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篇一:The Color Purple(结合各方面的考点分析)

这篇文章有两种出题方式,一种只顾Color Purple,还有一种和Hurton的一篇小说进行了比较。现在分析了一下顺便把考点划了出来,有些是已经知道问题的,前面标了考点。

The publication of The Color Purple transformed Alice Walker from an indubitably(不容置疑地)serious black writer whose fiction belonged to a tradition of gritty, if occasionally "magical," realism into a popular novelist, with all the perquisites and drawbacks attendant on that position. Unlike either The Third Life of Grange Copland (1970) or Meridian (1976), The Color Purple gained immediate and widespread public acceptance, winning both the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for 1982-83. At the same time, however, it generated immediate and widespread critical unease over what appeared to be manifest flaws in its composition. 赞誉参半Robert Towers, writing in the New York Review of Books, concluded that on the evidence of The Color Purple "Alice Walker still has a lot to learn about plotting and structuring what is clearly intended to be a realistic novel."很多评论家(以RT为代表)认为作品不够真实=观点1:传统观点Meager 認為這個小說,是虛構的。最後一個題是問你這個Meager 的觀點對應於第一段中哪一個學者的觀點,那么就找持有传统观点的评论家His opinion was shared by many reviewers(考点1), who pointed out variously that in the last third of the book the narrator-protagonist Celie and her friends are propelled toward a fairytale happy ending with more velocity than credibility传统观点:继续怀疑可信度; that the letters from Nettie, with their disconcertingly literate depictions of life in an African village, intrude into the middle of the main action with little apparent motivation or warrant(考点2); and that the device of the letters to God is especially unrealistic inasmuch as it foregoes the concretizing details that traditionally have given the epistolatory form(书信体) its peculiar verisimilitude: the secret writing-place, the cache, the ruses to enable posting letters, and especially the letters received in return.'

Indeed, Walker's violations of realist convention are so flagrant that they might well call into question whether The Color Purple "is clearly intended to be a realistic novel," 传统观点继续怀疑真实性especially as there are indications that at least some of those aspects of the novel discounted by reviewers as flaws may constitute its links to modes of writing other than Anglo-American nineteenth-century realism. For example, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., has recently located the letters to God within an Afro-American tradition deriving from slave narrative, a tradition in which the act of writing is linked to a powerful deity who "speaks" through Scripture and bestows literacy as an act of grace. LG:有Afro-American tradition,writing = powerful deity actFor Gates, concern with finding a voice, which he sees as the defining feature of Afro-American literature, becomes the context for the allusive affinities between Celie's letters and the "free indirect 'narrative of division"' that characterizes the acknowledged predecessor of The Color Purple, Zora Neale Hurston's 1937 novel Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Gates's paradigm suggests how misleading it may be to assume that mainstream realist criteria are appropriate for evaluating The Color Purple否定观点1,肯定G的观点. But the Afro-American preoccupation with voice as a primary element unifying both the speaking subject and the text as a whole does not deal with many of the more disquieting structural

features of Walker's novel. 但是AA只关注voice不关注结构,又否定了G方法的不足之处 (考点3!) 題目:問了這個critic(Henry Louis Gates,Jr.)和舊觀點中的critic 有什麼相同,選的是他沒有分析小說的structure。For instance, while the letters from Nettie clearly illustrate her parallel acquisition of her own voice, a process that enables her to arrive at conclusions very like Celie's under very different circumstances, the Afro-American tradition sheds little light on the central place that these letters occupy in the narrative or on why the plot takes this sudden jump into geographically and culturally removed surroundings 題目:問的作者認為Nettie 的letter to Celie 有什麼特點,我選了marka shift to geologically and culturally removed surroundings. And Gates's subtle explication of the ramifications of "voice," once Walker has reconstrued the term to designate a written discourse, does not attempt to address the problematic ending, in which the disparate members of Celie's extended family come together as if drawn by a cosmic magnet-and as if in defiance of the most minimal demands of narrative probability.

