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篇一:The Family Man 英文对白

Then I'm gonna spend four hours skiing... alone.

Completely and utterly alone.

I'm going to do that because that is my life,

that's what's real...

and there's nothing I can do to change that.

[ Beeping ]

For Manhattan.

Kate Reynolds.

I need an address too.

It's very fragile, so I want you to be very careful with it, okay ?

It's valuable. It's over 300 years old.

You'll probably need a few guys to carry it. All right.

The painting is also very, very old, so take extra care.

It means a lot to Kate, okay ? I appreciate it.

Yeah ? What ?

Are you from the moving company ? I'm Jack Campbell.

I'm an old... friend of Kate's.

Kate, some guy is here.

Did you call the airline like I asked you to do ? It's like two hours--

Jack. Kate.

God, it's been a long time. You look--

You look great. Thanks.

I--Come on in. Come on in.

I'm just doing some-- Lori, do you know where those boxes--

I'm sorry.

No, no, no ! You know what-- Jack.

Don't--Please. I don't even care.

Oh, great. Thank you.

- What's going on ? - I'm moving to Paris.

Hey, Lori, have you seen that box ? It says "Jack" on it.

I put it with the rest of the Salvation Army stuff.

Do you want me to look for the box or call the airline, Kate ?

Hey, kind of under a little pressure here.

Hey, kind of giving up Christmas day for my ex-boss here.

Hey, didn't mind offering to help when she was opening(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:the,family,man) the Prada bag I gave her.

- Maybe it's by the wardrobe boxes. - Thank you.

- So you're moving. - Yeah, to Paris.

My firm has an office there. I'm gonna be heading it up.

Paris. Paris, France ?

That's the one.

So you're--you're not at a nonprofit firm ?

[ Laughs ] God, no, not with what they pay me.

Are you married ?

No, I never got married, Jack. You ?

Not exactly.

Look, could we take a minute here,

maybe go get a cup of coffee or something ?

- I'll go for a cup of coffee. - Yes. I found it.

Congratulations. Your earlier flight was canceled,

but I got you out of Kennedy on United at 7:00.

- Excellent. - Am I good or what ?

Yes, you're brilliant.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Here you go. It's just some old stuff of yours.

Do you ever think about us, Kate ?

About what might have happened ?

Jack, I'll tell you what.

If you're ever in Paris, look me up and we'll go have that cup of coffee, okay ?

Or cafe. Or cafe au lait. Oh, wait. No, no, no, no !

Don't close that up. I will never find this box again.

Well, I marked it. Just be more specific next time.

We 'll leave it open then. I was just trying to close it up.

Make a right here.

[ Man ] Sir, you're gonna be late for your flight.

We're not going to the airport.

[ Tires Screeching ]

You can't leave this here.

You can't park here !

[ Female P.A. Announcer Speaking French ]

Kate ! You can't go.

- Don't get on that plane. -Jack ?

Please, let's just go have a cup of coffee. That's all I'm asking for.

I'm sure there's another flight to Paris tonight.

Jack. What are you doing here ?

Do you need closure ?

Because if you do, after all these years, you got it.

I'm okay. I'm fine.

I--I was heartbroken, Jack,

but I got over it, I moved on, and...

you should move on too.

Okay ? I'm sorry.

I just can't-- I've gotta go.

I-I--I'm sorry, Jack. I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Can I just-- I'm sorry. I was here.

We have a house in Jersey !

We have two kids.

Annie and Josh.

Annie's not much of a violin player, but she tries real hard.

She's a little precocious, but that's only because she says what's on her mind.

And when she smiles--

And Josh,

he has your eyes.

He doesn't say much, but we know he's smart.

He's always got his eyes open.

You know, he's always watching us.

Sometimes you can look at him and you just know...

he's learning something new.

It's like witnessing a miracle.

The house is a mess, but it's ours.

After 122 more payments, it's going to be ours.

And you, you're a nonprofit lawyer.

That's right. You're completely nonprofit.

But that doesn't seem to bother you.

And we're in love.

Please, Kate.

One cup of coffee.

You can always go to Paris.

Just... please,

not tonight.

Okay, Jack.


