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篇一:traveling light 歌词谐音

Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders

外欧 哎 窝(儿)子 搭bou领 欧ver the 漏的 肮 买 瘦der丝

Was a weight I carried with me (来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:traveling,light歌词)everyday

窝(儿)子 鹅儿 外特 哎 卡瑞德 位子 蜜 艾瑞dei

Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging

科绕sing 卖欧丝 欧咐 服rua丝吹深思 安的 瑞ver丝 鹅儿 瑞织应

Picking up stones I found along the way捡起石子我发现我的孤单

霹king 阿普 死窦恩丝 哎 放的 额浪 the 为

I staggered and I stumbled down我摇摇晃晃坎坷前行

哎 死呆哥儿的 安的 哎 死搭木bou的 宕

Pathways of trouble烦恼与困难的路

怕丝畏丝 呕咐 chua bou

I was hauling those souvenirs of misery我扔掉了痛苦的纪念品 哎 窝(儿)子 蒿灵 肉子(rou 的r 是平舌)苏ver逆耳丝 呕咐 咪瑟瑞

And with each step taken my back was breaking每一步都感觉后背要被压垮 安的 位子 易吃 丝戴普 tei啃 买 败克 窝(儿)子 补瑞king

'Til I found the One who took it all from me直到我遇到了一个把我所有负担卸下来的人 替偶 哎 放的 the 万 呼 吐克 易特 奥 服绕木 密

Down by the riverside漫步在河畔

宕 白 热(re 的r 是平舌) 瑞ver赛的

(Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔

宕 白 热(re 的r 是平舌) 瑞ver赛的

I laid my burdens down 我终于卸下来我的负担

哎 累的 卖 波儿扽丝 宕

Now I'm traveling light现在我轻装前行

闹 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃

卖 丝逼瑞特 累福tei的 嗨

(I found my freedom now)现在我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

I found my freedom now现在我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

And I'm traveling light我轻装前行

安的 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys穿过黑暗的小路跟孤单的山谷 死入 the 搭kei斯特 爱丽丝 安的 隆雷斯特 外雷斯

I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear我抛开了疑惑跟恐惧的枷锁

哎 窝(儿)子 抓ging 肉子(rou 的r 是平舌) 嗨为 趁丝 呕咐 道特 安的 fi尔

Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken 然(ran 的r 是平舌)位子 the 万 沃儿的 死bou啃 热(re 的r 是平舌)唠克斯 窝儿 补揉啃Now He's leading me to places现在他正在带领我去那个地方

闹 hi丝 哩丁 密 吐/特儿 普雷sei丝

Where there are no tears那个没有眼泪的地方 外耳 rai尔(rai的 r 读平舌) 啊 nou 惕尔丝

Down by the riverside漫步在河畔

宕 白 the 瑞ver赛的

(Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔

宕 白 the 瑞ver赛的

I laid my burdens down 我终于卸下了我的负担

哎 累的 卖 波儿扽丝 宕

Now I'm traveling light现在我正轻装前行

闹 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

My spirit lifted high我的精神朝气蓬勃

卖 丝逼瑞特 累福特的 嗨

(I found my freedom now)我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

I found my freedom now我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

And I'm traveling light现在我正轻装前行

安的 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

Down by the riverside在河畔漫步

宕 白 the 瑞ver赛的

I laid my burdens down 我卸下了我的负担

哎 累的 卖 波儿扽丝 宕

Now I'm traveling light现在我轻装前行

闹 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃

卖 丝逼瑞特 累福特的 嗨

I found my freedom now我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

And I'm traveling light我轻轻装前行

安的 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

Down by the riverside漫步在河畔

宕 白 the 瑞ver赛的

(Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔

宕 白 the

I laid my burdens down 我卸下了我的负担

哎 累的 卖 波儿扽丝 宕

Now I'm traveling light我轻装前行

闹 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃

卖 丝逼瑞特 累福特的 嗨

(I found my freedom now)现在我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

I found my freedom now现在我找到了我的自由

哎 放的 卖 福瑞的儿木 闹

And I'm traveling light我轻装前行 安的 哎木 踹vou灵 赖特

篇二:traveling light

traveling light

Three years or a lifetime


Three words that just might have come too soon


Three hours from somewhere


I might have ended up with you


Hold me like a river


Hold me like a string tied to a balloon


You get what you're given


At any moment, a moment of truth


All my life, I'm traveling light


Been living in a sky


I'll float, I'll fade up, I'll carry away


'Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes 直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来

