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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:15:54 小学作文

篇一:英语作文Village offer

In today's China,the social competition day by day is now intense, the society is getting higher and higher to the talented person quality's request, the undergraduate student employment pressure increases suddenly,so more and more college graduates choose to be a village cadre.Popularity recognized,every coin has two sides.That is to say,this phenomenon also has its advantages and disadvantages to a graduate who choose to be a village cadre.As the matter of fact,what we want to discuss is whether it is really beneficial to these people.

In my view,I think that being a village cadre do more harm than good.On the other hand,From an objective perspective,it is an excellent choice for part of people who is willing to being an offer in the government office in future.Surely,it is not so good for the most of other people.As we all know,it can be a good beginning if you want to be a government offer one day.Working as a village offer can contact with something that is public,what does good for working in government office.In other words,it's crucial experience and you can put forward something that is really inventing and can put into using more easy if you experience it.In this situation,a lead can carry out some policy which can make the people'life become better who exercises in a village.On the contrary,if you don't plan to work as a government offer,then it is not a smart decision.The first reason is you will lose three years work experience in the vocation which you will employ yourself in.The second one is that you do misuse the three years.Because in this period,you can't do something interest you but do something that is really boring.In fact,you can seek a proper job in this term.The third one is that the job's environment is uncomfortable in some extent.

We can believe that being a village cadre has its own benefits,but when it comes to its inferior position,these people should think over whether its advantages can over disadvantages for yourself who want to contribute your ability and time and do something really can change the embarrassing situations China's villages.

篇二:高中英语 刘家湾村-WelcometoOurVillage作文素材


Welcome to Our Village Ours is called Liujiawan Village. It is an out-of-the-ways① place because it is far away from other villages. There are 1, 835 people in it. In the past it was very poor. There was no factory, no school, no hospital, and even no trees. The people lived a hard life. Now great changes have taken place here. There Line② rows of new houses and green trees on the either side of the streets. We have set up four factories, a hospital, and one school from where 50 students came out and entered into the universities. The life of the villagers is getting better and better.

Wish you a good time here.

篇三:小学英语作文-I Love My Home Village 我爱我的家乡

小学英语作文:I Love My Home Village 我爱我的家乡

I Love My Home Village 我爱我的家乡


My home village is very beautiful. It lies at the foot of a mountain.

A clean and small river runs around the village. Our villagers are friendly and hard working.

But ten years ago we lived a hard life, because there wasn't a road here then. We couldn't take the vegetables and fruit to the town. In the past few years, our village has changed a lot. With the help of the government, we have built a wide road to town. So we can sell our begetables and fruit in the town. We have become rich. Now we are living in new buildings and our life is getting better and better.





篇四:小学英语作文-I Love My Home Village 我爱我的家乡

小学英语作文:I Love My Home Village 我爱我的家乡

I Love My Home Village 我爱我的家乡

My home village is very beautiful. It lies at the foot of a mountain.

A clean and small river runs around the village. Our villagers are friendly and hard working.

But ten years ago we lived a hard life, because there wasn't a road here then. We couldn't take the vegetables and fruit to the town. In the past few years, our village has changed a lot. With the help of the government, we have built a wide road to town. So we can sell our begetables and fruit in the town. We have become rich. Now we are living in new buildings and our life is getting better and better.





篇五:法语作文-乡村的生活 Changement Au Village

Changement Au Village

Pour le 1er mai, je compte aller à la campagne où mes grandparents habitent. Si j’ai envie de passer mes vacances là-bas, c’est parce que j’ai un très bon souvenir du village.

Quand j’était 6 ans, je suis allé au village pour la première fois. Il était un petit village au bord de la mer, calme et paisible. La paysage était très magnifique. On pouvait y trouver presque tous les arbres sur la montagne. Et plus, beaucoup de petits oiseaux chantaient gaiement sur les branches. Les fleurs se voyaient partout, dans les prés, le long des routes, au bord des rivières. La belle mer était à 5 minutes à pied de ma maison. Le air frais me rendait le plaisir. Les vagues semblaient me plaire. Le jour, on pouvait nager dans la mer et prendre le bain de soleil sur la plage. Et le soir, Il était agréable de se promener sous le clair de lune.

Or, voyant tout devant moi, je suis trés surprise. De grands changements se passent dans

le village. Les vieilles maisons ont été remplacées par immeubles et centres commercials. Le autoroute roule beaucoup de voitures qui s’exhalent la fumée polluant l’air. Les arbres, rivières, oiseaux, fleurs que je veux voir disparaissent. Et à part cela, la belle mer a été pollué aussi par les produits industriels. Le air n’est plus frais. Personne ne veut faire de la promenade sur la plage.

Je me fait beaucoup de peine. Pourquoi le développement économique co?te beaucoup à l’environnement. Si l’environnement n’était pas détruit, je pourrais posséder les vacances gaies.
