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篇一:This Is Also Life

This Is Also Life

葡萄牙摄影师 José Ferreira 带给了我们这系列震撼人心的影像纪实,是关于南莫桑比克一群人们,过着让人无法想象的生活。透过这些照片,我们发现这些人住在这个名为马普托的地方,这里是大城市的垃圾场,Ferreira 用他的相机证明了真的有这样的一群人存在以及这个悲惨的现实。




Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

Section A

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

A bookless life is an incomplete life. Books influence the depth and breadth of life. They

meet the natural 47______ for freedom, for expression, for creativity and beauty of life. Learners, therefore, must have books, and the right type of book, for the satisfaction of their need. Readers turn 48______ to books because their curiosity concerning all manners of things, their eagerness to share in the experiences of others and their need to 49______ from their own limited

environment lead them to find in books food for the the mind and spirit. Through their reading they find a deeper significance to life as books acquaint them with life in the world as it was and it is now. They are presented with a 50______of human experiences and come to 51______ other ways of thought and living. And while 52______ their own relationships and responses to readers often find that the 53______ in their stories are going through similar adjustments, which help to clarify and give significance to their own.

Books provide 54______ material for readers' imagination to grow. Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement. While enriching their imagination, books 55______ their outlook, develop a fact-finding attitude and train them to use leisure

56______. The social and educational significance of the readers' books cannot be overestimated in an academic library.

Section B

Passage one

Question 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

If you’re a male and you’re reading this , congratulations : you’re a survivor. According to statistics, you’re more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman ,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS . Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78years for men in Australia , you’ll die on average five years before a woman.

There’re many reasons for this ---typically , men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke—but perhaps more importantly , men don’t go to the doctor.

“men aren’t seeing doctors as often as they should ,” says Dr.Gullotta . “this is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike .”

Gullotta say a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two . For those over 45,it should be at least once a year .

Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year .

“when I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer ,” he says. “Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him but it would have prolonged his life .”

According to a recent survey ,95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor

once a year , compared to 70% of men in the same age group.

“A lot of men think they’re invincible (不可战胜的),” Gullatta says . “they only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think ,’Geez,if it could happen to

him ,……’ ”

Then there’s the ostrich approach .”Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know ,” says Dr.Ross Cartmill.

“most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies ,” Garmill says .He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.

Regular check-us for men would inevitably lace strain on the public purse , Cartmill says . “but prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the disease . Besides , the ultimate cost is far greater :it’s called premature death .”


57.Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage ?

A)They are more likely to survive serious diseases today

B)Their average life span has been considerably extended

C)They have lived long enough to read this article

D)They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life

58.What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women ?

A)men drink and smoke much more than women

B)men don’t seek medical care as often as women

C)men aren’t as cautious as women in face of danger

D)men are more likely to suffer from fatal disease

59.Which of the following best completes the sentence “Geez ,if it could happen to him, ...”(line 2, para.8)

A)it could happen to me ,too

B)I should avoid playing golf

C)I should consider myself lucky

D)it would be a big misfortune

60. what does Dr.Ross Cartmill mean by “the ostrich approach “(Line 1 ,Para 9)

A)A cause attitude towards one’s health conditions

B)A new therapy for certain psychological problems

C)Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved

D)Unwillingness to find out about one’s disease because of fear

61.What does Cartmill say about regular check-ups for men ?

A)They may increase public expense

B)They will save money in the long run

C)They may cause psychological strain s on men

D)They will enable men to live as long as women

Passage two

Question 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

High-quality customer service is preached by many, but actually keeping customers happy is easier said than done.

Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store ,but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers and anyone who will listen.

Store managers are often the last to hear complaints,and often find out only when their regular customers decide to frequent their competitors, according to study jointly conducted by Verde Group and Wharton School.

“storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers” said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde Group. “The store losers the customer, but the shopper must also find a replacement”

On average, every unhappy customer will complain to at least four others, and will no longer visit the specific store. For every dissatisfied customer, a store will lose up to three more due to negative reviews. The resulting “snowball effect” can be disastrous to retailers.

According to the research, shopper who purchased clothing encountered the most problem Ranked second and third were grocery and electronics customers.

The most common complaints include filled parking lots, cluttered shelves over loaded racks, out-of-stock items, long check-out lines, and rude salespeople.

