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篇一:新外研版八年级下册Module 9 综合提升含答案

Module 9 Friendship综合提升

Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. His grandparents live ______ in a small house, but they don’t feel ______ .

A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely

C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone

2. Linda’s father hates waiting in long lines. I think he’s just not very ______ .

A. patient B. talented

C. popular D. powerful

3. He ______an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.

A. protected B. produced

C. joined D. received

4. —Hello, is that Betty speaking?

—Yes. .

A. This is Betty B. I’m Betty

C. You are Betty D. That’s Betty

5. —How long does it take to get to the airport?

—Forty minutes. But it’s foggy today. I’m not sure the highway will closes soon. Let’s set off earlier.

A. whether B. when

C. how D. why 6. What a nice paper fish! Can you show us ________ you make it?

A. whether B. how

C. why D. what 7. Bob, can you tell us_________ by saying that?

A. what do you mean B. what you meant

C. you mean what D. what did you mean 8. Our English teacher encourages us ______ part in all kinds of after-class activities.

A. to take B. take

C. taking D. to taking

9. The little girl could look after ________ though she was only five years old.

A. she B. her

C. hers D. herself

10. —Can you tell me how to use the digital camera?

—_______. Let me have a look.

A. No way B. No problem

C. Forget it D. Not at all Ⅱ. 完形填空

Making friends needs skills. Before you make friends, you have to decide whom you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the kind of things as they do.

The quickest way to make friends is to . When you smile, people think you are to them and easy to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will from an angry-looking face.

To learn to talk with others is a good way to make friends. One easy way to start a

with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to talking to that person?

Ask your new friends some about themselves. Who’s their singer? you have something to add for them. There’s nothing that will stop a talk more quickly than a shrug (耸肩) for an answer.

1. A. serious B. strange

C. different D. same

2. A. cry B. smile

C. agree D. believe

3. A. worried B. friendly

C. thankful D. special

4. A. stay away B. get out

C. take away D. set off

5. A. talk B. job

C. travel D. meet

6. A. practise B. keep

C. stop D. like

7. A. ideas B. meanings

C. questions D. ways

8. A. interesting B. excellent

C. famous D. favourite

9. A. Laugh at B. Make sure

C. Think over D. Write down

10. A. exercise B. result

C. answer D. opinion Ⅲ. 阅读理解

I have a funny friend called Michael. He is about 1. 78 meters tall. He has poor eyesight (视

力) because of too much computer work at night. He wears a pair of small, round glasses and they make him look smart.

Michael likes to tell funny jokes and they always make us laugh. He is humorous. So when I feel bored or unhappy, I always go to him.

He likes to wear a red T-shirt and jeans. He has short curly brown hair. Michael’s legs are

very long. When he puts them under the desk, they don’t fit well. When he passes the desk, he often knocks over our school things. He’s so funny!

He is friendly to everyone and likes helping others. He always helps me with my English.

With his help, I do well in English. I'm more interested in English.

1. What is Michael like?

A. Funny. B. Friendly.

C. Short. D. A and B.

2.______make Michael look smart.

A. His stories B. His glasses C. His legs D. His jokes

3. Michael’s legs don’t fit under his desk because______.

A. they’re very short B. his desk is too big

C. they’re very long D. his classroom is too small

4. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Michael is one of the writer’s friends.

B. Michael likes telling jokes.

C. Michael is humorous.

D. Michael doesn’t play with his computer.

5. What happens when he passes the desk?

A. He makes us laugh. B. He feels sad.

C. He helps me with my English.

D. He knocks over the school things. Ⅳ. 任务型阅读

“(A) 你是我最好的朋友。” It’s the nicest thing you can say to someone. It’s also the nicest thing you can hear from someone.

Good friendship may begin in middle school. Your parents aren’t around, so you (B) _______ (spend) lots of time every day with your classmates. You talk with them, you study with them and then you make friends with them. But not all of them will become your good (C) _______ (friend).

The best friend likes you and understands you most. It’s easy for you to work with him or her and have fun.

