书生之见

75. Cool your heels。 坐冷板凳,空等

76. All that kills my idea of ? 那足以让我打消??的念头

77. A good man always enjoys Heaven’s protection. 吉人天相

78. Misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行

79. Heaven always leaves one a way out. 天无绝人之路

80. Be in reduced circumstance. 每况愈下 / 光景惨淡

81. After some wavering, 犹豫一阵之后 / 犹豫不决了一阵

82. Talk somebody out of it(something), 劝说某人不做某事

83. Smart aleck 自作聪明的人/ 自作聪明的

84. Chip in 插嘴,打断,捐助,出钱 stroll about 游逛,游荡,闲游

85. Be watchful on the way, 路上警惕些,旅途当心

86. It is certainly no problem for a person of my age to ?

对于我这样年纪 / 我这么大的人来说,??是没问题的

87. A strenuous job: 紧张的/费力的/艰苦的差使

88. Skullcap 无沿小帽,圆帽 Mandarin jacket 马褂 cotton-padded 填充棉絮的

89. Huddle up 蜷缩,挤成一团 Corpulent 肥胖的

90. Gush from涌出,不断流出 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ooze 渗出,淌出

91. Make an enormous exertion to ? 尽全力做??

92. Pat the dirt off one’s clothes 拍去/掸去身上的尘土

93. until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longer visible.


94. live an unsettled life. 过着颠簸不定的日子 / 东奔西走

95. ? with circumstances going from bad to worse. 一日不如一日 / 每况愈下

96. His pent-up emotion has to find a vent. 情郁于中,自然要发之于外。

97. the state of ? filled somebody with a feeling of ? ??的境况让人??

98. downcast 沮丧,颓废,颓唐

99. domestic triviality = household chores 家庭琐事 long gown 长袍,长衫 100. Frown upon the way ? 不赞同??的方式 / 对?的方式颇有微词

101. Like a drop of water falling off a needle point into the ocean. 如针尖上的水滴入大海里 102. Quietly drip into the haste stream of time without leaving a trace. 汇入时间的洪流,杳无


103. What is gone is gone. What is to come keeps coming. 去的已然去了,来的尽管来着 104. Edge away softly and stealthily 悄悄溜走,偷偷开溜

105. The fixed gaze of the eyes when lost in reverie 沉思时的凝望

106. Withstand the wear and tear of time. 经得住时间的磨洗 / 难以磨灭

107. Still remain engraved on one’s mind. 依然深刻地印在脑里

108. Either as a hired hand on contract or as a odd jobber. 或者做包工,或者打零工

109. with toothed blade 带锯齿口的(hatchet, chisel, saw, drill and plane, 斧,凿,锯,钻和


110. ? is a real eye-opener to me. ??让我大开眼界

111. Bolt upright 笔直地, 端端正正地

112.He is a real agreeable person. 他非常平易近人

113. the well-meaning remarks of an affectionate father. (那只是)一个疼爱子女的父亲的好意 114. Shrug off one’s words as childish nonsense. 不屑于某人的话,当成小孩子的胡说

115. Risk one’s own life in doing ? 冒着生命危险做?? / 拿命换??

116. Empty of 缺乏 / 把?洗劫一空,把?拿空

117.His eyes closed for good. 他永远地闭上了眼睛

118.One should be content with one’s lot. 一个人就要安分守己 / 认命

119.All that seems accidental, and also seems predestined. 一切都似偶然,一切又都似注定的 120.Come to realize still more fully the significance of ? 更深切地感受到??的重要 121.Repay one’s kindness. 报答某人

122.Draw a line of demarcation between ? and ? 在?与?间划清界限

123.Pitch darkness. 沥青黑,漆黑一片

124.The rain continue to fall ,the long night wears on amidst its dripping sound. 雨声继续着,长


125.Nothing whatever can hold it up. 没有什么可以阻止它

126. Throw clouds of spray embodying love and hate, and happiness and sorrow. 投下喜怒哀乐


127.Like everybody else, 和其他人一样

128I live in this world for the purpose of ? 我来到这个世界的目的是??

129.I don’t know what the future has in store for me. 我不知道未来还有什么东西在等待着

130.Twenty odd 二十多, ten odd years 十多年 (odd的用法!)

131.There is at first no roads at all and that a road is created simply by the treading of passers-by. 世界上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。

132.This quotation reflects aptly the true meaning of ? 这段引用恰当地表达了??的真意 133.Bring the enemy sure death without drawing their blood. 不一定要流仇敌的血,但却置之


134.Bask in the sunshine under a clean sky 在晴空下晒太阳

135.? just serves to increase his stamina and strengthen his mind. ?只会增强他的力量和意志 136.As the rain ceased to patter. 雨渐渐止了。

137. The crescent new moon. 新月 Grape trellis 葡萄架

138. At (long) last. 最后,最终

139.Interwoven / intermingle 相互交织/相互交融

140.To think that? ! 真没想到??!

