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◆ 学科:英语

◆ 周次:第16周

◆ 章节及内容: Unit4 Wildlife Protection

◆ 使用对象:爱中1——6 班

◆ 本节学习要点

Words and phrases,reading, using language, grammar

◆ 本节课重点

The present progressive passive voice

◆ 本节课时安排:6课时

◆ 作业预测:

语现在进行时时的被动语态的熟练掌握和应用为本单元作业中比较难的一部分。 ◆作业类型:

◆ 周一












篇二:高一习题 英语课时作业17

(必修四·Unit 2)


1.If I ruled the world,I would ________ the world ________ wars.

A.get ride of; by B.be rid of; by

C.rid; of D.get rid; of

答案与解析:C 本题考查短语rid sb./sth.of sth.“除掉”。get rid of“摆脱,除掉”后直接加宾语。

2.When still young,he sometimes preferred ________ something new rather than ________ the routine.

A.trying; follow B.to try; followed

C.trying; to follow D.to try; follow

答案与解析:D 句意是:年轻的时候,他有时宁愿尝试新的东西也不愿意循规蹈矩。prefer to do A rather than do B意为“宁愿做A也不愿意做B”。

3.I would rather you ________ with us yesterday,but you left.

A.had stayed B.stay

C.stayed D.have stayed

答案与解析:A 句意为“我宁愿昨天你跟我们待在一起,但是你走了”。表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,谓语动词用过去完成时。

4.—What do you think of the coming 2012 London Games?

—Oh,the table tennis match is ________ to be the most exciting of it.

A.preferred B.wished

C.expected D.proved

答案与解析:C 句意是:“你认为即将到来的2012伦敦奥运会怎么样?”“哦,预计乒乓球将是最让人兴奋的项目。”

5.—You're coughing badly,Martin.Why not give up smoking?

—Give up smoking?Easier said than done,Amy.Once you ______ the habit of smoking,it is very hard for you to ______.

A.keep up; break it away

B.take up; drop it out

C.pick up; get rid of it

D.build up; do away with it

答案与解析:C 句意是:“马丁,你咳嗽得很厉害,为什么不戒烟呢?”“戒烟?说起来容易做起来难,艾米。你一旦养成了这个习惯,就很难戒掉。”pick up在此句中表示“养成;形成”;keep up表示“保持”;take up表示“从事”;build up表示“发展,增大”;break away表示“脱离”;drop out表示“退出”;get rid of表示“摆脱,除去”;do away with表示“摆脱;废除,取消”。

6.All flights have been put off ________ the fierce typhoon.

A.for the sake of B.as a result

C.thanks to D.be(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:17作业网英语)cause

答案与解析:C 句意是:由于凶猛的台风,所有的航班都推迟了。for the sake of表示目的,意为“为了??”;as a result,副词,表示“作为??的结果;由于??”;thanks to表示“多亏了,由于”;because后引导从句。

7.The population of Africa is ________ so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole world.

A.expanding B.stretching

C.extending D.spreading

答案与解析:A expand不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。stretch一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展;extend指空间范围的扩大或长宽的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长;spread一般指向四面八方扩大或传播。

8.People should open the window in the morning to make air ________ in order to keep the indoor air fresh.

A.spread B.remove

C.float D.circulate

答案与解析:D circulate表示空气、液体等的流通。spread“传播”;remove“去掉”;float“漂浮”。

9.—I'm going to attend your lecture at 9∶30 tomorrow morning.

—I regret to tell you that when you arrive it will have ended and I ________ questions with my students.

A.would discuss B.will discuss

C.will be discussing D.am discussing

答案与解析:C 由上文的“at 9∶30 tomorrow morning”及“when you arrive”知将来这个时间我正回答学生的提问,故选C。

10.The policeman's ________ traffic directions made all the drivers quite ________.