The example of Their Eyes Were Watching God tends to compound these problems rather than providing a precedent that helps to explain them, for Hurston's most famous novel has also been judged flawed, and for many of the same reasons. 对Their Eyes Were Watching God与CP评价遇到的问题一样 To a certain extent, placing Their Eyes in the context of an Afro- American tradition that Hurston herself did much to document reveals how central the act of storytelling is in this book, to the point where Janie's discovery and use of her narrating voice emerges as the major action(考点:Hurton自己做了对于storytelling的重要性的解释,说明Hurton自己补充了context,真是与Color Purple作者不同之处). This context helps to explain the tendency of the story about storytelling to usurp the ostensible main plot of Janie's quest for happiness with a man-for example, the apparently disproportionate emphasis given to the digressive "cotalkin"' of such "skin games" played by Ed Dockery, Bootyny and Sop-de-Bottom on the muck (200-02), and the exuberant fabulation that takes over Chapter Six so completely that the story of the mule "freed" at Janie's instigation turns completely away from realism and becomes a beast fable, with buzzards as parson and congregation chanting a parodic litany over the carrion (81-97).

But once again the Afro-American paradigm leaves untouched some of the most problematic structural elements of this novel, elements that according to many critics constitute lapses or flaws in its composition.观点3:作者观点,在AA (Afro-American)这个paradigm下还是有很多problems untouched flawed elements. Dianne Sadoff makes the case most persuasively and most sympathetically, inasmuch as she discerns "marks, fissures, and traces of 'inferiorization"' that amount to "scars of disguise or concealment because [Hurston] is black and female-doubly alienated from a white and patriarchal mainstream literature." Sadoff views Their Eyes Were Watching God as a celebration of heterosexual love that is undercut by Hurston's ambivalence over the compatibility of marriage and her own creative "voice." The ambivalence is figured most acutely in the misogynistic attitudes and behavior that Hurston tacitly ascribes to Janie's third husband and great love, Tea Cake, and in the action of the scene where, according to the covert logic of the narrative if not the overt logic of explication, Janie murders Tea Cake, just as

she has murdered her previous husband, Jody Starks. As Sadoff observes, "Hurston has motivated her narrative, perhaps unconsciously, to act out her rage against male domination and to free Janie, a figure for herself, from all men."


篇二:The color purple

general intro:

The Color Purple is a 1982 eistolary novel 书信小说 written by American author Alice Walker that won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fictionand the National Book Award for Fiction.

Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on female black life in the 1930s in thesouthern United States, addressing numerous issues including their exceedingly low position in American social culture.

Plot summary (只选了关于书信那一截,大概晓得是为撒子写信就行了)

The Color Purple spans the years 1909 to 1949, relating the life of Celie, a Southern black woman virtually sold into a life of servitude to her brutal husband, sharecropper Albert. Celie, the protagonist and narrator of The Color Purple, is a poor, uneducated, fourteen-year-old black girl living in rural Georgia. Celie starts writing letters to God because her stepfather, Alphonso, beats and rapes her. Celie pours out her innermost thoughts in letter form to her sister Nettie, but Albert has been hiding the letters Nettie writes back, allowing Celie to assume that Nettie is dead.

Alice Walker highlights the power of communication through the characters letter writing form. The letters that Celie writes to God, and later to her sister Nettie, symbolize a certain voice that only Celie has and one that she is only able to express in her letters. She is able to express her true desires

only in her letter. These letters allow her to display any emotion, and they are very personal to her as well. In the beginning, when she was writing letters only to God, the letters were very private and Celie would not have wanted anyone to see them. The letters are the only way she can represent her true feelings and despair as she is abused. Later, the letters she gets from Nettie give her hope that she will be reunited with her sister again.Celie writes to God for a lack of someone else to write to. She writes to her sister because she gets mad at God because of her past and the people who have been hurt because of it. She asks God "Why?" which is a question that

cannot be answered. The last letter she writes is to everyone, including God showing that she has forgiven Him, and that her story has gone through a full circle of maturation.

