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篇一:How to plant a tree

How to plant a tree

To ensure that a newly planted tree will have a long, healthy life, there are several factors to consider and many steps to follow.

One very important thing to think about when planting is the time of year.Spring and summer months aren’t the best time to plant a tree. The ideal time to plant is during the tree's dormant season, after leaf drop in the fall and before bud-break in the spring.Because this time period is the least stressful to the tree.

To make sure the tree can grow well that the other important thing is to choice a suitable place which soil abound in mineral element. Infertile land not good for tree to grow and live,because it can supply the mineral element the tree need.

And also the temperature is very important thing.When you want to plant a tree you should consider the temperature.Make sure the tree can live in both minimum temperature and maximum temperature condition.

Now we can follow this steps to plant a tree.

First ,dig a hole:The hole should be dug to the depth of the root ball, and three to five times the diameter of the ball.

Second,position the tree: Place the tree into the hole by holding the ball, not the trunk. Balance the tree, making sure that it is straight.

Third, fill hole: Fill the hole with about one-third of the soil that you dug to make the hole and gently pack around the root ball. Continue to fill the rest of the hole, while adding water to remove air pockets.

Fourth,prune: Prune only dead or injured branches which waste nutrition of the tree.

Fifth,watering: Make sure that the newly planted tree gets a total of one inch of water every week the first year, one inch every two weeks the second year and one inch of water every three weeks the third year.

篇二:How to Plant a Tree

How to Plant a Tree

Trees are the earth’s longest living organisms, so they are inevitably endowed with various symbols. Planting a tree is not only a simple activity, but some hopes planted for the future . Young trees which grow well means that our future is full of hope, In order to improve our spirit of quality of lives , we should have some acquaintance of it. It does not take our too much time and energy to learn how to plant a tree well. According to these steps , we can learn well how to plant a tree. To begin with, one of the most important things is that we should consider the suitable time for planting a tree. Generally speaking, we take it for granted that Spring months are the best time to plant a tree. As we know ,there is a Arbor Day in Spring, but actually the ideal time to plant is during the tree’s dormant season after the leaves drop in the fall and before buddy is the least stressful to the tree. In addition, if we want to further improve the rate of the survival of plants, we should consider the most appropriate time in one day. In general, the afternoon is suitable for us to plant a tree, because the metabolism of plants is the slowest. Therefore, the factor of time is one of the most important

factors that we should not neglect .

Another important thing is to choose a suitable place . If we will fully choose a place, just like we throw a fish into a dead pool, it is easy to die owing to lack of nutrition. Thus ,where there are abundant mineral elements ,there will become the suitable place for planting a tree ,because it can supply the mineral elements the tree need. Of course, proper tools are essential to planting a tree. Therefore, we should choose the tools which we are used to. Frankly speaking, planting a tree in the used tools possibly can ensure its survival.

Finally , we just need to accord to these steps ,you can successfully plant a tree. First, dig a hole ,which should be dug to the depth of the root ball and the tree to five times the diameter of the ball. Second, position the tree in the hole by holding the ball, not trunk. Third, fill the hole with the soil that you have dug out to make the hole and gently pack it around the root ball. Fourth, prune only dead or injured branches which waste nutrition of the tree. Finally, water to make sure that the newly planted tree gets a total of one three months.

The above steps can successfully guide you in the right

direction to plant a tree .Although planting a tree is a tiny deed, it demonstrates our respect and appreciation of trees and even life on earth. What’s more, knowing how to plant a tree will inspire us to view trees as living structures of hope that will be treasured for not only ourselves but also generations to come.


Unit 7 How do you make a banana shakes?

Practice 1


A:How do you __________a banana smoothie?

B:OK, Let me tell y(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:plant,a,tree的步骤)ou.

1.First, __________ the bananas.

2.Next __________ the bananas.

3.Next __________ the bananas and __________ into the blender.

4.Next__________ the milk into the blender.

5.Then __________ the blender.

6.At last __________ Ⅱ.看图填空

Mr Wu is a 1 .He teaches English.He 2 to work 3 bike every day.Tomorrow is Saturday.He 4 free.He isn't going to work.He is 5 to stay 6 home.

Hu Ping and Lin Tao are his students.They go to school 7 foot every day.They 8 good boys.Mr Wu loves them very 9 .Tomorrow the two students are going 10 visit the Terra Cotta Warriors.


1.仔细想想, 你或许在什么地方可以找到它。

Think it over.Maybe you can __________ __________ __________.


我什么也没有看见。什么也看不见? 仔细看看, 你就会看见树林里有什么东西。

Can you see __________ __________ __________ __________ ?No, I see __________.__________? Look carefully and you will see __________ __________ __________ __________.

3.不要把这个带去, 这对我很有用。

Don't __________ it __________.It's __________ __________ for me.


Don't ________ __________ __________ here.________ _________ _________ in the classroom.

Practice 2

用心 爱心 专心 - 1 -

A:How do you make fruit salad?

B:First __________ three bananas,three apples and a watermelon.Next __________ the fruit in a bowl.__________ put in two __________ of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt.__________ __________ it all up.