141. To think to oneself? 一个人暗自在想??

142.To point one’s finger at ? 有指责某人之意

143.Go round the bend 发疯,发狂,变得歇斯底里

144.A star-studded sky. 繁星点点的夜空

145.Make-believe 虚幻的,伪装的 a make-believe world 虚幻的世界

146.The splendor and magnificence of the scene is beyond all description. 那壮丽与新奇简直


147.do my bit to make a still better place of my country. 尽自己一份力,把祖国建设得更美好 148.At the heels of ? 紧跟在??的后面

149.Keep Early hours. 早睡早起 Kerosene lamp 煤油灯

150.With an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself. 不吐不快的倾诉

151.Wishy-washy 空泛的,淡而无味的,水分多的

152.Rambling through ? 在?漫步 specks of mud 泥点,斑点

153. Come across ? 无意中发现,偶遇

154. cast away. 被丢掉,遗弃,失事 Let out + sound, 发出??声音 155. Fickle man 薄幸的男人,浪子 frivolous woman 水性杨花的女人,轻佻


156. Be trodden down upon by the wayside ? 在路旁任人践踏

157. Sprinkle 撒,播撒,少量 Strew 散播,洒满,零星散布

158. Pluck out a white hair from mother’s head. 从母亲头上拔下一根白发 159. But it is ? that has been the cause of ? 但?才一直是?的原因

160. (Chinese) Inkwash Painting 水墨画 Seal Carving 篆刻 TCM 中草药


161. The gentle waves licking at the shores give forth a humming sound like that of fish

in shoals. 舐岸的微波吐出群鱼喋噏的声韵。

162. All that forebode a ? 所有的都预示着一场??

163. Crematory = crematorium 火葬场 Scribble 乱画,潦草地书写 164. Every nook and corner of ? 每一个角落,到处

165. Shy away from ? 回避,躲避,退缩

166. Complicated and multifaceted. 复杂而多层次的,难以解析的

167. Just fancy that ? 只要想想?? / 真想不到??

168. In contrast with ? in its entirety, ? is a mere drop in the ocean.跟?整体相


169. Words fail me where silent smiles and tears well express my innermost feelings.


170. I shall fail to do justice to ? if I should do no more than ? 倘若只让我?,那


171. Be too much of ? 太多了,太过于??了

172. It smacks of ? 这带点??的味道 / 有些许??的气息

173. Enjoy a perfect inner calm, free from any desire or fear. 内心平静,无欲无求(惧) 174. Retain stillness in the midst of motion. 动中有静

175. While A have to turn to ?, ? will be more than adequate for B. A必须


176. Embody natural in the midst of artificial. 在人为中显出自然

177. Neither too crowd nor too secluded. 既不太拥挤也不太僻静

178. A stone’s throw. 几步远,一箭之地 Put forth. 提出,发表,开花,


179. Be naturally drawn to ? 自然而然地被??吸引

180. Morning glory. 牵牛花, Trumpet Creeper 喇叭花, Marvel-of-Peru 紫茉


181. China pink / Indian Pink 石竹, hyacinth bean 扁豆

182. Present a scene of poetic charm 如诗如画 / 饱含诗意的美

183. Bring people into closer contact with nature by ? 拉近了人与自然的距离 184. A carefree life. 无忧无虑的日子

185. To adapt ? to real life. 把??应用到真实生活中来,把??付诸现实 186. Night-Blooming cereuses 昙花 seedling 秧苗,幼苗

187. Shed tears over?? 因??而悲痛


张培基散文翻译语言点精要 1. It is sometimes beset with ? 有时候会有?的境遇/会有?相伴

2. Nothing short of a ? can help ? 唯有?才能/全靠?才能够

3. Rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. 一泻千里 4. Fare likewise. 正如这样

5. Now ? , now ? 有时?,有时?

6. Better able to generate in oneself a sensation of ? 更能让人产生一种?之感

7.? is now confronted with a ? section of its course. ?现在正遭遇进程上的一段? 8. ? , however, can only be shared by ? 而?,只有?样的人才可体会到 9. The present ? crisis can never obstacle the advance of ? 目前的?危机绝不会阻碍?的进步

10. Let us brace up our spirits and march through ? 让我们鼓起雄健的精神? 11. The greatest joy of ?, is to ? during its most difficult days. 在最艰难的日子里?,亦是最大的乐趣

12. Grow restless 变得焦躁不安 Beg to differ 恕不同意/持反对意见 13. Dash here and there in search of ? 跑来跑去的寻找

14. He is going to ? so that he could ? 他决定?以便?

15. ? is not groundless because ? ?并非空害怕/没依据,因为?