The family man

Eight years ago, Jack was leaving for London to study abandoning Annie, his girl friend. And he promised in airport that he would love her forever. However, now Jack is a single, wealthy and powerful investment banker in Wall Street in New York City now. In Christmas Eve night, he comes across a man robbing the shop, and he helps the man pay for. Then, the man waits for asking him that if he has any unachieved wishes outside the shop, but Jack said confidently he has possessed of all things. Then man leaves without a word. Jack suddenly finds he lives in a suburban New Jersey with his wife Annie when he wakes up in the next morning. He meets the man who actually is an angel, and the angel told him that he should experience life and think life in such situations. He becomes so desperate to return his former life, but he has no ways except fitting into the role of a family man as a husband and farther with two children. After he makes many serious blunders such as missing opening Christmas presents, flirting with a friend's wife and forgetting his anniversary, the “daughter” realizes his secret and decides to help him surviving his new life. With time goes by, Jack found himself falling in love with his wife, and this life style. And an old businessman gives him an offer and a large house to work as a banker in New York. But Annie don’t agree with his idea, she think that working as a banker in New York can bring money and status but not happiness. He finally refuses the offer and realizes the

true value of his new life. When he is afraid of return the wealthy life, the angle occurs and sends him back the former life. Jack really realizes what the most significant thing in life is. So he gives up a $130 billion acquisition deal to intercept his dream wife before she heads off to Paris. At the end of this movie, Jack and Annie are having coffee in the airport. We can image that they will have a good ending, maybe go to marry.

Unlike other Hollywood’ films, this movie isn’t rather famous though the leading actor is Nicolas Cage who is an Academy Award-winning American actor and has been nominated twice for an Academy Award as Best Actor in a Leading Role, winning the award for his performance in Leaving Las Vegas. Its director is Brett Ratner, who is well-known as the director of The Family Man, After the Sunset, Red Dragon, the Rush Hour series, and X-Men: The Last Stand. He is also a producer on the Fox drama, Prison Break.

I learn a lot from this film. First, we should find our true value of life. Money and status cannot give us all things.

Everybody is eager to happiness, feelings of well-being of everyone.

Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific. Well-being sometimes distant, sometimes close at hand. Dedication is the well-being, given the well-being, access to the well-being and enjoy the blessings of happiness ... ... of the words is a well-being, an understanding of the expression is the well-being of the soul ... ... is the feeling of happiness, happiness is a life experience ... ... a friend, you feel well-being of it?

When you are immersed in the table hard hours, the mother brought a glass of milk Shannon will love are melting in this steaming milk. I felt, well-being of mother love. When Mom and Dad happy to watch their sons and daughters around the side of their play. You feel it? How happy they are, enjoy the

children's family. When the elderly gratifying to watch their sons and daughters married, they laughed gratifying for their old age.

A friend, you happiness?

When the mother of the late winter of a single needle or piece of thread sons and daughters for their own sewing clothes, will also be woven into the warmth. The next day, we wear it, how happy! From rural to urban school children, may have such an experience: the mother before the child left, a few steamed steamed rubbing will continuously rubbing in. motherly love. Eating steamed steamed, as if love fishes tasted.

Cleaners cleaning people to the earth cleaner, we are very happy. Teachers will be life-long dedication to our knowledge, we are very happy. Superior living conditions, we are very happy. We live in this piece of the sun, but also the well-being.

The pursuit of happiness do not deliberately, when you inadvertently,

happiness will come to you quietly. However, the well-being but also a pair of long wings, and you will pass anytime, anywhere. Therefore, we must grasp the well-being, even if it remained a second or more!








The Family Man script

The Family Man

[ Plane Engine Droning ] [ People Chattering ]

[ Woman ] : This will be the final boarding call for flight to London, Heathrow.

Okay. [ Sighs ] I'm not even gonna (going to) say it, Kate. Then it'll be like I never left. Okay?

Wait. I have a really bad feeling about this. (About the plane? You think it's gonna (going to) crash? Don't say that.) No. Look, I know that we've talked about this a thousand times, and we agreed that going to

London was the right thing to do. But in my heart... this feels wrong. Don't go, Jack. (You mean don't go at all? Well, what-- what about my internship?) Believe me, I know-- I know what an incredible opportunity this is for you. (For us, Kate.) Right, for us. But I'm afraid that if you get on that plane-- Look.

