作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 13:25:17 体裁作文



1.Dear friend,

My name is Sally.I am from China.I want a pen pal in Australia.I am 14 years old.I have no brothers or sisters in my family.My favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting.I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends.How about you? Can you write and tell me about yourself?



2.My favorite animal is a cat.I have a cat in my family.Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China.She is two years old now.She likes to eat fish every day.She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute.I like playing with it after school.

3.Last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was pretty good.I went there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny, cool and humid.the people were friendly and the food was delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to go there again.


My home is on Center Street.On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a post office and a library.The post office is between the library and the restaurant.Across from the post office is a pay phone.A bank is next to the pay phone.The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.A hotel is in front of the supermarket.

5.It is Sunday.The Turners are staying at home.They are doing different kinds of things.Mr Turner is washing his car.Mrs Turener is sitting at the table.She is drinking tea.Bob is talking on the phone.Nancy is sitting near the pool.She is watching the dog swimming.They are having a good time.

6.It’s Sunday morning.My mother and I are going to the park.There are a lot of people in the park.Some children are running.A dog is running after them.Four women are sitting there They are talking.Three old men are standing under a big tree.They are watching the children.Many young people are dancing.Everyone is having a good time.We are having a good time, too.


我叫莎莉。我来自中国。我想在澳大利亚有一位笔友。我今年14岁。在我家里我没有兄弟姐妹。我在学校最喜欢的科目是科学,因为我觉得它很有趣。在周末我喜欢弹钢琴和打篮球。你呢?你会写信来告诉我有关你自己的情况吗? 此致,莎莉







Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world.Beijing is cloudy.It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out.It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind in the afternoon.It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot.The day after tomorrow will be sunny.That’s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening.


There are three people in Jim’s family.Mr.Green is his father.He is heavy and he has short straight hair.He wears glasses.He is watching TV.His mother is Mrs.Green.She is of medium height.She has curly hair.She is cleaning the room.Jim is very thin.He is playing with the ball.They are all happy.

9.I am Sally.Every day I am very busy.I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at six o’clock every morning.I have to eat my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock.I can’t meet my friends after school.I can’t watch TV on school nights.And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock.On weekends, I have to clean my room.Then I have to wash my clothes.Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar.I love music.But I can’t listen to music at home.I never have any fun.My life is so boring.What can I do ?

10.日记 Thursday, August 1st

Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall.It was fantastic.There were many people there.In the afternoon, I visited Tian’an Men Square.There were many beautiful flowers.It was really great.I went to a Beijing Hutung.It was really fun.I had a good time there.

11.描写周末的短文 Jenny had a busy weekend.Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced

speaking English at home.She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon.At night, she went to the movies.On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach.On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping.She had a party last night.







Here are our class rules.We can’t arrive late for class on weekdays.We have to wear clean clothes every day.We can’t run in the hallways.We have to eat and drink in the dining room.We have to clean our classroom every day.

13.We went to a summer camp today.The weather was great.The mountains were really beautiful.We had great fun singing and dancing there.We had a lot of food and drinks with us.So we had a big lunch.I ate two hamburgers and some orange juice.my friends all enjoyed their lunch very much.It was so nice eating in the open air。I was really tired but I had a good time.


This is my family.There are four people in my family.They are my father, mother, sister and I.We all like to go to the mountains.On weekends, we usually go to the mountains.When it rains, we stay at home, watch TV, read books or play cards.We usually have a good time.I have a happy family.And I love them.


Guomao Clothes Store SALE!

Come and buy your clothes at Guomao’s great sale! We have many nice and cheap clothes in the store.We sell sweaters for only ¥25.Do you like socks? We have socks at a very good price – only ¥2.The pants are cheap, too.They’re ¥20.

Come and see for yourself at Guomao Clothes Store!

16.Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends.They all love to watch different TV shows.Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows.Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms.But Lily can’t stand them.She just likes game shows.Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either.He enjoys talk shows.So you know they are all TV shows fans.





在大减价时快来国贸买你的衣服吧!我们店里有许多又好又便宜的衣服。我们出售只有25元的毛衣。你喜欢袜子吗?我们有一个非常好的价格的袜子 - 只卖2元。裤子也很便宜了。他们是20元。快来国贸服装商店为自己看看衣服吧!



