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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 10:40:00 小学作文



生命离不开呼吸。人每分每秒都在进行呼吸运动,但你却未必呼吸得正确。英国一项研究显示,90%以上的成年人都不会有意识地调节呼吸。而据我国呼吸科专家统计,城市中一半以上人呼吸方式不正确,短浅的呼吸不仅让许多人大脑缺氧,容易疲惫,而且还容易诱发多种疾病! 深呼吸的几大好处 那么,做腹式深呼吸有哪些好处呢?首先,深呼吸能防治呼吸系统疾病。常见的呼吸系统疾病包括慢性支气管炎、哮喘、肺气肿等。这些病人的肺部都处于无弹性和扩张状态,影响肺活量。而进行深呼吸,能逐步增大肌肉收缩力,有利于胸、肺的有效扩张,增强肋间肌活力,可以逐步恢复其弹性和肺活量,从而达到治疗和缓解病情的目的。 再次,深呼吸能帮助人们减压,缓解失眠症状。北京体育大学运动医学教授陆一帆表示,当人们主动调节呼吸的深度和频率,就能有效放松绷紧的神经,舒缓焦虑的心情。一些因为压力造成的颈部疼痛,通过瑜伽时的呼吸练习,疼痛感将会减弱。失眠的人也可用呼吸法来帮助入睡。通过降低呼吸节奏、平缓呼吸,能减轻失眠症状。 其次,深呼吸还可防治高血压。这是日本自治医科大学北村谕教授试验的一种深呼吸降血压法,其原理是人的肺部有被称为肺泡的小袋状物,大约有3亿个。在一般呼吸的情况下,只有其中的80%—90%能充分地工作,剩下的肺泡处于浪费状态。如果采用深呼吸,就可以使剩下的肺泡工作起来。当采用胸部深呼吸的时候,位于肺上部的肺泡开放;而在腹式深呼吸时,肺下部的肺泡也打开了。工作中所有的肺泡都在产生前列腺素,而且通过深呼吸还可使原来就在工作的80%—90%的肺泡产生比原来更多的前列腺素。这样,更多的前列腺素进入血管,从而使血管扩张,血压降低。每天早中晚三次,每次10分钟就有效果。


如何学会正确呼吸 怎样才能学会正确呼吸呢?最关键的有两点,陆一帆指出,一是要缓和吸,也就是吸气的时候,要均匀缓慢,尽量深吸,让气体能充满肺泡;二是要用力吐,吐的干净,这样才能将废弃全部排出体外,保障交换的气体多一些。最科学的呼吸方法为:“吸——停(屏气10—20秒钟)——呼”的呼吸形式,可使副交感神经兴奋性增强,也可使肠鸣次数增加,有利于消化吸收,从而有益于健康长寿。 龙村修提倡的呼吸法,则是以深长的腹式呼吸为基础,逐步使肺、肋骨、横膈膜等肌肉群在呼吸时运动到最大幅度,让空气充满肺部的“全体呼吸法”。“刚开始虽要刻意练习,最终目标却是融入生活,各种姿势和动作都结合呼吸法去做。”龙村修表示,如此将更能掌握身体的力量和节奏,提高效率。例如用呼吸法攀登高山时,比较不会出现头痛等高山症状;打高尔夫挥杆能挥得更远。这种呼吸方法,在公车上、走路时、工作间隙,或者对着公园的树都能练习。尤其面对突如其来的负面情境时,呼吸法更能适时调节身心、稳定情绪。



生命离不开呼吸。人每分每秒都在进行呼吸运动,但你却未必呼吸得正确。英国一项研究显示,90%以上的成年人都不会有意识地调节呼吸。而据我国呼吸科专家统计,城市中一半以上人呼吸方式不正确,短浅的呼吸不仅让许多人大脑缺氧,容易疲惫,而且还容易诱发多种疾病! 深呼吸的几大好处









历年全国医学博士英语统考写作真题 全国医学博士英语统考1998年真题

Directions: Please read the following article in Chinese carefully. Afterwards, write a summary of 250 to 300 words in English on the answer sheet and make sure that you have covered all the major points of the article.



