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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 00:30:22 体裁作文

篇一:To Becoming a Good Doctor做一个好医生,英语作文

To Becoming a Good Doctor

Are you a good doctor? This question is increasingly being asked by patients, governments, newspaper, radio, and TV investigators. Many medical students have dreams of becoming good doctors and saving lives, but between the ideal and the reality is a large gap, claims and complaints against doctors are growing worldwide. So you should have a clear understanding of how to bridge the gap. Generally speaking, a good doctor must be professionally trained and must strictly follow the occupational rules. When you work, you should as carefully as possible and treat your patient patiently. When you find something abnormal, you should react quickly. If there is something you don't understand, you can ask other experts humbly and improve your knowledge accordingly. Without a doubt, to be a good doctor, you need an unusually strong love for people, and a desire to serve them. You should be a good communicator, and have good listening skills. You should be a thorough person, and someone who likes to find answers to difficult or tricky situations. You should be tenacious, because some of the things you will see and experience as a doctor. A good doctor must also show an absolute respect for human life. To a doctor, a patient s life is sacrosanct and he should do

everything to avert all threat to that life. It is therefore the duty of doctors to do all in their power to keep their patients alive and healthy.

As a medical student, there is still a long way to go .I will try my best to become a good doctor. I will put the oath in my heart.


美剧Gray’s Anatomy(实习医生格蕾)十分流行,那么大家对于各科医生的英文表达知道多少呢,现总结了一些较为

美剧Gray’s Anatomy(实习医生格蕾)十分流行,那么大家对于各科医生的英文表达知道多少呢,现总结了一些较为常见的各科医生表达,长长见识~~

1. medical specialist 专科医生

2. physician (internist) 内科医生

3. surgeon 外科医生

4. paediatrician 儿科医生

5. ophthalmologist 眼科医生

6. pharmacist 药剂师

7. general practitioner 全科医师

8. clinician 临床医师

9. gynecologist 妇科医生

10. plastic surgeon 整形外科医生

11. dentist 牙医

12. psychologist 心理医生

13. therapist 理疗师

14. cardiologist 心脏病科医师

15. dermatologist 皮肤科医生

16. podiatrist 足病医生

17. allergist 过敏症专科医生

18. obstetrician 产科医生

19. ENT doctor 耳鼻喉科医生

20. orthopedist 骨科医生

21. veterinarian 兽医

22. houseman 实习医生


主?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我绞? director physician

副主任医师 assistant director physician

住院医师 house physician

主治医师 doctor in charge of a case

医师 physician

执业医师 certified doctor

主任护师 director nurse

副主任护师 assistant director nurse

主管护师 nurse in charge of a case

主任医师(讲课) Professor (of Medicine)

主任医师(医疗) Professor (of Treatment)

儿科主任医师 Professor (of Pediatrics)

副主任医师 Associate Professor (of......)

主治医师 Doctor-in-charge

外科主治医师 Surgeon-in-charge

内科主治医师 Physician-in-charge

眼科主治医师 Oculist-in-charge

妇科主治医师 Gynecologist-in-charge

牙科主治医师 Dentist-in-charge

医师 Doctor

医士 Assistant Doctor

主任药师 Professor of Pharmacy

副主任药师 Associate Chief(Professor)of Pharmacy

主管药师 Pharmacist-in-charge

药师 Pharmacist

药士 Assistant Pharmacist

主任护师 Professor of Nursing

副主任护师 Associate Professor of Nursing

主管护师 Nurse-in-charge

护师 Nurse Practitioner

护士 Nurse

主任技师 Senior Technologist

副主任技师 Associate Senior Technologist


主管技师 Technologist-in-charge

技师 Technologist

技士 Technician

医生的职称title of public health technician

主任医师 Chief of.../Professor

副主任医师 Associate Chief of.../Associate Professor

主治医师 Attending Doctor/Visiting Doctor

医师 Doctor

医士 Assistant Doctor

住院医生 Resident Doctor

实习医生 Intern

主任药师 Chief(Professor)of Pharmacy

副主任药师 Associate Chief(Professor)of Pharmacy

主管药师 Pharmacist-in-charge

药师 Assistant Pharmacist

主任护师 Head Nurse

副主任护师 Associate Chief of Nursing

主管护师 Nurse-in-charge

护士 Nurse

主任技师 Senior Technician

副主任技师 Associate Senior Technician

主管技师 Supervising Technician


技师 Technician

美国护士职称 助理护士 Nurse Aide


职业操作护士 Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)


注册护士 Registered Nurse (RN)


护理医生 Nurse Practitioner(N P)

职责:可从事相当一部分医生的工作,履行某些医生之前或代医生会诊的职责, 如搜集病史等。

护理行政管理 Nurse Management

护士长 Nurse Manager

职责:负责主管某一部门的护理管理及护士工作分配 。

护理督导 Nurse Supervisor


护理部主任 Director of Nursing




各科医生的英文表达-英语分类词汇 美剧


Gray’s Anatomy(实习医生格蕾)十分流行,那么大家对于各科医生的英文表达知道多少呢,现总结了一些较为 美剧Gray’s Anatomy(实习医生格蕾)十分流行,那么大家对于各科医生的英文表达知道多少呢,现总结了一些较为常见的各科医生表达,长长见识~~

1. medical specialist 专科医生

2. physician (internist) 内科医生

3. surgeon 外科医生

4. paediatrician 儿科医生

5. ophthalmologist 眼科医生

6. pharmacist 药剂师

7. general practitioner 全科医师

8. clinician 临床医师

9. gynecologist 妇科医生

10. plastic surgeon 整形外科医生

11. dentist 牙医

12. psychologist 心理医生

13. therapist 理疗师

14. cardiologist 心脏病科医师

15. dermatologist 皮肤科医生

16. podiatrist 足病医生

17. allergist 过敏症专科医生

18. obstetrician 产科医生

19. ENT doctor 耳鼻喉科医生

20. orthopedist 骨科医生

21. veterinarian 兽医

22. houseman 实习医生
