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篇一:The Dying Gual

The Dying Gual

The Celts sacked Rome in 390BC

The sack of Rome in 390 BC was the worst recorded disaster in the history of the early Roman Republic.

The Roman historian Livy wrote about the Celts in the 1st century BC/AD.

The Dying Gaul is in The Capitoline Museums in Rome – it is a Roman copy of a Greek original dating to the 3rd century BC.

Dying Gaul

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For other uses, see The Dying Gaul (film).

The Dying Galatian is a Roman marble copy of a Hellenistic work of the

late 3rd century BC. Capitoline Museums, Rome. [1]

The Dying Gaul—also called The Dying Galatian (in Italian: Galata Morente) or The Dying Gladiator—is an ancient Roman marble copy of a lost [1]Hellenistic sculpture thought to have been executed in bronze.[2] The original may have been commissioned some time between 230 and 220 BC by Attalus I of Pergamon to celebrate his victory over the Galatians, the Celtic or Gaulish people of parts of Anatolia (modern Turkey). The identity of the sculptor of the original is unknown, but it has been suggested that Epigonus, court sculptor of the Attalid dynasty of Pergamon, may have been the creator.

The copy was most commonly known as The Dying Gladiator until the 20th century, on the assumption that it depicted a wounded gladiator in a Roman amphitheatre.[3]

Scholars had identified it as a Gaul or Galatian by the

mid-19th century, but it took many decades for the new title to achieve popular acceptance.



? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 Description 6 Notes


The white marble statue which may have originally been painted depicts a wounded, slumping Celt with remarkable realism and pathos, particularly as regards the face. A bleeding sword puncture is visible in his lower right chest. The figure is represented as a Celtic warrior with

characteristic hairstyle and moustache and has a torc around his neck. He lies on his fallen shield while his sword, belt, and a curved trumpet lie beside him. The sword hilt bears a lion head. The present base was added after its 17th-century rediscovery.

Discovery and expatriation[edit]

Back of the sculpture.

The Dying Galatian is thought to have been rediscovered in the early 17th century during some excavations for the foundations of the Villa Ludovisi


then a suburban villa in Rome. It was first recorded in a 1623 inventory of the collections of the powerful Ludovisi family. The villa was built in the area of the ancient Gardens of Sallust where, when the Ludovisi property was built over in the late 19th century, many other antiquities were discovered,[4] most notably the "Ludovisi Throne". By 1633 it was in the Ludovisi Palazzo Grande on the Pincio. Pope Clement XII acquired it for the Capitoline collections. It was then taken by Napoleon's forces under the terms of the Treaty of Tolentino, and displayed with other Italian works of art in the Louvre Museum until 1816, when it was returned to Rome.

Portrayal of Celts[edit]

Detail showing his neck torc.

The statue serves both as a reminder of the Celts' defeat, thus

demonstrating the might of the people who defeated them, and a memorial to their bravery as worthy adversaries. The statue may also provide evidence to corroborate ancient accounts of the fighting style—Diodorus Siculus reported that "Some use iron breast-plates in battle, while others fight naked, trusting only in the protection which nature gives."[5] Polybius wrote an evocative account of Galatian tactics against a Roman army at the Battle of Telamon of 225 BC:

"The Insubres and the Boii wore trousers and light cloaks, but the Gaesatae, in their love of glory and defiant spirit, had thrown off their garments and taken up their position in front of the whole army naked and wearing nothing but their arms... The appearance of these naked warriors was a terrifying spectacle, for they were all men of splendid physique and in the prime of life."[6]

The Roman historian Livy recorded that the Celts of Asia Minor fought naked and their wounds were plain to see on the whiteness of their bodies.[7] The Greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus regarded this as a foolish tactic: "Our enemies fight naked. What injury could their long hair,


fierce looks, their clashing arms do us? These are mere symbols of barbarian boastfulness."[8]

Detail showing the face, hair style and torc of the sculpture.

