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相信每个人都希望自己是最聪明的人,最起码也是个非常聪明的人。 很多人也都希望能够在众人面前展示出自己的聪明才智,并得到大家的认可。可是事实上,真正聪明的人也许不会那么急于表现自己;

阿里巴巴的总裁马云先生说过:“聪明是智慧者的天敌,傻瓜用嘴讲话,聪明的人用脑袋讲话,智慧的人用心讲话。所以永远记住,不要把自己当成最聪明的,最聪明的人相信总有别人比自己更聪明。可能一个人说你不服气,两个人说你不服气,很多人在说的时候,你要反省,一定是自己出了一些问题。” 反倒是自作聪明的人往往都愿意哗众取宠,标榜自己在社会上的重要性。 对于发生在周围的一些问题,他们总是愿意插一手,貌似行家一般,可是实际上往往是根本不能帮助别人处理问题,有时候反而使问题更加复杂。

自作聪明的人总是不能正确地、充分地认识自己,也不能明确地了解自己的能力,面对问题的时候根本不能像真正聪明的人那样冷静判断,量力而行。 他们总是想向别人强调自己的聪明,而且总是想利用一切可能的机会来表现自己。




他感觉自己最初的问题都回答得很不错,只是当领导看到他的简历上写着英语过了六级后,要求他用英语自我介绍。虽然当时的职位没有要求英文水平,而且他当时也丝毫没有准备,但他还是很冷静地完成了这项测试,老板对此还算满意。只是在后来翻译一封书信的时候,因为内容比较专业,所以他翻译得很不好。 讲述完毕后,万晨强调说,那次失败的面试让他吸取了教训,使他感觉语言还是要学以致用。所以从那以后,他天天练习,已经有了一定的提高。 万晨本来是想通过这个失败的例子证明自己是个很爱学习、很有上进心的人,同时说明他的英语也不是非常不好。但是他万万没有想到的是,面试领导竟然突然以英语问答方式让他再次做自我介绍,结果非常糟糕。这不仅没有达到他
























故事一开始,讲述者吉尔斯就向我们展示了他自己寻常的优势,“我这个人头脑冷静,逻辑思维能力强。敏锐、慎重、聪慧、深刻、机智——这些就是我的特点。我的大脑像发电机一样发达,像药剂师的天平一样精确,像手术刀一样锋利。——你知道吗? 我才十八岁呀。”







故事的女主人公是个活泼开朗的女孩,但多少带有一点野气。从她的言行举止不难看出这些特点。吉尔斯之所以看上了波利,正因为她很漂亮,“她温文尔雅——她婷婷玉立,落落大方,泰然自若,一眼就看得出她很有教养”, 然而,唯一美中不足的是她算不上聪明,而且正朝着愚笨的方向发展。幸亏她要落入吉尔斯之手,他会发挥他的聪明才智,尽显身手,让她弥补不足。所庆幸的是,“使一个漂亮的笨姑娘变得聪明比使一个聪明的丑姑娘



当吉尔斯同皮蒂做成互利交易以后,便急不可待地同波利进行了第一次约会。他发现波利确实美丽漂亮、优雅大方,同时发现了她的美中不足。她的言谈举止,简直直爽。这种带粗鲁的语气里无不透露着几分野气:“I took her first to dinner. ?Gee,that was a delish dinner,? she said as we left the restaurant. Then I took her first to a movie. ?Gee,that was a marvy movie,? she said as we left the theater. And then I took her home. ?Gee, I had a sensaysh time, ? she said as she bade me good night.”(Max Shulman: 1951)满口的俚语,活生生地展现了这个女孩的天真单纯,豪爽【7】【5】洒脱,但又夹杂着一些不可名状的无知愚笨。通过第一次交往,吉尔斯领教了波利的性情,也醒悟到他的任务的艰巨性。这姑娘的知识少得可怜,多少让人吃惊。只是给她补充增加知识还不够,首先得教会她思考。这可不是一件容易的事。这时吉尔斯真想把她还给皮蒂算了。但一想到她那充满魅力的身材,就还是决定再做一番努力。









【1】 张鑫友等. 高级英语学习指南2【M】. 武汉:湖北人民出版社,2000.

