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看电影学英语 Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》

-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士


whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。

He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: 咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊,

Maybe you should chew on my fist! 有种就吃了我的拳头!

-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.

武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. 然后一口吞下, And then he spoke. 开口道: “Enough


Let's fight!



“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!” -Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 他的一招一式如此彪悍

that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.

exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 awesomeness: 敬畏

他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿 -Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛!

-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!

awesome: 令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了!

-Rabbit2: And attractive!


-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?

-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 非凡的 伟大不求回报

Or attractiveness.

attractiveness: 魅力 迷人更无所需

Kablooey! Kablooey! 哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!

-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced. 他征战无数

They were no match for his body! 无人堪与匹敌,

Never before had a panda been so feared! 从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧, And so loved.


Even the most heroic heroes in China, 即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们 the Furious Five, furious: 凶猛的


bowed in respect to this great master. 也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下。

-Monkey: We should hang out.

hang out: 出去 咱出去玩玩怎样? -Warrior: Agreed. 同意。

-Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait. 但出去玩的事情得先放一边,

Because when you're facing the 10 000 demons of shemon Mountain demon: 恶魔


there's only one thing that matters and that's... 正经事只有一件,就是??

-Monkey: Po! Get up!

Po,快起床! You'll be later for work! 要误了生意了!

-Po: What?


[Scene: the dream is over, and Po gets up to work.]

-Dad: Po! Get up!


Po. What are you doing up there? Po,你磨蹭啥呢?

-Po: Nothing.


Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鹤 viper: 毒蛇 Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress!-Dad: Po! Let's go! You're late for work.


-Po: Coming!

来啦?? Sorry, dad. 对不起,老爸

-Dad: Sorry doesn't make the noodles.

对不起可变不出面条来。 What were you doing up there? 你在搞什么名堂? All that noise. 稀里哗啦的。

-Po: Nothing. I just had a crazy dream.


-Dad: About what?


What were you dreaming about? 梦到什么了?

-Po: What was I...?

梦到了??我梦见了?? I was dreaming about... 我梦见了?? ...noodles. ??面条。

-Dad: Noodles?


You were really dreaming about noodles? 你真梦见面条了?

-Po: Yeah. What else would I be dreaming about?

没错。不然还能梦见啥? Careful! That soup is sharp. 小心!汤很锋利哦(有飞镖)。

-Dad: Oh, happy day!


My son finally having the noodle dream!

You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.

哦,你不知道我等这一刻都等了多久! This is a sign, Po. sign: 迹象


-Po: A sign of what?


You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup. entrust: 委托 ingredient: 原料

我终于可以把我的私酿密汤的配方传给你了。 Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!

destiny: 命运 take over: 继承

这样你就能不辱使命,继承这间饭馆了。 As I took it over from my father who took it over from his father...

就像我子承父业,父承祖父业一样, ...who won it from a friend in mahjong. mahjong: 麻将


-Po: Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream.


-Dad: No, it was the dream.

不,这是注定的梦。 We are noodle folk.

folk: 特定集团中的人 我们是面条世家, Broth runs through our veins. broth: 肉汤 vein: 静脉 流淌着肉汤面条的血脉。

-Po: But, Dad, didn't you ever want to do something


可是,老爸,你有没有??想过做点别的? Something besides noodles? 除了面条之外的?

-Dad: Actually, when I was young and crazy,


I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.


-Po: Why didn't you?


-Dad: Because it was a stupid dream.

因为这是个黄梁蠢梦, Can you imagine me making tofu? 你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗? Tofu. 豆腐?

No! We all have our place in this world. 别提了!我们各有其命。 Mine is here, 我就是面条命, and yours is... 而你??

-Po: I know, is here.


-Dad: No!it's at tables 2, 5, 7 and 12.

错!是2号桌,5号桌,7号桌还有12号桌。 Service with a smile. 别忘了微笑服务。

[Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master and his students are playing kungfu, and the bad news comes. ]

-Master: Well done, students... 干得好,徒儿们!

if you were trying to disappoint me.

如果还有什么想让我挑剔的地方,就是 Tigress, you need more ferocity! ferocity: 凶猛 Tigress,力道要更强! Monkey, greater speed. Monkey,速度要更快。 Crane, height. Crane,更高。

Viper, subtlety. Mantis... subtlety: 微妙


-Zeng: Master Shifu.


-Master: What?!


-Zeng: It's Master Oogway.