The depiction of this particular Galatian as naked may also have been intended to lend him the dignity of heroic nudity or pathetic nudity. It was not infrequent for Greek warriors to be likewise depicted as heroic nudes, as exemplified by the pedimental sculptures of the Temple of Aphaea at Aegina. The message conveyed by the sculpture, as H. W. Janson comments, is that "they knew how to die, barbarians that they were."[9] Influence[edit]

The Dying Galatian became one of the most celebrated works to have survived from antiquity and was engraved[10] and endlessly copied by artists, for whom it was a classic model for depiction of strong emotion, and by sculptors. It shows signs of having been repaired, with the head seemingly having been broken off at the neck, though it is unclear whether the repairs were carried out in Roman times or after the statue's 17th century rediscovery.[11] As discovered, the proper left leg was in three pieces. They are now pinned together with the pin concealed by the left kneecap. The Gaul's "spiky" hair is a 17th-century reworking of longer hair found as broken upon discovery.[12]

During this period, the statue was widely interpreted as representing a defeated gladiator, rather than a Galatian warrior. Hence it was known as the 'Dying' or 'Wounded Gladiator', 'Roman Gladiator', and 'Murmillo Dying'. It has also been called the 'Dying Trumpeter', because one of the scattered objects lying beside the figure is a horn.

The artistic quality and expressive pathos of the statue aroused great admiration among the educated classes in the 17th and 18th centuries


was a "must-see" sight on the Grand Tour of Europe undertaken by young men of the day. Byron was one such visitor, commemorating the statue in his poem Childe Harold's Pilgrimage:

I see before me the gladiator lie

He leans upon his hand—his manly brow

Consents to death, but conquers agony,

And his drooped head sinks gradually low—

And through his side the last drops, ebbing slow

From the red gash, fall heavy, one by one...[13]

It was widely copied, with kings,[14][15] commissioning their own reproductions of the Dying Gaul. Thomas Jefferson wanted the original or a reproduction at Monticello.[16] The less well-off could purchase copies of the statue in miniature for use as ornaments and paperweights. Full-size plaster copies were also studied by art students. It was requisitioned by Napoleon Bonaparte by terms of the Treaty of Campoformio (1797) during his invasion of Italy and taken in triumph to Paris, where it was put on display. The pieced was returned to Rome in 1816.[16] From December 12, 2013 until March 16, 2014 the work was on display in the main rotunda of the west wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.. This temporary tenure marked the first time the antiquity had left Italy since it was returned in the second decade of the nineteenth century.[16]


The Dying Gladiator at Iford Manor, Wiltshire, Eingland


1. Raising children today is like competing in a triathlon with no finish line in sight. (p.11)

? 却看不到终点线.

2.Their lives have become a daily frantic rush in the minivan from…to….(p.11)

? 家长们的生活变得天天要急急忙忙地开迷你面包车从….赶到….

3. They are trapped: (p.11)

? 他们陷在困境中。

4. Middle-class parents are under continuous pressure to plan,

enrich and do this important job the one, precisely right way. (p. 12)

? 为孩子们定计划, 丰富和做好

这项重要的工作, 唯一的严格的正确方法.

5. Rapid technological change has contributed to that sense of instability. (p. 12)

? .

6. They get overly involved in the minutiae of their kids’ lives, stage-managing success and robbing kids of the opportunity to learn from their failures.(p. 13)

? 路的一切, 从而剥夺了孩子们学习失败的机会.

⊙Results: 1. There are also been an increase in eating

disorders, alcohol abuse and other stress-related problems among teenagers.(p.14)

? 饮食混乱, 酗酒和压力相关等的问题在少年中也剧增.

2. For many parents, activities that used to be just for fun now seem to have longlife consequence. Sports are particularly fraught, no one wants to raise a loser.(p.14)

? 对许多家长来说, 过去的活动仅仅为了乐趣, 而今却显得是终身

之事. 运动特别使人忧心忡忡, 谁也不愿意培育出一个失败者来.

3. Champions are made , not born. That intensity is fueled by stories about champions like Venus and Serena Williams or Tiger Woods, whose very involved parents were key to their success.(p. 14)

? 出类拔萃的人是造就出来的而不是天生的。这种强烈感是受到网球冠军大小威廉姆斯或高尔夫冠军伍德的报道激起的, 他们极为投入的父母亲是他们成功的关键.

