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篇一:Making friends is a skill

D. with yourself

4.A.as B. that C. which

D. what

5.A.very B. more C. much

D. rather

6.A.with B. in C. on

D. to

7.A.nervous B. excited C. pressed

D. worried

8.A.At B. For C. In

D. After

9.A.touching B. facing C. meeting

D. seeing

10.A.unhappy B. unusual


11.A.Many B. Some C. Some of

D. Most of

12.A.with B. to C. for

D. on

13.A.yourself B. ourself

D. ourselves

14.A.talking B. saying

D. laughing at

15.A.like B. as C. what

D. that

16.A.make B. act as C. act

D. express

17.A.when B. if C. as  C. uncomfortable D.  C. yourselves  C. judging

D. what

18.A.come to B. go to C. enter

D. step to

19.A.upwards B. directly C. bravely

D. happily

20.A.speak to B. talk about C. say to

D. call up

21.A.other B. the other C. another

D. others

22.A.old B. young C. new

D. little

23.A.Relation(关系) B. Friendship

C. Connection D. Feelings

24.A.cost B. take C. spend

D. use

25.A.growing B. living C. increasing

D. happening









4.选A。the same?as表示“同类的,相似的”。the same?that表示“同



6.选B。join sb.in(doing)sth.意为参加到某些人当中做某事。join sth.to sth.意为“把??和??连接起来”。join不与with和on搭配。


8.选D。after all意为“毕竟”,填入后使句意通顺。at all意为“全然”,“完全”。in all意为“总共”。for all意为“虽然”;“尽管”。



11.选D。选项A、B不可接our fears. C项虽可填入,但不合情理。


13.选D。根据上文的our fears可推知应选 ourselves.

14.选C。选项A、B不能直接接us。laugh at sb.意为“嘲笑某人”。故应取“判断(judge)”之意。


16.选C。选项B意为“充当”;“担任”。act self-confident意为“做出自信的行动来”。

17.选B。even if=even though,意为“既使”。唯此一选项填入后使句意通顺且合情理。

18.选C。enter为及物动词,其后直接接地点名词表示进入某处。相当于 come into, go into或step into.


20.选A。speak to sb.意为“跟某人说话”。say to sb.意为“对某人说”,call up sb.意为“给某人打电话”。talk about sb.意为“谈论某人”。显然选项A符合本文情境。

21.选B。从上文可知you和someone只涉及两个人。而指两者中的另一个应用the other.






篇二:中考英语making friends

Making friends is a skill. Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the 1 kind of things as they do.

The quickest way to make friends is to 2 .When you smile, people think you are 3 to then and easy to talk to. It may not easy at first time to smile, 4 remember most people will stay away from an angry-looking face.

Learning to talk with others is a good way to make friends. One easy way to start a 5 with someone is to say something about them. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Does’t it make you want to 6 talking to that person?

Ask you new friends some 7 about themselves. Who’s their 8 singer? Where do they live? What do they do after school? These are all good question to ask someone. 9 You have something to add to the conversion, too. When someone ask you a question, have an 10 for them. There’s nothing that will stop a conversion more quickly than a shrug for an answer.

1. A. serious B. strange C. difference D. same

2. A. laugh B. smile C. agree D. believe

3. A. helpful B. thankful C. friendly D. special

4. A. but B. and C. or D. so

5. A. meeting B. work C. travel D. conversation

6. A. practice B. keep C. stop D. like

7. A. idea B. meanings C. question D. ways

8. A. best B. excellent C. famous D. favorite

9. A. Laugh at B. Make sure C. Think D. Write down

10. A. exercise B. advice C. answer D. opinion

篇三:新7上Unit1 Making friends

Unit1 Making friends


Blog博客 grammar语法 sound声音 complete 完成 hobby 爱好

country 国家 dream 梦想 age 年龄 evevryone 人人 Germany 德国 elder 年长的 mountain 山脉 friendly 友好的 engineer 工程师 world 世界 Japan 日本 flat 公寓 yourself 你自己 US 美国


Favourite subjects 最喜欢的功课 welcome to欢迎来到... be from 来自于... close to接近 go to school 去上学 be good at 擅长 play basketball 打篮球

make friends with与...交朋友 all over遍及


1. I’m from Germany. 我来自德国。

[用法] be from = come from 来自于…..

[举例] Peter is from America. 比特来自美国。= Peter comes from America.