时过境迁,两年后,南京大学“大学生心理健康教育与研究中心”向学生发放了咨询卡。出乎意料的是,学生们表现出了很高的参与热情,发放问卷2132份。在填写过程中,好多学生的思想经历了嬗变的阵痛。在“你认为你有没有心理卫生问题?”及“你有心理卫生或障碍怎么办?”一栏中做出了勇敢的抉择。对回收的问卡,咨询员进行综合统计,最终筛选出209名重点对象,向其发出了“邀请信”,有针对性地开展心理疏通,为许多学生解开了“心头疙瘩”。 有关资料表明:我国70-80%的大学生有心理问题,20.3%有心理障碍。心理的不正常严重影响了大学生的生活、学习。为了使大学生有一个健康的心理,全国各高校一直致力于大学生心理保健工作。在南京地区,解放军南京政治学院、南京大学分别形成了具有“军、地”特色的心理保健机构体系,其它高校也纷纷提出了“让大学生精神走出回形谷”的口号,通过发放“个性问卷UPI卡”、开办讲座、重点谈心等活动,使学生对心理问题有了科学的认识。






Directions: Please read the following article in Chinese carefully. Afterwards, write a summary of 200 words in English on the answer sheet and make sure that you have covered all the major points of the article.

19世纪德国人F. Tonnies提出社区是由共同生活的同质人口组成。他们向往由共同价值、关系密切、守望相助、防御病痛、富有人情味的共同体。笔者曾提出,要用整体医学观、社会医学观和人文医学观指导卫生改革,引导医学新潮流。社区卫生服务是以个人为中心,以家庭为单位,以社区为范围的基层卫生服务,医学服务不能把病与人分离,把病人的主观自我与客观自我分离。单凭几个检验数据来判断疾病,忽视处于第三状态的人,忽视人的心理社会背景,“物化医患关系”,怎能实现医学的最终目的,还“医乃仁术”的本来面目?






Directions: Please read the following article in Chinese carefully, and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWFR SHEET. Make sure that you cover all the major points of the article.













Directions: Read the following article in Chinese carefully, and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that you cover all the major points of the article.


首先是着装问题。服装的隔热值必须与运动中增强的代谢产热过程平衡。在冷天中多穿衣服,衣服在皮肤之外包住一层温暖的空气,使传导散热过程减弱。但在运动时,肌体的产热大大增加,如果穿得过多,反而有害,应穿轻便的衣服。这样在运动中产热增加时,可以方便地脱掉。近年来服装制造商在发展轻质服装方面不断改进,这样可以保证良好的隔热性,同时又保证了活动的自由性。 在寒冷环境下运动时,机体能量代谢增强,产热增加,此时肌体血管扩展,大大降低了身体对寒冷的抵抗能力。因此,在运动间隙要特别注意保暖,及时加衣。寒冷环境中运动时能量消耗大,代谢水平高,使身体内的能源物质消耗增多,在代谢过程中还需要各种维生素的参与,如维生素B1、B2、B3、烟酸、维生素C等需求增加。

因此,对于从事滑冰、滑雪及在寒冷环境下锻炼者的膳食,应注意增加较多的热量。一般来说,冬季比春季从事同等强度的运动热量消耗高10%左右。据测算,一个成年人两个小时的滑冰练习可增加消耗1000千卡~1500千卡热量,在三大物质的比例中,因脂肪具有产热量多的特点,且增加脂肪有助于肌体御寒,故应适当增加脂肪的供能比例,一般可占全部热量的25%~30%;而蛋白质也应偏高,占12%-18%;其余由糖来供给。体育运动者按每天消耗3500卡热量计算,蛋白质约需 130克,脂肪150克,糖约480克。相当于每天应摄人米饭或馒头600克左右,鸡肉100克,瘦猪肉200克,鸡蛋两个,牛奶两杯,植物油50克等。






A Blind Zone in Childr-Nutrition

This article reveals a mistaken idea in child-raising which deserves correcting. Most parents take it for granted that children should eat more animal foods such as chicken, meat and fish than grain food because the former are far more expensive and the more expensive the food is the more nutritious it is. However, this is, in fact, a mistaken idea which has lead to malnutrition among many city kids. This is indicated in a survey recently made in Shanghai.