A.confused; confused B.confusing; confusing

C.confusing; confused D.confused; confusing

答案与解析:C confusing修饰物,意为“令人迷惑不解的”;confused修饰人,意为“感到迷惑不解的”。

11.Victor apologized for ________ able to inform me of the change in the plan beforehand.

A.his being not B.him not to be

C.his not being D.him to be not

答案与解析:C 介词for后接名词或动名词作宾语,排除B、D两项;动名词的否定形式是在其前加not,故选C。

12.________ the same mistake again made his parents very angry.

A.His being made B.He had made

C.He had making D.His making

答案与解析:D 分析句子结构知,此处为动名词短语作主语;he与make the same mistake之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,当强调其逻辑主语时,其前可加相应的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格形式。

13.We do not have enough money.________,we cannot afford to buy the new car.

A.However B.Anyway

C.Therefore D.Though

答案与解析:C anyway表示让步;however和though表示转折;therefore表示因果,根据句意选C。句意:我们没有足够的钱,因此买不起这辆新车。

14.About 11 million people have moved to this city.The population is ________ as ten years ago.

A.as twice large B.twice as large

C.as many twice D.twice as many

答案与解析:B 考查倍数的表达法。句意:大约有一千一百万人搬到这座城市,现在这座城市的人口是十年前的两倍。表示倍数时,其结构为“倍数+as+adj./adv.+as...”;此处as ten years ago为省略句,补充完整为as it was ten years ago。

15.I'm very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually ________.

A.building up B.turning up

C.coming up D.waking up

答案与解析:A build up“增加”。句意:看到你的词汇量在逐渐增长,我很高兴。turn up“出现”;come up“出现,发生”;wake up“醒来”。


One day when some people were rebuilding a barn,they found a mouse hole in a corner.So they used smoke the mice to come out.A while later they indeed saw mice running out.

Then,everyone thought that all the mice had escaped.But as they were just about to start to ,they saw two mice at the exit of the hole.The strange thing was that they did not run away ,one chased after the other near the exit of the hole.

Everyone was ,so they stepped closer to take a look.They that one of the mice was and could not see anything,and the other one was trying to allow him to bite on his tail so they could escape __8__.

After __9__ what had happened,everyone was speechless and __10__.A smart Israeli said,“I think the relationship between those two mice is husband and wife.”The others thought for a while,and all felt it ,so they expressed their agreement.Therefore,the expression on the Israeli's face showed A Chinese,who was accustomed to the firm tradition of loyalty to __13__,said:“I think the relationship between those two mice is that of mother and son.” the others thought for a while,and felt this was more reasonable.

At that moment,one Samaritan who was squatting(蹲)on the ground resting his chin in his palms,looked at other people,and asked,“Why do those two mice have to have a relationship?”

Suddenly,the atmosphere ,the group looked back at the Samaritan and remained __18__.All the people who had spoken earlier all __19__ their heads in shame,and did not dare to respond.

In fact,the true love is not benefit,friendship and loyalty or blood relationship.Instead,it is based on no relationship.

1.A.to invite B.to force

C.to trap D.to free

2.A.clean up B.come up

C.make up D.break up

3.A.holding out B.escaping

C.coming out D.squeezing

4.A.approximately B.certainly

C.immediately D.eventually

5.A.puzzled B.moved

C.embarrassed D.ashamed

6.A.recognized B.knew

C.heard D.realized

7.A.deaf B.blind

C.dumb D.lame

8.A.separately B.together

C.deliberately D.accidentally

9.A.experiencing B.promoting

C.witnessing D.undergoing

10.A.lost face B.lost in thought

C.lost heart D.lost reason

11.A.made nothing B.made up

C.made progress D.made sense

12.A.self-esteem B.self-confidence

C.self-consciousness D.self-satisfaction

13.A.teachers B.parents

C.leaders D.relatives

14.A.Once again B.Again and again

C.Once D.Over and over

15.A.strong-minded B.pure-minded

C.absent-minded D.simple-minded

16.A.certain B.sure

C.accessible D.characteristic

17.A.accumulated B.boiled

C.froze D.refreshed

18.A.speechless B.harmless

C.hopeless D.stainless

19.A.surrounded B.put away

C.put up D.lowered

20.A.centered on B.concentrated on

C.established on D.faced on



1.B 由下文的描述可以看出,他们在使用烟熏的方法迫使老鼠从洞里出来。所以选to force“强迫”。而不是诱骗(trap),邀请(invite),释放(free)它们。

