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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 20:37:14 字数作文

篇一:Chinese New Year教案

Chinese New Year



本课教学内容是围绕“ Chinese New Year”这一话题展开的,通过学习 “What do you do on?Day?” 这一句型,以学生在中国春节中所做事情为导引,谈论一些节日日期和在节日中所做的事情。利用课件中的歌曲、游戏、声、图、文并茂的单词、课文以及网络信息等丰富的教学资源,形成课堂教学气氛,创设语言情景,充分调动学生的学习积极性,刺激学生的思维。多途径地培养学生的自主学习能力,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中学会英语并达到用英语做事情的能力。


本课为自编教材,适用于五年级学生。主要内容是“Chinese New Year”要求学生掌握在春节中常做的事情的短语和句子:wear new clothes, get lucky money, hang up lanterns.以及询问有关节日的信息 “ What do you do on ?Day?”通过春节这一主题进行拓展,围绕节日这一主题展开讨论。学生所学的内容与生活息息相关,通过激发兴趣、设置任务、合作表演、网络制作等方式,结合多种评价方式,促进学生语言运用能力的发展,完成学习任务。 [学情分析]





1) 能听、说、读:Chinese New Year, wear new clothes, hang up lanterns,get lucky money.要求语音语调标准。

2) 能听、说、读句型: “What do you do on ?Day?”并运用于对话交流中。

3) 知道节日日期的表达。

4) 学会发送英语电子贺卡。


1) 能运用已学的有关月份和日期的单词和句型介绍一些节日,并能够在实际情景中运用。

2) 能询问与回答有关节日中所做事情。

3) 通过人机交互培养学生的自主学习能力和动手操作能力;通过设计并制作电子贺卡培养学生的想象力以及自主学习、自我创新的精神;通过会话表演培养学生人际交往的能力。

(3) 情感目标

1) 通过网络、游戏、竞赛、表演等活动培养学生学习英语的兴趣和运用语言的能力。



Chinese New Year

It’s Chinese New Year today.

Our Chinese New Year is in Jan. or Feb..

What do you do on Chinese New Year’s Day?

We wear new clothes.

We get lucky money.

We hang up lanterns.


1. 能掌握新的有关春节的四会词wear new clothes, get lucky money, hang up lanterns和四会句型What do you do on …Day?

2. 能自创情境,综合有关节日的新、旧单词,并运用所学英语句式进行合作表演,培养学生掌握学习英语的方法和灵活运用英语的能力。









Step 1. Warm-up and revision

1. Greetings.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls .Nice to meet you!

Ss: Nice to meet you,too!

2. Sing: 12 months (CAI)

3. Revision:

(1)let’s count the ordinal numbers.

(2)Talk about festivals

T: look, I wear new clothes today, I’m very happy, because it’s a special day for me. Can you guess what special day it is today? (my birthday) I want to know your birthday. When’s your birthday?

T: When’s National Day?/ Teacher’s Day/ Mother’s Day/ Children’s Day/Christmas?

[设计意图及反馈] 通过唱月份歌曲与数序数词来帮助学生复习已学过的知识,表达节日日期。并为本课学习新知做好铺垫。学生在轻松愉快的歌声中复习了旧知。

Step 2. Presentation

1.Guessing game

T: We know many special days. Now look at these pictures. Please guess: what special day is it? (CAI)

S: It’s Chinese New Year.

[设计意图及反馈] 通过形象有趣的电脑图片和声音来猜节日,更进一步激发学生的参与热情,从而在轻松的环境中导入新知。学生积极参与。

2.Lead to read

T: It’s Chinese New Year today. (Read it group by group)

T: When’s Chinese New Year?

S: In January or February.

T: Yes, our Chinese New Year is in January or February.

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:chinese,new,year课件)

3. Learn the new words and phrases (CAI)

(1) T: What do you do on Chinese New Year’s Day?

Do you want to know what children do on Chinese New Year’s Day?

Please click “New words” and learn the new words or phrases by yourself.(give them 3minutes)

[设计意图及反馈] 利用媒体资源为学生提供一个自主学习的平台,通过音、图、字帮助学生直观理解、记忆新词汇。使知识的学习不再枯燥单调,学生学习特别主动积极。

Step 3. Practice

1.T: What do you do on Chinese New Year’s Day?

Ss: We wear new clothes

Lead to read.