16. Keep moving around in a hurry 慌慌张张地走/跑

17. What’s the rush? 为何这般慌?/怎么这么着急?

18. Behind ? lay half a dozen of ? near ? 注意学习地理方位和位置的表述

19.look like rain, yet, to our great joy ?


20. which of you could ? 你们谁能???(别用who了,太土了!!)

21. they are most beloved in one aspect. 有一点最受人爱/有一点最为可贵 22. Unlike ? , which ? , ? it just ? to ? 不像?的?一样,它只是?,来? 23. You can never immediately tell whether or not it ? until...


24. One should be useful rather than great or nice-looking.


25. Engraved in my mind. 深深地刻在脑海

26. ? is a household name all over the country. ??是家喻户晓/名遍全国的。 27. ? is always on the lips because ? 把?天天挂在嘴上,因为?

28. What’s the use of being ? ??又有什么用/有什么必要呢?

29. Uttered intermittently. 断断续续地说

30. Never calculating or particular about personal gains and losses. 不计较个人得失

31. Honor ? with a posthumous reverent ? 追授?一个?的谥号/称号

32. Become more and more ? with the passing of time.


33. Never give up the pursuit of ? 不要放弃? / 不要放弃对?的追求

34. Out of sheer necessity. 仅仅为了需要 / 纯粹因为需要

35. Be free to follow your own bent.

可以依自己的喜好去? / 自由自在地去追求自己的喜好

36. Be in the prime of life. 正当盛年 / 年富力强

37. ? will soon be gone never to return. 一去不复返。

38. Be in one’s declining years. 风烛残年 / 精力衰微之时

39. As a means of subsistence. 作为生计 / 为了吃饭 / 作为谋生的手段

40. Remedy the situation by ? 用??来补救

41. Come up against the urgent problem of ? ??问题急需解决

42. How can one manage to ? while ? 人怎么能在?的同时还?呢?

43. Cut down on food and clothing and do everything possible to

? 节衣缩食想尽办法去??

44. Time is no object. 时间不是问题。

45. ? will be quite enough to make ? a ? ?足够让一个?成为?了

46. The choice lies with you. 选择权在你们手里。

47. Henrik Ibsen says, “it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into a useful



48. Forsake ? , and you will ruin yourself. 抛弃?,你便毁了你自己。 49. To go into scholarship, to engage in learning. 做学问

50. the only things of some value under my roof, if any, are ?在我屋子里唯一贵重的东西就是?

51. Entertain ambition of making a profound study of ? 怀有对??做一番高


52. It seemed that ? can better satisfy ? than ? ?比?更能满足?的需要 53. At one sitting. 一口气地?

54. It is completely subjected to the whims of the moment. 全凭当时的兴趣和


55. Liken myself respectively to ? 把我自己比作??

56. Thread-bound Chinese book. 线装书

57. My obsession of ? have been very much on a decline. 我对??的狂热/着迷


58. To eat into one’s whole pocket. 花掉某人所有的钱。

59. But not all acquaintances are friends. 不是所有认识的都是朋友。

60. Have more scruples about this and that. 对身边的一切都有更多的顾虑。 61. We each followed a different course of life. 我们各自过着不同的生活。 62. Be bound to. 必然,一定会。 Somehow or other. 设法,莫名其妙地 63. ? of bygone days will unfold again before one’s eyes. 过去的?又重新浮现


64. In bloom of one’s youth. 在某人盛年的时候 / 在生命中最华美的时刻

65. Unwittingly 不知不觉地,无意识地

66. Fritter away. 渐渐地消失 / 慢慢地消耗 / 一点点地浪费

67. In twos and threes. 三三两两,零零星星

68. Negotiate shoals and reefs / deserts and gorges 跋涉(越过)礁石浅滩 / 荒


69. Be reduced to ? as the last resort. 被逼到做??的地步,被迫干??为生 70. Foot passenger. 步行的人,行人

71. It stands to reason that ? ?也是合情合理的/显而易见的

72. Can ill afford to do something. 无法承受??

73. If it is beyond one’s capacity to single-handedly stem the prevailing of social

evils, one should at least be self-disciplined so as not to make matters worse. 74. Pedantic view of bookish person. 酸腐的书生之见