We're at the airport. Nobody ever thinks clearly at the airport. So we should just trust the decision we already made. You've been accepted to one of the best law schools in the country. I've got this internship at Barclay's Bank. We have a great plan, honey.

You wanna do something great, Jack? Let's flush the plan. Let's start our lives right now, today. I mean, I have no idea what this life is gonna look like, but I know that it has the both of us in it, and I choose us. The plan doesn't make us great, Jack. What we have together, that's what makes us great.

- I love you, Kate. ( - I love you too. I do.) And one year in London is not gonna change that. A hundred years couldn't change that.

13 Years Later

Experts are predicting a mild rally in the bond market.

[ Continues Indistinctly ] [ Woman ] Last night was incredible. Huh? I said, last night was great.

(You are an amazing lover.) Thanks. You're not bad yourself. (- I wanna see you again.) - I'd like that too. (Tonight.) It's Christmas Eve, Jack. (So? I'll pour eggnog over you. [ Laughing ])

- [ Growls ] - I have to go visit my parents out in Jersey.

Jersey? Do you have any idea what the traffic's gonna be like?

That's why I'm taking the train. It was nice meeting you, Jack.

## [ "La Donna EMobile" ]

[ Singing Along With CD ] #Sempre un amabile # # Leggiadro viso # # Inpianto o in riso # # Emenzognero # # La donna e mobil # # Qualpiuma al vento # # Muta d'accento # # Edipensier # # Edipensier # # [ Luciano Pavarotti Vocalizing ] # No # ## [ Vocalizing Along ] ## [ Humming ]

# Bomp, bomp, bomp bomp, bomp-bomp #

[ Elevator Bell Dings ]

Mrs. Peterson. (Hello, Jack. You don't have to stop singing on my account.) Oh, it's because I'm shy, Betty. So, when are you gonna leave that old corpse, Mr. Peterson, and run away with me? (You know you could never satisfy me the way he does.)

Ah. [ Elevator Bell Dings ] (Merry Christmas, Mr. Campbell.) How'd you make out this year, Tony? (About four grand, and a bottle of 25-year-old Scotch from 9D. I'm putting it all in commercial paper like you said.) Good, but just until the deutsche mark turns. (- Thank you, Mr. Campbell.) - All right.

Good morning, Joe. Merry Christmas, sir.

Campbell wants these available. Thanks, Adelle. Better you than me.

If Med Tech shares fall any lower than 43, we're in trouble with the stock valuations. So for God's sake, please watch what you say to your institutional customers. We still have almost a full day of trading before zero hour, and I don't want any trouble.

[ Sighs ] A penny for your thoughts, Alan. (Hmm? Oh, God, I'm sorry. Jack, I was thinking about, you know, Dee and the kids. I promised I'd be home for dinner. It's Christmas eve, Jack.) - Oh, is that tonight? - [ Polite Laughter ] You think I like being here on Christmas eve, Alan? (No. Well, maybe.)

[ Laughter ] Okay. Okay, maybe I do have a touch of tunnel vision this holiday season. But in two days we're going to announce... one of the largest mergers in U.S. corporate history. When a deal like this turns up, you get on it and you ride it till it's over. You don't ask it for a vacation. December 26. After that there'll be so much

money floating around here, it'll be like Christmas every day. December 26, people. If you'd like to celebrate that day, you all have my blessing. (- You're right. I'm sorry.)

- I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to be excited. I want my gift to you to be the first gift you open this year. You know why? - [ Stammering ] - Because my gift comes with ten zeroes. (You're right. I'm focused. I'm there.)

Good man. Everybody, turn to page 12 in your prospectus.

[ All Chattering Indistinctly ]

You have six messages. Two of them are imperative. Whoa. I'm going home.

I'm not even here now. Good night. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.

It's only 8:30. I'm disappointed. Got some last-minute shopping to do?

You too? This holiday's about giving. I'm giving everything I've got to this deal. So in a way, I'm more

Christmassy than anybody.

You're my role model, Jack.

Oh, and Oxford called. Ooh, my suits are ready. - Mm-hmm. - Care for a Lifesaver? No, thank you. Help yourself.

Kate Reynolds. (Her assistant said you could reach her at home after 8:00.) Kate Reynolds was my girlfriend in college. I almost married her. [ Chuckles ] (You? Married?) Almost married. And almost a broker at E.F. Hutton. (Excuse me?)