2.A 由语境可知这些人熏跑老鼠的目的是翻新谷仓,所以在翻新前进行打扫(clean up),符合语境。其他几个选项均无此意。

3.D 其他的老鼠已经逃离,结合下文对这两只老鼠的描述可以看出,这里要表示“却见有两只老鼠在洞口处推挤”。所以只有squeeze能形象地描述出当时的情景。

4.C 下一句告诉我们“在洞口一只老鼠追逐着另外一只”,由此可以推断它们没有立即(immediately)逃走。approximately“近似,大约”;certainly“当然,一定,无疑”;eventually“最终,终于”,均不符合语境。

5.A 众人对这两只老鼠奇怪的表现(没有立即逃跑)都很纳闷,所以这四个词中只有puzzled(困惑的)符合语境。moved有很大的干扰性,但人们现在还不知道真相,所以应该排除。

6.D 这里强调一开始不知道,经过一段时间或一些事情后才逐步“意识到”,所以要选D,而recognize则强调从记忆的搜索中辨认出人、物、声音、方位等。

7.B 由下文的“could not see anything”可以看出,一只老鼠的眼睛是“瞎的”,所以选择blind。

8.B 可以看出,另一只正设法使对方咬住自己的尾巴,然后一起(together)逃走。而不是separately“单独地,分离地”;deliberately“故意地”;accidentally“偶然地”。

9.C 此处意为“目睹了这一切,众人都默然不语”。所以选C,意为“目击,目睹”。而experience“经历”;promote“促进”;undergo“经历,遭受”,均不符合句意。

10.B be lost in thought“陷入沉思”。lose face“丢脸”,lose heart“灰心丧气”,均不符合语境。

11.D 由下文的“expressed their agreement”可以看出,众人思考了一会儿后,觉得此人“言之有理”,所以选择make sense,意思是“讲得通,有意义”。

12.D 既然自己的观点得到了众人的认可,那么他当然感到自我满足,所以应该选择self-satisfaction(自满,沾沾自喜)。self-esteem“自尊,自信,自尊心”;self-confidence“自信”;self-consciousness“害羞,局促不安”。

13.B 由下文他的推断(mother and son)可以看出,这个中国人强调孝义,所以应该选择parents。

14.A 众人又思考了一会,觉得这个更合理。这里对应的是第一个人提出观点后众人的反应“thought for a while...”,所以这里选择Once again(再一次)。

15.B 由下文对这个Samaritan(撒玛利亚人)的描述以及他的观点可以看出,他是很单纯的。如果不注意上下文的语境考生很容易误选simple-minded(愚蠢的,头脑简单的)。

16.A certain在这里表示“某种”。由前面众人对这两只老鼠的关系做出的种种猜测,再结合下文的描述可以看出,这里要表达的意思是“为什么那两只老鼠一定要有某种关系呢?”

17.C 撒玛利亚人的一句话使大家感触颇深,因此这里的意思是:空气在刹那间凝固了,众人呆呆地望着这个撒玛利亚人,一语不发。故答案选C。

18.A 由本段第一句话以及空前的remained可以看出,应该选择speechless,意思是“无语的”。句意见上题解析。harmless“无害的,不致伤的”;hopeless“没有希望,不可救药的”;stainless“无污点的”,均不符合文意。

19.D lower“低下”,这里要表达的意思是:先前说话的人都面露惭色地低下头不敢作声。后面的“in shame”暗示了答案。

20.C 由语境可知,这里要表达的意思是:事实上,真正的爱并非一定要建立在利益、友情、孝义或血缘的关系上。下文“it is based on”有暗示。


A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time.Hobbyists raise pets,build model ships,weave baskets,watch birds,hunt animals,climb mountains,raise flowers,fish,ski,skate and swim.Hobbyists also paint pictures,attend concerts and plays,and perform on musical instruments.They collect everything from books to butterflies and from shells to stamps.

