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篇一:黄金海岸图图尔海滩度假酒店(Turtle Beach Resort)

黄金海岸图图尔海滩度假酒店(Turtle Beach Resort)

黄金海岸图图尔海滩度假酒店位于黄金海岸,是家5星级酒店,是黄金海岸最受欢迎的酒店之一。凭借独有的人文素养和其婉约美丽的殷殷之情不断吸引着广大顾客的到访,酒店的设施、服务也非常好,号称有最好的黄金海岸酒店预订服务,因为有这里有非常棒的酒店预订系统。绝对算黄金海岸豪华酒店,不论酒店的外景还是内景,都没的说,特别美,服务态度也是非常亲切的,有种来了就不想走的感觉。酒店位置较好,距离三大海滩打车6分钟,车程约3.8公里。 中文名称 英文名称 酒店星级 地理位置 房间数量 酒店地址 周围景观

黄金海岸图图尔海滩度假酒店 Turtle Beach Resort 5星级

美人鱼海滩/伯利岬 233

2346 Gold Coast Highway, 4218 黄金海岸, 澳大利亚



1. 房价便宜,游泳池很多,孩子玩儿得很开心

2. 交通方便,就在gold coast highway上,机场过来16公里

3. 这里的安全性很好,孩子们不能轻易抛出这个区域,除非他们有房卡 4. 可以去便利店买代币,吃晚饭的时候可以用



酒店交通比较方便,以各主要景点的距离如下: 三大海滩:打车6分钟,车程约3.8公里

太平洋购物中心:打车4分钟,车程约2.6公里 布罗德海滩:打车5分钟,车程约3.3公里


如果你想查询酒店到更多景点的距离和交通路线,以及周边有哪些超市按摩店等生活设施, 请访问/retype/zoom/b113a8ffb9d528ea81c779d6?pn=5&x=0&y=69&raww=893&rawh=298&o=png_6_0_0_0_0_0_0_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=160.1791713325868&md5sum=c0ece1afb8ea304c5d82284a7307b059&sign=42c19c8461&zoom=&png=498734-534290&jpg=0-0" target="_blank">点此查看




ai 用adobe illustrator ape 用foorbar2000 cdr 用coreldraw cda 用cd播放软件

ceb 用方正公司Apabi Readercaj,kdh 用cajviewer doc,wpd,rtf 用word DCP 用DcpReader

dxf,dwg 用autoacd

GB 用ReadBook或电子小说阅读器 html,htm,asp mht,asp,php 用ie

turtle beach

iso,cue,vcd .ccd .img .sub 用winiso浏览,deamon运行,用刻录软件刻录jpg,bmp,gif,tif,wmf 用acdsee mov 用quicktime

mp123,au,aiff等等 用winamp

mpeg,avi,wmv,wma,mpa,asf 用windows media player9.0 ppt,wpt,pps 用powerpointpdg 用超星浏览器 rar,zip等 用winrar

rm,smi,smil,ra,rmvb等等 用realplayer g2swf 用flash MX playerSRM 用电子书库 txt 用记事本 wps 用金山wps wdl 用华康浏览器wab 用联系簿

xls,cvs 用excel

vip 用维普浏览器 vdx,vsd 用visio

看vcd推荐 用豪杰超级解霸3000 看dvd推荐 用PowerDVDex 4.0 NAN Nanoscope文件(Raw Grayscale)


NCB Microsoft Developer Studio文件 NCD Norton改变目录

NCF NetWare命令文件;Lotus Notes内部剪切板 NDO 3D 低多边形建模器,Nendo netCDF 网络公用数据表单 NFF 中性文件格式

NFT NetObject Fusion模板文件

NIL Norton光标库文件(EasyIcons-兼容) NIST NIST Sphere声音 NLB Oracle 7数据 NLM NetWare可装载模块

NLS 用于本地化的国家语言支持文件(例如,Uniscape) NLU Norton Live Update e-mail 触发器文件 NOD NetObject Fusion文件 NSF Lotus Notes数据库 NSO NetObject Fusion文档文件

NST Noise Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件 NS2 Lotus Notes数据库(第二版) NTF Lotus Notes数据库模板 NTX CA-Clipper索引文件