describes the life of Celie, a black woman growing up in the South. She must overcome racism and poverty to establish herself as an independent person. The novel also follows the maturation of her sister Nettie and the lives of Shug, Albert, and much of his extended family. A motif in “The Color Purple” is the recurring concept of roundness. The concept of roundness relates to the shape of the human body, and especially the female body. The letters are also another motif in the novel. The letters play an important role in conveying Celie’s thoughts and emotions throughout her life. Walker suggests that oppressed people can unite with solidarity to overcome their oppressors. A sub theme of “The Color Purple” is the harm inflicted on the Black community, both by their own cycle of violence and the racially motivated hatred of Negroes in the South.

Symbol:The title of the book is an important symbol. Celie goes through life having a hard time noticing the beautiful aspects and appreciating them. She had a difficult life and was abused as an adolescent. "The color purple is continually equated with suffering and pain. Sofia's swollen, beaten face is described as the color of 'eggplant'. Purple is the color of Celie's private parts, the site of her sexual violation. However, later Shug

points out to her that life must be enjoyed. When they are in a field of purple flowers, Shug tells Celie to look at the flowers and embrace their beauty. "You must look at all the good and acknowledge them because God placed them all on earth". After learning this, Celie has a better respect for life and everything it has to offer. When Nettie arrives from Africa she is seen wearing a purple dress.




艾丽斯·沃克(Alice Walker)1944年出生于南方佐治亚州的一个佃农家庭,父母的祖先是奴隶和印度安人,艾丽斯是家里八个孩子中最小的一个。艾丽斯8岁时,在和哥哥们玩“牛仔与印度安人”的游戏时被玩具枪射瞎了右眼。1961年艾丽斯获奖学金入亚特兰大的斯帕尔曼大学学习,正赶上美国民权运动的高涨时期,她即投身于这场争取种族平等的政治运动。1962年,艾丽斯沃克被邀请到马丁·路德·金的家里做客。1963年艾丽斯到华盛顿参加了那次著名的游行,与万千黑人一同聆听马丁·路德·金“我有一个梦想”的讲演。艾丽斯大学毕业前在东非旅行时怀孕,当时流产仍属非法,她经历了一段想要自杀的痛苦时期,同时也写下了一些诗歌。1965年艾丽斯大学毕业后回到了当时是民权运动中心的南方老家继续参加争取黑人选举权的运动。在活动中艾丽斯遇上了犹太人列文斯尔,俩人克服跨种族婚姻的重重困难结为“革命伴侣”,艾丽斯再一次怀孕,但不幸的是在参加马丁·路德·金的葬礼时因悲伤而痛失孩子。在列文斯尔的鼓励下,艾丽斯继续写作并先后发表了诗集《一度》(Once,1968)和小说《格兰奇·科普兰的第三次生命》(The Third Life of GrangeCopeland,1970)。1972年艾丽斯到威尔斯利大学任教,开设了“妇女文学”课程,这是美国大学最早开设的女性研究