Sometimes it’s not easy to find the best friend. And sometimes you may feel a little lonely. (D)



1. _________________________________


2. (B) ________ (C) _______

任务三:判断句子正(T)误(F)。 3. It’s not easy for us to work with the best friend and have fun. ( )

4. Sometimes we may feel a little lonely if we don’t find the best friend. ( )


5. ________________________________

Ⅴ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空

1. The twins got _______ (separate) two years ago.

2. We should think about Jane’s _______ (suggest) about our school sports meeting.

3. The eight-year-old girl can look after ______ (she) well.

4. Sorry, I regret _______ (hurt) you, Mike.

5. Rose is afraid _______ (speak) Chinese in front of strangers.

Ⅵ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词

1. My parents and grandparents keep _______(鼓励)me to study hard.

2. He invited her to his birthday party but she _______(拒绝).

3. Jack always stays at home alone, but he doesn’t feel ________ (孤独的).

4. Why is the boy so in ______ (寂静)? What happened to him?

5. I won’t be angry. I am a _______ (有耐心的) person.

Ⅶ. 补全对话(其中有两个多余选项)

A: 1. _________

B: I’m writing an email to Peter, my best friend in primary school.

A: 2. _________

B: Yes, but he’s moved to another city because his father found a new job there.

3. _________ But we often send emails, call each other and chat on the Internet.

A: That’s great. 4. _________

B: Of course. I have lots of friends here, such as Robert, Michael and Kate.

A: And me!

Ⅷ. 书面表达

假如你的学校将要举行一次以“My good friend”为题的征文大赛。李明是你的好朋友,请你从他的姓名、年龄、外貌、学校、性格、爱好及梦想等方面进行描述。

_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

Module 9 Friendship主题阅读




True friend

Everyone wants a true friend, and many of us believe that we have a true friend. What is a true friend?

A true friend will be with you whenever you need him or her. When you’re sad, a true friend will cheer you up and won’t run away even if the whole world is against you. A true friend will try his or her best to help you without expecting anything in return.

If you have a true friend, you are lucky. If you can also become a true friend of someone, you will be blessed, because it is much easier for all of us to expect but very difficult to give. 阅读短文,完成下列各题。

1. _________ wants a true friend.

2. A true friend will ________ you _________ when you feel sad.

3. It is _________ to have a true friend.


1. This is not your radio, by ___.

yours brother your brother's you brother's yours brother's

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: your brother's

2. Two ___ three is five.

plus minus mutiply devide

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: plus

3. The policeman told the boys ___ football in this park.

not playing not play not to play to not play

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: not to play

4. What a ___ watch it is!

most beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful beautiful

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: beautiful

5. ___ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

losing having lost To lose Lost

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: Lost

6. There was ___ in the meeting room.

no one another anyone the one

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: anyone

7. The kind old man wsa always ready ___ people I trouble.


helping to help help

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: to help

8. Why not do it ___ ? Let me give you a helping hand this time.

second time a second time two time the second time

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: a second time

9. Because of the strike, British Rail has been forced to ________ all trains to London.

cancel abandon postpone recall

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: cancel

10. When I ___school this morning, it ___, so I used my raincoat.

left, was raining

was leaving, was raining had left, was raining left, rained

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: left, was raining

11. He is ___than ___.

busier, us busier, we more busy,we more busy, us

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: busier, we

12. Please join us. We can easily make ___ for one more at this table.

seat place room space

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: room

13. ___ Browns are very friendly. They usually have a party on ___ Saturday evening.

The, / /, /

The, a /, a

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: The, /

14. Only on Saturdays ___ play basketball.

he does can he he can does he

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: can he

15. To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines, but sometimes ___ the lines.

within beyond beside among

本题分值: 4.0 用户未作答

标准答案: beyond

16. A library with five thousand books ___ to the nation as a gift.

has offered are offered



湖北通城二中 程尚爱


1.At the foot of the mountain ____ .

