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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 05:26:13 体裁作文



“You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains.

You say that you love the sun, but you find

a shadow spot when the sun shines.

You say that you love the wind, but you close

your windows when wind blows.

This is why I am afraid, when you say that

you love me too.”









但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子; 所以当你说你也爱我,我却会为此而烦忧。


你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望;后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香;后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量;后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘;我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。







君乐雨兮启伞枝,君乐昼兮林蔽日, 君乐风兮栏帐起,君乐吾兮吾心噬。


恋雨却怕绣衣湿,喜日偏向树下倚。 欲风总把绮窗关,叫奴如何心付伊。


弄刚欢喜落雨,落雨了搞布洋塞; 欢喜塔漾么又谱捏色;

欢喜西剥风么又要丫起来; 弄刚欢喜唔么,搓色唔霉头。


你有本事爱雨天,你有本事别打伞啊! 你有本事爱阳光,你有本事别乘凉啊! 你有本事爱吹风,你有本事别关窗啊! 你有本事说爱我,你有本事捡肥皂啊!


江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。 夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。 霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。 怜卿一片相思意,犹恐流年拆鸳鸯。

篇二:中国人英文名太滑稽遭取笑 美国人则发现商机

中国人英文名太滑稽遭取笑 美国人则发现商机

林德塞·杰尼根(Lindsay Jernigan)希望能够让中国年轻人抛开他们对英语名的迷思,不要被流行文化所牵引,总是想着取像Lady Gaga、猫王(Elvis)这样奇奇怪怪的英文名。

据每日电讯报网站3月31日报道,一名25岁的美国女商人宣布,针对中国年轻人在取英文名字上的糟糕选择,她将发起一场“战争”,决心让她的客户摆脱类似像Lady Gaga这种绰号一样的名字。






















李白 字太白 ——










感受下网友的想象力 刘邦




感受下网友的想象力 唐寅——


感受下网友的想象力 王安石,字介甫——Jeff

感受下网友的想象力 苏轼——


感受下网友的想象力 狄仁杰——


感受下网友的想象力 乾隆 弘历: RONNY


高考作文分类专项(一) 人物人品


(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:嘲笑别人的英语作文)

址、电话号码、QQ号、电子邮箱、职业、品格、性格、习惯、毅力、责任、个性心理、意志品质、业绩或成就;所在学校、年级、班级,等等。球星影星、同时代的出现在各领域的名人(contemporary famous people)、科学家、领袖人物、历史人物(historical persons)及其趣闻轶事。



(一)必备词句: 1.年龄

(1)a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩 (2)a boy aged five 一个五岁的男孩 (3)in my teens /twenties在我十/二十多岁时 (4)at the age of five在五岁时

(5)As a child, I liked to... 我小时候喜欢…… 2.出生

(1)was born in ... 出生在……

(2)be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家 (3)was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 3.外表

(1)a 1.80-meter-tall boy 一个高1.8米的男孩


(3)look young for one’s age 显得比实际年龄年轻 (4)good-looking 长得好看; plain-looking 长得一般 (5)well dressed 穿得漂亮; neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 能力


(2)intelligent有智力的;creative 富创造力的 (3)a boy with great ability 能干的男孩 (4)a qualified teacher 一名合格的教师 (5)speak fluent English 讲流利的英语 (6)have a gift for 有……的天赋 (7)be skilled in 在……方面熟练 (8)be experienced in 在……方面有经验 4.健康

(1)be in good health/shape/condition 身体健康 (2)energetic精力充沛的;well-built身材健美的 (三)相关句式


查尔斯·狄更斯于1812年出生在一个小镇, 由于家里穷,只上了两年的学。

作为一名教师, 她善良、助人而有耐心, 因此我们都喜欢她。

王萍, 来自高三三班的一个十八岁女孩,


(3)suffer from... 患上…… 5.经历

(1)graduate from... 从……毕业 (2)major in 以……为专业 (3)gain scholarship 获得奖学金 (4)get good grades获得好成绩 (5)get a master’s degree 获得硕士学位 (6)be given the title of... 获得……称号

(7)win a gold/silver/copper medal 获得金/银/铜牌 (8)gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名

(二) 相关短语

1.be born in a poor family出生贫穷家庭 2. attend school 上学 3.at the age of 在……岁时 4.during his childhood在他童年时 5.sense of humour幽默感 6. be always ready to总是乐于 7. modest and honest谦虚诚实 8. be regarded as被认为是 9. have a gift for在……方面有天赋 10. work hard at致力于 11. devote one’s life to致力于 12. graduate from 从……毕业 13. take an active part in积极参加 14. open-minded and optimistic乐观开朗 15. be admitted to被……录取; 考入 16. go abroad for further studies出国深造 17. be honored for因……而受到尊敬 18. dream of being a writer梦想成为作家 19.make contributions to对……做出贡献 20.have a strong interest in对……有浓厚兴趣