2.Game: Help the girl/boy wear new clothes( CAI)

T: Look at this girl/boy , she/he wants to wear new clothes . Who can help her/him? Ss play the computer game.

T: What a beautiful skirt./He is happy now, thank you. Wow, cool.

[设计意图及反馈] 培养学生动手操作电脑的能力和听、读、理解句子的训练,吸引学生注意力,在玩中学,在学中用。

3.T: on Chinese new year’s day ,we can wear new clothes .

T: What do children want to get on Chinese New year’s Day?

S: lucky money. (Lead to spell the words)

4. Game: Who gets lucky money? (Ss say it and pass it )


5.T: What else do children want to do on Chinese New Year’s Day? 分音节分组拼读)

T shows some lanterns and asks: How many lanterns do I have? One lantern, two lanterns….

Do you want to hang up a lantern?

6.Game: hang up lanterns.

篇二:译林英语六上Unit8 Chinese New Year第四课时ticking time checkout time公开课课件

Unit8 Chinese New Year

(The 4 period) th


译林版英语六年级上册Unit8 Checkout time





进一步复习、小结be going to句型的用法。正确掌握,灵活运用be going to的陈述句、特殊疑问句问法及其回答。


1.★能掌握be going to句型使用方法。并能将它与现在进行时正确区分。

2.★能熟练运用be going to句型展开话题询问和回答。




Step1: Revision

1. Free talk.


What are they going to do before Chinese New Year’s Eve?

They are going to buy some new clothes.

What are they going to do then?

They are going to make some dumpings and tangyuan.

What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?

They are going to have dinner and buy some flowers.

Step2. Choose and write

1. 组织学生完成电子邮件。

2.. 交流学生的答案。


Who is writing an email?

What is Su Hai’s family going to do tomorrow?

What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?

What are they going to do after dinner?

What are they going to do then?

What are they going to do at 12 o’clock?

What are Su Hai’s sister and I going to do after that?

What are Su Hai’s parents and grandparents going to do ?

What are they going to do on Chinese New Year’s Day?

Are they going to have a lot of fun?

Step3: Practice


What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?

Who are you going to visit?

What are you going to eat?

What are you going to eat?

What food are you going to make?

What places are you going to visit?



吃水饺 红包

吃晚饭 点燃烟花和鞭炮

买很多东西 给某人某物

对某人说什么 新年快乐

Step5 Exercises


1.我的全家打算明天买许多东西。 My family is ____ ____ buy ___ ___ ___ _____ tomorrow.


We ____ _____ to _____ ______ with our grandparents.


My parents ____ going to ____ ____ red packets.

My parents ___ going to ___ red packets ___ ___.

二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.My parents (be) going to give me red packets.

2.It’s going to (be) Chinese New Year.

3.Bobby and Tina are (watch) fireworks. 4.It was nice (get) your email. 5.They are going to give (our) red packets.

6.we’re going to have a lot of (fun).

Step6 Summary



⑵结构:be going to + 动词原形 What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ? He is going to watch a lion dance . What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’

Step7: Homework

1. 补充习题

2. 熟读P86课文。


Unit 8 Chinese New Year

be going to +...... 的基本句型结构是

be going to + 动词原形


s Eve ?

篇三:新译林牛津小学英语三年级上册优质公开课赛课课件 6A Unit8 Chinese New Year 6A Unit 8

6A Unit 8 Chinese New Year知识点梳理


1.What are you going to do?你准备做什么? I’m going to have a big dinner.我准备享用大餐。 2.Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China.在中国,春节是最重要的节日。 3.It was nice to get your email.收到你的电子邮件真是太好了。 4.We’re going to light some firecrackers.我们将点鞭炮。

5.What food are you going to make?你们准备做什么吃的?We’re going to cooking dumpings. 我们准备煮饺子。 6.What places are you going to visit? 你准备去哪里参观?I’m going to visit the Great Wall. 三.重点 一般将来时:‘be going to +动词原形’,表示“计划,或打算做某事”


1.put on 和wear 的区别 put on着重于“穿”“戴”的动作。Put on your jacket,please. He put on his coat and went out. wear 着重于“穿”“戴”的状态。I like to wear jeans. What will you wear for the party? 2.each 和every 的区别

each 强调个别,有“各自”的含义。Each student has his or her own habits.

every 则强调整体,有“所有人”的含义。Every student in this class has a bike.