【2】 【3】【4】【5】【6】【7】

【8】 梅仁毅.现代大学英语5【M】.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.

【9】 张汉熙.高级英语2【M】. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000

【10】 楮孝泉. 外国语言文学论丛【M】. 上海:复旦大学出版社,2002.



Later this month, we’ll spray the orchard, paint the barn, plant the garden and clean the hen house before the new chicks arrive.


I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, but now we don’t need as much either.


During the growing season there is no time for socializing anyway.


Language Exercises

Translation I

We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.

My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over my upbringing at that point.

The toys have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.

Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.

When it comes to this magazine, it is a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.

Translation II

A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about.

She quit an executive position and set up a household device store in her neighborhood.

People like Nancy made the decision primarily for the improvement in the quality of their lives. But, to run a business on a small scale is by no means an easy job.

Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses.

Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed.

Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time. She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.


Carter’s devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor. Many slaves traveled under cover of night, their faces sometimes caked with white powder. I threw myself on the ground, rolled in the sand and danced around, till, in the eyes of several who were present, I passed for a madman.

Language Exercises

Translation I

Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.

Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.

According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.

Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.

Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.

Translation II

Shortly after he achieved freedom Henson became intent on assisting fugitive slaves.

He secretly returned to the United States from Canada several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.

Once some slave catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run.

He disguised them and successfully avoided capture.

Later he built a small settlement in Dresden, Canada for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school.

He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.


Suburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable than well-patrolled urban streets.


Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open.


Even a decade ago, most private businesses had a policy of free access. It simply didn’t occur to managers that the proper thing to do was to distrust people.


With electronic X-ray equipment, we seem finally to have figured out a way to hold the terrorists, real and imagined, at bay.


We have become so smart about self-protection that, in the end, we have all outsmarted ourselves.


Language Exercises

Translation I

The Internet is changing the way people live, no matter whether they are in urban or rural areas. Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones.

With regard to our term papers, the professor asked us to analyze the chart of unemployment first, and then provide critical reflections on the nation’s economic development.

It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin. Looking back on my twenty years’ teaching in high school, I attributed my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge.

Translation II

It is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out.

All you can do is discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols. Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity.

A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night.

Make sure that you don’t leave the door on the latch if you happen to be the last to come in. If you decide to buy a sophisticated electronic alarm system, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors.

In addition, you may have it hooked up to a police station.


Quite the same as for folk ashore, this Thanksgiving morning had seen us busily preparing a traditional dinner featuring roast turkey. (Paragraph 2)

跟岸上的人一样,那个感恩节上午,我们忙着在准备一道以烤火鸡为主的传统菜肴。 Yet my mind seemed to be in quest of something else - some way that I could personally apply to the close of Thanksgiving. (Paragraph 6)

可我脑子里似乎还在搜索着别的什么 —— 某种我能够赋予整个节日以个人意义的方式。 It must have taken me a half hour to sense that maybe some key to an answer could result from reversing the word “Thanksgiving” – at least that suggested a verbal direction, “Giving thanks.” (Paragraph 6)

大概过了半个小时左右我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把“感谢表达”这个词前后颠倒一下 —— 那样一来至少字面意义好懂了:“表达感谢”。

The embarrassing truth was I’d always just accepted what they’d done, taken all of it for granted. (Paragraph 9)


Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere “Thank you.” (Paragraph 9)


So many times I have felt a sadness when exposed to modern children so immersed in the

electronic media that they have little or no awareness of the marvelous world to be discovered in books. (Paragraph 13)


I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers. (Paragraph 14)

我告诉他,我后来所做的任何有意义的事,都至少部分地是受了他那些学校晨祷的影响。 Finally I thanked her simply for having sprinkled my life with stardust. (Paragraph 15)


My reading of their letters left me not only astonished but more humbled than before. (Paragraph 19)


Always the college professor, my dad had carefully avoided anything he considered too

sentimental, so I knew how moved he was to write me that, after having helped educate many young people, he now felt that his best results included his own son. (Paragraph 21)


The Reverend Nelson wrote that his decades as a “simple, old-fashioned principal” had ended with schools undergoing such swift changes that he had retired in self-doubt. (Paragraph 22)

篇四:unit 3大学综合英语3翻译

1. In the house where I grew up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night. I don't know if that was a local term or if it is universal; "on the latch" meant the door was closed but not locked. None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.