NWC Noteworthy Composer歌曲文件

NWS Microsoft Outlook Express新闻消息(MIME RFC822) O01 台风声音文件

OBD Microsoft Office活页夹 OBJ 对象文件

OBZ Microsoft Office活页夹向导

OCX Microsoft对象链接与嵌入定制控件 ODS Microsoft Outlook Express邮箱文件 OFF 3D 网状物对象文件格式

OFN Microsoft Office FileNew文件 OFT Microsoft Outlook模板

OKT Oktalyzer音乐模块(MOD)文件 OLB OLE对象库 OLE OLE对象 OOGL 面向对象图形库

OPL 组织者编程语言源文件——Psion/Symbian

OPO OPL输出可执行文件

OPT Microsoft Developer Studio文件 OPX OPL扩展DLL(动态链接库) ORA Oracle 7 配置文件 ORC Oracle 7脚本文件

ORG Lotus Organizer 文件 OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 文件

OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 文件

OSS Microsoft Office查找文件

OST Microsoft Exchange / Outlook 离线文件 OTL Super NoteTab 模板文件 OUT C语言输出文件

P3 Primavera Project Planner(工程设计器)文件 P10 Tektronix Plot 10 绘图文件 P65 PageMaker 6.5文件 P7C Digital ID 文件(MIME) PAB Microsoft个人地址簿 PAC SB Studio Ⅱ 包 PAK Quake WAD文件

PAL 压缩文件

PART Go!Zilla部分下载文件 PAS Pascal源代码

PAT DataCAD Hatch模式文件;CorelDRAW模式;高级Gravis Ultrasound / Forte 技术;碎片文件

PBD PowerBuilder动态库,作为本地DLL的一个替代物 PBF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle 银行文件 PBK Microsoft PhoneBook(电话簿)

PBL 用于在PowerBuilder开发环境中的PowerBuilder动态库 PBM 可导出位图 PBR PowerBuilder资源

PCD Kodak Photo-CD映像;P-Code编译器测试脚本,由Microsoft测试与Microsoft Visual测试

PCE Maps Eudora邮箱名字的DOS文件名

PCL Hewlett-Packard 打印机控制语言文件(打印机备用位图) PCM 声音文件格式;OKI MSM6376 合成芯片 PCM格式

PCP Symantec Live Update Pro文件 PCS PICS动画文件

PCT Macintosh PICT绘画文件 PCX Zsoft PC画笔位图

PDB 3Com PalmPilot数据库文件

PDD 可以用Paint Shop Pro或其他图像处理软件打开的图形图像

PDF Adobe Acrobat 可导出文档格式文件(可用Web浏览器显示);Microsoft系统管理服务器包定义文件;NetWare打印机定义文件

PDP Broderbund的Print Shop Deluxe文件 PDQ Patton&Patton Flowercharting PDQ Lite 文件

PDS 摄影图像文件(该文件格式的来源不清楚) PF Aladdin系统对私人文件进行加密的文件 PFA 类型1字体(ASCⅡ) PFB 类型1字体(二进制) PFC PF组件

PFM 打印机字体尺度

PGD 良好隐私(Pretty Good Privacy,PGP)虚拟磁盘文件 PGL HP绘图仪绘图文件

PGM 可输出灰度图(位图) PGP 用良好隐私(PGP)算法加密文件

PH 由Microsoft帮助文件编译器产生的临时文件 PHP,PHP3 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页

PHTML 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页;由Perl分析解释的HTML PIC PC画图位图;Lotus图片;Macintosh PICT绘图 PICT Macintosh PICT图形文件 PIF 程序信息文件;IBM PIF绘图文件

PIG LucasArts的Dark Forces WAD文件 PIN Epic Pinball数据文件 PIX 内置系统位图

PJ MKS源完整性文件

PJX,PJT Microsoft Visual FoxPro工程文件

PKG Microsoft Developer Studio应用程序扩展(与DLL文件类似) PKR PGP的公用钥匙环 PL Perl程序

PLG 由REND386/AVRIL使用的文件格式 PLI Oracle 7数据描述

PLM Discorder Tracker2模块

PLS Disorder Tracker2抽样文件;MPEG PlayList文件(由WinAmp使用)

PLT HPGL绘图仪绘图文件;AutoCAD plot绘图文件;Gerber标志制作软件 PM5 Pagemaker 5.0文件 PM6 Pagemaker 6.0文件

PNG 可移植的网络图形位图;Paint Shop Pro浏览器目录 PNT,PNTG MacPaint图形文件 POG Descent2 PIG文件扩展 POL Windows NT策略文件 POP Visual dBASE上托文件

