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篇一:沪教版二年级下册unit 7The four seasons第二课时(汪梦萍)


篇二:8AU7 第二课时

8A Unit 7 Seasons教案

第2课时 Reading


1. 知识目标: 1 .To know changes of the seasons.

2.To grasp the words, phrases of the four seasons.

3.To enjoy the beauty of the poem.

教法与学法设计 【亮标导学】





Step1: Check the homework

1.Watch a video about four seasons.v2.Check the preview achievements. Step2:Pre-reading

1.Lead-in:Enjoy a poem about seasons written by Robert.

2.Watch the flash,,and answer the question:

How does the weather change,when autumn comes?


Task 1: Enjoy the beautiful rhymes about seasons.

1.Learn some new words and phrases about autumn and winter.

3.Play a guessing game, listen to the music and guess

4.Describe the pictures of spring,then enjoy the radio about spring.

6.Talk about something about summer, then enjoy the radio about summer.

7.Finish the exercise on Page83 B2.

Task 2: Enjoy the beautiful language.

Step3: Post-reading

1.Show some tips for reading the poem.

2.Listen the the poem and follow it with soft voice.

3.Work in groups: Show your beautiful voices.

4.Let students describe the seasons in their eyes, then chant seasons together. Step4: Summary






1. Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook..




英 语 教 学 设 计

Unit 3 Seasons

Period 2



本课属于人教版英语二年级下Unit 3的第2课时。







Whats your favourite season? Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter. It’s…




1.重点:Let’s survey

2.难点:句型用What’s your favourite season ?

Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter. It’s…


本部分,表游戏或活动的词源于生活,学生容易掌握,但需要注意发音。在上节课学生对句型有了初步的接触后本节课继续操练,进行巩固 ,让学生灵活应用所学知识 ,学会用英语进行日常交流。






step 1: Warm-up

Review Play the flash A Let’s Listen and Chant in lesson 1

Step 2: presentation

(1) Lead in

T:Hi, Boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too .

T: What’s your favourite season ?

S1: It’s …

T: Let’s have a happy class.


(2) Teaching these dialogues through PPT

( lesson 2 A look listen and repeat )


Ask and answer.

(3) Practise(pair work

)Use to” What’

s your favourite season ?


…. ”practice with partner.

①Role play the dialogue with partner in the group.

② Model work:

Step3: Extend

① Teacher read and students act how to do these exercises to extensive

teaching material.

Step4: Assessment.

Which one did best or one did better. Encourage.

Step 5: Homework

1. Read these dialoge three times each.

2. Preview lesson 3 .


本节课主要通过Joy,Yaoyao 和Lily在公园里边放风筝边聊天的场景图,情景化地呈现本单元的句型(What’s your favourite season ?

Spring.It’s ….) 并操练句型。学生很感兴趣,能积极参与课堂活动,但是读句子时有个别学生不熟,需再巩固。

篇四:unit2 my favourite season 教案

Teaching Design


PEP Grade Five II

Unit Two

My favourite season

---Let's learn & Read and match ( A )

Analysis of Teaching Materials: This lesson is from PEP

Book6 Unit2 My favourite season Part A Let's learn & Read and match.The main teaching content is learning 5 words: season,spring, summer, autumn, winter, and to use the target sentences: Which season do you like best?...In the 'Read and match' part it requires the students to find out different season’s obvious character.

Analysis of Students: The fifth grade primary school

students have learned English for 2.5years. They have a great interest in English. The children of this class are enthusiastic, and the learning environment in the classroom is so active that all the students can actively participate in and have the courage to speak.They are eager to perform themselves in English and can actively do the language drills of the learned vocabulary and sentence patterns. But their good listening habits and learning methods have not yet to be formed, the flexible use of the learned dialogue and description also need more practice.

Analysis of objectives: By the end of this class, students

will be able to:

Language knowledge objectives: Listen, say, read and write

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the target words with the help of pictures;

Use the new sentence pattern "Which season do you like best? Summer.I can swimming every day." to make dialogues. Language skill objectives:Use the new target language with the help of pictures and actions in real life.

Emotional objectives: Actively participate in protecting environment activities.

Teaching Important Points: Students can listen, say and

recognize the target words and apply the new sentence pattern in real situation.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Students can master the pronunciation of “sp” .

Teaching Methods:

TPR, task-based approach, pair-work, individual-work.

Teaching Tools:

Music, video, multi-media, PPT.

Teaching Procedures:

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篇五:沪教版二年级下册unit 9 My clothes第一课时冯丽清(公开课)


the flash season 2
