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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 07:17:43 体裁作文



Recently our class has conducted a survey about “The Growth of Post-90's Generation". People have different opinions on it.

Most people believe the post-90’s generation have an edge over/are superior to others in that they are more independent in thinking, more ambitious, more confident and more enthusiastic. They are open to new ideas and ready to try new things, therefore, they are usually better informed. Besides, they cherish friendship and like to communicate.

However, some argue that the post-90's generation are much too dependent on their parents or on teachers and they lack social experience. As a result, they are less able to overcome frustration. They do not focus on their studies as much and lack the sense of responsibility. Moreover, they are weak in controlling themselves and often show no respect for others.

As youth born in the 90s, we should be aware of our and responsibilities, and learn to be more independent. Only in this way can we be successful in the future.






A generation born in 1990s: pros and cons

Recent years have heard a large number of negative comments on this generation. It’s not rare that some authorities show their concerns on us, who are influenced by the one-child policy and are about to enter society. Indeed, it’s a thought-provokening problem for us and the whole society.

Gone are the days when a kid spend childhood with his or her own brothers and sisters , playing together and helping each other. How to find something to kill time is our particular ability developed from a young age, so the feeling of lonely can not frustrate us much. However, at the same time ,teamwork plays an unimportant role in our early life.

For we are the only child, it’s unavoidable for our parents to pay more attention on us. Sometimes, this attention even transforms into cosset. They unselfishly provide us with a safe environment, which is described as greenhouse. Once more, we are portrayed as the fragile. Properly, the rising number of suicide becomes the best evidence.

The development of the economy gives a rise to money worship and individualism. In such era, we are both the beneficiary and victim. We are able to lead a life closely linked with the world, but we have to undergo the allure of the varicolored world. For many guys give in and become slaves of money, the older generation criticize us for our sharing too much achievements of the technological revolution but devoting nothing. They hold the views that the negative influence far overweight the positive one.

Yes. We have to acknowledge that we have many shortcomings. The era we grow up and the policy we are aimed at directly contribute to what kind of people we are. It’s also right that we confront less obstruction and achieve more opportunity, comparing to the old. But anyway it’s unfair to define that we are the terrible generation.

It’s beyond our control to decide the environment. However, schools have witnessed countless effort made by us. We never undergo the load from subsistence but always from study. Eager to be the top one also gives us much distressed. Many of us stay the course and become brave,so we are strong-minded rather than fragile.

As for the sheltered upbringing, we appreciate it but we will leave it sooner or later, especially when we go to college, being our own owner. In the university here, we learn to wash clothes, buy bargain goods, manage money and get along with others. Which we didn’t learn before will be learned step by step later.

Some people says that we easily lose our mind facing a great variety of beautiful things.

However, who can keep one’s original thoughts all one’s life? If the answers is not , this weakness is not only belonged to our generation. Therefore, it’s not proper to assess us on this point.

Undoubtedly, as we get involved in society, we will meet more huge challenges.Please believe our ability and we will subsist on an wonderful answer.


Recent years have heard a massive number of negative comments on this generation. [修改]

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: quantity, amount, number, sum 均有“总数,总量”之意。 quantity: 书面用词,指事物的总量和总数量,侧重大批计量,含准确测量的意味。 : 普通用词,与quantity近义,但强调整体,指把所有数量、重量及度量归并在一起得出的总数。 : 普通用词,指人或物的数目,强调数的概念。 : 普通用词,指简单加算的结果。

好评 报错

? [搭配学习] 动名搭配 hear...number 在教材中出现过 132 次

SeeAlso: try number131,hear bit30,hear act17,hear routine10,hear turn4

好评 报错


It's not rare that some authorities show their concerns on us, who are influenced by the one-child policy and are about to enter society. [修改]

? [其他] about to enter society在本族语中很少使用。

好评 报错

? [搭配学习] 动名搭配 enter...society 在教材中出现过 次

SeeAlso: enter order264,enter club66,enter company25,enter lodge6,introduce society3

好评 报错

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: affair, business, matter, concern, thing 均含“事情”之意。 affair: 含义较广,侧重指已发生或必须去做的任何事情或事务。复数形式多指重大或较复杂的事务。 : 通常指较重要或较难而又必须承担的事情,也可指商事。 : 普通用词,着重指一件考虑中的或需要处理的事。 concern: 往往强调与个人或团体利害有直接或重大关系的事。 thing: 用作“事情”解时,词义较笼统、含糊,多用于指不很具体的事。

好评 报错

SeeAlso: express concern8069,show fear166,indicate concern101,show business63,show care48,show worry21,evince concern11

好评 报错

? [批改提示] influence近义表达有act upon/ affect/ bear upon

好评 报错


Indeed, it's a thought-provokening problem for us and the whole society. [修改]

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: problem, question, issue, matter 均含“问题”之意。 problem: 指客观上存在的、难以处理或难以理解的问题。 question: 通常指用口头或书面提出来要求回答或有待讨论解决的问题。 : 多指意见能达到一致的问题,着重争论或讨论中的问题。 : 含义不很具体,暗示人们考虑和关心的事和话题。

好评 报错



Gone are the days when a kid spends childhood with his or her own brothers and sisters, playing together and helping each other. [修改]

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:90后英语作文)

? [动词错误] Gone are 疑似动词连用。

好评 报错

? [批改提示] help近义表达有support/ assist/ aid

好评 报错


How to find something to kill time is our particular ability developed from a young age, so the feeling of lonely can not frustrate us much. [修改]

