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篇一:Can you be my Chinese pen friend

Module 5 Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend?




本课时是新标准英语六年级上册第五模块第一单元Can you be my Chinese pen friend?课文通过Daming、Simon、Laura的对话向同学们介绍了“怎样交笔友以及怎样介绍自己的笔友”,对话内容较为简练,语言实用性较强,并且课堂可操作性也较好。


1). 知识与技能

a.基本能听懂、会说词汇:pen friend pleased address

b. 会用I can?,I can’t?讲诉各自的能力。

c. 掌握Can you??的语言结构,并会做答: Yes, I can.\No, I can’t.

d. 能听懂、会说Can you be my Chinese friend?,部分同学能通过介绍自己的能力情况结识新笔友.






能听懂并理解句型:Pleased to meet you! I can speak some English. Can you speak English? Can you be my Chinese friend? Can I write to you ?

能运用句型:I can?. I can’t?.Can you?? Yes, I can.\No, I can’t.





教具:单词卡、教师自己的名片若干张、空白的名片若干张、 多媒体课件。



1 .Greetings

T: Hello, boys and girls! I’m Ms Lv. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.



T: Do you like chant? Listen to me, please.

Hands up Hands down

I can jump. I can run.

Can you jump? Can you run?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can.

I can read. I can skate.

Can you read? Can you skate?

No, I can’t. No, I can’t.

T: Let’s read it together, OK ? Some music, please. one two three go? T: Once more, one two three go?



Step2 Presentation

1. 1)T: Today we have a new friend,(showing Ms Meng’s picture) She’s my pen friend(教读),Ms Meng.

(分组)We’ll have team match today, You’re Pen friend A Team. You’re Pen friend B Team. Please do good jobs and try to get more smile faces for your team.

T: Ms Meng is teaching in America now. This is her address.( 教address)

2 1)T: Now, she’s greeting to you. ( PPT展示: pleased to meet you. 板书,教读.)

师教读:Pleased==please==pleased==pleased to meet you.师解释说T: It means nice to meet you! Glad to meet you! So you should answer.

( 操练:Greet in pairs.)

2)PPT展示话泡:T:You’re so polite. Now Ms Meng asks you, Can you be my Chinese pen friend?

Ss: Yes, I can.

T: Today we’re going to learn M5U1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 板书(出示课题, 教读. )

( 操练:Group1: Chinese pen friend—Group2: my Chinese pen friend—Group3: be my Chinese pen friend—Group4: Can you be my Chinese pen friend?)

T: Ask me can you be my Chinese pen friend?

Ss: Can you be my Chinese pen friend?

T: Yes, of course.This is my address. Here you are.

(操练:Practice in pairs.)

3)T: Ms Meng asks, “ Can you speak English?”

Ss: Yes, I can speak some English .

师紧接着板书: I can?.(解释句子意思是我能做某事,后面加动词原形)

T: I think you can do many things, too.

(出示各种运动图片PPT)老师示范并引导学生说: I can ride a bike\swim\play basketball?

4)T: Boys and girls, just now we say we can do things. If you can’t do the things, we should say I can’t?

师紧接着板书: I can’t?.(解释句子意思是我不能做某事,后面加动词原形) (出示各种运动图片PPT)老师示范并引导学生说:I can’t ?

5) T: Can you play football(上组练习最后一张图片是踢足球)?

Ss: Yes, I can.

师紧接着板书: Can you??

Yes, I can.(解释句子意思是你会做某事吗?后面加动词原形)

老师出示PPT图片训练句型:Can you??Yes, I can.

老师出示PPT图片训练句型:Can you?? No, I can’t.(板书否定答句)

T: Can I ask you some questions? (老师出示各种活动的PPT,用can问问题,让学生用Yes, I can ./ No, I can’t. 来回答。)



Step3: Practice

记忆大比拼 :

T: Let’s have a competition.

? Rules: Rules: Remember the pictures as more as you can. Choose one of the

picture you remember and say,“I can ?”, then ask the other team,“Can you say more?” Don’t say the same picture again.

Step 4 : New text


1. Listen and answer

T: Have a look. Daming and Simon is talking about a panda. Can the panda speak English?

Who can speak English?

Ss: His teacher.

2. Read after the E-pen

3. Read together.


1.Listen and answer: Can Laura make pen friends?

T: And this girl Laura can speak English, too. Let’s greet to her .

Ss: Pleased to meet you. (引导学生运用刚学过的Pleased to meet you 来与画面中的


T: Do you want to know if Laura can make pen friends?. Let’s listen.

2. T: Now ,listen to the E-pen and try to find out the answers. (分段听容易听懂,掌握信息)

1.Can Daming speak English?

2.Where is Laura from?

Now question 3 and 4. Listen:

3.How many English friends has Daming got?

4.Can Laura write to Sam and Amy?

Now question 5. Listen:

5.Can Daming be Laura’s Chinese pen friend?


3.T: Now read after the E-pen sentence by sentence, find out “can” sentences.

T: Have you found the sentences? I have got them:

Can you speak English?

Yes, I can speak some English.

Can I write to your friends?

And can you be my Chinese pen friend?

But I can’t write Chinese.

? But I can write English.

Read the sentences.