她总是 乐于帮助同学提高他们的阅读。

她为科研献出了一切, 对国家作出了巨大贡献。




1. 介绍人物特征时, 多使用一般现在时。若描述人物具体的过去行为, 则使用一般过去时。 2. 积累常用的人物外貌描写和性格描写的语汇。

3. 描写人物性格特征时, 可使用以下句型结构, 丰富人物形象。

(1)“so + adj. /adv. + that”, 例: she always comes first in her study. (2) adj. +enough to do sth., 例: to solve all the problems by himself. (3) “a person with + n.”, 例:4. 可使用副词或“with+n.”的状语结构进一步描写人物行为动作。例: 5. 使用同位语、定语从句、非谓语丰富人物信息。例:



你校将在假期组织部分学生赴英国学习。作为该项目的负责人, 你需负责将两位赴英学生的情况介绍给英方家庭。 [写作内容]


1. 弄清写作内容。考生需要对比、介绍李华和陈伟两位学生特点、爱好、担心的问题和期望这四方面的情况。有两种写作思路供选择,思路一:先介绍完李华的情况, 再介绍陈伟的情况。思路二:对比地介绍李华和陈伟在特点、爱好等四个方面的情况。学生可使用but, while, however, on the contrary等连词和副词(短语)承接句子。 2. 确定全文时态。描写人物特征,应使用一般现在时。陈述“期望”时,也可使用一般将来时。

3. 切忌生硬翻译表格内容。部分学生可能会根据表格直译, 写成:The character of Li Hua is optimistic and active. Li Hua’s hobbies are sports, reading and listening to music. 地道的表达应该是:Li Hua is (considered to be) optimistic and active. Li Hua is keen on sports, reading and listening to music.

4. 本文涉及人物在相同方面的描述, 写作时要注意变换表达, 增添语言色彩。请尝试使用多种表达翻译: (1) 爱好、喜欢

like to do; like doing; be keen on; be fond of; enjoy (doing)sth.; be interested in (2) 担心、害怕

be worried about sth.; be worried that ...; worry about sth.; be concerned about sth.; be afraid of sth.; be afraid that...; sb. fear that ...


(3) 习惯、适应

(3) adapt(oneself)to; accustom oneself to; be/get accustomed to; be /get used to (4) 做……有困难

(4) find it difficult to do; have difficulty / trouble in doing sth. / with sth. 5) 期望

(5) look forward to(doing)sth.; hope /long/desire /expect to do sth.; be eager to do sth. [参考范文]

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith,

Thank you for your offer to host two of our students. The boys’ names are Li Hua and Chen Wei. Here is a little bit about them.

Li is an open-minded and optimistic boy and Chen Wei is very friendly but a little shy. Both boys love sports, especially basketball and football and they also enjoy reading and listening to music. As it’s the first trip to the U.K, they both feel a little anxious.

Li Hua is worried that he has trouble adjusting to British food while Chen Wei is more concerned about being able to communicate clearly with others. Li Hua is really looking forward to learning more about the history of UK and culture and Chen is eager to make some new friends and improve his English.

Once again thank you for your generosity.

Sincerely Yours, Secretary of the project

5. 连句成篇

Li Hua is active and optimistic while Chen Wei is friendly and a bit shy. However, they both enjoy playing sports, reading and listening to music. When it comes to what they worry about, Li Hua is concerned about (1) __________________________________ and Chen Wei is afraid of the situation (2) ________________________. In terms of their expectations, Li Hua desires to(3) ________________________________________________. As for Chen Wei he wants to(4) ___________ _______ and improve his English.

(1.whether he will be accustomed to the diet; 2.in which he will have difficulty in communicating with others;3.know more about the culture and history of Britain; 4.make more Friends.)2.请尝试使用不同表达完成句子翻译。 (1)他是个既聪明又友好的人。

He is _______________________________________________________________. (both smart and friendly/clever as well as friendly/intelligent and nice(as well);) (2)他是如此的诚信, 以致所有认识他的人都称赞他。

He is ________________________those who know him all ______________him. He is ____________those who know him all _____ him. (3)他的谦虚, 给我们留下了很深刻的印象。 His _______left us a deep ________.