She didn't want me to go to London. We're standing at the airport saying good-bye, and she asked me to stay. (So you left her.) - Wasn't easy. (- Oh, stop it. I'm getting all weepy.)

I took the road less traveled, Adelle. (And look where it took ya. I'm gonna get this gal on the phone.) Nope. (You almost married this woman. You're not even curious why she called?)

She's probably just having a fit of nostalgia. Lonely Christmas eve. Called the one that got away. Why call her back and mislead her? This happened a very, very long time ago.

8:35 on Christmas eve. Jack Campbell still at his desk. Now there's a Hallmark moment for you.

Peter, I don't see you rushing home to trim the tree.

That's because I'm a heartless bastard who only cares about money.

Well, you know what? God love you for that.

Got a call from Terry Haight. Bob Thomas is nervous.

That'll happen when you're about to spend $130 billion on some aspirin.

Somebody's gotta nurse him through this.

Why are you staring at my breasts, Peter?

I need you, tiger. (Where is he?) - Aspen. (- Call Aunt Irma and tell her I won't be able to make it.) You're a credit to capitalism, Jack.

Hey, Peter, let me ask you a question. An old girlfriend calls you out of the blue on Christmas eve.

- What do you do? (- You suddenly having trouble getting dates?) - Yeah. (- Leave it in the past. Old flames are like old tax returns-- put 'em in the file cabinet for three years, and then you cut 'em loose.

I'll leave from my office tomorrow in the afternoon. Call the group. Schedule an emergency strategy session for noon. (That'll be a nice little holiday treat.)

Good night, Frank. (Hey, Mr. Campbell. Why didn't you call down? I would have had Joe get your ride.) I'm thinking I'll walk tonight. (It's a nice night for it. I'll send your car home for you.) That'll be fine. (- And Merry Christmas to you, sir.) - To you too.

Eggnog? (Yeah, dairy case. Five dollar.) Okay.

Hey, yo. Y'all do the lotto here, right? Y'all do the lotto here? (Yeah.) Cool. 'Cause I got a winner, baby. I got a winner. Certified, good as gold. I know lotto keep a lot of brothers down, but not Cash Money. Don't do me none, son, 'cause I'd be like-- Bang on the lottery ! You know what I mean? It's all good. Relax, son. Relax. I got you four numbers. Check it. Bust it. 6, 14, 16, 49. That's a winner, son. $238, B. Cheddar coming. Give me my money. (I'm sorry. Your ticket bad. You draw in the lines.) What are you talking about, B.? (You draw in the lines with a pencil. I know about this.) Yo, buster, check the ticket, son. (No, you get out.) Yo, you ain't even looked at the ticket. You looking at me, son. Check the ticket. (You get out now ! You take the

ticket somewhere else ! Next customer in line ! You get out or I call 9-1-1.)

Oh, my God !

Check the ticket, stupid. Look at the ticket. Shit, now I'm gonna make you call God. That's my word. You best check that ticket, fool!

Let me see the ticket.

Was I talking to you?

Maybe I'll buy it from you. You know, make a little business deal.

Stupid-ass white boy in $2,000 suit gets capped trying to be a hero. News at 11:00. That's what you wanna see? You wanna see Cash up in here? You want me to set it, son?

Do you wanna die? Do you wanna die? Do you want to die?

No. Look, I'm talking about a business deal. Okay? I buy the ticket from you for $200. I take it to a store where the guy behind the counter doesn't have a death wish. I just made myself a quick $38. Like I said, it's-- it's just a business deal.

All right. Yeah. All right. You blew it, B. You blew it. The ticket was real. Damn, you had your chance too. Come on, Jack. Let's get out of here.

How'd you know my name was Jack? (I call all you guys Jack.) Here. (Nice doing business with ya.)

Hey. Hey, um-- What do you want to carry that gun around for anyway? You're just gonna wind up doing something you regret. (You're talking to the wrong person about regrets, Jack.)

I mean, there must be programs out there and, um, opportunities. (Wait a minute. Are you actually trying to save me? This is bananas. This man thinks I need to be saved, yo !

Well, everybody needs something. (Yeah? Well, what do you need, Jack?) Me? (You just said,

everybody needs something.) I got everything I need. (Wow. It must be great being you.)

I'm not saying that you'd be able to do it without some hard work, some honest hard work, and possibly some medicine.