A. a village lie B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village

2.Not only ___ interested in football but ___ beginning to show an interest in it .

A. the teacher himself is ; all his students are

B. the teacher himself is ; are all his students

C. is the teacher himself ; are all his students

D. is the teacher himself; all his students are

3.___ back home after the experiment .

A. Not until midnight did he go B. It was midnight that he didn’t go

C. Not until midnight that he went D. It was midnight when he went

4.They went into a small house ,but ___ .

A .no persons did they find B.not a person found they

C .not a person did they found D.not a person they found

5.--So hard ___ in the past few months that he had made great progress in English . -- I can see that .Only a few mistakes ___ in the exam .

A. has he worked ; did he make B. he has worked ; he makes

C. he has worked ;he made D. has he worked ;he has made

6.Only ___ . He finally forgave me.

A.when did I realize my mistake I apologized to him

B. when did I realize my mistake did I apologized to him

C.when I realized my mistake did I apologized to him

D. when I realized my mistake I apologized to him

7. – David has made great progress recently .

-- ___ and ___ .

A.So he has ; so you have B. So he has; so have you

C.So has he ;so have you D. So has he ; so you have

8.___ ,he talks a lot about his favourite singer after class .

A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may be

C. Be quiet student as he may D. Quiet as he may be a student


1 . 一些学生错选答案C 。原因是他们没弄清哪些结构用完全倒装语序。为了强调表语或状语,应用完全倒装语序。正确答案为 B 。

2 . 3小题,学生把握不大。原因是在主从复合句或并列句中,分不清该哪部分

倒装。正确答案为: 2 D 3 A

4.一些学生错选答案 A. no不是否定意义的副词或连词,正确答案为 C

5.一些学生错选答案 A .句中only不是修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,不用倒装语序。正确答案为 D . 6. C 7 B 8 B




1. There be/exist / stand / lie/ live / appear/ seem / come /come…

2. Here( There , now , then ) + 不及物动词 + 主语

或out /in / up / down /away+ 不及物动词 + 主语


Away went the boy . / Away he went .

3. 状语(副词或介词短语)+ 谓语 +主语


4.表语 + 系动词 + 主语



1.含有否定意义的副词或连词,如hardly, never, seldom, scarecely, not, not only, little,at no time, in no way, by no means, on no account, 等置于句首.

1 ) Not until + 副词、名词或状语从句( 正常语序)+ 主句 ( 部分倒装语序 )

2)Hardly + had + 主语 + done + when + 正常语序

3)No sooner + had +主语 + done + than + 正常语序

4) Not only + 部分倒装语序 + but (also) + 正常语序

说明:尤其要注意 not until 的一般结构,倒装结构和强调结构三种形式的转化,


例如第3 题,

(一般结构)He didn’t go back home after experiment until midnight .

(强调结构)It was not until midnight that he went back after experiment .

2.Only + 副词、介词短语或状语从句(正常语序)+ 主句(部分倒装语序)

3.So + 形容词或副词 + 部分倒装语序 + that + 正常语序

4. Such + 名词 + 部分倒装语序 + that + 正常语序

5.区分 so + be ( have ,助动词或情态动词) + 主语

与 so +主语 + be ( have ,助动词或情态动词)

1) He likes volleyball very much .So do I .(我也一样)

2) He likes volleyball very much .So he does .(他的确如此)


As或 though 引导的让步状语从句,从句中的表语,状语或动词原形置于句首。


1) as I admire David as a poet ,Idon’t like him as a man .

2) as he might ,he couldn’t open the door.



1. Only in this way________to make improvement in the operating system.A.you can hope B.you did hope C.can you hope D.did you hope

2.Only________the answer.

A.he knows B.does he know C.he does knows D.did he know

3.—You forgot your purse when you went out.

—Good heavens,________.

A.so did I B.so I did C.I did so D.I so did

4.She’s passed the test,________.

A.so am I B.so have I C.so I have D.also I have

5.—I seldom watch TV,but listen to the radio a lot.