课程。艾丽斯给学生介绍了大量黑人女作家,尤其是在此过程中发掘并整理了黑人女性文学先行者佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿(Zora NealeHurston,1891-1960)的材料。赫斯顿是30年代哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的黑人女作家,其代表作为《她们眼望苍天》(1937),但因其作品中所体现出对黑人生活及传统的积极、乐观态度而在抗议文学风靡的时代备受冷落。艾丽斯此时还担任了《女士》杂志的编辑,但仍坚持写作。1973年、1976年艾丽斯先后出版了小说集《爱与烦恼》和长篇小说《梅丽迪恩》。在《梅丽迪恩》中,艾丽斯·沃克叙述故事的才能和刻画复杂人物形象的本领已臻成熟。梅丽迪恩在民权运动中既感到精神解放又孤立无援的矛盾 心理也反映出艾丽斯自己对所经历过的政治浪潮的深刻认识。《梅丽迪恩》的出版受到了文艺界的广泛注意,梅丽迪恩这个重新站起来的新女性形象尤其受到女权主义者们的高度赞扬。这是艾丽斯·沃克创作的第一阶段,与之一起结束的还有艾丽斯和列文斯尔的婚姻。在艾丽斯后来的作品中,我们可以找到她早年生活滞留下来的某些痛苦记忆以及她对这一段婚姻的反思。艾丽斯随后辞去工作开始专职写作,在旧金山,她遇上《黑人学者》的编辑罗伯特·亚伦,不久即与之共同生活。

1982年是艾丽斯·沃克的事业巅峰期,她发表了小说《紫色》(The Color Purple)。《紫色》1983年一举拿下代表美国文学最高荣誉的三大奖:普利策奖、美国国家图书奖、全国书评家协会奖。1985年著名导演斯皮尔伯格将其拍成电影,当电影在艾丽斯的家乡上演时,艾丽斯受到了家乡人的盛大欢迎。《紫色》从此成为美国大学中黑人文学与妇女文学的必读作品。《紫色》全书由94封书信构成。主人公西丽亚写给上帝的信、西丽亚写给她妹妹内蒂的信(被退回)、内蒂写给西丽亚的信、西丽亚所爱的女人莎格给西丽亚的信。故事的背景是艾丽斯·沃克所熟悉的美国南方佐治亚乡村,故事大约发生在二十世纪初。14岁的黑女孩西丽亚被继父强奸,生下的两个孩子也被继父送走,后来西丽亚的妈妈死了,继父再婚。西丽亚被嫁给一个已有四个孩子的鳏夫X先生,妹妹内蒂被迫逃走,辗转到非洲。西丽亚受到X先生的百般虐待,但后来在X先生的情人莎格的爱与帮助下,逐渐转变为一个有独立个性的人。在艺术手法上,《紫色》采用的是传统的书信体小说的形式。但艾丽斯·沃克突破了以往书信体的基本构思和创作原则,并不注重细节、真实,而是着力夸张、变形的手法,具有强烈的超现实性和诗意。自七十年代中期之后,美国许多重要的女作家都开始尝试具有实验性的对女性自我的建构和解构的小说形式,如莫里森(Toni Morrison)的《最蓝色的眼睛》(1970)、马丽安娜·赫瑟的《说话的房子》(1975),这些作品的出现,标志着她们对以男性为主的叙述方式(在很多方面都不能充分表现妇女生活的特征)的传统,以及传统的女权主义小说的可贵反省与大胆更新。《紫色》在叙事技巧上的独到之处还体现在艾丽斯·沃克对语言在叙事策略中的作用的充分把握,西丽亚特有的南方乡村黑人方言(她唯一知道的语言)制造了一种直接的真实效果,但同时又将读者与叙述者的环境有意拉开了距离——他们是局外人、陌生人,说的是另外的一种语言。通过强调西丽亚与内蒂所使用的不同的语言(内蒂受过教育的、来自外面的遥远的世界的语言)强调叙述者的转换,因而内蒂的信的出现也就使西丽亚有了对话的可能,使故事继续发展下去,而且使西丽亚与上帝的对话顺利地转换到西丽亚与人的直接对话。伴随着西丽亚的成长,西丽亚的语言和思想也越来越成熟起来。 当然,自《格兰奇·科普兰的第三次生命》起,艾丽斯·沃克由于对黑人男人的过激描写而一直受到非美作家群体的强烈指责。在动荡的60年代后期,伴随着民权运动,女权运动也空前高涨。1970年米利特的《性的政治》这一女权主义经典作品的问世,激发了一批反映女性意识觉醒的作品。女权主义小说在高峰期主要以妇女在传统的社会结构中的各种见解为“内容”,因而,出现了大量描写妇女的性生活和受虐待的日常事务小说,其表现比过去更为袒露,更富有同情意味,但手法上并无新颖之处,某些小说只是成功地公开了一般属隐私的妇女生活的某些方面。在70年代中后期,女权运动开始出现分裂,激进的女权主义者排斥