During peak shopping hours, some retailers solved the parking problems by getting

moonlighting (业余兼职的) local police to work as parking attendants. Some hired flag wavers to direct customers to empty parking spaces. This guidance eliminated the need for customers to

circle the parking lot endlessly , and avoided confrontation between those eyeing the same parking space.

Retailers can relieve the headaches by redesigning store layouts, pre-stocking sales items, hiring speedy and experienced cashiers , and having sales representatives on hand to answer question .

Most importantly , salespeople should be diplomatic and polite with angry customers . “Retailers who’er responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly , “ said professor Stephen Hoch .” Maybe something as simple as a greeter at the store entrance would help .“

Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer , instead of complaining to the rest of the world . Retailers are hard-pressed to improve when they hace no idea what is wrong.


62. Why are store managers often the last to hear complaints?

A)Most customers won’t bother to complain even if they have had unhappy experiences.

B)Customers would rather relate their unhappy experiences to people around them.

C)Few customers believe the service will be improved

D) customers have no easy access to store managers

63.what does Paula Courtney imply by saying”... the shopper must also find a replacement”(Line 2,Pra.4)

A)New customers are bound to replace old ones

B)It is not likely the shopper can find the same products on oter stores.

C)Most stores provide the same kind of service

D) Not complaining to the manager cause the shopper some trouble too.

64. Shop owners often hire moonlighting police as parking attendants so that shopper___.

A)can stay longer browsing in the store

B)won’t have trouble parking their cars

C) won’t have any worries about security

D) can find their cars easily after shopping

65.What contributes most to smoothing over issues with customers?

A)Manners of the salespeople

B)Hiring of efficient employees

C)Huge supply of goods for sale

D)Design of store layout

66.To achieve better shopping experiences , customers are advised to___

A)exert pressure on store to improve their service

B)settle their disputes with stores in a diplomatic way

C)voice their dissatisfaction to store managers directly

D)shop around and make comparisons between stores


47.F 本空应该填入名词。根据后一句“因此,学习者必须拥有书本,而且应该是恰当的书本,以满足他们的需要”可以判断,本句应该是“人们对书本有天然的需要”,故填入


48.K 空格前为动词turn,空格后为介词to,turn to是固定搭配,所以中间分隔的单词应该是副词。选项中有三个副词,根据意思应填入[K]naturally,意思为“读者自然会转向书本”。

49.H 根据空格前后的介词判断应该填入动词构成不定式。结合下文意思,应填入

[H]escape,escape from是固定搭配,意为“逃离”。整句话的意思为“他们与他人分享经验的渴望,以及他们逃离自身有限环境的需要,指引他们到书本中寻找思想和灵魂的食粮”。

50.G 空格前为不定冠词a,应填入名词。空格后有连词and,表示并列关系,因此要填入的名词的意思应根据and后的表达来判断。and后有other ways(其他形式),故空格处应填入[G]diversity(多样化)。

51.N 空格处应填入动词构成不定式,并和后面的宾语构成搭配。动词中只有[N]respect(尊敬)符合句意。本句的意思为“他们会看到人类经验的多样性,并开始尊重其他思维方式和生活方式”。

52.I 本题考查非谓语动词。由于主句成分完整,所以空格应该填入非谓语动词,并与空格后的名词词组构成动宾结构。选项中有两个-ing形式的非谓语动词,从意思上判断应该填入[I]establishing(建立),指“在建立他们自己和生活的关系以及对生活的回应时”。

53.B 本空应填入从句的主语,故应选择名词。根据空格后的stories判断填入的名词应该与故事有关联,所以应填入[B]character(角色)。本句的意思为“读者往往发现故事中的角色会经历相似的调整,有助于他们理清和寻求自身的意义”。

54.A 本空应填入形容词,修饰material。正确答案为[A]abundant(充足的)。本句的意思为“书本提供充足的材料让读者展开想象”。

55.O 本空应填入动词。根据下文的宾语outlook(视野),应填入[O]widen(拓宽)。

56.M 空格前为名词leisure(空闲时间),该句结构完整,因此应填入副词。根据句意,应填入[M]properly (恰当地)。整句话的意思为“当他们有了丰富的想象力的时候,书本会拓宽他们的视野,培养一种寻找事实的态度,并训练他们恰当地利用空闲时间”。