2.I live with和 my family in a house close to some mountains. 我与家人一起住在靠近山区的一栋房子里。

[用法] close to = near 靠近,在…附近

[举例] our school is close to Baoan stadium. 我们学校靠近保安体育馆。

*[辨析] family, house与home

(1) Family 指家庭,一家人或全体家庭成员。如父母,子女等,与居住的房子无关。

(2) House 指家庭住宅,着重房屋的概念。

(3) Home 指家庭共同生活的地方,又是也指出生的城市或国家。

如:My family are very tall. 我们全家人的个子都很高。

He has one house in the city. 他在城里有栋房子。

I leave home at 8:30 every morning. 我每天早晨8:30离家。

2. I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐,一个哥哥。

[用法] elder 是old的比较级,意为‘年长的,较大的’,old还有一个比较级为older. elder对应younger, older对应newer.

[举例] I have an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐,一个哥哥。

My English book is older than yours. But my math book is newer than yours.

I’m good at swimming and playing basketball. 我擅长游泳和打篮球。

[用法]be good at = do well in 擅长于…

[举例]Some students aren’t good at maths. 有些学生数学学不好。

= Some students don’t do well in math.

3. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world. 我想跟世界


[用法]make friends with 和某人交朋友。

All over 遍及,全部的 如:He made three e-friends last year. 去年他交了三个网友。


特殊疑问句:以疑问代词what, who, whose, which或疑问副词when,where,why,how 等放在句首提问的句子,叫特殊疑问句。答句必须针对问句中的疑问词来回答。


1. Who, whom,whose 只能指人,who常作主语,有常作宾语,whose常作定语或表语。who

可替代whom,但前面有介词时只能用whom, 不能用who.

Who taught you math last year?

Whom did you see?

Whose father works in Shenzhen?

With whom has he been to Beijing?

2. What用来询问物或数量,用来询问人时涉及人的职业,身份或外貌。如:What would you

like to eat today? 你今天想吃什么? What is your mother ? 你妈妈是干什么的?

3. Which用来询问人或物,一般有特定的选择范围。如:

Which is your sister of the two girls? 那两个姑娘中哪个是你姐姐?


常用的疑问副词有:where,when, why, how以及how引伸的一些疑问词组,如:how much (many), how long, how old, how far, how often, how soon等。他们在句中通常作状语,可表时间,方式,原因等。如:

When will you come back? 你什么时候回来?

Where did you put your mobile phone? 你把手机放哪

Why are you late? 你为什么迟到?

How long did you stay in Beijing? 你在北京呆了多久?



一. 不定冠词的形式 不定冠词有a/an两种形式。a 用于以辅音(不是辅音字母)开头的单


a European country 一个欧洲国家 a boy 一个男孩

an island 一座岛屿 an hour 一小时

二. 不定冠词的用法

1. 用在客属名词的单数形式前面


There is an island over there. 那儿有一座岛

Be sure to bring me a dictionary. 一定要给我带本字典来。

*表示一类事物或人,a/an 在此处不用翻译。如:

An ear is an organ for listening. 耳朵时听觉器官。

A tiger is a wild animal. 老虎是一种野生动物。

2. 用在专有名词前面,表示“一个”“一种”“一类”或“一个类似.....的”。如:

That city is a Venice in China.那座城市是中国的威尼斯。



1.My f_______ hobby is playing chess.

2. My best s________ is English.

3.My father works in a factory, he is an e_________.

4.Candy is kind to everyone, she is f________.

5.I’m g_____ at playing basketball.

6.My d______ is to be a teacher.

II 根据所给汉语完成句子,每空一词。


He has a house ______ _____ a river.


Xiaoming ______ ________ ________ ______ football.


She _____ _______ _______ a famous engineer when she grows up.


A boy ______ Tom often ______ others.


I’m glad to ______ ______ you.


I want to _____ ______ ______ you.


I live in Beijing _____ my ________.


I want to be _____ ________ teacher.

III 用不定冠词a或an填空。

1. Tom is ____ honest boy.

2. I have ______ one-year- old sister.

3. My grandmother told me _____ interesting story.

4. Here is ___ photo of my family.

5. I spend ____ hour from my school to supermarket.

6. He is ____ European, but he can speak Chinese well.

7. I like physics and I want to be ____ engineer.

IV 用what ,where, why, who, whose, how, when, how old, how many填空。

1.--________ months are there in a year? ---There’re 12.

2. -- _________ are you going to Shanghai? ---Next week.

3.--__________ is your grandpa? ---He is 80 .

4.--__________ are your parents? ---They’re both teachers.

5.--__________ is Pat going to have her summer holiday? ---Paris

6.--__________ is that girl? ---She is my sister, Jane.

7.--__________ do you like your school? --- Because the teachers are friendly.

8.--__________ schoolbag is that? ---That’s Lucy’s.

9.--__________ do you go to work? ---By car.