We were all ___________________________. (4)每当我们向他求助时,他总是很耐心地帮助我们。

Whenever we ______________, he will always help us __________. Every time we __________________, he will always ___________________. (modesty;impression;deeply impressed by his modesty;ask him for help;) (Patiently;turn to him for help;give us a helping hand with patience)


(such an honest person that;think highly of;so honest that;praise)



请根据以上表格内容, 在校园博客上宣传介绍李华, 内容包括: 1. 李华刚被评为“重庆市三好学生”, 呼吁大家向她学习; 2. 李华现任职务、爱好、特长、曾获奖项; 3. 师生对李华的评价。 [参考范文]

Li Hua, who has just been awarded with the title of Merit Student of Henan, is the model that we should learn from. Li Hua, the monitor and the chairman of the Students’ Union of our school, likes reading, sports and mountain climbing.

She is good at delivering speeches, oral English speaking and playing the piano as well. With her hard work, she once won the champion of the School English Speech Contest and came first in the talent show of our school. Li Hua, considered as optimistic and versatile, is liked by both students and teachers.

这篇人物介绍的写作涉及课外单词, 如“河南三好学生”、“多才多艺”。既然题目已经给出这些单词的提示,学生必须按照题目提供的生词进行写作, 切勿随意编造或改写单词。其次,本文也涉及了较多固定用语,如“学校学生会主席”(chairman of the Students’ Union of our school)、“英语演讲比赛”(School English Speech Contest)、“校园才艺大赛”(the talent show of our school或School Talent Show)等, 学生要大写专有名词的首字母,并要在日常学习中积累与此相关用语, 如团委(the Student League)、校园歌手大赛(School Singing Contest)等等。

本题五个句子全是介绍李华的信息, 为避免累赘, 写作时要避免通篇使用Li Hua或she。首句必须使用Li Hua作主语, 具体指出描述对象, 但在接下来的句子中, 可穿插使用she、Li Hua作为句子的主语。特别需要注意的是,学生必须细心审题, 李华是女孩, 该细节提示可在写作内容第一点“呼吁大家向她学习”找到。

(三) 写竞选学生会部长演说辞

来自学校学生会板报上的消息,学生会干部(包括学生会主席、文娱部长、体育部长、学习部长、生活部长、纪律部长等)即将改选。假设你叫李明,有兴趣去竞选某一部长,请用英语写一份演讲稿。 [写作内容]

1.曾任班长二年; 2.选择竞选某一职位,并说明理由; 3.如果当选,你将为本校同学做些什么。 With the trust and complete support of my class, I am delighted to announce that I am running for the Entertainment Secretary of the Student Union.

As a diligent boy with great organizing ability, I have always been considered to be a good team member and have served as monitor for 2 years. I not only perform well but also do well in singing and dancing. I once won the first place in Guangzhou Singing and Dancing Contest and was given the title of Excellent Student Leader in Guangdong.

If I am elected, I believe I will cooperate well with my fellow members of the Union and organize colourful activities to enrich our school life. 4




1.We love she very much.(her) 2. It's easy for we to keep healthy.(us)

分析:人称代词的宾格me,you,him,her, it ,us,them等常常作及物动词或介词的宾语。如:

I saw them listening to music last night.昨晚我看见他们正在听音乐。

I read English every morning and my English teacher is pleased with me .我每天早上朗读英语,我的老师对我很满意。 3. She favorite subject is math.(Her)

4.I'm allowed to choose I own clothes.(my)

分析:形容词性物主代词my,your,his,her,its,our,their等用作定语。如:my family,our country,your life, their decisions等。


1.You should to make a good plan before you do anything important.(make)

2.We can did well in all subjects.(do)

3.He must takes sports as much as possible.(take)


4. We feel very happily.(happy)

分析:feel此处是系动词,后面常常跟形容词作表语。英语中其它类似的系动词有:seem(似乎),look(看起来),keep(保持),become(变成),get(变得)等。如:When she saw this . she turned red . 她看到这,脸红了。

She seems better today. 看上去她今天好些了。

My English teacher’s voice sounds sweet .我的英语老师的声音听起来很动听。


1.I like eat noodles.(to eat或eating)

分析:喜欢做某事,可用like to do或like doing表示,也可用enjoy doing。如: He doesn't like laughing at others.他不喜欢嘲笑别人。

Do you enjoy chatting with your parents?你喜欢和父母聊天吗?

