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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 17:20:44 字数作文

篇一:touch my heart

《touch my heart》歌词 俞灏明

想要让你知道我的骄傲 别自寻烦恼




喜欢看你甜蜜的嘴角 有你世界才美好

责备的话我们都要变少 谁都不许说不要

想念成为幸福的困扰 不管未来多难熬

努力成为你生命里的依靠 还是我要学会的技巧 请你勇敢再多些

Touch My Heart 爱已锁定目标

你的微笑有一种奇妙的讯号 我接收得到



责备的话我们都要变少 谁都不许说不要

想念成为幸福的困扰 不管未来多难熬

努力成为你生命里的依靠 爱是我要学会的技巧 请你勇敢再多些

Touch My Heart 爱已锁定目标

你的微笑有一种奇妙的讯号 我收得到

没有你的时间太难熬 无论对错只想这一秒 悲伤全部都忘掉

汇成了你心动的符号 强烈的电波



Touch My Heart 爱已锁定目标



请你勇敢再多些 Touch My Heart 爱已锁定目标

答案就在这一刻会揭晓 融化在我怀抱

篇二:touch my hand中英歌词

Saw you from the distance从远处看见你

Saw you from the stage从舞台上看到你

Something about the look in your eyes你的那些眼神

Something about your beautiful face还有你那漂亮的面孔

In a sea of people在茫茫人海中

There is only you只有你是唯一

I never knew what this song was about我从不知道这首歌唱些什么

But suddenly now I do但现在我一下子明白了

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand努力来到你的身旁,让你拖着我的手 Reach out as far as you can你也尽量抓紧我吧

Only me, only you, and the band只有我,只有你,还有这丝带

Trying to reach out to you touch my hand努力来到你的身旁,让你拖着我的手 Can't let the music stop不能让这音乐停下来

Can't let this feeling end不要让这感觉消失

Cause if I do it'll all be over因为一旦我这样做,一切都会完了

I'll never see you again那我就再也见不到你了

Can't let the music stop不能让这音乐停下来

Until I touch your hand直到我握着你的手

Cause if I do it'll all be over因为一旦我这样做,一切都会完了

I'll never get the chance again我再也没有机会了

I'll never get the chance again我再也没有机会了

I'll never get the chance again再也没有机会了

I see the sparkle of a million flashlights我看见千万支手电筒在闪耀

A wonderwall of stars撒满繁星的天幕

But the one that's shining out so bright其中有着最闪耀光芒的那颗

is the one right where you are就是你身在的那方上空

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand努力来到你的身旁,让你拖着我的手 Reach out as far as you can你也尽量抓紧我吧

Only me, only you, and the band只有我,只有你,还有这丝带

Trying to reach out to you touch my hand努力来到你的身旁,让你拖着我的手 Can't let the music stop不能让这音乐停下来

Can't let this feeling end不要让这感觉消失

Cause if I do it'll all be over因为一旦我这样做,一切都会完了

I'll never see you again那我就再也见不到你了

Can't let the music stop不能让这音乐停下来

Until I touch your hand直到我握着你的手

Cause if I do it'll all be over因为一旦我这样做,一切都会完了

I'll never get the chance again我再也没有机会了

I'll never get the chance again再也没有机会了

Saw you from the distance从远处看见你

Saw you from the stage从舞台上看到你

Something about the look in your eyes你的一些眼神

Something about your beautiful face还有你那漂亮的面孔

Can't let the music stop不能让这音乐停下来

Can't let this feeling end不要让这感觉消失

Cause if

touch my heart

I do it'll all be over因为一旦我这样做,一切都会完了

I'll never see you again那我就再也见不到你了

Can't let the music stop不能让这音乐停下来

Until I touch your hand直到我握着你的手

Cause if I do it'll all be over因为一旦我这样做,一切都会完了

I'll never get the chance again我再也没有机会了

I'll never get the chance again再也没有机会了

Trying to reach out to you, touch my hand努力来到你的身旁,让你拖着我的手 Reach out as far as you can你也尽量抓紧我吧

Only me, only you, and the band只有我,只有你,还有这丝带

Trying to reach out to you touch my hand努力来到你的身旁,让你拖着我的手 Yeah, yeah, yeah耶~耶~耶~

篇三:My Heart Leaps Up

My Heart Leaps Up

My Heart Leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky;

So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die!

The Child is father of the Man; And I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.

by William Wordsworth(1770-1850)





一. 定语从句功能:修饰名词或代词(先行词),或整个句子,在句中作定语的从句。

who has his own dreams, who is fighting for a better life for his family. who is willing to help his students to be better, who can be your friend.) This man is called Mark, who will hear your voice, who will be together with you, who will lend a helping hand to you.)

★句式提炼:There is a man( ,person, woman, girl, boy…) , who…., who…., who…

This man is …., who…(用于写人类作文的首段)

2. 先行词是不是人,且从句缺主语或宾语的情况下,从句引导词为________或________.

thing ______ ever happened to me in my life.

★ 句式提炼: A is something_______(最常见的解释一个事物的句型,尤其可用作满足浙江最新高考开放式作文

中的抽象话题,如dream, succes, failure, confidence ,love, friendship等抽象话题)

仿写:Love is ______________________________________________________________________________


★ that而不用which Titanic is the best film that I have seen..

All you should know is that we all love you and miss you more than you can imagine.

All that your parents have been doing is for you.=Anything that your parents have been doing is for you.

Everything (that ) you having been doing for your dreams is worth doing.