A.So do I B.Neither do I C.I am the same D.So it is with me

6. ________ be sent to work there?

A.Who do you suggest B.Who do you suggest that should

C.Do you suggest who should D.Do you suggest whom should

7.Not until all the fish died in the river________how serious the pollution was.

A.the villagers did realize B.the villagers realize

C.did the villagers realize D.didn’t the villagers realize

8.________ seen him before.________ tell you his name?

A.Never have I;How I can B.I have never;How I can

C.Never have I;How can I D.Never I have;How can I

9.Not only________polluted but________crowded.

A.was the city;were the streets B.was the city;the streets were

C.the city was;were the streets D.the city was;the streets were

10.________ entered the room________the bell rang.

A.We hardly had;when B.Hardly had we;when

C.Hardly had we;than D.Hardly did we;when

11.The stranger isn’t like a worker,nor________a salesman.

A.he is like B.he looks like C.is he like D.does he like

12.Rarely________such a silly thing.

A.have I heard of B.I have heard of C.I have been hearing of D.have I heard from

13.Which of the following is right?

A.Nowhere else you can find such a beautiful place.

B.Nowhere else can you find such a beautiful place.

C.Nowhere else can you be able to find such a beautiful place.

D.Nowhere else find you such a beautiful place.

14.—Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

—I don’t know,________.

A.nor don’t I care B.I don’t care neither C.nor do I care D.I don’t care also

15.________ he realized it was too late to return home.

A.No sooner it grew dark than B.It was not until dark that

C.Hardly it grew dark when D.Scarcely it grew dark than16.By no means________you.

A.shall I understand B.shall I understood

C.I shall understood D.I shall understand

17.Not only________the children but also the grown-ups________interest in the cartoon.

A.does;takes B.did;took C./ ;takes D./ ;take


A.come Mike’s mother and he B.Mike and his mum comes

C.come Mike and his mum D.does Mike and his mum come

19.Out________from among the buses.

A.did it rush B.rushed a bear C.a bear rushed D.rushed it

20.Up into the sky ________.

A.does the light smoke go B.did the light smoke go

C.go the light smoke D.went the light smoke

21.On the front page________in big characters.

A.his name is B.is his name C.did his name written D.be the name

22.Nearby________in which they often have lunch.

A.is a restaurant B.a restaurant is C.has a restaurant D.have a restaurant

23.At last we found a house,in front of which ________.

A.a tall tree was there B.was a tall tree there

C.a tall tree stood there D.stood a tall tree

24.________ excited was he________he can hardly express himself.

A.Hardly;when B.Such;that C.So;that D.No sooner;that

25.Gone forever________the Chinese were looked down upon as weak people.

A.the days are when B.are the days when C.are the days that D.were the days when

26.May you________in good health!

A.are B.be C.were D.would be

27.What________doing when you ________?

A.they were;arrived there B.were they;did arrive there

C.they were;reached there D.were they;got there

28.________,he always helps me with my English.

A.However busy is he B.However he is busy

C.However is he busy D.However busy he is

29.________,he is looked down upon.

A.Talented though the artist is B.As the artist is talented

C.Talented although the artist is D.Are talented as the artist

30.________ fired ,your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off .

A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be






1.—How often do you eat out? —but usually once a week.

A. Have no idea B. It dependsC. As usual D. Generally speaking

2.In my opinion,

A.gifted;gift B.gift;giftC.gifting;a gift D.gifted;a gift

3.Tom kept quiet about the accident

A.so not as to B.so as not toC.so as to not D.not so as to

4. Tough ______ _money, his parents managed to send him to a key university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

5. It is required that the plan______ __out firmly.

A. be carried out B. must be carried C. will be carried D. carries

6. To keep healthy, Professor Johnson ______ cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.

A. made up

A.Given B. put up C. took up D. carried out 7.________another hour,my brother said he could also work out the difficult math problem. B.To give C.To be given D.Giving

8.Sam managed to keep in________contact with his family while he was working in New Zealand.