? [其他] 请检查our particular ability,本族语中很少使用。

好评 报错

好评 报错

? [批改提示] find指一般生活中的发现。注意与discover区别。详情点击

好评 报错

? [批改提示] 查看can not和cannot的区别。详情点击

好评 报错

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent, competence, faculty, gift, aptitude 均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。 : 普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。 capacity: 侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。 capability: 多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。常与of或for连用。 : 语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。 : 着重指人某方面具有可发展和倍养的突出天赋才能,但语意比genius弱。 : 正式用词,侧重指令人满意的业务能力与水平,达到胜任某项工作等的要求。 faculty: 指特殊的才能或智力。 gift: 着重个人的天赋的才能或在某方面的显著本领,常暗含不能用一般规律作解释的意味。 : 多指先天或后天习得的运用自如的能力,常暗示接受能力强,能迅速掌握一种学术训练或艺术技巧。

好评 报错


However, at the same time, teamwork plays an unimportant role in our early life. [修改]

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: same, identical, very, equal, equivalent 均含“相同的”之意。 : 可指相同的人或物,也可指在质量、外表或意义等方面相同,但实际上有差别的事物。 : 着重指人或物等在每细节上都完全相同。 very: 侧重指完全同一,没有区别。 equal: 多指在价值等方面相当而不相同的事物。 equivalent: 主要指有同样价值、效力或意义的两种不同的事物。

好评 报错

SeeAlso: play part4525,play character1730,act role75,play function14,represent role14,play office8,play use5,play persona4 好评 报错



For we are the only child, it's unavoidable for our parents to pay more attention to us. [修改]

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: only, single, sole, unique, alone 均可表示“唯一的”之意。 only: 普通用词,常可与sole换用,但侧重仅限于指定的人或物,而不需要更多。 single: 语气较强,强调仅此一个,再无第二个。 : 语气强于only,指仅有一个或一群,只考虑这一个或这一群。 : 非正式用词,侧重在一类中唯一无可匹敌、无与伦比的特征。 : 着重专指某人或某物,而不是别的。

好评 报错

? [搭配学习] 动名搭配 pay...attention 在教材中出现过 18138 次

SeeAlso: give attention1239,devote attention469,pay care17,pay aid8

好评 报错


Sometimes, this attention even transforms into cosset. [修改]

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: change, alter, vary, convert, modify, transform, turn 均含有“变化,改变”之意。 change: 指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。 : 常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。 : 暗示不规则或断断续续地变。 : 指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。 modify: 强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。 transform: 指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。 : 指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。



如果用90's generation来表达“90后”不太合适也不够地道,因为“generation”太官方了,那么要如何才是更加地道的表达方式呢?



1. 80's/ 90's baby :80/90后

eg: Wuyi is a 90's baby.


2. bashful adj. 害羞的,腼腆的

eg: The bashful boy was nervous with strangers.


3. modest adj. 谦虚的;端庄的;适度的

eg: Really great men are essentially modest.


modest about 对……不夸耀的

modest in 在……方面谦虚的,在……方面不过分的



80s & 90s Generation on My View

The people who belongs to 80s and 90s generation have been argued by publics from they born. On my point of views , their’ re contentious and it is likely caused by the environment which they lived.

For 80s generation, they have a special background which was different with other ages. They always been a bad impression on publics. In early years, we can easily found some mean words to 80s people and they have a common name: The Lost Generation. With time goes by, publics was gradually changed their mind to 80s generation, especially after the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquakeIn 2008.

They have did a good job and proved their capability.

A lot of media have a highly appraisal of them.

Now, there are many good writers, actors, singers belongs to 80s,it seems like the 80s generation have their different bright light.

For 90s generation, most of them were one-child. Usually they assumed expectations from the whole family. They have a good living environment, their life were closely related to the Internet.

Although they haven’t been named with a common nickname like 80s generation, their growing was never quit.

There personality was distinct, they have a stronger curiosity and they were creative. It will bring many new ideas to our society. In another side, they were surrounded by a colorful society and various pressures.

They were on their way with tentative. They have a stronger willing to be helped when they meet troubles, they need more guide and understanding. It’s also more or less the characters of one-child.

To sum up, in this age which materials is rich, they need more care from the publics of the inner world.

No matter 80s or 90s generation, their mind and behaviors were unavoidable have been brand with the features of the times. As we all know, times are always keep moving, and the step of our history of development must be a progress at all. So the 80s and 90s generation will also have a good journey in their life, and make their contribution to their times.

篇五:Post-90s, the rising generation 90后 英语作文

Post-90s, the rising generation

The post-90s generation, also known as the Net generation, who are now in their teens or early twenties, are gradually stepping into society. They are taking the lead and have injected now blood into the labor force. But some critics still hold prejudices against the post-90s,thinking they are just young and inexperienced kids, who are unable to blend into the competitive society. Lazy, fragile and rebellious are all labels that have been given to them. "They have only known a life in China that is rising and affluent," Frank Yu, a internet analyst, commented. The post-90s evaluate themselves differently, however. Here is the voice from the post-90s generation: we are ready to share the responsibility for our family and we need to be recognized.

Confused, fragile and sensitive though they are, one thing for certain is that they have their shining points such as creative, energetic, enthusiasm etc. and that they are becoming more and more mature. Following are some examples of them, who embody many best qualities of the post-90s generation.

Peng Menjie, born in 1991,who has been taken care of by her adoptive mother, was admitted into Shanxi Normal University far away from home. Worried about her handicapped mother, she determined to take her mother to university with her so that her mother can be well attended to. Thoughtful and patient, she carried on the responsibility for family at an early age, making her a role model for us post-90s.Moreover,three students of Yangtze University sacrificed their lives to rescue two drowning teenagers .Hearing the yelling for help from the two kids, they jumped into the river without hesitation. There are more post-90s sharing the same spirits with them.

I firmly believe in the near future the post-90s generation will push the society forward and make our country more powerful and prosperous. We are the post-90s generation, a rising generation.