People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment,friendship,knowledge,and relaxation.Sometimes they even give financial profits.Hobbies help people relax after periods of hard work,and provide a balance between work and play.Hobbies also offer interesting activities for persons who have retired.Anyone,rich or poor,old or young,sick or well,can follow a satisfying hobby,regardless of his age,position,or income.

Hobbies can help a person's mental and physical health.Doctors have found that hobbies are valuable in helping patients recover physical or mental illness.Hobbies give bedridden or wheel-chair patients something to do,and provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves.Many hospitals treat patients by having them take up interesting hobbies or pastimes(娱乐).

In early times,most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies.But some persons who had spare time did enjoy hobbies.The ancient Egyptians played games with balls made of wood,pottery(陶器).

People today have more time than ever before for hobbies.Machines have reduced the amount of time they must spend on their jobs.Hobbies provide variety for workers who do the same unchanging tasks all day long.More people are retiring than ever before,and at an earlier age.Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their newly found spare time hours.

Sir William Osier,a famous Canadian doctor expressed the value of hobbies by saying,“No man is really happy or safe without a hobby”.

1.Which of the following is RIGHT?

A.Hobby is one's regular activity in his office.

B.Hobby is one's regular activity in his spare time.

C.Hobby is a kind of activity only for old people.

D.Hobby is a kind of activity only for young people.

答案与解析:B 细节理解题。由第一段第一句话可知,一个人的爱好是他在业余时间喜欢做的事情。

2.It seems that people who ________ may spend more time enjoying their hobbies.

A.have little money

B.have much money

C.have retired from their work

D.have left school

答案与解析:C 细节理解题。由第五段可知,随着科技的进步,机器渐渐取代了人的位置,所以很多人早早就退休了,因此他们有更多的时间培养自己的爱好了。

3.The phrase“recover from”in the third paragraph means “________”.

A.get back

B.become healthy again

C.become calm

D.supply with a new cover

答案与解析:B 猜测词义题。由第三段可知一个人的爱好可以帮助病人恢复健康。recover意为“恢复健康”。

4.In early times,most people spent less time on their hobbies,because ________.











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课时作业(十七) 阅读理解(一) 细节理解题



Peter,a high school student,was pretty busy with school,and he was on the soccer team.High school was hard,because everyone wanted to have nice clothes,hang out,drive cars,and all these cost money.Peter’s father was the sort of guy that believed you had to earn whatever you got,so he wasn’t just about to hand over lots of money for Peter to use to have fun.So,he had to get a job.

During his freshman year summer vacation,his classmate got him a job working on a hay (干草) farm.He threw hay up into wagons as the tractor drove around fields,and then they stacked (剁起) it in the hot barn.It was a hot,low-paying job.

He once worked a few nights a week at a grocery store.He put things on the shelf.It was a lot of lifting and carrying,and his arms were strong from this and the previous job.It was dull and didn’t pay much.

He took some time off when soccer got serious,but the following summer he tried working at a lumber yard.It was hot outside,but he got a lot of exercise lifting and carrying things like boards and drywall.He also learned a lot about building supplies.It still didn’t pay well.

From there,he spent a year doing some tutoring for a friend of the family,but that was piecemeal.His first real job came the last year at school,when he fixed registers and worked on computers at a big box store.It was his favorite job yet,but it still didn’t pay well.

What Peter realized with all of these jobs was that he needed a better paying job!The only way to get that was to get trained or educated.He could go to school and get a 2-year degree in an office or technical position.His other choices were going to a 4-year college or joining the army.He wasn’t sure what he was going to do yet,but he knew he had to do something.Jobs were a lot of work,money was hard to earn,but he liked staying busy and being able to buy things.Peter wanted the most out of life,and that meant education.