A.pleasant B.confident C.constant D.different

9.The husband couldn’t ________ the wife’s complaints,and so he decided to divorce with her.

A.foresee B.pretend C.digest D.tolerate

10.The young boy,who was late for school this morning again,managed to________the classroom without anyone noticing.

A.burst into B.slide into C.break into D.run into

11.I didn't know why they came to the party without ______.

A. invite B. inviting C. being invited D. to be invited

12.Only in this wayto make improvement in the operating system.

A. you can hope

C. can you hope B. you did hope D. are you hope

13. Please remind me of the meeting again tomorrow________I forget.

A.though B.so that C.in case D.until

14. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was________of cheating customers.

A.accused B.charged C.scolded D.cured

15. What worries me most is that my daughter________most of her spare time ________playing games on the computer.

A.concentrates;on B.concentrates;in

C.focuses;to D.focuses;in

16. Never________Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute.

A.did we think B.have we thought

C.we thought D.we have thought

17. ________ with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.

A.Face B.Faced C.Facing D.To face

18. I’m sorry that what I said just now has hurt you, but I didn’t do it _____.

A. deliberately B. actually C. carelessly D. eagerly

19. All of us burst into laughter _____ we saw Mr. Bean’s funny appearance.

A. on the instant

C. the instant B. for an instant D. in an instant

20._---Did you catch ______ sight of a tall TV tower in the distance just now?

---Yes, and now it’s out of ____sight.

A. / ;the B. / ; / C. the ; the D. a ;/


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。

One night I decided to spend some time building a happier and closer relationship with my daughter. For several weeks she had been me to play chess(棋) with her, so I suggested a game and she eagerly . It was a school night, however, and at nine o’clock my daughter asked if I could my moves, because she to go to bed; she had to get up at six in the morning. I I thought she ought to be able to some of this strictness. I said to her, “an stay up late for once. We’re having .” We played on for another fifteen minutes, during which time she looked . Finally she said, “Please, Daddy, do it quickly.” “No,” I replied. “If you’re going to play it for another ten minutes, until my daughter burst into tears, and that she was beaten.

Clearly I had made I had started the evening wanting to have a time with my daughter but had my desire to win to become more than my relationship with my daughter. When I was a child, my desire to win me well. As a parent, I that it got in my way. So I had to change.

21. A. guiding B. asking C. training D. advising

22. A. allowed B. expected C. replied D. accepted

23. A. change B. repeat C. hurry D. pass

24. A. agreed B. needed C. begged D. hated

25. A. knew B. learned C. guessed D. heard

26. A. so B. for C. but D. or

27. A. put up B. take up C. pick up D. give up

28. A. As usual B. Go ahead C. By the way D. Come on

29. A. patience B. luck C. fun D. success

30. A. excited B. proud C. anxious D. angry

31. A. well B. again C. fairly D. regularly

32. A. discussed B. continued C. counted D. argued

33. A. nervously B. immediately C. strangely D. suddenly

34. A. promised B. admitted C. wondered D. discovered

35. A. a mistake B. a decision C. an attempt D. an effort

36. A. free B. different C. full D. happy

37. A. managed B. recognized C. allowed D. reduced

38. A. important B. attractive C. practical D. interesting

39. A. offered B. served C. controlled D. taught

40. A. realized B. apologized C. imagined D. explained



41.How did the villagers in Techeng Island make a living in the past?

A.By doing business. B.By enjoying the fantastic sights.

C.By fishing. D.By giving thanks to nature.

42.When has the island opened a new page in history?

A.In 2003. B.Since 2003. C.Nobody knows. D.In the past.

43.How long does it take to get there by boat from Zhanjiang Port Pier?

A.8 minutes. B.l5 minutes. C.A long time. D.23 minutes.

44.The hot springs can help you _______.

A.enjoy the sights B.relax yourself

C.eat seafood D.visit the museum

45.Techeng Island is a place that __________.