R T 2. Those days are over. In rural areas as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked, even for part of an evening.


R T 3. Suburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable than well-patroled urban streets. Statistics show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities. At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.


R T 4. It has been replaced by dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and trip wires hooked up to a police station or private guard firm. Many suburban families have sliding glass doors on their patios, with steel bars elegantly built in so no one can pry the doors open. 取而代之的是防盗锁、防护链、电子报警系统,以及连接警署或私人保安公司的报警装置。郊区的许多人家在露台上安装了玻璃滑门,内侧有装得很讲究的钢条,这样就没人能把门撬开。

R T 5. It is not uncommon, in the most pleasant of homes, to see pasted on the windows small notices announcing that the premises are under surveillance by this security force or that guard company.


R T 6. The lock is the new symbol of America. Indeed, a recent public-service advertisement by a large insurance company featured not charts showing how much at risk we are, but a picture of a child's bicycle with the now-usual padlock attached to it.


R T 7. The ad pointed out that, yes, it is the insurance companies that pay for stolen goods, but who is going to pay for what the new atmosphere of distrust and fear is doing to our way of life? Who is going to make the psychic payment for the transformation of America from the Land of the Free to the Land of the Lock?



R T 8. For that is what has happened. We have become so used to defending ourselves against the new atmosphere of American life, so used to putting up barriers, that we have not had time to think about what it may mean.


R T 9. For some reason we are satisfied when we think we are well-protected; it does not occur to us to ask ourselves: Why has this happened? Why are we having to barricade ourselves against our neighbors and fellow citizens, and when, exactly, did this start to take over our lives?


R T 10. And it has taken over. If you work for a medium- to large-size company, chances are that you don't just wander in and out of work. You probably carry some kind of access card, electronic or otherwise, that allows you in and out of your place of work. Maybe the security guard at the front desk knows your face and will wave you in most days, but the fact remains that the business you work for feels threatened enough to keep outsiders away via these "keys."


R T 11. It wasn't always like this. Even a decade ago, most private businesses had a policy of free access. It simply didn't occur to managers that the proper thing to do was to distrust people. 这种现象并非向来有之。即使在十年前,大多数私营公司仍采取自由出入的做法。那时管理人员根本没想到过恰当的手段是不信任他人。

R T 12. Look at the airports. Parents used to take children out to departure gates to watch planes land and take off. That's all gone. Airports are no longer a place of education and fun; they are the most sophisticated of security sites.


R T 13. With electronic X-ray equipment, we seem finally to have figured out a way to hold the terrorists, real and imagined, at bay; it was such a relief to solve this problem that we did not think much about what such a state of affairs says about the quality of our lives. We now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance; the machines, and what they stand for, have won.



R T 14. Our neighborhoods are bathed in high-intensity light; we do not want to afford ourselves even so much a luxury as a shadow.


R T 15. Businessmen, in increasing numbers, are purchasing new machines that hook up to the telephone and analyze a caller's voice. The machines are supposed to tell the businessman, with a small margin of error, whether his friend or client is telling lies.


R T 16. All this is being done in the name of "security"; that is what we tell ourselves. We are fearful, and so we devise ways to lock the fear out, and that, we decide, is what security means. 所有这一切都是以“安全”的名义实施的;我们是这么跟自己说的。我们害怕,于是我们设法把害怕锁在外面,我们认定,那就是安全的意义。

R T 17. But no; with all this "security," we are perhaps the most insecure nation in the history of civilized man. What better word to describe the way in which we have been forced to live? What sadder reflection on all that we have become in this new and puzzling time?


R T 18. We trust no one. Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their station wagon key chains. We have become so smart about self-protection that, in the end, we have all outsmarted ourselves. We may have locked the evils out, but in so doing we have locked ourselves in.