语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一个名叫Peter的高中生想要买好看的衣服、出去闲逛、开车,而这一切都需要钱。于是他就想自己挣钱来满足这些需求。然而打了五份工之后,他依然收入微薄。最后,他终于意识到要想找到一份好的工作,唯一的途径就是接受培训或接受教育,所以他现在必须好好学习。

1.How many jobs had Peter taken?


C.Five. B.Four. D.Six.

解析: 细节理解题。文章中提到Peter打了五份工:第二段第一句提到“...his classmate

got him a job working on a hay (干草) farm”;第三段第一句提到“He once worked a few nights a week at a grocery store.”;第四段第一句提到“...but the following summer he tried working at a lumber yard.”;第五段提到“...he spent a year doing some tutoring for a friend of the family...”;及“His first real job came the last year at school,when he fixed registers and worked on computers at a big box store.”。

答案: C

2.All the jobs Peter had taken had one thing in common:________.

A.They didn’t pay well

C.They needed hard labour B.They were dull and tiresome D.They were done during his vacation

解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It was a hot,low-paying job.”,第三段最后一句“It was dull and didn’t pay much.”第四段最后一句“It still didn’t pay well.”以及第五段最后一句的“...but it still didn’t pay well.”可知,Peter所做的这些工作的收入都不太好。

答案: A

3.________ was the most important for Peter if he wanted a good job.


C.Opportunity B.Education D.Wisdom

解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“The only way to get that was to get trained or educated.”以及最后一句“Peter wanted the most out of life,and that meant education.”可知,Peter如果想得到收入更好的工作就要接受培训或者接受教育,如果他想充分享受人生就必须要去学习。

答案: B

4.We can learn from the text that________.

A.Peter knew what to do with his future

B.Peter’s father didn’t care about him

C.it was very hard for Peter to make his choices

D.Peter was determined to do whatever he liked

解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一、二句“What Peter realized with all of these jobs was that he needed a better paying job!The only way to get that was to get trained or educated.”可知,他最需要的是学习。由此可推知,Peter知道该怎么面对他的将来了。

答案: A



Millennials consist of people born from 1980 to 2000.In America,Millennials are known as the Meme generation,whose selfishness has only been more obvious than ever.

Millennials got this way partly because,in the 1970s,people wanted to improve kids’ chances of success by stressing self-importance.Though they are overconfident of their places in the world,Millennials are also challenged,with a much longer life stage between teenagers and adults.Now that cell phones allow people to communicate with others at every hour,Millennials are communicating all day but almost entirely through a screen.They are deeply anxious about missing something better.

However,Millennials’ self-importance isn’t the result of over-protection but the adaptation (适应) to a more colorful world.Because of online dating,Facebook circles and the ability to connect with people internationally,Millennials no longer have to marry someone from their high school class or even their home country.

So here’s a more rounded picture of Millennials.They are sincere and optimistic.They are life tinkers more than dreamers.They want constant approval (认可)—they post photos from the dressing room as they try on clothes.They have a fear of missing out and have a similar name for everything.They want new experiences all the time.They love their phones but hate talking on them.

So yes,we have all that data about Millennials’ selfishness,laziness and self-importance.But a generation’s greatness isn’t determined by data;it’s determined by how they react to the challenges that fall on them,and,just as important,by how we react to them.

语篇解读 千禧一代是指在1980年至2000年期间出生的人。有数据显示,这一代人自私、懒惰、自负;然而,他们也真诚、乐观。

5.Meme generation refers to those________.

A.who are from the US

C.who lived in the 1970s B.who are always selfish D.who were born in the late 20th century 解析: 细节理解题。依据文章第一段的第一句可知,千禧一代是指在1980年至2000年期间出生的人。

答案: D

6.In the passage,Millennials are generally believed to be________.