I'm sorry for leaving


I'm sorry for all, I could not do

抱歉我给了你难堪的过去,其实我一直都不想 You knew it was coming


Maybe in some ways, I did too


The keys by the bedside


And bags in the hall


'Cause all my life, I'm traveling light


Been living in a sky


I'll float, I'll fade up, I'll carry away


'Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes


I'm searching for something


In the ether of this mess


Riding above these missing pieces


Leaves me weightless


All my life, I'm traveling light


Been living in a sky


I'll float, I'll fade up, I'll carry away


'Til you pull me down and you think of me


All my life, I'm traveling light


Been living in a sky


I'll float, I'll fade up, I'll carry away


'Til you pull me down and think of me sometimes, sometimes 直到你粗鲁地把我拽下来


Joel Hanson--Traveling Light.lrc

I was doubling over the load on my shoulders 似乎有双倍的压力和重担压在我的肩上

Was a weight I carried with me everyday 感觉自己每日在负重前行

Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging 走过挫折的道路,穿越伤痛的河流

Picking up stones I found along the way 不断俯拾路旁的卵石

I staggered and I stumbled down 我摇晃着,坎坷前行 Pathways of trouble 眼前是充满烦恼的路

I was hauling those souvenirs of misery 我用力的拖曳着这些负重和痛苦

And with each step taken my back was breaking 并且每一步都感觉后背要被压垮

Til I found the One who took it all from me 直到我发现了他

Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down, 卸下了我全部的负重

Now I'm traveling light 现在我轻装前行

My spirit lifted high 我的精神在升腾

(I found my freedom now)I found my freedom now 我终于找到了自由

And I'm traveling light 我轻装前行

Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys 在黑暗的隧道和孤独的山谷里

I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear 我曾背负那些沉重的锁链充满不安和恐惧

Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken 可现在一句简单的话,锁链已打开 Now He's leading me to places 他引导我来到了

Where there are no tears 再也不要流泪的地方 Down by the riverside

走在河滩上 (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down, 我卸下了负重

Now I'm traveling light 现在我轻装前行

My spirit lifted high 我的精神在升腾

(I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now 我终于找到了自由

And I'm traveling light 我轻装前行

Down by the riverside I laid my burdens down, Now I'm traveling light My spirit lifted high I found my freedom now And I'm traveling light Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down, Now I'm traveling light My spirit lifted high (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now And I'm traveling light Down by the riverside (Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down, Now I'm traveling light My spirit lifted high (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now And I'm traveling light I found my freedom now


traveling light 中英文歌词(轻装前行)) 2011-08-11 13:30:18| 分类: 个人日记|举报|字号 订阅

Well I was doubling over the load on my shoulders如双倍的重量压在肩上, Was a weight I carried with me everyday感觉自己每日在负重前行; Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging走过挫折的道路,穿越伤痛的河流,

Picking up stones I found along the way不断俯拾路旁的卵石; I staggered and I stumbled down我摇晃着,坎坷前行,

Pathways of trouble眼前是充满烦恼的路。

I was hauling those souvenirs of misery我拖曳着,和这些负重, And with each step taken my back was breaking每一步都感觉后背要被压垮,

\'Til I found the One who took it all from me 直到我发现了他, Down by the riverside走在河滩上,

(Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down,我卸下了负重, Now I\'m traveling light My spirit lifted high我的精神在升腾, (I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now我终于找到了自由。 And I\'m traveling light 我轻装前行。

Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys在黑暗的隧道和孤独的山谷里,

I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear我曾背负那些沉重的锁链,

Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken充满不安和恐惧, Now He\'s leading me to places可现在一句简单的话,锁链已打开, Where there are no tears 他引导我来到了再也不要流泪的地方。 Down by the riverside走在河滩上,

(Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down,我卸下了负重, Now I\'m traveling light现在我轻装前行。

My spirit lifted high我的精神在升腾, (

I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now我终于找到了自由 And I\'m traveling light 现在我轻装前行。

Down by the riverside 走在河滩上,

I laid my burdens down,,我卸下了负重,

Now I\'m traveling light现在我轻装前行

My spirit lifted high我的精神在升腾,

I found my freedom now我终于找到了自由 And I\'m traveling light 现在我轻装前行

Down by the riverside走在河滩上

(Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down,我卸下了负重 Now I\'m traveling light现在我轻装前行

My spirit lifted high我的精神在升腾,

(I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now我终于找到了自由 And I\'m traveling light 现在我轻装前行。

Down by the riverside走在河滩上

(Down by the riverside) I laid my burdens down,我卸下了负重 Now I\'m traveling light现在我轻装前行

My spirit lifted high我的精神在升腾,

(I found my freedom now) I found my freedom now我终于找到了自由 And I\'m traveling light 现在我轻装前行。

