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篇一:The Chinese culture and American culture

The Chinese culture and American culture

In this term, I study mainly about the American and Chinese culture after class .To learn about this, I collected related information by referring to the books, surfing Internet and asking other people .During this time , I saw the Chinese and American culture in a different direction .And I have a new understanding about them .Now I am glad to talk about Chinese and American culture briefly.

As is known , each culture has its own feature .Chinese culture has many difference with American culture .For instance ,Chinese culture is gentle and reticent because of its long history .However, American culture seems to be open and comprehensive .China is famous for its traditional culture while America culture is popular and diverse .Thus , people in China have lots of different views with those in American on the social activities ,education, time and consumption .What’s more the American students are considered to be open-minded and creative .In the contrary ,the Chinese students are trapped by the old knowledge as well as cold grades and fear to create .In a word ,China has lots of things to learn from America.

Recently, the cultural communication between China and America is associated with different aspects, such as science, education ,economy ,politics and more .This communication not only broaden the horizons of people but contributes to the development of

each other. With the process of globalization, I believe that the cultural between America and China will be more and more diverse and frequent. Only in this way can the culture keeps alive and become better and better!


Chinese culture

As far as I am concerned, it is necessary to learn Chinese culture course for foreign

learners at Chinese colleges and universities as we are Chinese and the Chinese culture is well-established, broad and profound.

? China has a 5 000-year history of the development of civilization. The Chinese culture is one of the most ancient cultures in the world, and the only one that has lasted for thousands of years without suspension. Chinese as we are, learning Chinese culture is one of our most significant tasks during your whole life, you have to start with traditional Chinese culture whoever you will be in the future. Because it has a profound affection in every aspects of our daily life. For instance, a lot of remarkable theories and thoughts are still popular in today’s society. These precious heritages become the guideline of our moral standards. In addition, one of the core principles of traditional Chinese culture is that of harmony between humans and nature. Since one's life must respect and conform to the seasons. This is a way of life that pursues harmony with nature and with others, simplicity, and a feeling of warmth and oneness with all. The traditional worldview, values and mode of thinking of the Chinese people stem from a perennial process of historical development.

Chinese culture has also influenced the world for thousands of years with its art,

philosophy, technology, food, medicine and performing arts. Ancient Chinese culture not only contributes civilization or "four great inventions" to the world. In Ming and Qing dynasty, Confucianism had influenced the Renaissance in Europe since the new idea formed by combining modern history, and it became the leading European spirit - an important Enlightenment thoughts origin. In addition, as shining treasure in Chinese traditional culture, more and more classical Chinese poems are translated into various foreign languages. The translation of classical Chinese poems plays an important role in the transmission of Chinese culture in the world.

Aside from the obvious benefits Chinese culture, the lack of a traditional culture in China has a larger effect on Chinese lifestyles than you might first realize.In recent years, more and more young people have been fascinated to celebrate western festivals, and forget our traditional festivals. It’s a sign of the times that Chinese people are taking to celebrating Western traditional festivals in droves. The media join in, building up the

festivals through wide coverage. Above all, business people seize the opportunity to add more sparks and whip up the celebrations into frenzy of buying and eating. We may not pursue the Western cultures out of our own will, but our own cultures are put away

unconsciously while we are enjoying the fast-food culture brought by Western festivals. Look around our surroundings. McDonald's, KFC, hamburgers and pizzas flourish in all Chinese cities, big or small, in China, even in the rural areas. Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween and April Fool’s Day seem to have become part of Chinese culture. We are

gradually losing our traditional festivals and foreign festivals are coming in and taking over. With the progress of urbanization, celebrating the traditional festivals is losing popularity in some big cities. Although older citizens still maintain their passion for the traditional festivals, the young are no longer interested. This all leads to situation that China is neglecting its own traditions by embracing western culture so enthusiastically. An

American sociologist said that the spread of American popular cultures would be the most effective action to realize the unification of the globe. This is a true problem that we are seeing all over the world, and the main reason behind it is unfortunately Globalization. Economically and industrially speaking, we can’t neglect the negative effects it has on culture and society.