2.Knock a __________ into the earth to keep the tree __________.

3.Put the __________ in the __________.Make __________ that it is __________.

4.__________ the __________ back into the __________.__________ it __________ hard with your __________several times.

5.Tie the __________ to the top of the stick to __________ it straight.

6.__________ the tree well.


—What are you eating these days? —Potatoes.

— 1 ( 还吃别的吗?)

Meat,vegetables and salads(沙拉).

— 2 (你最喜欢哪种肉?)

— —Steak(牛排), of course.But I like chick too.

— 3 (你很喜欢蔬菜沙拉吗?)—So so.


When you go to the seaside, maybe you will notice(注意) that the wind very often comes from the sea to the land in the 1 part of the day, but in the evening, the wind blows in the opposite direction(方向).Why does this happen?

In the morning, when the sun 2 it begins to warm the land 3 the sea.The land 4 warm faster than the sea.So while the air above the sea is cool the air over the land 5 warmer.The air 6 the land rises and the cool air from the sea moves 7 the land.

When evening comes, 8 the sea and the land become cool, but the land cools more 9 than the sea.The wind now changes 10 direction.

1.A.big B.small C.early D.late

2.A.rises B.rise C.to rise D.rose

3.A.but B.and C.or D.also

4.A.change B.keeps C.gets D.feels

5.A.grows B.to grow C.growing D.grew

6.A.on B.in C.into D.onto

7.A.into B.in C.towards D.on

8.A.both B.neither C.either D.all

9.A.slowly B.quickly C.fastest D.fast

10.A.it's B.it C.its D.itself

Ⅴ.阅读理解(A) 看图阅读下面短文, 补充完整。

用心 爱心 专心 - 2 -

It was Saturday.Han Mei needn't 1 to school.But 2 was busy with housework.After she got 3 , she first helped her mummy with the 4 .Then she went shopping with a 5 .In the market she 6 some meat, eggs, tomatoes and some other vegetables.Later in the afternoon she had to 7 the supper for the whole family.In the evening she sat at the 8 and did her 9 for one and half 10 .After she finished it, she went to bed.

(B) Ice Cream

Many years ago.People ate fruit with ice.Later, they began to eat cream with ice.This was called ice cream.

At first, ice cream was just for rich people.It cost a lot of money.But people found easier ways to make ice cream.Now it is for everyone.Ice cream is one of the beat-liked foods in the world.

1.Long ago ice cream was just for __________ people.

A.rich B.fat C.silly

2.This story tells about how ice cream __________.

A.is sold B.tastes C.has changed

3.In the second part of the story, what does the word “just” mean?

A.fair B.only C.even

4.Ice cream is for everyone now because__________.

A.everyone is rich B.fruit tastes good with ice

C.people found easier ways to make it

5.You can guess from the story that ice cream is __________.

A.a cold food B.good for you C.made with lemons


Ⅰ.1.peel 2.cut up 3.put;yogurt 4.pour 5.on 6.drink

Ⅱ.1.teacher 2.goes 3.by 4.is 5.going 6.at 7.on 8.are 9.much 10.to Ⅲ.1.find it somewhere 2.anything strange over there;nothing;Nothing;something in the forest 3.take;away;very useful 4.bring the food;You can't eat


Ⅰ.cut up;put;Then;teaspoons;Finally;mix

Ⅱ.1.hole;large;deep 2.stick;straight 3.tree;hole;sure;straight

4.Put;earth;hole;Push;down;foot 5.tree;keep 6.Water

Ⅲ.1.Anything else? 2.What kind of meat do you like best?

3.Do you like vegetables and salads much?

Ⅳ.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C

Ⅴ.A:1.go 2.she 3.up 4.washing 5.basket 6.bought/got 7.cook

8.desk/table 9.homework/lesson 10.hours

B:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A

用心 爱心 专心

- 3 -

用心 爱心 专心- 4 -



A, 序列名称中不可以用横线“—”可用下划线“—”,用clustax比对序列并生成..aln 格式的文件; B, 在clustax的下拉菜单中选择save as,将文件另存为.nxs格式的文件,然后将其扩展名改成.nex,用于后面的modeltest检测;

C, 打开.nex文件, 将modeltest里的补丁paupblock拷入此文件的末端,再另存.nex文件;

D, 在paup软件中打开修改后的.nex文件(可将paup创建快捷方式到目标文件夹进行分析运算),运行,生成model.scores,将该文件拷到modeltest的bin文件夹;

E, 在cmd下运行:cd …..(路径、回车),运行命令:modeltest3.7.win model.out即生成model.out文件 (更改根目录时,如从C盘到D盘,输入d: 回车即到d盘,然后输入路径即可); F, 打开model.out文件,寻找合适的模型(model selected: …….),一般最大似然值(-lnL)越大,参数(k)越少,模型越合适。


A, 在以上生成的model.out文件中找到“最适模型下的begin paup…..”信息,将其拷贝到最初的有.aln转换成的.nex文件的末尾,并加入相应的参数:。。。。。,保存。

begin paup;

log file=bootstrapconsensus.log;