4. That pattern of intervention can continue long past grade school, robbing teenagers of the opportunity to develop maturity and independence.(p. 19)

? 介入的方式可持续到小学结束,结果剥夺了孩子们发展成熟和独


5. Students who’ve never learned to make their choices can

feel lost and confused once they get to college. (p.20)

? 那些还没有学会作出自己选择的学生,一旦上大学,就会迷茫和


⊙ Parents think they can’t let up, every minute of the day has to have a purpose.( p.14)

? 父母们认为孩子们不能怠慢,每时每刻都得有个目标。

⊙ While parents believe they need to be constantly on top of things at home, the corporate culture is demanding that they put in longer hours at the office as well. (p.15)

? , 而企业文化也要求员


⊙ What families risk losing in this insane frenzy is the soul of childhood and the joy of family life.(p. 16-17)

? 乐。

1. The state of marriage was natural to man


2. We find all the motives which they have for marriage in that

connection, and the restraints which civilized society imposes to prevent separation, are hardly sufficient to keep them together.


3. The basis of the family is special kind of affection towards other children.


4. This emotion is one that we inherit from our animal ancestors.


5. In this respect, Freud seems to me not sufficiently biological in his outlook, for anyone who will observe an animal mother with her young can see that her behavior towards them follows an entirely different pattern from her behavior towards the males with whom she has sex relations.


6. thought in a modified and less definite form

6. 虽然形式上有了点变化和不太明确

7. As things are, …, provided their instincts are not atrophied, …to their children.

7. 照目前的情况,。。。, 如果父母的本能没有减退的话,。。。

8. The only argument is over the means of achieving the goal

8. 唯一的争论是围绕着达到目的的手段。

9. The two-child family is not large enough to generate the interactions that develop a good personality;this is why the single children are often monsters.

9. 两个孩子的家庭不足以达到培养良好个性的互动氛围,这就是为什么独生孩子是独霸的原因。

1. The family is among the few universal institution of mankind.

? 家庭只是人类一般机构中的少数单位。

2. institutionalized promiscuity:

? (习惯等)被确立的,被接受的乱交

3. Major social functions in family

? reproduction:生殖;繁育

? maintenance:抚养;生活费;赡养费

? socialization:社会化

? 4. matrilocal: (a nonce word); patrilocal: (a nonce word);

neolocal: (a nonce word)

? (婚后)居住在女方家的; (婚后)居住在男方家的;(婚后)不居


J.H.Plumb (1911—2001) The Dying Family p.31

4. Both parents, well into middle age, had just embarked, one


第十九篇 The Family 家庭

The structure结构 of a family takes different各式各样的 forms around the world and even in the same society. The family's form changes as it adapts 变得习惯于to changing social and economic 经济influences影响. Until recently, the most common form普通型式in North America was the nuclear family核心家庭,consisting of a married couple with their minor未成年的 children. The nuclear family is an independent自主的 unit单元. It must be prepared事先准备 to fend照料 for itself. Individual个人的 family members strongly depend on one another. There is little help from outside the family in emergencies紧急情况. Elderly上了年纪的 relatives亲属 of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so. In North America,the elderly often do not live with the family ; they live in retirement过退休生活 communities 社区and nursing homes养老机构.

在全世界,甚至在同一个社会中,家庭结构有着不同的形式。家庭的构成形式随着不断变化 的社会和经济影响而改变。直到最近,北美洲最普遍的家庭形式为核心家庭,由一对夫妇和他们 未婚的孩子构成。核心家庭是一个独立的单位。它必须能够照料自己。家庭成员紧密依赖着彼此。 在紧急情况下,外界提供给家庭的帮助微乎其微。核心家庭中,只有当条件允许的时候,才会照 料家中年长的亲属。在北美洲,老人很少和家人一起生活,他们‘般住在退休社区和养老


There are many parallels类似点 between the nuclear family in industrial societies,such as North America,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits因纽特人,who live in harsh 刺耳的environments环境. The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility流动性. In harsh恶劣的 conditions,mobility流动性 allows the family to hunt for food. For North Americans,the hunt寻找 for jobs and improved social status地位also requires mobility.流动性

在工业社会,例如北美洲,核心家庭之间有很多相似点。在居住在恶劣环境中的因纽特人的 社会中,家庭间也有很多相似点。核心家庭结构良好地适应于流动性的生活。在恶劣的条件下, 流动性能让一个家庭吃饱饭。对北美洲人来说,找工作和提高社会地位同样需要流动性。