A.sincere and determined

C.selfish and self-important B.patient and optimistic D.anxious and overconfident

解析: 细节理解题。依据文章最后一段中的“we have all that data about Millennial’s selfishness,laziness and self-importance”可知,很多数据表明,千禧一代的人自私、懒惰、自负。

答案: C

7.Which word can best describe Millennials’ life?

A.Successful. B.Scaring.

C.Rich. D.Modern.

解析: 推理判断题。依据文章第二段中的“Millennials are communicating all day but almost entirely through a screen”和第三段的第二句中的“online dating,Facebook circles”可知,千禧一代的人几乎都是通过屏幕和网络进行交流的。

答案: D

8.How will the author react to Millennials?

A.He will choose to believe in them.

B.He will try to do everything for them.

C.He will show his sympathy for them.

D.He will feel disappointed with them.

解析: 推理判断题。依据文章最后一段的最后一句可知,这里的转折语气表明作者选择相信千禧一代的人。

答案: A



A full-time nanny (保姆) is employed by the parents to provide high quality childcare for their children and to undertake all tasks related to providing that care.Nannies provide childcare in the family’s private home.

Full-time nannies meet the physical,social,emotional and intellectual needs of the children.They typically do the children’s laundry,keep the children’s areas neat and clean,and prepare meals for the children.Depending on the age of the child and the family’s needs,the nanny may be responsible for bathing the child,transporting the child to activities and assisting the child with homework.

Since nannies work in the private home and serve as caretakers and educators,nannies must be trustworthy.Nannies are often hired so that parents can fulfill (完成) their personal and professional tasks.For this reason,nannies must be dependable and reliable.

Full-time nannies work for 40 to 60 hours per week and may live with the family as a live-in nanny.For parents who hire a live-in nanny,at a minimum,they should provide a separate bedroom and bathroom and all meals.One of the benefits of nanny care is that the parents set the nannies weekly schedule.Nannies are typically required to have some scheduling flexibility.

Nanny employers must pay what is commonly referred to as the nanny tax,which includes Social Security taxes and Medicare taxes,total about 7.65 % of the nanny’s wages.The other federal tax is referred to as FUT.It is the Federal Unemployment Tax.In addition to nanny employer taxes,the nanny is responsible for her share of the FICA taxes.Nannies are responsible for paying their own income tax payments,however,many employers agree to manage the

payments for them.

Typical nanny benefits include 2 weeks of paid vacation,paid sick days and paid personal days and full contributions (定期缴款) to health insurance.Nanny employers may also wish to contribute to a retirement savings plan for their nanny.

语篇解读 本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了帮助雇主照顾孩子生活起居的全职保姆。

9.What does a full-time nanny usually,do according to the text?

A.She takes responsibility for the children’s performance.

B.She takes care of all the family members.

C.She does all the tasks connected with childcare.

D.She teaches the children all subjects.

解析: 考查细节理解。从第一段第一句可知,一个全职保姆是家长雇来照顾孩子的,她需要做一切与孩子有关的保育工作。

答案: C

10.We can infer from the second paragraph that________.

A.the nanny will teach the kids at home

B.the parents must prepare every meal for the nannies

C.the nanny should be a person with great patience

D.the parents often treat the nannies badly

解析: 考查推理判断。从第二段的内容可知,全职保姆所要负责的工作很多、很繁琐。由此可推知,做全职保姆的应该是具有很大耐心的人。

答案: C

11.If you apply to be a live-in nanny,________.

A.you would work at most 8 hours a day

B.you would get your private space

C.you must live with the child

D.you would have no time of your own

解析: 考查细节理解。从第四段中的“For parents...and all meals.”可知,雇住家保姆的父母,至少应该给保姆提供一间独立的卧室和浴室。

答案: B

12.What do you know about the nanny tax?

A.The nanny must pay the tax according to his wages.

B.The tax almost covers one-fifth of the nanny’s wages.

C.The tax is the highest of all jobs.

D.The employers should pay the nanny tax.


