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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 22:37:50 小学作文



2008年9月6日子中午快放学时,老师交给我一封信。我有点丈二和尚摸不着头脑,感到莫名其妙。是谁寄给我的呢?有什么事情呢?这时老师告诉我好像是北京寄来的。老师一离开教室,同学们就把我围了个水泄不通,蜂拥而上,争着想看信封里到底装着什么。由于该下学了,同学们很快就唰地散开了。 放学路上我迫不及待地打开了信封。首先映入眼帘的是雄伟的天安门广场。我一阵喜悦涌上心头,然后我干脆把信封里的东西都拿了出来。这下我全明白了。原来我投到北京的文章被选中了,所以我被评为第四届中国优秀小记者了。这封信就是邀请我去参加北京奥运采风活动的信函。





考研英语小作文冲刺急训之邀请信2010年11月22日 09:50:32









语言上写给朋友,可选用活泼、真诚的言辞;写给长辈、上级、名人等,语言则应正式、礼貌。 范文解析:

Directions: The Dean of the English Department knows that Prof. Robin is a famous scholar in British literature. As his assistant, you are asked to write a formal letter to Prof. Robin, inviting him for a short-term visit and to give a lecture.

Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua (Dean of the English Department)” instead. Do not write the address.

Dear Prof. Robin,

I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college.

We know that you are an expert on British literature. We would be very grateful of you could give a lecture on “Contemporary British Literature” to the English Department on Sunday, April 8. If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.

If it is convenient for you, would you please drop me a line to let me know whether you can come or not? We could be looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom. Sincerely yours,

Wang Hua

Dean of the English Department


1、I am writing to invite you to…


2、I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in…


3、I wonder if you can come…


4、How would you like to join us in…?


5、Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come to


6、My family and I would feel much honored if you could come.


7、I really hope you can make it.


8、We would be looking forward to your coming.


9、I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision soon. 我希望能在那里见到您,请早点告诉我您的决定。

10、We would be very glad to invite you as an expert to our university/college to… 很高兴邀请您作为专家到我们学校……

篇三:2013考研英语小作文范文 邀请信

2013考研英语小作文范文:邀请信 来源:吾爱视频教程网









考研英语作文邀请信范文解析:Directions: The Dean of the English Department knows that Prof. Robin is a famous scholar in British literature. As his assistant, you are asked to write a formal letter to Prof. Robin, inviting him for a short-term visit and to give a lecture.

Write the letter with no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua (Dean of the English Department)” instead. Do not write the address.

Dear Prof. Robin,

I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college.

We know that you are an expert on British literature. We would be very grateful if you could give a lecture on “Contemporary British Literature” to the English

Department on Sunday, April 8. If this subject does not suit you, any other similar topic would be welcome as well.

If it is convenient for you, would you please drop me a line to let me know whether you can come or not? We could be looking forward to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.

篇四:邀请信 (Letter of Invitation)

邀请信 (Letter of Invitation)



(1) 我怀着极其愉快的心情给您写信,诚恳地邀请您来……..

It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to ….

(2) 十分高兴能邀请您来……

It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to ……

(3) 如果您能……我们将不胜感激。

We should be very grateful if you could ….


(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:邀请某人来北京作文)


(1) 10月10日星期天网上8时您和史密斯夫人能来北京饭店与我们共进晚餐吗?

Will you and Mrs. Smith give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October the

tenth, at eight o’clock?

(2) 10月10日星期天网上8时我们在北京饭店举办晚宴,届时您和史密斯夫人能光临吗?

There will be a dinner party to be held at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October the tenth, at eight

o’clock. Will you and Mrs. Smith come and join us?

(3) 若您无其他安排,敬请光临我们在二月一号晚七点举办的英语晚会。

I hope that you have no previous engagement and can join us for the English Evening at 7:00 pm on

February 1st.



(1) 殷切希望能够光临。

I do hope that you will be able to come.

(2) 如果您能出席我们将欣喜万分。

We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your company.



Dear Percy,

I will hold a dinner party at my house on September 10, 2005 to celebrate Mr. Guo Jing’s marriage with Miss Huang Rong. As you are a close friend of us, we would very much like you to participate in the celebration and share our joy.

The occasion will start at seven o’clock in the evening, with the showing of their wedding ceremony. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around ten, we will hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and Strauss.

If you do not have any prior appointment on September 10, we look forward to the pleasure of your company.