A.lies in the west of Zhanjiang B.all the villagers live a poor life

C.young people may find boring D.tourists like to visit


A smart diet, a healthy life

No matter how old your kids are, you can take steps to improve a healthy diet and to encourage good eating habits.

Tip One: Family Meals

Family meals are nice for both parents and kids. Children like to guess what they are going to have and parents get the chance to introduce new foods to children. Parents can also use the mealtime as a chance to talk with their kids about their life.

Tip Two: Healthy Snacks(零食)

Kids, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what can get at home. That’s why it’s important to have enough healthy snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt and whole-grain biscuits. Tip Three: Being a Good Example

The best way for you to encourage healthy eating is to eat well yourself. Kids will follow the lead of the adults they see every day. By eating fruits and vegetables and avoiding fast food and Tip Four: No Shouts about Food

Parents might find themselves shouting at children to get them to have healthy foods in front of them. This in fact can make children dislike what they are asked to eat. You need to work a bit on different cooking methods.

Tip Five: Get Kids Included(参与)

Most kids will enjoy making the decision about food. Talk to them about making choices and planning a healthy meal. It can help them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat.

46. What is the author’s attitude(态度) toward snacks?

A. Snacks shouldn’t be eaten. B. Healthy snacks can be accepted.

C. Kids can only have snacks at home.

D. It’s not necessary to have snacks at home.

47. The best way for parents to encourage a healthy diet is ________.

A. to have family meals B. to eat healthy snacks

C. to be a good example D. to get kids included

48. What does the underlined phrase “ the right message” mean?

A. Being a good cook. B. Healthy eating

C. Eating fast food. D. Cooking at home.

49. According to Tip Four, what should parents do if kids refuse to eat healthy food?

A. Explain how healthy it is. B. Try cooking it in a different way

C. Never cook the same food. D. Ask kids to get used to its taste.

50. Why should parents get kids included when they make the decision about food?

A. To let kids eat anything they like.

B. To help kids become a wonderful cook.

C. To help kids make good choices by themselves.

D.To set a good example of eating healthy food.


Once upon a time, there was a spider with the name Anansi. He knew that he was very clever but he also knew he wasn't wise. He didn't like this, but he did not know what to do. One day he

had an idea. He went around the village with a basket and asked each person to give him some of their wisdom. The people laughed at Anansi because they knew that he needed wisdom the most. So each person put a bit in his basket and wished him good luck.

Soon his basket was full, but Anansi was worried that his neighbors might be jealous(嫉妒 ) of his wisdom and take the basket to the front part of his body, he tried to climb the tree, but it was too difficult. He tried again and again with out success.

Then his youngest son walked by. "What are you doing, father?" he asked and Anansi told him." Why don't you carry the basket on your back instead?" his son said.

Anansi put the basket on his back and climbed the tree easily, but he wasn't happy. "I walked all over the village and collected so much wisdom that I am the wisest person ever, but my baby son is still wiser than me. Take back your wisdom!" he said. And he threw the basket of wisdom into the air and went home. And that's how wisdom went all over the world.

51. Anansi went around the village because_______.

A. he knew he was very clever B. he wanted to show his good luck

C. he hoped to meet his son D. he thought he wasn't wise enough

52. Anansi wanted to get his wisdom from_______.

A. his son B. his father C. the villagers D. the neighbors

A. the tree B. the basket C. the luck D. the wisdom

54. The passage above is_______.

A. a report B. a story C. an advertisement D. a diary

55. The best title for the passage would be_______.

A. Anansi's wisdom B. The wisdom of Anansi's son

C. Anansi and his son D. Anansi and the villagers


When I decided to write the story of my early years growing up in poverty,many of my friends and family members were shocked.They were more interested in my story of success,such as how I was able to create the nation’s largest law firm and sell it to a bank,and how one sells a law firm for millions of dollars.That’s the story everyone wanted me to write,but it’s not the story I wanted to tell.