POT Microsoft Powerpoint模块 POV 视频射线跟踪器暂留

PP4 Picture Publisher 4位图

PPA Microsoft Powerpoint内插器 PPF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle程序文件 PPM 可移植的象素映射位图

PPP Parson Power Publisher;Serif PagePlus桌面出版缺省输出 PPS Microsoft Powerpoint幻灯片放映 PPT Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿 PQI PowerQuest驱动器图像文件

PRC 3COM PalmPiltt资源(文本或程序)文件 PRE Lotus Freelance演示文稿

PRF Windows系统文件,Macromedia导演设置文件

PRG dBASE Clipper和FoxPro程序源文件;WAVmaker程序 PRJ 3D Studio(DOS)工程文件

PRN 打印表格(用空格分隔的文本);DataCAD Windows打印机文件 PRP Oberson的Prospero数据转换产品保存的工程文件 PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows演示文件

PRT 打印格式化文件;Pro/ENGINEER元件文件 PRV PsiMail Internet提供者模板文件 PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97文件

PS Postscript格式化文件(PostScript打印机可读文件) PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank

PSD Adobe photoshop位图文件 PSI PSION a-Law声音文件

PSM Protracker Studio模型格式;Epic游戏的源数据文件

篇三:双语资讯:游戏外设的春天来了 雷蛇估值超过10亿美元

Have you heard of Razer? 你听说过雷蛇公司(Razer)吗? Most people that aren’t avid gamers haven’t—but they should. Investors now value the Carlsbad, Calif. video game accessories company at $1 billion, securing it a place onFortune‘s Unicorn List. The company has been on a tear lately, recently expanding beyond mice, keyboards, and other controllers into virtual reality and “micro-consoles” and wearables built on Google’s Android mobile operating system. With winds at its back, it’s a prime target for acquisition by a large company like Microsoft MSFT 3.11% . 除了狂热的游戏玩家,大多数人可能没听说过,但大家应该了解一下。这家公司总部位于加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德市,主要做视频游戏周边产品,投资人对该公司的估值已达到10亿美元,因此它也在《财富》“独角兽公司榜”上拥有一席之地。近年来,该公司的增长势头非常迅猛,已经从传统的鼠标、键盘等控制设备杀入了虚拟现实、“微主机”和基于安卓移动操作系统的可穿戴设备等领域。它也由此成为微软等大公司的主要收购目标之一。

In the video game world, Razer is among the most well-known brands in the business. Peter Warman, a video game analyst at Newzoo, estimates the company’s 2014 revenues to be between $250 and $300 million. With its raised funds—from IDG-Accel China Capital Fund in 2011 and Intel Capital more recently—“they now have the cash to grow these new businesses without losing focus on where they came from,” Warman says. 在视频游戏界,雷蛇是全行业最知名的品牌之一。


Robert Krakoff and Min-Liang Tan founded Razer in 1998 to introduce accessories such as gaming mice to an audience that was being ignored by traditional technology companies. Today, Razer accounts for approximately 30% of the global video game mouse and keyboard business, according to Ed Zhao, an analyst at video game research firm Eedar. Zhao estimates overall North American video game accessories sales exceeded $2.1 billion last year. 雷蛇公司是罗伯特o卡拉克夫和陈民亮于1998年共同创立的,该公司主要向不被传统科技公司重视的游戏发烧友提供游戏鼠标等电脑配件。游戏研究公司Eedar的分析师艾德o赵指出,雷蛇如今已经占据全球游戏鼠标和键盘市场约30%的份额。他预测称,去年北美地区的游戏周边产品的销售额超过了21亿美元。

But its enormous valuation is likely a product of the company’s high-profile partnership with Tencent in China, which will allow it to integrate WeChat, the

Chinese company’s popular messaging service, into its Nabu wrist bands, which are intended for a broad audience beyond hardcore gamers. 雷蛇获得如此高的估值,很可能是该公司与中国互联网巨头腾讯公司缔结战略合作伙伴关系的结果。此项合作使得雷蛇能够将中国时下最流行的消息应用——微信集成到它的Nabu手环中。Nabu手环是雷蛇为吸引游戏发烧友以外的用户而做出的一次重大努力。