Section B

Passage One

57.A 推理题。定位到文章第一段,文章第一段讲述了男性往往比女性更容易患病早亡,并列举了一些数据。因此如果男性读者能够读到第一段,便是有幸躲过严重疾病的人。对应的正确答案为[A],即因为他们现在更有可能在经历了严重的疾病之后活下来。[B]和[D]选项错误在于文章并没有提及寿命的延长;[C]为强干扰性选项,错在仅重复了文章首句的字面意思,而没有深入理解作者的意图。

58.B 细节题。定位到文章第二段最后一句话。原文中的more importantly对应题干中的most important reason。本题考查的是对比关系,答案选[B]“男人不像女人一样频繁地求助于医疗”。文章第二段提到men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke,但是注意本题问的是the most important reason,由破折号及其后的but perhaps more importantly,可以轻松排除[A]和[C];而选项 [D]的内容在原文中与题干内容是并列关系,而非因果关系。

59.A 推理题。本题考查对句子隐含意思的理解。根据原文的意思,可以判断本句是条件关系,因此可以判断“如果会在他身上发生”,后面省略的应该是“也会在我身上发生”,故


60.D 语义题。根据题干信息定位到原文第九段。语义题的做法是根据相邻的句子判断所考查单词、词组或句子的意思。ostrich approach后面的句子对这个词组进行了解释,[D]选项与其构成同义替换,即原文中的scared of对应选项中的fear,would rather not know对应unwillingness to find out(不愿意发现),所以选[D]。

61.B 细节题。对应文章最后一段。[B]选项与原文最后一段中Cart mill的话构成了同义替换,即save money对应cheaper。[A]选项与原文意思相反;[C]选项中psychological(心理的)一词原文并未提及; [D]选项根据原文意思无法推出。该题考查的是转折关系,四级考查转折关系时,答案往往出现在转折词之后。

Passage Two

62.B 细节题。本题考查因果关系。根据题干信息定位到文章第三段,而答案出现在文章


63.D 推理题。题干明确指出了本题的定位点在第四段第二行。原句意思为“顾客也必须去寻找相应的替代”。前半句说“商店失去了顾客”,所以前后分句分别从商店和顾客的角度指出了不投诉的后果。题目的难点在于对replacement指代内容的理解。[A]选项的错误在于认为replacement所指的内容是顾客,原文中顾客是施动者,即顾客去寻找替代,而[A]选项中顾客变成了受动者,即被替代的对象,因此指代错误。[B]和[C]选项错在原文只谈及了顾客要找相应的替代,但是并没有指出究竟是否能找到,所以[B]和[C]无法从原文推出。

64.B 细节题。定位到文章第八段第一句话:?some retailers solved the parking problems by getting moonlighting local police to work as parking attendants”,因此答案为[B]选项“不再有停车的麻烦”。本题只要定位准确,[A]、[C]、[D]选项可以直接排除。

65.A 细节题。题干中有最高级most,对应原文倒数第三段的more importantly。原文的信息为diplomatic(世故的,练达的)和polite(礼貌的),[A]选项中的manners正好归纳了这两个单词,所以答案选[A]。本题与64题考查的都是定位能力。

66.C 细节题。定位到文章最后一段,题干信息better shopping experience与原文中的improved shopping experience对应。答案为[C]选项“直接向商店经理提出不满”,对应原文中的filing complaint to the retailer。 [A]选项中的exert pressure(施加压力)原文中无对应信息;[B]选项对应倒数第三段,为非定位点信息;[D]选项原文并未提及。



高一英语 2016.01

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)

16. High school, where we have _________ good time living together, is ____________ time of discovery, learning and hard work.

A. a; a B. a; the C. a; 不填 D. 不填 ; a

17. At that time we felt very glad because our homework had been cut down to half its _________


A. average B. common C. normal D. ordinary

18. Life looks like a travel. What’s important is not the ___________ , but the scenery on the way

and the mood of seeing it.

A. direction B. destination C. donation D. decision

19. Art and culture should care about the existence of human beings; that is to say, the

development of art and culture should be ____________ human existence.