4. Read the text in different roles in groups of 4 . (四人组分角色朗读。)

【设计意图】 通过让学生跟读,让学生模仿正确的语音语调,培养学生良好的语感。同时,通过分角色表演读,可以促使学生互相帮助,让每一个孩子都体验到成功的喜悦。

5. Fill in the blanks and help Laura and Daming to make pen friends.

Laura: Hello. I’m Laura ._______________?

Daming: My name is__________.

Laura: Pleased to meet you! Daming :_____________________, too.

Laura: ______you be my pen friend?

Daming : Yes, of course. This is my address. Here you are!

Laura: Thank you! This is my_________. Here you are.

Daming : Thank you!

Laura: We are pen friends now.

Read the dialogue and practice in pairs.


Step6 : Development

1. T: Look at the screen! This is my calling card.

Name: Lu Fang

Age: 42

Address: Xingxing Primary School

I can write an email, dance and play table tennis.

My name is Lu Fang This is my address---- Xingxing Primary School. This is my email. And I can write an email, dance and play table tennis.

T: Please make your own calling cards now. (课前将表格发给每一位学生。)


T: Hello. I’m Lv Xiaofang. What’s your name?

S1: My name is ?

T: Pleased to meet you!

S1:Pleased to meet you, too.

篇二:A letter to a pen friend 一封给笔友的信

A letter to a pen friend

Dear Jon

Thank you for your letter and l would like to be your pen friend. My name is May. I’m fourteen years old,and I’m about1.62 metres tall. My hair is black and long. I know your hobby is playing chess ,my hobby is playing chess too.

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:my,pen,friend)

I live with my parents in the China.My dad works in a company in Shanghai. I have a litter brother and a little sisther. We all live in Shanghai

I’m in Grand 8 at Puxiong school. It is near my house, so l walk to school. I enjoy playing badminton and listening to the pop music.

My birthday is on 28 October,what is your birthday? I hope you will write to me soon,and tell me more about yourself.

Yous sincerely


篇三:我的笔友My Pen Friend

我的笔友My Pen Friend

Now it has come to the new age, the age belongs to the information world, everybody has access to high technology, they use computer and cell phone everywhere. But for me, I miss the original communication media, I still like to write to my friends. I have a pen friend, we have kept in touch with each other for many years, compare with the new high technology, such as cell phone and computer, I would rather to write. My pen friend also like to write, we share happiness and sorrow by the letter. I enjoy writing, I put much emotion in it, the letter makes me feel the real world. Though the communication tool improves, I still love writing.


篇四:Module5 Unit1《Can you be my Chinese pen friend》教学案

Module5 Unit1

Can you be my Chinese pen friend? Teaching contents(教学内容)


Teaching aims(教学目标)

1、掌握单词address; pleased.

2、掌握词组speak English; write to; pen friend.


①This is my cousin, Daming.

②Pleased to meet you!

① Can you speak English?

② Can I write to you friend?

Teaching Procedure(教学过程)

The 1st period(第一课时)

Step1 Warming-up (热身)


I can speak English,”How do you do?”

You can speak English, so speak to me too. I can write English,“Dear pen friend.”

I’ll write to you again and again.

I can sing English songs.Listen to me!

I’ll sing the A-B-C song.

Step2Learn the following words and expressions(学习下列单词和词组)

1、New words(单词)

address; pleased.

Read the new words and remember them.(读单词并记住它们)

2、New phrases(词组)

speak English; write to; pen friend.

Step3 Learn the text(学习课文)

1、Listen to the tape and repeat the sentence by sentence(听录音并逐句重复课文)

2、Read the text aloud correctly(正确朗读课文)

3、Role play(角色表演)

4、Ask and answer questions about the text(就课文问答)

5、Learn the fllowing patterns(学习下列句型) ①This is my cousin, Daming.

②Pleased to meet you!

③Can you speak English?

④Can I write to you friend?

Step4 Play a game(游戏)

Step5 Summary(总结)

Step6 Assignment of homework(布置作业)

Teaching reflection(教学反思)




address; pleased.

①利用工具书标注单词音标,根据音标掌握单词读音。 ②理解单词的汉语意思。







地址 高兴的,满意的 speak English write to pen friend


A:Hello,David.This is my best friend Mary.

B:Hello,Mary. to meet you.

C:Me too.

B:Where are you from?

C:I’m from Australia. Can you English?

B:Yes, I can speak English very well.

C:Can I to you? You can be my English friend.

B:Of course. This is my .Bye!


篇五:我的笔友李杨 My Pen Friend, Li Yang

我的笔友李杨 My Pen Friend, Li Yang

I have a pen friend. His name is li yang. He is a grade six primary school student. He lives in Tian Jin. He has to take subway to school every day by himself. He is so independent. I need to learn from him. He likes playing basketball. He is in the basketball team of their school. His study is neither too good nor too bad. His parents never give too much stress on his study. He said his family loves him very much and so does him. 我有一个笔友。他叫李杨。他是一名小学六年级的学生。他住在天津。他每天一个人乘地铁去学校。他是那么的独立。我要向他学习。他喜欢打篮球。他是他们学校的篮球队的一员。他的学习不是很好也不是很差。他的父母在学习上从来不会给他很大的压力。他说他的家人很爱他,他也很爱他们。
