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开头段写法:It seems to be an inevitable/irresistible trend/phenomenon that with/despite the accelerating progress of transport industry, there has been a dramatic increase i

use the report 作文

n the traffic volume both in cities and on the motorway everywhere.

Option 1: In the following essay, I will state those contributing factors involved in this issue and relevant possible/potential measures.

Option 2: The following essay is designed to examine those contributing factors involved in this issue and propose relevant possible/potential measures.

Body paragraph 1写法(分析产生题目中所提到的问题的原因:causes/reasons/contributing factors): (报告类分析原因的部分可以写成因果论证的结构)

原因一:That is to say, in spite of the fact that the growth of various transport facilities is rapid, it still cannot meet/encounter the increasing needs of people.

原因二:Furthermore, /Another striking factor is that people tend to abuse their private cars rather than take public transports, which could probably cause/result in an excessive number of vehicles on the road.

原因三:Finally, individuals have to be responsible for this problem. As a matter of fact, a certain number of them are lacking in consciousness and awareness for the orderly traffic situation. This could be particularly true when people may drive after drinking alcohol, which apparently cause an increasing number of traffic accidents.

Body paragraph 2写法(分析如何针对上述问题提出解决方案:solutions):

Fortunately, we have been well informed about how to reverse this trend.

解决方案一:To be explicit, the utmost measure is (for sb to do sth) for the government to infrastructure facilities such as road systems, the metro ones, elevated ways and superhighway.

解决方案二:Another valid policy could be to levy/impose heavy tax on luxurious products especially private cars so as to encourage people to (choose) opt/select the public transport services instead of private cars.

解决方案三:Furthermore, it is also a responsibility/duty of the government to publicize the importance of obeying traffic regulations through some forms of educational programs.

结论段写法(restate what you have mentioned above):

In conclusion, it is vital to understand that …_ 主题问题 various traffic problems are/is primarily/principally caused by 总结主要原因 the lack/insufficiency of infrastructure construction and the abuse of private cars.

…主要解决方法 there are more financial investment in infrastructure the traffic will be significantly improved.

篇二:雅思大作文Report, Discussion类题型范文和结构详解

雅思大作文Report/Discussion类题型范文和结构详解 EXAMPLE:

开头段写法:It seems to be an inevitable/irresistible trend/phenomenon that with/despite the accelerating progress of transport industry, there has been a dramatic increase in the traffic volume both in cities and on the motorway everywhere.

Option 1: In the following essay, I will state those contributing factors involved in this issue and relevant possible/potential measures.

Option 2: The following essay is designed to examine those contributing factors involved in this issue and propose relevant possible/potential measures.

Body paragraph 1写法(分析产生题目中所提到的问题的原因:causes/reasons/contributing factors):

(In my opinion,) From my point of view, /From my perspective, a possible cause of this problem is that the infrastructure construction has not been effective or efficient.


原因一:That is to say, in spite of the fact that the growth of various transport facilities is rapid, it still cannot meet/encounter the increasing needs of people.

原因二:Furthermore, /Another striking factor is that people tend to abuse their private cars rather than take public transports, which could probably cause/result in an excessive number of vehicles on the road.

原因三:Finally, individuals have to be responsible for this problem. As a matter of fact, a certain number of them are lacking in consciousness and awareness for the orderly traffic situation. This could be particularly true when people may drive after drinking alcohol, which apparently cause an increasing number of traffic accidents.

Body paragraph 2写法(分析如何针对上述问题提出解决方案:solutions):

Fortunately, we have been well informed about how to reverse this trend.

解决方案一:To be explicit, the utmost measure is (for sb to do sth) for the government to put more financial resources to/inject more funds into the construction and maintenance of infrastructure facilities such as road systems, the metro ones, elevated ways and superhighway. 解决方案二:Another valid policy could be to levy/impose heavy tax on luxurious products especially private cars so as to encourage people to (choose) opt/select the public transport services instead of private cars.

解决方案三:Furthermore, it is also a responsibility/duty of the government to publicize the importance of obeying traffic regulations through some forms of educational programs.

结论段写法(restate what you have mentioned above):

In conclusion, it is vital to understand that …_ 主题问题 various traffic problems are/is primarily/principally caused by 总结主要原因 the lack/insufficiency of infrastructure construction and the abuse of private cars.

Accordingly, if …主要解决方法 there are more financial investment in infrastructure

facilities and restrictions on the use of private cars, I am convinced that ___the traffic will be significantly improved.