You know, I'm gonna really enjoy this. You just remember that you did this, Jack, okay? You brought this on yourself. (Merry Christmas. [ Chuckles ])

Mmm, ten more minutes, Jack. It's Christmas. #Jingle bells Santa smells Rudolph laid an egg # - # La, la, la, la, la, la la, la, la, la, la, la ## - Never mind.

- [ Woman ] Who's here? - Rise and shine. Don't you think we should open some presents? - I think you

should give Mama five more minutes in bed. - Come on, Dad. Get up. Can we do that? Yea ! It's Christmas ! - It's Christmas ! - Look, your sister's jumping on the bed. What is this dog doing on the bed? He needs to get off the bed. Did Santa come? I don't know. We'll have to go see. - Let's go see the presents. - You wanna get some presents? Mommy just needs to wake up.

Jack. Strong coffee.

Oh, Jack. Merry Christmas, dear. (Lorraine. Ed.)

Hey, Jack, you old bird dog. Merry Christmas to ya.

Talk to him. One day a year away from the Ponderosa. - I don't think that's asking too much.

- This is who I am. Tell her, Jack, for God's sake. You're the only one around here that gets me.

- I need some eggnog. - 'Course you do, sweet thing. Almost 8:00 in the morning. (Excuse me.) Where you going, Jack?

(Josh, Annie, giddyup !) Where's my car? Where's my Ferrari? (What?) Where's my Ferrari?

What the hell are you talking-- What's he talking about? You got a Ferrari?

Let me borrow your car and then I promise I'll have it returned.

My Caddy? Drive your own damn car. (Oh, just let him borrow your precious Cadillac, for God sakes.) There's a perfectly good minivan sitting out there in the driveway. Here. What the hell's wrong with him anyway?

- Tony, thank God ! - Sorry, pal. Entrance is for residents and guests only.

What? What are you talking about? Jack Campbell, penthouse "C." What's the matter with you? Uh-huh. Mrs. Peterson, I think there's something wrong with our man Tony here. (Who is this man?) Oh, come on. What is going on with you two this morning? Is this like a, uh-- a Christmas joke? "Who is this man? " Well, we're on the co-op board together, Betty. And we fought side by side for garbage disposals. And every morning we exchange quasi-sexual witty banter. Okay? (Shall I call the cops? I'm gonna call the cops.) No, I'm gonna call the cops ! You're scaring me. (- No, no, no, no. -) Thank you for not calling the cops. Now, I'm going upstairs, I'm gonna get some sleep. Then I'll be fine.

(Sleep you shall. Noblesse oblige isn't dead. Not yet anyway. Let's, um--Let's get you some help. Surely there's a shelter somewhere in this city.) A shelter? Hey, hey, are you smacked out of your head? I'm the richest man in this building ! I've got twice the square footage you have ! And I'm going upstairs. (Take a walk, pal.) Oh, not cool. Not cool ! You wanna get cute? Get cute. I'm gonna go to my office. I'm gonna file a complaint to the manager of the building. I'm gonna have you fired, Tony. And, Mrs. Peterson, you're on notice with the co-op board ! So you better just stop whatever this is that you're doing !

[ Engine Not Starting ]

Oh, yeah. Oh. Oh, yeah. Oh, come on ! [ Starts ]

Frank, you won't believe what's been happening to me. Is Adelle here yet? (Hold it right there.) Where's Mintz? (The building is closed, pal. You have to come back tomorrow.) Frank, why do I feel the need to remind you that I'm Jack Campbell, President? (I don't care who you are. It's Christmas, and like I told you, the building is closed.) I don't think you heard me correctly. I'm Jack Campbell. Jack Campbell ! President ! (Have a nice holiday, man.)

[ Tires Screeching ]

[ CD: "La Donna EMobile" ]

- That's my car ! (- Hi, Jack.) - You stole my car. (- I know this whole thing is really bizarre to you... and you're feeling quite shocked, but just hop in. I'll explain everything to you, okay? Come on. Come on. You're probably gonna wanna buckle up, Jack. This thing moves.

