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篇一:Life is Beautiful 观后感

The most beautiful lie

I have heard of Life is Beautiful(Italian: La vita è bella) for many times, but haven’t watched it until this weekend, which was really worth watching .

With three most significant elements: war, love, death, Life is Beautiful no wonder won so many prizes. As The Grand Prix winner at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival, Life is Beautiful, is much like two films in one. In tone, temperament, and intent, they are vastly different -- one is poignant and powerful, the other is light, airy, and a little silly.

The background of the story is like Schindler's List, about the World War Two. While Life is Beautiful is not as serious as Schindler's List. I also find the father’s great love for his son from the film.

The story happened in 1945, and Guido and Dora had a five year-old son, Giosue. The second World War was in its final days, and Jewish Italian families like Guido's were the recipients of nonstop persecution. One day, the police broke into Guido's home and took his family into custody. Soon after, they were herded like cattle into a train bound for a nameless concentration camp. It was a place of horror and death, where healthy men and women worked all day long melting down metal for weapons while those who were too old, too infirm, or too young to endure hard labor were finally sent to the poisonous showers.

Guido was well aware of what was happening, and was determined to shield his son from the terrifying reality of the situation. So he carefully concocted a storyteller's web of fantasy around Giosue, informing the boy that this was all part of an elaborate game. The object was to get 1000 points; the winner would get a real tank, not one of the toys Giosue used to playing with. The rules constantly changed, but they usually involved a lot of hide-and-seek, plenty of make-believe, and something called "silence." The police weren't really bad guys; they're just acting that way because that's how they win. Anyone complaining about not having enough food would be disqualified and had to go home. By deflecting or laughing off his son's most serious concerns, Guido managed to transform Giosue's ordeal into what seems like a vacation.

Even in the hardest and darkest days in camp, on the verge of death, Guido was still in deep love with his wife and son ,and protected them in whatever means. His courage and wisdom flash with dazzling light even when the death comes. He exhausted all his efforts to create a beautiful scene of fantasy in the miserable concentration camp for his son. He told Giosue that all the cruelty was just a game, so Giosue got enough courage to survive the years of the period of extreme misery, and finally boarded the allied tanks, his happiness beyonding the words. While he didn’t know his happiness was at the expense of his father’s death.

I really admire Guido, a great father and husband. He never gives up any opportunities to produce a bit of joy for his family in the bitter storm. When passing the broadcasting room in the camp, he risked shouting out his wife’ name to inform her that he and their son were still alive. He took advantage of the opportunity of being a waiter to play for his wife the song that can be described as a love token. He

supports his family to go through the toughest period.

On the last night of Guido’s life, he put his son in a mental box, and then, to find his wife, which is the most impressive scene in my opinion. Passing that mental box when he was arrested, he knew his son was watching him, so he put on a funny appearance to make his son laugh. He still insisted, insisted to make Giosue believe that all this was just a game, don’t be afraid and always be smiling and optimistic to confront it. Then, the gunfire rang, Guido forever left his son and wife, and they were liberated. When they cuddled together in the sun, Giosue said,” We won!” Indeed, they won , in the catastrophe, because they have a husband and father of a hero. The film can be regarded as Giosue’s memoir of his father. In his memory, his father is still alive. Gunfire, dynamite, poisonous gas, death, hunger seem powerful than human beings. But the final winner is people and life. As long as we have the courage and hope, life can be beautiful, which is just the director want to tell us. Nothing can cover the bright color of human nature since a brilliant attitude to life is able to illuminate all the haze of the darkness.

篇二:life is beautiful 美丽人生

Life is beautiful

When it comes to the second world war, what first comes to my mind is its cruelty. But in spite of misery, there must also be some touching stories which make people to think deeper. So I’d like to introduce the film“life is beautiful”. In my memory,the film is quite meaningful and vivid, just like I watched it yesterday.

This film is quite different from the past other films of the Nazi film like Schindler's list. It is more of a film about comic romance,laughter,optimism and how to keep one's sanity intact when one finds oneself in a difficult close to death kind of situation. The film ran into trouble as many leading filmmakers protested against what they called "making mockery of a serious issue like holocaust".According to Godard, it is hard to believe that life could have been beautiful for anyone in a concentration camp. But through the film, audience can perceive that there is indeed happiness and love during the war. It helps spread positive energy.

The film centers on Guido’s family life and then the hardships they go through. So, it falls into two parts. One is pure comedy. The other smiles through tears. The second part is definitely the most amazing part.