V. 句型转换。

1. Tom studies hard.(改为否定句)


2.Miss Li teaches us English. (改为一般疑问句)



4. It’就画线部分提问)

______________________________________ We like playing the piano.(改为否定句)

5. Tim’就划线部分提问)



( )1. Hi, I’A.come to B. come from C.come into D.come up

( )2.My parents are living in a villa(别墅)close to the sea.

A.near B. far away C.over D.above

( )3. My friends are friendly to me.

A. Rude B bad C.kind D.happy

( )4. I am good at maths.

A.am interested in B.am satisfied with C.do bad in D.do well in

( A.apartment B. house C.building D.village

II 单项选择题。

( )1. Tom is sitting _______ to me.

A. Far B. close C.beside D.almost

( )2. The letter is _____ a girl named Lucy.

A.from B.coming C. getting D. giving

( )3.Ben is an active boy, he is good at _____ football and basketball.

A. Play B. to play C.played D.playing

( )4.—How do you go to school?

—I go to school by bus.

A,on B at C.by D.through

( )5. My favourite _______ are maths, English and Chinese.

A. Subject B.subjects C. hobby D.hobbies

( )6. —_________does Clark look like?

—He is tall and has brown hair.

( )7.—_____is your math teacher?

—The one in red.

A.How far B. How old C.How often D.How long

( )8.—_______was the film you saw last night.

—It was great! I like it.

A. What B.how C.which D.where

( )9.—_______ does the MP4 player cost?

—It’s 300 yuan.

A. how often B.How old C. how much D.How long

( )10.—_______do you like the Cool kids?

—Because they look cool.

A.What B. how C.why D.which

III 完型填空。

big woods(森林). And some animals are living with to man. People can

teach the elephant to do some heavy the house. A watch dog is very . It can help people in danger(危险 there are many animals in zoos. Zoo is a good place for children to get to know animals.

( )1. A. kind B.a kinds C. a kind D.kinds

( )2. A. at B. on C.in D.with

( )3. A.man B.men C.mans D.a man

( )4. A.useful B. lazy C.smart D.sad

( )5. A.works B.work C.a work D. working

( )6. A. look at B.look like C.look after D. look for

( )7. A. clever B.shy C. friendly D.ugly

( )8. A. would B.likes C.would like D.like

( )9. A.Some B. Many C.Any D .Most(大多数)

( )10. A.Because B.And C. But D. So



A man has a bird. It is very clever. Every day the man speaks to the bird. “Hello!” he says. “Hello!” the bird answers. “What are you doing?” says the man. “What are you doing?” says the bird.

The man is not at home one day. A thief comes in. He is taking many things. “Hello!” The thief hears the bird's words. “What are you doing?” The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house.

( ) 1. The man teaches the bird ________.

A. how to say something B. how to sing song

C. how to eat something D. how to dance

( )2. The bird is ________.

A. very nice B. very clever

C. very beautiful D. very silly (傻的)

( )3. The man speaks to the bird ________.

A. sometimes B. once a week

C. every week D. every day

( )4. The thief is taking ________ things from the house.

A. a few B. a little C. a lot of D. some

( )5. The thief ________ out of the room.

A. walks B. comes C. runs D. goes


篇四:(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:making,friends,is,a)广州上海深圳牛津版2012-2013学年度七年级英语第一学期Unit1 Making friends单元测试题(含答案)

Unit 1 Making friends 单元测试题笔试部分(80分)



( each of us.

A. happy B. angry C. kind D. sorry

( A. things I must do B. things I want to do

C. things I hate doing D. things I like doing

( A. want B. need C. must D. get

( A. far away from B. near C. in the D. between

( A. would like B. wants to C. D. enjoys herself

B)从下面每小题的 A.B.C.D 选项。 (共15小题,每小题1分)

( A. an; a C. a, a D. a, an

( --- I ________Japan.

A. come from; from come from C. from; from D. come from; come from

( ) 8. --- Does an ________sister? --- Yes. She is 2 years A. old; B. old; elder C. elder; older D. elder; elder

( ) 9. --- Do you want to make friends ________ young people from ________the


--- Of course.

A. with; all over B. to; all over C. with; in D. to; in

( ) 10. --- I usually go to school ________ bus. How about you?

--- I go to school ________foot.

A. on; by B. by; on C. by; by D. on; with

( ) 11.---________does your pen pal live? --- He lives in New York.

A. When B. What C. Where D. How

( ) 12. Peter likes ________ basketball with his friends at school.

A. plays B. play C. playing D. to playing

( ) 13. --- ________pens do you have in your bag? --- Two.