“Razer has an almost ‘cult status’ brand image that it has built up over the past 15 years,” Warman says. “What also sets it apart from most competitors is the range of products that includes both console and PC peripherals, as well as gaming laptops. Razer has always been motivated to use its software with its products, giving them a more continuous relationship with their users. This is an important asset in the broadening of their product portfolio into tablet controllers, smart bands, and the Open Source Virtual Reality platform. These services could open up

completely new business models for Razer.” 沃尔曼表示:“在过去15年里,雷蛇在游戏圈里已经建立起了几乎是‘圣杯’级别的品牌形象。另外,相对于其他竞争对手,该公司的一个重大优势就是它的产品范围——除了游戏机和PC周边产品外,还包括游戏专用笔记本。雷蛇一直鼓励用户协同使用它们的软件和硬件,因此他们与用户的关系也更加持续。正是凭借这一重要资产,雷蛇正在将产品范畴扩展至平板电脑游戏机、智能手环和开源虚拟现实平台等领域。这些服务能够为雷蛇开启一套全新的业务模式。”

Warman believes Razer’s cross-platform focus on gaming enthusiasts could be a good fit for an acquirer like Microsoft, which plans to introduce a PC-console game offering with Windows 10. The OSVR platform may also be of interest to the folks in Redmond. 沃尔曼相信,雷蛇对游戏发烧友的跨平台吸引力,非常适合微软这样的潜在收购者,后者正计划推出一款搭载Windows 10系统的PC游戏机。此外,雷蛇的开源虚拟现实平台也可能让微软产生兴趣。

Tan, Razer’s chief executive officer, believes that the company’s independence has been integral to its success. Razer has 400 employees and 10 offices across the U.S., Europe, and Asia. “Whether we are part of a larger organization or we do it ourselves, it’s really what Razer stands for as a brand,” Tan says. “I really don’t think it makes a difference. What makes a difference is that the people within Razer continue to focus on delighting our users all the time and exceeding their high

expectations.” 雷蛇公司CEO陈民亮则认为,公司的独立性是成功的必要因素。雷蛇公司在美国、欧洲和亚洲共设立了10个办事处,拥有400余名员工。“不管是作为一个大企业的一部分,还是独立运营,最重要的是雷蛇作为一个品牌代表的是什么。我


Despite competition from companies such as Logitech, Mad Catz, Corsair, and SteelSeries, Razer has distinguished itself by operating as a so-called platform company, rather than as a pure product manufacturer. Still, it dominates: Razer is currently the number-one maker of gaming mice and gaming keyboards in the world and leads the pack in the ultra-competitive gaming headphones market, despite strong competition from Turtle Beach, Astro Gaming, Polk, and HyperX. 虽然面临着来自罗技科技、美加狮、Corsair和赛睿等竞争对手的竞争,但雷蛇将自己看成了一家做平台的公司,而不是一个纯粹的产品制造企业。即便是这样,雷蛇依然是行业的龙头老大:目前雷蛇是全球最大的游戏键盘与鼠标制造商,在竞争异常激烈的游戏耳机市场上也是一路领跑,将Turtle Beach、Astro Gaming、Polk和HyperX等竞争对手远远甩在了身后。

“While other companies either sell hardware or make software, we do both,” Tan says. “And we integrate the software with the hardware really well. If you go on Facebook or Twitter or WeChat we are the world’s leading lifestyle brand for gamers, and gaming has become a larger subculture over the years. And we don’t just participate in the industry. We are focused on pushing core technology as opposed to just making something in China.” 陈民亮表示:“其他公司要么卖硬件,要么卖软件,而我们软硬件都卖。我们把软硬件整合得非常好。你到Facebook、Twitter或微信上看看就会发现,我们是全球领先的游戏周边品牌。这些年来,游戏已经成了一种规模庞大的亚文化。另外我们并非只是行业的参与者,我们更注重推动核心技术,而不是简单地在中国制造什么东西。”

Razer has an active community of over 3.7 million gamers who not only buy its gaming laptops and accessories, but use its voice-over IP services and purchase Razer-branded clothing. The company has sold over 13.5 million connected devices and has over 11.5 million registered users across its software platform. And it

registers approximately 20,000 new gamers daily. 雷蛇拥有一个由370万玩家构成的活跃社区,他们不仅购买雷蛇的游戏本和周边配件,还使用它的VoIP技术,并积极购买雷蛇品牌的服装。雷设已经卖出了1350多万台联网设备,其软件平台拥有超过1150万名注册用户,而且每天新增的注册玩家都在2万名左右。