75. Cool your heels。 坐冷板凳,空等

76. All that kills my idea of ? 那足以让我打消??的念头

77. A good man always enjoys Heaven’s protection. 吉人天相

78. Misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行 79. Heaven always leaves one a way out. 天无绝人之路

80. Be in reduced circumstance. 每况愈下 / 光景惨淡

81. After some wavering, 犹豫一阵之后 / 犹豫不决了一阵

82. Talk somebody out of it(something), 劝说某人不做某事

83. Smart aleck 自作聪明的人/ 自作聪明的

84. Chip in 插嘴,打断,捐助,出钱 stroll about 游逛,游荡,闲游

85. Be watchful on the way, 路上警惕些,旅途当心

86. It is certainly no problem for a person of my age to ?

对于我这样年纪 / 我这么大的人来说,??是没问题的

87. A strenuous job: 紧张的/费力的/艰苦的差使

88. Skullcap 无沿小帽,圆帽 Mandarin jacket 马褂 cotton-padded 填充棉絮的 89. Huddle up 蜷缩,挤成一团 Corpulent 肥胖的

90. Gush from涌出,不断流出 trickle 滴,淌,细流 ooze 渗出,淌出

91. Make an enormous exertion to ? 尽全力做??

92. Pat the dirt off one’s clothes 拍去/掸去身上的尘土

93. until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no

longer visible. 直到他的身影消失在来往的人群中,再也遍寻不见了。

94. live an unsettled life. 过着颠簸不定的日子 / 东奔西走

95. ? with circumstances going from bad to worse. 一日不如一日 / 每况愈下 96. His pent-up emotion has to find a vent. 情郁于中,自然要发之于外。 97. the state of ? filled somebody with a feeling of ? ??的境况让人?? 98. downcast 沮丧,颓废,颓唐

99. domestic triviality = household chores 家庭琐事 long gown 长袍,长衫 100. Frown upon the way ? 不赞同??的方式 / 对?的方式颇有微词

101. Like a drop of water falling off a needle point into the ocean.


102. Quietly drip into the haste stream of time without leaving a trace. 汇入时间的洪流,杳无音迹

103. What is gone is gone. What is to come keeps coming.


104. Edge away softly and stealthily 悄悄溜走,偷偷开溜

105. The fixed gaze of the eyes when lost in reverie 沉思时的凝望

106. Withstand the wear and tear of time. 经得住时间的磨洗 / 难以磨灭

107. Still remain engraved on one’s mind. 依然深刻地印在脑里

108.Either as a hired hand on contract or as a odd jobber.或者做包工,或者打零工 109. with toothed blade 带锯齿口的(hatchet, chisel, saw, drill and plane, 斧,


110.? is a real eye-opener to me. ??让我大开眼界

111. Bolt upright 笔直地, 端端正正地

112. He is a real agreeable person. 他非常平易近人

113. the well-meaning remarks of an affectionate father.


114. Shrug off one’s words as childish nonsense.


115.Risk one’s own life in doing ? 冒着生命危险做?? / 拿命换??

116.Empty of 缺乏 / 把?洗劫一空,把?拿空

117. His eyes closed for good. 他永远地闭上了眼睛

118. One should be content with one’s lot. 一个人就要安分守己 / 认命

119.All that seems accidental, and also seems predestined.


120. Come to realize still more fully the significance of

? 更深切地感受到??的重要

121. Repay one’s kindness. 报答某人

122.Draw a line of demarcation between ? and ? 在?与?间划清界限

123.Pitch darkness. 沥青黑,漆黑一片

124.The rain continue to fall ,the long night wears on amidst its dripping sound.


125. Nothing whatever can hold it up. 没有什么可以阻止它

126. Throw clouds of spray embodying love and hate, and happiness and sorrow. 投下喜怒哀乐的云翳

127. Like everybody else, 和其他人一样

128. I live in this world for the purpose of ? 我来到这个世界的目的是?? 129. I don’t know what the future has in store for me.


130. Twenty odd 二十多, ten odd years 十多年 (odd的用法!)

131. There is at first no roads at all and that a road is created simply by the

treading of passers-by.


132. This quotation reflects aptly the true meaning of ?


133. Bring the enemy sure death without drawing their blood.


134. Bask in the sunshine under a clean sky 在晴空下晒太阳

135. ? just serves to increase his stamina and strengthen his mind.


136. As the rain ceased to patter. 雨渐渐止了。

137.The crescent new moon. 新月 Grape trellis 葡萄架

138. At (long) last. 最后,最终

139.Interwoven / intermingle 相互交织/相互交融

140. To think that? ! 真没想到??!

141 To think to oneself? 一个人暗自在想?? 142. To point one’s finger at ? 有指责某人之意

143. Go round the bend 发疯,发狂,变得歇斯底里

144. A star-studded sky. 繁星点点的夜空

145. Make-believe 虚幻的,伪装的 a make-believe world 虚幻的世界

146. The splendor and magnificence of the scene is beyond all description. 那壮丽与新奇简直说不尽了

147. do my bit to make a still better place of my country.