A. in charge of B. in control of

C. in harmony with D. in communication with

2o. You shouldn’t give up the competition at the moment. __________ , you’d better have a try ;

after all, you have spent so much time on it.

A. Anyhow B. Somehow C. However D. Sometime

21. I think it a good way to build the team spirit with an activity _____________ all of us can

enjoy ourselves.

A. that B. which C. where D. when

22.When it comes to this problem of mine, I just can’t _____________ what everyone thinks of it.

A. risk learning B. wait to learn C. help to learn D. tolerate learning

23.------- I’ll come to visit you at 5 pm tomorrow.

-------- I’m sorry. By then the class will have finished, but I _______________ a meeting.

A. am having B. has had C. has been having D. will be having

24.---------- It is reported that they dug out a lot of treasure in the tomb yesterday.

----------Yes, it ___________ underground for more than one thousand years.

A. Has buried B. has been buried C. had been buried D. had buried

25. It is said that the difficult problem ___________ they met with in the project ___________ solved.

A. what; was B. that; has been C. which; has D. which; had been

26.--------- Mrs White doesn’t believe that Tom is able to pass the exam, ___________?

----------- That’s where I disagree.

A. does she B. doesn’t she C. is he D. isn’t he

27.------- Is it possible to apply the rule ____________ your students?

--------- Yes. It will have a positive effect _______ them.

A. for; on B. to; upon C. on; on D. to; for

28. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have welcomed their first

child---- a baby girl called Max---- into the world, and used her arrival to _________ plans to give away most of their $45 billion fortune,

A. change B. make C. consider D. announce

29. ---- Alice has been working late into the night these days.

------ Oh, she was off school for a month, so she has a lot to ___________.

A. speed up B. mix up C. make up D. step up

30. ----- I’m dying to improve my gardening skills. Who do you think can help me, Joe?

--- Mr Green is the best choice. He will provide gardening tips for__________.

A. green hands B. green fingers C. green thumbs D. green eyes

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

Over the past 20 years, I have watched the Lion King for more than a dozen of times.

When I first watched the movie, the__31___ of Mufasa's death made me--- a six-year-old girl at that time--- cry, and since then, I have always__32____ that part. Later on, during my middle-school years, I liked the love story part a lot, and Simba and Nala were really a ___33____ couple in my heart. Every time I watched the movie, I felt___34____.

Recently, I've watched the Lion King again. This time, what impressed me most was the ___35___ of Pumbaa and Timon--- they were ordinary and lived an ordinary life. Before joining Simba to regain his kingdom, all about their life were eating and singing.

To me, the best lesson that Paumbaa and Timon have taught us is that ___36____ they know they are ordinary and their life is ordinary, they still love and enjoy it.

In fact, in the real world, only quite a few people can achieve great things and become extraordinary, and the rest of us will just live our ___37___ life.

A sentence in an article recommended by the Fair (WeChat Subscription)__38___ me: by hard work, ordinary people only fight for the right to __39__ their ordinary life in the ordinary world. It is cruel, but it is true ( at least in my opinion).

The best solution is to accept and enjoy it. I know it's __40__ but this is a part of growing up. I'm not saying that we should not have great dreams, after all, just as Vince Lombardi has said, " Perfection is not attainable( 可达到的), but if we chase perfection we can ___41___ excellence". However, I just think we should get __42__ if our great dreams would never come true.

I also dreamt about becoming extraordinary at a young age, same as most of my fellow classmates in primary school. In the senior high school, I was no longer one of the __43__ students, and then, for the very first time, I realized that maybe I couldn't be extraordinary.

Now, I'm well__44___ that I'm no more than an ordinary person but I'm __45___ with that. I went to an ordinary university and got my BA in English, and then to another ordinary university and received my MA in translation. Doing the editor's job, I now___46___ myself a life in Shanghai, such an expensive metropolitan city to live in ( and I'm not a local girl).

I can't __47___ Michael Kors or Issey Miyake, but I have comfortable clothes which fit me well. I usually go out dinner with a couple of friends on weekends,

this is the life

no fancy of first class restaurants but sidewalk cafe or common restaurants where we know there are delicious food and nice __48___.

I consider this not the passive acceptance, but a(n) ___49___ attitude of turning " this is life" to " this is the life". But all in all, I still have ___50___, just in case they would become true one day.

Yes, be ordinary and be happy.

