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篇一:A visit to the zoo


Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo

Lesson 6

Teaching Aims:

1. 学习动词过去式:see-saw, eat-ate

2. 学习词组:take a photo of…, buy a book about…, on our way home 3. 学习句型:What animals did you see?

(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:a,visit,to,the,zoo)

We saw… .

We ate… .

Teaching Aids:word cards, tape, PPT, etc.

Teaching Steps:


T: Class begins! Goodmorning boys and girls.


1. Sing a song:Old Macdonald Had A Farm

2. Review the words of animals:

T: Boys and girls, I have many photos. Look! What’s this?

Ss: Monkey

T: What’s this?

Ss: panda

T: How about this?

Ss:Kangaroo按音节击掌拼读kan’ga’roo, kangaroo

Penguin : How about this one? Penguin.

? 介绍评价方式:Today, you are kangaroo group, monkey group, penguin group and panda group. Look, what’s your favorite food? 逐个询问各小组最喜欢的食物,并奖励各小组ok. Now, let’s have a race and see which group can eat more food. Are you ready?

3. Review the past tense:

am,is—was are—were buy—bought do—did go—went swim—swam take—took have—had

Now, look at the screen. Let’s review the past tense and play a game: 连环炮 T: Did you have a good time? Now let’s say a chant.播放PPT

Chant: Did you have a good time?

Yes, I did.

I bought a book.

That’s a nice book.

Did you have a good time?

Yes, I did.

I took a photo.

That’s a really nice photo.


1. 导入课题:

T: I had a good time last Sunday. I took some photos. Look, I took a photo of the birds. That’s a nice photo.

Follow me: a photo of the birds, of the birds, I took a photo of the birds.带读2遍 And look, I took a photo of the…pandas .转换PPT

I took a photo of the zebras.

(游戏操练: I took a photo of the… .)

And guess! Where did I go? I went to the zoo.

Ss: Zoo.

T: The zoo! I visited the Zoo. So today we’ll learn Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo Lesson 6. 板书课题

2. Teach: What animals did you see? We saw… .

T: Today I want to show you my visit to the zoo. Please look carefully and remenber what you’ll see.

? 播放动物照片幻灯片

? 播放完毕后T:Class,What animals did you see?

? 引导学生回答

S:kangaroo… 奖励

T: We saw… .

手拿过去式卡片:s, a, w saw


再问一个动物 进入快速反应

? 快速反应:PPT快速闪现动物图片,学生用We saw … .抢答。 T:Look carefully! 直接抢答We saw… . What animals did you see? Ss: We saw… .

T: Good! 奖励说得快的小组

? 九宫格速记大比拼:

T: Let’s play九宫格速记大比拼. Here are 9 animals. What are they? Ss: What animals did you see?

S1:We saw…

3. Teach: We ate some bananas.

T:Great! Look! What did the monkey eat?

S: melon

T: 手拿过去式ate词卡 The monkey ate melon. A,t, e ate eat—ate eat—ate—ate

贴上词卡 ate

T: What did the monkey eat?

Ss: bananas

T: 板书 We ate some bananas. What did the kangaroo eat?

Ss: We ate some leaves.

T: How about penguin and panda?

Ss: We ate some fish. We ate some bamboo.

4. Teach: I bought a book about penguins.

T: We saw many animals just now. What’s your favorite animal? Ss:…

T: My favorite animal is penguin. But I didn’t see the penguins at the zoo. So I bought a book about penguins. Look, here it is.

小声到大声操练短语:a book about penguins

读整句I bought a book about penguins.1-2遍

篇二:Unit3 Lesson 6 A Visit to the Zoo精写教案

Unit3 Lesson 6 A Visit to the Zoo

平潭县城北小学 林珠琴


A Visit to the Zoo 是闽教版小学英语第五册第六课的内容

·本课是第一课时,学生在第5课的学习以及四年级时已经掌握了大部分表示动物的单词,如: fish、panda、kangaroo、zebra、tiger、lion、monkey等和句型:What’s your favorite...?本节课的教学内容是通过Peter 和Chen Ling 的对话,学生通过What animals did you see? We saw? . We ate? .进行询问参观动物园的经历。最终能问答What animals did you see? 等句型并能在实际生活中加以运用。


教学目标Teaching Aims:

知识目标The Knowledge Aims:

1.学习动词过去式:see-saw, eat-ate

2.学习词组: a photo of?, a book about?, on our way home

3.学习句型:What animals did you see?