148. At the heels of ? 紧跟在??的后面

149. Keep Early hours. 早睡早起 Kerosene lamp 煤油灯

150. With an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself. 不吐不快的倾诉 151. Wishy-washy 空泛的,淡而无味的,水分多的

152. Rambling through ? 在?漫步 specks of mud 泥点,斑点

153. Come across ? 无意中发现,偶遇

154. cast away. 被丢掉,遗弃,失事 Let out + sound, 发出??声音 155. Fickle man 薄幸的男人,浪子 frivolous woman 水性杨花的女人,轻佻女子 156. Be trodden down upon by the wayside ? 在路旁任人践踏

157. Sprinkle 撒,播撒,少量 Strew 散播,洒满,零星散布

158. Pluck out a white hair from mother’s head. 从母亲头上拔下一根白发 159. But it is ? that has been the cause of ? 但?才一直是?的原因

160. (Chinese) Inkwash Painting 水墨画 Seal Carving 篆刻 TCM 中草药/中医 161. The gentle waves licking at the shores give forth a humming sound like that

of fish in shoals. 舐岸的微波吐出群鱼喋噏的声韵。

162. All that forebode a ? 所有的都预示着一场??

163. Crematory = crematorium 火葬场 Scribble 乱画,潦草地书写

164.Every nook and corner of ? 每一个角落,到处

165.Shy away from ? 回避,躲避,退缩

166. Complicated and multifaceted. 复杂而多层次的,难以解析的

167. Just fancy that ? 只要想想?? / 真想不到??

168. In contrast with ? in its entirety, ? is a mere drop in the ocean. 跟?整体相比,?不过是沧海一粟

169. Words fail me where silent smiles and tears well express my innermost feelings.


170.I shall fail to do justice to ? if I should do no more than ?


171. Be too much of ? 太多了,太过于??了

172. It smacks of ? 这带点??的味道 / 有些许??的气息

173. Enjoy a perfect inner calm, free from any desire or fear.


174. Retain stillness in the midst of motion. 动中有静


Chapter 2 业务类型(business types): 代理商(agent)、采购办事处(buying office)、分销商/批发商(distributor /wholesaler)、生产商(manufacturer) 贸易公司(trading company) registered capital 注册资金 EVA (Ethylene/vinyl acetate )乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) 原始设备制造商,即


ODM(Original Design Manufacturer)

即原始设计制造商 OBM(Original Brand Manufacturer),即原始品牌制造商 1.engage in 经营

2.mould manufacturer 模具生产商

3. import and export 进出口 4.OEM order 贴牌加工订单 5. establish business relations 建立业务关系 6. sell well 畅销 7.满足某人的需求meet one’s demand 8.盼望 look forward to 9.公司宗旨 company’s principle 10. 注册资金 registered capital the fast sale items 畅销品 business lines 业务种类 electronic catalogue 电子目录 for your examination 供你方检查 combine Western fashion elements with our design concepts结合西方时尚元素与我们的设计概念 enhance wearer’s charm 提高穿戴者的魅力 1.be in the market for 寻购 2. private company 私人公司 3. under separate cover 另函 4.ODM order 设计代工订单 5. fast sale items . 畅销产品 6. latest catalogue 最新目录 7. 满足某人的需meet one’s demand 8. 多种多样 a wide range of 9. 商会 chamber of commerce 10. 供你们参考 for your reference/examination/information 1.distributor 分销商 2.exhibitor 参展商 3.APEC 亚太经济合作组织 4.broker 中间商 5.wholesaler 批发商 6.booth No 摊位号 7.商品交易会 commodities fair 8.单证员 documentation officer 9.销售代表 sales representative 10. 货代员 forwarding agent Chapter3 1.Bank银行

2.The Economic and Commercial Counsellor’s office of our Embassy in Foreign Countries 我驻外商务处 3.Chambers of Commerce商会 4.Enquiry agencies咨询机构

5.Another company that has business with the new company 与这个新公司有业务联系的另外一家公司 1.special discount 特殊折扣 2. objective information 客观资料 3.logo 商标 4. MOQ 最小订单量 5. open an account 开启交易 6. on the basis of 在...基础上 7.数量折扣 quantity discount 8.订购 place an order 9.查阅 refer to 10.首次订单 initial order 1.spec为specification 的缩写, Size Spec/Spec sheet尺寸表 2.order inquiry 客户询盘 3.FOB 装运港船上交货价 4.payment terms 付款条件 5.ASAP 尽快 6.Model Number 型号 7.ETD 预计交货日期 8.装运代理人 shipping agent 9.以美元报价quote price in USD 10.尺寸范围 size range 11.交货期 time of delivery 1. status inquiry 资信调查 2. general inquiry 般询盘 3. reference 资信证明人 4. financial standing 财务情况 5. make quotations 报价 6. CIF 成本+保险费+运费 7. 预先 in advance 8. 规格 specification