What parents don’t know is that carbohydrate in grains, starch and sugar, the main and most inexpensive nutrient for energy supply, is of equal importance in metabolism. The energy it supplies is the main source of calories in human bodies,about 60% of the total amount of calories. If there is a lack of calories provided by carbohydrate, protein and fat will be used up to provide the heat and thus can’t play their original roles in the body. Consequently, it results in a retarded development in the children and even malnutrition.

Apparently, the solution to the problem is to provide kids with a well-balanced food containing protein, carbohydrate and many other nutrients, none of which can be done without.

Writing Drill 4(98 FATMD)

In the past several years, many Chinese college students have come to accept psychological consultation(PC) they used to reject. In 1994, many students didn’t care to think about the consultation while in 1996, over 90% of 2132 students in a survey answered the related questionnaires carefully. PC is now gradually accepted by college students in China.

Surveys indicate that 70-80% college students have psychological problems and 20.3% have such obstacles. There have been reports on many severe cases resulting from misunderstanding and lack of PC. In view of this, many universities in Nanjing have set up psychological healthcare service for students. Many students have corrected their misunderstanding about PC and bravely asked the consultants for help, which has greatly helped them overcome their mental obstacles. Even some military cadets have begun to consult experts for advice. Experts point out that prompt consultation can prevent mental problems from developing into obstacles, mental illnesses and even suicide.

University psychological consultation, young as it is, has made remarkable progress and grown into a unique course in universities. Though it contributed to students’ healthy growth, it still has a long way to go to be fully understood and appreciated by both students and faculties.

Writing Drill 5 老年健康饮食为先

Aging usually brings about recession in many bodily functions such indigestion, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and other metabolic dysfunctions. However, scientists find that these hypofunctions are actually caused by irrational diets or eating habits. This article discusses this problem and the solution to it.

First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially good for the old people. Second, less staple food and less salt in food should be suggested for the aged because overconsumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Third, more bean food can replace proteins such as eggs and fat as sources of protein. Fourth, light food should be taken in

instead of fat and oily foods which usually contribute to cardiovascular diseases. Fifth, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, metabolism and cardiovascular balance.

In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food are of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.

Writing Drill 6

Recently, more attention has been paid to a behavioral prescription for various and physical diseases. It includes laughter, sports, dancing and even crying. These methods have different functions.

Laughter activates over 80 muscles. In laughing, smooth muscles in organs contract and help improve digestion. Crying can give vent to harmful chemicals in the body accumulated by stress. Sports and dancing can relieve chronic illness such as bronchitis, back pain, diabetes, etc. that medication alone can’t do.

Many diseases of today are caused by bad mental conditions, work and stress, family problems, etc. Medication doesn’t usually effect in these cases because it doesn’t treat the cause of the ailments. Behavioral prescription, with its physical and mental massage like sports and dancing, can help patients stay off the cause of their diseases. Therefore, it is advocated by many doctors and health experts.

It is expected that behavioral prescription will applied more widely as an effective therapy in the near future.f

Writing Drill 7 Smoking and Health

It is not until recently that smoking has been firmly proved to be hazardous to health. It irritates the throat and respiratory passages. It sometimes leads to poor appetite, nausea, short breath, and irregular heartbeat. More importantly, smoking is associated with chronic and fatal diseases of respiratory tract. Evidence shows that smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop cancer of the lungs, throat, tongue, and jaw, emphysema and bronchitis as well. As a result, many nations have made enormous efforts to warn people of the dangers of smoking.