2,We hope them to be healthy.(they are)

分析:hope的基本用法是hope to do或hope+从句。如:

She always hopes to pass the exam.她一直希望通过考试。

We hope that China will have more robots.我们希望中国将有很多的机器人。

3.So I decide ran l,200 meters in the morning.(to run )

分析:决定做某事:应该用decide to do sth.如:

My father has decided to give up smoking.他已经决定戒烟。

4.She asked us washed clothes.(to wash)

分析:“要求某人做某事”应该用ask sb.to do sth.,类似用法tell/want/wish/encourage sb.to do sth如:

She wants me to exercise every morning.她要我每天早上锻炼。

They told us not to wear earrings last Monday.上周一他们告诉我们不要戴耳环。

5.You can't spend some time worry about the problems.(worrying)

分析:spend ? (in) doing sth.表示“花时间做某事”。如:

I used to spend a lot of time playing the guitar.我过去常常花很多时间弹吉他。

6.Mr.Li will teach our math next year.(us)

分析:teach后面常有两个宾语,指人的叫间接宾语,指物的叫直接宾语,即teach sb sth.;短语也可用作直接宾语,即teach sb to do,后面都要使用人称代词的宾格。如:

Can you tell me how to do this math problem?你能教我怎样做这道数学题吗?


1.They're good for your healthy.(health)

分析:for是介词,介词后面常常跟名词、动名词或人称代词的宾格作宾语。如: I've got a present for you.我有一件礼物要送给你。

2.He is likes his father,isn't he?(1ike)


I want to have a schoolbag like yours.我想要一个像你那样的书包。

It looks like rain.看起来像要下雨。

3.We played basketball very happy last night.(happily)


He speaks quite clearly and correctly。他讲话非常清楚准确。(clearly和correctly是副词,修饰动词speaks;quite是副词,修饰clearly和correctly)。

She can dance well.她舞跳地好。(well是副词,修饰动词dance)


1.We had to came up with ideas just now.(come)

2.I plan to go to Xi'an achieve my dream.(to achieve)

3.We took the bus go shopping last Sunday,(to go)


He gets up early to catch the bus every morning.为了赶上汽车,他每天早上起床早。

六、There be句型

1.There has some vegetables in the gardens.

改正为:There are some vegetables in the gardens.园里有一些蔬菜。

2.My hometown has a beautiful park near the river.

改正为:There is a beautiful park near the river in my hometown.

3.The Zoo has many animals.

改正为:There are many animals in the Zoo.动物园里有很多动物。

分析:There be句型表达的是“某地有某物”。如:

There are about 3,000 students in our school.我们学校约有2000名学生。

There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由后面与它最接近的一项的单复数决定。如: There is an elephant ,two tigers and many monkeys in the ZOO.



I have an interesting dream.我有一个有趣的梦想。

China has a long history.中国有悠久的历史。


1.He never surf the Internet.(surfs)

2.It is sleeps during the day.(去掉is)

3.She isn't learn the words by her heart every day.(doesn't)

4.Is he always study hard?(Does) 5. They not like rainy days.(don't)

6.He doesn't often plays football .(play ) 7. I am like watch TV on weekends .( am , watching )



肯定句:He sometimes stays up.他有时候熬夜。

否定句:He sometimes doesn't stay up.他有时候不熬夜。

疑问句:Does he sometimes stay up? 他有时候熬夜吗?


1.My father was looked after me last night.(去掉was) 2. We were thought about how to succeed just now.(去掉were)

3.He wasn't do his homework an hour ago.( didn't)


肯定句:She encouraged me when I almost gave up English .

否定句:She didn’t encourage me when I almost gave up English .

疑问句:Did she encouraged me when I almost gave up English ?

九、冠词 1. She wants to be reporter . ( a reporter) 2. English is an useful subject . You can’t drop it ,I think .( a ) 3. Tom likes to play the basketball/ chess .( 去掉the ) 4. Mary is cleverest of the girls . (the cleverest ) 5. What a bad weather it is ! (去掉a )

分析:不定冠词表示“一”,相当于“one”,不可以放在不可数名词前。以元音音素开头时用 “an”,在学科、球类、棋类名词前不加冠词,但在序数词前、最高级前、世界上独一无二的事物前要加定冠词the。


1.I very love flowers。

改正为:I love flowers very much.我非常喜欢花。

2.Under the teacher's help,he improved his English.

改正为:With the teacher's help,he improved his English.在老师的帮助下,他的英语有所提高。或With the help of the teacher,he improved his English.

3.The sky isn't raining now.

改正为:It isn't raining now.现在不下雨。

4.I have to early get up

改正为:I have to get up early .










As in the digital age, more and more people’s life is loaded with high technology. Can you imagine that your mirror can read the morning headlines to you while you are brushing teeth, or will you be surprised that the video camera can detect that you are restless and feed you some entertainment?

With the rapid development of high tech, more and more smart homes emerge in people’s life. Use no more than 200 words to state your opinion on the following topic: If you can have a try, will you still live in the traditional house where you have to do everything by your own effort, or move in the smart house where you can finish many tasks with only a palmtop controller.