I found my freedom now我终于找到了自由

———Joel Hanson/Sara Grove 乔伊.汉森 /Sara Grove


Joel Hanson

【歌词中文翻译】Passenger - Let Her Go 放手爱情 Well you only need the light when it's burning low

当你处于昏暗的时候 你才发觉光明的可贵

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

当你身处冰天雪地 你才懂得太阳的温暖

Only know you love her when you let her go

当你放手爱情 你才醒悟 你是多么的爱她 Only know you've been high when you're feeling low 如今你已无枝可依 这时你才知道为何生如夏花 Only hate the road when you're missing home 如今你已无家可归 这时你才明白生活之路满布荆棘 Only know you love her when you let her go 如今你已失去挚爱 这时你才发现你是多么的爱她 And you let her go


Staring at the bottom of your glass

酒杯已空 醉看人生 Hoping one day you'll make a dream last


But dreams come slow and they go so fast

但你知道 梦来的温柔 而醒的残酷

You see her when you close your eyes

当你闭上双眼 你仿佛看到了她

Maybe one day you'll understand why


Everything you touch, oh it dies


Staring at the ceiling in the dark

繁星满天 你痴痴的望着天花板

Same old empty feeling in your heart


'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast 爱情来的温柔 去的残酷

Well you see her when you fall asleep

如今你只得在梦里与她相见 But never to touch and never to keep

可这梦脆弱的经不起触碰 经不起长久

'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep 你爱她越深 你亦而陷的越深

篇五:traveling light

1 Sometime in my twenties I was bitten by the travel 1)bug. I’m not sure exactly when or where it happened, but I realized that being in airports, train stations, hotels, and unfamiliar cities made me extraordinarily happy.


2 Interestingly, this passion developed during what I’d call an “accumulation phase” in my life. After graduating from college, my now-husband and I went through the typical process of “2)setting up house.” In fact, decorating our apartment became a creative outlet for us. Since we had little money, we 3)scoured antique shops and 4)flea markets for hidden treasures—and 5)hauled a good deal of “6)junk” back to our 7)abode.


3 I think, in some sense, travel became an escape from my

increasingly-8)cluttered environment, though at the time, I never consciously regarded it as such. I loved the opportunity and challenge of 9)editing my

possessions down to a single suitcase. I’d start making a packing list weeks in advance and select the contents as thoughtfully as if I were 10)curating an art exhibition. Thankfully, no one was 11)privy to my intense internal debates about whether to include hand cream, or an extra pair of socks; they would have thought I’d lost my mind!


4 Why the enormous effort in packing for a week’s vacation? As a teenager, I had over-packed for my senior class trip to Florida (thinking, in typical teenage fashion, that I needed a new outfit for every day of the trip). I suffered the misery of dragging around a heavy suitcase, half the contents of which I never even used.

I remember wondering how anyone could enjoy traveling when they had to 12)cart around their stuff like a packed mule.


5 That was the last time I 13)checked a suitcase at the airport. In the following years, I realized that travel didn’t have to be so 14)burdensome. On my first trip to Europe, I took nothing more than a small 15)carry-on bag (16)swapping my wardrobe of clothes for a packet of laundry 17)detergent). I knew every ounce would weigh on me like a little anchor, so I was determined not to include a single item that was unnecessary or 18)superfluous. The experience was exhilarating—while others

19)trouped to the 20)baggage carousel, I 21)hit the ground running. I was mobile, flexible, and fancy free—and never once struggled to 22)maneuver my bag on buses, subways, or long 23)flights of stairs. Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times; I could carry my little bag to museums and tourist sites, and 24)stash it in a 25)locker when need be.


I had never felt so free! I was 26)heady with the notion that I could go ANYWHERE when all my stuff was in one little bag. When I returned from a trip, I would count the days until my next vacation. Half the excitement was the opportunity to explore other cultures; the other half was the chance to recreate that feeling of27)unbridled freedom. I looked forward to those precious weeks when one bag 28)sufficed to meet my needs.



Eventually, the idea of living with just the essentials expanded beyond the days of my twice-yearly vacations. Traveling light became a metaphor for how I wanted to live my life. I began to edit the contents of my surroundings with the same

29)fervor as I had my suitcase. As I slowly 30)ditched the extra “31)baggage,” I could feel the weight lifted from my shoulders.


My passion for 32)minimalist living now equals my passion for travel. In it, I’ve discovered a way to practice the art of traveling light 365 days a year. And in the process, life has become an easier, more exciting, and infinitely more interesting journey!