While smoking, particles of tobacco tar and smoke slow down the work of cilia. The tar collected in the lungs can cause cancer. Moreover, nicotine in tobacco can be simulating by affecting various centers on the medulla oblongata region of the brain. It can affect other physiological process that in turn affect the respiratory center in the brain. It can also influence other centers that slow down the action of the heart, constrict the arteries, and cause vomiting.

In brief, smoking does nothing but harm to people’s health. Therefore, smokers of any age or kind should try to give it up.



Writing Drill 9 Handwashing and Health

Hospital infection is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality. The risk of transmitting

pathogens by the hands of health care workers (HCWs) is increasingly big today. A simple and effective way of prevention is handwashing.

But it is found that HCWs don’t always wash their hands before and after patient contacts. Semmelweis, a Viennese doctor in 1847, believed that high puerperal fever rate in some wards was caused by the hands of some medical students. He ordered that all students wash their hands with chlorinated lime before and between all patient contacts. As a result, the rate fell sharply. His methods were used by some other hospitals but his beliefs were ignored largely at that time.

In the 1980s, a government health organization recommended that handwashing be imposed. But it has not been well compiled, even in ICUs, despite some efforts to improve compliance. The traditional handwashing practice has not been changed yet.

HCWs have their own excuse for the resistance, such as no time, skin irritation, etc. Some say they have done it but surveys prove otherwise. With more multidrug-resistant pathogens on the increase. HCWs have to know that handwashing means health. HCWs: wash your hands before or between patient contacts.

本篇短文主要讲了通过洗手防止和减少医院获得性感染的问题, 这篇短文总的说来结构比较清晰,总结归纳起来相对容易,摘要写作当中,首先要将摘要分成三个部分,先象一般的论文一样写个引言,介绍主题,其次写Semmelweis首先发现了医务工作者不洗手而接触病人会造成感染,而洗手可以减少这种感染及引起的死亡率,尽管他的方法没有得到当时医学界的认可,最后是结论部分,写20世纪80年代,政府健康机构也要求强制洗手,但执行情况并不尽如人意。


Writing Drill 10 Dangerous Factors in Maturing

On their way to adulthood, adolescens are faced with many dangerous factors. These may include sexual encounters with HIV carriers, violence, mental and sexual abuse, drug abuse, smoking, as well as the negligence from the adults.

What can doctors do to make the teenagers’ world a safer place? Perhaps we should first call for attention from the medical profession to the long ignored needs of teenagers. Some critics suggest that adolescent medicine become a medical subspecialty for more and proper attention to teenagers’ needs. Of course, there are some difficulties such as policymakers’ focus on more general practitioners whereas adolescents are poorly served by the medical community.

Adolescents deserve primary care that is attentive to their special needs. The best way is to encourage policymakers to be interested in adolescent medicine. One of the ways for this is to require most medical students and trainees to master the skills needed to treat teenagers. Writing Drill 14 Psychological Care of Medical Patients

There are more and more physically ill people accompanied by psychiatric morbidity, which can be physically and mentally harmful if not treated promptly and properly.

However, there is a lack of psychiatric care of these patients, which has to be addressed in no time. There are some cost-effective treatments for psychiatric disorder in physically ill people. But few hospitals arrange formal services for these patients, which may not be efficient in the future. Some health service reforms have also affected the formerly cooperative relationship between psychiatrists and general hospital doctors. Pressure on beds in both psychiatry and general medicine makes the already difficult task of caring for patients with coexisting mental and physical illness harder. Besides, increased consumerism and heightened awareness of coexistence

of mental and physical illness adds to demand for relevant services.

In view of this situation, some British psychiatrists and physicians suggested that doctors and nurses learn to identify mental problems in their patients and offer psychological care and refer for psychiatric help. In their report, they also provided some relevant knowledge and approaches to treatment and psychiatric services.