是Oogway大师, He wants to see you. 他想见您。

-Master: Master Oogway, you summoned me?

summon: 召唤

Oogway大师,您召见我。 Is something wrong? 是出什么事了吗?

- Oogway: Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?


-Master: So nothing's wrong?


-Oogway: Well, I didn't say that.

我倒也没这么说, -Po: You were saying? 您是说??

-Oogway: I have had a vision.

vision: 幻觉 我看见了些幻相, Tai Lung will return. Tai Lung会重现江湖。

-Master: That is impossible! He is in prison.


-Oogway: Nothing is impossible.


-Master: Zeng!


Fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them, 马上飞到桃岗天牢去告诉他们,

to double the guards, double their weapons, double everything!

看守加倍,兵器加倍,什么都加倍, Tai Lung does not leave that prison! 确保Tai Lung不会越狱 -Zeng: Yes! Master Shifu! 遵命!师傅大师

-Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road

he takes to avoid it. avoid: 拒绝


-Master: We must do something!


We can't let him march on the valley, march on: 向...推进 valley: 山谷 我不能让他来谷中泄愤, take his revenge! take revenge: 报复 以报私恨

He'll... 他会?? -Oogway: Your mind is like this water my friend.


When it is agitated it becomes difficult to see. agitated: 不安的 乱则不明。

But if you allow it to settle... 但若心如止水,

...the answer becomes clear. ??答案便尽现眼前。 The Dragon Scroll.

dragon: 龙 scroll: 卷轴 龙之卷轴。 It is time. 是时候了。

-Master: But who?


Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power?

谁能有能力继承这无限的力量? To become the Dragon Warrior? warrior: 武士 成为“龙武士”?

-Oogway: I don't know.


[Scene: Master Oogway is going to choose the “Dragon Warrior”, and Po goes to see the selection, and the unexpected thing happens.]

-Po: Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry.


-Customer: Watch it!


-Po: Sorry.


-Customer: Suck it up!

suck up: 吸收(吸尽) 把这个擦掉!

-Po: Sorry. A thousand pardons.

对不起,一千个抱歉。 What? 什么?

Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior!


Oogway大师选龙武士?!今天! Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! jade: 翡翠


One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! 五杰之一要得到龙卷轴了! We've waited 1000 years for this! 千年等一回啊!

Take the bowl! 吃完就快去啊!

This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Just go! 今天是功夫史上最伟大的一天,(别操心付账了)快去吧!

-Dad: Po! Where are you going?


-Po: To the Jade Palace.


-Dad: You're forgetting your noodle cart.

cart: 搬运车


The whole valley will be there and you'll sell noodles to all of them.


-Po: Selling noodles?


But, Dad, I was thinking, maybe I... 可是,老爸,我在想我可不可以??

-Dad: Yeah?


-Po: I was thinking Maybe I...

我在想我可不可以?? could also sell the bean buns. bean: 豆 bun: 圆形小点心 可不可以也顺道卖点绿豆糕, They're about to go bad. 它们快坏了。 That's my boy! 真是个好孩子!

I told you that dream was a sign. 我说过那个梦是个好兆头。

-Po: Yeah. Glad I had it.


-Rabbit1: I'm a kung fu warrior!


-Rabbit2: Me too!


-Rabbit1: There's spots at the top.


-Rabbit2: Let's go.


-Po: Come on. Come on!

加油,加油! Almost there. 就要到了。 What? 什么?

No! Oh, no!


-Rabbit: Sorry, Po.


We'll bring you back a souvenir. souvenir: 纪念品 我们会给你带纪念品的。

-Po: No. I'll bring me back a souvenir.


-Master: It is an historic day.

这是历史性的一天, Isn't it, Master Oogway? 是吧?Oogway大师?

-Oogway: Yes, and one I feared I would not live to


没错,我还怕我不能活着等到这天。 Are your students ready? 你的徒弟们准备好了吗?

-Master: Yes, Master Oogway.


-Oogway: Know this, old friend.


Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley...

不管我选了谁,不仅是给山谷带来安宁?? but also to you.


-Master: Let the tournament begin!

tournament: 锦标赛 比武大会现在开始!

[Scene: the tournament begins, and Po finally gets to the Jade Palace, but unfortunately, he is shut out of

the door, and he manages to get in.]

-People: Yeah. 帅!

-Po: No, no, wait!


I'm coming! Wait, wait! 我来了!等等! Yes! 到了!