The nuclear family was not always the North American standard标准. In a more agrarian农业社会 time,the small nuclear family was usually part of a larger extended family大家庭. This might have included grandparents,mother and father,brothers and sisters,uncles叔伯,aunts阿姨,and cousins堂兄弟姐妹. In North America today,there is a dramatic 引人注目的rise in the number of single-parent单亲 households家庭. Twice as many households in the United States are

headed by divorced离婚,separated分居,or never-married未婚individuals个体 as are comprised由….组成of nuclear families. The structure of the family,not just in North America, but throughout遍及…地域 the world,continues to change as it adapts to changing conditions. 核心家庭并不总是北美洲人的标准。在农业社会时期,小型的核心家庭经常是大家庭的一部 分。其中可能包括了祖父母、父母、兄弟姐妹、叔伯、阿姨以及表兄弟姐妹。在现在的北美洲, 单亲家庭的数目大幅度增加。由核心家庭构成的单亲家庭的数目是美国由于离婚、分居或者未婚 导致的单亲家庭的两倍。不仅在北美洲,在世界范围内,家庭结构都会随着不断变化的条件而改变。


nuclear /'nju:kh/ adj. 原子核的,中心的 harsh /ha:?/ n. 严酷的

emergency /I'm?:d??nsI/ n. 紧急状况 agranan / ?'gre?rl?n/ adj. 土地的,耕地的


1. lt must be prepared to fend for itself. 它必须能够照料自己。

2. In North America,the elderly often do not live with the family; they live in retirement communities and nursing homes. 在北美洲,老人很少和家人一起生活;他们一般住在退休社区和养老机构。

3. In harsh conditions,mobility allows the family to hunt for food. :在恶劣的条件下,流动性能让一个家庭吃饱饭。


1. Another good title for this passage would be_____.

A) What Makes a Family?

B) The Life of the Inuits.

C) Living with Hardship.

D) The Failure of theNuclear Family.

1. A 本题问的是:这篇文章的题目还可以是什么? A 的意思是是什么构成了一个家。B 的意 思是因纽特人的生活。C 的意思是生活得很艰难。D 的意思是核心家庭的失败之处。根据文意,本文主要介绍了与家庭相关的信息。B 不是主要内容。C 未提到。D 未提到。因此A 是正确的答案。

2. A nuclear family is defined as_____.

A) a married couple with their minor children

B) a single father with,minor children

C) parents,grandparents,and children

D) parents,children,and aunts and uncles

2. A 本题问的是:核心家庭的定义是什么?根据第一段的第三句话:Until recently,the most common form in North America was the nuclear family,consisting of a married couple with

their minor children. 可知 A 是正确的答案。

3. The information信息 in this passage would most likely be found in_____.

A) an anthropology 人类学textbook

B) a biology生物学 textbook

C) a mathematics数学 textbook

D) a geography 地理学textbook

3. A 本题问的是:这篇文章最有可能出自哪里? A 的意思是人类学课本。B 的意思是生物课本。C的意思是数学课本。D 的意思是地理课本。本文主要介绍了家庭,因此最有可能是

人类学课本。所以 A 是正确的答案。

4. The information in the first paragraph is presented介绍 mainly through _____.

A) listing 列表statistics统计资料

B) telling a story

C) pointing out指出 similarities相似性

D) pointing out differences差异

4. C 本题问的是:第一段的信息主要以何种方式陈述的?根据第一段的陈述方式,并没有列 出数据或者讲故事,而是通过描述共性而阐述出核心家庭的概念。因此 C 是正确的答案。

5. The word mobility 流动性means_____.

A) money

B) readiness 乐意to move

C) organization

D) skill

篇四:BBC环球慢速英语在线听力第1集 HIVAIDS - The Family

BBC环球慢速英语在线听力第1集: HIV/AIDS - The Family

Voice 1

Hello, I’m Marina Santee.

Voice 2

And I’m Elizabeth Lickiss. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

Voice 1

A young child sits by the roadside. Her small hands rest in the dry dirt. She lifts the grains and watches them fall through her fingers. In her mind she can hear her mother’s voice calling her. In her mind she can see her father working in the fields. But she knows that these images are only in her mind now. The young girl’s mother and father are both dead. She is an orphan. For a minute, her brown eyes fill with tears. But her grandmother’s voice stops her thoughts.