## [ Ends ]

- What's happening to me? (- Breathe into the bag, Jack. This kind of thing makes a lot of guys have to throw up. I seen it happen before. So if you feel the urge, you roll down the window and do it out there. [ Groaning ] Try not to get so worked up, Jack. After all, you brought this on yourself.) Brought what on myself? I didn't do anything ! ("I got everything I need." That sound familiar?) You mean 'cause you thought I was cocky, I'm now on a permanent acid trip? (Bag yourself, Jack.)

[ Screaming ]

Oh, my God! Ah ! The way you intervened in that store last night, you did a good thing there, Jack. I mean, it was incredibly impressive all the way across the board...

Oh, God ! to the upper echelons of the organization.

Please just tell me what's happening to me in plain English... without the mumbo-jumbo.

This is a glimpse, Jack. (A glimpse? I--A glimpse of what?) You're gonna have to figure that out for

yourself and you got plenty of time. (- How much time?) - As much time as it takes, which in your case is probably gonna be considerable. (Okay, look, look. I-I-I just want my life back, okay? Now, what's it gonna take? You wanna talk turkey? Let's talk turkey. How much money? (- It doesn't work like that, and I can't tell you why.) - Why not? (Because you have to figure this thing out for yourself. Are you listening to me?) Figure it out, figure it out. Figure out what? (- Let it come to you, man.) - I don't have time for this right now. - I'm in the middle of a deal. (- Well, you're working on a new deal now, baby.) What's this? (Open it.) What is it, some kind of a signal? [ Bell Dings ] Will you come whenever I ring it? (Now you gotta get out of the car, Jack.) But what do I do? (I'm sorry. I can't spend any more time with you. I got some other

business I gotta take care of.) No, y-y-you did this to me. You can't just leave me like this. Okay. Look, you wanna get some air? Let's get outside, get some air. We'll walk and I'll explain everything to you, okay? (- Thanks, man.) - Sure.

Excuse me. Do you know where Merrison Street is?

[ Chuckles ] Jeannie.

I found Jack. Oh, there you are, stranger. Where you been?

[ Sighs ]

You look terrible. Truth is, I expected you. Kate called and asked if I knew where you were, so-- Oh, I put the Barcalounger in the center of the room. It's throwing everybody off. What do you think? (It's a great room. Great room.) You and me, buddy, we know how to live, huh? Come on. Come on, Jack. Come on-- Whoo !

[ Laughing ] Come on, buddy. Take your seat. Are you okay? I mean, you take off Christmas morning and you don't tell anyone where you're going. (- We're friends?) - Talk to me.

I'm having kind of a bad day.

You know, I read somewhere that the suicide rate doubles during the holiday. What am I saying that for? You don't wanna hear that. Come on. Is it-- Is it trouble at work?

I--I don't think so.

Well, it's not Kate, is it? You see, huh? It's like we're inside each other's heads.

Kate's my wife. [ Chuckles ]

Just keep saying it over and over again, Jack, like a mantra. Keep saying it. Look, you know, you fit the profile exactly-- in your 30s, house, kids, financial responsibilities. You start thinking this isn't the life I dreamt about. Where's the romance, you know? Where's the joie de vivre? Suddenly every lingerie ad in the Newark

Star-Ledger... represents a life that you can't have. (It's just two kids, right?) Come on. Come on. All right, sometimes it feels like you gave up the whole world. I know that. But look what you got. Look at that: four bedrooms, two-and-a-half baths, a partially finished basement. And good kids. Look. You know what? You probably don't wanna hear this right now. But remember last summer when I almost had that thing with Arnie, Jr.'s speech therapist? You remember what you said to me? You said, " Don't screw up the best thing in your life... just because you're a little unsure about who you are." Okay? Go get 'em, tiger.

Could you hold on a second? Um, never mind because-- because he just walked in. Thank you. Thank you. Do you... have any idea what you put us through today? You walk out of here at 7:30 in the morning. You don't tell me where you're going, or even that you're going. And I don't see you till hours later? I called all of our friends. I had the state troopers looking for you. I was on the phone with the hospital, for God's sakes. What kind of man leaves his family Christmas morning without a word about where he's going? What kind of a man does that, Jack?

I don't know. Could you--Could you please stop yelling at me?

Where were you? (I was in the city.) The city? New York City? (Yeah.) Why? (Because that's where I live.) Don't start, Jack. Don't. (Look, you don't understand. I--I--I woke up this morning here. And this is very strange because... this isn't my house. [ Groans ] And those aren't my kids. I'm not Dad. I-I-I'm not a dad. You're not my wife.) You know what, Jack. It's not funny this time... because I am really mad. I mean, really mad. I mean it. I don't even-- [ Bell Dinging ] What— (What's that? I like it. Thanks, Dad.