It’s Sunday today.I’m going to cook a nice dinner for my family.What will I cook? Well, my mother would like some dumplings, vegetable salad and ice cream.My father would like rice, beef and potato.He wants to drink coffee, too.I would like a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles.What about my cat? Well, he likes fish and soup.So I’ll cook some for him.


We have a cat at my home.I like her, and I often

play with her.In fact, she is my good friend.My backpack is too old, and I don’t like it.I want to

have a new one.I have a wallet.My mother

bought it for me.I don’t mind it and sometimes I take it.I can’t stand my school uniform, but I have to wear it on weekdays.I have a colorful skirt, and I love it very much.I love all beautiful clothes.

19.假如你叔叔是一名警察。请根据提示词汇写一篇短文,介绍一下你叔叔的情况。要求:条理清楚,语句通顺;不少于60词。提示词:early, late, help students go across, the lost people, find, fight with(打击), thieves, safe(安全的), busy, dangerous.

My uncle is a policeman.He goes to work early and comes back very late every day.Sometimes he helps students go across the streets.Sometimes he helps the lost people find their homes.And at other times, he fights with thieves to keep families and people safe.His job is busy and dangerous, but it’s good for people.My uncle is great.I like him very much.

20.Tom has many rules.He has to get up at 6:30 every morning.He can’t watch TV or play computer games on school nights.He has to do his homework every day.He has to be in bed by ten o’clock.He can’t eat outside.He has to be back home by 6:00 in the afternoon.


1.亲爱的朋友, 我叫莎莉。我来自中国。我想在澳1.Dear friend,

大利亚有一位笔友。我今年14岁。在 My name is Sally.I am from China.I want a pen pal in

我家里我没有兄弟姐妹。我在学校最Australia.I am 14 years old.I have no brothers or sisters in

喜欢的科目是科学,因为我觉得它很my family.My favorite subject in school is science,

有趣。在周末我喜欢弹钢琴和打篮球。because I think it’s very interesting.I like playing the piano

你呢?你会写信来告诉我有关你自己and playing basketball on weekends.How about you? Can

的情况吗? you write and tell me about yourself?

Yours, 此致,莎莉


有一只猫。她的名字叫咪咪,我认为2.My favorite animal is a cat.I have a cat in my family.Her

她来自中国。她两岁了。她喜欢每天name is Mimi, I think she is from China.She is two years

吃鱼。她是那种懒惰,但她很可爱。old now.She likes to eat fish every day.She is kind of lazy,

放学后我喜欢和它一起玩。 but she is very cute.I like playing with it after school.

3.去年夏天,我去了海滩。我的假期3.Last summer I went to the beach.My vacation was pretty

很不错。我坐公共汽车去那里,我的good.I went there by bus and my bus trip was

公交出行很令人放松。海滩非常漂亮。relaxing.The beach was very beautiful.It was sunny, cool

阳光普照,凉爽和潮湿。人们都很友and humid.the people were friendly and the food was

善,食物很可口。我很喜欢我的假期,delicious.I enjoyed my vacation very much and I hope to

我希望再去那里。 go there again.


4.我的家就在中心街。在中心街,有My home is on Center Street.On Center Street, there is a

一家餐厅,一个邮局和一个图书馆。restaurant, a post office and a library.The post office is

邮局在图书馆和餐厅之间。邮局对面between the library and the restaurant.Across from the

是一个公用电话。公用电话的旁边是post office is a pay phone.A bank is next to the pay

一家银行。超市在第五大道。酒店在phone.The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.A hotel is in

超市的前面。 front of the supermarket.


他们正在做不同的事情。特纳先生正5.It is Sunday.The Turners are staying at home.They are

在洗他的车。特纳夫人正坐在桌子旁doing different kinds of things.Mr Turner is washing his

边。她正在喝茶.Bob正讲电话。南希car.Mrs Turener is sitting at the table.She is drinking

正坐在游泳池附近.她正在注视着狗tea.Bob is talking on the phone.Nancy is sitting near the

游泳.他们正过一段愉快的时光。 pool.She is watching the dog swimming.They are having a

good time.


