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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:35:44 作文素材


Xu xiake travel around 16 provinces, life almost throughout the country.In his investigation process, never blindly accepted conclusion on the books.He found that the previous records of geographical research has many places are not reliable。For the real careful investigation, he seldom boat, almost entirely on foot mountains, trek;In order to find out the truth of nature, he always choose the path dangerous mountain, sparsely populated forest, found many strange mountain scene。He often choose different time and season, many times around the mountain, revisit repeated observations of the wonders of exchange。


Xu lives around the surveyed the 16 provinces, taking almost all over the country. He in the course of investigation, never blind superstition you conclusions on books. He found the records of previous studies where there are some very unreliable. For a real careful study, he rarely travel by ship, almost entirely on foot into the long journey; in order to find out the truth of nature, he always chooses the path perilous mountains, unfrequented forest study, found a lot of strange mountain beautiful scenery; he used to select

different times and seasons, tour around the mountain several times, repeatedly observe the wonders of transformation


篇三:徐霞客 游天台山日记 第二日 英文版

A visit to the Tiantai mountain

The second day

The rain did not stop until we had our meal. I made my difficulty way forward through puddles and proceeded onto the ridges.The farther I walked,the quieter it became,with only shaded streams and rocks on the way.After traveling twenty li,I reached the heaven’s grant temple at dusk .while spending the night there ,I was thinking about climbing the peak next morning.I wished it would be a fine day since it had been raining for days on end during the daytime ,with hardly a sunny

morning.before dawn ,when I saw a starry sky in my dream,i was too delighted to sleep any longer.







In his life time, Xu Xiake, the great Chinese geographer and traveler of Ming Dynasty, explored 16 Provinces, leaving his footprints all over the country. In his explorations, he never took what on books for granted, for he found many of the records made by his predecessors were not so authentic. In order to have a closer observation to get true facts, he often trudged over mountains, across rivers on foot in his long journeys, even though sometimes carts or boats were available. To know what the nature was really like, he often got into the untraveled mountains and trackless forests, where he found many fantastic sceneries. As for those famous mountains all over China, he visited and revisited in different seasons of a year, and observed the ever changing scenes in different hours of a day.

篇五:初中英语作文:Colorful Life

初中英语作文:Colorful Life

As a middle school student, usually I'm busy and have no time to do other things. But in my spare time, I like reading and traveling. I think they're fit for me.

A good book is a friend who never turns his back upon us. Reading makes me get a lot of knowledge. I usually read classics. They improve my philological ability(语言能力) and makes me know much different philological style in different countries.

Well, traveling is good, too. I've been to many cities. I think I am just like a modern "Xu Xiake"(徐霞客). It opens up my eyes to the outside world, and makes me feel many different customs.

In 2001, at the age of ten, I went to Beijing to take part in a chorus(合唱) competition by myself. It was my first time to travel without my parents. At first I felt very excited. I had a very heavy bag, and I had to carry it on my back. Then on the train, I couldn't go to sleep. I missed my home and my parents, and my tears rolled down my face. In Beijing, I visited a lot of places of interest. In my opinion, Beijing, the capital of China, is a mixture of modern civilization and ancient civilization. In Beijing Science Museum, I got a lot of knowledge. Also, I got a lot from other activities.

Life may be sour, sweet, bitter or hot. It gives us different feelings. Life is like a poem, which gives us taste; life is as beautiful as songs; life is also like paintings, and it is very colorful!