R T 19. That may be the legacy we remember best when we look back on this age: In dealing with the unseen horrors among us, we became prisoners of ourselves. All of us prisoners, in this time of our troubles.


篇五:全新版大学英语第二版 Unit 3 Language Points

Unit 3 Language Points:

Text A

1. on the latch: e.g. Let yourself in; the door is on the latch.

Don’t forget to leave the front door on the latch if you go to bed before I come back.

2. universal: e.g. Food is a subject of almost ~ interest.

The Law of Gravity is a ~ truth.

3. close up: e.g. I wanted so much to close up my store and go traveling.

On New Year’s Eve all the stores were closed up in my hometown.

4. rural: e.g. In ~ areas the distance between buildings makes infrastructure development costly.

Crime is a concern in both ~ and urban areas.

5. suburb: e.g. Tom used to live in a ~ of Chicago.

suburban: (a.) Rich people nowadays like to live in the houses built in ~ areas.

6. urban: e.g. The problem of air pollution is especially serious in ~ areas.

Motor vehicle emissions, to a large extent, are responsible for ~ air pollution.

7. vulnerable (to): e.g. She looked so young and ~.

Tourists are more ~ to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.

8. statistics: e.g. Have you seen the latest ~ for injuries at work?

Statistics show/suggest that women live longer than men.

9. era: a long period of time in history that is different from other periods

e.g. We are living in the computer ~ . His death marked the end of an ~ .

In the Victorian ~ such behavior was socially unacceptable.

cf. epoch: a long period of history, especially one in which important events take place

e.g. the beginning of a new ~ in the history of mankind

times: a particular period in history e.g. Indians since ancient ~ have ground their corn by hand. My dad doesn’t seem to understand that ~ have changed since he was a kid.

10. electronic: e.g. ~ banking, ~ music

Use of the Internet is replacing other forms of ~ communication.

11. system: e.g. a central-heating ~, the public transport ~

12. hook up to: e.g. The alarm systems in the banks are hooked up to the local police station.

13. build in/into: e.g. The cupboards in the kitchen are all built in.

We are having shelves built into the wall over the bed.

14. paste: e.g. The protesters had ~d slogans all over the walls.

The young man ~d several pictures of his favorite singer on the wall.

15. feature: e.g. The exhibition ~s paintings by contemporary artists.

They had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner featuring roast turkey.

16. chart: e.g. The nurse gave the doctor a ~ showing the patient’s temperature and blood pressure. Students are required to write an essay according to the ~ showing changes in people’s diet.

17. atmosphere: e.g. a hotel with a relaxed, friendly ~

We’re trying to create an ~ of trust between management and staff.

18. put up: e.g. He put up a new fence around his house.

Most of the old buildings around here were pulled down so that blocks of apartments could be put up.

19. barrier: e.g. The driver slowed down as he approached the police ~ .

The program serves as a ~ that stops children viewing unhealthy programs on the Internet.

20. medium: e.g. a girl of ~ height

What size shirt does he wear – small, ~ , or large?

21. wander (about/around/through etc.): e.g. Tom was seemingly ~ing about aimlessly.

We ~ed through the old part of the town, totally lost.

22. threaten: e.g. ~ to do sth., ~ sb. with sth.

Robert was ~ed with jail if he published the story.

They ~ed to kill him unless he did as he was told to.

23. sophisticated: e.g. Everyone at the party was ~ and well-educated.

Eye operations often involve the use of highly ~ equipment, such as lasers.

24. with not/without so much as: e.g. They left without so much as saying goodbye.

Without so much as a word of thanks, Ben turned and went back into the office.

25. sideways: e.g. Alfred shot him a ~ glance.

If you would move a little ~ to the left, I can get everyone in the picture.

26. stand for: e.g. He hates us and everything we stand for.

“GMT” stands for Greenwich Mean Time.

27. be bathed in: e.g. The fields and woods were bathed in a golden light at sunrise.

He was interviewed in a room bathed in soft red light.

She bathed her feet in warm water to relieve the pain.

28. analyze: e.g. We will ~ results of the poll and report on our finding tomorrow.