Anyone who can go through storms will enjoy the unique beauty of the rainbow


3.★ 宜用which而不用that的情况: Liu Xiang got injured in London Olympic Games , makes his fans heartbroken again. 题组训练: 用that, which 填空。

1) 2.All 3.) 4.)Jay and his songs 5.)(2013浙江) 6.)(2013北京)Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, ______, of course, make all the others upset.

4.★“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句。 He is the only person in the room with I want to talk.

1.)This summer holiday has two months, one of_

A.one of which. B.one of that. C. one of those. D.one of whom.


A. who B. whom C. which D. that


I’m a man _______dream is little but great and has been kept in my heart.) I’m a man _______ parents are standing by my side . I’m a man _________ time is being spent realizing my dream.)

6. 使用关系副词的条件:when, where, why.

6.1 There was a time _______I was as young as you. There was a time ______I was single and free. There was a time (用于叙述,回忆过去经历的作文,相当于sb /sth used to do/ be…..)

★There must be one day when we can…...(用于尾段表达坚定信心和向往)


句式提炼:There is /was/ will be/must be a place ________...., ________....., _________.......This place is….



6.3There is must be a reason______we study hard, _____ we meet me here and study English ,______ you must keep on fighting.

句式提炼:There is a reason_____ ….., ______......, ________.....(用于说明做某事必要性时可用)

仿句:There is a reason ______________________________________________________________________

The reason _______ we keep on fighting is ________we must make our dreams take wings.

★句式提炼:The reason why….. is _______......


★拓展写作句型(用作列举原因段落的主题句)The reasons why….. can be listed as follows:To begin with…… What’s more/Besides/In addition….. Last but not least,…..



1.) (2013上海卷) . You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station ____ you can hire to reach your host family.

A. which B. where C. when D. as 2.)2013江苏卷).Between the two parts of the concert is an interval(暂停时间), _______ the audience can buy ice-cream.

A. when B. where C. that D. which 3.)(2013山东卷)32.The old town has narrow streets and small houses _ are built close to each other.

A. they B. where C. what D. that 4.)(2013四川卷)17. The school shop, ________ customers are mainly students, is closed few the holidays.

A. which B. whose C. when D. where 5.)(2013陕西卷)11.I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, ________we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.

A. which B. where C. who D. that

7. ★无先行词的定语从句用as和which( ★as, which 指代整个主句) 引导。

对比练习:用what, it, as, which 填空

① is known, the earth is round, not flat. ② is known that the earth is round③He didn’t pass the exam, we had expected. ④(11福建)She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students, allows them to communicate freely with each other. ⑤Prince William and Kate Meddleton walked into the palace hall of wedding, made people in the UK excited.




(2①定语从句中,that充当从句中的 可省略。


I have a dream which one day I will travel around the world(改错) I have a dream is rooted in my heart.


1.Everything you tell me is a lie. 2.Anyone wants to go a university should be hardworking.

3.You are the very person to I want to talk. 4. He is admitted to a key university,



---Is that the small company you often refer to?

A.that. B.which. C.as. D. where.

一)用适当关系词( that/ which/ who/whom/ whose/ when/ where / why)或介词+which/whom填空.

1.There’prepared for the exams 2.I’in the fire. scientist. 5 The old man are talking is a famous scientist. 7.Our class has more half are girls. 8.The his brother works lies in the south of the city. the city. 10.The old man are talking about is a famous scientist. famous pop star was my life. 14. I don’t believe the reason he told me yesterday . named John cried so heavily. 16.Dorothy always spoke highly of her role in the play ,of 17. He 18.He is my favorite help I have made progress. want to tell you is that I will always support you everything will be better.



1. [14江苏A. which B. when C. as D. where 2. [14安徽]22.The exact year Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008. A. When C. why D. which 3. [14福建 A. who B. when C. which D. where 4. [14湖南my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her. A. as B. why D. where 5. [14山东 A. which B. whose D. why 6. [14陕西A. that B. which C. as 7. [14四川A. that B. which C. who 8. [14天津A. all of which B. each of which C. all of them D. each of them 9. [14重庆 A. which B. where C. when 10. [14北京A.who B. which C. when 11. [浙江卷]5. I don’ A. when B. where C. which D. why 12. [14江西卷A. which B. what C. where D. when 13.(2013安徽卷) made one of the Chinese people’s long-held 15.(2013江西卷)17.(2013山东卷) A. as B. that D. where 18.(2013山东卷) A. when B. where 19.(2013陕西卷) is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived. 23.(2013江苏卷)The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for Chinahe remembers starting as early as his childhood. A. where B. which C. what D. when 24.(2013北京卷) A. when B. which C. whose 25.(2013浙江卷)The children, ______ had played the whole day long, were worn out.


曾经,他也有过自己的梦想,为了我他放弃了。 曾经他也年轻过,为了我,他正在慢慢表老。他所做的一切都是为了我们(或者为了我,他什么都愿意去做).(他这样做的原因)只是让我能接受更好的教育,帮做我实现我的大学梦。

他就是我的爸爸,那个生我,养我,爱我的人。那个即使全世界都抛弃我,他也永远站在我身边的那个人。那个一直默默地给我勇气,动力,信心的,天底下最伟大的平凡人。他告诉我,“那些坚持梦想,永不放弃的人最终会走向成功”。总所周知, 一个人的未来只能掌握在自己手中。站在人生的十字路口,我该为他做些什么呢? 作为一个高三学生,带着和父亲共有的那个梦,我必须为之不断的努力,克服梦想道路上可能出现的任何困难,甚至失败。只有那些永远坚持梦想,永不放弃,为之不懈努力的人才能实现自己的梦想。为了父亲,为了我们的梦想,我愿意做一切我所能做的去实现它。我坚信,我能!


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