Razer debuted its OSVR platform at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. A dozen companies have since signed on as partners, including Hollywood studio Jaunt and game engine maker Unity. Tan says Razer wants to give game

hardware and software companies the ability to develop products that will work seamlessly across Oculus, Sony, Samsung, and other virtual-reality devices. Razer is also developing its own VR controllers for the platform. 在今年的拉斯维加斯CES消费电子展上,雷神首次展出了它的OSVR开源虚拟现实平台。在那次活动后,已有多家公司成为了雷神的合作伙伴,包括好莱坞电影工作室Jaunt和游戏引擎制造商Unity等等。陈民亮表示,雷蛇希望使各大软硬件公司能够开发出在Oculus、索尼、三星和其他虚拟现实设备上无缝运行的产品。雷蛇也在基于该平台开发自己的虚拟现实游戏机。

It’s also entering the second screen experience with Forge TV, a micro-console that will allow gamers to stream PC games to their TV and also play mobile games on the large screen. And its Nabu X smart band is designed to allow gamers to connect with each other in the real world and share game information. Together, the devices give Razer presence on all four screens that today’s gamer uses: PC, TV, mobile, and wearable. 此外,雷蛇还与微主机公司Forge TV合作,打造所谓的“第二块屏幕体验”,使玩家将PC游戏通过网络流媒体挪动到电视上,获得更爽的游戏体验,同时他们也可以通过电视玩移动游戏。雷蛇的Nabu X智能手环还可以使玩家在真实世界中互相沟通,并分享游戏信息。这样一来,雷蛇就保证了它在玩家大大小小的四块屏幕上都占有不可撼动的地位——PC、电视、移动、可穿戴。

“We see a blurring of lines across all of these four screens and we want to provide a holistic, integrated experience for gamers,” Tan says. “What differentiates us from everyone else is that we are hyper-focused on the gamer. They have an

incredibly strong influence on technology.” 陈民亮表示:“我们认为,这四块屏幕之间的界限正在变得模糊。同时,我们想为玩家提供完整的游戏体验。我们和其他公司最大的区别就是,我们高度关注于游戏玩家。他们对科技有着难以置信的强大影响。” And, Razer hopes, its future revenues. 当然,雷蛇同时高度关注的,还有未来的收入前景。


篇四:2016辽宁省高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练7



PLAYA GRANDE, COSTA RICA? This resort town was long known for Leatherback Sea Turtle (棱皮龟) national Park, nightly turtle beach tours and even a sea turtle museum. However, on a beach where dozens of turtles used to nest on a given night, scientists spied only 32 leatherbacks all of last year.

With leatherbacks threatened with extinction (灭绝), Playa Grande’s turtle museum was abandoned three years ago and now sits among a sea of weeds. And the beachside ticket office for turtle tours was washed away by a high tide in September. “We do not promote that as a turtle tourism destination any more because we realize there are far too few turtles to please,” said Alvaro Fonseca, a park ranger (管理员). Even before scientists found temperatures going up over the past decade, sea turtles were threatened by beach development, drift net fishing and Costa Ricans interest in eating turtle eggs. But climate change may cause the most serious harm to an animal that has lived in the Pacific for 150 million years.

Sea turtles are sensitive to numerous effects of warming. They feed on reefs, which are dying in hotter seas. They lay eggs on beaches that are being covered by rising seas and more violent waves.

More uniquely their gender (性别) is determined, not by genes but by the egg’s temperature during development. Small rises in beach temperatures can result in ail-female populations, obviously problematic for survival. If the sand around the eggs hits 30 degrees Celsius, the gender balance shits to females: at about 32 degrees they are all female. Above 34, you get boiled eggs.

On some nesting beaches, scientists are artificially cooling nests with shade or irrigation and trying to protect broader areas of coastal property from development to ensure that turtles have a place to nest as the seas rise.