Television stations and networks ~ their audiences for the guidance of advertisers.

29. with/by a small/large margin: e.g. Governor Bush won the election, but only by a small margin.

With the improvement of living conditions, demand for air-conditioners has increased by a large margin.

30. error: e.g. I was guilty of making an ~ of judgment.

The plane was shot down in ~ by a NATO missile.

31. civilize: e.g. The Romans set out to ~ the Ancient Britons.

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center had shocked the whole ~d world.

32. reflection (on): 1) a thing bringing discredit or criticism

e.g. The fact that we all failed the test was a ~ on the teacher’s ability.

When children are criticized by their teachers, mothers often see it as a ~ on themselves.

2) thought; idea arising from thinking

After thirty years as a teacher, his ~s on life were worth listening to.

After much ~, I’ve come to a decision.

3) a thing reflecting the nature of sb./sth.

His unhappiness is a ~ of his loveless marriage.

33. look back on: e.g. When I look back on those days I realize I was desperately unhappy.

When you look back on your life, what moments do you cherish the most?

Text B

1. aim at: point (a gun, etc.) towards; have … as a target or intention

e.g. He picked up his shotgun, aimed at the target, then fired.

The textile mills (纺织厂) in our city are aiming at a higher production level.

2. take the plunge

e.g. We took the plunge and set up our own business.

Last night I finally took the plunge and had my hair dyed red. My husband felt like he’d got a new wife!

3. belief: feeling of certainty that sth. exists or is true

e.g. a strong belief in God

It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.

4. trap v. e.g. Twenty miners were trapped underground.

She felt trapped in a loveless marriage.

n. a device or hole for catching animals or people and preventing their escape

e.g. The fox got its foot caught in a trap.

5. pull in: move to the side of the road and stop; (train) arrive at a station

e.g. She pulled in to let the ambulance pass.

Just as the train was pulling in, there was a shout and someone fell onto the track.

6. aggressive e.g. Man tend to be more aggressive than women.

Although aggressive behavior is normal for dogs, it is generally unacceptable to human.

7. in sb.’s favor: to the advantage of sb.

e.g. The conditions are in our favor.

The vote was 51-49 in her favor.

8. depart e.g. Joe departed this life last night.

The train for Edinburgh departs at 7.00 a.m.

9. confirm e.g. I’ll call the hotel and confirm our reservations.

The local government confirmed on Wednesday a bird flu outbreak at two chicken farms.

10. break in/into: enter by force

e.g. Her house was broken into last week.

My car’s been broken into twice this month.

11. in/under the /no circumstances: in this kind of situation; not (do sth) in any situation

e.g. At no time and in no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.

When asked how they are doing, it’s not unusual for people to reply, “Pretty good, under

the circumstances.”

12. advocate e.g. They advocate tougher trade policies.

She advocates taking a more long-term view on the issue.

13. insure e.g. The house is insured for two million pounds.

Please insure that the lights are switched off before leaving the building.

14. count on: (used in the pattern: count on sb. /sth. /doing sth.)

e.g. You can always count on Kent to be punctual.

Carol was counting upon getting a raise in spring.

15. recommend: (usu. Used in the patterns: recommend that; recommend doing sth.; recommend sb. to do sth.; recommend sth. to sb.)

e.g. The doctor strongly recommended (that) he take more exercise.

I recommend writing your feelings down on paper.

I’d recommend you to take the train.

I recommended this book to anyone with and interest in chemistry.

16. draw the line at sth./doing sth.

e.g. I swear quite a lot but even I draw the lint at saying certain words.

She drew the line at miniskirts: “only people with bad taste wear them.”

17. on the line: at risk

e.g. The ocean ecosystem is on the line whenever and wherever an oil spill takes place.

Almost 3000 jobs have been lost recently, and a further 3000 are on the line.

18. wrap e.g. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

19. squeeze e.g. Alice squeezed the wet sponge.

Squeeze some lemon juice onto the salad.

20 but then (again): but when you think about the matter more

e.g. You feel really sorry for him. But then again, it’s hard to like him.

I agree she types accurately, but then again, she’s very slow.