文章来自临床实验室仪器信息网(www.Clin-Lab.Com) - 详文链接:/html/linjian/kaoshi/yishizige/2010/0503/22750.html


97 A Blind Zone in Childr-Nutrition

This article reveals揭示 a mistaken idea in child-raising which deserves值得 correcting. Most parents take it for granted that children should eat more animal foods such as chicken, meat and fish than grain food because the former are far more expensive and the more expensive the food is the more nutritious it is. However, this is, in fact, a mistaken idea which has lead to malnutrition among many city kids. This is indicated 表明的in a survey recently made in Shanghai.

What parents don’t know is that carbohydrate碳水化合物,糖类 in grains, starch 淀粉and sugar, the main and most inexpensive nutrient for energy supply, is of equal importance in metabolism新陈代谢. The energy it supplies is the main source of calories卡路里 in human bodies, about 60% of the total amount of calories. If there is a lack of calories provided by carbohydrate, protein and fat will be used up to provide the heat and thus can’t play their original roles in the body. Consequently接连发生的事情, 结果, it results in a retarded 智力迟钝的; 发展迟缓的development in the children and even malnutrition.

Apparently, the solution to the problem is to provide kids with a well-balanced food containing protein, carbohydrate and many other nutrients营养素, none of which can be done without.

Writing Drill 4(98 FATMD)

In the past several years, many Chinese college students have come to accept psychological 心理的consultation会诊,咨询(PC) they used to惯常reject. In 1994, many students didn’t care to think about the consultation while in 1996, over 90% of 2132 students in a survey answered the related questionnaires carefully. PC is now gradually accepted by college students in China.

Surveys indicate that 70-80% college students have psychological problems and 20.3% have such obstacles业障. There have been reports on many severe cases重症,重病患者 resulting from misunderstanding and lack of PC. In view of 考虑到this, many universities in Nanjing have set up psychological healthcare医疗保健,健康护理 service for students. Many students have corrected校正 their misunderstanding about PC and bravely asked the consultants for help, which has greatly helped them overcome their mental obstacles. Even some military cadets军校学员 have begun to consult请教 experts for advice. Experts point out that prompt consultation can prevent mental精神的,心理的 problems from developing into obstacles, mental illnesses and even suicide.

University psychological consultation, young as it is, has made remarkable progress and grown into a unique独特的唯一的 course in universities. Though it contributed to促成 students’ healthy growth, it still has a long way to go to be fully understood and appreciated by both students and faculties.

Writing Drill 5 老年健康饮食为先

Aging usually brings about recession后退 in many bodily functions such indigestion, hypertension高血压, arteriosclerosis血管硬化,动脉硬化, and other metabolic 代谢作用的dysfunctions异常,机能障碍. However, scientists find that these hypofunctions机能减退 are actually caused by irrational不合理的 diets or eating habits饮食习惯. This article discusses this problem and the solution to it.

First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially特别 good for the old people. Second, less staple主要的food主食 and less salt in food should be suggested for the

aged because overconsumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases心血管疾病. Third, more bean food can replace proteins such as eggs and fat as sources of protein. Fourth, light food 清淡食物should be taken in instead of fat and oily foods油腻食物 which usually contribute to促成 cardiovascular diseases. Fifth, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, metabolism and cardiovascular balance.

In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food 植物性食品instead of fat food are of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.

Writing Drill 6

Recently, more attention has been paid to a behavioral prescription for various and physical diseases. It includes laughter, sports, dancing and even crying. These methods have different functions.

Laughter activates over 80 muscles. In laughing, smooth muscles平滑肌 in organs 器官contract收缩 and help improve digestion. Crying can give vent to发泄 harmful chemicals in the body accumulated by stress. Sports and dancing can relieve chronic illness such as bronchitis支气管炎, back pain, diabetes, etc. that medication 药物治疗alone can’t do.

Many diseases of today are caused by bad mental conditions, work and stress, family problems, etc. Medication doesn’t usually effect in these cases because it doesn’t treat the cause of the ailments. 疾病 Behavioral prescription, with its physical and mental massage like sports and dancing, can help patients stay off the cause of their diseases. Therefore, it is advocated 提倡by many doctors and health experts.