China fully respects the diversity and differences of various nations and cultures. It advocates coexistence instead of conflicts, dialogue instead of confrontations,

communication instead of blockade, tolerance instead of repulsion. It calls for all cultures to learn from one another and work together to seek universal development.

Actually we are living at a time when two cultures are merging into each other. As Traditional Chinese Culture spreads around the world and more people become

interested in Chinese, foreign culture and concepts have begun to spread into China. This is inevitable as development is increasing communication and integration. More and more foreigners are studying Chinese and great masses of Chinese people are studying English in order to aid this goal of communication. Yet, even foreign popular cultural

aspects have begun to spread as well. But we need to pay more attention to our spirit, to our traditional Chinese culture. Either academic thinking and creative convergence on eastern and western cultures since the 20th century under the background of severe collision between eastern and western cultures, or carrying forward the spirit of the

thousand-year-long Chinese culture to the world, is all connected with Chinese traditional culture. As a result, we should be aware of the situation that we are losing the cultural identity in facing the cultural globalization. We’re losing one of the things that count the most: our identity, the uniqueness in us, that which makes us special and allows us to stand out from the world.

So protecting our traditional culture is the historical mission of our generation. As an English learner, it is expected that we will increase our awareness of our own cultural characteristics. We need to pay more attention to our spirit, to our traditional Chinese culture. That’s why the Chinese culture course is so important to foreign languages learners in China.

篇三:The differences between Chinese and Western culture

The Differences between Chinese and Western Culture


Key words:

culture, cultural differences

Abstract: In this article, I mainly focus on the relationship of culture and language. Through further study and understanding, we should be aware that cultural differences can not be ignored and changed by any one, and also it can’t be taken for granted that culture is a simple concept. What we can do is to accept these differences and to respect these differences and to further understand these differences. Thus, it would be helpful for us to avoid cultural conflicts in the process of dealing with practical issues.

1. Introduction

Culture is the general concept of art, belief, the outlook of value, tradition and custom, and it can significantly reflect the characteristics of some societies, people, areas, or some countries. Among the parts of some certain culture, there must be a language by which people express themselves and communicate to each other. Language is also an important carrier of culture, and the two are of great importance to each other. People fostered by different cultures will show their characteristic ways of language speaking and communication, owing to their different regimes, cultural traditions, the outlook of values, life styles, and ways of thinking. If we neglect the differences between various cultures and speak to westerners in the ways of our mother tongue, we might commit some inappropriateness even misunderstandings, which may bring us unsuccessful communication. In other words, we will never master and handle a language in word and deed unless we understand the discrepancies, the ways and disciplines of communication. If we are to improve the ability of lingual communication, we have to pay attention to the discrepancies between different cultures. 2. major difference

The major difference between Chinese and Western culture is that China is an oriental country, and its traditional culture is completely different from western heritage. Chinese culture is older than 5000 years, and Chinese people have developed their own music, musical instruments, painting techniques, traditional Chinese medicine, and not to forget,

cooking methods etc – completely different and unique when compared to Western culture. Chinese believe in healthy eating, and have a holistic approach towards health. The Western culture is more advanced, and loves adventure and exploration. The Chinese focus more on collective gain instead of individual gain by making the right decisions, and believe in adopting a middle way to avoid extremism. 3 complexity.

Westerners find the Chinese culture complex, and hard to understand, as the Chinese culture has its own values, background and belief system. The Chinese are very friendly and helpful to a stranger, compared to Westerners who would never entertain a stranger. Western culture has a wealthy and luxurious lifestyle, but Chinese mostly have a modest way of living, for example, on average, the Chinese may have no more than 40 sq. feet of living space. Chinese use sir names, and are strictly moral to avoid public displays of affection. The Western culture has the freedom to express them freely. When compared to Western culture, the Chinese culture differs a lot, as they value relationships more than their Western counterparts.