9. 合资企业 joint venture 10. 机密 in confidence Chapter4 payment terms

Remittance (汇付):

Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)* Mail Transfer (M/T) 信汇,邮汇 Demand Draft (D/D) 即期汇票

Cash in Advance Open Account 赊账 Collection (托收):

Bill of Exchange / Bill/ Draft: 汇票 Clean draft (光票托收)

Documentary draft (跟单托收) D/P:付款交单(=document against payment)

D/A:承兑交单(=document against acceptance)

Letter of Credit : L/C

SWIFT: Society Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication环球同业银行金融电讯协会 L/C 种类

一、可撤销与不可撤销信用证 revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C

二、保兑与不保兑信用证 confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 三、即期付款信用证 sight L/C 四、远期信用证 usance L/C 1. sample n. 样品


初样(头样) initial sample,proto sample

尺寸样measurement sample/size sample

确认样confirmation sample 产前样pre-production sample 大货船样production sample

试穿样testing sample, fit trial sample 回样counter sample

freight prepaid 运费预付 (寄件人缴付所需邮寄费用)

on collect basis 运费到付 (收件人交付所需邮寄费用)

1.Express account 快邮账户 2. heavy burden 沉重的负担 3. sales by sample 凭样品买卖 4. company policy 公司规定

5. force majeure 不可抗力 含5%佣金 Stg£15 per piece 3. put through 达成

CIFC5% London 6. on the basis of 在……基础上 4. GP 干货柜

7. 数量折扣 quantity discount 1. make a reduction of 降低 5. in good condition 状况良好 8. 快件单号 courier number 2. on the high / low side 偏高/偏低 6. on the basis of 在……基础上 9. 抽样 sampling 3. counter-offer 还盘 7. 弥合差距 bridge the gap 10. 联合包裹服务公司 UPS 4.OBM order 原始品牌代工订单 8.会签 countersign 1.color sample 色样 5. sell well 畅销 9设法 see one’s way to 2. sample for reference 参考样 6. be convinced of 相信 10.订货追踪 following up the order 3. prototypes 原型 7. 类似产品 similar products Chapter7

1. confirmed and irrevocable L/C 4. arrange production 安排生产 8. 竞争力的价格 competitive price

5. in duplicate 一式两份 9. 试订 trial order 保兑的不可撤销的信用证 6. confirmation sample 确认样 7. 最初样品 initial sample 8. 一式两份 in duplicate 9. 产前样 pre-production sample 10. 供我方同意for our approval 考试形式(写信) 以买方的名义给卖方写一封信,确认收到卖方所寄来的复制样品。 1.确认收到复制样品,并表示感谢。 2.向卖方下订单订购3000PCS 圣诞蜡烛。 3.为了赶上销售季节,要求卖方立即安排生产。 4.对双方的贸易前景的展望。 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm receipt of your duplicate samples and highly appreciate your immediate attention to our samples. Satisfied with your samples, now we intend to place an order for 3,000 pcs Christmas candles with you. As we are in urgent need of the ordered goods, please arrange production without any delay. We believe it will mark a good beginning for happy business relations between us. We await your early reply. Best regards, Chapter5“联想”牌电脑 “Lenovo” Brand Computer 永久牌自行车“Forever” Brand Bicycle 3. 每桶净重…美元CFR Lagos US$...per keg CFR Lagos 4. 每打人民币10元CIF 香港 CN¥10/dozen CIF Hongkong 5.每床15英镑伦敦成本保险加运费10. 测试结果 test result 11. s.s.:steamship 轮船的缩写 12. place a repeat order 续订 13.make some concession 做出一些让步 1. offer without engagement虚盘 2. target price 目标价格 3. make a reduction of 降价 4. HQ 高柜 5. repeat order 续订的订单 6. latest catalogue 最新的目录 7. 按照要求 as requested 8. 重复订单 duplicate order 9. 还盘 make a counteroffer 10. 由胜利轮装运per S.S “Victory” Chapter6 1.routine orders 日常订货 2.standing order 长期订单 3. entertain an order 接受订单 4. pending order 未完成订单 5. in duplicate 一式两份 6. substantial order 可观的订单 7. 订货追踪 following up the order 8. 定制的订单order for custom-made 9. 迅速 without any delay 10. 急需 in urgent/great/need of 1. barcode 条形码 2. label placement 贴法 3. entertain an order 接受订单 4. partial acceptance 部分接受 5. out of stock 无货 6. on the basis of 在…….基础上 7. 供某人详阅 for one’s perusal 8. 急需 be in urgent need of 9. 由“胜利”轮卸下ex S.S “Victory” 10. 可供现货available from stock 1. sales confirmation 销售确认书 2. in triplicate 一式三份 2. pay a deposit 支付押金 3. on L/C basis 在信用证基础上 4. be entitled to 有权利要求 5. the balance 余额 6. total value 总金额 7. 即期信用证 sight L/C 8. 电汇T/T (Telegraphic Transfer ) 9.付款方式 method of payment 10. 开立信用证 open / establish / issue an L/C 11.Performance bond 履约保函 1.owing to 由于 2. 60 days’ L/C 60 天的远期信用证 3. entertain 考虑并接受 4. competitive offer 竞争力的报盘 5. frequent fluctuation 频繁波动 6. present market 当前市场 7. 远期信用证usance / time / term L/C 8. 汇率 exchange rate 9. 美国货币 the US currency 10. 托收 collection 1.make an exception 例外 easier payment terms放宽支付条件 3. interest rate 利率 60 days’ D/A见票后60天的承兑交单 difficult economic climat经济不景气 6. the shipping documents 装运单据 7. 即期付款交单 D/P at sight 8. 占压 tie up 9.鉴于 in view of 10. 互利 mutual benefit Chapter8 urge the L/C 催证 examine the L/C 审证 amend the L/C 改证 extension of L/C 信用证延期