Hey! Open the door! 嗨,把门儿开开! Let me in! 让我进去!

-Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace,


it is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! 我深感荣幸为你们介绍,Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! Viper!Crane!Monkey!Mantis! The Furious Five! 勇猛五杰!

-People: Yeah, the Furious Five!


-Master: Warriors, prepare!


-Po: Wait. No. Oh, peeky-hole. peeky: 可窥视的


-Master: Ready for battle!

准备比武! -People: Yeah. 太好了!

-Master: The Thousand Tongues of Fire.


-People: Look at that.


-Po: Hey!Get out of the way!


-Master: And finally Master Tigress!


And believe me, citizens you have not seen anything yet.


-Po: I know!


看电影学英语 Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》

Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend.He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.

legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士 foe: 敌人

传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, 他的功夫出神入化。 他走遍天涯,独孤求败,

Demon: I see you like to chew.Maybe you should chew on my fist! Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.Then he swallowed. And then he spoke.“Enough talk. Let's fight!

Narrator: He was so deadly in factthat his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.

exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 awesomeness: 敬畏 Demon: My eyes!

Rabbit1: He's too awesome! Rabbit2: And attractive!

Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness.Or attractiveness. attractiveness: 魅力

Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced.They were no match for his body!Never before had a panda been so feared!And so loved.Even the most heroic heroes in China,the Furious Five,bowed in respect to this great master.


furious: 凶猛的

Monkey: We should hang out. Warrior: Agreed.

Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait.Because when you're facing the 10 000 demons of shemon Mountain.there's only one thing that matters and that's... Monkey: Po! Get up!You'll be later for work! Po: What?

[Scene: the dream is over, and Po gets up to work.]

Dad: Po! Get up!

Po. What are you doing up there? Po: Nothing. Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress!

mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鹤 viper: 毒蛇

Dad: Po! Let's go! You're late for work. Po: Coming!Sorry, dad.

Dad: Sorry doesn't make the noodles. What were you doing up there?All that noise.

Po: Nothing. I just had a crazy dream. Dad: About what?What were you dreaming about?

Po: What was I...?I was dreaming about......noodles.

Dad: Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles?

Po: Yeah. What else would I be dreaming about?Careful! That soup is sharp.

Dad: Oh, happy day!My son finally having the noodle dream!

You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.This is a sign, Po.

Po: A sign of what?You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup.Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!As I took it over from my father who took it over from his father......who won it from a friend in mahjong. mahjong:

entrust: 委托 ingredient: 原料 destiny: 命运 take over: 继承 Po: Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream. Dad: No, it was the dream.We are noodle folk.Broth runs through our veins. Po: But, Dad, didn't you ever want to do something else? Something besides noodles?

Dad: Actually, when I was young and crazy,I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. Po: Why didn't you?

Dad: Because it was a stupid dream. Can you imagine me making tofu?

Tofu.No! We all have our place in this world. Mine is here, and yours is... Po: I know, is here.

Dad: No!it's at tables 2, 5, 7 and 12. Service with a smile. 05:20

[Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master and his students are playing kungfu, and the bad news comes. ]

Master: Well done, students...


if you were trying to disappoint me. Tigress, you need more ferocity!Monkey, greater speed.Crane, height. Viper, subtlety. Mantis...

ferocity: 凶猛 subtlety: 微妙 Zeng: Master Shifu. Master: What?!

Zeng: It's Master Oogway. He wants to see you.

Master: Master Oogway, you summoned me? Is something wrong? summon: 召唤

Oogway: Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?

Master: So nothing's wrong? Oogway: Well, I didn't say that. Po: You were saying?

Oogway: I have had a vision. Tai Lung will return.

Master: That is impossible! He is in prison.

Oogway: Nothing is impossible.

Master: Zeng! Fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them,to double the guards, double their weapons, double everything! Tai Lung does not leave that prison!

Zeng: Yes! Master Shifu!

Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.

Master: We must do something!We can't let him march on the valley,take his revenge!He'll...

march on: 向...推进 valley: 山谷 take revenge: 报复

Oogway: Your mind is like this water my friend.When it is agitated it becomes difficult to see.But if you

allow it to settle......the answer becomes clear.The Dragon Scroll.It is time.

Master: But who?Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? To become the Dragon Warrior?

Oogway: I don't know. 07:59

[Scene: Master Oogway is going to choose the “Dragon Warrior”, and Po goes to see the selection, and the unexpected thing happens.]