4. the major philosophies

There is a vast difference between the major philosophies of eastern and western life. Westerners believe in self dedication to achieve their goals of success and happiness etc., whereas the Chinese have behavioral ethics, and are dependent on their inner

world and perceptions of eternal recurrence. The Western approach is to search outside of yourself, whereas the Chinese prefer to adopt a systematic approach, and search within themselves.

5. happiness

The real happiness in Western society is based upon a materialistic approach, whereas the Chinese believe that true happiness is achieved by inner intervention, as the truth is the key to eternal bliss and happiness. The Western society believes in

individualism, whereas the Chinese culture has faith in collectivism and fundamental connections with others. A Westerner is overwhelmed by pragmatic, materialistic and emotional approaches in comparison to the Chinese, who have a more missionary and spiritual approach towards life. The Westerner analyzes and the Chinese meditate. The Chinese believe in virtues and Westerners believe in value ethics.

6.Cultural differences in politeness between western and Chinese

1. Greeting and Parting In China, When people meet acquaintances or friends, we always say ,“Have you eaten yet?” What are you going to do?”

In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isn’t it? ”How is everything going?”,etc

Western and Chinese cultures have diverse ways to deal with leave-takings.

Western people always try to make their leaving sound reluctant by finding some reasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for both parties. They often signal several times before leaving. Such as,

1.“I am afraid I must be off, I have to …”

2. “Well, it’s been nice to see you again. I do enjoy our

talk and the lovely dinner, but I must be going soon”.

3. “Thank you very much for asking me over. I hope we’ll be able to get together again before long…”

2. Addressing

In China, the surname comes first and then the given name.

While westerners names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last.

In a formal setting, westerners address men as "Mister" (Mr), married women as "Misses" ("Mrs."), and unmarried women as "Miss" ( "Ms."). These days many women prefer to be addressed using the abbreviations "Ms." , pronounced "miz".

In an informal situation, westerners will introduce each other by first name, without titles, and occasionally by just the last name.

Chinese use “title +surname” to address their superior or elders rather than call them surnames, while the superior or elders call the addressers their names. Otherwise, the addresser may be considered as ill mannered

the chinese culture

, ill educated or rude.

In west, although they are different in age and status, they can call the other directly, namely, their names, even first names .They demonstrate the sense of intimacy and the conception of” Everyone is created equal”

3.Compliments and Response

For example, if a hostess is complimented for her cooking skill ,how she will response in west and china?

A Chinese hostess will apologize for giving you “Nothing”. She will say“I just made some dishes casually and they are not very tasty.”

An western hostess is likely to say,” Oh, I am so glad that you liked it. I cook it especially for you.”

The Americans are “straight forwardness”, the Chinese take pride in “modesty”. In the response to compliments. Chinese are tend to efface themselves in words or refuse it, although they do feel comfortable about the compliments.

4. Thanks and Responses

In China,“Thank you” is not frequently used between intimate friends and family members because it may imply a certain distance between the addresser and the addressee.

“Thank you” is widely used in English to show gratitude in such cases as being invited, helped, given a gift, etc.

5. Asking Personal Affairs

People from China do not regard it as asking personal affairs when they ask others name、age、marital status、wages、personal life、belief and political points. It is regard as concerns. While the westerns will think you violate their right of privacy .

when we talk to the westerns, we must avoid asking some questions like this:

“How old are you?”

“Are you married?”

篇四:The Influence of Western Culture on Chinese Culture

The Influence of Western Culture on Chinese Culture

Since the People's Republic of China found, cultural exchanges between China and Western countries have been more and more frequent. It appears that Western culture influences Chinese culture significantly, not only on food, art and music, but also on language and educational system.

Chinese people's eating patterns is changed by Western culture in some way. For example, Mcdonald's, Kfc and other western fast food can be seen in China easily, and significant kinds of Western fruit are imported to China. Western table manners also be adopted by Chinese. In addition, western restaurants' and coffee shops' number is increasingly.

Considerable numbers of English songs' and art works' appearance in China indicates that they are well received by Chinese, significant numbers of Chinese like to listen to English songs and admire English art works to improve their cultural literacy.