公园。有很多很多人在公园里。有些6.It’s Sunday morning.My mother and I are going to the

孩子正在跑步。一只狗正在追赶他们。park.There are a lot of people in the park.Some children

四名妇女正坐在那里,她们在聊天。are running.A dog is running after them.Four women are

三位老人正站在一棵大树下。他们正sitting there They are talking.Three old men are standing

在看孩子。许多年轻人在跳舞。每个under a big tree.They are watching the children.Many

人都过得很愉快。我们也正享受着一young people are dancing.Everyone is having a good

段愉快的时光。 time.We are having a good time, too.



Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world.Beijing is cloudy.It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out.It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind in the afternoon.It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot.The day after tomorrow will be sunny.That’s the weather report for today.Thank you for listening.


There are three people in Jim’s family.Mr.Green is his father.He is heavy and he has short straight hair.He wears glasses.He is watching TV.His mother is Mrs.Green.She is of medium height.She has curly hair.She is cleaning the room.Jim is very thin.He is playing with the ball.They are all happy.

9.I am Sally.Every day I am very busy.I have too many rules in my house.I have to get up at six o’clock every morning.I have to eat my breakfast at 7:00 o’clock.I can’t meet my friends after school.I can’t watch TV on school nights.And I have to be in bed by 10:00 o’clock.On weekends, I have to clean my room.Then I have to wash my clothes.Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the guitar.I love music.But I can’t listen to music at home.I never have any fun.My life is so boring.What can I do ?

10.日记 Thursday, August 1st

Today I went to the Palace Museum.It was cool.Then I went to the Great Wall.It was fantastic.There were many people there.In the afternoon, I visited Tian’an Men Square.There were many beautiful flowers.It was really great.I went to a Beijing Hutung.It was really fun.I had a good time there.

11.描写周末的短文 Jenny had a busy weekend.Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home.She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon.At night, she went to the movies.On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach.On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping.She had a party last night.







Here are our class rules.We can’t arrive late for class on weekdays.We have to wear clean clothes every day.We can’t run in the hallways.We have to eat and drink in the dining room.We have to clean our classroom every day.

13.We went to a summer camp today.The weather was great.The mountains were really beautiful.We had great fun singing and dancing there.We had a lot of food and drinks with us.So we had a big lunch.I ate two hamburgers and some orange juice.my friends all enjoyed their lunch very much.It was so nice eating in the open air。I was really tired but I had a good time.


This is my family.There are four people in my family.They are my father, mother, sister and I.We all like to go to the mountains.On weekends, we usually go to the mountains.When it rains, we stay at home, watch TV, read books or play cards.We usually have a good time.I have a happy family.And I love them.


Guomao Clothes Store SALE!

Come and buy your clothes at Guomao’s great sale! We have many nice and cheap clothes in the store.We sell sweaters for only ¥25.Do you like socks? We have socks at a very good price – only ¥2.The pants are cheap, too.They’re ¥20.

Come and see for yourself at Guomao Clothes Store!

16.Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends.They all love to watch different TV shows.Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows.Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms.But Lily can’t stand them.She just likes game shows.Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either.He enjoys talk shows.So you know they are all TV shows fans.





在大减价时快来国贸买你的衣服吧!我们店里有许多又好又便宜的衣服。我们出售只有25元的毛衣。你喜欢袜子吗?我们有一个非常好的价格的袜子 - 只卖2元。裤子也很便宜了。他们是20元。快来国贸服装商店为自己看看衣服吧!




It’s Sunday today.I’m going to cook a nice dinner for my family.What will I cook? Well, my mother would like some dumplings, vegetable salad and ice cream.My father would like rice, beef and potato.He wants to drink coffee, too.I would like a small bowl of mutton and carrot noodles.What about my cat? Well, he likes fish and soup.So I’ll cook some for him.


We have a cat at my home.I like her, and I often play with her.In fact, she is my good friend.My backpack is too old, and I don’t like it.I want to have a new one.I have a wallet.My mother bought it for me.I don’t mind it and sometimes I take it.I can’t stand my school uniform, but I have to wear it on weekdays.I have a colorful skirt, and I love it very much.I love all beautiful clothes.

19.假如你叔叔是一名警察。请根据提示词汇写一篇短文,介绍一下你叔叔的情况。要求:条理清楚,语句通顺;不少于60词。提示词:early, late, help students go across, the lost people, find, fight with(打击), thieves, safe(安全的), busy, dangerous.