Po: Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Customer: Watch it! Po: Sorry.

Customer: Suck it up!

Po: Sorry. A thousand pardons.

What? Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today! Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! We've waited 1000 years for this!

Take the bowl!This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Just go! Dad: Po! Where are you going? Po: To the Jade Palace.

Dad: You're forgetting your noodle cart. The whole valley will be there and you'll sell noodles to all of them.

Po: Selling noodles? But, Dad, I was thinking, maybe I... Dad: Yeah?

Po: I was thinking Maybe I... could also sell the bean buns.They're about to go bad.

bean: 豆 bun: 圆形小点心


That's my boy! I told you that dream was a sign.

Po: Yeah. Glad I had it.

Rabbit1: I'm a kung fu warrior! Rabbit2: Me too!

Rabbit1: There's spots at the top. Rabbit2: Let's go.

Po: Come on. Come on!Almost there. What? No! Oh, no!

Rabbit: Sorry, Po. We'll bring you back a souvenir.

Po: No. I'll bring me back a souvenir. Master: It is an historic day. Isn't it, Master Oogway?

Oogway: Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see.Are your students ready? Master: Yes, Master Oogway.

Oogway: Know this, old friend. Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley...but also to you. Master: Let the tournament begin! tournament: 锦标赛 10:50

[Scene: the tournament begins, and Po finally gets to the Jade Palace, but unfortunately, he is shut out of the door, and he manages to get in.]

People: Yeah.

Po: No, no, wait! I'm coming! Wait, wait!Yes!Hey! Open the door!Let me in!

Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace, it is my great honor to present to you... Tigress!Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! The Furious Five! People: Yeah, the Furious Five! Master: Warriors, prepare!

Po: Wait. No. Oh, peeky-hole. peeky: 可窥视的

Master: Ready for battle! People: Yeah.

Master: The Thousand Tongues of Fire.

People: Look at that.

Po: Hey!Get out of the way!

Master: And finally Master Tigress! And believe me, citizens you have not seen anything yet. Po: I know!

Master: Master Tigress! Face Iron OX and his Blades of Death. blade: 刀刃

Oogway: I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.

Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior!

Po: Oh, no! No, no! wait! Yeah. Dad: What are you doing?!

Po: What does it look like I'm doing? Stop! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior!

Dad: But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream!

Po: I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad. I love kung fu!

Dad: Come on, son. Let's get back to work. Po: OK.

Dad: Come back!


[Scene: Po gets in the Palace by using a fire-rocket, and then he is selected as the Dragon Warrior.]


Po: What's going on? Where...?

What are you pointing...? OK. Sorry. I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was.

Oogway: How interesting.

Tigress: Master, are you pointing at me?

Oogway: Him. Po: Who? Oogway: you. Po: me?

Oogway: The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior! Po: What?

Master: What?! The Five: What? Dad: What?!

Master: Stop, wait! Who told you to...? Master Oogway , wait. That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem.You were about to point at Tigress and that thing fell in front of her!That was just an accident! flabby: (肌肉)松软的 Oogway: There are no accidents.

Tigress: Forgive us, Master. We have failed you. 我们让您失望了。

Master: No. If the panda has not quit by morning then I will have failed you. 16:40

[Scene: Zeng flies to the jail, and sees Tailung.]

Zeng: Wait!Wait, wait, wait!

I bring a message from Master Shifu. Guardian: What?!Double the guard?! Extra precautions?! 特别警戒?! Your prison may not be adequate?!

You doubt my prison security?!

Zeng: Absolutely not. Shifu does. I'm just the messenger.

Guardian: I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. Escape from Ohorh-Gom prison is impossible! Impressive, isn't it?

Zeng: It's very impressive. It's very impressive.

Guardian: One way in, one way out. One thousand guards and one prisoner. Zeng: Yes, except that prisoner...is Tai Lung.

Guardian: Take us down.

Zeng: What are you doing?Oh, my. Guardian: Behold is Tai Lung.

Zeng: I'm just gonna wait right here. It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe.

Guardian: Crossbows! At the ready! Crossbows?弓箭手?Hey , tough guy, did you hear?Oogway's giving someone the Dragon Scroll and it's not gonna be you.

Zeng: Don't get him mad.

Guardian: What's he gonna do about it? I've got him completely immobilized. Did I step on the little kitty's tail? immobilized: 使固定

Zeng: I'm good. I've seen enough.

I'll tell Shifu he has nothing to worry about.