Li Ming


书面表达 (30分) 假定你是李华。你班同学决定为小明举办生日聚会。请你写信邀请外教Susan参加,要点包括:

⒈ 时间:周五晚8点至9点

⒉ 地点:学生俱乐部

⒊ 内容:生日歌、蛋糕、游戏等

⒋ 要求:备小礼物

注意:⒈ 词数100左右,开头语已为你写好;⒉可以适当增加细节,以便行文连贯;⒊ 答案必须写在答题卡相应的位置上。

Hi Susan,

We are throwing a surprise party for Xiaoming’s birthday. We’d like to invite you to the party. We want to give him a surprise, so please keep quiet about it. We will gather at the Students’ Club at 8 pm this Friday, after the evening classes. And it’s going to last about an hour. We each will prepare a little present. When he comes, we’ll light the candle and sing “Happy Birthday” together for him. Then the cake will be cut and we’ll sing songs and play games. It will be nice to see how excited he will be. I am sure you will have a good time at the party, too.




第一节 (15分) 假设你是校图书馆馆长的学生助理李华,图书馆要进行网络系统升级,请在阅览室向在场的留学生口头通知相关事宜,并请他们转告其他留学生。






One possible version:

Hello everybody! May I have your attention? The library will soon be carrying out an update of the Internet system. I would like everybody to know that between the dates of 1st May and 10th May, the reading room will be closed and the e-reading system will be temporarily stopped. You will only be able to take out and return books on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please pass on this message to those who are not here today. Thank you all. (80 words)

第一节 (20分)


注意:1. 词数不少于60。

2. 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

During this winter vacation, I worked as a volunteer guide in the National

Museum of China.

四、One possible version: During this winter vacation, I worked as a volunteer guide in the National Museum of China. It was an extremely unforgettable opportunity. A few days before the vacation, I applied for the job online. Not long after, I was lucky enough to be given the job. Then I attended a 5-day training course as soon as the vacation began. I was taught how to be both an informative and entertaining tour guide. This was very useful, as I had not done this type of work before. After that, every day over the following two weeks, I gave tours around the Silk Road exhibition, which gave an interesting insight into China’s past. I was delighted to be praised for being an outstanding volunteer at the end of the vacation.




1. 开放时间:每月的第一个周三;

2. 订票方式:提前10天网上预约;

3. 入场条件:出示教师证。

注意: 1.词数不少于50;



参考词汇: 教师证 Teacher Identity Card

Dear Tom,




三、One possible version:

Dear Tom,

You’ve mentioned that you want to visit the Forbidden City for its rich history and unique architecture. So I’m writing to share some good news with you!

Yesterday I happened to read about the free admittance to the Forbidden City. It is open to teachers for free on the first Wednesday of every month. But you have to make an online reservation 10 days in advance. On the day of your visit, you will be asked to present your Teacher Identity Card.

Wish you a pleasant trip!




假如你是红星中学学生李华。最近你代表你班参加了学校的汉字听写大赛(Chinese Character Dictation Competition )。请根据下面四幅图写一篇英文日记。词数不少于60。

四、One possible version:

Last week our teacher announced that a Chinese Character Dictation Competition would be held in the auditorium on April 3. Many of us were interested and hoped to participate, but only one competitor was allowed for each class. Luckily, I got the chance.

In the following days, I busied myself preparing for the competition. My classmates all volunteered to help. Some of them dictated to me various characters they found in the dictionary while others offered to check my answers. As the competition was approaching, I felt more and more confident. The day finally came. Some characters were so challenging that many of the competitors got stuck while I was able to write down most of them and won the first prize.

When I was standing excitedly on the stage, pictures of my classmates helping and encouraging me flashed into my mind. The victory and honor belonged to all of us.


第一节 (15分)


1. 邀请他参加高三年级的成人仪式;

2. 请他做简短发言;

3. 时间:3月30日(周一)下午3:30;

4. 地点:学校礼堂。

注意:1. 词数不少于50。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:成人仪式 the Coming-of-age ceremony

Dear Jeff,

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours,

Li Hua

三、One possible version:

Dear Jeff,

How is everything going?

You know, we are going to be 18, which means a new chapter to us. To celebrate this significant moment, we will hold the Coming-of-age ceremony in our lecture hall at 3:30 pm on March 30th. As one of the most popular teachers in our school life, you are more than welcome to witness the wonderful occasion. If you can give a short speech then, it will be our great honor.

Looking forward to seeing you.