31.A. view B. spot C. scene D. effect

32.A. missed B. skipped C. ticked D. watched

33.A. perfect B. noisy C. lonely D. fashionable

34.A. heavily B. similarly C. practically D. differently

35.A. experience B. lifestyle C. wisdom D. humor

36.A. in case B. now that C. as if D. even though

37.A. ordinary B. hard C. rough D. rare

38. A. puzzled B. touched C. scared D. amazed

39. A. start B. gain C. continue D. stop

40.A. simple B. difficult C. foolish D. harmful

41.A. check B. cause C. change D. catch

42.A. annoyed B. prepared C. lost D. worried

43.A. clever B. enthusiastic C. crazy D. top

44.A. aware B. ashamed C. awake D. afraid

45.A. grateful B. proud C. happy D. lucky

46.A. enjoy B. earn C. devote D. offer

47.A. attract B. accept C. afford D. affect

48.A. service B. advice C. business D. condition

49.A. fair B. honest C. free D. optimistic

50.A. faults B. dreams C. challenges D. chances

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


EVERY kid wishes to be an adult. Do you remember playing house as a child — pretending to be a grown-up like your parents? Did you imagine you were a doctor, a soldier or a teacher? At that time, anything seemed more exciting than being young.

But now as grown-ups, some adults find they cannot leave childhood behind. They become "kidults" (kid + adult). Being a kidult has become a lifestyle choice among young people across Asia.

Some kidults collect toys they once played with. Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world. It is not unusual to see a 20-something woman with a big, Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory.

Other kidults still enjoy children's stories and fairy tales. For example, the British publisher Bloomsbury even released an edition of the Harry Potter novels with an adult cover. That way, no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a children’s book.

―Kidults can be like vitamins to society. Adults who love their childhood most and hold on to pure, child-like emotion may be needed in such a rough and dry society,‖ said Lee So-jung, a professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

He added that kidult culture may fill the generation gap between adults and kids. It could give children and their parents books, movies, and cartoon shows to enjoy together.

Tim Greenhalgh, an adviser in London explained that some kidults just refuse to grow up. They hold on to childhood because working life in a busy and stressful city frightens them. Kidults would like to forget their age and openly show their fear of society and adulthood.

―So, they can escape from increasingly busy and stressful lives that are hard to deal with,‖ Greenhalgh said.

51 . Why does a kid wish to be an adult?

A. Because he wants to be an adult.

B. Because he doesn’t want to be controlled by adults.

C. Because he wants to experience the real world.

D. Because he believes there will be more exciting life ahead.

52. We can learn from the passage that kidults are________.

A. Some kidults refused to grow up.

B. Some kidults in Britain like reading on the subway.

C. Some kidults think childhoods is the best time of their life.

D. Some kidults want to escape from busy and stressful life.

52. One of the advantages of the kidult culture is that _________.

A. it can make adults face the real social life.

B. it can make our society young and full of life.

C. it can increase the sales of children’s books

D. it can lead to harmonious relationship between adults and kids

53. Which of the following is the best title for the article?

A. Kid or Grown- ups B. Happy Childhood

C. Fearful Adulthood D. Kidult Culture


Phyllis Wheatley is regarded as Ameica’s first black poet. She was born in Senegal, Africa in about 1753 and brought to America at about the age of seven. John and Susannah Wheatley bought her for three pounds at a slave(奴隶)market in Boston in 1761. Phyllis was soon accepted as one of the family, which included being raised and educated with the Wheatley’s twin 15-year-old children, Mary and Nathaniel. At that time, most females, even from better families, could not read and write, but Mary was probably one of the best educated young women in Boston. Mary wanted to become a teacher, and in fact, it was Mary who decides to take charge of Phyllis Wheatley’s education. Phyllis soon showed her remarkable talents. At the age of twelve she was reading the Greek and Latin classics.

At the age of thirteen, Phyllis wrote her first poem. She became a Boston sensation(引起轰动的人物)after she wrote a poem on the death of the preacher George Whitefield in 1770. It became common to read Phyllis Wheatley's poetry in polite society. Mary had tried to interest publishers in Phyllis Wheatley's poems, but once they heard she was black they weren't interested.