Recent years considerable numbers of new words are created, which is influenced by Western language, such as cool, disco, OPEC, TOEFL, Beatles, mosaic, hacker, etc. What's more, English is taught in China widely. Students learn English in early age. Even the old are eager to learn English. These phenomena show that Western language causes significant effect.

Maybe the deepest effect Western culture has made on Chinese culture is in our educational system. Ru culture has influenced China for thousands of years, so Chinese traditional educational system has been accepted commonly, but it is widely believed that this kind of system is not positive in every aspect, especially in stimulating students' potential. But the Western educational system is different. It is open. And for this reason, it is widely accepted by Chinese people.

In conclusion,Western culture influences on Chinese culture in an army of aspects. We can learn from their advantages and through the study of Western culture to promote Chinese culture.


篇五:Chinese culture

On Necessary of An Introduction to Chinese Culture


The course of An Introduction to Chinese Culture is opened for English major students to learn about Chinese Culture in English. It helps students know well about our own cultures.

The topic is about the necessary of An Introduction to Chinese Culture.

2. Necessary of An Introduction to Chinese Culture.

Nowadays, Chinese cultures are popular in the world. People from all over the world would like to learn Chinese culture. On human?s thoughts, Confucius, Lao Dan, and their thoughts about”ren and li”,”Non-contention” are well known in foreign countries. About other original Chinese traditional cultures, like Beijing Opera, Shadow play, Papercuts, New year pictures and so on are also interested by foreigners. But, actually there are some things I even don?t know as a Chinese. Sometimes my foreign friends ask me some interesting Chinese cultures I have to search on the Internet. That?s really embarrassed. I am a Chinese! So it?s really necessary to learn Chinese Culture. Or it will be lost in ourselves.

2.1 Chinese cultures are important for China.

The country was set up by people. A a piece of our country, all of us will devote to every walk of life and do serve to our country. Learning Chinese cultures are good for us to build our country. From Chinese cultures, from ancient to now, we all obey the openness mind. Since ancient, Confucian edict:”It?s pleasure to met friends from afar?” It shows the attitude of Confucian about the Chinese have always highly respected friends from a long way off and aspired to learn from them. People get knowledge, culture, commutations and so on from openness. The Silk Road is openness at first in China. It appeared as early as the second century. The human thought the importance of openness long time ago. The Silk Road refers to a transport route connecting ancient China with Central Asia, West Asia, Africa and European continent. The Silk Road exerted an inestimable influence on the lives of the Chinese people. While Chinese culture and technology, such as papermaking and printing,

were introduced to countries to the west, China also absorbed many elements from the arts, philosophy and religions of many other countries. The Silk Road influenced China a lot. Through the Silk Road, it opened a gate to make the world together. After opening the gate, Tang Dynasty came to a heyday. Moreover we couldn?t forget the most famous event ZhengHe?s voyages to the Western seas, it was the greatest fleet with the largest crews the world had ever seen. They arrived in more than 30 countries. The openness pushed China a lot. Without the openness, we would get no motivation to push the society go ahead. Even in nowadays, if we want to be a super country, we can?t give up openness. Chinese has “Chinese dream”. If we want the dream comes true, we needs openness. We should learn and continue this mind.

And about military, through the Chinese culture, we can learn some knowledge from Sunzi’s Art of War. Sunzi’s Art of War stands out as the greatest classic. It excels over the other books in terms of strategy design, philosophical grounding and in tactical application. Over the centuries it has been respect as “the source for all books on war.” Some thoughts in this book are still useful in today. Such as ”One can fight and win a hundred wars if one knows both oneself and the enemy.” and ”Attack the enemy at an unexpected time and place.” It?s good for us to learn it.

On buildings, we should say the ancient buildings are really beautiful and valuable. Chinese are influenced by nature. We think beautiful is nature. There are many building express the Chinese pursuit of harmony between Heaven and mortals. The Temple of Heaven, the Circular Mound Altar, the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, they shows us the reverence with awe and gratitude. And if we learn Chinese cultures more, we can learn how to decorate our garden even park?s garden. Chinese garden arts are also interesting and helpful. Through the Chinese culture we can build more beautiful and unique buildings.