favorable response 盼早复 neutral packing 中性包装 1.import license 进口许可证 shrink-wrap (用收缩性薄膜)包装 2. see to it that 注意 1. hand tag 挂牌 3. go through 办理 2. bar code 条形码 4. with reference to 关于 3. European size 欧码 5. terms and conditions 付款条件 4. price label 价格标签 6. in favor of 以……为受益人 5. inner packing 内包装 7. 催证 urge establishment of L/C 6. packing clause 包装条款 (4)Consigner 承运人

carriage expense 运费 carriage free 免收运费 carriage paid 运费已付 carriage forward 运费待付 over-shipment 多装 short-shipment 少装

forward shipment 远期装运 8. 必要手续the necessary formalities 9. 与……严格一致 in exact /precise accordance with 10. 信用证申请书L/C Application 1. in conformity with 与……一致 2. freight prepaid 运费预付

3. more or less 或多或少 4. documentary L/C 跟单信用证 5. timely shipment 及时装运 6. beneficiary 受益人 7. 运费到付 freight collect 8. 不符点 discrepancy 9.修改信用证 amend the L/C 10. 信用证到期日expiry date of L/C 1. extension advice 延展通知书 2. Validity 有效期 3. expiration 期满 4. get the goods ready 备妥货物 5. as stipulated 按照规定 6. make great efforts做出很大的努力 7. 展证 extend the L/C 8. 清洁提单 clean Ocean B/L 9. 装运期 shipment date 10. 订舱 book shipping space Chapter9 wooden case 木箱

crate 板条箱 carton 纸板箱

sack/gunny bag 麻袋

drum (iron/plastic)桶

bale 包

pallet: 托盘式货架

inner packing: box (paper, wood, metal, plastic) can/tin bottle paper packet (小盒,小包) shipping marks 唛头 main marks 主唛 subordinate marks 侧唛 warning marks 警示唛 7. 使用手册 instruction manual 8. 内衬…… be lined with 9. 挂牌 hand tag 10. 包装要求packing requirements 1.plastic straps 塑料带

2. 3- ply corrugated cardboard 3 层瓦楞纸 3. be sealed with 密封 4. perforated plate 在……钻孔 5. egg crate 蛋格包装 6. recycled materials 再生材料 7 .主唛 main mark 8. 用 …… 加固 be secured with 9.包装须知 packing instructions 10. 侧唛 side mark 1. carton labels 外箱贴纸 2. Polybag 塑料袋 3. in good order 状况良好 4. container 集装箱 5. PO 订单 6. snake loading 蛇形装柜 7. 整箱 FCL 8. 拼箱 LCL 9. 货盘 pallet 10. 包装要求 packing

requirements Chapter10

Modes of Transport Carriage can take place by sea, rail, air, road, inland waterway(江河运输), parcel post, container, multimodal transport(联合运输). Terminologies 术语 freight 货物;运费;运输(货物) (2)Shipper 发货人 (3)consignee 收货人 near shipment 近期装运 prompt shipment 即期装运 shipping advice:装船通知 seller---buyer : goods on board shipping instruction:装船须知