It is expected that behavioral prescription will applied more widely as an effective therapy in the near future.

Writing Drill 7 Smoking and Health

It is not until recently that smoking has been firmly proved to be hazardous to health. It irritates刺激 the throat 咽and respiratory passages呼吸道. It sometimes leads to poor appetite食欲, nausea恶心, short breath气促, and irregular heartbeat心悸. More importantly, smoking is associated with chronic and fatal diseases 不治之症of respiratory呼吸的 tract呼吸道. Evidence shows that smokers are more likely有可能的than nonsmokers to develop cancer of the lungs, throat, tongue, and jaw, emphysema肺气肿and bronchitis as well. As a result, many nations have made enormous efforts努力to warn people of the dangers of smoking.

While smoking, particles颗粒of tobacco烟草, 香烟tar焦油and smoke slow down减速the work of cilia纤毛. The tar collected in the lungs can cause引起cancer. Moreover, 而且, 此外nicotine尼古丁in tobacco can be simulating模拟by affecting various centers on the medulla骨髓oblongata延髓region of the brain. It can affect other physiological生理学的process that in turn affect the respiratory呼吸中枢center in the brain. It can also influence other centers that slow down the action of the heart, constrict使收缩the arteries动脉, and cause vomiting呕吐.

In brief, 简单扼要地smoking does nothing but harm to people’s health. Therefore, smokers of any age or kind should try to give it up.




Writing Drill 9 Handwashing and Health

Hospital infection is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality发病率和死亡率. The risk of transmitting pathogens病菌by the hands of health care workers (HCWs) 卫生保健工作者is increasingly日益big today. A simple and effective有效的way of prevention is handwashing. But it is found that HCWs don’t always wash their hands before and after patient contacts. Semmelweis, a Viennese doctor in 1847, believed that high puerperal fever产褥热rate in some wards was caused by the hands of some medical students. He ordered that all students wash their hands with chlorinated lime含氯石灰before and between all patient contacts. As a result, the rate fell sharply. His methods were used by some other hospitals but his beliefs were ignored largely at that time.

In the 1980s, a government health organization recommended含氯石灰that handwashing be imposed强加. But it has not been well compiled, even in ICUs, despite虽然, 尽管some efforts to improve compliance顺应性. The traditional handwashing practice has not been changed yet. HCWs have their own excuse for原谅the resistance抵抗力耐药性, such as no time, skin irritation刺激, etc. Some say they have done it but surveys prove otherwise. With more multidrug-resistant多重耐药pathogens on the increase. HCWs have to know that handwashing means health. HCWs: wash your hands before or between patient contacts.

本篇短文主要讲了通过洗手防止和减少医院获得性感染的问题, 这篇短文总的说来结构比较清晰,总结归纳起来相对容易,摘要写作当中,首先要将摘要分成三个部分,先象一般的论文一样写个引言,介绍主题,其次写Semmelweis首先发现了医务工作者不洗手而接触病人会造成感染,而洗手可以减少这种感染及引起的死亡率,尽管他的方法没有得到当时医学界的认可,最后是结论部分,写20世纪80年代,政府健康机构也要求强制洗手,但执行情况并不尽如人意。



Writing Drill 10 Dangerous Factors in Maturing

On their way to adulthood, adolescens are faced with many dangerous factors. These may include sexual encounters遭遇with HIV carriers, violence暴力, mental and sexual abuse性虐待, drug abuse吸毒, smoking, as well as与……一样好; 除……之外the negligence from the adults.

What can doctors do to make the teenagers’ world a safer place? Perhaps we should first call for求援attention from the medical profession医药职业to the long ignored needs of teenagers. Some critics suggest that adolescent medicine become a medical subspecialty医药职业for more and proper attention to teenagers’ needs. Of course, there are some difficulties such as决策者policymakers’ focus on more general practitioners私人开业医生,全科医师whereas adolescents are poorly served by the medical community社区.