On environment, we should learn the thought respect nature. When we examine traditional Chinese culture, we can find ancient times a strong eco-consciousness that is that at one with eco-ethics and eco- philosophy. About the philosophy of “life”, to Confucius, Heaven is the source of all living things. The scholars in ancient time support that “The nature of life is love.” Zheng Banqiao, a grate painter of the Qing

Dynasty, wrote that he loved all living things in the world, be it an ant or an insect. This , he said, was the “will of Heaven”. We can also image living things like a bird singing in the morning, after we open our eyes. How wonderful it will be ! Therefore we can think the ecological aesthetics from living things. People love living things whatever it like. Flowers, grasses, animals even desks and chairs, after writers? writing, things live as human being. And just because all things are alive, we are so enjoyed to see their writing. We can see the beautiful of the nature and the life and respect them.

2.2Chinese cultures are important for ourselves.

Chinese cultures are important for ourselves. It can be us teacher. It teaches us how to be a person, how should we do and what kind of morality we should be. As we all know about Confucius, a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism. Much of Confucian thought on Heaven and people represents universal human values. He told us”ren and li.” They are the two core concepts of Confucius? doctrine about people. Ren is love people. This kind of love should “begin with the love for one?s parents”. Confucius regarded “filial piety and fraternal duty” as the essence of ren. Then people should learn how to love others. Confucius said,”One should be aware that other people may have similar desires as oneself. While fulfilling others to fulfill their desires as well.” He further said,”Don?t toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.” These thoughts we still need today. Some of us even don?t know what ren is. How serious! And Li refers to ritual, traditions and norms in social life. The Analects says, ”The role of li is to maintain harmony among people.” It is also important in our society. W e should be li to others. I think is a kind of way to express our respect. China is always called ?the country of li”. We are supposed to learn it.

Laozi, a recluse who lived during the Spring and Autumn Period, even Confucius was said to have traveled miles to consult him. Laozi admonished people to give up on any desire to control the world. Following the way of nature is the way to resolving conflicts between humans and the world. And the “Non-action” is another important concept of Laozi philosophy.”Acts through non-action”is not mean that one

should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved.Human enterprises should be built on the basis of naturalness, not on any attempts to interrupt the rhythm of nature. Human creativity should be in compliance with the way of nature.His thought included, “The greatest virtue is like water”. “Nothing in the world is weaker than water.Yet nothing is stronger than water when it comes to breaking something strong.”It told us we should do water, invincible because it desires nothing and contends for nothings. Learning these thoughts can develop our minds.

And An Introduction to Chinese Culture introduces some other interesting tings. It helps us know about calligraphy, Buddha, Peking Opera, cloisonne, Shadow play, Papercuts, New year pictures, embroidery, and a famous painting named A Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival. They are interesting and precious because Chinese is unique. Even some Chinese young people don?t know about them. Learning more about Chinese cultures, you will find it develops your both spirit and knowledge.

2.3We will be lost our cultures if we don’t learn it.

I was born in 1995. And all of my friends were born around 1995. We are the young people. But some of us don?t know some basic Chinese cultures. Others countries? cultures instead of our own cultures. We still not good at Chinese cultures, how about the younger than us. According to the survey, there are thousands of cultures in our country and nearly every day one of them will disappear in the world. It a big dangerous for ourselves. All of the world know China is one of the most a7ncient countries. We couldn?t image if we lost our cultures at all one day. It must a big joke. A big ancient country live without own cultures. How funny it is. Chinese cultures are different and just only. Once it disappear, there will be a big lost not only in China but also the whole world. We are Chinese, we have duty to protect our cultures. So it?s necessary for us to learn it.


An Introduction to Chinese Culture knocked students how poor knowledge we have. For China, we should learn from cultures to build a better country. For ourselves, learning Chinese cultures help us improve our mind. We have duty to know about our cultures. Or we don?t protect them. They will leave us. It?s necessary for us to learn

this course.