篇三:The Color Purple 感想

The Color Purple

At first, when part of the film was shown by Cathy to us, I felt it quite boring. This feeling continued to the very minute before the movie was played on the screen. However, it turned out that I was wrong and this is, in fact, an excellent movie worthy of seeing.

The story focuses on a girl named Celie, who actually represents the majority of those poor, impoverished and oppressed black women at that time. Nettie who is much more beautiful is the only family member of Celie. The two are forced to separate after Celie get married to Albert, in whose house Celie meets Shug, an attractive and untied woman, and it is Shug that impacts Celie’s thought of freedom greatly and ultimately takes her away from the ‘hell’.

In my opinion, three points can be extracted from the story——family bond, inner beauty and independence.

The emotion between Celie and Nettie is one of the themes in the film and the mobility for Celie to fight against inequality. When Celie gets the letter written by Nettie for the first time, we can see the light of hope in her eyes and after that she becomes more eager to strive for her own rights. Another family bond which may be easily for us to ignored is Celie’s missing to her two children. As a mother, she even doesn’t know what her children look like. But fortunately, the family get together in the end.

What’s the exact significance of beauty? It’s hard to say. To tell the truth, Celie’s appearance has nothing to touch on with beauty, but Shug says she has a beautiful smile. From my point of view, Shug wants to make Celie confident by telling her that her inner beauty is always there. Therefore, people shall never let the outside appearance conceal their inner world. Being confident and brave to pursue one’s own life is a process to become beautiful.

Last but not the least is independence. Sophia is a strong-willed woman who never submits to men or the social prejudice against black people. Celie admires her from the heart. I think this feeling stems from her desire of freedom hiding inside. Shug is also a independent woman and without her, Celie may never dare to fight against Albert. Poor Celie bends to fate at the beginning, but acquire independence in the end. Even Albert has changed and helps Celie reunite with her sister and children.

To conclude,(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:the,color,purple) the film has exhibits humanism and feminism. Moreover, it can inspire people to be firm on their conviction and struggle to overcome difficulties.

篇四:The Color Purple 文学批评

Changes of the Relationship among the Women in The Color Purple

Alice Walker, as one of the most influential and prominent black woman writer in the American literature, has written both fiction and essays about race and gender. She is a respected figure in the liberal political community for her support of unconventional and unpopular views as a matter of principle. Alice Walker expresses the struggles of black people, particularly women, and their lives in a racist, sexist, and violent society. Her writings also focus on the role of women of color in culture and history.

In 1982, Walker published the novel The Color Purple which has become her best-known work. The book became a bestseller and was subsequently adapted into a critically acclaimed novel for which she won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. About a young troubled black woman fighting her way through not only racist white culture but also patriarchal black culture, it was a resounding success. She is the first one to put forward the concept of Womanism which is different from traditional feminism.

Since The Color Purple is such a masterpiece of American black womanism literature, topics concerning this piece of work are absolutely hot among the digesters and scholars. Other researchers of interest to this novel include Yu Haiyan, who in her essay has discussed the use of symbolic meaning of some images in the book and how it devotes to the theme of the novel. Chen Lin has revealed the harmonious women thoughts in the book by her paper published on She based her point of view on the eco-feminism and indicated that equality is the premise of harmonious women, and independence ensures it. Despite such topics concerning symbolism and eco-feminism in the novel are also fully discussed, this paper will address some omissions by analyzing the change of the relationship among the women in the novel.