Guardian: No, he doesn't.

Zeng: I'll tell him that.Can we please go now?


[Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master Shifu is teaching a lesson to Po.]


People: Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior!

Po: Wait a second! I think there's been a slight mistake.Everyone seems to think that I'm... The Sacred Hall of Warriors! No way!Look at this place. Master Flying Rhino's armor with authentic battle damage!The Sword of Heroes!Said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking.The Invisible Trident of Destiny!I've only seen paintings of that painting.No!The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu Army.Hello.

rhino: 犀牛authentic: 真正的 trident: 三叉戟 urn: 骨灰缸 飞行犀牛大师的盔甲,还有货真价实的战斗中损坏的痕迹! 隐形的命运之杖! 我只见过这画的赝品。 传说中的武士窃语之瓮。 Master: Have you finished sight-seeing? Po: Sorry, I should have come to you first.

Master: My patience is wearing thin. wearing thin: 逐渐消失

Po: Well, I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere.

Master: would you Turn around?

Po: Sure. How's it going? How do you get 5 000... Master Shifu! Someone... broke that. But I'll fix it. Do you have some......glue? A splinter. Master: So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior? Po: I guess so.


看电影学英语 Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》

-Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior...

legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士


whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他的功夫出神入化。

He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: 咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊,

Maybe you should chew on my fist! 有种就吃了我的拳头!

-Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full.

武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. 然后一口吞下, And then he spoke. 开口道:

“Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!”

“别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!” -Narrator: He was so deadly in fact 他的一招一式如此彪悍

that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness.

exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 awesomeness: 敬畏

他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿 -Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛!

-Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 非凡的 伟大不求回报 Or attractiveness.

attractiveness: 魅力 迷人更无所需

Kablooey! Kablooey! 哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈!

-Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced. 他征战无数

They were no match for his body! 无人堪与匹敌,

Never before had a panda been so feared! 从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧, And so loved.


Even the most heroic heroes in China, 即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们 the Furious Five, furious: 凶猛的


bowed in respect to this great master. 也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下。

-Monkey: We should hang out.

hang out: 出去 咱出去玩玩怎样? -Warrior: Agreed. 同意。

-Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait. 但出去玩的事情得先放一边,

Because when you're facing the 10 000 demons of shemon Mountain demon: 恶魔


there's only one thing that matters and that's... 正经事只有一件,就是??

-Monkey: Po! Get up!


You'll be later for work! 要误了生意了!

-Rabbit1: He's too awesome!

awesome: 令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了!

-Po: What?



-Rabbit2: And attractive!


-Rabbit1: How Can We repay you?


[Scene: the dream is over, and Po gets up to work.]

-Dad: Po! Get up!


Po. What are you doing up there? Po,你磨蹭啥呢?

-Po: Nothing.


Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鹤 viper: 毒蛇

Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress!

-Dad: Po! Let's go! You're late for work.


-Po: Coming!

来啦?? Sorry, dad. 对不起,老爸

-Dad: Sorry doesn't make the noodles.

对不起可变不出面条来。 What were you doing up there? 你在搞什么名堂? All that noise. 稀里哗啦的。

-Po: Nothing. I just had a crazy dream.


-Dad: About what?


What were you dreaming about? 梦到什么了?

-Po: What was I...?

梦到了??我梦见了?? I was dreaming about... 我梦见了?? ...noodles. ??面条。

-Dad: Noodles?


You were really dreaming about noodles? 你真梦见面条了?

-Po: Yeah. What else would I be dreaming about?

没错。不然还能梦见啥? Careful! That soup is sharp. 小心!汤很锋利哦(有飞镖)。

-Dad: Oh, happy day!


My son finally having the noodle dream! 我儿子终于梦到面条了!

You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment.

哦,你不知道我等这一刻都等了多久! This is a sign, Po. sign: 迹象


-Po: A sign of what?


You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup. entrust: 委托 ingredient: 原料

我终于可以把我的私酿密汤的配方传给你了。 Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant!

destiny: 命运 take over: 继承


As I took it over from my father who took it over from his father...

就像我子承父业,父承祖父业一样, ...who won it from a friend in mahjong. mahjong: 麻将


-Po: Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream.


-Dad: No, it was the dream.