篇三:研究生英文作文The argument on the report

Stanley Park is recognized around the globe as one of the great parks of the world! It was the largest, most heavily used park in town. But there were reported that it is no longer heavily used now. The park is not so popular because it is just only 50 cars per day in the parking lot. On the contrary, Catlton Park which is in this city as where is being more popular at the same time. And the point is that Catlton Park provides ample seating while Stanley Park dose not. Thus, this report demonstrates that Catlton Park should provide more benches and converts some of the unused open areas into spaces suitable for socializing. Although this argument seems reasonable at the first glance, a close scrutinizes reveals that it is logically fault in several critical respects.

Firstly and the importantly, the number of cars at the park's parking lots may not be a good indication of the park's popularity. And then, The Video cameras' evidence can not lead to the conclusion that the visitors to the Stanley Park is decreasing. It is entirely possible that the number of the cameras may not be enough to cover all the parking lots thus the popularity of park may not be accurate. In addition, there may be some special reasons last month that resulted in the dropped popularity of Stanley Park. Maybe environmental activities of this park carried out last month so that

limited the use of cars. All these possibilities will lead to the phenomenon mentioned by the author, but none of them has anything to do with the number of visitors come to the park. Without ruling out all these possibilities we can not get the conclusion that the park is less popular as before. Finally, even if the figure of the car park does represent the trends in the future, the speakers still need other information to support his assertion because he did not rule out the possibility that most of the people may go to this part by public transport not by car. If the speaker can not provide this information mentioned above, the claims will be unfounded.

Secondly, the figures provided by the speaker can not show that the calrton part is more popular than the Stanley Park in general. The data that 150 people come to Carlton Park on a typical weekday will not help to get the conclusion that it is popular. Without telling how many people came to Carlton Park before and the size of Carlton Park, the conclusion is weakened.Particularly, the author does not provide information concerning the number of visitors at Stanley before the cameras were mounted. Since the calrton park stands in the heart of the business district, is the possible that the number of visitors in the weekdays is much higher than the number of visitors is the weekends because there are more people working in this district in the weekdays and they may go to the park during their lunch break. In that case the annual number of visitors in the Stanley park may be higher than that of the carlton park. Even if the speaker can provide information to support his assumption that the carlton park is more popular, he still can not come to the conclusion that it's popularity is due to the ample benches just because it is an obviously difference between two parks. The fact that the author ignores all the other factors that can also cause the different between Carlton Park and Sanely Park actually undermine the author's recommendation.

In addition, Many other differences may render the two parks not comparable. Even if the speaker can provide sufficient and sounded evidences to prove that the popularity of the carlton park is due to the ample benches, the speakers' claim still relies on the dubious assumption that the same taking the same methods will bring the same effects to the Stanley park. Maybe Stanley Park is a park for those people who just want to fishing or hiking alone to relax themselves without the trouble of anyone else. In that way the recommendation can not relies on the different between the numbers of benches in these two parks either. In other words, the Stanley Park may be a sport park which did not necessary needs many benches.Another difference may be that the traffic near this park is much less convenience than that of the carlton park so that before providing more benches, the town needs to improve the road conditions or the public transportation near the park.

Last but not least, the author fails to consider the possible negative effects of converting unused open areas into public social spaces. It is not impossible, the unused open areas in Stanley Park is the biggest highlight of it. Maybe this can attract more tourists from all the city or somewhere else in this country. We can see that the author's argument is very rigorous.

To sum up, after pointing out so many obvious flaws in this argument, now we can say that the author's evidence used to support the recommendation can not be relied on. In order to make his assertion more convincing, the speaker need to provide more informatiom mentinoed above.

篇四:小学生英语作文The Weather Report

Do you know the weather about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?I can tell you. Tomorrow it will be cool.You should wear more clothes.The day after tomorrow morning it will be rainy.You should wear raincoat and take out the umbrealla.In the afternoon there will be a typhoon.Be careful everybody please!


Currently, the society is progressing by leaps and bounds on various fronts. Yet at the same time, many problems have arisen, a serious one of which is…. This issue has drawn widespread attention and needs to be well addressed soon. In this essay, I intend to analyze some possible causes of this phenomenon and offer corresponding solutions.

There are diverse reasons why we face this crisis, but I believe the… is the chief culprit. That is to say, this problem is mainly due to the fact that… It is evident that…For example,.....

Besides, … also constitutes a major cause of this situation. It is widely accepted that… To be specific,…

Finally, we should not neglect the problem of…, which is another trigger to this issue. Clearly, … A good case in point is that...

In light of the above factors, I am convinced that immediate action should be taken to address this problem. Priority should be given to… Particularly, we should spare no effort to… Then, we should also make full use of… This is due to the consideration that… Above all, we can also resort to… Research has proved that…

To conclude, the reasons of the problem of… are quite diverse and complicated; therefore, we should take a wide range of measures, including…,…and …to combat this situation before the damage caused by this trend becomes irreversible, which, I believe, is in the best interest of all the parties involved.