Adolescents deserve该得到, 值得primary care that is attentive to their special needs. The best way is to encourage policymakers to be interested in adolescent medicine. One of the ways for this is to require命令, 要求most medical students and trainees to master the skills needed to treat teenagers.

Writing Drill 14 Psychological Care of Medical Patients

There are more and more physically身体上地ill people accompanied by psychiatric精神病的morbidity精神病的, which can be physically and mentally harmful if not treated promptly and properly.

However, there is a lack of psychiatric care照顾of these patients, which has to be addressed in no time. There are some cost-effective treatments for psychiatric精神病的disorder in physically ill people. But few hospitals arrange formal正式的services for these patients, which may not be efficient in the future. Some health service reforms改革have also affected the formerly以前cooperative relationship between psychiatrists精神科医师and general hospital doctors. Pressure on beds in both psychiatry精神病学and general medicine makes the already difficult task工作任务of caring for patients with coexisting共存mental and physical illness harder. Besides, increased consumerism保护消费者利益and heightened awareness of coexistence of mental and physical illness adds to demand for relevant services.

保护消费者利益In view of this situation, some British psychiatrists and physicians suggested that doctors and nurses learn to identify mental problems in their patients and offer psychological care and refer for psychiatric精神病的help. In their report, they also provided some relevant knowledge and approaches门径to treatment and psychiatric services.




influenza流行性感冒A (H1N1)

Influenza A (H1N1) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get H1N1, but human infections can and do happen. Influenza A (H1N1) viruses have been reported to spread from person-to-person, but in the past, this transmission was limited and not sustained beyond three people.

甲型流感(H1N1)是由A型流感病毒引起的呼吸性疾病,在猪群体中定期发作。人通常不会感染H1N1,但是人可以被传染,这也正是现在发生的情况。曾有甲型流感病毒(H1N1)在人际间传染的报道,但是过去发生的传染较为有限,通常不会超过3个人。 What are the symptoms?


Limited information is available at this stage. It appears that the early symptoms are similar to seasonal flu - cough, fever, sore throat, headache, runny nose, general fatigue, and muscle pains. Some patients have also had vomiting and diarrhea. Severe cases have progressed quickly (within 5 days) to a pneumonia-like illness, which involves shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.


If you or your family experience these types of symptoms, it is important to stay home from

work or school and to seek medical care, in particular, if you have recently traveled to the affected areas of if you have difficulty breathing.


How is this influenza A (H1N1) spreading?


It is most likely spreading from person to person in the same way other flu viru


ses spread: through infectious respiratory droplets (droplets released when a person coughs, sneezes or talks). If these get into a healthy person's nose or mouth, they can get infected.


Sometimes people get infected when they touch something with flu virus on it and then touch their mouth or nose. Flu virus can live on shared objects (doorknobs, keyboards, counters, etc).


How can I prevent from getting sick? 怎样才能避免传染?

It is important to follow specific precautions to reduce the chance of acquiring or spreading the virus:


? Frequent hand washing with soap and water or with an alcohol-based hand gel 经常用肥皂和水洗手,或用酒精擦手液

? Covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing, preferably with a tissue ?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyurenzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">人曰虼蚺缣绲氖焙蜓谧】诒牵詈檬怯弥浇?/p>

? Washing hands after coughing or sneezing 咳嗽或喷嚏后洗手

? Avoiding crowded areas when possible 尽可能不去人多的地方

? Wearing a surgical mask may be appropriate to prevent transmission to others and yourself 戴上口罩,避免将病毒传染

? Refrain from touching your face, and if you do, make sure your hands are clean 不要用手摸脸,如果你摸脸,一定要确保手是干净的

Do you have any immunization免疫接种 to cover influenza A (H1N1)? 有没有针对甲型流感病毒(H1N1)的疫苗?

社区为导向之基层医疗保健 community-oriented primary care