不,这是注定的梦。 We are noodle folk.

folk: 特定集团中的人 我们是面条世家,

Broth runs through our veins. broth: 肉汤 vein: 静脉 流淌着肉汤面条的血脉。

-Po: But, Dad, didn't you ever want to do something


可是,老爸,你有没有??想过做点别的? Something besides noodles? 除了面条之外的?

-Dad: Actually, when I was young and crazy,


I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu.


-Po: Why didn't you?


-Dad: Because it was a stupid dream.



Can you imagine me making tofu? 你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗? Tofu. 豆腐?

No! We all have our place in this world. 别提了!我们各有其命。 Mine is here, 我就是面条命, and yours is... 而你??


- Oogway: Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?


-Master: So nothing's wrong?


-Oogway: Well, I didn't say that.


-Po: You were saying?


-Po: I know, is here.


-Oogway: I have had a vision.

vision: 幻觉 我看见了些幻相, Tai Lung will return. Tai Lung会重现江湖。

-Dad: No!it's at tables 2, 5, 7 and 12.

错!是2号桌,5号桌,7号桌还有12号桌。 Service with a smile. 别忘了微笑服务。

[Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master and his students are playing kungfu, and the bad news comes. ]

-Master: That is impossible! He is in prison.


-Oogway: Nothing is impossible.


-Master: Zeng!


Fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them, 马上飞到桃岗天牢去告诉他们,

to double the guards, double their weapons, double everything!

看守加倍,兵器加倍,什么都加倍, Tai Lung does not leave that prison! 确保Tai Lung不会越狱

-Master: Well done, students...


if you were trying to disappoint me.

如果还有什么想让我挑剔的地方,就是 Tigress, you need more ferocity! ferocity: 凶猛

Tigress,力道要更强! Monkey, greater speed. Monkey,速度要更快。 Crane, height. Crane,更高。

Viper, subtlety. Mantis... subtlety: 微妙


-Zeng: Yes! Master Shifu!


-Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road

he takes to avoid it. avoid: 拒绝


-Zeng: Master Shifu.


-Master: We must do something!


We can't let him march on the valley, march on: 向...推进 valley: 山谷 我不能让他来谷中泄愤, take his revenge! take revenge: 报复 以报私恨 He'll... 他会??

-Master: What?!


-Zeng: It's Master Oogway.

是Oogway大师, He wants to see you. 他想见您。

-Master: Master Oogway, you summoned me?

summon: 召唤

Oogway大师,您召见我。 Is something wrong?


-Oogway: Your mind is like this water my friend.


When it is agitated it becomes difficult to see. agitated: 不安的 乱则不明。

But if you allow it to settle... 但若心如止水,

...the answer becomes clear. ??答案便尽现眼前。 The Dragon Scroll.

dragon: 龙 scroll: 卷轴 龙之卷轴。 It is time. 是时候了。

One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! 五杰之一要得到龙卷轴了! We've waited 1000 years for this! 千年等一回啊! Take the bowl! 吃完就快去啊!

This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Just go! 今天是功夫史上最伟大的一天,(别操心付账了)快去吧!

-Dad: Po! Where are you going?


-Po: To the Jade Palace.


-Master: But who?


Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power?

谁能有能力继承这无限的力量? To become the Dragon Warrior? warrior: 武士 成为“龙武士”?

-Dad: You're forgetting your noodle cart.

cart: 搬运车


The whole valley will be there and you'll sell noodles to all of them.


-Po: Selling noodles?


But, Dad, I was thinking, maybe I... 可是,老爸,我在想我可不可以??

-Oogway: I don't know.


[Scene: Master Oogway is going to choose the “Dragon Warrior”, and Po goes to see the selection, and the unexpected thing happens.]

-Dad: Yeah?


-Po: I was thinking Maybe I...

我在想我可不可以?? could also sell the bean buns. bean: 豆 bun: 圆形小点心 可不可以也顺道卖点绿豆糕, They're about to go bad. 它们快坏了。 That's my boy! 真是个好孩子!

I told you that dream was a sign. 我说过那个梦是个好兆头。


-Po: Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry.


-Customer: Watch it!


-Po: Sorry.


-Customer: Suck it up!

suck up: 吸收(吸尽) 把这个擦掉!

-Po: Sorry. A thousand pardons.

对不起,一千个抱歉。 What? 什么?

Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today!

Oogway大师选龙武士?!今天! Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! jade: 翡翠



-Po: Yeah. Glad I had it.


-Rabbit1: I'm a kung fu warrior!


-Rabbit2: Me too!


-Rabbit1: There's spots at the top.