My uncle is a policeman.He goes to work early and comes back very late every day.Sometimes he helps students go across the streets.Sometimes he helps the lost people find their homes.And at other times, he fights with thieves to keep families and people safe.His job is busy and dangerous, but it’s good for people.My uncle is great.I like him very much.

20.Tom has many rules.He has to get up at 6:30 every morning.He can’t watch TV or play computer games on school nights.He has to do his homework every day.He has to be in bed by ten o’clock.He can’t eat outside.He has to be back home by 6:00 in the afternoon.







在你成长的过程中,学校生活给你留下了深刻印象。在你即将初中毕业之际,校园论坛发起“创建和谐校园”(Build a Harmonious Campus)的主题活动。假设你是马琳,请根据提示写一篇倡议书,号召大家为创建和谐校园,争做文明学生而努力。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)

Dear Friends,

Our government calls for everyone to try his best to build a harmonious society.

As a student, we also need to try our best to build a harmonious campus. First, we should protect the trees and flowers. We can’t pick up flowers and we can’t walk on the grass. We can’t also throw litter here and there . We should make our school beautiful. Second, we should be kind to our teachers and classmates , and we can’t be a dishonest man , we are supposed to be kind to everyone. Finally, as a student, we should study hard, we should obey the school rules , we are supposed to take an active part in activities , because it’s good for our health and it’s also good for our study.


“安全你我他,幸福千万家”,关爱生命,确保平安,让我们的生活更加幸福安康。请以“Keep safe________(at home/at school/on the road)”为题写一篇80个词左右的英语短文。

Keep safe at school

It’s important for us to keep safe at school and it will make us study better and live more happily. In order to keep safe at school, we must pay attention to some things.

First, be in order when we are going upstairs or downstairs. Second, make sure to be safe when we are doing sports. Try not to be hurt. Third, learn about some knowledge of safety. It’s helpful to us.

If we follow the advice, we’ll make ourselves safe at school.

为配合我市开展“创建文明城市(build a civilized city)”活动,学校举办以How to Behave Well?为主题的英语征文比赛。现在请你根据所给提示内容,用英语写一篇80词左右参赛短文。

In order to build a civilized city, we students should try our best to behave well in the activities. It’s a good habit to keep our clothes clean and tidy. Our city should be kept clean every day. Don’t throw litter or spit about. It’s good manners to say “Thank you” and “Please”, and so on. We should never say dirty words. Be friendly to others and always ready to help the people in need. For example, when we are on a bus, we should give our seats to the old and the women with babies. We should also obey traffic rules. When the traffic lights are red, we should stop. And we’d better not talk or laugh loudly in public.

If everyone behaves well , our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.



假设你是Li Ming,是一个注重“低碳生活”的中学生,请以 “My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇80个词左右的英语短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。10分。

My Low-carbon Life

My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I go to school on foot or by bike every day. I always remember to turn off the lights ,the TV and the electric fans when I leave home or the classroom. When I am using water, I always remember to turn off the tap after I use it. I often reuse water, for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. I never use plastic bags. I think saving paper is necessary, so I often make use of paper. It’s important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.

2013年1月上旬,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以“Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。

Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment

We all live in the earth. The earth is our home. We have only one earth. We must take care of it. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end. There are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness.

It’s our duty to protect our environment. So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, reduce the pollution. We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

Protecting the nature is very important. It’s our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. If everyone makes a contribution to protect the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.


今年一月份,我国政府号召全民“拒绝浪费,文明用餐”,加入“光盘行动”。请根据下面提示,联系实际,适当发挥,以“Save Food and Eat Healthily”为题,写一篇80个词左右的英语短文。

Save Food And Eat Healthily

Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. We middle school students should do something for it.

To save food, we shouldn’t waste any of our food. We should eat up all the food. We shouldn’t order the food more than we can eat while dining out, because many people in the world don’t have enough to eat. To eat healthily, we shouldn’t eat junk food but healthy food. It’s good for our health to

eat a balanced diet. We’d better not eat in small restaurants. The food and the oil they use are not clean or healthy enough. We’d better eat at school or at home if we have time.


随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展,“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子”的理念已深入人心。为配合该活动,你班将举行一次主题班会。请以“Sports and Health”为题写一篇发言稿,介绍你自己的体育锻炼情况及感受等。

Dear friends,

I’m glad to be here to say something about sports and health. I love sports. My favorite sport is playing basketball. I like it because it’s exciting and good for my health. I usually play basketball with my best friends on the playground after school. I also enjoy playing ping-pong and swimming.