That's mine. Hey, I need that back. She took my bell.

You missed the whole thing-- the pancakes and the presents. You spent six hours putting that bike together for Annie, and then you didn't even get to see the look on her face when she opened it. You missed Christmas, Jack. [I'm sorry.] [ Sniffles ] You know, we don't even have enough time for this. And at least you're okay. I'm okay, we're okay. But you've gotta get dressed for the Thompson party. And you are not wearing that. I don't care how hilarious you think it is. [Party? No, I'm not going to a party.]

You look forward to this party all year. What is it with you today?

Believe me, Kate. I really don't think that going to a party... is the right move for me at the present time.



阿甘正传 forrest Gump

电子情书 you’ve got mail

居家男人 the family man

公主日记1、2 the princess dairies√ 逃跑的新娘 the runaway bride 新岳父大人 father of the bride

BJ单身日记1、2 Bridget Jones’ dairy 奔腾年代 sea biscuit

蒙娜丽莎的微笑 Mona Lisa’s smile 甜心先生 Jerry Maguaire

热血强人 remember the Titans 铁血教练 coach Carter

重建人生 life as a house

海上钢琴师 the legend of 1900√ 大话王 liar liar

单身插班生 about a boy

风流奇男子 Alfie

妙手情真 Patch Adams

变人 Bicentennial Man

猫屎先生 as good as it gets 完美男人 the perfect man

婚礼男友 the wedding date 男人百分百 what women want 老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸 big daddy 大鱼 big fish


缘分的天空/西雅图不眠夜1993 泰坦尼克号1997







罗密欧和朱丽叶1968,1996 天使之城1998









龙凤配/萨布里那1954,1995 军官和绅士1982


wall street 1987

Glengarry Glenn Ross 1992 Trading Places 1983 Boiler Room 2000

Pirates of Silicon Valley 1999 The Coca-Cola Kid 1985

The Secret of My Succe$s 1987 In Good Company 2004 Barcelona 1994

Jerry Maguire 1996 Office space 1999

The corporation 2003 The inside 1999

The hudsucker proxy 1994 Antitrust 2001

Rogue trade 1998

Other people’s money 1991 Disclosure 1994

what women want 2000 barbarians at the gate 1993


Expressions on Love, Marriage and Family

I. Love

1. Nouns/noun phrases

Love-birds 热恋中的情人

old flame 旧情人

rival in love 情敌

The third arm 第三者

Platonic love 精神恋爱

Puppy love早恋/少男少女间短暂的爱

first love初恋

later-life love黄昏恋

Love at first sight

Infatuation (尤指一时的)热恋,痴迷

Love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系

unrequited love暗恋

one-sided love 单相思

lovesickness 相思病;痴情

Love triangle 三角恋爱

Mutual attraction 相互吸引

Blind date 相亲

one night stand 一夜情

Love token 定情信物

Love letter 情书

2. Verbs/verb phrases

hook up 介绍

take a shine to sb. 一见倾心

Hit it off投缘

Fall in love with

Be in love with

Pull one’s heartstrings 打动心弦

Be into sb. 为某人深深着迷

Have a crush on sb. 迷恋某人

dig (someone) 非常喜欢(某人)

drool over (someone) 痴迷(某人)

I’m all over you. 我喜欢你

See people, seeing people 约会搞对象,在找对象

Go steady with 关系稳定下来,即恋爱

Fickle 朝三暮四

Flirt with

play hard-to-get 欲擒故纵

Stand… up 放某人鸽子

Date another girl on the side 脚踏两条船

I’m over you. 我不喜欢你了

The chemistry isn’t there. 不来电

Have a falling out with 分手

Be crossed in love 失恋

Lose one’s love 失恋

3. Adjectives

lovey-dovey: to be very affectionate towards another person. This is often used in a negative way.


