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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 16:34:22 作文素材

篇一:Mary Queen of Scots英文读书报告

Mary Queen of Scots Reading Report

Recently I read a book it named Mary- Queen of Scots. The writer is Tim Vicary .He is an teacher and writer who worked in England.

This book is about a letter which Mary Queen wrote of Scots wrote to her son James. She wanted to tell something about her life to her son.The book tolled us the whole life of Mary Queen of Scots. Mary Queen of Scots from 1542 to 1567 and dead in 1587.Her father died when she is only one week old, so she was the Queen of Scots when she was a baby. At first she lived with her mother in Scotland, and then when she was five years old she went to France because her mother is a French. She went to French to marry the King of French’s son whose name was Francis and one year younger than her. In 1559 Francis became the king so she also became the Queen of France. She lived a happy life in France, but then her husband died in 1660 when he is only 16 years old .Mary was sad and her life had was very different. There was a new king and queen so she went back to Scotland. When she came back to Scots from France she was welcomed at first but when she went to church people start angry with her. Because Scotland is a Protestant country so the people of Scotland don’t like Catholics. And they shouted angrily in the street and stopped Mary to go to a Catholic church . Mary said she was born a Catholic, and she was going to die a Catholic but she didn’t hate Protestants . But people still don’t like her. Then Mary wanted to looked for a husband because she need a son or a daughter to come after her .Then she married her second husband Henry Darnley the father of James. After a short happy life she had to devote herself into the work because as a queen she had a lot work to do . Her husband doesn’t help her with her work only because he didn’t like it. Her husband only drink and play with his friends. Then her husband killed her friend David Riccio and Mary angryed with him. Henry Darnley began to slept with other women and then he dead. May’s third husband was Lord Bothwell. Many people said that Henry Darnley was killed by Bothwell. And Earl of Moray took this as an excuse to start a war because Mary didn’t want cause the death then she was caught by them .After she escaped she decided to ask the Queen of England for help. But she was cheated by Elizabeth and was put in prison. for twenty years finally she was killed in Fotheringhay. This was her whole life.

People say that Mary is a dangerous person and a bad woman but I don’t think so. Through the book I knew that she was a really person but she was misunderstood may be just because the belief. Scotland people don’t like her just because she was a

catholic and they were protestant. She was a catholic but she did not hate protestant and did not kill them even did not stop them to their protestant churches. But why they don’t understand her?

篇二:同学介绍-我的同学玛丽(My Classmate Mary)

同学介绍:我的同学玛丽(My Classmate Mary)









My Classmate Mary

Mary is one of my classmates. we are good friends. She is a little bit special, for it is hard to find a girl so fat in her teens. Someone says, "She seems like a big snow ball with two smiling tiny eyes which can speak. "

Mary is kind and warm-hearted. When somebody in class falls ill,she goes to attend to① him or her. When John has troubles in his studies, Mary always helps him with his lessons. As I am not able to knit a sweater②, she lends me hand in doing so. When classes are over, she is always the first to clean the blackboard. When an old teacher has difficulty in walking upstairs, she goes over to support him or her. In a word, whenever she is in need, she never stand by with arms folded.

Although she is so fat, she is quite quick in action and full of energy. You can often see her on the playground, either playing basketball or volleyball. Sometimes, I make fun of her by saying, "You'd better play football as a doorkeeper③." She just tolerantly④ laughed. It is something that I admire her because she is never in the mood of self-humiliation⑤ forher fatness.

An old saying goes that "being lovely makes a person pretty". I think that it is true of Mary since she is the case in point⑥.


①attend to 照顾,护理

②knit a sweater 织毛衣

③doorkeeper['d&:?ki:p ]n.守门员

④tolerantly['t&l r ntli]ad.宽容地

⑤in the mood of self-humiliation 为……而自卑

⑥the case in point 恰当的例子





篇三:同学介绍-我的同学玛丽(My Classmate Mary)

同学介绍:我的同学玛丽(My Classmate Mary)









My Classmate Mary

Mary is one of my classmates. we are good friends. She is a little bit special, for it is hard to find a girl so fat in her teens. Someone says, "She seems like a big snow ball with two smiling tiny eyes which can speak. "

Mary is kind and warm-hearted. When somebody in class falls ill,she goes to attend to① him or her. When John has troubles in his studies, Mary always helps him with his lessons. As I am not able to knit a sweater②, she lends me hand in doing so. When classes are over, she is always the first to clean the blackboard. When an old teacher has difficulty in walking upstairs, she goes over to support him or her. In a word, whenever she is in need, she never stand by with arms folded.

Although she is so fat, she is quite quick in action and full of energy. You can often see her on the playground, either playing basketball or volleyball. Sometimes, I make fun of her by saying, "You'd better play football as a doorkeeper③." She just tolerantly④ laughed. It is something that I admire her because she is never in the mood of self-humiliation⑤ forher f(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:mary怎么读)atness.

An old saying goes that "being lovely makes a person pretty". I think that it is true of Mary since she is the case in point⑥.


①attend to 照顾,护理

②knit a sweater 织毛衣

③doorkeeper['d&:?ki:p ]n.守门员

④tolerantly['t&l r ntli]ad.宽容地

⑤in the mood of self-humiliation 为……而自卑

⑥the case in point 恰当的例子







天气变热了,身边不少人换上了美美的夏装,很是惊艳。今天我们就来学习一个夸赞别人打扮得漂亮的美国习惯用语:dressed to kill。


人们说某人dressed to kill时,通常是指这人精心打扮以吸引异性的注意。例: Pete usually wears jeans and a T-shirt. But last night it was hard to recognize him -- he was dressed to kill because he finally got a date with that blond he's admired for so long.


我们再看一个用到dressed to kill的例子,这个例子说的是个女孩,说话人的妹妹玛丽为参加毕业舞会而精心打扮:

It took Mary two hours to get ready, but it was worth it -- she was dressed to kill and the center of attention. Everyone was saying she was the most beautiful woman at the prom.




天气变热了,身边不少人换上了美美的夏装,很是惊艳。今天我们就来学习一个夸赞别人打扮得漂亮的美国习惯用语:dressed to kill。


人们说某人dressed to kill时,通常是指这人精心打扮以吸引异性的注意。例: Pete usually wears jeans and a T-shirt. But last night it was hard to recognize him -- he was dressed to kill because he finally got a date with that blond he's admired for so long.


我们再看一个用到dressed to kill的例子,这个例子说的是个女孩,说话人的妹妹玛丽为参加毕业舞会而精心打扮:

It took Mary two hours to get ready, but it was worth it -- she was dressed to kill and the center of attention. Everyone was saying she was the most beautiful woman at the prom.