We saw? .

We ate? .

能力目标The Ability Aims:



情感目标The Emotion Aims:



教学重点Important Points:

本课的教学重点是掌握动词过去式:see-saw, eat-ate

并能在情景中进行交流和应用句型What animals did you see? We saw? . We ate? .

教学难点Difficult Points:

在实际情景中正确运用What animals did you see? We saw? . We ate? . 教学方法Teaching method:







本节课采用的教学方法有 :评价法、多媒体课件展示、听说法、课堂讨论法、练习法。


五、教学资源与工具设计Teaching materials

(1)视听材料:英文歌曲‘I Went to School One Morning.’。


(3) PPT 材料 (动物园场景)

六、教学过程Teaching steps

Step1. Warming up

1. Greetings:

T: Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss:Good morning, Miss Lin.

2. Sing a song: I Went to School One Morning.

(设计意图:这首歌童趣十足,特别能调动课堂积极性,里面的歌词涉及本课所要复习的过去式以及新句型:on my/our way to school/home)(

Step2. Revision.

Review the past tense:

am, is—was are—were buy—bought do—did go—went swim—swam

take—took have, has —had visit—visited play—played





Step3. Presentation:


T: Boys and girls, I had a good time two years ago. I went to Fuzhou. Look,Where did I go?

Ss: Zoo.

T: Right! I visited the Zoo. And today we’ll learn Unit 3 A Visit to the Zoo

Lesson 6.



T: At the zoo,I saw many animals. Let’s play a game. Listen and guess. Ss:Tiger?


3. 新句型教学: What animals did you see? We saw ? .

T: Well done!And I took many photos at the zoo. Please look carefully(快速闪现)


T: What animals did you see? 引导学生用“We saw? .”回答(并板书)。 Ss: We saw ? .

T: Good! 奖励说得快的小组

(2) 操练新句型,同桌对话。

(3)Play a game:Hide and Seek

4. Find your friends.巩固新句型的教学。

T:Animals are our friends. You can choose a number. Let’s see , What animals will be your friends.


T:Look, what animals did you see?


T:Great, your friends are pandas. Can you answer my questions? Yes? What’s panda’s favorite food? Where are the pandas from? (设计意图:课件出现4个数字,让各组学生选,点击所选的数字,对

所出现的动物进行提问,逐个询问各小组看见什么动物,最喜欢的食物,来自哪里,目的一是复习第五课,二是巩固本课的新句型:What animals did you see? We saw ? .也可借此引出新词eat,为下面的新词教学做铺垫。)


(1)T: At the zoo, I had a very good time. But on my way home, I was very , very hungry. So I ate something. Do you know this word?

手拿过去式ate词卡 eat—ate 板书 ate

(2)T: What did the monkey eat? 课件展示动物们吃东西的场景,引导生用They ate ?回答。

6.教学新句型 I bought a book about penguins on my way home.

T: My favorite animals are penguins. But I didn’t see the penguins at the zoo. So I bought a book about penguins on my way home. I read it every day. Look, here it is.


Step4.Learn to say

T: This is my visit to the zoo. I saw many animals. And I bought a book about penguins. I had a very good time. In Lesson 5, Chen Ling and Peter also visited the zoo. What did they do? Let’s have a look.


2. Answer the questions:

1) What animals did they see?

2) What did Peter do?

3) What did Chen Ling do?

4) What did they eat?

3. Listen and repeat

4. Act the dialogue out.

5. Fill in the blanks.

6. Listen and circle the right answers.


Step5. Expanding

Work in groups:让每组选一个主题,给出提示模板,让学生进行写作训练。

A visit to the park

On October 1st, we went to Fuzhou. We went to the Xi Hu Park. We saw many people. We saw many cars .We saw many trees. We took some photos of the park. We bought some cakes and milk. We ate some cakes on our way home. We had a very good time!


Step6. Summing-up

1.动词过去式:see—saw , eat—ate

2.句型:问句What animals did you see? 及其回答 We saw ? .

Step7. Homework

1.听读Lesson 6的课文五遍。

2.完成《活动手册》Lesson 6的练习。

3.完成P28 learn to write,注意动词过去式的正确写法。

篇三:动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo

动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo

On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 o'clock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.


篇四:动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo

动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo

On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 o'clock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.


篇五:动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo

动物园游 A Visit to the Zoo

On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 o'clock. There were many people. Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities. My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.