1. Why does the resort town stop promoting it’s turtle tourism?

A. It decides not to disturb the turtles’ normal life.

B. Tourists have lost interest in watching turtles.

C. There are only very few turtles now.

D. The turtle museum was destroyed by a high tide.

2. Which of the following is the major factor in the turtles endangerment?

A. The locals eating habit. B. Drift net fishing.

C. Beach development. D. Global warming.

3. We learn from the last paragraph that scientists .

A. are doing research on the sea rise B. are moving turtles to new homes

C. are protecting turtles’ nests D. are getting rid of sea weeds

4. The passage intends to .

A. introduce a special kind of sea turtle

B. explain the mystery of turtles’ eggs

C. show the dangers a certain kind of turtle is facing

D. attract more visitors to a sea turtle museum



An artist in Oakland, California is using his skills to help the homeless. Greg Kloehn builds very small shelters that make life on the streets a little more comfortable. The structures offer the homeless some safety and protection from bad weather. Each little house also has wheels on the bottom so it can go wherever its owner goes. Greg Kloehn has given away at least 20 tiny houses. Several are on the roadside near an active railroad. On a recent day, Mr. Kloehn stops at one to visit Oscar Young. The two men hug. Inside his little shelter Mr. Young gets relief from cold nights

on the streets. Mr. Kloehn also visits Sweet-Pea, another friend who also lives in one of the little homes the artist built. She says it keeps her safe and protects her belongings.

In the mornings, Mr. Kloehn searches the streets for building materials. He gathers what he can and takes it to his studio. There, he puts the houses together. Empty coffee bags become roof material. A washing machine door and refrigerator part become windows. Nails, screws and the sticky glue hold all the pieces together. The artist also attaches a small electrical device to the house. The device is powered by the sun. Some of the people living on the streets once had normal houses of their own. But some of the people say they have learned to live with less and they are thankful to that man.

Mr. Kloehn says his work is not a social project. He says he is just someone using his skills to help his homeless neighbors.

21. The following are the advantages of the small shelters except ________.

A. saving power and energy

B. protecting possessions of the homeless

C. decorating the streets where they are

D. keeping the homeless safe and comfortable

22. We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. Greg Kloehn has sold at least 20 tiny houses

B. An act of kindness has made people simple and grateful

C. The shelters are immovable

D. The government has got involved in the action

23. The passage is likely taken from ________.

A. An official report B. An art review

C. A science magazine D. A news report

24. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. An artist creates homes for the homeless.

B. A more comfortable shelter on the streets.

C. A successful social project in Oakland.

D. An artist makes a living by designing small shelters.

参考答案A) CBDA


Researchers in Hungary have confirmed something many dog owners have long suspected: that canines understand our feelings.

Using a Magnetic Resonance Scanner, or MRI, scientists found that when it comes to emotions, dogs’ brains are similar to those of humans. Dogs are usually not relaxed in a lab environment, but with a little petting and lots of treats they can be trained to sit still even in an MRI scanner. That’s how researchers in Hungary’s ELTE University were able to get images of their brains at work. Research fellow Attila Andics says it helped them better understand the dogs’ relationship with humans. “We have known for a long time that dogs and humans share similar social environment, but now our results show that dogs and humans also have similar brain mechanisms(大脑机制)to process social information,”said Andics. After training 11 dogs to stay motionless while their brains were scanned, the researchers checked their neurological(神经系统的)responses to about 200 emotionally significant sounds, from whining and crying to playful barking and laughing. They then compared the responses from human subjects. They found striking similarities.

Andics says it opens new possibilities for research. “It establishes a foundation of a new branch of comparative neuroscience, because until now it was not possible to measure the brain activities of a non-primate(非人灵长类动物)and the primate brain in a single experiment,” said Andics.

And what that tells ordinary dog owners, the Hungarian scientists say, is to treat your canine companions as friends, not mere animals, because they evidently understand human feelings.

25. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Dog’s behaviors are the same as those of humans.

B. Usually dogs can sit still in a lab environment.

C. Dog owners shouldn’t treat dogs as their friends.

D. The emotions of dogs are similar to those of humans.

26. What does the underlined word “canines” mean in the first paragraph?

A. Dogs B. Animals C. dog owners D. researchers

27. How do researchers get the dogs to sit still?

A. By force. B. By injection.

C. By comforting and treating. D. By ignoring.

参考答案B) DAC


Have Fun at UK’s Most Famous Theme Park

Alton Towers Theme Park re-opens with selected rides and attractions for Half-Term from 19 to 27 of February 2011, and then again for the main season, starting on 26 March, 2011.

There’s something for the whole family at Alton Towers, with lots of terrific rides, amazing live shows, and wonderful costume characters. Guests of all ages will enjoy many different fun-packed activities. Here are some of the rides. Thirteen

Thirteen is based on the discovery of an ancient burial site in an area of unexpected woodland known as the Dark Forest, and built on the site of the old Corkscrew roller-coaster. You are invited to take the final ride on Thirteen, going deep into the seemingly living, breathing Dark Forest.