A. How often B. How far C. How many D. How long

( ) 14. ---________ does your e-friend ______? --- He is short, and he has short black hair.

A. What; look like B. How; look like C. What; like D. How; like

( ) 15. He is________ honest boy, but today he told ________ lie to save his friend.

A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. a; an

( ) 16. ---________do you join the basketball club?

--- I join the club ________I want to be a basketball player.

A. What; because B. Why; because C. How; so D. When; so

( ) 17. --- Can you hear the ________of the rain? --- Yes. It must be raining heavily outside.

A. voice B. sound C. noise ( ) 18. My friend Sally's home is _____ my school. It get to

school every day.

A. away B. far C. far from D. far away

( A. Welcome B. Welcome to Welcoming to D. Welcomes to


A. go C. going D. goes



way. People like to see smiles. They are the most beautiful expression (表情) in the____25____. When you smile, you can ____26____ happiness to them.

Many people think friends should share worries so they like talking with their friends about their ____27____. But don't forget you should do the same. ____28____ plays an important role in friendship keeping. Listen carefully to____29____people are saying, and respond (回应) in a right way. Body language (身体语言) can also show that you're listening.

If you want to have a lot of friends, be a ____30____person first!

( ) 21. A. free B. happy C. tired D. lonely

( ) 22. A. talk B. run C. cry D. sit

( ) 23. A. doing B. making C. looking D. hearing

( ) 24. A. talking B. walking C. smiling D.


( ) 25. A. school B. home C. world D. earth

( ) 26. A. make B. send C. get D. sell

( ) 27. A. happiness B. family C. trouble D. school

( ) 28. A. Reading B. Seeing C. Talking D. Listening

( ) 29. A. what B. how C. why D. when

( ) 30. A. shy B. friendly C. cold D. beautiful


A) 阅读下列短文、,从每小题的四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分)


My name is My father is a Maths teacher and my mother is an We all love badminton.

It's time for us to depend on(依靠parents The future belongs to us.

( A. Japan. C. Shenzhen. D. The USA.


B. She is a worker.

D. She is a music teacher.

( B. Basketball. C. Badminton. D. Volleyball.

( ) 34. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned by the writer?

A. We should help and love each other. B. We must love our teachers.

C. Let's become a real family here. D. Let's study English hard.

( ) 35. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined part "let ... down"?

A.让……失望 B.让……摔倒 C.让……生气 D.让……高兴

( ) 36. How old is May?

A. 12. B. 13. C. 14. D. 15.

( ) 37. What does Susan's mother do?

A. A Chinese teacher B. An English teacher. C. A doctor. D. A nurse.

( ) 38. Who comes from the US?

A. Susan. B. May. C. Ted. D. We don't know.

( ) 39. What's Ted's favorite sport?

A. Basketball. B. Football. C. D. Tennis.

( ) 40. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. There are three kids in May's family.

If you are old enough, able to help your mum or dad look after the 给.....洗澡) it, or walk it around the house or garden. But you Mum or Dad before you do anything for the

正常的) for any kids to have such feelings.

( ) 41. Having a new baby in a family is really________.

A. boring B. relaxing C. great D. sad

( ) 42. The underlined word "jealous" means “________ ” in Chinese.

A.高兴的 B.伤心的 C.嫉妒的 D.傲慢的

( )43. If you are old enough, you can________.

A. hold the baby B. help to bath it

C. walk it around the house or garden D. A, B&C

( ) 44. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. You should always ask Mum or Dad before you do anything for the baby.

B. Your mum is likely to be very tired if the new baby wakes a lot during the night.

C. If you feel jealous, you are a bad kid.

D. If everyone in the family helps to take care of the baby, it will be very happy to be part of such a family.

( ) 45. The best title of the passage is“________”.

A. The only child in the family B. Helping parents with housework

C. Having a new baby in the family D. How to look after yourself

B)以所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话 。(共5小题,每小题1分)

A: Hello! I'm Bob. What's your name?

B: Tommy. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you, too. Are you a (46) ________student?

A: You are lucky, because all the teachers and very (48)

________What's your favorite (49) ________?

B: English and math. By the way, (50) ________ are there in our A: (51) ______________________________________________________________ B: She is from Japan. She is a nice girl.

A: (52) ______________________________________________________________ B: Twice a month. We have many things to talk about.

A: (53) ______________________________________________________________ B: She likes English and art best.

A: (54) ______________________________________________________________ B: She likes listening to music and traveling. She plans to come to China for the

winter holiday.

A: Good news for you. (55)______________________________________________ B: I hope so. I will show her around our city and tell her more about China.


篇五:Unit_11 Making friends(1)教案