Act 1: Love

It took only minutes from the film's beginning for me to be smiling as we met Guido. With a brilliant mixture of comedy and romance, Guido used random encounters (with a few not so random ones) to meet and woo the school teacher Dora, whom he called "Princess". My favorite in this part is a masterful, yet hilarious, sequence of events involving a key, time, and a hat - you'll understand what I mean when you see the film. Guido successfully charmed Dora, even though she had been engaged to a fascist official, and retrieved her while riding on a green painted horse (the green paint on his uncle's horse was the first act of anti-Semitism that is shown in the film and really the first time you learn that Guido is Jewish). During Act I, the audience almost forgets he came to see a movie about the Holocaust. The atmosphere was peaceful and quiet. However, that changed in Act 2.

Act 2: The Holocaust

The first act successfully creates the characters of Guido and Dora, whereas the second act involve us in the problems of the times.Now Guido and Dora had a young son, named Joshua. He was bright, loved, and did not’t like to take baths.(that bad habit saved his life in the camp later) Even when Joshua pointed out a sign in a window that said Jews were not allowed, Guido made up a story to protect his son from such discrimination. Soon the life of this warm and funny family was interrupted by deportation.While Dora was away, Guido and Joshua were taken and placed in cattle cars - even there, Guido tried to hide the truth from Joshua. But the truth is plain to the audience - I w(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:life,is,beautiful)ant to cry because I know what is really happening and yet smile through my tears at the obvious effort Guido is making to hide his own fears and calm his young son. Dora, who was not picked up for deportation, chose to board the train anyway in order to be with her family. When the train unloaded at a concentration camp, Guido and Joshua were separated from Dora. It was at this camp that Guido convinces Joshua they were playing a game. The game consists of 1,000 points and

the winner could get a real military tank. He literally hided the child from the camp guards, with rules of the game that have the boy crouching on a high sleeping platform and remaining absolutely still. The man used many similar tricks to protect his son from the horror. And the rules were made up as time went on. His strategies were so effective that even at last his son had no idea of what’s going on. But the only one that is fooled is Joshua, not the audience, nor the father. We all know what will happen. Then, one day, when the military were defeated and wanted to retreat, the brave father finally got a chance to find his wife. He told his son to hide in the iron cupboard and to wait for him to get the award--a real tank. And he told his son not to get out until the tank came out for him. But as he secretly sneaked towards where the women lived, he was found by a soldier. He pretended to be a fascist but failed. As he was forced to go to his death place, he still hided his fear and went parade step to greet his child. Then, a gunshot spread. Finally, the boy was saved after a sound sleep in the cupboard by a real tank from the Allied forces. He found his mom and they got together.

In my perspective, the actor made laughs and sorrows simultaneously. That is the bright spot of the film. The director and actor created a masterpiece that touched our heart - not only did my cheeks hurt from laughing, but my eyes burned from tears. (That is the real reaction after I watched the film.) As Benigni himself stated, "I am a comedian and my way is not to show directly. Just to evoke. This to me was wonderful, the balance to comedy with the tragedy."

Some people may think the movie actually softens the Holocaust slightly, to make the humor possible at all. In the real death camps there would be no role for Guido. But I believe there are also some heavy things behind it. The conditions were real, and though the brutality was not shown as directly as in Schindler's List, it was still very much there. When I finally saw the star was killed, my eyes filled with tears. The man spared no effort to take responsibility and showed his father and husband love.

In conclusion, I must say "Life Is Beautiful" is not about Nazis and Fascists, but about the human spirit. It is about rescuing whatever is good and hopeful from the wreckage of dreams,about hope for the future,about the necessary human conviction. This is my favorite movie. I believe everyone that have watched the film can get something in the heart of heart.

篇三:英语话题8 Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful

A:黄超强 B:江燊 C:祝利娜D:刘越飞

A: Do you think life is beautiful?

If I want you to paint a picture of life, what color will you use? red? yellow? blue? green? or else?

I think the picture of life should be painted by all of colors. B:Yes, life is so beautiful. It is full of surprising. Sometimes, life is just like a poem, it is so romantic, imagine you and your boyfriend or girlfriend walk in the campus hand in hand, think of your mutual future, and speak something as a secret of you two, what wonderful! C: Oh, you are so romantic. But I am single, I don’t think the life is like a poem. I think the life is like a picture, just think that one day, after you have your dinner, and then you can do anything you like, you can ride a bike with a book you like. Then you ride slowly and see the scenery on the road, smell the flowers, listen to a classical music. Until you find a quiet space, for example: you can stay on the side of a river, under the tree, ride the book.

D: No, no, no, I don't like the life which is so quiet, I like life is full of excitement, I like sports, I like basketball, football, I like to spend my time with my friends, I like to get together, to talk about some super

stars’ news, pay attention to the football star**, talk about the events in the recent days.