-Rabbit2: Let's go.


-Po: Come on. Come on!

加油,加油! Almost there. 就要到了。 What? 什么? No! Oh, no!


我来了!等等! Yes! 到了!

Hey! Open the door! 嗨,把门儿开开! Let me in! 让我进去!

-Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace,


it is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! 我深感荣幸为你们介绍,Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! Viper!Crane!Monkey!Mantis! The Furious Five! 勇猛五杰!

-Rabbit: Sorry, Po.


We'll bring you back a souvenir. souvenir: 纪念品


-Po: No. I'll bring me back a souvenir.


-Master: It is an historic day.

这是历史性的一天, Isn't it, Master Oogway? 是吧?Oogway大师?

-People: Yeah, the Furious Five!


-Master: Warriors, prepare!


-Oogway: Yes, and one I feared I would not live to


没错,我还怕我不能活着等到这天。 Are your students ready? 你的徒弟们准备好了吗?

-Po: Wait. No. Oh, peeky-hole.

peeky: 可窥视的


-Master: Ready for battle!


-Master: Yes, Master Oogway.


-People: Yeah.


-Oogway: Know this, old friend.


Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley...

不管我选了谁,不仅是给山谷带来安宁?? but also to you.


-Master: The Thousand Tongues of Fire.


-People: Look at that.


-Po: Hey!Get out of the way!


-Master: And finally Master Tigress!


And believe me, citizens you have not seen anything yet.


-Master: Let the tournament begin!

tournament: 锦标赛 比武大会现在开始!

[Scene: the tournament begins, and Po finally gets to the Jade Palace, but unfortunately, he is shut out of the door, and he manages to get in.]

-Po: I know!


-Master: Master Tigress! Face Iron OX and his

Blades of Death. blade: 刀刃


-People: Yeah.


-Po: No, no, wait!


I'm coming! Wait, wait!


-Oogway: I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.


-Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace








一、 作品介绍


本片以一只憨态可掬的大熊猫为主角展开故事情节,影片剧情梗概如下: 熊猫阿宝大概是谷中少有的不会武功的居民。又肥又迟钝的阿宝在父亲经营的面馆里工作,父亲希望阿宝能继承面馆,然而阿宝却一心想学武功,成为谷中第一的功夫大师。但是这对向来好吃懒做的阿宝来说,也只是个遥不可及的梦而已。








二、 对该作品的理解





这部影片对于中国人来讲,除了以上几点对中国人有教育意义以外,更值得中国人深思的是为什么中国的文化要通过美国人的制作体现出来,并在世界范围内宣传呢?世界上任何国家都比不上中国对功夫的理解与感悟,也比不上中国对熊猫的珍视,更加不会比中国更加的了解中国文化的内涵。但这部以中国元素为主题的3D动画片却是美国制造的,并席卷了全球各国的票房,其深入人心的程度,和广泛的普及度都是难以超越。 首先,是中国电影市场对美国好莱坞电影奖项的过度追求。很多影片按照美国人的思维方式和价值观进行选材、拍摄。以至于渐渐忽视了电影是一种传播文化的重要手段,而过于看重它的商业性。我觉得我们应该秉承中国人的价值观,拍摄完全属于中国人传播中国文化的电影如果说加大它的商业价值的话,可以通过展现方式的新鲜,动画制作方面的创新来吸引国内外更多的观众。其次,就是《功夫熊猫》这部电影的平衡掌握的很好。暂且不论美国人的个人英雄主义是否正确,单说这部电影的主题是中国元素,但却和美国的个人英雄主义的这种价值观融合的很好,虽说体现的是中国文化,但最终反映和传播的实质还是个人英雄主义。这种用外来文化来展现本民族文化特色的方式,以及如何将两种文化融合消化都是值



