Lset Nst=2 TRatio=3.3424 Rates=gamma Shape=0.4337 Pinvar=0;


savetrees file=pus_nj_bs.trees format=nex;

contree /majrule=yes strict=no le50=yes usetreewts=yes showtree=yes

treefile=pus_finalbootstrap.trees treefile=pus_finalbootstrap.trees;

log stop;




A, 在以上生成的model.out文件中找到“最适模型下的begin paup…..”信息,将其拷贝到最初的有.aln转换成的.nex文件的末尾,并加入相应的参数:。。。。。,保存。

begin mrbayes;

lset nst=2

rates=gamma ;

















B,在Mrbayes中运行,命令:execute 文件名.nex .即生成.con文件,打开文件,将有树信息的部分内容(tree…)另存为.txt文件,然后用tree.view打开即可,也可直接用treeview打开.con文件。 概率值小于等于0.01可终止


Option to use tree weiedghts in majority-rule consensus requested, but no tree weights are available.



步骤一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节




2、5个元音字母的发音-短元音 a、e、i、o、u是学习的重点。




规则 举例

/a_e/ e在结尾不发音 cake tape lake gate plate grape cane hate tale late(例外have)

/ai/ 出现在以n/l结尾的单词中 rain train mail nail sail brain tail /rail pain hail wail(例外wait paid)

/ai/ 出现在单词末尾 play day today away say may stay

2、e的字母音----其组合为/e_e/、/ee/、/ea/、/e/,发音为e的字母音(读音),写作/i:/。 规则 举例

/e_e/ e在结尾不发音 these Chinese Japanese athlete Pete Eve

/ee/ keep tree three sleep meet seen seed green feet need sheep see bee jeep bleed

/ea/ eat sea tea read meat clean speak steal screams heat lead beat seal pea bean

/e/ 只有一个元音且在单词末尾 he she we me

3、i的字母音----其组合为/i_e/、/ie/、/igh/、/y/,发音为i的字母音(读音),写作/ai/。 规则 举例

/i_e/ e在结尾不发音 ice nine ride hide side line bike mike pine kite wine hike dice

/ie/ 出现在单词末尾 die lie tie pie

/igh/ 出现在辅音之间且结尾为爆破音 right night light bright fright

/y/ 全是辅音且出现在单词末尾 by fly sky spy cry dry try fry

4、o的字母音----其组合为/o_e/、/oa/、/ow/,发音为o的字母音(读音),写作/ou/。 规则 举例

/o_e/ e在结尾不发音 home nose stone hope rope rose hole bone pole hose (例外come some love one)

/oa/ 出现在辅音之间且结尾为爆破音 soap load float road coat oak moat goat soak stoat boat

/ow/ 出现在单词末尾 know slow grow throw low snow row flow crow blow(例外how cow now)

5、u的字母音----其组合为/u_e/、/ue/、/ui/。这个字母发音特别有趣,它有两个发音,即u的(汉语拼音)字母读音/u:/ 或(英文)字母读音/ju:/。

规则一:当元音前的字母为爆破音时读u的英文字母音/ju:/ 举例

/u_e/ cube tube cute cure dune dupe (例外fuse fume)

/ue/ Tuesday due undue cue

/ui/ suit

规则二:其他情况下读u的汉语字母音/u:/ 举例

/u_e/ rule flute June Jude rude jute

/ue/ blue true glue flue clue sue rue(一般都出现在单词末尾)

/ui/ juice fruit bruise


爆破音、摩擦音各6个,其又分为爆破清辅音、爆破浊辅音、摩擦清辅音、摩擦浊辅音。 爆破音--发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音

p t k 清辅音--有气流、无声音、(声带)无振动

b d g 浊辅音--有气流、有声音、(声带)有振动


s f th 清辅音--牙齿中间无舌头,如bath、mouth、thing

z v th 浊辅音--牙齿中间有舌头,如the、this、that、thank



sp -->sb spy spill spoon

st -->sd stay still stone

sk -->sg sky skill








比如单词warmer,在两个元音组合之间,只有一个辅音m,这个辅音m归后,即war/mer 两个元音或元音组合之间,有两个辅音,前后各一;


4、写出拼读公式,元音或元音组合+最近的辅音+次辅音(主?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我郧昂笪迹爸骱蟠? 比如单词say,第一步写出元音组合/ay/,第二步加上辅音/s/,即ay->say;

比如单词war/mer,第一步写出元音组合/ar/,第二步加上辅音/w/,即ar->war; 然后重复以上过程,完成第二个音节,即er->mer;













2、混合辅音(Consonant blends)


ck duck、rock、lock、pick、truck (例外--accept)

ng king、sing、ring、swing、long、song、strong、wing、sting tr tree、train、trumpet、trousers

dr drink、drum、dragon、dream、drive、dress、drug、drop、draw sh sheep、shop、shell、ship、bush、cash、fish、rush

ch chess、beach、peach、bench (例外:/ch/读/c/的短音--technical、Christmas、character)

th 在实词的开头、单词的末尾发清辅音 -- thin、three、think、teeth、bath、mouth、math

在虚词、代词和/er/的前面时发浊辅音 -- this、that、the、they、there、father、weather