At the very beginning of the novel, the protagonist and narrator, Celie, wrote letters to God in which to tell about her life ----her role as daughter, wife, sister and mother. She has been oppressed by men all his life and used to resigning herself to adversity. When she was abused, she dare not cry, nor fight against. She tried to

persuade herself that she were a tree instead of a living being, or to pretended she were not there. She had no sense of self-consciousness. She never stood up for herself, never noticed her innate power as a human. After she met Shug some changes occurred to her thought and her life.

Shug enters and exits Celie's life. Celie harbors an admiration for Shug. she models herself after Shug and becomes more independent the more she listens to Shug's views and opinions. In showing Celie that it is all right to commit sin but still believe in and live for God, Shug broadens Celie's view on religion. It is also Shug who frees Celie from Albert's bondage, first by loving her, then by helping her to start a custom sewing business.

Another strong, independent and feisty character is Sophia. She takes pride in what she does and will not be controlled by any men. She dares to say "No". She says: "All my life I had to fight. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles. A girl ain't safe in a family of men. But I never thought I'd have to fight in my own house. I love Harpo. God knows I do. But I'll kill him dead before I let him beat me." Celie once was jealous of her. Later when she realized that women should fight for equality and the respect they deserve, she became friends with Sophia.

Celie finally wakened from her blindness. She began to fight for herself. She left and replied sharply to his curse:"I curse you. Until you do right by me, everything you touch will crumble...Everything you even dream about will fail. Every lick you hit me you will suffer twice...The jail you plan for me is the one in which you introspect himself and finally looked at Celie in a different and respectful way. The relationship among those active and distinctly characterized women changed from initially contradictory condition to a firmly united and harmonious sisterhood. They become themselves----independent, free, brave and happy. As Celie said in her fifties: "But I don't think us feel old at all. And us so happy. Matter of fact, I think this the youngest us ever felt." This happy ending also indicates the importance of self-defense.

Additionally the theme of this novel has a close relationship with nature. Celie

pretended herself a tree when she was abused. She described Shug "stylish like the trees all round the house draw themselves up tall for a better look". While breaking up , Celie "Look like when I open my mouth the air rush in and shape the words." Similarly Alice Walker in her preface of The Color Purple has also written: "Perhaps it is the pagan transformation of God from patriarchal male supremacist into trees, stars, wind, and everything else. That camouflaged for many readers the book's intent: to explore the difficult path of someone who starts out in life already a spiritual captive, but who, through her own courage and the help of others, breaks freeinto the realization that she, like Nature itself, is a radiant expression of the heretofore perceived as quite distant Divine."

篇五:The Color Purple 观后感全英文

The Color Purple

Celie Nettie Sophia Harpo Albert Shug Avery

The Color Purple

The movie “The Color Purple”told a long story about a black woman named Celie.The story showed us how Celie lived her life in a terrible situation,how she fought against her miserable destiny and how she got the opportunity to change her life.

I believe that everyone who has seen the film is quite familiar with the attractive plot.As a result,I will not retell the story again.But I am deeply impressed upon some of the fascinating plots in the movie.For instance,when Nettie escaping from her stepfather’house came to visit Celie,the two sisters embraced and kissed each other happily.Everybody who saw the scene could’t have failed to have sympathy with them and pray for them.In another setting,Celie’s husband Albert forced Nettie to get away with his house.The two persons,who were under great pressure and had no choice but to separate ,embraced each other closely and tightly as if they shared a same body.These details were evidence that they loved each other in their deep heart.As Nettie said to Albert and Celie,nothing could separate them but death.I couldn’t help to being full of tears every time I saw it.I always prayed for them in silence.

Finally,Celie met her dearest sister who missed Celie at the same time.And both of them lived a very happy life.It was a happy ending as we were expected.Though Celie was a colored person with a homely appearance,her optimisticism,strong-minded heart and confidence touched me greatly.She deserved all of our sincere respect.