I am stronger than before because I keep on taking exercise almost every day. “Keep doing exercise an hour a day, you can work healthily for fifty years and live a happy life all the time.” So I hope all of us can take an active part in sports , and also I wish everybody good health.

That’s all. Thank you.


一些良好的生活习惯会使我们拥有健康的体魄。请根据以下词语提示,以“How to Develop Good Living Habits”为题写一篇英语短文。要求:意思连贯,表达准确,词数80左右。

词语提示:before meals; junk food; rubbish, spit(吐痰); exercise(锻炼);cross the road; traffic lights How to Develop Good Living Habits

Everyone has different living habits. Good habits can make us keep healthy. As teenagers, what should we do?

In my opinion, everyone should get up and go to sleep on time every day. Don’t play computer games or watch TV all night. That is bad for our health and affects our work. We should eat more vegetables and fruit, and eat less meat. I advise everybody to take more exercise. Don’t eat junk food. Don’t litter or spit around. Don’t play on the road. Remember to obey the traffic rules. Don’t cross the road when the traffic light is red.

In a word, if we want to keep healthy and happy , we must develop good living habits.



I have studied in my middle school for three years. I have learned a lot here. I learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others. I have many hobbies. I like sports. I often play ping-pong and volleyball with my friends. Volleyball is my favorite. Of all my subjects I like English most. But my history and science are very weak. I think I should try my best to learn them well.

我们无法改变过去,却能用勤奋和智慧创造美好的未来。亲爱的同学,你对未来的生活有怎样的期待呢?请以“My life in the future”为题写一篇80个词左右的短文,畅想自己未来的学习、工作和生活。

My life in the future

My life in the future will be colorful and meaningful. I’m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from university. I believe I’ll bring my patients health and happiness. In my spare time, I’ll stay with my family. We’ll travel a lot and do lots of sports. I’ll also read as many books as I can, for I want to improve myself. Even if I’m busy with my work, I will never give up studying. I’m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life in the future will get better and better.






● 描绘图表

1. According to the above table, we can see that ?

2. As can be seen from the graph, ?

3. From this survey of ? we can see that?

4. In accordance with the statistics given by the chart, ?

5. At a glimpse of the picture, it gives me an impression of ? But when I look at the picture once more, I get to know more from the picture. It is shown that ?

6. At first glance, ? seems ? However, a closer examination reveals ?

● 问句开头,激发兴趣

1. Why ?? Many people pose the question like this.

2. “Should men and women be equal?” This is a question much talked about by people all over the world. Today

3. “??” This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people.

● 列出现象或背景

1. These days we often hear about ?

2. We are often shown/told these days that

3. Many nations have been faced with the problem of ?

4. Recently the problem/question/issue of ? has aroused wide concern.

5. With the popularity of ?, ?

6. Nowadays there has been a growing tendency to ?

7. Nowadays more and more people are showing their concern over ?

8. With the advent of the new phase of knowledge economy, the terms “?” “?” and “?” have already be

9. There is a deep-rooted concept in the minds of many people that ?

● 引用名人名言,给文章增色

1. An old Chinese saying goes well: “A stern teacher fosters able students.”

2. Nothing is permanent except change, as an old proverb goes.

3. Good health is the best treasure to everybody. There is the saying: “Good health is the best wealth.”

4. Enough is as good as a feast.

5. More haste, less speed.

6. It’s never too old to learn.

7. Rome was not built in a day.

8. All roads lead to Rome.

9. Great minds think alike.

10. Well begun, half done.

11. Money makes the mare go.

12. Practice makes perfect.

13. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

14. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

15. Look before you leap.

16. A. friend in need is a friend indeed.

17. Two heads are better than one.

18. Easier said than done.

19. Where there is a will, there is a way.

20. “Knowledge is power.”

21. “No pains, no gains.”

22. “The early bird catches the worm.”

23. Different strokes for different folks.

24. All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy.

25. Give me a fish and I’ll eat for a day; teach me how to fish and I’ll eat for a life time.

26. Live and let live.

27. Time and tide wait for no man.


● 因果法



常用的连接语:because, since, now that, because of, as a result of, on account of, for this reason, owing to, due toconsequently, so, accordingly, in view of ?