可以说《功夫熊猫》犹如和好莱坞前几年如出一辙的以动物唱主角的动画片一样,虽换了场景和主角,而继续的还是冠以如今最流行说法的 “不抛弃不放弃”的励志主题,赋予了美国式的奋斗精神。至此,我们终于明白中国元素只是一个标志符号,中国文化再博大精深,东方式的名著桥段再多,“娱乐主权却始终把握在好莱坞手中”[3] 。自然我们也完全理解或者说能够回答“为什么一部拥有众多中国元素和背景的影片由好莱坞制作会成功,为什么中国拍不出《功夫熊猫》”这样当下圈内圈外极具代表性的质疑了。暂且撇开中国影人纠缠于缺乏技术和《功夫熊猫》里,比起高超的武艺和过人的胆识,神龙武士更需要的是是否具有高尚的品德。太郎武功卓绝,人脉上又是狸猫的养子兼徒弟,占尽一切有利条件,可以说是权威乌龟大师的第三代弟子的最佳传承者。但太郎不符合“亲亲”原则中的“孝悌”和“礼”,为了得到《神龙秘籍》大逆不道、杀父弑师;还将整个山谷夷为平地,为一己私欲而屠戮众多无辜百姓,这违背了儒家“仁爱”的信条,所以神龙武士不是它。乌龟大师选择的是笨拙、憨实、因意外摔落到现场的肥波,它拥有谦逊、忠诚、正直的美德。熊猫成为真正神龙武士不是一帆风顺的,它无任何武功根基,甚至不是狸猫座下“盛怒五杰”的对手,曾一度受到他们的嘲讽、奚落、驱逐,面对挫折它也退缩过、患过暴食症,正所谓“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤……”,勤能补拙、专心致志、心无旁骛、执著这些都是它坚持的品质。行侠仗义、惩恶扬善的美德,与儒家主张的入世精神契合。片头熊猫梦中大侠头戴斗笠、手持武器一副深不可测的样子,它行走江湖专打抱不平。事实上,它与太郎较量前,疏散和平谷的居民,后来打败和平的威胁者,成为正义、和平的守护者,深受百姓爱戴,他既成全了自己,也拯救了黎民苍生,颇有“穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下”的儒家信条味道。另外,与熊猫同门的“盛怒五杰”,同样也有敢于挑战邪恶、担当重任的品质,熊猫在接受训练时,它们已经去半路阻挡逃狱回翡翠宫的太郎。影片除了汲取儒道文化的综合体,还涉及佛家思想。乌龟大师找狸猫谈话时,它的居所里亮着一排排蜡烛;乌龟大师身上还体现了佛学的智慧——未卜先知、深邃洞彻一切、指点迷津,这通常是佛家得道高僧才有的境界,它洞悉了太郎内心的阴暗——潜藏的贪欲,夺取了原该属于他的荣誉,后来太郎果然本性毕露,不思悔改反而变本加厉。佛家相信善有善报、恶有恶报的因果报应之说,仁厚的毫无竞争优势的熊猫梦想成真,杀气过重、贪婪过度导致太郎没有好下场,应验了不忠不义必遭唾 弃、贪欲膨胀必自毙。





《功夫熊猫》在中国引发了阵阵欢笑,也遭来了不少批评声,其间还有民族主义者号召抵制该片,但批评声被淹没在欢笑声中的事实所带来的应是人们一次次自我反省。我们过去在动画片领域创造了许多珍贵的文化精品,而如今陷入了一丝迷失。我们究竟缺失了什么?中国动画产业链还未形成,包括国际流行的动漫商业运作模式,引用评论家魏英杰所说:不独缺乏创意、资金和技术,我们还缺乏拍《功夫熊猫》的雄心、苦心和良心……[4] 《功夫熊猫》制作周期长达五年,台前幕后多达448人,最宏伟的布置“翡翠宫”就有多达88100块组件建成,角色造型细致,“盖世五侠”中的仙鹤身上便有多达6019条羽毛,技术上的精致先进也是能瞬间抓住观众的注意力。除了技术上的先进豪华、资金雄厚外,我们也不得不慨叹历经百年之久的好莱坞不囿于美国仅存200多年的历史文化资源限制,善于博采名家经典创造自己的“经典”,这种对“拿来主义”的娴熟运用和演绎,使其对推向市场的文化商品研究透彻,从而排除文化偏好上的差异,提炼出了全球人都喜欢的题材内容、故事模式,这给了我们重要的启示,传统并不是阻碍或束缚创新的桎梏。我们的动画片如何从5000年的中国文化历史长河中去很好挖掘和组织这些资源,并放入更深的思想内涵和文化历史的思考,同时谋求与时尚的融合贯通,这样既契合东方观众原有的心理预期,也能为西方观众带来异域奇观。更重要的是重拾起重视本国传统文化和元素的信心,毕竟,文化的自信也是一个国家强大的标志之一。



[2] 半方《<功夫熊猫>的火爆与口水》文汇报2008,6,28.

[3] 奚光雯《好莱坞流行“美式快餐”》文汇报2008,7,5.