Then in 1773 Phyllis went with Nathaniel, who was now a businessman, to London. Thirty-nine of her poems were published in London as Poems on Various Subjects. It was the first book published by a black American. In 1775 Phyllis wrote a poem about George Washington and sent it to him. He responded by praising her talents and inviting her to visit his headquarters. After both of her benefactors(恩人) died in 1777 and in 1778, Phyllis was freed. She married in 1778, moved away from Boston, and had three children. But after the unhappy marriage, she moved back to Boston, and died in poverty in 1783.

55. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Those days the black were looked down upon.

B. Phyllis read a lot of books when she was young.

C. Phyllis didn't move away from Boston until she got married.

D. Phyllis Wheatley's first poem interested and excited the public.

56. Which is the correct order of Phyllis Wheatley’s life according to the passage?

a. Us president sang high praise for her

b. People became curious about her poems

c. Mary began to educate her

d. Phyllis was freed as a slave.

e. She served Nathaniel all the way to London

A. a-c-e-d-b B. e-c-b-d-a C. c-b-e-a-d D. d-c-e-b-a

57. Which statement about Phyllis is supported by the passage?

A. She died young.

B. She got a good school education.

C. Her first poem was published in London.

D. She was regarded as a poet after being freed.


Overweight seems to be a national trouble. Diets, books on dieting , dieting organization, and advice from doctors and health professions do not seem to be enough. Millions of people have turned to dangerous drugs or harmful diets to The meat industry and the fast-food restaurants have more to do with America's weigh problem then anything else. Each day we are filled with powerful TV and radio ads promoting(推介) the idea that it's perfectly OK to have bacon and eggs for breakfast, hamburgers and French fries for lunch , and fried chicken and French fires for supper.

Is there a healthy diet that people can use to lose weight and keep themselves slim and fit forever?There is indeed .But it requires removal of meat, fish, and milk products from the diet forever .

A healthy diet-and-exercise regimen(养生之道)is actually pretty simple. That is to cut meat, fish, and milk products out of the picture completely(and I do completely).

? Do not eat any meat, fish, eggs, or milk products. No cheese, no ice-cream, no pizza, and no butter.

? Eat only low-fat, and low-sugar foods. Eat fruit (in reasonable amounts) for desserts. ? As much as possible, avoid drinks with caffeine, such as coffee, tea, or cola.

? Use soya drinks instead of milk. Soya drinks are high in protein and generally fairly low in fat.

? Eat cereals, grains, bread, and pasta in reasonable amounts (with no cheese, but always with high-protein foods).

? Jog or fast-walk at least one mile per day. If you are unused to this level of exercise, start with smaller distances and build up to a mile.

It has been known for years that it is possible to get all the protein we need from high-protein vegetarian foods. Many restaurants now serve vegetable-protein meals, such as veggie-burgers or refried bean tacos and burritos; be sure to ask for them without cheese or sour cream!

58. The underlined words "starve off their hunger" in the first paragraph most probably mean _____.

A. satisfy their need of losing weight

B. slow down the feeling of huger

C. make themselves feel hungry

D. wish for being slim

59. The meat industry and the fast-food restaurants have more to do with America's weight problem because______

A. they convince people to eat more food rich in fat

B. they make powerful ads on TV and over radio



自 学 报 告

姓名:郑金娜 专业:学科教学(化学)








①理论体系中的基础性、核心性概念时,这意 味着什么呢?

首先,这意味着这样一种思维的路径,即从教育的本原上去观察、理解和思 考教育的现实与未来,“所谓教育的本原,是指所有的教育现象都从此出发,所有 的教育现象都可以追溯到该本原之中。这个本原就是—生命,它是所有教育活动的基石,是教育之所以被稗之为教育的根基所在。”这意味着,教育学的思考是从 对生命的思考开始的教育学的生命基础奠基于“教育的生命基础”这一观念这一 观念包括三个部分,即生命价值是教育的基础性价值,生命的精神能量是教育转 换的基拙性构成,生命体的积极投入是学校教育成效的基础性保证。


其次,这意味着教育学的思考从生命出发,并以此为核心,建立起自己的学 科视野或视域,形成教育学的概念、范畴、思维方式和逻辑体系。

再次,这意昧着教育学选择了生命作为研究教育现象的切入口,建立起自己 思考和研究的视角,即从生命的视角去观察、理解和阐发教育活动。显然,这里显 现了两种具有互动性质的过程。把教育学放到生命的视野之中,把生命放到教育学的视野之内。教育学是以对生命的思考和理解,作为自己的任务和使命。对于 教育学而言,生命每天都重要。