篇四:Happy_New_Year!教学设计课件 (2)


Module10 Unit1 Happy New Year!教学设计




知识目标1.Learn to say and understand the words: New Year\ChineseNewYear\eat\dumpling\dumplings\TV\TVS\firecracker\firecrackers\present\presents\sweets.

2.Learn to say the key sentences: What are they? They’re……Happy New Year!



2.Try to talk about Chinese New Year and what do we eat at Chinese New Year? At the same time, raise the students’ language



通过学习新年的英语句子,让学生更加喜爱中国的传统节日。 教学重点:1、Help students grasp the 4-skill words: New Year、eat.

2、 Talk about the customs of our Chinese New Year using

the phrases: eat dumplings, have firecrackers .

教学难点: How to use the new words and the drills to Talk about the Chinese New Year’s food.

教学方法:任务法教学法、 小组合作法,让学生在有任务的情形下理解课文。

教 具:录音、课件,单词卡片;



2. Do some actions.

3. 由马戏团猴子的故事引出单词的教授。

Give them a box,guess:what’s in the box?Then lead in new words,then teach the new words.

任务呈现:1.学生跟着老师学说所有的新单词. (教师出图片,学生认






6、练习句子:What’re these? They’re……

7、由故事引出中国新年,然后教授:Chinese New Year\Happy new year!At the same time,sing the song 《Happy New Year》.We teach this lesson and we are happy,so we dance.


板书设计 Module 10 Unit 1 Happy New Year!

What are these?

They’re ……

Happy New Year!

篇五:新译林牛津小学英语三年级上册优质公开课赛课课件 6A Unit8 Chinese New Year 6A U8教案四课时

Unit8 Chinese New Year

第 1 课时



目标 (应包括知识、技能和情感目标)


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packet,Chinese New Year’s Eve,Chinese New Year’s Day.

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to …



2.能在理解课文的基础上讲述Anna一家是如何过中国新年的。 学情分析

学生有什么 学生已经对“春节”这个话题有了初步的了解。

学生缺什么 对不同时态的理解和运用。


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Year’s Eve,Chinese New Year’s Day。

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to …



1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:get,Hong Kong,next week,tangyuan,food,firecrackers,fireworks,lion dance,red packets,Chinese New Year’s Eve,Chinese New Year’s Day。

2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句子:What are you going to do? I’m going to …


4.能在理解课文的基础上讲述Anna一家是如何过中国新年的。 方法手段


Step1 Warm-up 挂图,卡片,PPT

1. Sing a song: “Happy New Year”

2. Free talk

T: Boys and girls, you sing very well. Are you happy now? Do you like New Year’s Day?

What do people usually do on New Year’s Day?

When is New Year’s Day?

What date is it today?

Oh, the New Year’s Day has passed. But another festival is coming.

Step2 Presentation


T: Look at the picture. What festival is it?

T: Yes, you’re right. So today we’ll learn something about Chinese New Year. Please read after me: Unit8 Chinese New Year.

2. 讲授Chinese New Year’s Day和Chinese New Year’s Eve

(1)T: Boys and girls, do you like Chinese New Year?

T: Me, too. But when is the Chinese New Year this year? (呈现日历表)

T: Yes, and we call it Chinese New Year’s Day.(讲授Chinese New Year’s Day)

(2) (教师指着2月18日问)

T: What date is it?

T: Yes. And we call it “Chinese New Year’s Eve” (讲授Chinese New Year’s Eve)

3. 教授单词、词组:light, firecrackers, get, red packet

(1)T: What do people usually do on Chinese New Year’s Eve? You can choose from the pictures.


Which pictures?

T: Yes, you’re right. Look at the picture, What are they doing? (引导学生回答)

(2) 同法教授:get, red packet, watch fireworks

(3)Ss read the new words and phrases.

4. 教授句型:What are you going to do? I’m going to…

T: Chinese New Year’s Eve is fun. We can do many things. Now I want to know your plan of this Chinese New Year’s Eve.

What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?(引导学生回答)

(PPT呈现句型: What are you going to do? I’m going to…并讲解be going to)

Step3 Practice

1. Teacher and the Ss make a short dialogue by using the sentence pattern

2. Work in pairs.

3. Three pairs show their dialogues.

Step4 Story time

1. Watch and order

T: You did a very good job. Look at the girl. Who is she? What is she doing?

T: She is writing an e-mail about Chinese New Year to Su Hai. What is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year? Please watch the video and order the pictures.

2. Listen and answer

T: Now we know the e-mail is talking about Chinese New Year. But