1. There are many reasons for this but the main three are as follows: First, ? Second, ? Last but not least, ?

2. The reasons why ? are as follows:

3. The apparent reason for this is ?, and the reason under the surface is ?表面原因是?,而其深层原因是?

4. The reasons for ? are many, but for the most part center ?, ?, and ?

● 列举法


常用的连接语:first, second, last but not list, first of all, to begin with, firstly, secondly, finally, what is more, nex

1. For one thing, for another

2. The first thing we do is ? next, and then, finally ?

3. First, second, third, ? last but not least ?

4. Firstly, secondly, thirdly ? Finally, ?

5. There are many ways to categorize ?, but here is a fairly simple one:

6. The following methods are particularly productive for ? 1. ? 2. ? 3. .?

7. Another important consideration is ?

8. What is more, ?


● 结论

1. From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably draw a conclusion that ?

2. Therefore, we can come to a conclusion that ?

3. Thus, it can be concluded that ?

4. In a word, it is important ?

5. To sum up, ?

6. In short, ?

7. All in all ?

8. As has been mentioned above, a conclusion can be drawn that ?

9. In my opinion,

10. So far as I am concerned,

11. From this point of view, ?

12. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that ?


1. 社会热点

after-sale service

comprehensive force of the country

exterior environment

government at all levels

joint venture

medical care

peace and stability of society

problem of piracy

shareholding enterprise

state-owned enterprise

to eliminate corruption

development of the west

Hope Project

China’s elite

collectively-owned enterprise

copy-right law

fake commodities

high-tech products

laid-off workers

migrant workers

poverty-ridden provinces


social security

to do away with superstitions

to go bankrupt

the aid-the-poor program

Spring Buds Program

persons of the year for 2004

2. 学习与考试

adapt oneself to society

college entrance examination

compulsory education


education for test

optional courses

to acquire (gain, get) knowledge

to foster a good habit of learning

to get the all-round moral, intellectual, physical development to have a good command of English

to keep abreast of the newest development

to take pains to learn to widen knowledge


To popularize the 9-year compulsory education

the reduction of schoolwork

affluent Chinese people

A diverse large of interest

along with the accumulation of the gradually

enriched experience

an open-book examination

compulsory courses


education for quality

after-class activities

on campus

post-graduate education

mr green s sale 作文

to enrich experience

to get in touch with the world outside

qualities that go to the making of a college student to have a working knowledge of English

to receive further education




This is a picture of jack’s family .They have a color TV. It is on the table. Mr. Smith’s baseballs are under the table. Mrs. Smith’s jacket is on the bed. Jack’s bag is on the chair. Where are his pens and erasers?They are in his pencil box. 第五单元

Dear Tom,

I love sports. Some balls and bats are in my room. I have two ping-pong bats. They’re on the table. Three soccer balls, five volleyballs and two basketballs are on under the bed. And I have two baseballs bats .They are on the sofa. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. I think it’s fun ,I like soccer. I play it at school with my friends. It is relaxing. Volleyball is difficult for me. I don’t play it.

Yours, Liu Rui 第六单元

There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father likes fruits, vegetables and rice. He doesn’t like fish. My father’s favorite fruits are bananas, apples and oranges. My mother likes apples and vegetables. She

also likes ice-cream. But she doesn’t like orange or rice. I like fruit and vegetables. I also like eggs and fish. I often have them for lunch. But I don’t like rice.


Come and buy your clothes at Liang Li’s great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like trousers? Only 10 dollars. Do you need shoes for sports?

We have great shoes for only 5 dollars! For boys, you can buy socks for only 4 dollars each! For girls, we have beautiful skirts in all colors for only 8 dollars. Come to Liangli’s Clothes Store now!


We have tests on December 2nd and December 3 rd in our school. The school trip is on December 5th.We will visit some interesting places in our city. And the art festival is on December 8th. We will sing difficult kinds of songs and draw some nice pictures. We have a Chinese speech contest on December 16th. We also have a volleyball game on December

21st.It is a really busy month.


Dear Cindy,

I am busy on Thursday. At 8:30 I have Chinese class. It’s

favorite subject. Then I have science at 9:00. I think it’s difficult but fun. I have music at 11:00. It’s interesting. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:30. At 2:30 I have English. I like English because I like my English teacher. My classes finish at 3:50.

Your friend, Alan