‘Coming Grandma’, she says in her native language of Swahili.

Voice 2

Each year the number of orphans caused by HIV/AIDS rises. Worldwide, over twenty million people have died from diseases connected to AIDS. HIV is the virus that causes the AIDS disease. AIDS destroys the body’s natural defence system. This means it cannot fight infections or diseases. There is no cure for AIDS.

Voice 1

Adults suffer the most deaths from this disease. Many are mothers and fathers of young children. They are the workers of the land. They are the providers of food. They are the carers in the home. They are the carers and supporters of their parents. They are the ‘working generation.’ When they die, they leave the weaker members of the family behind - the children and the grandmothers.

Voice 2

Priscilla is seven years old. She is an AIDS orphan. She lives with her grandmother and two brothers in Maua, Kenya. In the beginning things were very difficult for her family. They had little food. Their grandmother did not work. There was not any money for the children to go to school. But then, things changed. Priscilla and her brothers became part of a programme at the Maua Methodist Hospital. Their AIDS Orphan programme began in 2001. The programme aims to help children get back into school. They provide clothing money for schooling. And they have a project to build houses for orphans and those who care for them.

Voice 1

Priscilla now attends school and is doing well. And Priscilla is just one of the many children that the programme has helped. At first the programme could help only ten [10] children at a time. They gave the chosen ten grandmothers corn, beans and cooking oil. And they gave their grandchildren school clothes and shoes. They paid the money for them to attend school. But with the help of other groups the orphan programme now feeds over four hundred [400] children. And they help educate around two hundred [200].

Voice 2

The Maua Methodist Hospital, or MMH, does not only help orphans. They also work to help prevent children becoming orphans. They have a community based palliative care programme. Palliative care is care for people who have a disease with no cure. MMH workers know that there is no cure for AIDS. But there are many ways to improve the lives of AIDS victims. There are even ways to extend their lives. So, hospital workers teach parents ways of cooking and cleaning that avoid sickness. They teach parents how to follow healthy diets. And they provide drugs that reduce the risk of catching infections that can kill. They are able to provide some people with anti-retroviral drugs. These drugs slow down the AIDS disease in the body. But the drugs only work if people take them correctly. They have to take particular drugs at particular times of the day, every day. If they do this, then the drugs can work to extend life by many years. A medical worker from the hospital said,

Voice 3

‘We aim to keep the parents alive, well and active. And at the same time we continue to support their families. In this way, the children are able to grow up in a loving, caring family environment. And they are able to attend school along with other children.’

Voice 1

MMH workers also train people to care for their dying relations at home. The workers try to change the hostile opinions that some people have about HIV/AIDS victims. They work to change hate and fear to care and love.

Voice 2

the dying family

This is important. All the physical help in the world cannot be a substitute for emotional support. HIV/AIDS victims need the love, and support of their families - whoever they are.

Voice 1

May the fifteenth [15th] is the United Nations International Day of Families. For the year 2005, members of the UN are centring on, ‘HIV/AIDS and Family Well Being.’ The UN says that the

strength of the family has a very important part to play. It is central to how well communities can deal with AIDS and its effects. Strong families are the best defence in the prevention and spread of HIV. Families are also the best defence in caring for infected family members. The UN group said,

Voice 4

‘Families need and deserve assistance and support. Policies and programmes to fight HIV/AIDS must consider families and their communities. They must encourage efforts to care for family members and ensure that they are long term’.

Voice 1

The International Day of Families encourages people to work together - families, communities, teachers and organisations. Organisers encourage people to work together to educate and strengthen the family. In this way, they can fight HIV and the AIDS disease.

Voice 2

HIV/AIDS is changing what we think of as ‘the family.’ There are families without a mother. There are families without a father. Men and women may have to learn new skills to act as both mother and father. And there are families headed by children. Polices and programmes on family issues have to consider the new kind of families.

Voice 1

Groups like MMH and others are working to help families affected by HIV/AIDS. But to succeed, they need families to accept, love and support each other.

Voice 2

HIV/AIDS has left some people without any family. They have no blood relations left. In situations like these, the community has an even bigger part to play. It needs to provide a family environment. The Maua Methodist hospital is part of the Methodist church in Kenya. The church welcomes all people to be part of its family. And as a family, they can work to help and support each other. They can work together to unite to fight hatred and fear surrounding HIV/AIDS. They know that only a united family will be able to stand against difficulties.