A: After all of the view you speak, I want to ask you a question, in the life, sometimes, it is full of difficulty, like the sky is filled of black, unlucky clouds, and you feel so frustration, you want to escape from it, I think at that time no one would think the life is beautiful, maybe , at that time, if you make me to color the picture, I will use the black. B: Do you believe the sun will rise after the black clouds, sometimes, the life is full of sadness, I have no reason to deny it, but if the life is all of lucky, don’t you think it is not perfect? Only when you experienced the difficulties, you will know the happy life is how wonderful, and you will become more confident.

C: Yes, the life will be challengeable, which is what I like. D: And the most important when you face the difficulties, you are not single, your friends and your relatives always stand by your side, and support you.

A: Ok. Thank you, at now, I understand the life is so beautiful as it is filled with all kinds of colors, even the black.

篇四:Life is beautiful

Life Is So Beautiful

Life Is Beautiful is an Italian movie, telling a love story about a family in the Second World War. You probably will make a totally wrong judgment based on watching the first half of the movie. In fact, it can be called a “black comedy”, but full of optimism and enthusiasm.

The director of the film—Roberto Benigni finds another way to show World War II, subverting other traditional perspectives. In the setting part, he makes a great deal to describe how lucky and happy the two protagonists are. From their encountering, their acquaintance and to their living together, the plots are full of coincidence and exaggeration. Guido is an ordinary Jewish guy who seems very foolish and poor, wishing to open a bookstore in the town and live a peaceful life. While Dora is a born noble and beautiful Italian girl, already being fiancée to someone. However, a series of coincidences made Guido and Dora get married and have a son called Joshua. They own a bookstore and also a peaceful life. But their happy life ended soon. The Nazi caught the father and the son on Joshua’s birthday. Dora insisted she went with her husband and son even though she could stay safe. The family was taken to concentration camp by train. In the tough life, in

order to protect his little son, Guido died.

It’s the a little silly and lovely guy, Guido tell us many things. First, he has no much capital, but he can do and say what he wants. So he gets many opportunities. Once and once again, he encounters his “princess”. Finally, what he expresses to his sweet is really hard for me to image, which I believe you can’t accept, either. Whenever Dora finds his words come true soon, she can’t help open his mouth. Second, so positive is Guido that it rarely makes me feel sad when watching the movie. His words and actions seem stupid but no lacking wisdom and strength. So his life is never filled with sadness. Things are not as terrible as you think. It all depends how you treat them. “If you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile back.” Third, to protect his little son, he does all what he can to let his son think they are playing a game in the concentration camp to win a real tank. And the god is fair; Guido pays his life to exchange a real tank for his na?ve son in the end, meanwhile the little boy’s sound “we win, we win!” cover the real sorrowful atmosphere. Guido is lucky, Dora is lucky and Joshua is lucky.

No! We are luckier than Guido’s family. Maybe we will envy Guido’s former life, for we haven’t met our own

sweetheart or got him or her yet, we can’t realize our words without effort and we have no ability to do what we really want to do. Maybe we prefer to think it’s not our duty that we can’t stay optimistic, instead it is due to the cruelty of reality and misfortune of fate. Maybe we will suspect there is a Guido in fact. That all doesn’t matter. There is no doubt that we should be upbeat and struggling like Guido in the movie, which really counts. And believe life is beautiful!

Life is a simple story, but not an easy one to tell! Like a fable there is sorrow, and like a fable, it is full of wonder and happiness!


篇五:Life is beautiful

Life is beautiful

A set of funnuy coincidences prelude this movie,and

makes me confused at the very beginning ,because I was told that this movie is about living in the Nazi concentration camp. However ,as the movie goes on, I gradully realized my former shallow——the great human nature is not just the one in ,it’s also about love and warmth among human being.

The role that mostly draws my attention is Guido.Even

if living in the most dark and harsh day, he still loves his son and wife selflessly and uses his life to protect them. It is his love and wisdom makes his life shining forever ,even when it was in war and was in the complete darkness. I can still remember that he tried his best to creat a wonderful illusion for his son ,told him that all cruels are just a game,and the reward is a tank. Therefore ,the boy has courage to go through the hard time. Guido also held any chance to confort his family: when he passing the boardcasting office,he risks his life to call his wife and used “good moring ,my princess”to cheer her. Guido even made a face to his son Giosuéwhen he is going to die ,just to asure his son that they are playing games.

At the end , Giosué jumped out of the tank ,huged his

mother ,yelling:we won! We won!” . At that time ,the boy still

didn’t know that his great father had died. Guido will live in his mind forever

Guns ,explosive,gas,death.hunger,these may seem

powerful,but the final winner is always lives and people . The ture hope is just like the moment at which Guido blinked to his son,and that is no matter how hard life is ,it can be beautiful as long as we are brave ,happy and hopeful every day .And finally ,we will win.