buyer—seller: the name of ship and its sailing date

1 .shipping instructions 装运指示,装运须知 2. prior to 在…之前

3. bank receipt 银行水单 4. FCL 整箱

5. seal lock numbers 封签号码 6. STRAIGHT B/L 直达提单

7. shipping marks 唛头 8. take delivery of 提货

9. 货物备妥 readiness of goods 10. 导致 result in

11. 装运单据 shipping documents 12. 散货装运 LCL shipment

1. port of loading 装运港 2. book shipping space 订舱

3. Freight collect 海运费到付 4. Container Freight Station 集装箱货运站/拼箱装运

5. congestion of shipping space 船位拥挤

6. liner or tramp 班轮或不定期

7. 滞期费 demurrage 8. 多式联运提单 MT B/L

9. 罚金 penalty 10. 原产地证书 CO

shopping seasons 销售季节 busy season 忙季 high season 旺季

low/dull/off/dead season 淡季 slack season 萧条季节 in season 上市、旺季 out season 下市、淡季 customs formalities 海关手续 customs duty 关税

concluded on CIF basis 4. compensation for all our losses customs quota 关税配额

customs clearance 海关放行/清关 7. 向中国人民保险公司投保 赔偿我方损失

effect insurance with PICC customs declaration 申报关税 1. 比样品差 inferior to the sample

customs broker 报关行 8. 承担额外的保费 bear extra 2. 颜色不均 uneven colors

premium advance shipment 提前装船 3. 满足顾客的需求 meet our

customer’s demand effect shipment 发货 9. 保费收据 premium receipt

make shipment 装船 10. 为这票货投保insure the 4. 推迟订单 postpone the order

shipment arrange shipment 安排装船 5. 退还全款 refund the full payment

extend shipment 延期装船 1. on CIF basis 基于CIF价格 6. 公证报告 notary report postpone shipment 延迟装船 2. a state-operated enterprise 一家1. 投诉某事 lodge a claim on expedite shipment 加速装船 国营企业 将它们寄take them on consignment drop shipment 直运 3. file a claim with 向…提出索赔 3 . 因装运延误提出索赔 lodge

direct shipment 直运

last shipment 上一批货 future shipment 今后装运的货 initial shipment 第一批货 1. in one lot 一批 2. tough producing schedule 生产排期紧张 3. expedite the production 加速生产 4. freight collect 海运费到付 5.shipper 托运人 6. telex release 电放 7. 充足的库存 heavy stock 8. 同时通知我们 under advice to 9. 两批等量货 in two equal lots 10. 班轮运输 liner service Chapter11 marine insurance 海上保险 insurance clause 保险条款 insurance policy 保险单 insurance coverage 保险险种 insurance premium 保险金 insurance agent 保险公司 lodge a claim 索赔 F.P.A 平安险 W.P.A 水渍险 A.R 一切险 Breakage 破损险 Leakage 渗漏险 TPND 偷窃、提货不着险 SRCC 罢工暴动、民变险 1. All Risks 一切险 2. Institute Cargo Clauses 伦敦保

险协会货物保险条款 3. additional risks 附加险 4. C.I.C. 中国保险条款 be charged to your account 由您支付 6. 以CIF价格成交 transactions 4. warehouse to warehouse clause 仓至仓条款 5. broader coverage 更广泛的险别 6. open policy 预约保单 7. 简化程序 simplify procedures 8. 采取这种做法follow this practice 9. 理赔 settle claims 10. 通知您装运的细节 advise

you of the particulars of shipment 1. floating policy 统保单 2. Particular Average 单独海损 3. cover insurance against ICC(A) and War Risk 投协会货物保险条款( A )及战争险 4. dread the heavy average 害怕海损 5. 保单 insurance policy 6. 最低的保险费率 lowest

insurance rate 7. 0.315%的海运保费 rate of marine insurance at 0.315% 8. 暴露于重大海损下 expose to the heavy average Chapter12 Complaint 投诉

Claim 索赔 Settlement 理赔 allowance 贴补;折扣

discount 折扣 rebate 回扣 reduction 减价

an allowance of 10% on the invoice value 按发票金额扣除10%

1.the shade being much lighter 阴影部分颜色浅很多 2.match each other 相互匹配 3. the customized suits 定制套装

a claim for the delay of shipment 4. 被迫… compel to 5. on the basis of this guarantee 在此保证的基础之上 6. pressing you for the shipment of this order 催促你方交货 7. waive a claim 放弃索赔 8. thought fit to send the goods 觉得发货合适

9. dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 10. at an allowance 打折 11. captioned goods 标题项下的货物 a valued customer 尊贵客户,重要客户 1. take the matter up 处理此事 2. compensation trade 放心

3. be scheduled for afternoon delivery 计划下午出货

4. credit note 贷方票据

credit to your account 记录你方账户 6. claim settlement 理赔

7. 货物短装under-shipment of goods 8. 我方的疏忽 oversight on our

side 9. 借款通知 debit note 10. 赔偿你的损失 compensate

for the losses