You must be at least 1.2m tall to go on the ride. If you are 1.96m or over , you can’t go on the ride.



ape 用foorbar2000

cdr 用coreldraw

cda 用cd播放软件

ceb 用方正公司Apabi Reader

caj,kdh 用cajviewer

doc,wpd,rtf 用word

DCP 用DcpReader

dxf,dwg 用autoacd

GB 用ReadBook或电子小说阅读器

html,htm,asp mht,asp,php 用ie

iso,cue,vcd .ccd .img .sub 用winiso浏览,deamon运行,用刻录软件刻录 jpg,bmp,gif,tif,wmf 用acdsee

mov 用quicktime


mpeg,avi,wmv,wma,mpa,asf 用windows media player9.0

ppt,wpt,pps 用powerpoint

pdg 用超星浏览器


rm,smi,smil,ra,rmvb等等用realplayer g2

swf 用flash MX player

SRM 用电子书库

txt 用记事本

wps 用金山wps

wdl 用华康浏览器

wab 用联系簿

xls,cvs 用excel

vip 用维普浏览器

vdx,vsd 用visio


看dvd推荐用PowerDVDex 4.0

NAN Nanoscope文件(Raw Grayscale)


NCB Microsoft Developer Studio文件

NCD Norton改变目录

NCF NetWare命令文件;Lotus Notes内部剪切板

NDO 3D 低多边形建模器,Nendo

netCDF 网络公用数据表单

NFF 中性文件格式

NFT NetObject Fusion模板文件

NIL Norton光标库文件(EasyIcons-兼容)

NIST NIST Sphere声音

NLB Oracle 7数据

NLM NetWare可装载模块

NLS 用于本地化的国家语言支持文件(例如,Uniscape)

NLU Norton Live Update e-mail 触发器文件

NOD NetObject Fusion文件

NSF Lotus Notes数据库

NSO NetObject Fusion文档文件

NST Noise Tracker音乐模块(MOD)文件

NS2 Lotus Notes数据库(第二版)

NTF Lotus Notes数据库模板

NTX CA-Clipper索引文件

NWC Noteworthy Composer歌曲文件

NWS Microsoft Outlook Express新闻消息(MIME RFC822)

O01 台风声音文件

OBD Microsoft Office活页夹

OBJ 对象文件

OBZ Microsoft Office活页夹向导

OCX Microsoft对象链接与嵌入定制控件

ODS Microsoft Outlook Express邮箱文件

OFF 3D 网状物对象文件格式

OFN Microsoft Office FileNew文件

OFT Microsoft Outlook模板

OKT Oktalyzer音乐模块(MOD)文件



OOGL 面向对象图形库

OPL 组织者编程语言源文件——Psion/Symbian

OPO OPL输出可执行文件

OPT Microsoft Developer Studio文件

OPX OPL扩展DLL(动态链接库)

ORA Oracle 7 配置文件

ORC Oracle 7脚本文件

ORG Lotus Organizer 文件

OR2 Lotus Organizer 2 文件

OR3 Lotus Organizer 97 文件

OSS Microsoft Office查找文件

OST Microsoft Exchange / Outlook 离线文件

OTL Super NoteTab 模板文件

OUT C语言输出文件

P3 Primavera Project Planner(工程设计器)文件

P10 Tektronix Plot 10 绘图文件

P65 PageMaker 6.5文件

P7C Digital ID 文件(MIME)

PAB Microsoft个人地址簿

PAC SB Studio Ⅱ包

PAK Quake WAD文件

PAL 压缩文件

PART Go!Zilla部分下载文件

PAS Pascal源代码

PAT DataCAD Hatch模式文件;CorelDRAW模式;高级Gravis Ultrasound / Forte 技术;碎片文件

PBD PowerBuilder动态库,作为本地DLL的一个替代物

PBF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle 银行文件

PBK Microsoft PhoneBook(电话簿)

PBL 用于在PowerBuilder开发环境中的PowerBuilder动态库

PBM 可导出位图

PBR PowerBuilder资源

PCD Kodak Photo-CD映像;P-Code编译器测试脚本,由Microsoft测试与Microsoft Visual测试

PCE Maps Eudora邮箱名字的DOS文件名

PCL Hewlett-Packard 打印机控制语言文件(打印机备用位图)