Lovelorn 失恋的,为情所困的,害相思病的

Fancy sick 害相思病的

4. Idioms

The torch of Hymen 爱情

tug of love 爱之拔河,争夺孩子的监护权

play Cupid: to arrange for two people to meet, hoping that they will fall in love with each other


Fall head over heels:when someone is totally in love and is excited about it 深深爱上某人,爱


All’s fair in love and war: In some situations, such as when you are in love or waging war, you are

allowed to be deceitful in order to get what you want. 在爱情和战争中,一切都情有可原。 Love in a cottage 清贫而和谐的婚姻或爱情生活

On the rocks 恋情告急/恋情出现危机

Beauty is in the eyes of the lover 情人眼里出西施

catch one’s heart, never be apart. 愿得一人心,白首不相离

II. Marriage

1. Nouns/noun phrases

single/bachelor 单身汉

single woman /bachelorette 单身女郎


finance(husband-to-be) 未婚夫

financee(wife-to-be) 未婚妻

intended wife 未婚妻

couple-to-be 未婚夫妻

matchmaker 月老

marriage go-between 媒人

suitor 求婚者


groomsman/best man 伴郎

bridesmaid 伴娘

Bridegroom 新郎

Bride 新娘

Wedding vows

wedding march 婚礼进行曲

Paper/silver/golden wedding 纸婚/银婚/金婚

trousseau/dowry 嫁妆

wedding invitations

wedding shower

officiator 主婚人

wedding dress/gown 婚纱、结婚礼服

wed in a civil ceremony 登记结婚

wedding reception 婚宴

wedding feast 喜宴

other half 配偶

Better half 配偶(妻子)

In-laws 姻亲;(尤指)岳父母

family man 有家室的人

newly-wed 刚结婚的人

well-matched couple 相配的一对

Marriage made in heaven 天生一对

DINK= double income, no kids


Pre-marital property notarization 婚前财产公证

marriage liberalization 婚姻自由化

Trial marriage 试婚

Extramarital relations 婚外恋

Prenuptial agreement 婚前协议

marriage certificate 结婚证

matrimonial agency 婚姻介绍所

register office 结婚登记处

marriage after divorce /remarriage 再婚

mixed marriage 涉外婚姻;跨国婚姻


legal marriage 合法婚姻

cohabitation 同居

early marriage 早婚

late marriage 晚婚

Conjugal love 夫妻之爱

Wedlock 结婚生活,婚姻

freedom of marriage 婚姻自主

The institution of marriage 婚姻制度

arranged marriage 包办婚姻

mercenary marriage 买卖婚姻

A marriage of convenience 权宜婚姻(基于利害关系而非爱情的结合) Shotgun marriage 奉子成婚的仓促婚姻

starter marriage 短暂初婚

left-hand marriage 门户不当的婚姻

be well-matched in social and economic status 门当户对 marital bliss 婚姻美满

separation 分居

the beginning of the end 步入婚姻的坟墓

marital breakdown 婚姻破裂

extramarital affair 婚外情

the seven-year itch七年之痒

remarriage 再婚

2. Verbs/verb phrases

Pop the question 求婚

Ask for/win sb’s hand in marriage 向某人求婚

pronounce the couple man and wife

Tie the (nuptial) knot 结婚

get hitched 结婚

walk down the aisle 步上红毯

take on the old ball and chain套上婚姻的枷锁

Consummate marriage 完婚

Marry money 和富人结婚

Marry beneath sb.下嫁

Say one’s vows 立下誓言

Two-time (vt.) 对妻子/丈夫不忠

Annul a marriage (法庭或教堂宣布)解除婚约

3. Adjectives



4. Idioms

A chip off the old block 与父亲一模一样的儿子

Marry in haste(, repent at leisure) 结婚太快,后悔莫及

III. Family

1. Noun phrases

extended family 大家庭(包括亲戚)

reconstituted family 重组家庭

nuclear family 核心家庭

Single parent family

A close-knit family 关系紧密的一家人

Patriarchal rule 家长统治

filial piety 孝


kinsmen by affinty 姻亲

famlily tree 家谱

Family cohesion 家庭凝聚力

Domestic dissension 家庭不和

Family practice 家庭保健,大众医疗

family planning 计划生育

Mom and pop store 家庭作坊(俚语)

2. Verb phrases

Make ends meet

live a blessing life 过着幸福的生活

Live to old age in conjugal bliss

life and death accompany 生死相随

run in the family —to be a common feature in a particular family

3. Adjectives



maternal 母亲的

Paternal 父亲的