4Aunit3 练习卷

姓名:_______ 家长:_______作业态度:_______


1.你的钱包______ 2.他的钥匙______

3.她的扇子______ 4.一个鸡蛋______

5.over there____ 6.Let me see. ____

7.我的修正带_____ 8.Come here. ____

9.not at all_____ 10.excuse me_____

11.I don’t know. ____ 12.computer room____

13.in the classroom______ 14.我想,我认为______

15.我想要。。______ 16.我喜欢______ 17在课桌上______ 18.起床______

19.进来______ 20.看一看______


1. I like my rabbit. I like your rabbit,_______.

A. two B. to C. too

2. ---Where’s Yang Ling ? ---_____in the classroom.

A. She’s B. It’s C. He’s

3.---Is this your pencil ? ---_________.

A. No , it is B. Yes, I do C. No , it isn’t

4. ______, is this my storybook?

A. I’m sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you

5. ---What ______ this? --- It is ______umbrella.

A. is; an B. are; an C. is ; a

6. What’s ______ over there ?

A. the B. this C. that

7.---Where’s your umbrella ? --- ________ .

A. It’s nice B. Here you are C. It’s on my desk

8. --- That’s his umbrella , I think .--- _______.

A. Here you are B. No ,it’s her umbrella C. I like this umbrella

9. A: Li Ming , where are you now? B: ________ .

A. I’m not here. B. I’m there. C. I’m here.

10. ______ , Nancy. Is this your tape?

A. Let me see B. What’s that C. Come here


( )1. Where’s Mr Black ? A. It’s a toy car.

( )2.Thank you very much. B. Sure. Here you are.

( )3.Is this your fan ? C. He’s in the room.

( )4.What’s that on the sofa? D. No ,I can’t.

( )5.Can you see a lion? E. OK.

( )6.May I have an orange? F. I’m fine. Thank you.

( )7.Come here ,Nancy. G. No ,it isn’t .It’s his fan.

( )8.How are you ? H. Not at all.


1.Water bottle , I , my , can’t ,find (.)


2. he , perhaps , in , TV room , is , the (.)


3. that , crayon , is , your (?)


4.where , new , Yang Ling’s , storybook , is (?)


5.umbrella , that , for , is ,Wang Bing (.)



1.A: Hello ,Miss Li!

B: Hello ,Yang Ling !

A: _______ I have a copybook?

B: Yes, This _______ is _______ you.

A: Thanks ,May I _______ one for David ?

B: ______ ,here _______ are .

A: Thank you , Miss Li. Goodbye !

B: _______ !

2.A: Hello ,Mike.

B: ________ , Liu Tao .

A: Do you like toy ______ ?

B: Yes , I _______ toy rabbits very much .

A: Here’s one _______ you .

B: It’s very nice . I like _______ . Thank you .

A: Not at all.

3.A: _______ is Miss Li’s book ?

B: _______ on her desk.

A: _______ I can’t find it.

B: Oh ,look! ________ in her desk.

4.A: What’s this?

B: It’s a ________ .

A: _______ it your fan ?

B: No, it ______ .Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.

六.阅读下面的对话,选择正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。 A:Good morning, Mr Green.

B: Good morning, Mike.

A: May I have a new copybook?

B: Sure, but why(为什么)?

A:I can’t find my copybook.

B: Where is it? Is it in your school bag?

A: No.

B: Is It in your desk?

A: No ,I can’t see it.

B: Oh ,I see. Look! It is here, on the teacher’s desk!

A: Oh, yes. Thank you, Mr Green !

( )1. Is it in the morning?

A. Yes. B. No.

( )2. Who can’t find the copybook?

A. Mike. B. Mr Green.

( )3.Where is Mike’s copybook?

A. In the desk. B. On the teacher’s desk.

( )4.Who finds the copybook at last(最后)?

A. Mike. B. Mr Green.

( )5.Where are Mike and Mr Green?

A.In the classroom. B.In the office(办公室).