Looking back,I see so clearly how often,throughout my boyhood,I was touched by random acts of kindness that helped shape me into the man I am today.And random acts of violence and ignorance played just a powerful role in making me who I am.Becoming a successful lawyer involves hard work,but escaping generational poverty is the hardest thing I have ever done.

I chose to write the story of my childhood years in poverty,with the hope that a child somewhere in the world will read my story and be inspired to break the cycle of poverty.My publisher was quick to point out that the market would be small for a memoir (回忆录) written by a relatively unknown author.To everyone’s surprise,the book received over 1,000 pre-publication orders one month before the scheduled launch date.The book launch scheduled for October 1,was moved up to September 14.Less than four months later,the first print run of 5,000 copies were sold out.

Today,the memoir is being used by universities,high schools and middle schools,as a case study of the behavior patterns of the culture of poverty as well as valuable lessons on how to succeed in life.Here is a quote from the principal of a middle school in Texas on October 27,who is using my memoir for students 5th through 8th grades:“We are halfway through your story.It is changing the lives of our students and the perspectives of our teachers.”

篇五:英语 2014秋季新版 教材九年级 unit3 练习题以及答案


Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 单项选择 (15分)


( )1. — Is AC Milan Italian football club?

— Yes. It’s one of most successful clubs in Italy. A. an; /

B. an; the D. /; /

C. /; the

( )2. — Look! What’s that the corner of the room? — I can’t see clearly. It’s a little dark there. A. behind C. in

B. below D. under B. twenty; fifteen D. twentieth; fifteenth

( )3. There are floors in the building and my home is on the floor.

A. twenty; fifteenth C. twentieth; fifteen

( )4. — What fruit would you like?

— Some , please. They are my favorite. A. dessert C. juice

B. grapes D. biscuits

( )5. — The Internet has made communication much more .

— I agree. For example, I can communicate with my friends on WeChat any time. A. popular

C. important

B. necessary D. convenient

( )6. — Whom would you for the job? — Tom, I think. He’s always careful and serious.

A. suggest C. remember

B. remind D. explain

( )7. — Was Eric’s father very strict with him?

— Yes. He never praised him he became one of the top students in his grade. A. since

C. until

B. when D. because

( )8. — Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some ? — Sure. There’s a post office at the first crossing. A. snacks

C. umbrellas

B. stamps D. bananas

( )9. — Will you be a supermarket on your way home?

— Yes, Walmart is just beside my home.

B. setting up D. passing by

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:make,you,can,hope)

C. fixing up

A. looking for

( )10. — Does my question sound enough?

— I don’t think so. You can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”. A. politely; politely C. polite; politely and magazines often.

— Thanks for your advice. A. join C. joining

B. to join D. to joining B. politely; polite D. polite; polite

( )11. — It’s not enough an English club. You should also read English newspapers

( )12. — You really went to the park last weekend?

— Yes, I go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park. A. will C. do

B. would D. did

( )13. — Are you going to Beijing for the summer holiday next week?

— Yes. But I haven’t got the air tickets and don’t know we will set out. A. how C. when

B. where D. what

( )14. — I don’t know next.

— Let’s ask our teacher for help. A. what to do C. how to do

B. what should I do D. how I should do

( )15. — The game is too hard for me. I will certainly lose.

— You never say no before you try. A. Forget it! C. Come on!

B. I’m sorry. D. Pardon me?

二. 完形填空 (15分)


Some kids need to repeat (重复) a grade in school. This means if you’re in the grade, you have to do the third grade again next year moving on to the fourth grade. Repeating a grade can be a(n) thing, though, because you get another chance to complete your schoolwork. For example, a kid might have reading. Other kids might have been and absent (缺席的) for a long time, so they missed (错过) a chance to learn they needed to learn.

If it’s you who repeat a grade, you might be thinking, “Is everyone really moving

on without me?” Repeating a grade might make you sad, angry, or You might be upset you won’t be in class with all of your friends. You might feel about repeating a grade. You may think that people are talking about you or you. You can be really hurt if someone makes fun of about repeating a grade.