Voice 1

The International Day of Families two thousand and five encourages people to think about the effect of HIV and AIDS on families across the world. Maybe you are lucky. Maybe you do not know anyone with HIV/AIDS yet. But chances are that you will in the near future. Now is the time to act to influence the future. AIDS groups are encouraging all people to come together as a global family to fight this threat to humankind.

Voice 2

The writer and producer of today’s programme was Marina Santee. The voices you heard were from the United Kingdom.

篇五:9Aunit4welcome to the unit--reading

牛津英语9AUnit4 TVwelcome to the unit-reading

1.I’m free today . I have n__________ to do .

3.Remove control can control a machine from a d___________ .

4.I’m f_________ too busy to go boating with you .

5.Each of them has their own favourite TV p_____________ .

1.汤姆整天无所事事。 Tom _____________________________ all day .

2.我们家妈妈的家务活是干不完的。Mum’s housework _______________ in our family .

3.我通常早上8点工作到晚上10点。I usually work _____ 8 a.m. _____ 10 p.m. .


He will arrive in Nangjing ________10 p.m. _________11 p.m. .

5.我的女儿实在太小不能自己穿衣服。 My daughter is _________ to dress herself .

1.I like reading this kind of ___________ magazine .(week)

2.ZhangYimou is a famous ___________ who __________ the film “Hero”. (direct)

3.The meeting ___________ (hold) the ___________ (come) Sunday .

4.The rich woman ____________ last night . (murder)

5.I don’t know how _____________ (face) this problem.

6.Now the tigers ______________ (disappear) more quickly than the pandas.

7.At last the police found the ____________ (murder) in a small village .


She is one of ______ ______ ______ ______ in the world .


_______ , she ______ ______ ______ at home the ______ day .

3.看了那部恐怖片,他就自杀了。 After ______ the ______ film , he ______ ______ .


Two _______ fans _______ online ______ their ______ songs .

5.接下来是一周新闻回顾。 Next is a _______ _______ ________ news .


There ____ a number of teachers in their school and ____ ____ of the students ____1280.

1.Cindy Clark is the d_________ of the horror film .

2.The doctor was found ___________(死) in his house .

3.Do you realize how much danger the tiger __________(面对) ?

4.The meeting will be __________(举行) here this coming Sunday .

5.There are a number of i____________ with the football players .

6.If you aren’t a sport fan , you may find the programme a bit b__________ .

1.My birthday is this ____________(come) Sunday .

2.If you enjoy ___________(solve) mysteries, you will love this film .

3.The film ____________(film) in Japan between 2001 and 2003 .

4.Don’t disturb me while ____________(play) chess with your friend .

5.More and more fans _____________(vote) online for their favourite singers .

6.You must stay in the classroom before your homework _________(finsh) .

1.Watching TV can give people a lot of __________(please) .

2.The students are having a ___________(week) test at the moment .

3.People on chat shows usually talk about their ___________(life) .

4.Tiger Watch shows _________(Asia) tigers in the _________(nature) habitat .

5.Mr Wang is a famous __________who _________ many films .(direct)

6.He fell asleep while ___________(do) his English exercises .

7.Don’t you think the new dress makes your sister ___________(look) young ?

8.The _________(present) of this year’s Beijing Music Awards will be held next month .

9.My parents made a _________(decide) after they had a long discussion .

1.My birthday is this ___________(come) Sunday .

2.Do you mind me ____________(open) the window ?

3.The film ______________(film) in Japan between 2001 and 2003 .

4.Don’t disturb me while ____________(watch) TV .

5.Hurry up or you ____________(be) late for school .

6.You must stay in the classroom before your homework ___________(finish) .

1.It’s said ___________ film stars will come to the chairty show .

2.The film will ___________ what trouble the wild animals have .

3.Teenagers should be encouraged _____________ many useful activities .

4.People wonder why a super star _____________ in his forties .

5.I’m not able to _____________ what has happened to the dying dog .


I hope _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ game shows ______ ______ a great prize .


I like _____ because the _____ _____ make me _____ .


There are always some famous people ______ ______ ______ ______ their ______.


There is no time _____ _____ _____ _____ TV in front of the TV .
