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篇一:Too big to hail

Too big to hail

From: language.chinadaily.com.cn By: The Economist


China's banking behemoths are too beholden to the state. It is time to set finance free.

Too big to hail

China's banking behemoths are too beholden to the state. It is time to set finance free.

Aug 31st 2013 |From the print edition

AT FIRST sight, China seems to have a superb banking system. Its state-controlled banks, among the biggest and most profitable in the world, have negligible levels of non-performing loans and are well capitalised. That appears to suggest that the country's approach should be applauded.

Not so. For one thing, though China's banking system is stable, its banks are not as healthy as they seem. The credit binge of recent years has left them with far higher levels of risky loans than they acknowledge. And a profit squeeze is coming. The banks are having to work harder to keep both their biggest depositors, who are tempted by

alternative investment products, and their biggest borrowers, who are turning to the bond market instead. As a consequence, the country's Big Four banks--Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank--will no longer make easy money by merely issuing soft loans to state-owned enterpris


es, or SOEs (see article).

What is more, that vaunted stability has come at a high price. China's policy of financial repression, which forces households to endure artificially low interest rates on bank deposits so that subsidised capital can be lent to SOEs, is a cruel tax on ordinary people. The size of China's banks may seem impressive, but in fact it is a sign that the economy is excessively reliant on bank lending. And the incentives encouraging the risk-averse Big Four, whose bosses are leading figures in the Communist Party, to funnel lending to cronies at inefficient SOEs have starved dynamic "bamboo capitalists" of credit.

Excess of caution

China's new leaders have acknowledged that the old approach has led to excesses, notably overcapacity in state industries. They are talking of allowing more private (but not foreign) investment in the financial sector and are urging banks to lend more to private firms. That is not enough.

For a start, China should end financial repression. If deposit rates were gradually freed, banks would be forced to compete with each other for depositors and free to win back customers now lost to the shadow banking system. Most Chinese banks have no clue today about customer service, risk management or credit assessment. That would have to change. Miserable returns on bank deposits encourage punters to plough money into real estate and other riskier investments, so paying decent deposit rates might help prick the property bubble, too.

Second, China needs to go beyond banking. In many developed economies, non-bank firms and financial markets vie with banks to issue credit, but in the Middle Kingdom banks still dominate. In recent years Chinese firms raised nine times as much money from banks as they did on the country's stock exchanges. The corporate bond market has grown quickly of late (and big banks no longer gobble up most of the offerings). This growth should be encouraged. Third, China must separate banking from crony state capitalism. The best way to do this is privatisation. Smaller

banks like China Merchants and China Minsheng, in which private investors have significant stakes, lend much more energetically to small businesses and households than do the state-controlled goliaths. Privatising the Big Four would help, though it would make it harder for the state to manage any future banking crisis. And as long as sheltered, oligopolistic SOEs exist, banks will lend disproportionately to them because they enjoy implicit state backing. So the big SOEs must themselves face greater market discipline.

Finally, China should welcome competition, from abroad and at home. Two Chinese internet giants, Tencent and Alibaba, are starting to provide wealth management, investment funds and other financial services. Banks are

lobbying against them. Regulators worry about the destabilising effect of start-ups with new business models, but for newcomers that do not pose a systemic risk they can afford lighter-touch regulation.

None of these changes should happen overnight. They can be implemented gradually. But a bit of disruptive innovation would be good for China's stodgy banks, and its people.


译者: ringohan 原作者:The Economist





2013年8月31日 |印刷版













篇二:rain and hail 雨和冰雹

Dark clouds were in the sky. The sun went down. The weather got cold. The wind started to blow. Leaves blew off the trees. Paper flew through the air. People buttoned their jackets. The rain started to fall. At first it was quiet. Then it got louder. It was a storm. The rain was very loud. The man couldn't hear his TV. He turned up the volume. Now he could hear his TV. He looked

outside his door. He looked at the rain. It was pouring off his roof. It was a flood. Then he saw lightning. Then he heard thunder. It was a very cold night. The rain changed to hail. The hail was very noisy. He turned up the TV volume again. Now he could hear his TV again. He

watched TV for a while. Then he looked outside again. All the cars were white. The street was white. The ground

was white. The hail covered everything. The hail looked just like snow. He wanted to make a big snowman. But you can't make a snowman out of hail. You can only make a snowman out of snow.

篇三:一场冰雹 A Hailstorm

一场冰雹 A Hailstorm

Last night, I was waked up by a hailstorm at the midnight. The hail was very heavy. It hit heavily on the windows of my house. It was more scared than the lightening. I was afraid. After a long, I fell asleep under my quilt. Next morning, I was sad when I saw my favorite sun flowers were all dead. A day before, they were growing prosperous. I hate hail. 昨天晚上,午夜的时候我被冰雹惊醒了。冰雹很大。它重重地撞在我家里的窗户上。冰雹比闪电还可怕。我很害怕。过了很长的时间,我在被子里面睡着了。第二天早晨,当我看到我最喜欢的向日葵全死了的时候,我非常的伤心。前一天,它们还长得很旺盛。我讨厌死冰雹了。

篇四:一场冰雹 A Hailstorm

一场冰雹 A Hailstorm

Last night, I was waked up by a hailstorm at the midnight. The hail was very heavy. It hit heavily on the windows of my house. It was more scared than the lightening. I was afraid. After a long, I fell asleep under my quilt. Next morning, I was sad when I saw my favorite sun flowers were all dead. A day before, they were growing prosperous. I hate hail. 昨天晚上,午夜的时候我被冰雹惊醒了。冰雹很大。它重重地撞在我家里的窗户上。冰雹比闪电还可怕。我很害怕。过了很长的时间,我在被子里面睡着了。第二天早晨,当我看到我最喜欢的向日葵全死了的时候,我非常的伤心。前一天,它们还长得很旺盛。我讨厌死冰雹了。

篇五:Hail to the Chief

Hail to the Chief: 首长好!

Military parade: 阅兵

Guard of Honor: 仪仗队

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II: 纪念抗战胜利70周年 To review the troops: 阅兵

Military: 军队的、军事的

Armed forces:军队

Army: 军队

Troops: 军人

Soldiers: 军人

To deploy troops: 派遣军队

Support our troops/soldiers: 支持军队

Armament: 重型武器

Weapons: 武器

To display armament: 展示武器

Aircraft: 飞机 (形容比较大型的飞机)

Airplane: 飞机 (最通用的词)

Jet: 飞机 (速度快的飞机)

Fighter jet/bomber: 轰炸机

Aircraft Carrier: 航空母舰

Navy: 海军

POW (prisoner of war): 战俘

Emotional attachment: 情感联系、情感纽带

Marines: 海军陆战队

Respect: 尊重

Navy Seals: 美国海豹突击队

Carry out: 执行

Secret missions: 秘密任务

Infantry/ground troops: 陆军

Infant: 婴儿

Airforce: 空军

Pilot: 飞行员

Submarine: 潜水艇

Men/women in uniform: 军人