新成为它的研究课题。教育学的思索历程就是一种探索生命的历程,教育学 因此成为浸透了生命体验、生命理解的教育学。正是以自己的方式,在对生命进 行不断的思考和诊释中,教育学才建立起自己的学科领域,从而与其他人文社会 科学区别开来。在教育学的视野中,生命是什么它与生物学、心理学、社会学、

人类学以及哲学视野中的生命有何不同。已有不少学者阐述了对生命的理解,有 的强调“对人之生命之理解,必须置于现代生命科学的视野下,以非线性复杂思 维方式加以关照”。

③由此而显现出生命的种种特性有的从发生论的角度,试图彰显生命在教 育中的价值,并将其区分为自然生命、价值生命、智慧生命和超越生命。

④这些论点不同程度地表达了一种吁求教育要关注生命。可以看出,他们眼 中的生命,是哲学、社会学等学科视野中的产物,而不是从教育学的视野出发加 以观照而来的,这是许多教育研究者习惯的思维方式借助其他学科的视角来理解 和阐释教育现象。但如果局限于此,恐怕是不够的,还需要把不同语境、视角内的 生命内涵或生命形象转化为教育学语境内的生命形象,使教育学的视角和立场卓然而立。教育学是整合之学、综合之学,它应将所有有关人和生命的理论,加以整 合并人自己的视角之中。 The dimension of life education

【The author Li Zhengtao 】 When we tried to put the life as a pedagogy: (1) the fundamental, core concept in the theoretical system, what does this mean? First of all, this means that such a path of thinking, namely from the education principle of observation, understanding, and on the education reality and the future, "the principle, the so-called education refers to all the education phenomenon from now on, all the education phenomenon can be traced back to the origin. This is the life, it is the foundation of all education activity, is the reason why education is the foundation on which to education of barnyard grass." This means that the pedagogical thinking starts from the thinking of life education base of life based on the idea that "life education" this concept includes three parts, namely the value of life is the basic value of education, the mental energy

of life is education to turn in the mechanism of sex, life positive investment is the fundamental guarantee that school education effect.

(2) "education base of life", is a kind of discipline level sense of the concept, it is an unavoidable question. From education point of view of unity of logic and history, as the discipline's basic life, if possible, how to may. Second, it means that the pedagogical thinking from the perspective of life, as the core, set up their own learning vision or horizon, form the education of the concept, category and way of thinking and logic system. Chose the life again, and this meant the pedagogy as the study of education phenomena, built their thinking and research perspectives, namely, from the perspective of life, to observe, understanding, and expound education activities. Obviously, this show is the two has the interactive process. Put education in the view of life, the life in the visual field of education. Education is based on the thinking and understanding of life, as their own task and mission. For education, life is important every day. New as its research subject. The thinking process of pedagogy is a kind of exploring the life course, education Therefore become saturated with life experience and understanding of education. It is in their own way, in the life into the line of thinking and annotation, education to build up their own discipline, so as to distinguish from the other humanities and social science. Life, in the field of education, what is it with biology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and what is the difference between life in philosophy field of vision. Has quite a few scholars have elaborated the understanding of life, there is emphasis on "to the understanding of life, must be in the perspective of modern life science in nonlinear complex D way to care for ".

(3) which show features some of life from the theory point of view, tries to reveal the value of life in education, and it is divided into natural life, value life, wisdom, and beyond.

(4) the argument expressed a kind of appeal in different degrees education should focus on life. As you can see, life in their eyes, is a product of philosophy, sociology and other disciplines perspective, rather than from the perspective of education and to witness, this is many education researchers used the perspective of way of thinking with the help of other disciplines to understand and interpret education phenomenon. But I'm afraid that if limited to this, is not enough, also need the different context and perspective within the life connotation or image into life in language pedagogy, make the pedagogical visual Angle and position outstanding and stand. The knowledge of pedagogy is the knowledge of integrated and comprehensive, it should be all about the people and the theory of life, to the whole merged his own perspective.