Try talking your mom or dad, a teacher, or a friend advisor when you’re having these feelings. School can be hard work, but there are strategies (策略) you can learn to help it go a little for you. Set a goal for yourself and working toward it bit by bit. Ask for help if you need it, and you’ll get there! ( )16.A. first

B. second

B. besides B. right

C. third C. for

D. fourth D. instead of

D. secret D. silly D. anything

D. both D. though D. replying to

D. against D. earlier D. make up

( )17. A. except ( )18. A. wrong ( )20. A. ill ( )22. A. can ( )24. A. so ( )25. A. shy

C. easy D. difficult C. practice C. none C. each C. but

( )19. A. trouble B. fun

B. afraid

( )21. A. much ( )23. A. neither

C. healthy

B. everything B. can’t B. all B. excited

B. because

C. must D. mustn’t

C. happy D. afraid C. laughing at C. about C. later C. keep A

C. yourself D. you

( )26. A. caring about B. looking after ( )27.A. himself B. him ( )28. A. with ( )29. A. worse ( )30. A. stop 三. 阅读理解 (30分)

B. for B. better

B. give up


( )31. The hotel serves (提供) the following foods in rooms EXCEPT . A. coffee

C. candy

B. cakes D. cold drinks B. 行李

( )32. The underlined word “valuables” means “” in Chinese.

A. 贵重物品

C. 随身物品 D. 包裹

( )33. If you’re about to leave, you should tell the hotel before of the day so as not to pay for another day. A. 10:00 am

C. 6:30 pm

B. 4:00 pm D. 11:00 pm

( )34. You should after 11:00 pm. A. watch TV

B. turn down the TV C. clean your room D. turn off the radio

( )35. What do we know from the reading above? A. The waiters in the hotel work for 8 hours a day. B. The hotel can look after your things in the room well. C. You can’t book (预定) a room in the hotel after 6:30 pm.

D. Your room is cleaned when you leave between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.


If man’s best friend is a dog, then who is a dog’s best friend? That would be Rover, Glow, Ivan, or Raina. These four dogs donated (捐献) blood to other dogs. And they did it without having to travel far from home. They visited an animal bloodmobile (血液车).

Similar to the Red Cross vehicles for humans, the University of Pennsylvania’s animal bloodmobile goes to where the donors are to make it easier to give. Kym Marryott is manager of Penn’s Animal Blood Bank. “You don’t really think about it until you need it,” Marryott said. “Just like us, dogs need blood too.”

Like humans, not every dog can donate blood. Dogs must have the correct blood type, weigh at least 55 pounds and be younger than 8 years old. About 150 dogs take part in the program. Each donates three or four pints a year, which can help animals suffering from illnesses like cancer or an accidental trauma (意外伤) like being hit by a car. One pint can save up to three dogs. Just like people, the dogs get a snack and a heart-shaped “U of P Blood Donor” sticker after giving. In addition, they receive free dog food to take home.

Sandy Lucas brought her 7-year-old black dog, Raina, to the bloodmobile last week. “she said. “We’ll do it again.”

( )36. Where did the dogs donate blood? A. In a zoo.

B. In their homes. C. In an animal hospital. D. In an animal bloodmobile.

( )37. Which of the following dogs can probably donate blood? A. Mary, 3 years old, 25 pounds.

B. Kate, 6 years old, 60 pounds. C. Tony, 10 years old, 56 pounds. D. Cindy, 8 years old, 50 pounds.

( )38. What can each dog get after donating blood? ①A snack

②A suit of clothes

③Some dog food ⑤A toy car

A. ①②③④ B. ①③⑤ C. ①④⑤

D. ①③④

④A heart-shaped sticker

( )39. What can we infer from the underlined sentence?

A. Sandy Lucas feels excited that Raina can help other dogs.

B. Sandy Lucas wants to get dog food for her dog.

C. Sandy Lucas doesn’t think that donating blood is good for dogs. D. Sandy Lucas doesn’t want to come to the animal bloodmobile again.

( )40. What’s the main idea of the passage?