PCM 声音文件格式;OKI MSM6376 合成芯片 PCM格式

PCP Symantec Live Update Pro文件


PCT Macintosh PICT绘画文件

PCX Zsoft PC画笔位图

PDB 3Com PalmPilot数据库文件

PDD 可以用Paint Shop Pro或其他图像处理软件打开的图形图像

PDF Adobe Acrobat 可导出文档格式文件(可用Web浏览器显示);Microsoft系统管理服务器包定义文件;NetWare打印机定义文件

PDP Broderbund的Print Shop Deluxe文件

PDQ Patton&Patton Flowercharting PDQ Lite 文件

PDS 摄影图像文件(该文件格式的来源不清楚)

PF Aladdin系统对私人文件进行加密的文件

PFA 类型1字体(ASCⅡ)

PFB 类型1字体(二进制)


PFM 打印机字体尺度

PGD 良好隐私(Pretty Good Privacy,PGP)虚拟磁盘文件

PGL HP绘图仪绘图文件

PGM 可输出灰度图(位图)

PGP 用良好隐私(PGP)算法加密文件

PH 由Microsoft帮助文件编译器产生的临时文件


PHTML 包含有PHP脚本的HTML网页;由Perl分析解释的HTML PIC PC画图位图;Lotus图片;Macintosh PICT绘图

PICT Macintosh PICT图形文件

PIF 程序信息文件;IBM PIF绘图文件

PIG LucasArts的Dark Forces WAD文件

PIN Epic Pinball数据文件

PIX 内置系统位图

PJ MKS源完整性文件

PJX,PJT Microsoft Visual FoxPro工程文件

PKG Microsoft Developer Studio应用程序扩展(与DLL文件类似) PKR PGP的公用钥匙环

PL Perl程序

PLG 由REND386/AVRIL使用的文件格式

PLI Oracle 7数据描述

PLM Discorder Tracker2模块

PLS Disorder Tracker2抽样文件;MPEG PlayList文件(由WinAmp使用) PLT HPGL绘图仪绘图文件;AutoCAD plot绘图文件;Gerber标志制作软件 PM5 Pagemaker 5.0文件

PM6 Pagemaker 6.0文件

PNG 可移植的网络图形位图;Paint Shop Pro浏览器目录

PNT,PNTG MacPaint图形文件

POG Descent2 PIG文件扩展

POL Windows NT策略文件

POP Visual dBASE上托文件

POT Microsoft Powerpoint模块

POV 视频射线跟踪器暂留

PP4 Picture Publisher 4位图

PPA Microsoft Powerpoint内插器

PPF Turtle Beach的Pinnacle程序文件

PPM 可移植的象素映射位图

PPP Parson Power Publisher;Serif PagePlus桌面出版缺省输出 PPS Microsoft Powerpoint幻灯片放映

PPT Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿

PQI PowerQuest驱动器图像文件

PRC 3COM PalmPiltt资源(文本或程序)文件

PRE Lotus Freelance演示文稿

PRF Windows系统文件,Macromedia导演设置文件

PRG dBASE Clipper和FoxPro程序源文件;WAVmaker程序 PRJ 3D Studio(DOS)工程文件

PRN 打印表格(用空格分隔的文本);DataCAD Windows打印机文件 PRP Oberson的Prospero数据转换产品保存的工程文件

PRS Harvard Graphics for Windows演示文件

PRT 打印格式化文件;Pro/ENGINEER元件文件

PRV PsiMail Internet提供者模板文件

PRZ Lotus Freelance Graphics 97文件

PS Postscript格式化文件(PostScript打印机可读文件)

PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank

PSD Adobe photoshop位图文件

PSI PSION a-Law声音文件

PSM Protracker Studio模型格式;Epic游戏的源数据文件

PSP Paint Shop Pro图像文件

PST Microsoft Outlook个人文件夹文件


PTM Polytracker音乐模块(MOD)文件

PUB Ventura Publisher出版物;Microsoft Publisher文档

PWD Microsoft Pocket Word文档

PWL Windows 95口令列表文件

PWP Photoworks图像文件(能被Photoworks浏览的一系列文件) PWZ Microsoft Powerpoint向导

PXL Microsoft Pocket Excel电子表格

PY 来自Yahoo的电子消息;Python脚本文件

PYC Python脚本文件

QAD PF QuickArt文档

QBW QuickBooks for Windows文件

QDT 来自Quicken UK的QuickBooks数据文件,帐目/税/货单程序
