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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 15:28:40 字数作文



Bringing home the bacon: American deal could make Peppa a billion-dollar pig


Peppa Pig is UK's fourth highest selling character toy


She’s best known for her flushed cheeks and a love of jumping in muddy puddles.


Now after taking Britain by storm, Peppa Pig is set to make a massive splash in the U.S. – having signed a deal with toy giant Fisher Price.

在英国引发购买风暴之后,粉红猪小妹又将在美国引发购买高潮——她已经与玩具大亨Fisher Price签署了协议。

The trans-Atlantic alliance is expected to trigger a windfall of as much as £600million ($1billion) for Entertainment One, the company that owns the rights to the hit animated series.

这个跨越大西洋的强强联合预计将获得高达6亿英镑(约合10亿美元)的收益,Fisher Price取得了粉红猪小妹系列发行权。

It means that merchandise featuring Peppa, her brother George and friends will hit shopping malls across America in time for Christmas next year. 这就意味着作为商业形象的粉红猪小妹,她的弟弟乔治以及她的朋友们将于明年的圣诞节时,在全美的超市上架。

Entertainment One, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, generated £200million in sales from Peppa toys and games in the UK last year. Entertainment One在伦敦证券交易所上市交易,去年通过卖粉红猪小妹玩具和游戏获得了2亿英镑的收益。

The deal will propel Entertainment One into a merchandising market worth £56billion a year, Mr Willits added.

Willits先生说这项协议的签署将推动Entertainment One成为年交易量560亿英镑的商品市场。

Peppa is the fourth highest selling character toy in Britain.The series has picked up more than 500,000 U.S. fans since launching there in February, propelling it into the top ten American pre-school shows.





Bringing home the bacon: American deal could make Peppa a billion-dollar pig


Peppa Pig is UK's fourth highest selling character toy


She’s best known for her flushed cheeks and a love of jumping in muddy puddles.


Now after taking Britain by storm, Peppa Pig is set to make a massive splash in the U.S. – having signed a deal with toy giant Fisher Price.

在英国引发购买风暴之后,粉红猪小妹又将在美国引发购买高潮——她已经与玩具大亨Fisher Price签署了协议。

The trans-Atlantic alliance is expected to trigger a windfall of as much as £600million ($1billion) for Entertainment One, the company that owns the rights to the hit animated series.

这个跨越大西洋的强强联合预计将获得高达6亿英镑(约合10亿美元)的收益,Fisher Price取得了粉红猪小妹系列发行权。

It means that merchandise featuring Peppa, her brother George and friends will hit shopping malls across America in time for Christmas next year. 这就意味着作为商业形象的粉红猪小妹,她的弟弟乔治以及她的朋友们将于明年的圣诞节时,在全美的超市上架。

Entertainment One, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, generated £200million in sales from Peppa toys and games in the UK last year. Entertainment One在伦敦证券交易所上市交易,去年通过卖粉红猪小妹玩具和游戏获得了2亿英镑的收益。

The deal will propel Entertainment One into a merchandising market worth £56billion a year, Mr Willits added.

Willits先生说这项协议的签署将推动Entertainment One成为年交易量560亿英镑的商品市场。

Peppa is the fourth highest selling character toy in Britain.The series has picked up more than 500,000 U.S. fans since launching there in February, propelling it into the top ten American pre-school shows.




Mr.Dinosaur is Lost恐龙先生丢了


George loves Mr.Dinosaur.

Sometimes,George likes to scare peppa with Mr.Dinosaur.(有时,George喜欢用恐龙先生吓peppa.) (在晚饭时间,恐龙先生坐在George旁边)

I beg your pardon.请问

Was that you George,or was it Mr.Dinosaur.(你是George还是恐龙现在) 在洗澡时,George喜欢和恐龙先生一起洗澡 晚安

Goodnight,mummy. (当George睡觉时,恐龙现在会和George挤在一起睡)

George’s is throwing Mr.Dinosaur up when he falls back down.George最爱的游戏就是把恐龙先生扔到空中然后当他掉下来时接住他。

我赢了 干得好


不要着急 我们会找到恐龙先生的。



I’m good at finding things.我很擅长找东西。 。好吧

George,I am the detective. 我会帮助你找到恐龙先生的。

Maybe the detective should ask George some simple George did not know where Mr Dinosaur is ? I know. I know where he is. Mr.Dinosaur is not in the bath.

Oh!I know.I know where Mr.Dinosaur is.

George always has Mr.Dinosaur in his bed at night,so that’s where he is .

Yes,the garden.

I was going to see that .

Where is Mr.Dinosaur?

Mr.Dinosaur is very hard to find .

Oh!Mr.Dinosaur isn’t anywhere.

George?you do love to throw Mr.Dinosaur in the air...I wonder if this time you threw Mr Dinosaur just a bit too high.

There he is. There he is.

I saw him first.

Well done,peppa.

You really are a very good detective.

George is so happy to have Mr.Dinosaur back again.

Maybe it isn’


小弟弟:little brother

我喜欢;I like ....




在晚餐时间:at suppertime

在洗澡时间:at bath time.

去睡觉:go to bed


最爱的游戏:favourite game. 在空中:in the air.



玩跳棋:play draughts

我赢了:I win.

做得好:well done

怎么了:what’s the matter?

不用着急:Don’t worry.





在花园里:in the garden

George 在哪?:where is george

什么:what what’s this?这是什么 在哪:where:where are you?你在哪? 好主意:good idea

我们:we :we are good students

他:he :he is a good student.


篇五:Peppa Pig粉红猪小妹14 Snow

粉红猪小妹第12集 Snow

I’m Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy pig.

Peppa pig.


Peppa and George are very excited today. It is snowing outside.

“Mummy, can we go and play in the snow?”

“Yes, but it’s very cold outside,so you must wrap up warm.”


“And don’t forget to wear your hats, and scarves and gloves.”

It is very cold outside. Peppas and George must wear their hats...and scarves ... and gloves.”

“Come on, George.”

Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow.

Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow!


Oh, dear.

“It’s not funny.”

“George, let’s play snowballs!”

Peppa has made a snowball.

Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.

“George, come back, you little piggy!”

Oh, dear. Maybe this game is getting a little too rough.

“Sorry, George.”

“George! Let’s build a snowman!”

Peppa and George are making a snowman.

First, they make the body.

“George, this is the snow’s body.”

Now, they make the snowman’s head.

“Now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth!”

George has found some sticks for the snowman’s arms.

Peppa has found some stones for the snowman’s eyes and mouth. This is his face.

“Now the snowman needs a nose.”

Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman’s nose.

The snowman looks very happy.

But maybe he is bit cold.

“The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.”

George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm. The snowman is wearing his hat...and scarf... and gloves. “Mummy! Daddy! Come and look!”

Mummy pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.

“That is the best snowman I have ever seen!”

Daddy pig looks quite cold.

He isn’t wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.

“Daddy, why aren’t you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves?” “I don’t know where they are! I can’t find them anywhere.” “I think I know where Daddy’s hat, scarf and gloves are ...” Daddy Pig’s hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman! Oh!


The end!
